[mezzanine-users] Re: Automatically generating pages when creating a site

2015-08-20 Thread Déborah Leder
Thank you, Kenneth.

Now my question is : is there a way to override the methods in 
management/command/createdb.py in a django-app ? I wouldn't want to mess 
with the source code...

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[mezzanine-users] Re: Automatically generating pages when creating a site

2015-08-20 Thread Déborah Leder
Ok, but then wouldn't I need to rewrite the whole command class that is 
defined in the core, with all the methods that I didn't want to change ?

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[mezzanine-users] Restrain the rich text

2015-08-20 Thread Déborah Leder

I would like to know if there is a simple way to restraint the options of 
the rich text. I would like to remove the alinement options (center, 
justify, etc.)
I tried to manipulate the settings : RICHTEXT_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES and  
RICHTEXT_ALLOWED_TAGS but it doesn't seem to change anything.

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[mezzanine-users] Re: Restrain the rich text

2015-08-20 Thread Déborah Leder
Great !
Thank you very much !
(and I am sorry if it had already been posted, I didn't find it...I'll take 
a closer look the next time)

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[mezzanine-users] Re: Automatically generating pages when creating a site

2015-08-20 Thread Déborah Leder
Ok, I think I know what to do, now.
Thank you very much for your quick answers !

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[mezzanine-users] Automatically generating pages when creating a site

2015-08-17 Thread Déborah Leder

When someone first creates a mezzanine site by running the command python 
manage.py createdb, they are proposed to lauch some pages like Contact or 
I would like to do a similar thing in a django application : define a 
default page with a slug and a description (and some other things, if 
necessary), and when someone first migrates their site with my app on it, 
they can answer yes or no to have my default page added on their site.
Is it possible ? And if so, how/where should I define my default page ?

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[mezzanine-users] Re: Mezzanine (4.0) permissions - moderation

2015-08-07 Thread Déborah Leder
Hello again

I am coming back to my permission/moderation problem.
I finally understood the trick with super, and I am starting to have an 
idea about how to modify the queryset method.
There is another matter, though. I began to create a permission_app to 
create my moderation permission, in that app I created a directory called 
management in which I wrote a __init__.py fil containing this :
from django.db.models.signals import post_syncdb
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission

def add_moderation_permissions(sender, **kwargs):

This syncdb hooks takes care of adding a moderation permission too all 
content types.

# for each of our content types
for content_type in ContentType.objects.all():
# build our permission slug
codename = moderation_%s % content_type.model
# if it doesn't exist..
if not Permission.objects.filter(content_type=content_type, codename
# add it
name=Can moderation %s % content_type.name)
print Added moderation permission for %s % content_type.name
# check for all our moderation permissions after a syncdb
It seems to have correctly added the permission, but only for the 
django_comments. I get that it's because it is the only ContentType, but 
the trick is that when I try to adapt the code for Page or BasePage, it 
doesn't work. I have a (completely normal) error that is raised : 
ValueError: Cannot query Blog: Must be ContentType instance.
(and it says blog only because it is the first model that is tried, but 
it must be the same for all the models).
I looked at the django/contrib/auth/models.py file to understand the type 
of Permission and Permission.objects, and it seems like everything was 
written to be contenttypes. I also looked at the Displayable, BasePage 
and Page types of mezzanine and it doesn't seem to inherit from ContentType 
in anyway... Besides, I would also want all of the objects I create in apps 
(I mean objects that inherit directly from models.Model) to recognise that 

So, how could I cleanly add my moderation permission for all the models 
that are in the apps I declared in INSTALLED_APPS and that can be editable 
in the admin interface, and not just content types ?

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[mezzanine-users] zip_import FROM pages_page LEFT OUTER JOIN

2015-07-29 Thread Déborah Leder

Hello again

I have created a django app with some models and quickly resgistered an 
admin class. I made migrations and migrated whitout any trouble, but then 
when I ran the server and went on the web page, I got that :
It is allthemore weird since I didn't add my django app to the 
installed_app settings.

