NFN Smith wrote:
> I have the following setup:
> Fedora Core 2
> Sendmail 8.13.1
> MIMEDefang 2.44
> SpamAssassin 2.64
> -----------------
> ClamAV 0.75

Me too.

> ...
> Also, a related question -- what's the best way of getting the clamd
> and clamav-milter daemons launched at start time?

In the contib/init/RedHat directory of your ClamAV source, there is an init file named clamd. Copy it to /etc/init.d. then symlink it into /etc/rc.d/rc3 (rc5 if you start up in graphical mode) as S(some number lower than Sendmail's)clamd - ie: S75clamd

I agree that it should be started before either Sendmail or MIMEDefang, though I can not tell you why. Must be BOFH intuition.

-- -Johann -Data Communications Engineer, CRIS-Net Regional MLS "Today the world changes so quickly, that in growing up we take Leave not just of youth, but of the world we were young in." - Peter Medawar, 1915 - 1987 _______________________________________________ Visit and MIMEDefang mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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