Re: [meteorite-list] New Collector Card Series

2006-11-01 Thread joseph_town
Creative use of waste materials. Very good. Scarcity of material will not allow 
for mass production? Will each card have it's own classification #? How can 
collectors be sure that your dust is pure cutting slop? Pure to each 
designation made by you alone.

Garbage, hogwash and hype.


 -- Original message --
From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks Ed,
> Stonehenge was selected as an icon because it is a well-known ancient 
> observatory where both the Lunar and Maritain cycles were witnessed among 
> other celestial bodies. As a matter of fact, the table stone in the center 
> of Stonehenge is used to track the Moon.
> I have had outside interest in mass producing a similar series but this 
> simply isn't possible. There is no automated way of depositing the aliquot 
> in the sample bay due to variability so this was done manually, a very time 
> consuming process. Also, the scarcity of planetary material available to 
> such a project would not allow for mass production. I priced all of the 
> cards the same although my costs exceeded that of production in a few cases. 
> The Artwork alone added a considerable amount to my costs.  The nice thing 
> is that I got a new logo out of the deal.
> I only produced 50 of each to see what happens.  In all honesty, any revenue 
> generated by this project will come no where near close to offsetting the 
> costs of cutting loses. I just thought it would be a fun project and a good 
> way to distribute small fragments/cutting dust in a presentable package. It 
> took me over 5 years to collect sterile cutting dust or small fragments from 
> 12 different planetary meteorites. It is the least expensive way for many to 
> actually own a piece of the Moon or Mars, assemble an SNC set or own a piece 
> of both the Highlands and Mare regions of the Moon plus I think they are 
> cool!
> Take Care,
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] one AD per week rule.

2006-10-28 Thread joseph_town
I don't remember any exceptions written into the one AD per week rule. It's 
pretty simple and until Art says otherwise it should be respected. A lot of 
dealers as well as "dealers" would bury us with mindless garbage and hype if 
not for this basic guideline. 10 kilo lunar in your attic or not. One AD per 
week works.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] living near a strewfield

2006-10-25 Thread joseph_town
Hi EMan and list,

So a strewnfield does not exist until proven, regardless of the fact that 
or no effort has been made in the investigation of a given fall/find? I can see 
that. Still, I'd like to believe they're there just as any cold find sets a 
hunter in motion.


 -- Original message --
> Me thinks we are stretching the definition and/or
> conventional use of the term "strewn field".  A single
> stone-2-3 stones do not a strewn field make unless
> there is compelling evidence that there was a wide
> spread peppering of stones. 
>  We are talking meteorite showers here.  Park Forest,
> Allende, Odessa, Canyon Diablo, Holbrook, Johnstown,
> Bilingua, Gold Basin, Tagish Lake, etc.. Have Strewn
> fields based on direct recovery.(forgive any
> mispellings cheap spell check)
> Peekskill, theoretically has a strewn field with 3 or
> more Peaks owing to sequential fragmentation--even
> though only one stone was recovered: over 75 fragments
> were seen to fall away from the swarm...   
> New Orleans, Syllicaga, Westfield, etc...nada 
> The whole issue of strewn field was based on a
> mathematical distribution ellipse that early
> researchers used to forecast an area to concentrate
> searching. To draw this elipse one needs technically 4
> or more stones plotted less than.  The ellipse is
> refined as more stones are recovered and plotted. a
> well defined ellipse(30+) typically means 90 95-98% of
> the time at least 95% of the distribution will fall
> within the ellipse.
> Elton
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] living near a strewnfield

2006-10-22 Thread joseph_town

You're only 24 miles from Marengo and 107 miles from Woodbine.


 -- Original message --
From: steve arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good morning list from very windy chicago.I do not
> really know if this thread has ever been brought to
> the list.How many people,on the list, live relatively
> close to a meteorite strewnfield?I live 61 miles from
> the PARK FOREST strewnfield and so on.It would be nice
> to see who lives close to whatever strewnfield.Just an
> interesting thread to me.Anyone else?
> steve
> Steve Arnold,Chicago,USA!!
> BIG Steve's Meteorites,1999!!
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Brenham Curiosity...

2006-10-19 Thread joseph_town
According to this, the BIG signal was an abandoned oil well.

"Buster and I are in Kansas with other volunteers of the Houston museum
of Natural Science to unearth Brenham meteorites, (which have been
gathered for at least a hundred years, and previously thousands
of years ago by ancient Hopewell Indians)
But the techniques the team is using are new. We have had great success.

A color picture of Buster and Dr Heggy of the Lunar and Planetary
Institute is on the front page of Hutchinson Kansas News

Here are my links with pictures of the new Kansas Brenham Pallasite , ur
expedition and the techniques of Ground Penetrating Radar that Dr Heggy
used.  All pictures by Barbara Wilson, George Observatory.

Barbara and Buster Wilson"

 -- Original message --
From: Mike Groetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good Morning-
>From what I put together in the reports- found in
> the location of the 12 by 18 feet large target area
> was some rusty steel cable. I don't believe the 154
> lb. meteorite came from the same (immediate) location
> (?).
>This is only a curiosity (probably a hopeful
> one..)- but what would chances be that the found steel
> cable was originally used to try and get a large
> meteorite out from the same location and failed?
>Has any one heard what was found underneath this
> steel cable?
> Have a good day
> Mike Groetz
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Duck Chondrule

2006-10-08 Thread joseph_town

We all get burned once in a while. We don't eliminate fire or passion. Your 
students probably won't buy questionable junk since they are your students. 
Offer a little buyer beware advice. It may be crass but every collector has to 
deal with tantalizing choices and reason doesn't always will out no matter how 
well informed they are.

Everyone has to learn to think beyond the imca box eventually.


 -- Original message --
> In a message dated 10/6/2006 5:42:15 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
> My biggest concern (I'm sure I've said  this before) is
> that one of my students comes to me with a lump of
> pumice  or similar and says "I bought this meteorite
> off ebay". If I have to tell  them its not a meteorite
> because the "5 billionaires" or similar have  conned
> them. How am I going to feel, having got them
> interested?
> Have you ever looked at Ken Newton's page on Ebay?
> _ 
> ( 
> It is very informative, and very entertaining. And he keeps it up to date,  
> so you should look at it often. I happen to know that he is preparing to add 
> to 
>  it.
> And you will find more information about scams being brought to our  
> attention on the IMCA website, _www.IMCA.cc_ (  ,  click 
> on 
> "Collecting".
> --
> Nail them up, I say! Nail some sense into them!
> I know the sellers  names of the guys I trust but I
> don't want to be advertising them but what  else could
> I do? (OK, I tell them anyone with an IMCA no. is OK)
> In  difficulty
> Rob  McC
> Thank you, we do try our best to keep it that way!
> Anne M.  Black
> President, I.M.C.A.  Inc.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite-wrong pics

2006-09-27 Thread joseph_town
How about one of those old wrecking balls used to demolish buildings?


 -- Original message --
> George and all:
> This ball was found only a foot or two under ground and dug up with a backhoe.
> It is iron, 9 1/4 inch in diameter and weighs 110 lbs.  It is perfectly 
> round.  
> Nothing else was found around it to my knowledge.
> Dave
>  -- Original message --
> From: "G. Nicula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi Dave, do you know how deep this object was buried?
> > 
> > George Nicula
> > 
> > - Original Message - 
> > To: "Meteorite List" 
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:15 PM
> > Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite-wrong pics
> > 
> > 
> > >I would like to show a picture of what a friend of a friend thinks might 
> > >be 
> > >a meteorite but I know we are not permitted attachments in our emails to 
> > >the list.  Any ideas of how I can post a few pictures?
> > >
> > > The object which this person dug up (on a 20 acre rural plot in Illinois) 
> > > is very round, 9 1/4 inch in diameter and weighs 110 lbs.  That's pretty 
> > > much the density of iron, 7.87 g/cc or 492 lb/ft3.  It's surface is 
> > > rusted, but it is nearly perfectly round.  The rusted surface gives the 
> > > impression of thumbprints but it is simply rusted.  I think it's a 
> > > cannonball but am not certain that old cannonballs were this size and 
> > > weighed 110 lbs.
> > >
> > > I filed off a chink to do a nickel test but so far haven't the right 
> > > chemicals to do one.
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > Dave
> > > __
> > > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Unbelievably late package

2006-09-18 Thread joseph_town
It's amazing you got it at all. Some postal workers chuck packages that are 
found in the cracks so late. My most vintage delivery was a bit over 7 months. 
It was from Los Angeles, lost in Utah, Ogden was the last postmark if I 
remember correctly.

Congratulations on your new acquisition,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Billions of dollars

2006-09-15 Thread joseph_town
Billions and billions of dollars...
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] AD - New Rare EL3 Paleo-Meteorite - NWA 2828

2006-09-08 Thread joseph_town
When I hear the word Paleo, this is what comes to mind.

This discussion is heading in the same direction as the Pluto problem. Word 
semantics overruling reality.


 -- Original message --
From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Doug and all,
> Unless I am mistaken "Paleo" is Greek for "ancient." (Scientists
> are particularly fond of Greek and Latin) While all meteorites are
> ancient, Paleo meteorite, meaning one that has been subjected to the
> earth's atmosphere for millions of years, would seem to be an appropriate
> use of terminology.
> Best wishes, Michael
> on 9/7/06 9:52 AM, MexicoDoug at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello Greg and Listees,
> > 
> > There are a few posters and other scientific references that google up for
> > "paleometeorite".  I liked your rationale given, though I have this question
> > based on your explanation:
> > 
> > All meteorites are ancient and to our knowledge a record of the early
> > formation of the Solar System, but the word "fossil" implies some sort of
> > mineralogical replacement processes occurring afterwards.  Does Paleo-
> > include this, or simply say it is ancient?  As for the fossil meteorite and
> > fossils in meteorites, another descriptor like "relict" would be more
> > appropriate if you want to be true to geology jargon.  Relict implies that
> > some of the original character remains, though mineral replacement has also
> > occurred - but it is quite recognizable.  Paleo- to me reminds me of the
> > likes Peking man!
> > 
> > Just a thought, and you can call it paleo all you want since you're doing
> > the work (saw your name was on the poster at the LPI meeting, congrats),
> > 
> > Best wishes, Doug
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Greg Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Jeff Grossman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: 
> > Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 10:47 AM
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - New Rare EL3 Paleo-Meteorite - NWA 2828
> > 
> > 
> >> Dear Jeff and other NWA 2828 EL3 enthusiasts,
> >> 
> >> paleo-meteorite or "fossil" meteorite? That is the question...
> >> 
> >> In a short conversation with one of the lead scientists who have and are
> >> studying NWA 2828 and the other recent enstatite meteorites, they referred
> >> to 2828 as a paleo-meteorite instead of "fossil" meteorite so people would
> >> not think they referred to ancient life being found in it. The term
> > "fossil"
> >> meteorite has been used to describe several ancient meteorites that were
> >> found in rocks or sediments; a 480 million year old quarried Swedish
> >> limestone, a meteorite found in a drillcore through the impact melt sheet
> > of
> >> the 145 million year old Morokweng Crater, to name a couple. The word
> > fossil
> >> in geology has the strong connotation as evidence of life but literally
> >> means "dug up". The prefix paleo- means ancient, so a paleo-meteorite
> > would
> >> be an ancient meteorite. That term does not necessarily mean that it was
> >> excavated nor does it say how old it is, but sedimentary processes on
> > earth
> >> tend to bury objects on the surface after tens to hundreds of thousands of
> >> years. It definitely was transported and abraded by water flow, then
> > buried
> >> and cemented into a terrestrial conglomerate and then dug up. In short,
> > the
> >> best way to describe NWA 2828 is either "fossil" meteorite or
> >> paleo-meteorite but has nothing to do with ancient life. Terrestrial age
> >> dating is currently being performed and a new abstract has been submitted.
> >> 
> >> I hope this answers some of the questions this "new" and exciting
> > meteorite
> >> has brought up.
> >> 
> >> Best regards,
> >> Greg
> >> P.S. I loaded several more slices of NWA 2828 if anyone wants to have a
> >> look.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Greg Hupe
> >> The Hupe Collection
> >> NaturesVault (eBay)
> >> IMCA 3163
> >> 
> >> 
> >> - Original Message -
> >> From: "Jeff Grossman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> To: 
> >> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 6:33 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - New Rare EL3 Paleo-Meteorite - NWA 2828
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> What the heck is a "paleometeorite", how is it different from a fossil
> >>> meteorite, and why is NWA 2828 called this?
> >>> 
> >>> jeff
> >>> 
> >>> At 01:33 PM 9/5/2006, Greg Hupe wrote:
>  Dear List Members,
>  I am pleased to announce a new and very rare EL3 Paleo-Meteorite. It is
>  NWA 2828 and was originally thought to be an aubrite but after
> > additional
>  material was cut and analyzed at the University of Washington and NAU, a
>  few radial pyroxene chondrules were discovered. EL3's are even rarer
> > than
>  aubrites so the re-classification turned out to a pleasant surprise.
> > What
>  is interesting about NWA 2828 is the very low

Re: AW: [meteorite-list] AD - New Rare EL3 Paleo-Meteorite - NWA2828

2006-09-08 Thread joseph_town
Please clarify this. Do you mean pail o'meteorite or pile o'meteorite? It could 
be important.


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Take a Nantan, place it in the bathroom and in 1 months, you'll have a
> "paleometeorite".
> I guess, that is the meaning of that term...
> Or?
> Martininho
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] moss forsale or trade

2006-09-07 Thread joseph_town

Are you questioning genius? Steve knows when to hold them or fold them. He 
knows when to walk away too. He is the mysterious meteorite man. The Green 
Giant with a cold shoulder ;). I quote his introduction exactly, "I am an 
important meteorite dealer."


 -- Original message --
From: "Stefan Brandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Steve,
> I´m sorry to hear that you have to sell your Moss piece.
> I will receive mine in a couple of days, I hope and
> I´m very exited and proud to own even only a small piece
> of this really unique and very fresh fall. (thanks to Mirko)
> Greatings from another Moss owner,
> Stefan
> > Hi list.I have decided to sell or trade my moss piece.You can view it on
> > my website if interested.$525 value1
> >
> >
> > steve arnold,chicago
> >
> >Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
> >
> >
> > website url
> >
> >
> >  Illinois meteorites,since 1999!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fwd: Abdellah , Anyone know this Moroccan Meteorite Dealer?

2006-09-07 Thread joseph_town
The thing that gets me is the fact that this "Moroccan" dealer uses many names 
and all the emails come from France. I was impressed by Joels recommendation of 
course but Joel and that astrocomical research guy recommend this person by all 
his names. What's the deal? Why can't he use one identity?

Hello sir, I am an honest man. Send me money today for a meteorite. He sounds 
like Wimpy in the Popeye cartoons. Well as Robert Crumb said, "No ### 
hamburger is going to tell me what to do. This guy won't front any material and 
why in the world does he expect to be trusted?


 -- Original message --
From: Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi list, 
> It seems that most of us don't trust Moroccan
> Meteorite dealers (myself included). I'm sure that it
> is because at one time or another we've heard of
> transactions going wrong, maybe even had one go south
> ourselves.
> It does appear in this case though that Abdellah is
> very trust worthy. Since I first posted this topic
> I've received many emails regarding him and his
> reputation. Everyone seems to agree that he is a man
> of his word. The problems encountered if any while
> dealing with him were in the shipping of the
> meteorites, usually customs!  
> Attached is a short email Joel Schiff sent me
> regarding Abdellah. 
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

--- Begin Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

Dear Ruben,
My good friend Abdellah contacted me since he was 
about to do some meteorite business transaction with you. I have had several 
such transactions with him in the recent past and I can tell you that he his 
completely trustworthy in all his dealings. I have no hesitation in sending him 
the money first because he always delivers exactly what you agree upon. I am 
sure you will have the same good experience.
Joel Schiff - Editor Emeritus - Meteorite 
--- End Message ---
Meteorite-list mailing list
--- End Message ---
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] open message

2006-08-28 Thread joseph_town
That's the issue. How is a novice to know who is reputable? Pounding imca tags 
down our throats is meaningless. It all boils down to patience, research and a 
lot of common sense. Let's face it. Chi Steve and Matteo were imca members and 
"officially" respectable for quite some time. It's not simple and concise. 
Don't buy nothin until you are confident and reasonably educated. We all have 
been screwed more than once.


