Re: [Mimedefang] Random Word Spam

2004-01-15 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 14 Jan 2004, Kenneth Porter wrote:

About 33% of non-tagged SPAM I find in my mailbox currently looks like:

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
The first part is: text/plain and contains random words
The second part is: text/html and contains the "real" spam.
Well, I do see the gibberish only ... .

Also: Most often the Subject line is contained of random words, too; and
X-Mailer as well.

Can you configure SpamAssassine to take into account the MIME-structure
when trying to identify the text/plain portion as "gibberish"?

Perhaps, would it make sense to do some sort of compare between both
portions? E.g. all words from the plain/text part must be in the text/html
part, too? When someone builts a HTML mail and when the text/html part is
generated by the Mailer, I guess, it works straight forward and it will
just remove the tags, hence, the words of the plain/text part should even
be in the same sequence as those of the text/html part?


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Re: [Mimedefang] rejecting on helo,drive-by-relay,forged_sender,

2004-01-19 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, John A. Stewart wrote:

> Allowing authenticated connections (only) on an alternate port is also a good
> idea because some service providers force their customers to send mail
> via their own mail server by blocking outgoing connections to port 25.
> VPN is overkill in my view.  I'd rather use SSL based services for secure
> remote access.

Actually, I'm wondering that there seem to exist so many ISPs (in the USA)
that do not mangle the From/Sender/Reply-To headers. I have very bad
experience in this aspect.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Question regarding account name / recipient parsing

2004-01-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

There was some question in this list, but I don't find it rioght away in
the archives.

> In a SUBFILTER, is their a way to determine if and what account name is
> associated with a recipient for a local mail delivery?

The answer was no,

> If the answer is no, has anyone written anything to parse the standard
> virtusertable/alias tables to do this?

Well, manually I'd use this:

sendmail -bv -O ForwardPath= recipient_address

I wonder if it makes sense to re-implement all the matching and various
cases of sendmail.


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[Mimedefang] Search link of MIMEDefang list

2004-01-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser
Hallo David,

could you please remove the JS-depend search link or re-add a plain one?


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[Mimedefang] Message that bypasses virus scanning

2004-01-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser

Testees: mimedefang-2.39 and mimedefang-2.33, with

recently I found warnings in my logs about "Uninitialized values" of the
output triplet of message_contains_virus_fprotd().

The reason is this code snippet in, function sub
item_contains_virus_fprotd ($;$), near line 2613:

if(-d $item) {
my @result;
$host .= ":$baseport";
foreach my $entry (glob("$item/*")) {
@result = &item_contains_virus_fprotd($entry, $host);
last if $result[0] != 0;
return (wantarray ? @result : $result[0]);

The code does return an empty "@result", but only if no regular file in
the directory gets scanned.
Logs show that there are NO files scanned, the "Work" directory is empty!

I wonder why scans an empty directory?!

The bypassing that includes the header:

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

but does not contain any boundary at all, the spam is contained in the
mail body. When I remove that header, the message is scanned.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Random Word Spam

2004-01-23 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Brent J. Nordquist wrote:

> > Also: Most often the Subject line is contained of random words, too; and
> > X-Mailer as well.
> the header lines, which doesn't tax the CPU as much as the body tests to
> find the random words themselves.  See at

Cool thing! Works great, Thanks.

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Dumb Question

2004-01-26 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Ben Kamen wrote:

> In the /etc/mail/spamassassin dir... what's the for?

perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf

"SpamAssassin is configured using some traditional UNIX-
   style configuration files, loaded from the /usr/share/spa-
   massassin and /etc/mail/spamassassin directories."

I think I have seen those two directories referred to as:

/usr/share/spamassassin --> base rules
/etc/mail/spamassassin  --> site-wide config

Although I have installed SpamAssassin via CPAN only all the time on this
system, I have found two "base rule" directories, one in
/usr/share/spamassassin (which was very out of date) and one in
/usr/local/share/spamassasin (up-to-date).

In my tests, SpamAssassin picks up every *.cf file in all three locations:
/usr/local/share/spamassassin, /usr/share/spamassassin,&
/etc/mail/spamassassin. However, MimeDefang passes
/etc/mail/ as "user config" to SpamAssassin, which
overrides any setting of the other files. (In fact, the file is read twice
this way, first as site-wide config, second as user config.)

I accidently found out about this behaviour running the command:
$ spamassassin --lint -x

Actually, I have almost nothing in, but place
rules and settings of one topic into one file, e.g. "" etc.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Using more than one virus scanner is a good idea.

2004-01-29 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Chris Myers wrote:

> Here are replacements for message_contains_virus and entity_contains_virus
> that use all available virus scanners (and an example of using clamd but not
> clamav when
> both are available).  Instead of using only the first available scanner,
> these new routines try the available scanners in turn, until one of them
> finds a virus or all of the scanners have been tried.

OK, I agree that this code is nice to have in a plug-and-go filter
(though, I'd move the generation of the @scanner array out of the
But I do not test any of the $Features{'Virus:XYZ'}, because
a) I know what virus scanners should be present and
b) when they fail (to be invoked or whatever) it's a bug that has to be
resolved and to be found early and
c) I do not intend to change the list of available scanners regularily.

BTW: There was a thread on this list claiming that the File::Scan module
has very little impact on the scanning process in comparison to the other
virus scanners, that it should be called first to avoid unnecessary calls
to heavier ones -- however, assuming that most mails are free of viruses
that makes no difference, because both scanners run anyway.

>foreach my $scanner ( @scanners ) {
>   my ($code, $category, $action) = &$scanner();
>   if ( $category eq "virus" || $category eq "suspicious" ) {
>  return ( wantarray ? ($code, $category, $action) : 0 )

^^^  Souldn't you return $code instead of "0", in case you happen to
call the function in scalar context?


Steffen Kaiser
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RE: [Mimedefang] disable antivirus for one user

2004-01-29 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Fox, Randy wrote:

> > does anyone have a quick way to say
> > if the recipient is [EMAIL PROTECTED] exit from the
> > filter completely and deliver as-is?
> How about adding and activating filter_recipient?  Then put something
> like this in the sub-routine:
> sub filter_recipient {
> my($recip, $sender, $ip, $host, $first, $helo) = @_;
> $recip =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
> if ($recip =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) {
> }
> }

Hmm, this snippet is from stream_by_recipient:

foreach $recip (@Recipients) {

You have _one_ recipient that should go unfiltered, but the mail has
probably more than one recipient.

The idea I have now is that the mail is dealt with normally, if there is
just one recipient or at least one non-exempted recipient is specified,
and the message is resend to all exempted recipients individually.

How about in filter_begin:

if(scalar(@Recipients) > 1) { # May be honeypot and regular users are
# intermixed

# Filter for exempted recipients
foreach my $r (@Recipients) {
if($r =~ /(^|\<)[EMAIL PROTECTED]($|\>)/i) {
# honeypot found

# Resend -> Next time the filter gets this mail
# there is just one recipient, hence, this
# check is bypassed, and the mail is processed


## Warning:
# If you have more than one recipients to exempt, you have to deal with
# the probability that all recipients are deleted from the current (the
# original, actually) message, because all of them are exempted.

## Warning #2:
# @Recipients does still include all exempted recipients, because
# delete_recipient() does not update the array!

$exemptedUser = 0;
} elsif($Recipient[0]  =~ /(^|\<)[EMAIL PROTECTED]($|\>)/i) {
# the single recipient is the special user to be exempted from
# scanning

# Set a global variable so all filter_*() functions bypass filtering
# by immediately calling action_accept();
$exemptedUser = 1;
return action_accept();
} else {
$exemptedUser = 0;

Then in all other filter_* functions there is a:

return action_accept() if $exemptedUser;

right behind the usual

return if message_rejected();

Or do evaluate $exemptedUser whereever you need.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] $helo versus $ip

2004-02-03 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Matt Cramer wrote:

> This will yield many false positives.  Here is what I do:
> * Reject mail from outside relays who HELO as one of my domains.
> * Reject mail from outside relays who HELO as one of my networks, with or
>   without brackets (e.g. "" and "[]")
> * Reject mail from outside relays who HELO as a string that isn't a domain
>   or an address.  I just check for a "." in the string.  An amazing
>   amount of ratware issues "HELO hjdjhdf" etc.  I've had a few false
>   positives where the server was just doing "HELO servername" and in all
>   cases the admin of the sending server has corrected it.

This sounds cool. Despite the always mentioned problem, when Mail clients
connect to the server directly - like in my case.
Is there a way to determine, if the message came in through sendmail's MTA
(Port 25) or MSA (Port 587) channel?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Determine MTA or MSA port: consult the {daemon_*} macros

2004-02-04 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Jeremy Mates wrote:

> > clients connect to the server directly - like in my case. Is there a
> > way to determine, if the message came in through sendmail's MTA (Port
> > 25) or MSA (Port 587) channel?
> Sendmail knows what port is being used, and this information is made
> available as macros. To see what macros are passed to MIMEDefang, use

> Then send a few test messages, which should reveal the {daemon_name}
> macro being passed to MIMEDefang. This macro can be used to translate

Hey, I simply missed this nifty info in the info logs!

BTW: I'm logging the MIMEDefang info for all my own mails with the
Data::Dumper->Dump() method into a file. Works great for debugging and
has a readable output of all the variables; e.g.:


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Re: [Mimedefang] action_tempfail question -- greylist at filter_begin

2004-02-05 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Rick Mallett wrote:

> Not necessarily. The other way of doing it is to just use
> $Recipients[0] as the recipient as in

Is it guaranteed that the 1st recipient remains the first one in the next
delivery attempt?


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Re: [Mimedefang] memory leak?

2004-02-10 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Ron Peterson wrote:

> What we have been seeing is that the system's memory useage slowly (over a
> day or two) creeps up to full utilization.  Then the swap space starts
> being used.  I don't know how hard it's getting hit, just that it goes
> from 0% to something slightly more than 0%.

I'd call this normal.
It seems to me that Linux swaps out long-term not used pages in favour of
disk cache buffers: I have an internet router/gateway that never peaks
over its physical RAM (512MB), but has about 120MB swap space in use. The
buffers allocate about 70% of the RAM.

