[Mimedefang] Re: MD 2.51/clamav .88.1 failure

2006-04-12 Thread Shawn Gendle

On Friday, 4/7, I updated clamav from version .88 to .88.1. When I did so, 
virus scanning broke. Maillog was filled with entries like:
Apr  7 15:49:23 hoover mimedefang.pl[66764]: Problem running virus scanner: code=999, category=cannot-execute, action=tempfail 
Apr  7 15:49:23 hoover sm-mta[67374]: k37JnNo4067374: Milter: data, reject=451 4.3.0 Problem running virus-scanner

Apr  7 15:49:23 hoover sm-mta[67374]: k37JnNo4067374: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
delay=00:00:00, pri=145673, stat=Problem running virus-scanner

The clamd.log showed no problems. It seemed to be happy as a, well, clam. I'm running MD version 2.51 on FreeBSD 5.4. 

I was able to fix it by re-installing clamav .88
Has anyone else seen this problem? Do I need to update MD? Any other thoughts?

Same problem here running RedHat EL4 latest update. No indication as to 
what is causing the problem.

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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[Mimedefang] MIMEDefang memory use increase

2005-07-27 Thread Shawn Gendle

Hi all,
We have noticed an increase in memory use by MIMEDefang processes over 
the last few months. In the past we would see processes use about 30M of 
ram. Now we are see processes using over 70M's in some cases. Running 
SA3(RedHat) and latest version on MD on an EM64T EL4 box.

Anybody noticing the same?

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[Mimedefang] MIME-tools-5.417

2005-01-26 Thread Shawn Gendle
Hi folks,
I am having a problem with the new MIME-tools module. I had to add the 
following line to Makefile.PL so that MIME::Base64 ver 3.03 could be found:
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0';  --> running RHES 3 u4

"perl Makefile.PL" returns:
Checking for module File::Path (version 1)... ok.
Checking for module File::Spec (version 0.6)... ok.
Checking for module IO::Stringy (version 1.211)... ok.
Checking for module MIME::Base64 (version 3.03)... ok.
Checking for module Mail::Field (version 1.05)... ok.
Checking for module Mail::Header (version 1.01)... ok.
Checking for module Mail::Internet (version 1.0203)... ok.
Writing Makefile for MIME-tools
"make test" returns:
t/Misc...FAILED tests 4-5, 7-11
Failed 7/14 tests, 50.00% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/Misc.t  147  50.00%  4-5 7-11
Failed 1/10 test scripts, 90.00% okay. 7/231 subtests failed, 96.97% okay.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 29
Is this a case of modules that I don't have and don't need causing these 
errors? Or am I having problems with module version issues? I know I do 
have some perl issues on this system because Spamassassin 3 does not 
function properly. Will be moving to RH EL 4 soon and the BETA seems ok 
with everything, but for now...

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[Mimedefang] Multi-part MIME and Spamassassin 3

2005-01-03 Thread Shawn Gendle
Hi folks,
We did an upgrade to Spamassassin 3 recently and now we have the 
following problem: Message bodies are displayed as blank when messages 
that are multi-part MIME are tagged as SPAM. The whole message can be 
seen in the raw, but mail user agents display a blank message body.

Anyone see this issue before?
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[Mimedefang] Upgrade to 2.44 questions

2004-07-22 Thread Shawn Gendle
Hi all,
I just upgraded to 2.44 and as per the Changelog went into my 
mimedefang-filter and commented out
the calls to "entity_contains_virus" and "message_contains_virus," 
except for the following call that also
exists in the mimedefang-filter-example:

sub filter_begin ()
   # Scan for viruses if any virus-scanners are installed
   my($code, $category, $action) = message_contains_virus();
   $FoundVirus = ($category eq "virus");
Should this line be commented out as well?
Also I have the following code in my mimedefang-filter:
sub filter ()
   # Virus scan
   if ($FoundVirus) {
   my($code, $category, $action);
   $VirusScannerMessages = "";
#   Commented out per changelog during install of 2.44
#   This breaks graphdefang - need to fix
#   ($code, $category, $action) = entity_contains_virus($entity);
   if ($category eq "virus") {
   md_graphdefang_log('virus',$VirusName, $RelayAddr);
   return action_discard();

How do I now provide graphdefang the needed info to chart viruses now 
that "entity_contains_virus"
is now called in the mimedefang.pl? Can this be done in mimedefang-filter?

Thanks kindly,
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