 -- Original message --
From: "Gerald Flaherty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "new 
> collector[s] would be wiser to spend their money with more reputable 
> sellers"
> Simple and concise Dave! 
> Jerry Flaherty
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members

2006-08-28 Thread joseph_town

It's very good practice to correct an improper ad. It doesn't matter if the 
info is intentionally misleading or the result of incompetence. Newbies like me 
need the help of well informed members to save us dollars and grief.


 -- Original message --
From: "Paul Barford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dave Carothers warns:
> > WE as a community have REAL problems. <
> Dressing mud-slinging up in self-righteous verbiage about "doing it for the
> good of the community" is just a smokescreen.
> I think it is arrogant to think there is only one person here who can check
> or comprehend what they read in an advert on eBay.
> It seems to me that, despite denials, somebody here bears a grudge and are
> expressing it in a most unpleasantly smug manner which hardly inspires
> confidence in their motivation, character or judgement.
> My feeling is that issues like this would be best restricted to off-list
> correspondence. And whether or not Mr Arnold subsequently wishes to change
> the text of his advert is surely up to him, he alone is responsible for his
> own words. And anyway, caveat emptor.
> Private emails have again been posted on the list (which I believe is
> against the rules).
> In any case the ebay ad does not read as Carothers reported. See
> Carothers continues:
> >  I see Steve (Chicago) Arnold as a direct threat to this great
> > hobby
> Hmm, rather an exaggeration isnt it? I rather think this constant bitching
> and back-biting we find all too much of on this list is a greater direct
> threat to the hobby. The repetetivity of this kind of exhibition will merely
> make a laughing stock of the whole milieu.
> > I've going to be your own personal Ralph Nader.  Every time
> > you post a misleading/untruthful/fraudulent ad, I'm going to
> > expose it... publicly. [...]   someone needs to expose you for
> > what you are.”
> It might be a novel idea to suggest, but perhaps we could use the list to
> talk about meteorites and not persue private vendettas against other list
> members? Please? You are really helping nobody here.
> >  I’m hoping the publicity and peer pressure will convince
> > Steve (Chicago) Arnold develop a different set of morals.
> Though yet another ungrammatical sentence,  that sounds awfully
> self-righteous. I know nothing of Mr Arnold's "morals", nor would I presume
> to judge them from an eBay ad.
> Mr Carothers, in future, please leave me off the list of addressees of such
> "open letters", I really dont want to receive any more such spam with filled
> with pettiness and 'holier than thou' smugness.  And I would not be
> surprised to find that I am the only list member who feels like this.  Thank
> you.
> Paul Barford
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OT An open message to all list members

2006-08-28 Thread joseph_town

Every city has a Bozo. Don't blame it on Chicago. LA Bozo was more renowned 
than Chi Bobozo.


 -- Original message --
From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It is the same old argument that has STAINED this list for the 6+ years I 
> have been on it. The guy in chicago who needs no intro. Between spamming 
> with sales offers over and over, mindless blathering for trades, 
> unscrupulous transactions and his ever popular "anything you can do I can do 
> better" bragging about his collection.
> Sooner or later you are all going to just quit giving this guy his 15 minute 
> of fame.
> He is notorious, why is anyone still listening to him or doing business with 
> him and why is he once again getting his 15 minutes of fame?
> Sooner or later you all will learn that the Bozo the Clown show is based in 
> Chicago to stay clear of BOZO in Chicago and we will all be better off.
> Thanks
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dave Freeman mjwy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Dave Carothers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "meteorite list" 
> Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 5:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members
> Dear Dave, List;
> It was the idealism  of the very infant IMCA to strive to get it's
> members (and the entire meteorite community) to offer a higher level of
> ethicslet me repeat thatIt was the ideal of the infant IMCA to
> strive to get it's members to offer a higher level of ethics
> That being said, is Ssteve an IMCA member, and why would anyone buy from
> anyone who is not a member?
> This was the idealism set to task a number of years ago.  There will
> always be losers selling meteorites. When the riff-raff and wanta-be's
> become too frequent, maybe the IMCA seal will mean a great more to
> individuals than it does now.  If you aren't an IMCA member, why not,
> and if you are, do you support only IMCA member dealers or do you
> support these riffraff sellers that continually (and I am talking about
> a number of years of phony sales tactics in this case) offer suspect
> auctions and bogus claims? The market she is in ruin and it is the
> repeat offenders that continue foreword and get encouragement from the
> uninformed or those that choose to associate with these suspect
> individuals.
> Ssteve's issues have been an issue  for all meteorite collectors every
> since he came to the meteorite list and became a meteorite dealer.
> Leopards seldom loose their spots regardless of their seemingly sincere
> claims.
> I am sure there are a couple others that most knowledgeable collectors
> stay away from as well.  To a degree, we cannot protect dumb collectors
> from making bad choices with very suspect individuals.  I rather to
> think we all should support better quality dealers and let less
> desirable individuals become extinct.  The story of
> He-Who's-Name-We-Do-Not-Mention is a prime example of a united meteorite
> community. Petty crooks don't seem to rate this type of excommunication
> these days it would seem.
> Sincerely,
> Dave F.
> IMCA #3864 since the beginning
> Dave Carothers wrote:
> >To all list members,
> >
> >
> >
> >I’m sure most of you have seen my emails relating to the misrepresentations
> >and falsehoods perpetrated by Steve (Chicago) Arnold in his ads and posts.
> >First of all, let me apologize to the list membership for making these
> >emails public and in effect, loading up your mailboxes.  I believe there is
> >good reason, however, for making these emails public.  It is for that 
> >reason
> >I felt I should explain some of the background issues and provide my
> >rationale below.
> >
> >
> >
> >Everyone on this list has invested a lot of time, effort, and most
> >importantly, money in their respective meteorite collections.  I personally
> >take great umbrage at anyone who would jeopardize my collection, either
> >directly or indirectly, by casting ANY doubt on ANY facet or aspect of
> >collecting meteorites.  The process of buying and selling meteorites and 
> >the
> >specimens themselves ALL have to be genuine and above reproach at ALL times
> >
> >
> >
> >We also have a number of list members who make their living by selling
> >meteorites.  I won’t even begin to speak for them, but I’ve seen several of
> >these folks get down and dirty at any potential threat to their 
> >livelihood….
> >and rightfully so.
> >
> >
> >
> >My issue with Steve (Chicago) Arnold is that he just doesn’t care what he
> >puts in his ads.  In July, when I first caught his ads containing
> >misrepresentations and falsehoods, he told me:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >I ask you all…. What kind of reply is that?  What does that tell you about
> >Steve (Chicago) Arnold’s integrity and morals?
> >
> >
> >
> >Today, I noticed a misrepresentation on one of his eBay sales and mentioned
> >it on the list (as I previously promised I would

Re: [meteorite-list] An open message to all list members

2006-08-28 Thread joseph_town
Used car 
dealers, politicians, and snake oil salesmen and the imca for the most part 
have to 
be regulated by an informed consuming public, and we cannot legislate 
society no how much (I) we would like to.


 -- Original message --
From: Dave Freeman mjwy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Stan;
> Your response is well taken. Maybe at this point, the issue of petty 
> crooks ISN'T as important as we think and a rotten apple or two in the 
> cellar is not enough to get the pastry chefs to want to clean out the 
> stinky mess.  It is also quite true in this market place that money 
> talks (and we know what walks), and funny how your named individuals 
> that are not members are probably the first in the supply chain to take 
> his money in exchange for meteorites.   Maybe the answer is a robust 
> meteorite sales market where sellers can pick and choose to whom they 
> sell to. At that point maybe he could be pushed away for a better 
> character of individuals.   Maybe the cow did jump over the moon.   It 
> may boil down to the old adage of let the buyer beware.   Used car 
> dealers, politicians, and snake oil salesmen for the most part have to 
> be regulated by an informed consuming public, and we cannot legislate 
> society no how much (I) we would like to.
> Ssteve's issues have been a delightful topic for a number of years and I 
> predict this issue will cycle in and out quarterly for the next decade.  
> I do agree with Dave C. and note that if every new collector that comes 
> to us for education understands that some sellers tend to "forget", 
> "accidentally omit", "didn't mean to imply" "sorry for trhe poor quality 
> photos", "my wife made me do it", "just one trade", "will never trade 
> this new piece away", "it really did come from a famous dealer", "it is 
> the only one left"frequently in their auctions that the new 
> collector would be wiser to spend their money with more reputable 
> sellers (even if they are BIG enough not to need the IMCA seal on their 
> auctions).
> Sometimes there are no answers.
> Dave F.
> stan . wrote:
> >
> >> That being said, is Ssteve an IMCA member, and why would anyone buy 
> >> from anyone who is not a member?
> >
> >
> > checking the membership list quick i see that Bob Haag, Mike Farmer, 
> > Blaine Reed, Adam Hupe, Al Lang, all of the morrocain sources I know, 
> > as well as several major collectors ARENT members - to name just a few.
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT: golf shot

2006-08-26 Thread joseph_town
Hi all,

I was watching golf on TV today. A commercial came on that portrayed Tiger 
Woods missing a putt. He complained, in the commercial, that he forgot to 
consider the rotation of the planet when he made that shot. I wonder if 
anything so miniscule as a golf shot could be affected by planetary motion. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] Micro/Macromount Availability- Where did they Go?

2006-08-18 Thread joseph_town
Hi all,

Priority shipping and combining purchases is a simple tool to "motivate" 
customers to buy more in order to offset shipping costs. The frugal buyer feels 
more comfortable with the shipping cost even though they may be buying material 
they really didn't care much about. I'm sure all micro buyers have considered 
this after rethinking the purchase of 4 or 5 pieces they didn't need.

I like priority shipping and even if you're only buying a five dollar specimen, 
it's cheaper in the long run to just pay and get the one than to buy extra 
material you don't want.  


 -- Original message --
From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> So then why not ship first class? You are telling us that people who buy a
> meteorite from you on ebay for $0.99 cents and then pays $4.05 shipping is
> not being ripped off? Even if you are not keeping the money, it is just
> stupid to pay so much when it can be shipped for barely $.50 cents pluss $25
> cents or so for the padded envelope.
> Mike Farmer
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Hupe
> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Micro/Macromount Availability- Where did they
> Go?
> Mike,
> This statement is far from true:
> > Anyone who charges $4.00 shipping for a micro in the
> > USA is ripping off their customers. They are just
> > trying to make money on the shipping. I charge $1.00
> > on 99% of the micors I sell on ebay. The exception is
> > when the micro is valuable, like Lunar and Martian
> > material that I need to track to ensure it isnt lost.
> > Michael Farmer
> I only ship Priority Mail and charge exactly $4.05, the actual cost of the
> stamp. Most people PayPal payments including shipping. After PayPal takes
> their cut, I actually lose money on shipments. I combine on the average 5
> items bringing down the customers' costs to just 81 cents an item. I combine
> over two auction sessions allowing them to bring shipping costs down even
> further. The buyer gets their items in 2 days without the breakage you get
> by shipping in padded envelopes.  I have found, that overall Priority Mail
> is the only way to go and nobody is get ripped-off!
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] People Doing Stange Things to Meteorites

2006-08-08 Thread joseph_town
These guitar picks have to rank high among the basest uses of meteorites.


 -- Original message --
From: "Dave Carothers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good evening all,
> This is, without a doubt, the strangest thing I've seen done to a meteorite.  
> Is 
> this "art"?  Personally, I want to cry when I see thingts like ths and I'd 
> rather see it rust in oblivion.
> B:EF:US:2
> Shall we have a contest to see who can find the strangest, most idiotic thing 
> to 
> do to a meteorite?
> Dave

--- Begin Message ---

Good evening all,
This is, without a doubt, the strangest thing 
I've seen done to a meteorite.  Is this "art"?  Personally, I 
want to cry when I see thingts like ths and I'd rather see it rust in 
Shall we have a contest to see who can find the 
strangest, most idiotic thing to do to a meteorite?
Meteorite-list mailing list
--- End Message ---
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Southern Delta Aquarids METEOR SHOWER

2006-07-29 Thread joseph_town

One meteor a minute is a pretty fine display! If you want the latest 
information from the best observers in the world, subscribe to the meteorobs 
mailing list.

Clear skies,

 -- Original message --
From: dean bessey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I saw my first meteor shower last night at kumue
> observatory in Auckland. Probably not as impressive as
> some people have seen meteor showers but we we getting
> more than one a minute. Once I saw two at the same
> time, a skinny and a fat one that came from the same
> area (It was sort of cool and had the illusion of
> starting in the same place as if it broke apart). 
> Apparantly at the star party 100 miles away last
> weekend there were lots also and my friend said that
> he saw one in his telescope (I missed the party
> unfortunately).
> We were stargazing and the meteors were unexpected.
> I got the name "Southern Delta Aquarids" a few minutes
> ago from searching google wondering if there was
> indeed supposed to be a meteor shower going on now but
> I dont know if I have the name right. 
> This was my first ever meteor shower and the first
> time I was ever able to look up and really expect to
> see a meteor. I had my 4 month old baby with me so it
> was kind of special - even if it was only one meteor a
> minute. How does that compare to normal meteor
> showers? 
> The only negitave was that none appear to have fallen
> all the way down.
> Cheers
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: AW: [meteorite-list] Chladni's Heirs NORWAY field report

2006-07-25 Thread joseph_town
I hope the lyrics of this song prove to be inapplicable. It's a good choice 


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Moni,
> if they won't behave, like that European team from a country starting with
> "P" trampling through the gardens ploughing up the flowerbeds under the eyes
> of the dumbfounded house owners, I wish all success to the American party.
> Hmm, the song will work with the melody of
> Cohn&Silver: Yes, we have no bananas today, 1923
> But later I guess, we will compose a new one :-)
> Buckl...oops, no, better now:
> Kindest Regards
> Chladni's Heirs
> Stefan Ralew
> Andi Gren
> Martin Altmann
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von moni
> Waiblinger-Seabridge
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2006 00:29
> Betreff: RE: [meteorite-list] Chladni's Heirs NORWAY field report
> Hi list members,
> Stefan Ralew
> Andi Gren
> Martin Altmann and Morten Bilet,
> Thank you for this report!!!
> Its so wonderful to find out more of this fall without having to spend all 
> this money to get there, unless of course one finds a piece!
> Well, let's see how our American friends will do!   ;-)
> With best regards,
> Moni
> PS. Martin, what is the melody for this song?
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite classification guessing game

2006-07-19 Thread joseph_town
Like The price is right. I guess 2345.68 grams. :P


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Horejsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 7/17/06, Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is a large area and I predict many stones will be found.
> Great idea Mike whether you know it or not.
> New challenge for everyone to play: Guess the Total recovered weight
> of this fall. Absolute closest to the first published number wins
> (unless one of you wiser members out there has a better idea).
> I'll start. My guess is 2345.67 grams.
> Robert, can you keep track of this game as well?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: Re: [meteorite-list]OT Driving a meteorite?

2006-07-18 Thread joseph_town
Nice ride. I forgot that one. It looks earlier than than the comet and 
caliente. I had 2 comets and 1 caliente. I just looked at a red 64 convertible 
on ebay and it was up to 7Gs. Lol! I can't use it, mine was yellow with a black 
convertible top. Had the custom special order wood grain dashboard too!