> That would all be o.k., but for the fact that the load average also
> spikes.  We're running a load average just over 1% right now.  The CPUs
> are over 80% idle.  Everything is going full bore.  By tomorrow morning, I
> expect the load average to be over 50, and the CPU idle to be way

My mail server shows this behaviour when the NFS servers times out and the
MDA or the IMAP/POP servers try to access the home directories.
Also, when the DNS server has some problems, sendmail tends to spawn lots
of childs waiting for the DNS response; this seems to pump up the load,


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Idea.. spell checking?

2004-02-11 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Mark wrote:

> Here I am thinking out loud while running through my spam log, would a perl
> interface to a spell checker with some sort of weighting help kill more of
> this junk?
> i.e if there are 100 words in the body, and 75% are misspelled, add it to
> the score...
> comments, good idea, bad idea?

Well, the culture to spell correctly tends to be very low when it comes to
electronic mail - tons of abbreviations, acronyms, synthetic words, and
Also consider mixed contents, like source code, different languages, URLs,
filenames, error messages ...
What about non-native speakers?

Do you have the SA rules installed posted in conjunction with this thread:
They are targetted at "gibberish".


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] file extension regex bug

2004-02-13 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, David F. Skoll wrote:

> That was not a bug.  It was an attempt to guard against malformed
> MIME like this:
> Content-Type: appliaction/octet-stream; name=foobar.exe .txt
> vs.
> Content-Type: appliaction/octet-stream; name=foobar.txt .exe

> However, the old behavior was so unpopular that as of 2.39, I anchored
> the regexp.

Would it be possible to parse and re-create MIME sub headers, in order to
place, at least, double quotes around the name?


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RE: [Mimedefang] Mimedefang/Spamassassin/bayesian

2004-02-17 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Paul Murphy wrote:

> drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Feb 17 12:29 .
> drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Jan 19 17:30 ..
> -rw-rw-rw-1 defang   root 4096 Jan 19 18:36 bayes_seen
> -rw-rw-rw-1 defang   root20480 Jan 19 18:36 bayes_toks

I'm not sure, if the autolearn feature will need to create the
bayes_journal, too. I made the directory owned by defang as well.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Performance parameters

2004-02-29 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> For a quick change on a server in place with plenty of ram with tmpfs
> compiled and configured to /dev/shm, does anyone see a problem with just
> adding the following (or very similar) to the mimedefang startup script?
> cd /dev/shm
> mkdir MIMEDefang
> chmod 700 MIMEDefang
> chown defang.defang MIMEDefang
> ln -s /dev/shm/MIMEDefang /var/spool/MIMEDefang

How to handle the case, if /var/spool/MIMEDefang already exists?
Be it an old symlink or an old-style directory.

BTW: Why don't you use mount?


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[Mimedefang] Invalid " -structure" output and virus scanning behaviour

2004-03-01 Thread Steffen Kaiser

lately I found and reported that message_contains_virus() runs the virus
scanner on an empty directory. I collected some mails, in which cases this
occurs: -structure 
To: <>
Subject: Boost Your  Car's Gas Mileage 27%+, livingston magnesium disposal yeats
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: adjacent illegitimacy
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 00:26:21 -0500
Reply-To: " Arroyo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

[snip: gibberish]

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

[snip: contents]


The same applies to this [snipped non-MIME stuff]:

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

[snip: gibberish]


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

[snip: contents]



The second message was resent/forwarded by some FreeMail hoster, maybe
this one destroyed the MIME stuff.

The problem is the "unusal" MIME boundary, e.g. if I add the missing
closing quote of the second message, -structure correctly

non-leaf: type=multipart/alternative; fname=; disp=inline
leaf: type=text/plain; fname=; disp=inline
leaf: type=text/plain; fname=; disp=inline
leaf: type=text/plain; fname=; disp=inline

However: my concernings are as following:

a) The first message containing an empty MIME boundary is splitted apart
by Pine v4.58 (and I guess other MUAs, too). That means that no attachment
is scanned for viruses by MIMEDefang, but is happily accessable by the

b) The second message may not contain such a thread, because the MIME
type is to default to text/plain (because of the preceeding empty line),
but what about stupid MUAs? At least many MUAs do attempt HTML display on

The behaviour is equal regardless of using the patched MIME::Tools or the
development version:

MIME::Tools   : Version 6.110
MIME::Words   : Version 6.107

patched MIME::Tools:
MIME::Tools   : Version 5.411
MIME::Words   : Version 5.404

This makes three weaknesses in the MIME::Tools so far.


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[Mimedefang] wish: for ./configure

2004-03-09 Thread Steffen Kaiser
Hello David,

could ./configure have options for to enable specific virus scanners,

./configure --enable-fprotd[=] ?

That could set both the $Feature{Virus:FPROTD} and $FprotdHost.

Reason: Well, my laziness/forgetfullness: I always forget to set
$Feature{Virus:FPROTD} manually in


Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] stream_by_* placement question

2004-03-09 Thread Steffen Kaiser

I'm implementing a stream_by_class function, that is to work like
stream_by_recipient and stream_by_domain, but with a more generic way to
categorize into which chunks the mail is broken up. So far, I'm using
Mimedefang v2.39 and it seems to work. (I named it stream_by_class below.)

However, I wonder about the following points:

S: I usually split off only few recipients, mainly postmaster/abuse/noc
and some internal lists.
Q: The current implementation of stream_by_domain completely discards the
current instance of the mail and generates a "resend" mail for each
domain. Can I keep some recipients left in the current instance?

I thought to perform:

resend_message(@{ $recip });
foreach my $r (@{ $recip }) {

Where @{ $recip } contains the unmodified addresses of the split-off

S: The current stream_by_domain's doc explicitly states that one should
call the function "early" in filter_begin.
Q: Are there side effects -- other than sending the _completely_ unmodifed
mail -- when to resend a mail later, say in filter() or filter_end()?

I thought to split the mail only, when necessary; example:

Only three out of hundreds recipients shall have attachments replaced by
URLs. So in filter() I find this condition and call stream_by_class() and,
if the current class is to replace the attachment, action_replace_by_URL()
is invoked.

I assume this question is answered by man for the "resend_message()"
function; meaning: It is possible, but no change is resent.


Some considerations about this setup:

a) When one keeps one class of recipients within the current instance of
the mail, there is one resent copy less then usual; hence, you use less
resources to process a mail, that will split up. That applies to run the
MIMEDefang process (decomposing the mail etc.pp.) one time.

b) If the mail is resend _late_ in the filter_begin/filter/filter_end
chain, the same mail is possibly processed multiple times, e.g. two times
the virus check is invoked.

b1) If there is virus in the mail, the filter can reject/drop the mail
once, before it had been resent at all. The total number of virus scans
per mail drops to "one", from once per resent copy.
b2) If there is no virus in the mail and the mail is resend _early_, the
mail is also checked multiple times, because once per resent copy and if I
keep one class within the current instance of MIMEDefang, hence, it is not
resent, the total number of virus scans per mail remains the same.

c) To be able to split the mail when the filter needs to alter the
message, decreases the amount to resend the mail, e.g. in my case:

if($lcType !~ /^text\// && $lcType ne 'message/delivery-status') {
# Now split the mail if necessary
if(!defined($Class) && stream_by_class ($RecipientClasses) ) {
if($Class eq 'list') {

"$Class" is undef until stream_by_class is performed. There is no need to
split the mail, if there is no non-text attachment.

d) I also split up the "categorization" and "resent" process; the
categorization of the recipients is performed early, but the separation
process on demand. Second see above. The categorization is used to control
full-message bounces, when recipients of mixed categories are sent to,

$RecipientClasses = categorise_recipients();

if(exists($SendmailMacros{'auth_authen'})) {
$isFHSender = $isInfSender = 1;
} else {
# [snip]

unless($isFHSender) {
if(defined($RecipientClasses->{'list'})) {
return action_bounce('You are not qualified for sending to a 

So a mail to a mixed set of recipients is completely bounced, if at least
one recipient class denies sending. This is what people expect here.

That Aliases and forwards may break this setup, is a known bug ;-), but is
resolved by "organizational rules".

I also wonder if it is possible to keep certain information of resend
messages, e.g. in a DB_File; for instance to bypass the virus scan and use
the SpamAssassin values computed in the primary instance of MIMEDefang

E.g. using "$Sender|$MSgID" as key and a secondary instance looks up the
key for all mails that are send by the localhost (

The the primary instance could run all tests on the message, places the
values into the DB; and late in filter_end() one could actually split the
message in order to specifically alter the body according to the class of
the recipients.

I do attach a cut down filter, for reference. The skalog function simply
drop the arguments to syslog.


Steffen Kaiser

Description: Cut down mimedefang-filter
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Re: [Mimedefang] Replace with URL

2004-03-11 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004, Jon R. Kibler wrote:


if I understand you correctly, you are using the replace_by_url function;
we do, too. But I do not got one complaint about encoded documents. The
most problem is that the MUA does not make the enclosed link clickable.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] F-Risk Fprotd -how to use?

2004-03-18 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, J.D. Bronson wrote:

> I have f-protd running and can talk to it, but the configure on mimedefang
> does not see this program eventhough it is installed in the default
> /usr/local/sbin ...

You have to enable the demon variant manually:

$Features{'Virus:FPROTD'}   = 1;

Also make sure, your demon and MIMEDefang use the same ports:

$FprotdHost = "";

I do patch


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Re: [Mimedefang] F-Risk Fprotd -how to use?

2004-03-18 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, J.D. Bronson wrote:

> I have 1 question...does not f-protd change ports??

Yup. It's somewhere explained how and why; in general, as soon as the old
(currently running) demon finds an updated image, it spawns the new one
and, when this one is up and running, terminates itself; because of
security reasons, I think I remember. Because of this, the new one cannot
bind to the port, because the old demon is still bound to it. However, the
documentation varies about how many ports are used by this mechanism, the
sample client script checks three ports, the documentation says "4", and
some resource summary lists: 10200..10204 -- hence: five ports.

> Does MD then try any of those by default starting with the first one?

MD tries the ports in order 10200 .. 10204 till there is a valid response.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] F-Risk Fprotd -how to use?

2004-03-18 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Chris Myers wrote:


> It's actually not necessary to patch  Just set the $Features
> and $FprotdHost variables in your filter.

