Re: [Mimedefang] Script for categorizing spam by hits?

2005-07-19 Thread Johann

Renaud PASCAL wrote:
 Well, not exactly the same slices, and not in the same cols/rows order,
 also, hum, let's say the beautifying is quite rough ...
 but it may give you a start ;-)
 # gawk '/spam,/{ v[int( $4/5)]++}; END{for(i in v){print  scores 5*i to 
 5*(i+1), have: v[i] hits} }' FS=, .../yourmaillog

Thank You! I hadn't really thought about a more detailed analysis than
what GraphDefang does, but this is really cool. A little css, a little
php, and viola! . Justification for
tweaking the dang thing daily!

Oh, to be only half as wonderful as my child thought I was when he was
small, and only half as stupid as my teenager now thinks I am.
 Rebecca Richards

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[Mimedefang] Re: mimedefang error mimedefang.sock unsafe??

2005-03-22 Thread Johann

Troy R. LeBouef wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] spool]# ls -all MIMEDefang/
total 36
drwx--   2 defang defang 4096 Mar 21 18:21 .
drwxr-xr-x  17 root   root   4096 Mar 21 12:14 ..
-rw-r-   1 defang defang6 Mar 21 18:21
srw---   1 defang defang0 Mar 21 18:21
-rw-r-   1 defang defang6 Mar 21 18:21
My directories have the same files ... but all have the x bit set.
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Re: [Mimedefang] OFF TOPIC - Need a product to block spyware

2004-09-30 Thread Johann

Mark Penkower wrote:
This is off topic, but I suspect that people on this list may have an 

I need a product to block spyware, adware and other related crap from 
infecting Windows 2000 PC's.
It is the only thing that will get rid of all the malware you have now, 
including Windows 2000. :-)

Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free,
but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth
for civil and religious liberty. - Samuel Adams, 1722 - 1803
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[Mimedefang] Boilerplate message

2004-09-20 Thread Johann
Hello All,
In our filter_end on our outgoing server, we have had this as a boilerplate:
append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and 
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus, 0);

(same for HTML)
Now, the PHB wants to put in some legaleez, and I am having a problem. I 
 changed it to this:

append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and 
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus . /n Legal mumbo-jumbo 
here., 0);

I tried with the /n both inside and outside of the quotes. Even in its 
own quotes. I expected to have a new line with the new statement, but 
all I did was choke the filter. MD errored out and wouldn't start. I've 
checked the FAQ, the man pages, the archives, but I can't find this 
situation. Is it not possible to shove a new line into the boilerplate?

Thanks in advance,
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't
happen at once. - Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955
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Re: [Mimedefang] Boilerplate message

2004-09-20 Thread Johann

Kelson wrote:
Johann wrote:
append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and 
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus . /n Legal mumbo-jumbo 
here., 0);

I tried with the /n both inside and outside of the quotes.

Inside the quotes, and \n, not /n.
I cannot believe I did that! OK, so now I've switched to \n, inside the 
quotes, and MD doesn't choke. However, it also doesn't insert a break in 
the lines. It all runs together and is not pretty.

append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and 
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus. . \n New and improved legal 
statement saying that if you get a virus, don't blame us. Blah blah 
blah., 0);

There is no new line and it all wraps, according to each recipient's own 
client settings.

I think I'll try Matthew's suggestion.
Thank you all for your replies.
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't
happen at once. - Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955
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Re: [Mimedefang] Boilerplate message

2004-09-20 Thread Johann
append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and 
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus. . \n New and improved legal 
statement saying that if you get a virus, don't blame us. Blah blah 
blah., 0);

There is no new line and it all wraps, according to each recipient's own 
client settings.
If anyone cares, here's what finally made it do what I needed it to do:
append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and 
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus . \n . New and improved 
legal statement saying that if you get a virus, don't blame us. Blah 
blah blah., 0);

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't
happen at once. - Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955
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Re: [Mimedefang] Boilerplate message

2004-09-20 Thread Johann

David F. Skoll wrote:
On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Johann wrote:

append_text_boilerplate($entity, Scanned for viruses, trojans and
worms. Verified clean by Sophos Antivirus. . \n New and improved legal
statement saying that if you get a virus, don't blame us. Blah blah
blah., 0);

There is no new line and it all wraps, according to each recipient's own
client settings.

That's weird, it should work.
I figured it out. Sent a message for those interested.
Also, somewhat off-topic, if you could avoid giving Sophos free
advertising, I'd appreciate it -- they have a product that's a major
competitor to our CanIt products. :-)
Sorry about that David, but the PHBs demanded something be put in to 
show that we're not sending out virus-laden emails. If it's any 
consolation, we tested both CanIt and Pure Message, and without 
exception everyone involved (techies  users alike) preferred CanIt. 
Now, if I could just get the CFO to let go of some of his money.  ;-)

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Re: [Mimedefang] Sendmail, MIMEDefang and ClamAV

2004-08-26 Thread Johann
NFN Smith wrote:
 I have the following setup:

 Fedora Core 2
 Sendmail 8.13.1
 MIMEDefang 2.44
 SpamAssassin 2.64
 ClamAV 0.75
Me too.
 Also, a related question -- what's the best way of getting the clamd
 and clamav-milter daemons launched at start time?

In the contib/init/RedHat directory of your ClamAV source, there is an 
init file named clamd. Copy it to /etc/init.d. then symlink it into 
/etc/rc.d/rc3 (rc5 if you start up in graphical mode) as S(some number 
lower than Sendmail's)clamd - ie: S75clamd

I agree that it should be started before either Sendmail or MIMEDefang, 
though I can not tell you why. Must be BOFH intuition.

-Data Communications Engineer, CRIS-Net Regional MLS
Today the world changes so quickly, that in growing up we take
Leave not just of youth, but of the world we were young in.
 - Peter Medawar, 1915 - 1987
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