 -- Original message --
From: "Rob Wesel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm coming in late, did the 1960's Mercury Meteor get mentioned?
> Rob Wesel
> --
> We are the music makers...
> and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
> Willy Wonka, 1971
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Martin Horejsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Peter Marmet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Meteoritenliste" 
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 4:42 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: [meteorite-list] Driving a meteorite?
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Thanks for the car name contributions both on and off the List!
> > 
> > I suspect that maybe someone out there who drives an Aztec or a Rodeo
> > but doesn't know it is also a meteorite name.
> > 
> > Regarding meteorites and car names, here are some suggestions. You can
> > decide if the name will help or hurt sales.
> > 
> > Losttown
> > King Tut
> > Deport
> > Answer
> > Butler
> > Loop
> > Mayday
> > Needmore
> > Otto
> > Uwet
> > Tonk
> > White Elephant
> > Zag
> > Ragged Top
> > Archilles
> > Rifle
> > Deal
> > Fortuna
> > Roach
> > Haven
> > Ehole
> > Bath
> > Homestead
> > Park
> > Hope
> > Ssyromolotovo (my favorite)
> > 
> > And one guaranteed to keep anyone who knows about meteorites from ever
> > buying this car, the Nantan!
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Martin
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite classification guessing game

2006-07-18 Thread joseph_town
Typical Adam reply. He heard out house and... well you read it. As I understand 
 they are referring to an out building as in a shed or pole barn. I have to 
agree with the run on magnets. I hope everyone that has a look, finds one.

Grats to all the new meteorite enthusiasts that this new fall will inspire!


 -- Original message --
From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The crust is wrong for a CO3.  The famous "Out House Hammer Stone", I can
> smell history in the making! The locals are probably scouring the place and
> the local hardware store is already sold out of magnets. Searchers will
> probably destroy their own computers to get the magnets out of the hard
> drives realizing these rocks will fetch twice the price of gold, no matter
> how common they are!  Meteorite Fever, a horrible scourge!
> Have Fun,
> Adam
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Adam Hupe'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:10 PM
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite classification guessing
> game
> > Not a chance, CO3 all the way.
> > Michael Farmer
> > I will be there in a couple of days.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam
> Hupe
> > Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:07 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite classification guessing
> > game
> >
> > It looks like an H4, S1-2, W0, Fa 17.2 to me, just a S.W.A.G.!
> >
> > Take Care,
> >
> > Adam
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Norwegian meteorite classification guessing game

2006-07-17 Thread joseph_town
I'll make the safe bet with LL5 or LL6.


 -- Original message --
From: "Matson, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Summary of Norwegian meteorite prognostications in the order posted:
> Bjorn Sorheim:  OC
> Bernd Pauli:  LL5 or LL6
> Pat Brown:  carbonaceous
> Marcin Cimala:  CO3 or CM
> Mark Ford:  CV3 (Allende-like)
> Matteo Chinellato:  CM
> Martin Altman:  CO3 (Kainsaz)
> Martin Horejsi:  CO3 (Ornans)
> Frederic Beroud:  CO3
> Ingo Herkstroeter:  strange-looking OC
> Rob Matson:  equilibrated LL or CK
> Carbonaceous:  7.5 out of 11
> OC:  3.5 out of 11
> --Rob
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Driving a meteorite?

2006-07-17 Thread joseph_town
My first car was a 1964 Caliente :)


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Horejsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All,
> I was just wondering if anyone else out there drives a meteorite
> vehicle. What I mean by that is that the name of your car/van/truck
> etc. is somehow related to meteorites.
> Personally,I have a Toyota Sienna which is named after the Italian
> town where a famous and historically significant meteorite fell in
> 1794.
> Any others? Just curious.
> Martin
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list


2006-07-15 Thread joseph_town
>I know the intentions of the directors, and personally, I can guarantee you
>that the sort of wanton buying of everything in sight that you so fear 
>occur.  If that's not good enough for you, I see no reason to continue this
>argument, because you don't believe what I'm saying in the first place


I've been listening, until I heard that comment.


 -- Original message --
From: "stan ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >What Marvin almost always does is sell half of a specimen and keep the rest
> >intact.  In this fashion, he hasn't entirely kept meteorites from being 
> >cut,
> >but he sure keeps a hell of a lot of them more intact than they would
> >otherwise be, and for that I applaud him.
> So in other words he does the exact same thing every other dealer does?
> >By offering to pay for what dealers might offer them?
> no, but forming a high profile public institution who's goal is to raise a 
> whole lot of money and use to to soak up meteorites.
> >No, the Acapulcoite was in Blaine Reed's room.  And it was pretty fresh -
> >not weathered, as you state, the stone that you saw was.
> Maybe our deffinition of weathering isnt the same, but it wasnt an 
> acapulcoite it was a h6. you might be be good at identifying metorites, but 
> I'll take NAU's word over yours in this case.
> >The Ureilites were
> >1) Being carried around one evening by a fellow...Mike Martinez?  Could 
> >have
> >been, but maybe I just saw him a lot during the show...sorry, but it was 
> >six
> >months agoreally not sure..
> >and
> >2) Outside Mike Farmer's room in the possession of a Moroccan fellow.  At
> >the very least you can ask Mike about that one - he should remember it.
> sorry, but this IS the meteorite I was talking about. it certainly wasnt 
> pulled out of some common chonderite bin in tucson. It was broken up by the 
> owner because he couldnt sell it whole. I first got photos of it 11/9/05 it 
> was a flat, roundish stone of 9.3 kg - want me to email you a pic of it 
> whole? dont think it's the same stone? ask Martin Altmann or Blaine
> >And by the way, don't think I can't very easily recognize a meteorite on
> >sight.  I've found 103 meteorites with a few achondrites tossed in, one of
> >which has been classified (Superior Valley 014, an Acapulcoite ;)
> I never suggested that. i only suggested that the story you were told of how 
> a meteorite came to be in tucson might not be accurate, although I'm sure 
> you will agree that not all meteoreites can be accurately identified by 
> simple imspection. nwa 1054 doesnt look much diffrent than an H4/5 after all 
> and it's a winonaite.
> >A) Last I saw, neither were you.  At least I've spoken with a director in
> >depth about these issues, and have had a short word now with the other
> >director as well.
> >B) They state that a portion of meteorites need to be conserved for future
> >studies, yes.  And the $10 mil probably wouldn't be available for spending
> >if it's to be an endowment...sorry to burst your bubble there, but I think
> >it would be legally protected.
> you are speaking about 'probablies' and in definate terms about what the 
> center WONT do - even though you are in no position of authority to do so. 
> i'm more concerned about that the center MIGHT do. see the diffrence?
> >If you think
> >that simply stating my  opinion is badmouthing people, go right ahead an
> >insult me.
> you seemed to go beyond that and imply that the people who liked collecting 
> bessy specs were somehow 'wrong' because they didnt subscribe to the same 
> philosophy as you. at least that was the impression you left me with, and by 
> another email i recived at least 1 more person.
> >I know the intentions of the directors, and personally, I can guarantee you
> >that the sort of wanton buying of everything in sight that you so fear 
> >won't
> >occur.  If that's not good enough for you, I see no reason to continue this
> >argument, because you don't believe what I'm saying in the first place.
> unfortunatly Jason, you cant guarantee anything - you arent int he position 
> to do so - no matter what anyone has told you.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: AW: [meteorite-list] Adventura del Monte Meteorite (meteorwrong?)

2006-07-14 Thread joseph_town

I recommend we wait and see what this beautiful iron is. Your posts are 
becoming endless infomercials.


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Steve, list
> "price of $12,500 is a deal indeed.  Even a 127 lb Sikhote Alin at that
> price is a steal"
> So I recommend to take Michel Franco's Sikhotes,  one is even cheaper and
> the other one a larger one relatively tooo.
> And the have all paperwork.
> Regards!
> Martin
>   _  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Steve
> Schoner
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2006 23:11
> Betreff: RE: [meteorite-list] Adventura del Monte Meteorite (meteorwrong?)
> Mark,
> The "reason I keep bringing it up" is because you had issued a warning to
> the list that this might be a "meteorwrong" after you went out and saw the
> piece.  You did not state your reasons clearly regarding your observations
> of this specimen.
> It sure looks like a meteorite to me, and in fact it looks like Sikhote
> Alin.  That was my observation of it based on the photos that the seller
> provided.  Now, if it is a new fall and in fact a meteorite (iron) then the
> sale price of $12,500 is a deal indeed.  Even a 127 lb Sikhote Alin at that
> price is a steal.
> As for cutting this specimen to make a determination, that is no big deal.
> If is an iron, a simple piece of about 20 grams etched will satisfy the
> question that you raised to the list.  "meteorite or meteorwrong"
> As for its origin or site origin that would take other tests, and that is no
> big deal either.  UCLA I am sure would do that determination.
> Steve Schoner AMS
> IMCA #4470

--- Begin Message ---

Hi Steve, list


“price of $12,500 is a deal indeed.  Even a
127 lb Sikhote Alin at that price is a steal”


So I recommend to take Michel Franco’s
Sikhotes,  one is even cheaper and the other one a larger one relatively

And the have all paperwork.





Im Auftrag von Steve Schoner
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2006
Betreff: RE: [meteorite-list]
Adventura del Monte Meteorite (meteorwrong?)



"reason I keep bringing it up" is because you had issued a warning to
the list that this might be a "meteorwrong" after you went out and
saw the piece.  You did not state your reasons clearly regarding your
observations of this specimen.

It sure
looks like a meteorite to me, and in fact it looks like Sikhote Alin. 
That was my observation of it based on the photos that the seller
provided.  Now, if it is a new fall and in fact a meteorite (iron) then
the sale price of $12,500 is a deal indeed.  Even a 127 lb Sikhote Alin at
that price is a steal.

As for
cutting this specimen to make a determination, that is no big deal.  If is
an iron, a simple piece of about 20 grams etched will satisfy the question that
you raised to the list.  "meteorite or meteorwrong"

As for
its origin or site origin that would take other tests, and that is no big deal
either.  UCLA I am sure would do that determination.

Schoner AMS





Meteorite-list mailing list
--- End Message ---
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] donation

2006-07-11 Thread joseph_town
Hi Steve,

I appreciate your offer but what do you suppose anyone would do with .03g? It 
isn't worth the postage stamp. .03 is maybe a typo?


 -- Original message --
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello list.I was wondering if there are any schools,research centers,or
> any scientific labs that could use a few small meteorite fragments for
> donation?I have .03 grams of DHOFAR 017.It is just an ordinary
> chondrite,but it is classified.Please email me offlist.The first one gets
> it.
> steve arnold,chicago
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] BCC "Lunar" Item number: 300004418553

2006-07-08 Thread joseph_town
This auction is aggravating enough but has anyone checked the shipping and 
handling charges for that worthless crumb? $89.05 to my Chicago burb.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Amusing "Chicago Sun-Times" Article

2006-07-08 Thread joseph_town
I think Mr. Stimpson should clean them all up and put together a much vaunted 
"puzzle stone".


 -- Original message --
From: "Jeff Kuyken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Another way to look at it is by past finds. How about Huckitta!? THE largest
> pallasite. Actually, the largest stony/iron I think. The main mass is 1411kg
> but it was found with another tonne of shale & fragments. Does this mean it
> really weighs ~2.4 tonnes??? Looks like the precedent may have already been
> set and Steve's Brenham record is safe for now! ;-)
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> - Original Message -
> From: Michael L Blood
> To: Al Mitterling ; Geoff Notkin ; Meteorite List
> Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 6:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Amusing "Chicago Sun-Times" Article
> Hi Al and all,
> The fact that it "was" one of the largest masses
> of Brenham is irrelevant. It is not now one of the largest
> masses. Before it all entered the earth's atmosphere all Brenham
> might all have been one mass - or, in the asteroid belt it
> might all have been one mass, so, the fact that 1500 LBs might
> have been one mass in that hole at some time  I just
> don't see how you can get close to comparing that to
> Steve's find -  which IS the largest Brenham mass known.
> (AND is a spectacularly oriented specimen, to boot!)
> But then, I could be wrong, my wife tells me I am
> all the time.
> Best wishes, Michael
> on 7/7/06 11:13 AM, almitt at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi Geoff and Listees,
> >
> > I think you have hit the nail on the head in regards to this find which
> > is in pieces. I am sure he wants this to be larger than Steve Arnolds
> > orientated specimen. How can we be sure that what is in the hole he has
> > found isn't other fragments from other finds? I guess if they can put
> > them all together then I'd be satisfied that it WAS one of the largest
> > masses of the Brenham fall. Other wise anyone can accumulate fragments
> > from this fall and claim the largest specimen.
> >
> > I have to go with the largest intact fragment as counting as the largest
> > main mass. Otherwise we might be subject to others gathering fragments
> > and claiming to have the main mass. An example of this is Long Island
> > (at the Field Museum) which is in may fragments and somewhat put
> > together and at one time was a larger specimen.
> >
> > Hope this doesn't get into a main mass discussion :-;
> >
> > --AL Mitterling
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> The greater a person's sense of guilt, the greater his or her need to cast
> blame on others.
>  Anon.
> --
> "Is our children learning?"
> "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
> "More and more of our imports come from overseas."
> "The very act of spending money can be expensive."
> George W. Bush
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite guitar picks

2006-07-07 Thread joseph_town
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Cleaning OC's

2006-07-03 Thread joseph_town
Hi all,

I've heard this issue addressed before but the answers are kind of vague. I 
just bought a few PF's that were picked up the morning after the fall. They 
were stored in baggies. They are very nice with thick rich crust but they are 
starting to freckle. Doug offered this not long ago;

"Walter N. wrote: >>I guess the best way to find out is just go ahead and do 
it. ONE THOUGHT - Why distilled water? I always use tap.<< Hola there again, 
The "Just do it" jingle has a lot going for it in this field. After you just do 
it...please just tell it! I have a nice 8" saw (which is why the blade prices I 
quoted were a bit high - sorry). The distilled water is basically for the same 
reason you want to put distilled water in your car's radiator, never tap. 
People do it of course but then the steely insides of their circulatory system 
begin to corrode and make this ugly brown gunk (meteorite cyanide) and car gets 
a case of what meteorite people know better informally as Lawrencite Disease, 
which you can read about attacking iron meteorites in O. Richard Norton's 
classic book (Illustrated by his talented wife, Dorothy), "Rocks from Space". 
While the stony meteorites don't have symptoms immediately as bad as the irons, 
like concrete, they do absorbe a lot of water. You can
iment to find out how much with a cut open meteorite, a precision scale and an 
oven. It'll take about three hours at 160 170 degrees F to start talking turkey 
w/r to drying them. Tap water any some other forms of chlorinated water 
releases halide ions and as an atom is possibly involved in the catalytic 
oxidation of iron. A stony which is not to far weathered (i.e., has a good 
quantity of its reduced iron flecks intact, among other measures) like a sponge 
will get impregnated with the suspected bad stuff mentioned and eventually your 
beautiful slice which had white steely reflections will develop amber brown 
measles in there place. It can be repolished as many undoubtably are sadly on 
eBay, but it won't last shiny forever for you can suspect why. Using tap water 
is a classic case of irresponsibility in meteoritics though undoubtably someone 
out there in my cyberzoological garden will defend it. (May they come forth so 
I put them on my piddly black list of suppliers). Multiple
ol soaks is way to go for highest drying efficiency and contaminant removal. 
Once should be fine iuf you use distilled H20 and maybe unnecessary in that 
case. But if you use anything besides pure alcohol or distilled water then you 
really should be doing alcohol soaks. Each saok can remove a heafty % of the 
corrosives. While you do it, you can try to comfort yourself with the knowledge 
that meteorites are special compared to 99.95% of the rest of the Earth 
rocks due to their containing reduced iron that is vulnerable to rusting (and 
chlorine also is the trick to dumping corrosive table salt in the water since 
ther are alway sodium ions in these cocktails looking for partners.) A 
beautiful geode or agate doesn't mind tap water because it is quite stable. 
This is a case of one rock's cosmetic bath is another rock's poison. Hope that 
clears it up more than mud. Please read up on it, I am sure I missed a few good 
thoughts on this and interpreted a couple of things too conserv
y, but that's how I look at the world, Saludos, Doug (best oven temp is about 
160 deg F for an hour min. You may "just" be dealing with NWA's but the pride 
you'll probably have in your product will probably be woth the inconvenience 
many times over, not to mention in helping you develop good technique for more 
financially challenging meteorite situations. But some people use IR heat lamps 
(available at home depot and using less power) with alledgedly superb 
results...(PS another expert out there signs messages JWG. I am not sure if he 
can add to this on blades, but as you experiment more he is also nice oracle to 
have up your sleeve and kindly shares info.)"