Yes, and it wouldn't be necessary to have the command line tools
auto-detected and written into during configure.
This is an inconsistency among the configurable virus scanners.

Actually, I understand the virus scanner as part of the system environment
and not of the user-configurable filter, therefore I patch


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Re: [Mimedefang] Notify recipient?

2004-03-24 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:

>   action_notify_recipient($message)
> Now I wonder is there any reason for this?

How about:

  The part is deleted and a warning is added to the mail

  The part is deleted and instead replaced with a text

  This  function  deletes $recip from the list of recipients.
That person will not receive a copy
  of the mail.  $recip should exactly match an entry in the
@Recipients array  for  delete_recipiĀ­
  ent()  to work.  Note that delete_recipient does not modify
the @Recipients array; it just makes
  a note to Sendmail to delete the recipient.

for any recipient in your domain.


Steffen Kaiser

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Re: [Mimedefang] SMTP Pipelining, and GREYLISTING

2004-03-26 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Cormack, Ken wrote:

Hello Ken,

please forgive my ignorance, but what problem is this thread about
actually? And why is pipelining a problem with greylisting only?
This kicks in whenever the server (temp-) fails a recipient, but accepts
the SMTP dialogue in advance (aka pipelining).

What do I miss?

Actually, if you read the SMTP RFC, the client may always sent the whole
message to your server, regardless wether or not it recieved a negative
response, it's the duty of the server to act as a bitbucket in this case.

However, does this paragraphe RFC2920:
  "Client SMTP implementations that employ pipelining MUST check ALL
   statuses associated with each command in a group. For example, if
   none of the RCPT TO recipient addresses were accepted the client must
   then check the response to the DATA command -- the client cannot
   assume that the DATA command will be rejected just because none of
   the RCPT TO commands worked.  If the DATA command was properly
   rejected the client SMTP can just issue RSET, but if the DATA command
   was accepted the client SMTP should send a single dot."

imply that the client have to wait for the response of DATA?


Steffen Kaiser
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] search perl code perl-ldap to see if a user exist + how use bogofilter + problem clamav failed with ?

2004-04-05 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, jean-marc pouchoulon wrote:

> I 'd like also to ask our ldap server with perl-ldap , if a user exist
> before accepting mail. If someone did it

That's actually quite simple, but depends on your local setup.

I guess, your users uses unique account names, usually storred in the
"uid" attribute, hence, you can do this:

use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Entry;

# Setup some vars for easy adjusting
my $ldapBase = "dc=fh-bonn-rhein-sieg,dc=de";
my $ldapBaseGroups = "ou=groups,dc=fb02,$ldapBase";

my $ldap =  Net::LDAP->new('localhost') or die "$@";
$ldap->bind;# anon bind

sub getAccount ($) {
my $name = $_[0];

my $req = $ldap->search (  # perform a search
base   => $ldapBase
, filter => "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=$name))"

$req->code && die $req->error;

if($req->count > 1) {
mylog( "$_[0] matches more than on account");
return undef;
return undef if $req->count == 0;
return $req->pop_entry;

Above function returns the Net::LDAP::Entry object for the user, or undef
on error (not found or found multiple entries). On big problems
(connection to server fails etc.) die function die's -> here you should
adjust to something more useful in the MIMEDefang filter.
Depending on your local setup you must adopt the "filter" in

If all your users are located in the same scope, try openDN:

sub openDN ($;$) {
my $myLdap = $_[1] || $ldap;

my $mesg = $myLdap->search(base => $_[0]
, scope => 'base'
, filter => 'objectclass=*'

return undef if $mesg->code;

die "Multiple search results fetching one item: " . $_[0] . "\n"
if $mesg->count > 1;
return $mesg->pop_entry;

The first parameter needs to be the fully qualified DN of the user. BTW:
The "die" in this function should never trigger, because unless your
server is broken, it can return one entry at maximum.


Steffen Kaiser
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] New .mail domain designed to slow spam (fwd)

2004-04-19 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   What you think about this?

Hmm, I makes me nervous is this:

> The .mail signup process will be so time-consuming that it wouldn't be
> financially viable for spammers to use it, Matt said. And Spamhaus'
> experienced staff will be able to shut off any domain owner who
> misbehaves.

So we have another cash machine here.

I always wonder why PGP (or S/MIME) is never mentioned in this
conjunction. Those systems seem to re-invent the wheel again and again;
set up an easy to use certiciation hierarchie (say, PGP key is signed the
IANA/ICAN/XYZ-mail-approval key), the receiving MTA is verifying that the
sender has an IANA-certified key. Done.

You can use systems of today for this, no need to change anything (accept
to use security plugins etc. available).

Moreover, instead of "just" have a SPAM-free mail system, you can have a
secure and/or encrypted mail deliviery. Well, even today.

> "This isn't a plan to end spam," said Matt. "This will just help ensure
> sender authentication. But that doesn't sound as marketable."

Well, re-invent the wheel?

> "This won't stop people from spamming in .com and .net," Ambler said.
> "But it will only allow legitimate mailers to get into the .mail zone."

What about those viruses etc. How are they filtered out in the .mail zone,
after they took over a host on the "turstworthy .mail" network?


Steffen Kaiser
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MIMEDefang mailing list

Re: [Mimedefang] Update to MIMEDefang Filter KAM

2004-04-19 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

>   if ($io = $entity->open("r")) {
> while (defined($currentline = $io->getline)) {
>   if ($currentline =~ s/<(iframe|script|object)\b/ $badtag++;
>   }
>   $output .= $currentline;
> }
> $io->close;
> if ($badtag) {
>   if ($io = $entity->open("w")) {
> $io->print($output);
> $io->close;
>   }

I wonder:

a) You read in all the entity into memory, without size check?

b) As you already have all the lines in memory, why don't you apply the
s// operation on $output once?


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Update to MIMEDefang Filter KAM

2004-04-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Joseph Brennan wrote:

> b) Steffen, it sounds like you have a simpler way in mind to do the
> changes and know whether to do the open("w").  What is it?

Well, no; no "better" way. I've just checked out's
anomy_clean_html function, which uses perl's open() and is, therefore,
slurp'able. To stick to the MIME::Entity

Anyway, the IO::Handle used by MIME::Body is slurp'able, at least in my
simple sample:

use IO::Handle;

$fh = new IO::Handle;
if ($fh->fdopen(fileno(STDIN), "r")) {
   $line1 = <$fh>;
   undef $/;
   $lines = <$fh>;

   print "Line 1: $line1";
   print "=== remaining lines:\n" , $lines;

To use open("w") looks good for me, because you emit all the message
within one call. -- One might try using:

  ### Create a body which stores data in an in-core array:
  $body = new MIME::Body::InCore [EMAIL PROTECTED];

or similiar, however, this keeps everything in the local memory of the
slave and probably some other part of MIMEDefang assumes that the body is
located on disk - and this is a RAMdisk most of the time, I guess.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] feature request for md-mx-ctrl reread

2004-05-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 12 May 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> Have a 'md-mx-ctrl reread' run a mimedefang --test on the subfilter
> currently being used to abort a reread if it doesn't pass syntax.

This won't safe any way, because it may happen that the same time you've
editted the filter in-place a slave is activated anew and is reading your
modified filter even without "reread".


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Saving Headers for report

2004-05-10 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Mon, 10 May 2004, Jerome Tytgat wrote:

>   my $logf = "$logd/${MsgID}-Report-" . localtime() . ".txt";

I added localtime() only for internal purposes; the MsgID should be
suficient for most purposes, hence, you could avoid this function.

> print LOG $report;

Actually, this is my report assembled for the message during the
filter_begin().._end() triplet, it is more-or-less this:

$report = "Status report " . $_[0] . ":\n\n" . Data::Dumper->Dump( [
## my values

# message stuff
] , [ qw(

$report .= "Sender authentification: by relay\n";
$report .= "Skipping SpamAssassin: too large\n";

a.s.o You get the idea.

The Data::Dumper module formats nicely as known from the "x"  command of
the perl debugger. However, some of the values still contain "left-overs"
from previous useages of the same slave, as the variables are not undef'ed
by default. Esp. during debugging new changes I do a full log of all
MIMEDefang variables.


Steffen Kaiser
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RE: [Mimedefang] Semi OT: Best configuration for two servers to handle > 20,000msgs/day

2004-05-05 Thread Steffen Kaiser
> >1) New server becomes primary MX, has sendmail, mimedefang,
> > spamassassin, and uvscan.  Any incoming email gets scanned by new

Just hit my eye:

Is this the command-line "uvscan" or some demon-based one?

I'd ran the command-line uvscan with terrible results myself for a while.
Maybe this is your performance problem.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] mimedefang on debian

2004-05-05 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 5 May 2004, Patrick Morris wrote:

> Been using MIMEDefang on Debian for years now with now issues.  If it's
> a production server, I'd recommend the Stable Debian release.
> Andrew Jayes wrote:
> >debian drivers. My question, will it be much harder to install
> >mimedefang on to the debian OS? And if not which release should I use.

I'm installed MIMEDefang tarball with no issues on Debian Woody (current
stable) as well. It has been in production since approx. one year.
However, I switched to to use my own perl environment (/usr/local/perl) ,
because you have to re-install modules you've installed via CPAN (or
manually) after an update of the Debian package of the perl-modules again.
It also has the advantage, that Woody ships perl v5.6, but I'd like to use
the Encode module from v5.8.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Saving Headers for report

2004-05-06 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 6 May 2004, Jerome Tytgat wrote:

> Is there a possibility, with mimedefang, to automatically save
> only the headers (I don't want the full mail, as forwarding virus
> is not a good idea) to a folder using for name the reference number
> of the mail (also found in MDLOG entries) for easy linking.

I do it like so in filter_end():

my $logd = $Features{'Path:QUARANTINEDIR'} . "/maillog";
if(-d $logd) {
my $logf = "$logd/${MsgID}-Report-" . localtime() . ".txt";
if(open(LOG, ">$logf")) {
print LOG $report;
if(open(H, 'HEADERS')) {
print LOG "\nHeaders:\n" . join('', );
close H;
} else {
print LOG "\nFailed to open headers: $!\n";
close LOG;
} else {
skalog "\nFailed to create logfile: $logf: $!\n";
} else {
skalog "No maillog dir: $logd";


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Saving Headers for report

2004-05-10 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Mon, 10 May 2004, Jerome Tytgat wrote:


> But I lack the last Received: line.

