Re: [Mimedefang] milter smorgas board

2006-05-01 Thread Jeff Rife
On 1 May 2006 at 10:29, Gary Funck wrote:
 Above, a list of milters, many of them open source, some not.
 Thought it might be useful for ideas of add-ons/improvements
 to MdF.

The milter-sender description reminded me...

I enabled a check like this in MD for about a week and logged the 
results (but didn't actually reject).  Not one of the messages it would 
have rejected made it through the other techniques I use (greylisting, 
HELO spoof check, SA, etc.), so I decided it was far too expensive 
(timewise) to implement for no gain, and although I didn't see any 
issues, it could cause timeout problems.

Does anybody have any experiences with this sort of callback check?

Jeff Rife |  

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Re: [Mimedefang] milter smorgas board

2006-05-01 Thread Richard Laager
On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 10:29 -0700, Gary Funck wrote:
 Above, a list of milters, many of them open source, some not.
 Thought it might be useful for ideas of add-ons/improvements
 to MdF.

Here's one I thought interesting:

This Sendmail mail filter will tag or reject email with invalid message
content transfer encodings as given by RFC 2045. For example a message
that is declared to use MIME 7-bit encoding, but contains an 8-bit
octet, NUL byte, and/or unpaired CR or LF characters, would be
considered invalid and tagged/rejected. Variations of these checks are
performed for MIME parts with 8-bit or binary encodings.


MIMEDefang already does the NUL and CR/LF checks as suspicious
character checks. But, I'm wondering if the 8-bit check would be

Here's another:

This Sendmail mail filter verifies the conformance of the date-time
strings found in the Received:, Resent-Date:, and Date: headers with
respect to RFC 2822 section 3.3 Date  Time Specification. The milter
also checks that the date-time strings in the previously mentioned
headers have coherent relationships betweeen themselves and the current
mail hop. Mail can be tagged, rejected, or discarded accordingly, if the
date-time strings have invalid syntax, semantics, or are incoherent.


How much of this does SpamAssassin do?


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Re: [Mimedefang] milter smorgas board

2006-05-01 Thread Richard Laager
On Mon, 2006-05-01 at 14:12 -0400, Jeff Rife wrote:
 The milter-sender description reminded me...
 Does anybody have any experiences with this sort of callback check?

We use it, including a database cache to lighten the load.

Since we do reject on it, I can't say how efficient it is compared to
other tests. From a quick log search, I see this test rejects about
38,000 messages per week, after things like RBLs and HELO checks (which
block about 15,74,000 messages per week.)

In general, my philosophy is that anything which can prevent a
SpamAssassin run is good. Running SA on a message is very CPU intensive
and involves lots of network queries as well.


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Re: [Mimedefang] milter smorgas board

2006-05-01 Thread Jeff Rife
On 1 May 2006 at 17:51, Richard Laager wrote:

 Since we do reject on it, I can't say how efficient it is compared to
 other tests. From a quick log search, I see this test rejects about
 38,000 messages per week, after things like RBLs and HELO checks (which
 block about 15,74,000 messages per week.)
 In general, my philosophy is that anything which can prevent a
 SpamAssassin run is good. Running SA on a message is very CPU intensive
 and involves lots of network queries as well.

Agreed.  I'd have to go back and check how many of these required SA to 
cause a reject.  ISTR that greylisting and HELO checks got all but a 

Jeff Rife | There was a guy that was killed just like this 
  |  over in Jersey. 
  | Yeah, but I figure, 'What the hell, 
  |  that's Jersey.' 
  | -- Highlander 

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