I found it to be helpful but am hesitant to try it on thick, frothy fusion 
crust. I'm afraid the crust will crumble and flake. I cleaned one lesser piece, 
with MEK, which didn't look as fragile and there was a loss of crust from the 
pressure of the toothbrush. I tried several brushes before I found one that the 
MEK didn't dissolve, lol. There's so much info. about cleaning irons but not 
much about OC's. Any ideas?




Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] las vegas

2006-07-03 Thread joseph_town
Hi Steve and all,

The deserts of the SW part of North America are very unforgiving in late July. 
As a young man I spent a few years out there. Many list members from the world 
over have posted valuable information concerning desert hunting. Read 
everything you can before you venture into what can be a very harsh place.

Good luck,

 -- Original message --
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello list.It looks like a bunch of meteorite people will be in vegas.I
> will be going july 28,29,30, and 31.If anybody out there wants to meet for
> a few hours contact me off list.It would be fun to see anyone from the
> list out there.We will be staying at MANDALEY BAY resort.
>   steve arnold,chicago,usa!!
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Uncut NWA's - Does the exterior disclose

2006-07-02 Thread joseph_town

I bet Walter has been familiarized with the rules by now. Are you an official 
moderator? I know someone is bouncing my posts. I can't say that I blame that 
authority. Walter did go on way too much about the feedback thing. Now he seems 
to be focusing on the most important subject at hand, meteorites. Sounds like 
you're trying to start another witch hunt and as usual you are acting contrary 
to the rules that you keep reminding us of.


 -- Original message --
From: Michael L Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> on 6/30/06 3:39 PM, Walter L. Newton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > ...I would imagine this list exists for the purpose of LEARNING about the
> > subject of meteorites...
> Dear Walter, David and all,
> I must confess I find it fascinating that some people actually
> seam to hold a belief that they know the "purpose" of the list.
> The list was sponsored by Art, is hosted by Art and has always
> been a forum for people interested in meteorites to communicate with
> one another regarding that interest. That means ANYTHING related
> to meteorites is a "go" with the only exceptions being outlined in the
> list rules. 
> The only restrictions for this list are
> 1 - the topic must be related (in some way) to meteorites,
> collecting, buying, selling, finding and/or studying them, etc.
> 2 - discussions must not violate list rules.
> There are plenty of "threads" that pop up on this list that
> hold NO interest to me - that is inevitable. While it is even acceptable
> to be critical of threads, I would hope we could all constrain ourselves
> from declaring for what "purpose" the list exists. That was decided
> upon its inception.
> Best wishes, Michael
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Uncut NWA's - Does the exterior disclose

2006-06-30 Thread joseph_town

There is no subject that Doug isn't well versed in. Don't stir him up. He's not 
a modest genius.


 -- Original message --
From: "Walter L. Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Doug
> I will have to admit, you have a way with words. I have noticed that since
> the first day I visited this sight.
> But as always, you totally have missed my point (I've noticed that too).
> I would imagine this list exists for the purpose of LEARNING about the
> subject of meteorites. My question was intended to solicit information that
> would add to my meager knowledge of this subject.
> I wasn't out just to state the obvious.
> So, Oh Great One. How do the finders, dealers etc, everyone but the poor
> collector, look at a batch of NWA's and decide which ones will be held on to
> and which ones end up on Ebay?
> Let's play a game. Doug is in Morocco, some local has a basket of NWA's (say
> 5 kg) and Doug buys them. (Now this gets tricky).
> Does Doug look for something about the exterior that may indicate a clue to
> the "innards?"
> I'm waiting with baited breath (or is that bad breath) and my finger on the
> Ebay button for your answer. Keep it in simple language. For my obvious
> sake, please don't use words bigger than "pits."
> Walter L. Newton
> Golden, Co
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Was There Life on Mars? Shiny Rock Coating May Hold the Answer

2006-06-30 Thread joseph_town
How could Martian desert varnish survive ablation? This is crazy talk.


 -- Original message --
From: Ron Baalke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Was there life on Mars? Shiny rock coating may hold the answer
> Imperial College London News Release
> For immediate release
> Friday 30 June 2006
> A mysterious shiny coating found on rocks in many of Earth's arid
> environments could reveal whether there was once life on Mars, according
> to new research.
> The research, published in the July edition of the journal Geology,
> reveals that the dark coating known as desert varnish creates a record
> of life around it, by binding traces of DNA, amino acids and other
> organic compounds to desert rocks. Samples of Martian desert varnish
> could therefore show whether there has been life on Mars at any stage
> over the last 4.5 billion years.
> The source of desert varnish has intrigued scientists since the mid
> nineteenth century
> The researchers hope that these results will encourage any future Mars
> Sample Return mission to add desert varnish to its Martian shopping list.
> The source of the varnish, which looks like it has been painted onto the
> rocks, has intrigued scientists since the mid nineteenth century,
> including Darwin, who was so fascinated that he asked the geochemist
> Berzelius to investigate it. It was previously suggested that its dark
> colour was the result of the presence of the mineral manganese oxide,
> and that any traces of life found within the varnish came from
> biological processes caused by microbes in this mineral.
> However, the new research used a battery of techniques, including high
> resolution electron microscopy, to show that any traces of life in the
> varnish do not come from microbes in manganese oxide. The research
> reveals that the most important mineral in the varnish is silica, which
> means that biological processes are not significant in the varnish's
> formation. On desert rock surfaces, silica is dissolved from other
> minerals and then gels together to form a glaze, trapping organic traces
> from its surroundings.
> Desert varnish was used to create images known as petroglyphs like these
> in Grimes Point, Nevada
> Dr Randall Perry, lead author of the research from the Department of
> Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London, explained that
> as life is not involved in desert varnish formation, the varnish can act
> as an indicator of whether life was present or absent in the local
> environment.
> Dr Perry said: "If silica exists in varnish-like coatings in Martian
> deserts or caves, then it may entomb ancient microbes or chemical
> signatures of previous life there, too. Desert varnish forms over tens
> of thousands of years and the deepest, oldest layers in the varnish may
> have formed in very different conditions to the shallowest, youngest layer.
> "These lustrous chroniclers of the local surroundings can provide a
> window back in time. Martian desert varnish would contain a fascinating
> chronology of the Martian setting," he added.
> The research was carried out by researchers at Imperial College and the
> Universities of Auckland (NZ); Wisconsin-Parkside and Washington (US);
> and Nottingham Trent (UK).
> *** Images of rocks covered with black desert varnish in Death Valley
> California and Petroglyphs from Grimes Point Nevada (dating back
> thousands of years) are available ***
> -ends-
> For further information please contact:
> Laura Gallagher
> Imperial College London Press Office
> Tel: 020 7594 6702
> Notes to editors:
> Baking black opal in the desert sun: The importance of silica in desert
> varnish Geology Volume 34, Number 7, July 2006
> Randall S. Perry (1),(6), Bridget Y. Lynne (2), Mark A. Sephton (1),
> Vera M. Kolb (3), Carole C. Perry (4), James T. Staley (5)
> (1) Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
> (2) Department of Geology, University of Auckland, New Zealand
> (3) Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Parkside, USA
> (4) Chemistry Division, Nottingham Trent University, UK
> (5) Department of Microbiology, University of Washington, USA
> (6) Planetary Science Institute, Washington, USA
> An online preview edition of the paper can be viewed here:
>  A.1>
> About desert varnish
> * Desert varnish is found across the world in areas including the
> Atacama desert in Chile, the Mojave desert in Southern California, USA
> and Canyonlands National Park, Utah, USA.
> * It is often found on canyon walls.
> * It is one of fourteen different types of rock coatings.
> * Desert varnish was used by prehistoric and Neolithic people to create
> images know

Re: [meteorite-list] Morocco Meteorite Meeting

2006-06-30 Thread joseph_town
Adam and others,

If NWA is scarce why are you dumping all your garbage for a nickel a gram? 
Could it be all the 1000s of kilos that are stashed are so much better? You 
should be saving this precious hoard. Dean's right as usual.

Don't speak of the business of kings. I doubt you know their mind.


 -- Original message --
From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Since this is a major event for Morocco and a place to showcase science, I
> am fairly sure the King is aware this event. A couple of months ago, current
> and future laws covering meteorites was on the topic list for this meeting.
> Doesn't sound like showboating to me, time to get with current affairs, no
> scare tactics here!
> Adam
> - Original Message - 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:24 PM
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Morocco Meteorite Meeting
> > Dean
> >
> >  Here is a URL for info on the meeting.
> >
> > 
> >
> > --
> > Eric Olson
> >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fraudulant Trade - Bob Evans

2006-06-26 Thread joseph_town
I'm kind of surprised. You certainly gave him enough time to make things right. 
Makes me wonder about all those Jones (Park Forest) micros.

Good luck,

 -- Original message --
> Mccarthy; I personally applaud you for your post to the list.It may keep  
> someone from suffering the same fate before you win out on this scam.I think 
> you  
> will win out,i hope so anyway.It took courage,knowing how meteorite 
> collectors  feel about other collectors and don't want to cause any greif or 
> unnecessary  expense,we have enough of that just being collectors of these 
> fabulous  
> meteorites.I think.
> Thanks for bringing it up and the best of luck on settlement.
> Best Wishes;Herman Archer.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: AW: [meteorite-list] ebay sniping

2006-06-23 Thread joseph_town

Please stop these lectures. I will decide when to buy this or that. You're 
beginning to sound like a meteorite dealer.


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all too,
> but Ken, if all are using sniper programs and those programs bid the maximum
> bid in the last moment, what happens then?
> Ebay is also entertainment, it's more thrilling to snipe manually (aside it
> has more sportsmanship).
> I never used sniper software - and I have to say, that method saves the most
> money. If an auction is ending at a for me unfavourable day- or nighttime
> and I miss it, I shrug - I have saved money. If a sniper program user is
> faster than me and I don't win, again: a saved penny is an earned penny.
> There will be always a new opportunity.
> "you won't be in business for long by giving the stuff away."
> Yep, that's what one can observe during the last 2 years. More and more
> dealers have to give up. The diversification of the supply is shrinking,
> not so many offerors, especially the semiprofessional dealers or the
> collectors using ebay for sales can afford a mixed calculation to literally
> give away pieces on ebay and to compensate the losses with other overpaid
> results.
> Another effect is, that the offerors in ebay have to suit on the
> affectations of the ebay-clients or to say it clearly only to offer there
> stuff, which they get reasonably paid.
> Result is that the diversity of the supply on ebay suffers.
> Take a look - at least 70% of all meteorite auctions on ebay, I'd say, are
> always the same mass locales and/or to say it harshly: lousy crap, the
> quality of preparation is on average worse than that, what you get from a
> regular dealer and rarer or interesting types and historical falls you find
> often only as microcrumbs.
> Reason: Most sellers have to avoid to offer more superior specimens there,
> cause they would be paid below their own costs.
> But ebay is only one segment. More money certainly is to make for dealers
> with a broad assortment beyond ebay. 
> Funny is also the psychology behind ebay, the blind trust of not so few,
> that ebay would be always the cheapest way to get the stuff and thus many
> never are buying at regular prices from a webdealer.
> Shall I tell you a secret? I'm meanwhile a specialist in finding out
> locales, which are not so frequently offered on ebay and I buy them from
> dealers. In buying from them I never haggle, some give me a little discount,
> some not - the buying price simply doesn't matter at all anymore. The stuff
> is often rotting on their pages for several years and everybody, who has an
> internet access could buy it - but they don't, because they are ebay
> aficionados and they simply need the feeling of security, that they didn't
> paid a to high price there, because there was at least one person, who was
> willing to pay quite the same price.
> The stuff I buy I set on ebay at 1$. Until now it never happened, that I got
> out for a locales less than twice as much as I paid, when I bought it at the
> regular price. Depending from my absolute buying per gram price, I get out
> in most cases 3-5 times my buying price, my personal best is 22times.
> That's why I love ebay as a seller.
> Scruples I had initially, but especially in Germany in the last 2 years the
> collectors didn't want to buy at my regular prices anymore, but despite they
> had my price lists, where they could order the stuff without stress, they
> didn't, but whenever I set a piece from my list into ebay, just those
> clients, who could read from the list, what my price is, paid 10-200% more.
> A funny example: I had a very fresh Ochansk fragment, nice brecciation, I
> offered it at 4Euro/g (quite o.k., I checked all dealers prices and average
> Ochansk price was 8.5$/g) to two clients. They refused, obviously the price
> was not suitable for them. When I wanted to put the piece back in his box,
> it slipped out of my hands, a corner broke off. Well, I packed the corner in
> a display box, made some photos listed it on ebay.
> Next Sunday there a bidding race happened between two bidders. The outcome
> for the little Ochansk chunk was incredible 330Euro per gram.
> The IDs of the bidders I knew, they were exactly those customers, to whose I
> offered Ochansk a week ago at 4 per gram.
> But don't mind, I'm not switching totally to ebay, hehe. Collectors will be
> able to order also in future at my regular prices from me.
> Buckleboo!!
> Martin
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
> Gesendet: Freitag, 23. Juni 2006 23:05
> An: Meteorite-List
> Betreff: RE: [meteorite-list] ebay sniping
> Hi all,
> I've used and won many auctions. I have used it to
> win approx 100 auctions , it let me down once.
> Why use a snipe tool ? As a buyer it gets you a bett

Re: [meteorite-list] Zagami

2006-06-04 Thread joseph_town
Doug, Herman, et al.,

So much for the olive branch. Time for the hickory switch.


 -- Original message --
From: "Armando Afonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> About the Zagami stone:
> In the Mars meteorite compendium of 2003, it seams that Bob Haag toke 9Kg of
> the meteorite, about 50 % of the total mass.
> At the actual prices are  between 500 - 1000 USD/g. it means 4.5 to 9
> Million USD, if I am not totally wrong.
> What was traded for the meteorite? 100.000 USD of what? A reference
> collection? I am very curious. Can someone provide a list of the meteorites
> given in return for it? Or photos?
> Even if the value of 100 000 USD is the real, I simply say:
> You call business to anything!
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] re: DEMOCRATIC FILTERING

2006-05-28 Thread joseph_town
Also, Mr. Langbroek,

I've been reading and appreciating the benifit of your wisdom for over 3 years 
now at meteorobs. I'm suprised you would bother to correct me in such a mean 
way. Are you venting on the met-list exclusivly? I've never seen you behave 
that way on meteorobs, amongst your peers.