What do you expect as "last" line?

The filter is parsing the message right when it comes in, before it got
manipulated by the local sendmail or any Milter (incl. MIMEDefang).


Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] Learning about to preserve information when relaying

2004-06-08 Thread Steffen Kaiser
I'm merely trying verify that a particular message has been already 
scanned by a trusted mailserver, so I can rely on the correctness of 
certain header information, e.g. Spam status and absense of scannable 

My base is this:
and, of course, the man page.
So, I guess the security here is:
1) Because the key (a random value) is used by a particular host, I trust 
2) The host would, if it sends me mail, either add such header anew or 
overwrite an existing one; or remove the header at all.
3) When spooling the message, the header is removed.

"The key should be kept confidential, but it's not disastrous if it leaks 
out." That's because an outsider cannot slipstream the correct header, 

either the outsider cannot use the same IP than my trusted hosts or, if 
the mail gets relayed through one of the trusted ones, the key gets 
deleted or overwritten by the trusted host.

Did I understood it correctly??
A more "correct" (robust / secure) method would be to use certificates 
communicating between trusted hosts, right?

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] graphdefang on remote server

2004-06-16 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Chris Gauch wrote:
So, my question is, is there a way to have graphdefang process a maillog
remotely so that my MIMEDefang server isn't brought to its knees even
If you don't like to have syslog forward the messages to another server, 
how about rsync'ing the log file from the mail relay to the log generator, 
just before you call graphdefang?

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] [ot] spamassassin config error with bayes

2004-06-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Rolf Loudon wrote:
thought I've poisoned the bayes data, so I deleted it hoping that it would 
start again and go through the re-learning again. But it has not created any 
files at all in the path (bayes_path) that I set.
When no files are created and no error is issued somewhere, I suppose you 
deactiveated bayes, e.g. check the settings of

Alternatively, try the sa-learn tool, e.g.
su defang $(which sa-learn) --spam|--ham file|folder
at least you will see that MIMEDefang/Spamassassin would be able to create 
the bayes database. (Sorting out permission problems etc.)

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Backup virusscanner

2004-06-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Didi Rieder wrote:
I know that MIMEDefang supports multiple virusscanner and one can use several 
of them
simultaneously. But is it also possible to run one virusscanner as the main 
and only try other scanners if the main scanner fails to run.

if clamd dies, do not TMPFAIL immediately but try first to run calmscan or 
uvscan or
Code your own message/entity_contains_virus function by to call the 
appropriate entity_contains_virus_clamd (a.s.o.) function directly.

E.g.: This was the function before it gone into
sub message_contains_virus () {
return message_contains_virus_avp()  if ($Features{'Virus:AVP'});
return message_contains_virus_fprot()if 
return message_contains_virus_fsav() if ($Features{'Virus:FSAV'});
return message_contains_virus_hbedv()if 
return message_contains_virus_nai()  if ($Features{'Virus:NAI'});
return message_contains_virus_nvcc() if ($Features{'Virus:NVCC'});
return message_contains_virus_rav()  if ($Features{'Virus:RAV'});
return message_contains_virus_sophie()   if 
return message_contains_virus_trophie()  if 
return message_contains_virus_sophos()   if 
return message_contains_virus_trend()if 
return message_contains_virus_filescan() if 
return message_contains_virus_clamd()if 
return message_contains_virus_clamav()   if 
return message_contains_virus_carrier_scan() if 
return (wantarray ? (0, 'ok', 'ok') : 0);

So you could move to _clamd() check first, but instead to return 
immediately check its return value and proceed with the next scanner, if 
it returns with TEMPFAIL.

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Still problems with bayes...

2004-06-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Sun, 20 Jun 2004, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
bayes_path  /var/spool/MD-Quarantine/bayes/bayes

bayes files, and fed it a new spam and ham content.  All the files in 
/var/spool/MD-Quarantine/bayes/ are owned by defang.defang.  What else am I
Is the path itself owned by defang? Spamassassin need to create one or so 
lock files.

BTW: perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf
   bayes_auto_learn ( 0 | 1 )  (default: 1)
   Whether SpamAssassin should automatically feed high-
   scoring mails (or low-scoring mails, for non-spam)
   into its learning systems.  The only learning system
   supported currently is a naive-Bayesian-style classi-
Maybe this is deactivated in your config?
Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] blocking | and bad syntax in "from" address

2004-06-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Joe Arnstein wrote:
Do any of the rfc's say this is improper syntax or forbiden characters?
Should I block this?  Can I block it? And if so can someone recommend a
Well, although they are very unlikely, the RFC does not forbid almost no 
character in the local part of an email address.

Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] Out of memory problem and missing attachments

2004-06-24 Thread Steffen Kaiser
lately I discovered the rules_du_jour script and had it configured to 
download (and install) some SpamAssassin config files.
That bumped my normal MIMEDefang process from 30MB to about 60MB 
size of the process image and, when it scanned the first mail, easily 
reaches 85MB. That broke my memory limits (-M option of the multiplexor).

I had plenty of:
mimedefang-multiplexor[17235]: Slave 7 stderr: Out of memory!
mimedefang-multiplexor[17235]: Slave 7 ran out of memory -- possible DoS attack due to 
complex MIME?
Currently I the normal size of a slave is 110MB (85MB resident).
In the same time I experienced a lot of complains that attachements were 
lost during transmition (esp. local only), the log file shows that 
MIMEDefang did found the attachments and scanned them for virus, but did 
not removed them.

Could it be that, because a slave did unexpectedly, the attachements got 
removed and lost?? Actually, it does not occure everytime or to or from 
the same senders/recipients nor when the same pair mails among them, it 
seems to occure randomly.

Bonus question: How much consumes the normal MIMEDefang process? Am I 
using extraordinary large SpamAssassin rules?

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Out of memory problem and missing attachments

2004-06-25 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Jonas Eckerman wrote:
If you're using all the rules from the rulesemporium, then yes.
To get the size down I would suggest using SURBLs ( instead of "" and "".
That dropped the image by approx. 15MB.
Also consider not using "" (a 1MB file of regular expressions...).
Doh! This one costs about 40MB!!
Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Sender validation

2004-06-25 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Kelson Vibber wrote:
The logic is more along the lines of:
- Sender claims to be [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- Look up MX records for
- Connect to and see if it accepts mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- From "User unknown" error, conclude that the sender is invalid and reject 
the message

In the old days, it might have been done using VRFY, but so many sites have 
disabled it to throw a roadblock in front of dictionary attacks.
Wouldn't you qualify as an address harvester by some IDSes, because you 
just connect to the server issue the RCPT TO then drop the connection?
(I suppose you use "MAIL FROM: <>" ;-)

Anyway, what about mail servers that always accepts RCPTs and fail the 
connection during DATA phase only? Or when it tempfails you? Or there is 
no connection possible?

This method was discussed several times on this list and I got the 
impression that it was found unreliable and good in the local organization 

Steffen Kaiser
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RE: [Mimedefang] Greylisting code, now with mysql Backend

2004-06-30 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Paul Murphy wrote:
Running a test script which does nothing but add one record and exit works OK,
even if the script is called several thousand times in a loop, though I have yet
We have some serious problem with BerkleyDB on Debian in conjunction with 
OpenLDAP's slapd. We have to issue a db_recover every two days or so. I'm 
not sure, however, if this has anything to do with each other.

Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] email forwarding and subject line capture...

2004-07-02 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 1 Jul 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The first one is to capture the subject line (first 25 chars) of emails
that get tagged as spam - will write it out with md_syslog.  I tried this
before and sort of got it to work, I was only able to capture the subject
of "some" emails, other came in blank even though there was a known
Maybe the lines are MIME encoded? Look at MIME::WordDecoder, for instance.
The second is a little more complicated. When email is tagged as spam, I
still want to do an action_bounce, but I also want to deliver an untouched
copy of the email to another address exempt from spam filter. So I would
Hmm, to search the archives for "spamtrap" should get plenty of hits.
The resend_message () function does exactly what you want.
Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Problems with filter for graphdefang

2004-07-06 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Martin Ferguson wrote:
However if there are multiple recipients, one line with the
'mail_sales_filing' tag is added to the log for each of the recipient. This
is obviously not what I'm after.
Compare man mimedefang-filter(5):
"If a message  has  more  than  one recipient, md_graphdefang_log may
log an event  message  for  each  recipient,  depending  on  how you
called md_graphdefang_log_enable."
Why nor use your own database or logfile for this or use md_syslog().
If disable to log multiple lines per message, you may break other scanners 
of the log.

Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] Validating sender domain opinion

2004-07-08 Thread Steffen Kaiser
there has been talk on the list placing 127.** or some other private 
address as tarpit as MX record with least precedence.

What about a DNS configuration with an invalid private MX as first one?
I just test a sender validation by grabbing all MX's records and check if 
the first one is an external address; doing so I found this domain:

; <<>> DiG 9.2.4rc5 <<>> -t mx
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 29441
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 4
;  MX
;; ANSWER SECTION: 252 IN  MX  30 252 IN  MX  10 252 IN  MX  20
These are not spammers, BTW.
I would consider such setup invalid and my code had rejected the mail, if 
it were enable. -- I mean, why does they try to deliver mail to one of my 
hosts, private addresses are "my hosts", aren't they?
I ignore the fact here intentionally, that they do point to a numerical 
address rather than a symbolic host.

What do you think?
Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Globals

2004-07-09 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Rich West wrote:
Hmm, I'd populate a global variable when the slave starts or in 
filter_initialize. I do so, anyway.

sub is_list
 $listname = (split("\@", $listname))[0];
 $listname = (split("\<", $listname))[1];
 Angle brackets are not mandatory.
  foreach $list (@lists)
return 1 if ($list =~ /^$listname/i);
^ here you check only, if the recipient 
begins with a name of a list.

 return 0;
BTW: How about preparing the name cache a bit more in order to avoid the 
foreach loop each time you lookup a name, e.g.