I have found something close on the web, but nothing exactly like this with 
the zip_import FROM pages_page problem... In what I found, it was 
talked about a problem with the database, but since my migrations went 
well, I don't see what could cause this...
My database is PostGreSQL, if it helps to know

My app's name is geoloc, and I am now showing you my models so that you 
could understand the error better :

# coding: utf-8

from django.db import models
from mezzanine.pages.models import Page
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from geopy.geocoders import GoogleV3 as GoogleMaps
from geopy.geocoders.googlev3 import GeocoderQueryError
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from datetime import timedelta, datetime as dt
from mezzanine.utils.sites import current_site_id
from mezzanine.conf import settings

def _get_current_domain():
return Site.objects.get(id=current_site_id()).domain

class Adresse(models.Model):
indication_emplacement = models.CharField(max_length=256)
adresse_localisable = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True)
lat = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=7, blank=True, 
null=True, verbose_name=Latitude)
lon = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=7, blank=True, 
null=True, verbose_name=Longitude)

def clean(self):
super(Adresse, self).clean()

if self.lat and not self.lon:
raise ValidationError(Longitude required if specifying 

if self.lon and not self.lat:
raise ValidationError(Latitude required if specifying 

if not (self.lat and self.lon) and not self.adresse_localisable:
self.adresse_localisable = self.indication_emplacement.replace(
\n,, )

def __unicode__(self):
return self.indication_emplacement

class Fiche_service(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=64, verbose_name=Nom, blank=True)
phone_verif = RegexValidator(regex=r'^\+?1?\d{9,15}$',
message=Le numéro de téléphone doit être entré dans le format: 
'+9', jusqu'à 15 chiffres autorisés.)
phone = models.CharField(max_length=16, validators=[phone_verif], blank=
True, verbose_name=N° de téléphone,
help_text=Le numéro de téléphone doit être entré dans le 
format: '+9', jusqu'à 15 chiffres autorisés.) # validators should 
be a list
adresse = models.OneToOneField(Adresse, primary_key=True)

def clean(self):
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
if self.name == '':
raise ValidationError('Please enter a name for the service')

def __unicode__(self):
return self.name

class Geoloc_map(Page):
services = models.ManyToManyField(Fiche_service)

def __unicode__(self):
return super(Geoloc_map, self).title

class Meta:
verbose_name = TEST_NEW_META_NAME

And the content of my admin.py file :

from django.contrib import admin
from mezzanine.pages.admin import PageAdmin
from .models import Geoloc_map

admin.site.register(Geoloc_map, PageAdmin)

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[mezzanine-users] Re: zip_import FROM pages_page LEFT OUTER JOIN

2015-07-29 Thread Déborah Leder
I have just done it and it displays the same error page.

I have managed to skirt the problem by creating another mezzanine-project, 
creating another django-app with a new name inside the new project and 
copying the exact same models.py and admin.py files. I don't understand why 
this works, but it does... So if you think my problem was due to some 
hidden bug, I can keep my project and answer your questions to help resolve 
it, and if not, my problem has magically been resolved.

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[mezzanine-users] Re: zip_import FROM pages_page LEFT OUTER JOIN

2015-07-29 Thread Déborah Leder
The project name was : mystere
And the app name was : geoloc

I didn't think those name could cause any trouble... When I said naming 
problem I meant something about inside the app named geoloc, having a 
model called Geoloc_map.

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Re: [mezzanine-users] Re: zip_import FROM pages_page LEFT OUTER JOIN

2015-07-29 Thread Déborah Leder
OK, but then how do you explain the fact that it worked on my second 
project ?
Whereas I had really run the commands
  python manage.py makemigration
and then
  python manage.py migrate
and both of them had terminated normally.
I did nothing more on my second project

Le mercredi 29 juillet 2015 16:14:39 UTC+2, Stephen McDonald a écrit :

 The original error stated that the database table for the Geoloc_map 
 model didn't exist in the database, see the relation geoloc_geoloc_map 
 does not exist part, that's the error message. The part you focused on 
 searching for was the SQL query that caused the error, and had nothing to 
 do with it particularly. You say that the migrations were created and run 
 for the new app, and I'm sure you believe that to be - but unfortunately 
 the error says otherwise.

 Let's try not to talk about these things as magical - we do ourselves a 
 disservice by creating that perception, when the reality is we simply 
 haven't invested enough to time in studying the code and documentation 
 which will eventually reveal how simple and boring these things really are.


 Stephen McDonald

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[mezzanine-users] ID Cards library

2015-07-28 Thread Déborah Leder

I am trying to make a website where I could register some services (shops, 
restaurants, etc.). I would like to be able to place those services on one 
or several maps, as well as to dedicate one or several pages to some of 
those services. And for both of them (maps  pages) I would use the same 
information (phone number, name of the service, adress, link to their site, 
Therefore, I would like to create a model Service_ID with several fields. 
Service_IDs should be creatable, editable, and deletable from the admin 
interface. And I would also like to be able to store them (from the admin 
interface) in a library, like the media library, from where I could select 
a service and import its data to some pages.