 -- Original message --
From: Marco Langbroek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > This list responds best to messages sent in plain HTML text format
> "Plain HTML text"??
> That's similar to talking about a virgin hooker...
> It's plain text, as opposed to HTML.
>  From what I've seen in the communictions, I believe EJ is right and this is 
> a 
> problem with your ISP domain listed as a SPAM source, Armando, which hence 
> has 
> little to do with anti-personal measures on this list itself. But I can 
> understand that you thought of it.
> - Marco
> -
> Dr Marco Langbroek
> Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
> private website
> DMS website
> -
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] re: DEMOCRATIC FILTERING

2006-05-28 Thread joseph_town
Thank you for pointing out my redundancy Marco,


 -- Original message --
From: Marco Langbroek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > This list responds best to messages sent in plain HTML text format
> "Plain HTML text"??
> That's similar to talking about a virgin hooker...
> It's plain text, as opposed to HTML.
>  From what I've seen in the communictions, I believe EJ is right and this is 
> a 
> problem with your ISP domain listed as a SPAM source, Armando, which hence 
> has 
> little to do with anti-personal measures on this list itself. But I can 
> understand that you thought of it.
> - Marco
> -
> Dr Marco Langbroek
> Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)
> private website
> DMS website
> -
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] DEMOCRATIC FILTERING

2006-05-26 Thread joseph_town
I doubt your petty attitudes and opinions were severe enough to have earned you 
a ban. This list responds best to messages sent in plain HTML text format, if I 
remember correctly. Your paranoia is as severe as your common sense is lacking. 
Mr. Jones is patient to a fault. He probably isn't even aware of your "plight".


 -- Original message --
> This message is reaching this list only after a new email address was created,
> demonstrating that this situation is intentional.
> In this moment, all subscribers form Portugal are regarded as spam, as a 
> result
> of the expression of my opinion about some installed interests in this
> activity.
> I take this as an example of the best American, pluralistic and democratic
> spirit.
> Dear Mr. Art Jones,
> Excuse me for the inconvenience of sending you a personal message, but I 
> really
> do not understand what can be wrong with my subscription.
> I can not find help in the automated responses, too.
> Basically, I receive messages, but I am not abble to reply to them.
> This occured after some moderate discussions with a member of the list, at 
> least
> this is the only possible reason that I can identify.
> After multiple trials, I am still receiving this indication :
> "Connected to but sender was rejected.
> Remote host said: 550- blocked by 
> ldap:ou=rblmx,dc=comcast,dc=net
> 550 Blocked for abuse.  Please send blacklist removal requests to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Be sure to include your mail server IP
> Even providing the required info, the situation is unchanged.
> I find hard to believe that a simple criticism can justify this,  with so many
> insults posted routinely to this list (curiously by this same Mike Framer with
> who I had this slight disagreement).
> I would appreciate your help on this.
> Regards,
> Armando Afonso
> > - -
> > The IP you previously provided has been removed from the
> > blocklist.
> >
> > After review of the blocking, the IP you submitted was found to have been
> > blocked due to the fact that the majority of the traffic from that IP
> > contained content indicative of spam. If you are not aware of the traffic
> > that could have caused this, we recommend a review of your outbound mail
> > logs and ensuring that all computers connecting to through the submitted
> > IP are clear of any security exploits.
> >
> >
> > Thank You
> > Comcast Network Abuse and Policy Observance
> > Dear sirs,
> > This server is an important international one, ONI , serves hundreds of
> > thousands clients,  and if, for some improbable reason, SPAM reaches the
> > list trough it, I can not be responsabilized personally , even less  in
> > this radical way.
> > I only can assure you that, myself:  I make a normal use of the list,
> > practically only as a reader, my computer is checked for virus daily with
> > a respected and updated anti-virus program, Panda Platinium, and that it
> > could, reasonably, not be the eventual source of a problem of this kind.
> > I would appreciate if you could re-evaluate this situation.
> > Armando Afonso
> >
> Dear sirs,
> Everything was checked, no spam went out of my computer. The anti-virus 
> program
> has been working as it should and updated daily.
> I contacted my e-mail server, nothing is wrong.
> I am convicted that this is a manipulated situation.
> I would welcome a clarification on the reasons for this attitude from your 
> part.
> Regards.
> Armando Afonso
> ___
> O SAPO já está livre de vírus com a Panda Software, fique você também!
> Clique em:
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Hello

2006-05-25 Thread joseph_town
Welcome Ed,

In the long run, we will all remain newbies.

Best Wishes,

 -- Original message --
From: "Ed Deckert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I'm quite new to the group, but thought that I have been "lurking around" 
> long enough and would like to introduce myself.  My name is Ed Deckert, and 
> I live in North Carolina.  I am brand spanking new to collecting meteorites, 
> but have been collecting terrestrial rocks and minerals for several years. 
> I also do some lapidary work (cutting and polishing rocks and minerals) and 
> hope to apply that to meteorites as well.
> Like the proverbial "kid in a candy store," I have been buying up various 
> specimens to start building a collection.  I got bitten by the meteorite bug 
> at a recent Astronomy related event (Tri Star) that is cosponsored by my 
> local Astronomy Club.  I have purchased some bulk NWA material that I am 
> going to make available at next year's Tri Star as a fund raiser for my 
> club, donating all profit to the club (probably at the expense of a few 
> extra bucks on my part giving away some pieces to kids and teachers - but 
> I've been doing similar things with the terrestrial minerals for years, so 
> it actually will feel good.)
> I hope to learn much from this group, and I do hope that when I ask a newbie 
> question, nobody takes offense.
> Regards for now,
> Ed 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - May 22, 2006

2006-05-21 Thread joseph_town
As Martin said, "Wonders of the universe".

Thanks for ALL the pics,

 -- Original message --
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] One serious question for the list.

2006-05-16 Thread joseph_town
Two new California strewnfields! I'm excited. What are the coordinates?


 -- Original message --
From: Ruben Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mike and List,
> Many on this list seem to overlook the amazing
> accomplishments of some, but it doesn't only apply to
> Lunar finds. 
> Not long ago Mike Miller announced he had found yet
> another breath-taking 4 kilo Glorieta. With the
> exception one or two emails it went virtually
> unmentioned on the list.  
> Just a few weeks before that Sonny Clary announced
> that he and Rob Reisener discovered 7 new meteorites
> in the Nevada desert within the last year.Nothing!
> They also discovered not one, but two new strewn
> fields in California STILL NOTHING!
> However, mention whether or not Steve Arnold (Chicago)
> Has permission to from his better half to continue
> collecting meteorites and watch the emails pour in. 
> Ruben
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Watson Australia image

2006-05-15 Thread joseph_town
That is an amazing pattern. It looks like a satellite image of an unplanned 
urban area.


 -- Original message --
From: Elton Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello Matt,
> Your message was lost in cyberspace a while so my question is going back 
> a few weeks. 
> This is an amazing meteorite with a some complicated history.  Watson 
> clearly looks disrupted-- in chunks no less-- the orientations of the 
> crystal latices have been jumbled. Some of those look like they have 
> been remixed and regrown briefly. Others are too course to have grown in 
> a small body in a short time, suggesting they are original.  
> Conventional wisdom is that a melt would cause the taenite and kamacite 
> to remix.  However this would not necessarily be so as this specimen 
> seems to indicate.  Seems in a full remelt, the lattices would be 
> realigned throughout the mass and of consistent size.I see several 
> bent laminae and near the tip of the chondritic inclusion are intermixed 
> lobes, which suggest to me that this deformation was produced by an 
> extrusion/ductile process versus a melt.  This is remarkable in that a 
> chondritic "slug" was embedded in the iron.  So I then mused to myself  
> how do you shoot  a slug of H-chondritic meteorite into an iron mass and 
> fail to turn it into glass.  I don't think you can.  I surmise this is a 
> case of the iron parent deforming over/through the silicate parent and 
> this slug was pinched off as the iron barreled through the silicate, 
> folding in behind it.
> Questions for you or the list. 
> Are there any other published or unpublished theories as to its history?
> Has anyone ever discussed the occurrence of a "brecciated" iron?
> Are there any other irons that have a similar brecciated appearance?
> and in the "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" Category...
> Does this H-clast meet the criteria to be a separatley named meteorite?
> Thanks for posting I find it facinating.
> Elton
> Matt Morgan wrote:
> > Some of you who collect irons may enjoy this pic of Watson, Australia, 
> > type IIE with an H-chondrite clast.
> > This piece came from Robert Haag collection and was just refinished.  
> > It is a really interesting meteorite!
> > Matt Morgan
> >
> > 
> >
> > Close-up of clast and etch.
> > 
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] Tunguska Blast: Dietary Supplement Launched

2006-05-15 Thread joseph_town
I have to add that to my collection of patent medicines and snake oil. Nice 
looking bottle too.


 -- Original message --
From: "Pete Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Everyone save your cutting dust - there will eventually be a market for it!
> (Hippies. Sheesh!)
> From: Ron Baalke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: (Meteorite Mailing List)
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Tunguska Blast: Dietary Supplement Launched
> Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 08:59:49 -0700 (PDT)
> Tunguska Blast: Dietary Supplement Launched by CyberWize Conferences in
> 34 Cities Attended by Thousands
> The Tunguska Effect Tunguska Blast is a powerful dietary supplement
> originating from the miracle of 1908. This proprietary botanical formula
> provides nutrition as unique and significant as the event that made it
> possible. Now the miracle of Tunguska can be delivered right to your
> door. Order Tunguska Blast and start experiencing the full Tunguska Effect.
> (PRWEB) May 15, 2006 -- On March 4, 2006, area resident Monique Adams (a
> CyberWize Independent Business Owner) attended one of the 34 "Blast Off"
> events held in cities throughout the United States The conferences were
> attended by thousands of CyberWize Independent Business Owners (IBOs),
> and the launch was described by CyberWize President and CEO Mark McCool
> as, "A dramatic indication of the enthusiasm among our customers for
> this next-generation supplement."
> Tunguska Blast is formulated entirely from herbs and other plants
> harvested in the Tunguska River Valley in Siberia, Russia. The Tunguska
> River Valley is a site of geological and historical importance. On the
> morning of June 30, 1908, the valley was powerfully shaken by a
> mysterious event that felled more than 200 million trees over a space of
> 850 square miles. Scientists speculate the event may have been the
> airburst of a meteor, and the event is often cited when scientists
> anticipate the possibility of the earth passing too close to a comet.
> Today, the Tunguska Valley has become a thriving oasis. Plants in
> Tunguska have been reported to grow at four times their normal rate to
> as much as three times their normal size. CyberWize harvests and
> co-extracts the ten herbs and other plants believed to be the most
> phyto-nutrient supercharged. The result: Tunguska Blast is the only
> completely natural nutritional supplement delivering all the benefits of
> the "Tunguska Effect".
> was incorporated in 1998 with home offices in Sarasota,
> FL. CyberWize products are retailed directly by Independent Business
> Owners (IBOs) in all 50 United States and internationally. For more
> information about Tunguska Blast, contact your CyberWize Independent
> Business Owner Monique Adams at:
> cell: 301-641-1142
> ###
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] BREAK! For the love of meteorites, STOP -- COMET 73/P

2006-05-14 Thread joseph_town
Pete Pete,

Not to slight all the experts on the met-list, try 
They are hardcore specialists.


 -- Original message --
From: "Pete Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi, Sterling and Doug,
> Thanks for your valued input.
> Regarding the 2022 shower, I was wondering how different that spectacle will 
> be considering it won't be the normal dust-to-pea-sized coma debris, but 
> more likely some considerable chunks included, due to the current and nicely 
> timed disintegration.
> Armegaddon!? What side of the planet should we be on then? (-Rhetorical ;])
> At this rate of break-up, is it possible that there won't be a comet left 
> for a return trip from around the sun?
> Cheers,
> Pete
> From: "Sterling K. Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Meteorite List" 
> ,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"Pete Pete" 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BREAK! For the love of meteorites, STOP -- 
> COMET 73/P
> Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 03:08:50 -0500
> Hi, Pete,
> Your message came just in time. I was typing a snide remark
> about the Hematitic Lump From Mars. (Somebody forward to
> this guy Göran Axelsson's picture of the identical "tone rock"
> in Sweden at a church, and explain to the guy that he got God's
> message all mixed up -- he's supposed to use his rock as the
> bell for his church, not sell it on eBay!)
> What bothers me about Comet 73P is this: It can't be a
> "new" comet (even though we discovered it in 1930). The orbit
> is too stable for the comet to have recently been thrown in
> there. It's been around for centuries, probably millennia, in
> this same orbit. Yet, it has unraveled so quickly and easily.
> Once it started to come apart, sometime between 1990
> and 1995, it has split, re-split, fractured. If you go back and
> read the earliest studies this pass, the authors clearly expected
> that whatever splits had occured at the time they wrote to
> be the extent of splitting when they passed the Earth.
> Three fragments would be visible, they said. Whoops, make
> that six fragments. Uh-oh, make that 9, 12, 30. I'm not making fun
> of the researchers, but our experience of split comets is that
> this disintegration takes a while. 73P has just gone to hell
> overnight. It must be very, very weak, they say.
> OK, BUT... If it's that weak, what has been holding it
> together for the last 75 years (and for centuries before
> that)? Thermal stress is pegged as the likely culprit for the
> breakup, but it's been exposed to the Sun for a long time.
> How could it have survived so long if it was this fragile?
> My guess answer is that the fragile material was probably
> adhered to something that wasn't fragile, like a small rocky core.
> This small dark object would have been completely shielded
> from the Sun by the weak porous fluffy ices that surrounded
> it and made up the outer body of the comet.
> But once a good chunk of those ices cracks off from a tiny
> impact or from thermal stress, it exposes a portion of the dark
> rock core to sunlight; the rock warms and more fragments of
> icy fluff soon come loose. They're too small to survive and rapidly
> break up in a cascade of fragments, as we've seen. A bare dark
> rock object is left behind in an orbit similar to the other fragments,
> but it's too distant to be detected... yet.
> I'm looking forward to the discovery of a small Earth-crossing
> asteroid in 2011, 2016, 2022 with an orbit very like Comet 73P!
> It would not be a big one. The pre-breakup 73P nucleus was only
> 1000-1200 feet in diameter; a core is unlikely to be more than
> a few hundred feet across (30 to 80 meters), I hope, instead of
> 400 meters.
> Despite the fact that meteor showers are so showy, no fall
> has ever been associated with them. Only one fall was ever
> witnessed during a meteor shower and recovered, and it
> was an iron, a complete coincidence. The biggest fragments
> in a meteor shower are smaller than a pea, moving very fast,
> and in for a short bright ride, then Pffft!  Small junk never
> makes it through the atmosphere.
> Predicting future meteor shower orbits is the most thankless
> job in number crunching. Some people like it for that very
> reason. Every little piece of cometary material is capable of
> puffing little jets of gas; every little jet is a thrust; every thrust
> alters the precise orbit somewhat; the thrusts go on for months
> with progressive orbital changes, like ion engines. Some jets
> are on rotating bodies, so the thrusts are like pinwheel jets,
> pushing this way then that way. To quote Charlton Heston
> in Planet of the Apes, "It's a madhouse! A madhouse!"
> How spectacular a close comet approach is depends
> not only on how close but on how big. The close approach
> of a really big fresh long-period comet is probably the most
> spectacular thing that is visible in the sky, apart fr

RE: [meteorite-list] For the love of meteorites, STOP

2006-05-13 Thread joseph_town
The man isn't interested in selling it. It's his ploy. A way to attract 
attention. No amount of effort matters to him. He won't sell his lucky charm 
now or in the future. Expect to see his ad for years to come unless ebay stops 


 -- Original message --
From: "Pete Pete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi, Mike,
> I guess you didn't read any of the early posts in this thread - it CAN be 
> solved!
> Gary has some samples for the lab, and there will soon be a legitimate, 
> definitive end to it.
> No one thinks it's from Mars, or Voltar, but it seems to me that if you have 
> a scientific interest in meteorites and their composition, then an interest 
> in terrestrial geology would be quite natural.
> That rock does have some interesting properties.
> Like Gary said - if it is found to be a mineral worth a couple of bucks, the 
> guy can sell it honestly for what it really is.
> Cheers,
> Pete
> From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'metlist'" 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] For the love of meteorites, STOP
> Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 18:54:50 -0700
> My god people, I was in Dallas and barely 3 hours later by the time I flew
> home, there are more than 30 new messages regarding the stupid fake mars
> rock on ebay. We have been dealing with this fruitcake for years, so please,
> STOP FEEDING THE FRENZY and forget this nutjob.
> I for one, am sick of reading about something that can not be solved and we
> really have no right to argue about.
> Michael Farmer
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: AW: AW: [meteorite-list] fake Mars back on ebay charset="iso-8859-1"

2006-05-13 Thread joseph_town
What is all this? Why is everyone wasting their breath? The man must be pretty 
slick. Gary sure seems to be quite taken with him. Like any charleton he'll use 
whatever means he has to achieve his ends. The sickest part is that it's in the 
name of religion. I'm sure he doesn't give a hoot about meteorites. He should 
be ashamed of himself. Promoting God as truth by setting up an ebay sideshow 
based on a pack of bizzare lies.