1) use a hash:
%mailists = ( 'list1' => 1
, 'list2' => 1, ... );
Then you can do simply  return $mailists{lc($listname)}
2) or use a large string: $mailists = '@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@';
then do: return index($mailists, '@' . lc($listname) . '@') >= 0;
(Because '@' is never part of listname, it's save.)
Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Validating sender domain opinion

2004-07-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/08/2004 09:37:16
What about a DNS configuration with an invalid private MX as first one?
They are probably lazy and do not have split DNS servers, or seperate ones
for internal vs external resolution.  The external ones are filters, and
Yeap, it seems to be some problem like that. Their hoster mailed the reply 
to me(???) that this setup was the "cheapest" one and that it was agreed 
among them and me(??). ;)

If you want to block it, you could, but would your users like that?  Do
you feel like teaching the mail admin at how to fix their mail
and/or DNS system?
I just tested how much it would block, when I sanity-check the sender 
domain in filter_sender (), by:

1. request 1st MX RRs;
2. request all A RRs of result of 1. or given domain alternatively;
3. check that no "forbidden addresses" (127.*, 0.*, 192.168.* etc.pp) is 
among the IPs.

Instead of to teach somebody something, I tried to find hosts, like, that way that evaluate to and cause those "local 
configuration error" notifications send to me. (I don't open a connection 
to the server to verify its existance, just request the DNS information.) 
The results are not too promising, but do indicate, that I'm to install 
some filter rules on the server to block access to some internal networks.

Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] taking too long to exit; sending SIGTERM

2004-07-19 Thread Steffen Kaiser
recently, I see lots of these:
Jul 19 07:15:09 ux-2s11 mimedefang-multiplexor[11157]: Killing idle slave 
4 (pid 11541): Idle timeout
Jul 19 07:15:19 ux-2s11 mimedefang-multiplexor[11157]: Slave 4 (pid 11541) 
taking too long to exit; sending SIGTERM

same second the Reap'ed log appears.
It also happens when the slave is killed, because it processed the max. 

Possibly a dumb question, but is this bad? Can I increase the 10s delay?
Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] validating mail was sent from your domain on bounce back messages

2004-07-21 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Lucas Albers wrote:
because there are so many different kinds of "bounce" notifications, I 
suppose you have bad luck with a particular header check.

You also cannot ensure that the server generating a valid bounce message 
can be determined by the mail address.

Maybe you can track, which user send mail to whom, and try to determine 
the failed recipient from the bounce notification and match this against 
the database. But, well, there will be problems there,too, e.g. we have a 
partner, that's using Lotus Notes internally, and the bounce messages 
contain the _Notes_ id, rather than the EMail address.

Steffen Kaiser
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RE: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-09 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Joseph Brennan wrote:
What is recommended for things like "send this page to a friend", where
the initiator wants to be able to have a remote machine send on his
behalf despite an SPF to the contrary?  MAIL FROM: <> From:?  From: <>
Sender:?  From: <> Reply-To:?
The SPF advocates say all such systems must use an envelope sender
with their own domain in it.  The header From: can still show
what human sent it.  While this sounds like the right thing to do,
I wonder how fast it can really be implemented and what pain will
be caused in the meantime.
I wonder what the impact of SPF really is, because:
On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, Damrose, Mark wrote:
Reading this doc, I'm starting to wonder:
1) it breaks mail forwarding.
All forwarding/aliasing becomes resending?!
We have plenty of "forward-only" accounts, that do not have no local 
account. Who is the sender of such virtual account -> I will recieve all 
the DSNs then?!! Arrgh.

2) it does not protect the From:
Actually for many concerns of mine this is exactly what I want (that the
From: header is set by the user as s/he wishes).
But I cannot see how I setup a MUA to use this From: header and that
envelope sender. Does somebody has some pointer to information about this
Consider the following scenario:
You know the large Call Centers around that get phoned for support by
customers often of many different companies.
Move that over to email support.
Consider an email support center named "" for companies
"", "" a.s.o.
When I consider SPF right, the mails send by the support center must use
the envelope address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but the recipients must see
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", when doing bussiness for company A respectively.
How do I configure sendmail and the MUAs to support this? Will this 
effectly be happen (without being able to bypass by MUAs) using the MSA?

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Re: [Mimedefang] filter_recipient problem (bug?)

2004-08-11 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Egor Moskvichev wrote:
Hi, all!
The problem is...
explained in man mimedefang-filter section MAINTAINING STATE.
sub filter_recipient () {
   my ($recipient, $sender, $ip, $hostname, $first, $helo, $rcpt_mailer,
$rcpt_host, $rcpt_addr) = @_;
   $from_host = $ip;
   $to_recipient = $recipient;
   return ('CONTINUE', "ok");
Consider you have multiple recipients, what use $to_recipient have in 
this scenario?

When you read man mimedefang-filter section GLOBAL VARIABLES SET BY 
MIMEDEFANG.PL, you see that you needn't filter_recipient as it is now at 

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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Les Mikesell wrote:
someone still forge the user name as long as the domain
name is correct for the originating IP address or will that
take yet another change in all MTA's to enforce before this
one is very useful?
This mechanism is called PGP. No MTA needs to be changed to use it.
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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records

2004-08-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, Cor Bosman wrote:
I mean, one of your customers (employees, whatever) sending email through
your server using [EMAIL PROTECTED] (basically their own hotmail
They can in the From: header, but in the envelope your MTA is to ensure 
that DSNs have a valid return address, hence, the envelope must be some 
local account.

Sure, but if they are sending themselves (and have for years) and suddenly
people are implementing SPF and we dont list their dynamic dialup host
as a valid senderhost, their mail will be suddenly rejected.
Yup. That's is what happening now already, because of DUL blacklists.
Do you participate in some SourceForge projects? I do. And I painfully 
noticed that I cannot run those mails through my mail server at home.

Yeah, they could/should use our mailserver, but im just trying to say
implementing SPF has a _lot_ of side effects.
Too much, for what I see currently.
Plaintext, you need to use SSL. How do you 'make' them use authentication?
Turn off non-authentificated access.
You dont control if they decide to use the hotspot's email smarthost, or
use software that does the delivery itself. If you publish SPF records,
then their email will be rejected. Maybe not such a big deal in your
case, but im sure we have thousands of customers emailing with our
domain name from remote locations not using our mailservers.
That is one problem of the current SPAM. Because legit mail may flow in 
non-signed and from any host. If anyone would use PGP or S/Mime, there 
would be no forged senders, if one would use a confirm-style certificate 
check-in mechanism (like when you join a mailing list that sends back a 
message to your mail account to verify that a) the address really exists 
and b) you are the particular person that initiated the join) -- at least 
not forged in the sense "there is an existing mailbox", as one could 
allocate easily one at any freemail (web) hoster,

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Re: [Mimedefang] MUA for multiple senders

2004-08-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The other day someone asked about an MUA that would support sending from
different addresses.  Last night I was looking at my Mozilla Thunderbird
setup where I have my primary home accoount, as well as my rarely used ISP
If you mean me, that's true, you can have any (??) number of mailboxes in 
Mozilla (it would be cool to have "roles" there, instead to force you to 
setup different mailboxes for each From: address).

My question was how I can have:
- an user-specified From: address and
- a valid local-server-based envelope address.
I considered this was in the line with the distinction between MTA and 
MSA, but I haven't found any pointers in the sendmail README's or google.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Question about Virus Scanners

2004-08-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
However, I haven't found much issues with Beagle/Bagle, etc. since I
switched to using File::Archive that searches for bad_exts and blocks them.
If the defs don't get them, the zip scanning has been.
Instructions on how I installed McAfee:
Actually I'm surprised. I had installed the command line scanner, too, a 
while back, but it was slow. And it seemed to consume lots of resources 
in memory.

I had ordered the scanners like so:
first File::Scan(), then McAfee
and McAfee _never_ found a virus! It did, when I reversed the processing 
order, so I'm certain the scanner and stuff were working.

Do you catch virii with McAfee, that slipped through the other scanners?
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Re: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records *long w/morbid horoscope*

2004-08-13 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Jeff Rife wrote:
And what do you think the command ETRN is for?
It's an optional part of SMTP that doesn't have to be supported, and
does have some security issues.
Which ones?
It simply triggers a queue run filtering mail for a target server.
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RE: [Mimedefang] Deadline for SPF records *long w/morbid horoscope*

2004-08-13 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 12 Aug 2004, Kelson Vibber wrote:
Sure, PGP and S/MIME are probably more elegant solutions.  But if you think 
it's hard getting mail server admins to agree on and implement something like 
SPF, just try convincing every man, woman and child on the Internet to 
digitally sign every piece of outgoing mail!
That's a problem of:
a) how hard is it to sign a mail (try to sign a mail with PGP with Mozilla 
or Outlook for instance),
b) how hard and cumbersum is it to gather a certificate (try to get a cert 
for S/Mime for instance).

Both conditions above indicate that it is not easy, but it is not easy by
intention; it gets even more painful when you try to set up such scenario
for different mail addresses, aka "roles", e.g. when you participate in
various projects, firms, or "morally bad" mailing lists.
BTW: Many people think of PGP and S/Mime very personally, I mean, they 
believe that that you can be tracked down all the net by them. However, 
PGP signs are absolutely not human-personalized, only when you want to 
enter a partitucal web-of-trust. Also, PGP lacks the check currently, that 
you can ensure that the corresponding mail address is not faked as well.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Monitoring Selected User Emails

2004-09-09 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 8 Sep 2004, Ted Beaton wrote:
have been tasked with monitoring all incoming and outgoing mail for a couple
targeted users.  Is mimedefang the best way to attack this or is there a
simpler solution?  Thinking that mimedefang was the way to go I have
Because aliases are expanded later than MIMEDefang runs, you might skip 
some of the mails. The most simple solution to duplicate _incoming_ mails 
to an address would to add a forward for this user on the final mail 

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Re: [Mimedefang] MIMEDefang + spamd

2004-10-26 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, David F. Skoll wrote:
On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, John Scully wrote:
On any system with a lot of rule sets SA represents about 90% of the total
message prosessing time.  C vs perl makes a difference on that part.
Yes, but I fail to see how spamd helps -- it still must, ultimately,
call into the exact same Perl API as any other SA user.
Might spamc/spamd gains from the fact that spamd pre-loads more things and 
caches certain internal stuff, which is shared among multiple spamd 
slaves, instead of kept into each MIMEDefang slave?