To sum up, what I imagine is an ID_Library in the admin interface. One 
should be able to click on ID Library, and then :
- see all the services that have already been registered
- be able to create one thanks to a form
- be able to edit one thanks to the same form
- be able to delete one

Is it possible ?
If so, could you give me some directions on how to do it ?


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[mezzanine-users] Re: ID Cards library

2015-07-28 Thread Déborah Leder
Actually, I have already gone through the tutorial twice.
Given your response, I fear that I may not have been very clear in my 
previous message : I used the generic terms service and ID just as an 
example, to try to be clearer, and I used the term library because it is 
exactly what I want. Maybe that it is not completely the same since I don't 
want to upload 'ID cards' from my computer, but I would want to store them 
and access them the same way as the Media Library. And I would also want my 
semi-library to appear in the same menu as the media library. And I 
especially don't want to register the services as pages. I know how to make 
the model I want, how to define the fields that I want the admin to be able 
to edit in the models.py file of my django app. But the thing that I don't 
know how to do (if it is even possible) is to create a library like the one 
that is described.

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[mezzanine-users] Re: ID Cards library

2015-07-28 Thread Déborah Leder
Maybe, if not a library, I could have a similar way to store the IDs, and 
when editing a map for example, all the services that are stored could be 
presented like boxes which one should check if the service sould appear on 
the map.
Anyway, what I am sure that I want is an access in the admin menu with an 
easy way to create, edit, and delete entries.

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[mezzanine-users] Re: ID Cards library

2015-07-28 Thread Déborah Leder
Thank you very much, Eduardo, I'll try that.

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[mezzanine-users] Admin title

2015-07-27 Thread Déborah Leder

I am trying to change the title of the admin interface of mezzanine.
I have already changed the site title in the settings, but although it 
changed the title of the site, the old title, mezzanine, still appears in 
the top left hand corner of the admin interface.
I looked at the source code of the admin page and I think that the title is 
what is in the div whose class is admin-title, but I didn't find such a 
div in the templates.

Then, I found this old conversation : 
http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.mezzanine.user/51. But I couldn't 
find the templates it refers to, and I tried to write GRAPPELLI_ADMIN_TITLE 
= my title in settings.py and local_settings.py, but it didn't do 
anything so I guess that the files that it talks about have been removed in 
some update.

So, do you know how to change the admin site title in the current version 
of Mezzanine ?

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[mezzanine-users] Re: Admin title

2015-07-27 Thread Déborah Leder
Exactly what I wanted. Thank you very much


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[mezzanine-users] Re: Mezzanine (4.0) permissions - moderation

2015-07-23 Thread Déborah Leder
Thanks again for your answer, Josh.
But I still have trouble understanding the get_queryset method... The thing 
that bothers me in the code is this :
def get_queryset(self, request):
qs = super(OwnableAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
return [...]
(If you want to see it inside the code, those are the lines 215 and 229 of 
It looks like a vicious circle and I don't understand how this works... 
Maybe it is not one because of the super(OwnableAdmin, self) that is 
right before, but I couldn't find the definition of super in this context 
and therefore couldn't figure out what is means.
I just started Python 2-3 weeks ago for django, I still haven't seen all 
the concept. Could you explain it to me ?
Also, I understand that request.user is the user that is currently logged 
in, but what is the difference between user__id and request.user.id ? (both 
there : 

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[mezzanine-users] Re: Mezzanine (4.0) permissions - moderation

2015-07-19 Thread Déborah Leder
Thank you both for your answers.
I think I wasn't very clear on one point : I don't want all staff users to 
be moderators, but only some of them, some other users should only be 
allowed to change and delete their own content.
Therefore, Josh, I can't use your suggestion.
And Eduardo, I didn't fully understand what a queryset is (eventhough I 
read this paragraph 
but I think that your method would have the same problem : I would just 
replace the current permissions.
I really need there to be an additionnal permission for every model.

So, given that, do you have an idea ?

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[mezzanine-users] Mezzanine (4.0) permissions - moderation

2015-07-16 Thread Déborah Leder

I am trying to add new permission possibilities : I would like for some 
users (which I will call moderators) to be able to edit and delete the 
posts of other users, but I don't want the moderators to be superusers. I 
have not yet found a way to do that. Is it possible ? Or would I have to 
write some code ?
If I had to write some code, my first idea is for every model (blog, 
gallery, etc.) add a fourth permission : can moderate, which would mean 
that as long as the user with the permission is a staff member, when they 
log in the admin interface they can see (and of course edit) the model 
written by every user, and not just themselves. I have yet to figure out 
whether I want moderators to be able to edit content published by 
superusers...I don't think I want them to.
Anyway, is it a simple way of doing that ? Could I write a simple app ? Or 
would I have to modify the mezzanine core ?