I don't believe for a second that he isn't fully aware of his actions. I wonder 
how many people he's taken in as a result of his ebay "sale". I imagine a lot, 
or he wouldn't keep running this hogwash. That ad of his is a flytrap for poor 
deluded minds of which there is no shortage unfortunately. Ebay is a place to 
trade in merchandise not souls. Ebay should strip him of his pulpit. Would they 
have allowed tickets for the Hale-Bopp spaceship to be sold there? Jim Jones 
vacation packages. Ministry my ass. Geese.


 -- Original message --
From: "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > and the sky would be blue and the roses and the hematite of New Hampshire
> > would blossom redder than eve
> Very entertaining Martin.  But regarding dreams - a man without dreams is a 
> hollow man.  
> I seek the truth in this thing.  I have not made conclusions ahead of 
> evidence.  
> But I do 
> believe there is SOME value to that specimen that is due the man who found 
> it.  
> Let him 
> think its from Mars.  If UNH ends up with a nice display piece for their 
> geology 
> department - for a fair price to the finder, where is the harm?
> Gary
> > Sir 34:1-7 
> > The hopes of a man void of understanding are vain and false: 
> > and dreams lift up fools. 
> > Whoso regardeth dreams is like him that catcheth at a shadow, 
> > and followeth after the wind. The vision of dreams is the resemblance of one
> > thing to another, even as the likeness of a face to a face. 
> > Of an unclean thing what can be cleansed? and from that thing 
> > which is false what truth can come? 
> > Divinations, and soothsayings, and dreams, are vain: and the 
> > heart fancieth, as a woman's heart in travail. 
> > If they be not sent from the most High in thy visitation, set 
> > not thy heart upon them. 
> > For dreams have deceived many, and they have failed that put 
> > their trust in them. 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: The other Brenham hunter

2006-05-12 Thread joseph_town
It looks like Geoff is determined to get his 15 minutes of shame.


 -- Original message --
From: "Notkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear Listees:
> My friend Butch found something here about a new meteorite-hunting 
> family TV show, and asked me to post it to the List.
> I think this show is a must-see:   
> Geoff N.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Buyer beware has many meanings

2006-05-06 Thread joseph_town
As usual, this negative thread was started and nurtured by you. The only 
frenzied feeder is Adam Hupe, feeding his own ego.


 -- Original message --
From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I see our friend, Bill is off his meds again. I figured you would join the
> same wolfpack again as soon as the feeding frenzy began.  It is interesting
> to see the same personalities come out for the fray, time and time again. I
> guess every nasty thing out there is now coming out of the woodwork.  Bill,
> when is the last time you had something nice say to somebody?
> Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Buyer beware has many meanings

2006-05-06 Thread joseph_town
The first meteorites I purchased were from the Hupes. As soon as I heard Adam 
open his mouth, I read everything in the archives that related to him. For 
obvious reasons, I never bought from him again. His arrogance and avarice 
inspired me to caution. I concluded that there must be more like him in this 
business. I was correct. For that I thank him.

He's an extreme on one end of the scale as golfyx was on the other. Adam has 
succeeded in buying his way to what he perceives as credibility but for my 
money he has less than many of the bottom feeders. He just keeps getting worse. 
All that potential for good wasted. He's as mad as the proverbial hatter. 
Quality and integrity are not synonymous, especially when considering a 
purchase from Adam.

Why would anyone finance this money grubbing husk of an empty soul by buying 
his treacherously hyped booty?

Take Care,

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Tagish Lake petri dish

2006-04-25 Thread joseph_town
Hi all,

I've been following this story for a while. I'm sure many on the list have as 
well. My question is simple. How can a meteorite that has traveled through our 
murky atmosphere, excuse me Canada, that falls on the surface of a lake and has 
been stored in some guys freezer be considered as pristine as if none of those 
things happened?

I can see that his stuff might be in a better state of preservation than most 
but will the tater tots smeared on it be a subject of new studies and 
scientific conjecture? Were they just stored in a household freezer all these 
years? If so they have been in a petri dish.


 -- Original message --
From: "Armando Afonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Calgary - To scientists, they are priceless clues about the origins of 
> life, but now, six years after he found some frozen meteorite fragments 
> that weigh roughly as much as two blocks of butter, a Canadian has 
> cashed in.
>The price tag: $750,000.
>And as a bonus, the space rocks that landed in Canada and were poised 
> to go to the United States are staying here.
>"It's been a little tortuous at times," Jim Brook said yesterday from 
> his home in Atlin, in the northwest corner of British Columbia, not far 
> from where the meteorite crashed to Earth.
>"There was no significant interest in Canada for quite a while, and 
> eventually, we were able to get something lined up, so I'm glad they're 
> staying," Mr. Brook said.
>The meteorite fragments will be housed at the University of Alberta 
> in Edmonton and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
>For almost seven million years, the space rock travelled at 10 
> kilometres a second and covered a distance of a half-billion kilometres 
> before it collided with the Earth's atmosphere in January, 2000.
>The 200-tonne rock was between 25 and 30 kilometres above the ground 
> when it exploded and emerged as a fireball over parts of British 
> Columbia and Yukon.
>Several hundred pieces, some as large as footballs, landed on frozen 
> Tagish Lake, which straddles the B.C. and Yukon boundary.
>Miraculously, about 850 grams of the Tagish Lake meteorite remained 
> in a pristine state.
>The fragments were frozen and uncontaminated despite a fiery descent 
> to Earth.
>"This material is extremely rare," said Sonia Lismer, manager of 
> movable cultural property with Canadian Heritage, which kicked in more 
> than $437,000 to keep the meteorite in Canada.
>Mr. Brook, who is a resort operator and has a scientific background, 
> missed the light show, but a week later, he spotted the dark chunks of 
> rock while driving his pickup across the lake.
>He knew not to contaminate them by touching them with his bare hands.
>"It's pretty amazing when you consider that they came down right 
> there on the lake and at that time of year, when there was some snow 
> around," he said at the time.
>"The whole thing was a real stroke of luck."
>He put the rock fragments in his freezer.
>Researchers determined that the meteorite, which is fragile and more 
> ice-like than rock-hard, was the first to come from a thick band of 
> asteroids between Mars and Jupiter.
>NASA scientists found previously unseen organic material in the 
> carbonaceous chondrite fragments. They detected tiny globules of 
> hydrocarbons, which were formed long before our own solar system and 
> are the perfect homes for primitive organisms.
>Under Canadian law, meteorites belong to the person who finds them. 
> Mr. Brook began shopping the fragments around.
>He found buyers in the United States, but Ottawa turned down his 
> application for an export permit because it aims to keep cultural 
> property of outstanding significance and national importance at home.
>Last June, the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board, an 
> independent tribunal, gave federally designated Canadian institutions 
> six months to match the market value of the rocks. If they failed, Mr. 
> Brook could sell them as he pleased.
>The University of Alberta, the Royal Ontario Museum, Natural 
> Resources Canada and the Canadian Space Agency began fundraising, but 
> applied for federal grants to make up a $313,000 gap.
>The grants were approved late last year and announced yesterday.
>"It's going to enable a really wonderful camaraderie of experts 
> sharing this material for research and it's going to build on the 
> existing research that has already taken place with NASA and that 
> research is going to extend globally," Ms. Lismer said.
>The University of Alberta has 650 grams of the fragments and the ROM 
> has 200 grams. The ROM will display a 52-gram fragment.
>Christopher Herd, a professor with the department of Earth and 
> atmospheric sciences at the University of Alberta, said the frozen 
> fragments will allow researchers to see organic molecules that are 
> naturally within the meteorite as wel

[meteorite-list] "Aventura del Monte Meteorite"

2006-04-14 Thread joseph_town
Am I the only one that sees a strong resemblance to Sikhote Alin?

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] ...advice please!

2006-04-12 Thread joseph_town

I've taken some brutal losses on ebay. That's business. If a seller doesn't 
want to take a chance they should set a reserve or a starting price that's 
comfortable for them and takes their investment into consideration. I don't 
think the dilemma is yours. It's the sellers problem.

If you're feeling sympathetic to the sellers plight, you could offer a 
compromise. If a compromise isn't acceptable to the seller, not only is the bad 
karma on him, it also shows bad intent on his part from the start. He did say 
he understands the "spirit of ebay". He may even have a better offer from 
another bidder.

Good luck,

 -- Original message --
From: "Dave Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I am in a moral dilemma here and I need a few opinions!
> I have just won an item on eBay at a VERY low price - about a 10th of it's
> value.  The buyer has emailed me thus:
> "hello there. im afraid there is no way i can let this item go at such a low
> price!!! i bought it for nearly £250 and i know its not in the spirit of
> ebay but i only put it up for sale because i need the money. you can offer a
> fair price or we can leave it here. cliff thanks for your interest"
> Now, I have been in similar situations myself whereby I have sold stuff
> (notably 1g of platinum for $11) and have completed the saleand it hurt!
> Now, karma wise I feel I should let him off the hook, on the other hand we
> have entered into a contract and I feel he is obliged to complete the sale.
> Should I insist that he sells it to me, or should I play the nice guy and
> let him off!!!
> Awaiting your considered advice!!!
> Best!
> dave
> IMCA #0092
> BTW - this is a terrestrial rock, not a meteorite!
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Aziz oriented

2006-04-12 Thread joseph_town
Here's the link.


 -- Original message --
From: Matt Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Does anyone still have the link to the photos?
> -- 
> ===
> Matt Morgan
> Mile High Meteorites
> P.O. Box 151293
> Lakewood, CO 80215 USA
> ebay id: mhmeteorites
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A must for every meteorite, er medicine cabinet

2006-04-10 Thread joseph_town
Great item. I've been collecting antique bottles and old patent medicine 
ephemera for over 30 years. It's the first one I've seen that was "meteorite 
related". The snake oil trade never changes.



 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Horejsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 02-0760012-0800849?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=3760901
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Willamette slice

2006-04-06 Thread joseph_town
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Dinosaur egg smuggler fined

2006-03-16 Thread joseph_town

Illegally exported dinosaur eggs.

March 16, 2006 - 11:54AM

An Australian mineral dealer who pleaded guilty to smuggling fossilised 
dinosaur eggs from China to the United States flies home tonight.

Tamas "Thomas" Kapitany, 45, will spend a year on criminal probation and was 
fined $27,175 in a plea bargain made to avoid trial, US authorities say.

Kapitany operates Crystal World in Melbourne, described on its website as 
carrying Australia's largest range of mineral, meteorite and fossil specimens.

Crystal World was open for business today, but Kapitany's daughter, Rachael, 
would not comment on the case.

She said Kapitany would speak about the incident tomorrow after his return to 

"I'm not prepared to comment other than to say Thomas Kapitany is due back in 
the country tomorrow and as far as I'm aware everything has been sorted out," 
she said,

Kapitany also agreed to forfeit fossils seized by US investigators, according 
to Tammy Wilson of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

"These prehistoric treasures rightfully belong to China and the Chinese 
people," said David Nehls, assistant special agent in charge for ICE 
investigations at Los Angeles International Airport.

"It is shameful that someone would plunder specimens like this from another 
nation simply to pleasure hobbyists and line their own pockets."

US officials will coordinate with Chinese authorities to determine what to do 
with the fossils, according to ICE.

Starting as far back as 1999, Kapitany snuck eggs, which are deemed protected 
relics under Chinese law, from eastern China to California by labelling them 
minerals or geological specimens, prosecutors said.

Kapitany smuggled the eggs in through airports in the southern California 
cities of Los Angeles and San Diego, according to Wilson.

Federal agents seized more than 140 boxes of smuggled eggs from a warehouse in 
the city of El Cajon.

The plea came just weeks after ICE agents raided a gem and fossil show in 
Tucson, Arizona, and confiscated almost eight tons of rare fossils including 
dinosaur eggs and prehistoric pinecones evidently smuggled out of Argentina.

The fossils were being sold by Argentina-based vendor Rhodo Company.

That ICE investigation is ongoing and no arrests have been made.

A statement posted on the Crystal World website headed "A day in the life of a 
fossil dealer" describes a raid on its properties by Australian Federal 
Government agents.

"The Department of Movable Cultural Heritage upon requests from the Chinese and 
Argentine governments have decided to seize all fossils belonging to these 
countries, even though dealers and collectors have [been] importing specimens 
for over 30 years to my knowledge," it said.

It went on: "There is obviously a need for control and legislation to protect 
and preserve important sites.

"The stolen dinosaur footprints from Western Australia obviously highlight this.

"I believe that it is important to have enforcement and controls in place so 
long that it is done rationally, without intimidation and harassment, which at 
the moment is not the case."
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] enough already!

2006-03-12 Thread joseph_town
The consequences would only be more spam. Corollary spam if you like. By that 
rule we are all entitled to a dozen retaliatory spams rebutting Steve in the 
next eleven days. 10 more for me since I've already used 2. Dean made a good 
point. Just complain to Art.


Being spammed with anti spamming spam isn't progess either.

> Perhaps to keep the list from being overwhelmed with negative vibes we should 
> have a corrollary (sp?) rule:
> Only criticize the same offense once.
> Or better yet, keep the criticism off list.
> Mike Fowler
> Chicago
> Being spammed with anti spamming is not progress!
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Empty quarter expedition

2006-03-11 Thread joseph_town§ion=0&article=79071&d=12&m=3&y=2006&pix=kingdom.jpg&category=Kingdom
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] OT enough already

2006-03-11 Thread joseph_town

Please note that I didn't make any negative comments or do any "bashing" in 
that post. No one is "picking" on you. These were your ADS, all listed in only 
a few days. You even managed to turn THIS post into another AD.

If you are having difficulties in your personal life, you have my sympathy but 
this doesn't give you a license to spam us with ADS. Do yourself a favor and 
read Adams last comment, or have someone read it to you, about 50 times.


 -- Original message --
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I seem to remember last year at this time,the jump all over steve arnold
> parade was hitting high pitch fever.Well it seems it is starting again.All
> because I send out to many posts.This has gotten beat to death.I do not
> like it,but I have gotten used to it.Life is is just way to short to let
> this get me down.Anyway I relisted 2 specimens that someone backed out of
> wanting them.They are the 60 gram endcut of NWA 2690 howardite and the 50
> gram individual o NWA 1929.Lets please stop the bashing.And bill k.,we do
> not need you start the old process.Just let it go.
>   steve
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Hello list

2006-03-10 Thread joseph_town
Hello list.It is a sad day for me.I have decided to leave meteorites.I am 
putting up most of my collection forsale.I will keep a few speciemns,but by 
large,most will be up forsale.I will put up on my website what I will be 
selling.Lets just say,I value you my marriage more than I do meteorites.Let me 
know what you want and I will get back to you.Again it has been a fun ride.I 
have met alot of great people,but it is better to leave this hobby with my head 
held up high.And I am sorry to have offened anyone. 