You've said to switch to embedded Perl to avoid those problems, so the 
answer probably is no.

Anyway, would it be possible to use the spampd API directly, instead of to 
call spamc? That way one could measure the speed factor and useage of 
resources better. (No, I don't volunteer ;-)

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Re: [Mimedefang] Need to turn off CC in Defang Notifications

2004-11-29 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, Kenneth Porter wrote:
I suppose he could be stress-testing Thunderbird, but at that volume I'd be 
inclined to switch all filtering server-side (ie. with procmail).
Suppose the users are not supposed to have shell account on the server 
(just POP and IMAP), can you lock down procmail to keep within the user's 
home directory or at least to run some particular, selected programs only?

Or does there exist some other MailDir-aware MDA doing so?
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Re: [Mimedefang] Need to turn off CC in Defang Notifications

2004-12-01 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Kelson wrote:
Sendmail comes with smrsh, the SendMail Restricted SHell.  If you set an
smrsh applies to programs sendmail calls,
account to use smrsh as its shell, then the user can only run the programs 
you specify -- and that includes programs called through procmail.
but not to the spawned ones (e.g. procmail).
At least not in my installation.
I tried this .procmailrc:
:0 c
* ^From.*root
* ^From.*root
| perl $HOME/script
The mail is delivired to the folder and the script is executed, although 
"perl" is not linked in /etc/mail/smrsh.

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OT: Secure MDA (was Re: [Mimedefang] Need to turn off CC in Defang Notifications)

2004-12-01 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Wed, 1 Dec 2004, Joseph Brennan wrote:
hosts and mail servers, but if the mail server reads .procmailrc
over NFS, users can therefore execute programs on the mail server
just by receiving mail.
This is, in fact, our setup.
In the past, we had too much trouble, e.g. ill-written scripts, that 
consumed lots of CPU and memory, even bouncers and other servers got 
Actually, I'd stick message filtering to pick some proper maildrop 
directories and/or to forward to another mail address.

I considered to move the user .procmailrc's into some local place with 
web-interface and parse the contents prior installing it, e.g. to reject 
the conf file, when a '|' character is found; but I haven't tested the 
idea, yet.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Change "warning1.txt" attachment name when using action_replace_with_url

2004-12-17 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Administrador DyR wrote:
About the type of the replacing attachment:
There is actually another reason why it might be good to use another type:
There are local recipients using some (I don't know what particular) 
version of Outlook, who claim that they cannot access the link in the 

The cause is simple: Outlook does not make the URL clickable.
You could copy'n'paste the URL into a browser, but that's too much effort 
(or lack of knowledge or whatever).

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Re: [Mimedefang] Re: Anyone using File::Scan?

2005-02-16 Thread Steffen Kaiser
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Matt Smith wrote:

don't monitor closely exactly _what_ is getting rejected due to virii (I
I drop the part with warning when File::Scan returns positive, so the 
recipient may decide further. Till now, I had no single complaint. But we 
do not scan thousands of mails daily :)

suggest that this is heavily faq'd and man'd, as the list will no-doubt be
bombarded with questions like "I upgraded MD and File::Scan is no-longer
working!", or similar!
A line in the sample filter would be nice:
# Uncomment the next two lines if you want to use File::Scan if it is 
#(eval 'use File::Scan; $Features{"File::Scan"} = 1;')
#or $Features{"File::Scan"} = 0;

Or vice verse:
# Comment out the next line to avoid using File::Scan
(eval 'use File::Scan; $Features{"File::Scan"} = 1;');
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Re: [Mimedefang] How can I tell WHY this was rejected?

2005-04-07 Thread Steffen Kaiser
Or one can keep a report of the internal variables of the filter for a 
mail, e.g.:

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Re: [Mimedefang] Order of the fuctions?

2005-06-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, James Ebright wrote:

I check for auth in filter_begin (earliest I know of that you can check for
authenticated users in MD [I use the global array SendmailMacros]) and skip
portions of my MD filter if the user authenticated as well. Most actions in
filter_recipients and filter_relay I dont actually take at that time but save
to a state file and do not take any action until after I can check for

You can check for Sendmail Auth anytime by inspecting the COMMANDS file:


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Re: [Mimedefang] RE: HELP! At end of my rope with MD/SA

2005-07-07 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 6 Jul 2005, Dirk the Daring wrote:


Summary: Adding SA v3.0.4 to an existing MD v2.52 install breaks MD

I wrote:

If I add

$Features{'SpamAssassin'} = 1;

to mimedefang-filter, so I can eliminate the "if $Features" logic and
simplify my -filter file, I get the following error:

Can't locate object method "new" via package "Mail::SpamAssassin"
(perhaps you forgot to load "Mail::SpamAssassin"?) at
/opt/mimedefang/bin/ line 6177.
Compilation failed in require at /opt/mimedefang/bin/
line 4881.

The last command won't run unless I remove the "Features{'SpamAssassin'}" from
mimedefang-filter. If I leave that in, I get the same error as in my
first message.

Hmm, I've re-checked with the archive, there you said that you really mean 
that you've >>eliminate(d) the "if $Features" logic<<

Well, I agree with:

The basic question is: WHY do you want to remove the "if logic" at all?

quote: "If I run MD with a filter that *optionally* adds SA (that is, using
if ($Features{"SpamAssassin"})
constructions as the default filter does, MD works fine.
   If I add
$Features{'SpamAssassin'} = 1;
First: $Features{'SpamAssassin'} should be '1' already, if SpamAssassin 
is present and useable.
(Also: It does not 'optionally add SA' in your filter, but pre-load the 
SA-framework. The "add" is performed in - search for "use 
Mail::SpamAssassin ()")

What I haven't understood from your posts:
Is spamAssassin used at runtime (scan time) at all, when the "if logic" is 
present, or not?
Or is -features is telling, that SA is present, but it is 
NOT present while scanning mails?

Also, in 
you indicate that your MIMEDefang _and_ perl are located in /opt, whereas 
you indicate that both reside under /usr/bin.

The error indicates that "use Mail::SpamAssassin ();" had not been seen by 
perl. The question is why, actually.

I'd do the following to investigate:

a) recompile mimedefang

b) keep the if logic, unless there is some real reason to remove it (it 
won't take that much resources in your environment, will it?)

c) insert a "print "\$Features{'SpamAssassin'} = " . 
$Features{'SpamAssassin'} . "\n"; prior the "if logic" and watch the 
output of "./ -features".

(Note: I really mean ./ and NOT perl
(Oh: and verify that 'pwd' displays the very same path as used in 
/etc/init.d/mimedefang) (Note#2: Remove the line, before using the 

if nothing obvious is to be seen:
d) $(head -1 | sed -e '1,$s/#!//') -d 
in order to verify, why the "use Mail::SpamAssassin ();" is not seen by 
perl. (Note: I really mean $(head -1 | sed -e '1,$s/#!//') )

on doubt:
e) add  "use Mail::SpamAssassin ();" right next to where you've placed: 
$Features{'SpamAssassin'} = 1;

and watch the difference(s).


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Re: [Mimedefang] SpamAssassin net tests disabled then called by mimedefang.

2005-07-07 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


What's the value of:

$SALocalTestsOnly = 0;

in your filter?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Blatent spam getting X-Spam-Score: 0 ()

2005-07-08 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Bill Curtis wrote:

Here is the header of a message that shows X-Spam-Score: 0.  I'm curious if
a spammer
could have put this there to get mimedefang to skip it.  I know that my

I've seen these headers, too; but it wouldn't a good mail filter to honor 
alien headers, would it? Unless you coded it, MIMEDefang has no interest 
in these headers.

I suppose those headers are there to trick MUAs, that are configured to 
normally be used in conjunction with a filter, that tags mail, and a 
second one that does not. Consider somebody who pulls private mail from 
some provider and bussiness mail from the firm's server. If latter is 
running anti-spam ware and tags the mails, but the provider does not.


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Re: [Mimedefang] Code to remove winmail.dat files and replace them with the attachments.

2005-07-27 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, David F. Skoll wrote:

Is there a reason you didn't use Convert::TNEF?

Does somebody know how to extract the RTF message using Convert::TNEF? I 
haven't found anything in the pod nor pointed google to something useful.

I suspect $tnef->message to return something, where one can get the hands 
on the message, but I cannot see how.

The example in the pod is also just dealing with "real" attachments.

I verified the existance of the RTF part by loading the winmail.dat into 
ktnef and selecting "Action | Show Message Text" from the menu; but using 
the module I do not see it in neither


First one seems to contain status information only; latter returns an 
empty list (actually there are no real attachments).


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Re: [Mimedefang] Slaves died prematurely

2005-08-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Eduardo Otubo wrote:

nothing found

something smells bad in my debian kingdom

I just did an install of Debian stable sarge; it worked out-of-the-box, 
except MIMEDefang is not automatically added to sendmail.m4, what to do 
about it is described in /usr/share/doc/mimedefang.

Debian includes MIMEDefang v2.51, instead of the most current one, 


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RE: [Mimedefang] Spam with more than one recipient - reject or not?

2005-08-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David F. Skoll wrote:


Tempfail the second of A and B at RCPT time...

There are serious practical problems with this approach:

True.  Just brainstorming.

5. Accept A and B at RCPT time... make a decision at DATA time.

If all recipients agree a message should be rejected, reject it (duh)
If all recipients agree a message should be accepted, accept it (duh)
If there's any disagreement, tempfail it ONCE and remember it.
If there's a retry later, ACCEPT IT.  The initial disagreement, plus the fact 
that there was a real retry, should go a long way toward proving the hammyness 
of the email.

Drawback... if spammers start retrying, this could be a free ride for a lot of 

This is a conditional Greylisting, no?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Excluding localhost

2005-08-22 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Mon, 22 Aug 2005, Andrew Pollock wrote:

sub filter_begin () {
   # No need to impact on delivery times for locally generated mail
   if (!defined $RelayAddr || $RelayAddr eq '') {
8.204.2') {

This code is valid in filter_relay/_sender/_recipient.


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Re: [OT] Debian Policy (was Re: [Mimedefang] Re: Quarantine location)

2005-08-29 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Fri, 26 Aug 2005, David F. Skoll wrote:

The sendmail package of Debian is a bit odd, I agree, but an upgrade 
within the various sarge/testing variants never broke my installation, 
except that sendmailconfig insists of putting procmail into 
/etc/mail/smrsh. However, what would be the way to intelligently handle 
sendmail's .m4 conf script, without to disable lots of functionality?