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Re: [mezzanine-users] Mezzanine 4.0.0 : staff users

2015-07-16 Thread Déborah Leder
Actually, I work on Linux virtual machines and I have just completely 
re-installed mezzanine, postgresql, etc. from scratch on a new machine and 
there it works.
I have still no idea of what I did wrong before, though...

Anyway, sorry for the disturbance.
And thanks a lot for your help (and for all the time that you have spent on 
mezzanine development)



Le jeudi 16 juillet 2015 10:13:10 UTC+2, Déborah Leder a écrit :



 Thank you for your quick response.
 However I had already chose the site permissions yesterday...it was filled 
 automatically but I checked today and it was the right address. I am 
 showing you my screen shots, you can see that the local address in the 
 permission is the same as the one I use to try to connect to the admin site 
 with my staff member.
 Both screen shots were made today (although nothing has changed for me 
 since yesterday).
 I could have done something wrong, but I am pretty sure that I just did 
 the same things that I had done a few days ago on mezzanine 3...

 Le jeudi 16 juillet 2015 06:10:28 UTC+2, Stephen McDonald a écrit :

 You need to choose at least 1 site that the user has permission to access 
 the admin in - it's under Site Permissions at the end of the user 
 add/edit form.

 Works for me.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:54 AM, Déborah Leder debd...@gmail.com 


 I have recently updated to mezzanine 4 and I have encountered an issue.
 When I create a user who is active and is a staff member, the user can't 
 log in to the admin interface. I have an error message (cf. image)
 When I create another superuser, the other superuser can log in the 
 admin site.

 I had started to work on mezzanine 3.1.10 two weeks ago and I managed to 
 create a Staff member user who could log in the admin site.
 Has something changed in the permission ? Or is it a bug ? And if so, 
 when do you think it could/would be solved ? (I am actually working and 
 using mezzanine for a client for whom I must have finished the site in a 
 month, so if it is going to take more than a week to fix, which I could 
 completely understand, I need to know to go back to the older version)


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 Stephen McDonald

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Re: [mezzanine-users] Mezzanine 4.0.0 : staff users

2015-07-16 Thread Déborah Leder



Thank you for your quick response.
However I had already chose the site permissions yesterday...it was filled 
automatically but I checked today and it was the right address. I am 
showing you my screen shots, you can see that the local address in the 
permission is the same as the one I use to try to connect to the admin site 
with my staff member.
Both screen shots were made today (although nothing has changed for me 
since yesterday).
I could have done something wrong, but I am pretty sure that I just did the 
same things that I had done a few days ago on mezzanine 3...

Le jeudi 16 juillet 2015 06:10:28 UTC+2, Stephen McDonald a écrit :

 You need to choose at least 1 site that the user has permission to access 
 the admin in - it's under Site Permissions at the end of the user 
 add/edit form.

 Works for me.

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 12:54 AM, Déborah Leder debd...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:


 I have recently updated to mezzanine 4 and I have encountered an issue.
 When I create a user who is active and is a staff member, the user can't 
 log in to the admin interface. I have an error message (cf. image)
 When I create another superuser, the other superuser can log in the admin 

 I had started to work on mezzanine 3.1.10 two weeks ago and I managed to 
 create a Staff member user who could log in the admin site.
 Has something changed in the permission ? Or is it a bug ? And if so, 
 when do you think it could/would be solved ? (I am actually working and 
 using mezzanine for a client for whom I must have finished the site in a 
 month, so if it is going to take more than a week to fix, which I could 
 completely understand, I need to know to go back to the older version)


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 Mezzanine Users group.
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 email to mezzanine-use...@googlegroups.com javascript:.
 For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.

 Stephen McDonald

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[mezzanine-users] Mezzanine 4.0.0 : staff users

2015-07-15 Thread Déborah Leder


I have recently updated to mezzanine 4 and I have encountered an issue.
When I create a user who is active and is a staff member, the user can't 
log in to the admin interface. I have an error message (cf. image)
When I create another superuser, the other superuser can log in the admin 

I had started to work on mezzanine 3.1.10 two weeks ago and I managed to 
create a Staff member user who could log in the admin site.
Has something changed in the permission ? Or is it a bug ? And if so, when 
do you think it could/would be solved ? (I am actually working and using 
mezzanine for a client for whom I must have finished the site in a month, 
so if it is going to take more than a week to fix, which I could completely 
understand, I need to know to go back to the older version)


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