Hello again list.I have put some nice pieces up on my website.Payment will be 
by money order,check,cash or cashiers check.NO MORE PAYPAL.I closed out my 
account.I will add more later. steve arnold,chicago 

Hello again list.I have 31 meteorites up forsale on my website.I believe the 
prices are fair.Shipping will be at your expence.I will add some more later,but 
right now it is the right thing to do.I am not willing to give up my wife,whom 
I love very much for meteorites. steve arnold,chicago 

Good afternoon list.I have added 10 new pieces to my sale.Some park forest 
pieces as well,also a few nwa's, and some others.Prices are firm.The only 
difference is,I will pay shipping anywhere in the world.Also I will continue to 
be around on the list,but just alot more invisible.I really need to get my 
priorities in order and realize that life is alot more important than 
meteorites.I am not getting any younger so I want that income there when I am 
ready to retire,and not setting on the shelf.I still have a great collection,so 
I will not miss these if they sell.And I hope they do.Contact me off list for 
any sales and thanks to all who emailed me. steve arnold,chicago 

Hi list.I will except trades on all the park forest pieces or the pena blanca 
springs piece.BUT NO IRONS.Only stones!Also no nwa's either.The rest of the 
prices on the pieces are still the same.Thanks so far to those who have bought 
from me. steve 

Hello list.I was told by a list member that I have posted to much of this 
subject,but this will be my last one.I now have 50 pieces up forsale or 
trade.If we trade,please stones only or mesosiderites.I put up 4 more canyon 
diablo's and a 60 gram endcut of NWA 2690,which is a howardite.Contact me 
offlist. steve

Hello list.I am opening up the half off anything on my website for half off 
just thru sunday on anything there is.But like everything else,trades are 
always welcome.Just stones please.Let me know what you have.I did add a few 
more things.Remember just thru sunday. steve arnold,chicago 
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Whole individual

2006-03-09 Thread joseph_town

Back to the whole individual question. Really fresh specimens can be confusing 
at a glance. Many appear to be fragments with fresh exposed matrix, exposed as 
if they broke on impact with a hard surface. After a second look I see the 
light matrix from the exposed face frosted over the fusion crust without any 
sign of secondary ablation color change. Flakes of heavy crust missing with 
splotches remaining, like missing shuttle tiles, the exposed matrix still 
pristine showing no secondary burn. Spatters of metal splashed on the outside 
of the black crust like someone splashed solder on it. 

It appears that heat was no longer the primary factor involved, so what ensued 
in those final seconds or a fraction, that determined these effects? Are these 
common characteristics of a fresh chondrite fall? If not, maybe the velocity 
was greater than prescribed. Could the last blast of a fragmenting, soon to be 
meteorite, cause the fragments to gain velocity, lose heat and undergo changes 
caused by pressure alone?

It's difficult enough for me to comprehend fresh stuff. It's crazy to think 
about finds and how to decide if they are whole individuals.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] FW: (meteorobs) claimed meteorite fall in Bangladesh

2006-03-08 Thread joseph_town
Thanks to Ed Cannon.

-- Forwarded Message: --
From: Ed Cannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (meteorobs) claimed meteorite fall in Bangladesh
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 04:05:23 +
> This website, of the Anushandhitshu Chokro Science Organization,
> Bangladesh, has an image of a claimed meteorite, and also of a
> (somewhat excavated, I'm sure) hole in the ground where it hit,
> on January 31 at 4:30 PM local time:
> Here's a news story about the same event:
> There's a better, larger photo of the meteorite on this page,
> near the bottom under the title "Nuova Meteorite Caduta in
> Bangladesh":
> Ed Cannon - Austin, Texas, USA
> ---
> Mailing list meteorobs: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] 50 items up for trade and sale

2006-03-08 Thread joseph_town
And yet you chose to disregard that advice.


 -- Original message --
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello list.I was told by a list member that I have posted to much of this
> subject,but this will be my last one.I now have 50 pieces up forsale or
> trade.If we trade,please stones only or mesosiderites.I put up 4 more
> canyon diablo's and a 60 gram endcut of NWA 2690,which is a
> howardite.Contact me offlist.
>   steve
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

OT: Re: [meteorite-list] Bill's Comments

2006-03-03 Thread joseph_town
Thanks Mark,

You're a gentleman and a scholar.


 -- Original message --
> Bob Evans wrote, "I'll use a photo of your meteorite specimen, but, don't 
> use my words in your auction "
> I think that was a little misleading Bob. I was using the photo before he 
> purchased the specimen, and again I have permission.  I will stop using it, 
> because I would not, knowing promote anything to do with Bill.
> I do not have a problem with people using the newspaper articles….in fact, I 
> hope you do.  If more people used them it would make sure they did not get 
> lost.  Time is funny like that.
> I have spent thousands of hours and dollars searching microfilm and my 
> website…around 700-800 pages, is not exactly free for me to run.  I do think 
> it is fair to give me credit.
> I have recovered multiple newspapers for pretty every meteorite fall, it is 
> somewhat amazing…I can fill a DVD with pdf‘s.  The articles also tell the 
> history of the meteorite people and the science.   I don’t post many of the 
> papers anymore…because I have posted about almost every fall already.  The 
> website only archives about 1/5 of less of what my database has.  I will 
> find someway to preserve these for the future as it would be a shame for 
> them to get lost….again.  And continue looking for others.
> Besides courtesy, there is other reasons to e-mail me.  Such, in this case, 
> the newspaper it is one of the first I put up on the site, and several of 
> you likely noticed an error in it.  My transcript on file now has the 
> spelling error correct. Also, the transcript now in my archives has a little 
> additional archive information.  Such as  "Paper: The Fort Wayne Sentinel" 
> instead of "Paper: Fort Wayne Sentinel" and “Page: 3 (of 8), instead of just 
> “Page 3”.
> Clear Skies,
> Mark Bostick
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Re: Bill's Comments

2006-03-03 Thread joseph_town
Dear Mark,

Please be so kind as to stop representing your NWA 3118 crumbs with the photo 
of my specimen. I might want to sell it in the future and your use of it might 
be detrimental to my sale.


 -- Original message --
> Hello Bill and list,
> I can not steal something from you that you don't own Bill.  You did not 
> take that photograph and you do not have any rights to it. I have permission 
> from the photographer...Dean Bessey.  As many of you know, me and Dean have 
> worked together many times in the past.
> I am also not aware of you asking for me not to use it.  You are blocked on 
> my e-mail server because of your past e-mails.  If you are somewhat new to 
> the list, search the archives and read Bill's history of postings.
> Clear Skies,
> Mark Bostick

Meteorite-list mailing list

RE: [meteorite-list] AD - Ebay auctions

2006-03-03 Thread joseph_town

How about the photo you have been using and are currently using of my NWA 3118 
specimen? I asked you several times to use another and you never replied. Clean 
up your own act.


 -- Original message --
> Hello Matteo,
> One of your auctions, 
> Looks as though you took the information from my website,
> If you can not write your own descriptions, you should at least give me 
> credit for my research.
> Clear Skies,
> Mark Bostick
> Wichita, Kansas
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Whole individual

2006-03-01 Thread joseph_town
Hi all,

What is the exact definition of a whole individual? Is it considered whole as 
long as it hasn't been altered by man? To me any stone that was found is a 
whole individual or at least an indivdual even though it may have fragmented in 
flight. What are the parameters?


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] If I can choose.....! (was: a reply to Hupeand Farmer)

2006-02-23 Thread joseph_town
No other celestial body has influenced so many of us as much as the moon. We 
it smiling down all our lives. Give me lunar!


PS The Sun doesn't count :P

 -- Original message --
From: "stan ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You guys arent thinking big enough - if we get to choose the kind of 
> meteorite that crashes down on our own house - i'd like my 100 kg orientated 
> martian to have 2 little bumbs sticking out of the (bubbly) crusted back 
> side of the stone. when excavated those bumps will turn out to be the eye 
> stalks of one of those nifty spiney trilobites.
> in comparison a piece of mercury is just another rock! :)
> >From: David Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] If I can choose.! (was: a reply to 
> >Hupeand  Farmer)
> >Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 21:11:06 -0500
> >
> >Hi Anne,
> >
> >Aubrites are pretty cool for sure, but I'd rather choose a mercurian to add 
> >my collection (if I don't already have one in the guise of an angrite).
> >
> >David
> >__
> >Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Wanted:AD

2006-02-17 Thread joseph_town
Not this old song and dance again...


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Strange two-tone rock on Mars

2006-02-08 Thread joseph_town
It looks like a slug bursting out of an eggroll.


 -- Original message --
> Hello all,
> I didn't see this posted, but with Tucson and all, forgive me if it slipped 
> by my screen unnoticed.
> Any thoughts?
> Clear Skies,
> Mark Bostick
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] World-Wide Meteorite Signs Project-You Can Help!

2006-02-08 Thread joseph_town
Hmmm. What's wrong with this picture?


 -- Original message --
From: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Martin,
> Project B, buy a meteorite hunter cap from Cottingham
> Picture-project:
> s/med-castle_snow.jpg
> Neuschwanstein EL6,
> my homeland meteorite...
> who can top this?
> Buckleboo!
> Martin
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Martin Horejsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Meteorite List" 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 8:35 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] World-Wide Meteorite Signs Project-You Can Help!
> Hi All,
> I needed another project like I needed another hole in my head. But
> while at the Tucson show I was combing my hair and noticed a nice
> little hole. So it must be time for another Meteorite Project.
> Everyone can help with this one, and it should be fun.
> We are collecting road signs, city signs etc. with meteorite names.
> And not just the name, but also some of the background or surrounding
> area along with the sign.
> The purpose is to be able to see what the place is like where the
> meteorite came from. Was it a dense jungle or a dry desert; a
> mountainous landscape or a car-clogged city?
> Anyway, please view this webisite for more details, and send in your
> pictures!
> Updates will follow as the project progresses. Until then...
> Cheers,
> Martin
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD, artifact from the PF strewnfield!

2006-02-07 Thread joseph_town
Don't miss this chance.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Strewnfield artifacts

2006-02-06 Thread joseph_town

I've discarded hundreds of rusty artifacts found in old dumps and the PF 
meteorite strewnfield. There's a 19th century dump located in the strewnfield. 
Is all the junk there significant? What defines these things as something other 
than junk?

I have a graniteware blue swirled teapot that looks like it was hit by a 


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Birth of the show?

2006-02-01 Thread joseph_town
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Newest Lunar meteorite on show at the Tucson Gem show.

2006-01-27 Thread joseph_town
Is there such a thing as a bad lunar meteorite?


 -- Original message --
From: Matt Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mike:
> How come every lunar you get is the best ever offered? I am sure it is 
> nice, but really, man.
> Matt Morgan
> Michael Farmer wrote:
> > Hi everyone.
> > It has been an extremely hectic and busy week in Tucson, Eric Olsen, 
> > Jim Strope and I,  have been setting up our room and shopping, so no 
> > report from Tucson until now.
> >
> > First thing first. Jim Strope and I have purchased the newest Lunar 
> > meteorite to grace private collections. It is NWA 2995, a simply 
> > unbelievably beautiful Lunar breccia. So fresh it is Weathering 0-1, 
> > and so gorgeous it took my breath away. We bought the stone on the spot.
> > It weighs 538 grams total, and is so fresh and full of clasts, that 
> > when sliced, it will likely be among the most beautiful Lunar 
> > meteorite ever offered to collectors.
> >
> >
> > Let us know what you think about this!
> >
> > See for yourself, then come to Inn Suites, Room 184 and see it in person.
> > It will blow your mind. While none will be available for sale until 
> > after the show,  we will have more Lunar and Mars specimens in our 
> > room that will likely be available in all of the rest of the rooms in 
> > Tucson.
> >
> > Now for the rest of the show. Technically, it opens tomorrow, so some 
> > rooms are still not open, but many are, so we have been running all 
> > over the city back and forth looking for goodies. I have already 
> > scored some of the best flight-oriented Sikhote-Alin meteorites that 
> > could exist. We also have 3-5 kilo Pallasite slices. The shipment from 
> > DHL arrived today, so Sunday we will have over 500 kilos of solid, 
> > handpicked NWA chondrites for sale, more than anywhere. I have seen 
> > very little available at any Moroccan tables.
> >
> > Steve Arnold is set up, and has more Brenham than has ever been seen 
> > in one place, and I must admit, I might be a tad jealous of the 
> > oriented one on display, it is a stunning find of a lifetime. I wonder 
> > if Steve will ever top that? And if he does, I have to see that.
> >
> > Anyway, I am tired, and have a ton of work to do tonight, so this will 
> > end my first Tucson report.
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> <><><><><>
> Matt Morgan
> Mile High Meteorites
> P.O. Box 151293
> Lakewood, CO 80215 USA
> eBay user id: mhmeteorites
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] OT climbing the walls, report spam

2006-01-26 Thread joseph_town
The spam report. I used to do it dilligently. Nothing changes. What's it all 


 -- Original message --
From: "Greg Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I also get at least a dozen such emails daily from different names. All have 
> nothing in the "To:" area. It seems this just started for me less than a 
> week ago. Very irritating as John wrote, almost more of those than 
> legitimate emails. I wonder if some jerk compiled all of our email addresses 
> to get even for sending him numerous emails back at him for his fake lunar 
> offerings??
> Take care,
> Greg
> - Original Message - 
> From: "JKGwilliam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Martin Altmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: But its start a nigerian meteorite scam?
> >I received the same basic letter but with a different name attached.  The 
> >Internet sure is getting cluttered these days, there are some days I get 
> >more spam that legitimate emails.
> >
> > JKGwilliam
> >
> >
> > At 05:30 AM 1/26/2006, Martin Altmann wrote:
> >>I recieved it too,
> >>but - and this is an general advice -
> >>I principially ignore emails, where the recipient's field is empty or
> >>contains not my exact address.
> >>
> >>Mew!
> >>PS:   Quick, we have a few still some Cohenite-Canyons left!
> >>
> >>- Original Message -
> >>To: 
> >>Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:46 PM
> >>Subject: [meteorite-list] Re: But its start a nigerian meteorite scam?
> >>
> >>
> >> > Got that one also. Infact, I just read it and I was going to be a
> >>smart-ass and ask Ms. Ashley King if she is a member of the IMCA. These
> >>people are absolutley crazy...  I get 15-20 of these emails a day, but 
> >>only
> >>in my new email account. (??)
> >> >
> >> > Ryan
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > -Original Message-
> >> > >From: Walter Branch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> > >Sent: Jan 26, 2006 5:39 AM
> >> > >To: M come Meteorite Meteorites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> >> > >Meteorite
> >>List 
> >> > >Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] But its start a nigerian meteorite scam?
> >> > >
> >> > >I received the same one yesterday.  Since I don't have a website from
> >>which
> >> > >I sell meteorites, I would say it is a scam email, like 50% of the 
> >> > >email
> >>I
> >> > >receive.
> >> > >
> >> > >-Walter Branch
> >> > >
> >> > >- Original Message -
> >> > >From: "M come Meteorite Meteorites" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> > >To: "Meteorite List" 
> >> > >Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 1:11 AM
> >> > >Subject: [meteorite-list] But its start a nigerian meteorite scam?
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >> Hello
> >> > >>
> >> > >> another strange email from a person want buy a
> >> > >> meteorite:
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Hello Saller,
> >> > >> Thanks for reading my mail..
> >> > >> This is Ashley king from Ontario,CANADA and i will
> >> > >> like to place an
> >> > >> Order
> >> > >> from your store,And i will like to know the shipp
> >> > >> charge to
> >> > >> Ontario,canada,
> >> > >> Payment Terms:  Credit Card
> >> > >> Shipping courier: TNT Door to Door
> >> > >> Needed your Website so that i can pick the items
> >> > >> that i need for
> >> > >> you.
> >> > >>  looking forward to hear soon from you...
> >> > >> My Best Regard.
> >> > >>   Ashley king
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >> a meteorite nigerian scam?
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Matteo
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >> M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
> >> > >> Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
> >> > >> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> > >> Sale Site:
> >> > >> Collection Site:
> >> > >> MSN Messanger: spacerocks at
> >> > >> EBAY.COM:
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >> ___
> >> > >> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice: chiama da PC a telefono a tariffe
> >>esclusive
> >> > >>
> >> > >> __
> >> > >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >>
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >__
> >> > >Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > __
> >> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>__
> >>Meteorite-list mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > 

[meteorite-list] Hey buddy, can you spare an achondrite?