I had no problems with Postgres at all.

I do, however, use my own perl version for my own perl programs as 
upgrading keeps overwriting any updated modules, to update the perl 
package or to install a newer (required) variant of a CPAN module broke 
the system or my own (perl) applications running on the server.


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Re: [Mimedefang] SPAM with Multiple Subject Headers

2005-09-01 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Sean Ware wrote:

 action_change_header("X-Spam-Score", "$hits ($score) $names");

Wouldn't the same problem apply to X-Spam-Score?


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Re: [Mimedefang] Spam with more than one recipient - reject or not?

2005-09-06 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Wesley Peters wrote:

On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 07:54 -0400, David F. Skoll wrote:

Michal Jankowski wrote:

I have received a suggestion to stream by recipient.

But that's a big no-no. Once you do that, you have effectively
accepted the smtp transaction. So you cannot 'bounce' and the only way
to notify sender is by mail, which should be avoided at all cost.

Well, in that case, you just discard instead of bounce.

Can you suggest a viable alternative?  (Other than re-writing SMTP, of course.)

Tempfail all the recipients who use different rules than the first?

That's falls into the field of "re-writing SMTP"; because the recipients 
are sent amd acknowledged (or rejected)  _before_ the contents comes in, 
you can't tempfail individual recipients based on the contents.

Also, another idea:

+ tempfail the message awhole, &
+ when the mail transfer is attempted again, you know the old score and 
tempfail the recipients, who does not like the mail.

Well, won't work as well, because when the recipients are sent, you only 
know the connecting host, the HELO string and the envelope sender. Not 
enough information to reliably identify a message.
Some (mostly larger hosters) have mail clusters, where, possibly, a 
message is retried from another host, which should use another HELO string 
as well.

So one can only act on the tuple (sender, recipient), and, you can't even 
rely on that the order of the recipients keeps the same on retry.
-> Well, this is much like conditional greylisting, where you hope that 
the attempt for re-transfer is a good sign for non-SPAM.


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brainstorming this topic: Re: [Mimedefang] Spam with more than one recipient - reject or not?

2005-09-06 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Wesley Peters wrote:

While writing the former reply, some idea developed, it tries to extend 

Consider a message for multiple recipients, some do like it, some do not.

+ During filter_end() you score why the recipients don't like it (e.g. 
some reasons might not be appropriate for this idea); then you save the 
pair (envelope sender, envelope recipient) into a database.

+ The whole message is tempfailed.

+ When a message arrives, you check in filter_recipient(), if the DB 
contains the pair (sender, recipient), if so, the recipient is tempfailed.

+ The database entries are deleted after, say, one hour.

+ Eventually within the grace time of 1h, the message with the mixed 
recipients is retried, the recipients, who don't like the message, get 
tempfailed, the others pass.

+ When the message is retried again after the grace time, all recipients 
don't like the mail and it is bounced.

The basic idea is to assume that a sender will send SPAM the next time, 

This assumption is also the weak point because of all the faked sender 
addresses. There will be well-known senders that, when arriving from 
certain hosts, are no SPAM mostly, so they can be exempted from this 

There will be several scenarios, that make this technique cumbersome, 
because it is possible that a mail gets tempfailed forever without being 
scanned at all.


+ Mail A of faked sender S arrives has multiple recipients, recipient R 
don't like the message; the pair (S, R) is stored into the DB.

+ Mail B arrives from real sender S to R (single recipient) within grace 
time. But it is tempfailed. You don't know whether this is message has one 
or recipients, hence, you must honor the DB any time.

--> When message A is never retried _within_ the grace time, it will 
tempfailed forever and possibly prevent scanning and delivery of Mail B 
that way.

Does anybody has some idea to eliminate the weak points?


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Re: [Mimedefang] MX ->

2005-09-13 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Les Mikesell wrote:

On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 17:31, Kelson wrote:

I remember a year or two ago there was a fad in which admins would set
up a tertiary or higher MX pointing to in order to hassle spam
software that used the highest MX instead of the lowest.

I don't know how many of these are still around, and I never thought it
was a good idea -- and you can definitely argue that it's a malicious

The reason you publish multiple MX addresses in the first place is
that you know some won't always be reachable.  What would you like
to happen when all but is unreachable?

there was a longly discussion on this list about abusing "Backup-MX" 
hosts, because they are most likely not protected the same has the primary 
host; therefore it was suggested to publish as the MX entry with 
the highest number in assumtion:

a) It will never happen all that the higher priority (aka with lower 
number) servers are gone away, and
b) that ratware uses the last-priority server to catch a Backup-Host, that 
is not protected so well, but is now using localhost.

Well, the same effort in to detect "bad" MX hosts can be performed by 
ratware, hence, this technique can last for short while only, perhaps the 
usefullness is gone by now.

So I would agree with you that to publish localhost anywhere in the chain 
is possibly not good.

BTW: I wouldn't wonder much, when some ratware (or spammer) usues 
completely random addresses.


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Re: [Mimedefang] MX ->

2005-09-13 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Kenneth Porter wrote:

--On Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1:29 PM +0200 Steffen Kaiser 

Well, the same effort in to detect "bad" MX hosts can be performed by
ratware, hence, this technique can last for short while only, perhaps the
usefullness is gone by now.

The 2nd best solution is to use "black hole space" for the last MX, IP space 
guaranteed to not have a host. This ensures that the spammer has to time out 
the connection. But it means that the timeout is only as long as the stock 
TCP SYN timeout.

Good point.

An even better solution is to point to a host that tarpits port 25 
connections. Such a host accepts the connection, but then turns the TCP feed 
into a trickle, effectively forcing the spammer to tie up the connection 
forever. (You can install a netfilter module on Linux called "TARPIT" for 
this purpose.)

You still have to ensure that any of the "good" MX hosts must be online 
all over the time. Or at least ignore / tempfail connections, when all the 
other hosts are down.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Filters and Global Variables

2005-09-14 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005, John Rudd wrote:

Does the same child get called for all filter* subroutines?

For example, if I define a global variable outside of any subroutines, and 
then in filter_begin I clear it ... then add some values to it in filter, 
will I then be able to read it in filter_end?

Yes and no; the details are explained in man mimedefang-filter ;  section 



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Re: [Mimedefang] blocked file types in text file

2005-09-19 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, John Rudd wrote:

Right, that's the same as what $& is doing: it's telling you what part of the

There is a large performance penalty using the special $` $' $& variables, 
because if you use those variables anywhere in the code, they are 
propagated for each regex, which is not so for $1 variables.

There was a thread some time ago claiming that e.g. SpamAssassine's huge 
amount of regex's drop the performance significantly.

($& is not so problematic than $`and $', if I remember correctly. Perl 
developers have made the same quirk, see "perldoc English" last 

   This module can provoke sizeable inefficiencies for regular expres-
   sions, due to unfortunate implementation details.  If performance 

   ters in your application and you don't need $PREMATCH, $MATCH, or
   $POSTMATCH, try doing

  use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;

   .  It is especially important to do this in modules to avoid 

   all applications which use them."


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] howto add another recpient when email's size bigger that X vale

2005-09-28 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Anton Kudris wrote:

I think I need to add few lines to filter_end() like these

my $x = 5120; #bytes
if (message_size() >= $x) {
 add_recipient('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

but I don't know how to write message_size() function... Or is there
any $MsgSize variable avialable?

Check out the sample filter, esp. the code snippet:

# Spam checks if SpamAssassin is installed
if ($Features{"SpamAssassin"}) {
if (-s "./INPUTMSG" < 100*1024) {
# Only scan messages smaller than 100kB.  Larger messages
# are extremely unlikely to be spam, and SpamAssassin is
# dreadfully slow on very large messages.

2nd if() probes the message size.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] DoS??

2005-10-17 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyway.. helpful hint: rsync or otherwise mirror your whitelists to a
local nameserver as much as possible, if you handle more than a decent
amount of email. And run a caching nameserver on every mailserver.

The DNS servers in question are local, just another subnet.  A local

Then it is not local -- for the services on the mail server :-)

The jammed up IP stack even was causing problems connecting to the CanIt
database server occasionally.

I do not suppose that the stack is jammed awhole, but the queue of the 
ethernet card, right? So to use a DNS cache on localhost would definitely 
help to keep the IP stack OK.

Actually, I saw a benefit in to have a local DNS cache in the past, 
because our mail server had rejected mails even to itself, because it 
couldn't verify its own domain via DNS.


Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] Fprotd problems and patch

2005-10-19 Thread Steffen Kaiser


f-protd (demonized F-Prot) has a quirk.

The scanner returns these result codes:

#  0  Not scanned, unable to handle the object.
#  1  Not scanned due to an I/O error.
#  2  Not scanned, as the scanner ran out of memory.
#  3  X   The object is not of a type the scanner knows. This
# may  either mean it was misidentified or that it is
# corrupted.
#  4  X   The object was valid, but encrypted and  could  not
# be scanned.
#  5  Scanning of the object was interrupted.
#  7  X   The  object was identified as an "innocent" object.
#  9  X   The object was successfully scanned and nothing was
# found.
#  11 The object is infected.
#  13 The object was disinfected.

Now I found a reason for code #0 not acceptable to be blocked by the 
server: The code is triggered by compiled Java classes (*.class).

I have therefore changed the logic of in order to assume the 
same behaviour of code 0 as code 3 -- corrupt or unknown archive.

Code 3 is also returned by some binary text file, like Word .doc.

Maybe, it would be good to have an user-controlled way to react on the 
return codes, because:

- fprotd cannot scan directories awohle, but you have to feed it one file 
after another, therefore there is a loop to do so.
- when one item is triggering "not ok" (whatever reason), the loop is 
terminated and the non-ok value is returned.
- So when you have one item of code0 (til now it returns "tempfail"), 
message_contains_virus() returns (900, "cannot-execute", "tempfail")

If you let it pass, because of code 900 (actually, the code is the scanner 
code + 900), there might be some not scanned items, because the loop had 
been terminated.