2006-01-25 Thread joseph_town
Mooching is a science that is becoming ever popular.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Harvey Awards - New Catagory

2006-01-24 Thread joseph_town
Stuff plan B


 -- Original message --
From: "Greg Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Martin,
> There is always a plan B to "everything" ;-)
> Best regards,
> Greg 
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Martin Horejsi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Eduardo." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Harvey Awards - New Catagory
> Yes, of course!
> But I too have already nominated both of them already for a Harvey
> for, I am sure, the same reasons others have. Should Geoff and Steve
> not be able to receive an award of their own creation, I am sure,
> Greg, that you have a wonderful "Plan B" ready. Right?
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 1/24/06, Eduardo. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > yes!
> > Eduardo
> >
> >
> > > >
> > > > At 11:24 AM 1/24/2006, you wrote:
> > > >>Dear List Members,
> > > >>
> > > >>A month or two ago I posted to the list that I felt that Steve Arnold
> > > -
> > > >>IMB and Phil Mani should be nominated for a Harvey Award for their
> > > Huge
> > > >>Brenham Main Mass discovery and also Geoff Notkin for his tireless
> > > work on
> > > >>behalf of the Hurricane Katrina Fund Raiser among other too-numerous
> > > to
> > > >>list meteorite-related activities.
> > > >>
> > > >>I know that Geoff and Steve originally set up the Harvey Awards where
> > > they
> > > >>could not nominate themselves for an award. I would like all list
> > > members
> > > >>to join me here on the list to nominate these fine gentleman for a
> > > Harvey
> > > >>Award an encourage them to make a new category where they could
> > > receive an
> > > >>award if enough of us voted "YES" to this. Maybe they could create a
> > > >>"People's Choice" award or something along these lines.
> > > >>
> > > >>Everyone in favor, send the list a resounding "YES" and lets
> > > acknowledge
> > > >>their contributions and achievements in public.
> > > >>
> > > >>Consider this my "YES" vote...
> > > >>
> > > >>Best regards,
> > > >>
> > > >>Greg Hupe
> > > >>The Hupe Collection
> > > >>NaturesVault (eBay)
> > > >>IMCA 3163
> > > >>
> > > >>__
> > > >>Meteorite-list mailing list
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >
> > >
> > > __
> > > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Harvey Awards - New Catagory

2006-01-24 Thread joseph_town

Most of us don't give a about your scheme. You are an obtrusive individual. How 
many sites are you mining?


 -- Original message --
From: "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Repeating my privately sent YES
> Gary
> On 24 Jan 2006 at 15:38, Greg Hupe wrote:
> > Dear List Members,
> > 
> > Looks like a LOT of support for the "YES" vote for Geoff, Steve and Phil. I 
> > am getting a lot of votes directly to me but not to the list. Please send 
> > your vote to the list and if you are one of the several folks who have 
> > emailed your vote directly to me, feel free to send it again to the list 
> > because this has to be a public vote to show no bias, I do live in Florida 
> > and I wouldn't want a re-count ;-)
> > 
> > Best regards and Thanks again for supporting these three worthy award 
> > winners,
> > Greg
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Paul Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Greg Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:04 PM
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Harvey Awards - New Catagory
> > 
> > 
> > > YES!, Si!, Oui!, Ja!
> > >
> > > Paul
> > >
> > > At 11:24 AM 1/24/2006, you wrote:
> > >>Dear List Members,
> > >>
> > >>A month or two ago I posted to the list that I felt that Steve Arnold - 
> > >>IMB and Phil Mani should be nominated for a Harvey Award for their Huge 
> > >>Brenham Main Mass discovery and also Geoff Notkin for his tireless work 
> > >>on 
> > >>behalf of the Hurricane Katrina Fund Raiser among other too-numerous to 
> > >>list meteorite-related activities.
> > >>
> > >>I know that Geoff and Steve originally set up the Harvey Awards where 
> > >>they 
> > >>could not nominate themselves for an award. I would like all list members 
> > >>to join me here on the list to nominate these fine gentleman for a Harvey 
> > >>Award an encourage them to make a new category where they could receive 
> > >>an 
> > >>award if enough of us voted "YES" to this. Maybe they could create a 
> > >>"People's Choice" award or something along these lines.
> > >>
> > >>Everyone in favor, send the list a resounding "YES" and lets acknowledge 
> > >>their contributions and achievements in public.
> > >>
> > >>Consider this my "YES" vote...
> > >>
> > >>Best regards,
> > >>
> > >>Greg Hupe
> > >>The Hupe Collection
> > >>NaturesVault (eBay)
> > >>IMCA 3163
> > >>
> > >>__
> > >>Meteorite-list mailing list
> > >>
> > >>
> > > 
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] looks like slag

2006-01-24 Thread joseph_town
Wow Doug, you've been tripping since you were 7?


 -- Original message --
> Ed, Bernd, Well, I wish I had seen this message  to Bernd earlier - it made 
> me think of a trip I was on when I was about 7 years  old to "Batsto 
> Village".  
> This meteorwrong is most probably "Batsto Ore" or  "Batsto Slag".  Batsto ran 
> one of the larger foundries in the Pine Barrens  of New Jersey during the 
> American War of Independence and supplied George  Washington's troops with 
> this 
> finished product to add some iron to the Redcoats'  diets and the cannon 
> balls 
> to send many a British ship to rest with the  crustaceans at the bottom of 
> the 
> seas.  Certainly this is interesting  material, and the fact that it is far 
> from highways today doesn't necessary  reflect the situation of colonial 
> roads 
> and supply lines 230 years ago...There  were many foundries scattered through 
> the area near the pinelands, as the pine  was the fuel for the foundries and 
> the "ore" was found on the surface in many  places...
> A quick Google finds a nice picture of the ore material, and  other sites 
> mention that limonite deposits used as raw material in the area are  called 
> "bog 
> iron".Your meteorwrong has a British  pedigree!
> Here is another find from  the web, an advertisement from a 1775 store, I 
> believe in Philadelphia - shows  there was a lot of this stuff to go around:
> "TO BE SOLD,  By Little and  Flower, at their store in Second-street, six 
> doors above Arch-
> street, sixty  ton of Batsto pig iron,"
> Just found this,  
> Saludos,  Doug
> In a message dated 1/23/2006 4:39:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
> >Dear List,
> >Bernd  asked:
> >"Well, where exactly (state, area) did you find it? What do  you think its 
> specific gravity
> is? If it happens to look like a sphere, one  might easily (but roughly) 
> compute/estimate
> its specific  weight."
> >This material was found in New Jersey. The woods in which it  was found is 
> part of thousands of acres of undeveloped land (mostly state &  watershed 
> property). I was @ 30 miles in from the nearest road.
> >They  do not look like spheres.
> >As far as specific gravity, I have no  ideaa piece the size of a man's 
> fist weighs close to 2 lbs. It's  heavy!
> Ed  
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Oh geese

2006-01-24 Thread joseph_town

I understand why you listed everyone on the meteorite friends photo thing 
starting alphebetically. On the contrary, it's dissapointing to see Adam each 
time I refresh. Not refreshing.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] a new Quiz - part 2

2006-01-17 Thread joseph_town
Maessing or even Luotolax?


 -- Original message --
From: "Christian Anger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all,
> so here's part 2 of the new Quiz
> which one is it ?
> compare it with the pic of the former email
> Solution for pics Quiz_05 and Quiz_06 follow soon.
> Are they meteoritic, are they terrestrial ? Who knows..
> Cheers,
> Christian
> I.M.C.A. #2673 at
> website:
> Ing. Christian Anger
> Korngasse 6
> 2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] tatahouine

2006-01-11 Thread joseph_town

You are a confused lizard that prefers basking in it's own bull instead of 
sunshine. Too much time spent with frozen foods. You need a larger Campo 
meteorite around your neck and a trip to Lake Michigan.


 -- Original message --
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good evening list.I remember last year in tucson,there were 2 gentlemen
> selling alot of large tatahouine's.I just never remember if they had a
> website.One of my main goals is to get a large tatahouine,around a 50
> grammer.Does anyone know if they have a website and who these guys
> were?Let me know off list.The larger tata's are really unbelieveable.
> steve arnold, chicago
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] G�ran Lindfors again!!

2006-01-10 Thread joseph_town
Oh no. A Matteo meteorite blog. Where is it? I must see and participate.


 -- Original message --
From: M come Meteorite Meteorites <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have put a warning on my blog of this thief
> Matteo
> --- Jan Bartels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto: 
> > Well it seems mr. Moonrock is back!!
> > Anyone else as well these days received his sick
> > offers?
> > 
> > Funny that i'm always his dear best friend when he
> > emails.
> > What a LUNAtic !!
> > 
> > All the best!
> > Jan
> > Holland.
> >
> > 
> > Meteorites,
> > close encounters of the best kind.
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
> Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
> Sale Site: 
> Collection Site:
> MSN Messanger: spacerocks at
> ___ 
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice: chiama da PC a telefono a tariffe esclusive 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] G�ran Lindfors again!!

2006-01-10 Thread joseph_town
Congratulations Jan!

You are now a member of an elite inner circle of meteorite people targeted by a 
heckler. This guy doesn't bother just anyone you know. Enjoy.


 -- Original message --
From: "Jan Bartels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Well it seems mr. Moonrock is back!!
> Anyone else as well these days received his sick offers?
> Funny that i'm always his dear best friend when he emails.
> What a LUNAtic !!
> All the best!
> Jan
> Holland.
> Meteorites,
> close encounters of the best kind.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] tatahouine

2006-01-10 Thread joseph_town
Concentrate Steve.


 -- Original message --
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good evening list.I remember last year in tucson,there were 2 gentlemen
> selling alot of large tatahouine's.I just never remember if they had a
> website.One of my main goals is to get a large tatahouine,around a 50
> grammer.Does anyone know if they have a website and who these guys
> were?Let me know off list.The larger tata's are really unbelieveable.
> steve arnold, chicago
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Rock in your Pocket?

2006-01-08 Thread joseph_town
Forgive me but I have to say, "Is that a meteorite in your pocket or are ya 
glad to see me?" Seriously, I carry a nice fresh crusted NWA when I'm hunting. 
People often want to know what you're doing and they usually get a kick out of 
seeing one. It also helps when they bring you wrongs that they insist are rites.


 -- Original message --
From: "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Do you carry a meteorite in your pocket regularly?  If yes, what is your 
> favorite piece 
> to carry?
> Gary
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Biz bag meteorites

2006-01-03 Thread joseph_town
Advertising people are reading the list. A new trend maybe. It would be a good 
thing if only they could get the most simple things about meteorites right. 
Lets see, it's just humor, not misleading, everybody but me knows the facts. 
Put it in the biz bag.


 -- Original message --
From: "tett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> List,
> Here is a link to the Toyota commercial.
> Cheers,
> tett
> Owen Sound, Ontario
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Larry Lebofsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Meteorite Mailing List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 6:12 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] meteorite-centric commercial
> > Darren:
> >
> > I saw the ad (only once) seveal weeks ago). If anyone can get this 
> > recorded,
> > it would be greatly appreciated as I use such things for my class.
> >
> > Larry
> >
> > PS At least it wasn't vaporized on impact!
> >
> > Quoting Darren Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> >> I just saw a commercial for trash bags (Glad?) tonight.  It showed a news
> >> reporter warning about a
> >> coming meteor shower, then cuts away to bunches of large meteroids being
> >> captured by a giant trash
> >> bag in orbit.  Cuts away to more talk of the trash bags.  Then cuts to a
> >> woman with a trash bag
> >> seeing a sizeable (around large watermellon size) meteorite sticking out 
> >> of
> >> the windsheild of her
> >> car.  Then cuts to her at the trash cans stuffing that meteorite into a 
> >> trash
> >> bag to throw away.
> >>
> >> I'm going to have nightmares about that last part.
> >> __
> >> Meteorite-list mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > Dr. Larry A. Lebofsky
> > Senior Research Scientist
> > Co-editor, Meteorite  "If you give a man a fish,
> > Lunar and Planetary Laboratory   you feed him for a day.
> > 1541 East University   If you teach a man to fish,
> > University of Arizonayou feed him for a lifetime."
> > Tucson, AZ 85721-0063 ~Chinese Proverb
> > Phone:  520-621-6947
> > FAX:520-621-8364
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > __
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] georgetown--I knew it

2006-01-01 Thread joseph_town
Hush. Steve is a "very important meteorite dealer." Thats what he tells all the 
ebay people when he speculates on wrongs, so it is so. Genius comes in many 


 -- Original message --
From: "E.L. Jones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> April First comes early.  Just when I let my sense of curiosity 
> overrides my skepticism,   I let my guard down and fell for this 
> "advertisement".
> I  wrote:
> > Dear Steve,
> >
> > When you mention a meteorite , some usually comes to market shortly 
> > afterwards. 
> And Vola!! From an Illinois meteorite LIMITED dealer (Now I understnd 
> the "Ltd" dosen't mean "incorporated")
> 593390635QQcategoryZ3239QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
> Am I like, psychic or what?
> Elton
> Tie down your camel carefully. Because if you leave your camel loose, he 
> will poke his nose under your tent. Once his nose is under the tent, the 
> rest of the camel is sure to follow.--Old Bedouin proverb
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] A VISION

2006-01-01 Thread joseph_town
Marcin, Steve, all,

This misguided guy is trying to establish a ministry of some sort. I agree with 
Marcin in the sense that it really isn't meteorite related. It's obvious enough.

Best Wishes in 2006,

 -- Original message --
From: "Marcin Cimala" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi list.I hope everyone had a great new years eve.It looks like the guy
> > who was (is) trying to sell his $7,000,000 vision mars meteorite,on ebay
> > has decided to downsize to his 30 pound little guy for only a mere
> > $3,000,000.But dam,no buy it now.!Comments anyone.This  guy is always for
> > a good long thread.
> >
> yes Steve, but why we should talk here about this rock ? Its big, coll
> looking piece of stone.
> Nothing to talk about.
> -[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-
>  GSM +48(607)535 195
> [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Here we are

2006-01-01 Thread joseph_town
Greetings and salutations all exchanged.
Best to all.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteors from the sky

2005-12-29 Thread joseph_town
This sounds like a question for the meteor experts. I think the title of the 
telecast was a generalization meant for everyone but I'm sure that there are 
specific parameters 
that define "sky" in relation to meteors and meteorites.


 -- Original message --
From: Darren Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 29 Dec 2005 19:16:30 -0600, "Bob Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Theres a 2 hour meteorite special on the history channel ( for those that 
> >have comcast cable ) Channel 76 here in the midwest that just started.
> "Meteors from the Sky"?  I suppose they didn't want to be confused with 
> from the ground?
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fukang Main Mass

2005-12-28 Thread joseph_town
Why is anyone questioning 900 kilos?

After seeing these two and looking at the TKW's of some of the other pals, 900 
kilos seems conservative.


 -- Original message --
From: "AstronomicalResearchNetwork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> When the Fukang meteorite was first being sold by the owner in China 
> the he sent me a picture of the main mass . 
> With all the interest I thought some of the list would like a look at the 
> Picture I was sent . It is wonderful specimen .

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