So, I would suggest to revamp all the scanner codes, at least those ones 
that recurse the Work directory themselves to:

a) use the same recursion code,&
b) either:
b1) scan all items and score the results, e.g.:
ok -> score 0
suspicious -> score 1
quarantine -> score 10
virus -> score 100
and return the result with the highest score. (Actually one can break when 
the maximal score had been found).

b2) Don't score the result by the code in at all, but by an 
user-supplied function - with defaults, if none is supplied. The easiest 
method would be to have a global array - one needs to define such array 
for those scanners only, which are installed, hence, there should be no 
memory overhead.

b3) Add a "mixed-result" code, which contains all results of all items, 
maybe compressed, like return code OK had been found three times, 
tempfail, because of code 0 five times a.s.o.

Actually, I'd prefer implementing variant 2, because it might open for a 
more generic handling of unknown attachments, e.g. when the virus scanner 
returns code 0 (unkown), one could bounce the message with the text 
"Invalid attachment, retransmit wrapped up in a ZIP archive".
Well, I do not scan no archives, so they would pass and will be scanned 
by the virus scanner on the computer of the recipient, if the sender 
retries at all.

Any opinions?


Steffen Kaiser

Description: F-protd code0 patch
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Re: [Mimedefang] Sendmail filter problems

2005-10-24 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, Ross wrote:


Ross, can you post your in its entirety?

As requested:

Missing "dnl"'s at the end of the lines may cause strange side effects, 
try correct your .mc file by adding a dnl to all lines.


define(`confRELAY_MAILER', `esmtp')
define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 24')

dnl #

`S=unix:/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock, F=T, T=S:1m;R:1m;E:5m')

(maybe, I missed some others)


dnl #
dln # temporarily on while setting up server.

  ^^ typo!



Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-10 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:

Here's (imo) the fundamental problem here: the mimedefang filter is not
given the same message that end user sees... lone CR characters will be
removed from it (line ending CRLF will also be converted by sendmail
or the local delivery agent to just LF, that's not the point).

You can rebuilt the message when SuspiciousCharsInBody is true, then the 
message you filter in MIMEDefang is the same as the message the client 

This is a good thing anyway, probably, because MIMETools reacts on 
ill-formatted MIME mails differently than a MUA possibly reacts. So you 
cannot be sure that both implementations sees the message the same.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Bare returns in message body

2005-11-18 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

If any of $SuspisiousCharsIn* are true, I'm doing (as one of the first things 

filter_begin, even before checking for viruses):

action_quarantine_entire_message('descriptive msg');
return action_bounce('descriptive msg');

I did so for some time, too, but had to disable it, because some 
(important) people are subscribed to some CVS-has-changed notification 
lists, which send embedded CRs and NULs. The sender was complaining, that 
I'm the only person who thinks the mails are bad. (Well, I would probably 
react this way as well, if I'd get only one reply.) I bet that they have 
some newline problem (Mac vs. Unix vs. Windows), because these are huge 
projects they are working within, so someone probably checks in the files 

Since then I bounce SuspiciousCharsInHeader only and treat them as 
"infected by malware". No complains since then.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Debugging slaves that die

2005-11-24 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005, Roland Pope wrote:

Actually, I do like debugging my scripts and see what's going on in there.

I used to do the following when I tested my filter's _begin/../end stage 

I've added this code into the filter:

action_quarantine_entire_message("Message quarantined 
because for TESTING purpose");

foreach my $fnam (glob('*')) {
if(-f $fnam && !-e "$QuarantineSubdir/$fnam") {
if(open(OUT, ">$QuarantineSubdir/$fnam")) 

if(open(IN, $fnam)) {
while() {
print OUT;
close IN;
close OUT;

The "foreach" loop causes that all files are available in the quarantined 
directory, incl COMMANDS, which is essential.

Then you can check the filter doing this:

$ cd $QuarantineSubdir
$ rm -r RESULT Work
$ perl -d -f filter $(pwd)

c do_scan
c filter_begin

... do the debugging


$ test -f RESULTS && cat RESULTS || echo no results

However, if you do not check the logic of the filter itself, but some 
general problem, you must be aware that you debug as the defang-user (the 
demon runs as), that you cannot emulate the timings and that a slave may 
have leftover values of a previous run.


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] upgrade mimedefang to 2.54 failed with error

2005-11-24 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 24 Nov 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear List,

I tried to upgrade mimedefang to 2.54.
while running ./configure i got the following error message:
configure: WARNING: Oops.. I couldn't find libmilter/mfapi.h.  Please install
Sendmail 8.12

It's odd because i got sendmail 8.13.4 complied with milter support??

Do you mean that you've compiled sendmail yourself?

can anyone suggest a fix?

Debian Serge 3.1a + sendmail 8.13.4 + clamd 0.87 + SA 3.0.3 + mimedefang 2.51

(is there a simple way to upgrade?? or should i got through the whole proccess
of configure,make, make install...etc.??)

If you use the Debian packages, you need to install the milter-dev 

#  apt-cache search milter
amavisd-new-milter - Interface between sendmail-milter and amavisd-new
dcc-milter - Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse - sendmail milter plugin
libmail-milter-perl - Perl extension modules for mail filtering via milter
libmilter-dev - Sendmail Mail Filter API (Milter)
libmilter0 - Sendmail Mail Filter API (Milter)
libsendmail-milter-perl - Interface to Sendmail's Mail Filter API
libsendmail-pmilter-perl - A Perl implementation of the Sendmail Milter 

sendmail-doc - powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent
spamass-milter - sendmail milter for filtering mail through spamassassin
clamav-milter - antivirus scanner for sendmail

# apt-get install libmilter-dev


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: Even sillier disclaimers (was Re: [Mimedefang] defang startuperrors)

2005-12-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, David F. Skoll wrote:

Todd Aiken wrote:

Ignore the text that follows this disclaimer which says that all
disclaimers in the above text are NULL AND VOID and that they can be
ignored.  That disclaimer is false-the above is true.

Well! :-) We have an arms race, then.  I'll change my disclaimer

Maybe it depends on the local laws very hard, but there was a decision of 
a German court: when two "standard disclaimers" (aka "general terms and 
conditions " -- at least that's what DICT translates the German term into: declare the other void, both are void.


Steffen Kaiser
NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: Even sillier disclaimers (was Re: [Mimedefang] defang startuperrors)

2005-12-12 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Steffen Kaiser wrote:

Um, I forgot to mention that such nullifyings, when they are part of 
global terms, are void by itself anyway.


Steffen Kaiser
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[Mimedefang] Multiple From addresses

2005-12-13 Thread Steffen Kaiser


today I recieved a SPAM that puzzled me, because it displayed _two_ 
addresses in the From: field. Checking the log that was caused by a 
malformed From: line as the comment part didn't quoted the comma; so  I 
checked RFC822 sec 4.4.1, where the plural is used, hence, it is legal to 
specify multiple From addresses.

However, I grepped all mails I got hands on and found NO single valid mail 
with two From addresses, hence, it's a SPAM indicator; does anyone 
stumbled across a valid mail with multiple From's, perhaps, someone uses 
this "feature" himself?


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] Greylisting

2005-12-14 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Kenneth Porter wrote:

help a small company server. Perhaps a distributed greylist DB? Sort of like 
a DNSBL but with white-listing. MD could store the successful entries in a 
zone and we could publish our zones for others to use.

OK, how to keep the "Bad Guys" out?

You're required to build up a trust system, then.


Steffen Kaiser
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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] Greylisting

2005-12-15 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Kenneth Porter wrote:

--On Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:15 AM +0100 Steffen Kaiser 

OK, how to keep the "Bad Guys" out?

You're required to build up a trust system, then.

Right, but we already do that with black lists.

Which had listed a major German freemail hoster some months ago 
regularily, so that I had to whitelist their IPs.

In opposite of blacklisting, where the sender can act upon a failure and, 
the probably queued, mails arrive the recipient eventually; you want to 
prevent that the mail is delivered, e.g.:

0) Zombie network prepares to submit SPAM messages,
1) half of the network lists the other half into the whitelist DNSBL,
2) the other half pushes out the SPAM.

You cannot do nothing, because the SPAM is already delivered.
Unlike with blacklisting, where you can manage a _late_ delivery, you 
cannot "undeliver" a message.

Hence, you (or "one") have to trust the Whitelist DB more than you need to 
trust a Blacklist DB.


Steffen Kaiser
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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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Re: [Mimedefang] dictionary attacks looking for a valid user

2005-12-16 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, David F. Skoll wrote:

Jan Pieter Cornet wrote:

An easier solution might be to have a process tail(1) your logfile and
take action on the information there. I think I've even seen something
like that: more than x invalid recipients, and you're firewalled away.

That's much easier.  I have a script I run for a similar purpose:  It
firewalls off anyone who attempts to log in via SSH with an invalid
password.  There are lots of SSH brute-forcers around.

After reading these two paragraphes some worrying struck me:

In opposite to SSH connections you cannot assume that the attacker sits on 
"the other side" of a SMTP communication. Maybe the server just relays 
the mail or is an huge mail hoster (say, hotmail, gmail, aol), you cannot 
firewall them off, just because one Black Sheep is abusing the service?!
Will you really try to differ between home/zombie senders and huge relay 
systems, esp. because you do not have no headers to take into account?

Actually, there was a patch for sendmail posted to comp.mail.sendmail for 
a feature "drop connection if number of bad recipients exceeds n".


Steffen Kaiser
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Re: [Mimedefang] That .com extension

2006-01-04 Thread Steffen Kaiser

On Tue, 3 Jan 2006, Joseph Brennan wrote: - Cutting Hedge_ Law Firm Grows With Funds.pdf

It must be because of the ".com " in the name.

Why do we not just test the value of lc($ext), rather than pass the
entire entity to filter_bad_filename?  Is there some form of obfuscation
in which the filename could be followed by random text?

This is in order to prevent using a partial name, when using invalid MIME 
syntax, e.g.:

Content/type=application/octet-string; - Cutting Hedge_Law Firm Grows With Funds.pdf

Note the missing quotes of the filename tag.

There are reports that some MUAs ignore the text after the ".com" part 
and, hence, would treat the attachment as executable file.

MIMEDefang does not know whether there are quotes or not, hence, it 
assumes that they are not.


Steffen Kaiser
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message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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