Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Richard Toohey
On 5/06/2010, at 5:51 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

>> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Jacob Meuser 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
>>> but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
>>> to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
>>> the directions as they are written."
>> Do you not agree barring broken makefiles and unreliable system clock
>> (as someone pointed out), object files and binaries (in obj/) should
>> have been rebuilt?
> It's a source tree with nearly 40,000 .[chyl] source code files, and
> probably another 40,000 further "source code" dependencies if you
> include manual pages and the perl parts.
> We try very hard, and the bsd.*.mk macro package helps a lot
> (enforcing consistancy-because-of-simplicity), but if you think we can
> get all the dependencies right every single time, it is a tough call.
> But this case is worse -- when the trash in the obj tree totally
> mis-matches the src tree since it is so far in the past... that is
> totally impossible.
> Dependencies don't help when they don't know about the files.  Even
> make clean or cleandir won't help you then.
> This was not an installer bug.  It had nothing to do with upgrades.
> We've said it before, and I guess we get to say it again:
>  If don't know what you are doing, install a new snapshot.
> How many more times do we have to say that?
> Why are people defending a person who thinks they are smart enough,
> and has just proved that they're not?
> Miod, Dale, Kurt, Kettenis and I am quite often the first people to
> deal with bumping systems forward over bumps.  Some bumps are so
> difficult that after they are done the rest of us jump over them using
> snapshots.  When they happen, WE -- THE DEVELOPERS -- USE THE
> SNAPSHOTS!  They happen in lots of releases.  Why would we use
> snapshots, because we are stupid?  Or are we smart enough to not waste
> our time doing things the hard way?
> Uwe thinks he's being really clever, but he's not clever at all.  He's
> got a record of choosing the hardest paths.  That's his problem.  I
> just wish he wouldn't be such a loud whiner when he screws his system
> up.
But I don't understand what he's doing differently to me.  A new release is
out, you want to upgrade from the previous release to the new one, and
then you want to apply the errata patches.

Not saying I'm doing it perfectly, but I'd like to understand where he's
going wrong because I do something similar - and wrong, from the sound of it.

I don't want to follow current, I just follow the release & apply errata
(But it looks like Uwe, I am NOT doing it 100% right.)

So I was on 4.5, 4.6 came out.  I got the 4.6 CD, followed the upgrade
I replaced /usr/src with the 4.6 code off the CD, downloaded the errata
patches, built.

4.7 comes out, I upgrade from CD, copied the 4.7 source over, downloaded
errata, built.

Seems to work most of the time apart from a patch requiring a userland build
openssl) so this is where I am obviously going wrong.

A snapshot is a point-in-time, may-have-issues, best way to follow current
isn't it?  But I'd rather follow release.

I appreciate you've got better things to do than hand-holding, so I'll work
way through it, but any cluesticks appreciated.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Tony Abernethy

Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Miod, Dale, Kurt, Kettenis and I am quite often the first people to
> deal with bumping systems forward over bumps.  Some bumps are so
> difficult that after they are done the rest of us jump over them using
> snapshots.  When they happen, WE -- THE DEVELOPERS -- USE THE
> SNAPSHOTS!  They happen in lots of releases.  Why would we use
> snapshots, because we are stupid?  Or are we smart enough to not waste
> our time doing things the hard way?


(Me, I never know what I am doing, but he KNOWS what he's talking about)

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Tony Abernethy
Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > On 5/06/2010, at 7:31 AM, Nick Holland wrote:
a patch to the upgrade guide would be wrong.
The problem is the patching process (a special case of the userland build
process) assumes a clean obj dir.  This has nothing to do with upgrades.  If
you try to rebuild the same userland utility more than once for /any/
reason without clearing the obj dir, you can run into problems.  Clearing
the obj directory as part of the upgrade is like flushing your toilet based
on the date -- may help, but after a while, things start to stink.  It isn't
the general (or proper) solution.

> I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
> but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
> to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
> the directions as they are written."
> --
> SDF Public Access UNIX System -

ANYTHING left in /usr/obj will be a possible problem.
ANYTHING left ANYWHERE will be a possible problem anytime anything assumes
(or has/likes to assume) that it is working with a clean slate.
"Fixing" minor problems (and bending everything else out of shape)
does NOT make for better systems.
For me, I prefer things (upgrade/update/whatever) that do as little
collateral damage as possible. (And anytime you want/need to find out
what went wrong you do NOT clean up everything first.)

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Tony Abernethy
patrick keshishian wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Jacob Meuser 
> wrote:
> > I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
> > but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
> > to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
> > the directions as they are written."
> Do you not agree barring broken makefiles and unreliable system clock
> (as someone pointed out), object files and binaries (in obj/) should
> have been rebuilt?
> --patrick
?? odds that OP found a bad date and "fixed" it (silently) ??

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Theo de Raadt
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Jacob Meuser 
> wrote:
> > I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
> > but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
> > to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
> > the directions as they are written."
> Do you not agree barring broken makefiles and unreliable system clock
> (as someone pointed out), object files and binaries (in obj/) should
> have been rebuilt?

It's a source tree with nearly 40,000 .[chyl] source code files, and
probably another 40,000 further "source code" dependencies if you
include manual pages and the perl parts.

We try very hard, and the bsd.*.mk macro package helps a lot
(enforcing consistancy-because-of-simplicity), but if you think we can
get all the dependencies right every single time, it is a tough call.
But this case is worse -- when the trash in the obj tree totally
mis-matches the src tree since it is so far in the past... that is
totally impossible.

Dependencies don't help when they don't know about the files.  Even
make clean or cleandir won't help you then.

This was not an installer bug.  It had nothing to do with upgrades.
We've said it before, and I guess we get to say it again:

  If don't know what you are doing, install a new snapshot.

How many more times do we have to say that?

Why are people defending a person who thinks they are smart enough,
and has just proved that they're not?

Miod, Dale, Kurt, Kettenis and I am quite often the first people to
deal with bumping systems forward over bumps.  Some bumps are so
difficult that after they are done the rest of us jump over them using
snapshots.  When they happen, WE -- THE DEVELOPERS -- USE THE
SNAPSHOTS!  They happen in lots of releases.  Why would we use
snapshots, because we are stupid?  Or are we smart enough to not waste
our time doing things the hard way?

Uwe thinks he's being really clever, but he's not clever at all.  He's
got a record of choosing the hardest paths.  That's his problem.  I
just wish he wouldn't be such a loud whiner when he screws his system

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 10:31:22PM -0700, patrick keshishian wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Jacob Meuser 
> wrote:
> > I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
> > but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
> > to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
> > the directions as they are written."
> Do you not agree barring broken makefiles and unreliable system clock
> (as someone pointed out), object files and binaries (in obj/) should
> have been rebuilt?
> --patrick

Consider the follwoing scenario:

I have a release n system, last built on May 1. So the obj files have
a time stamp of May 1. 

The files of the tarbal of the new release n+1 have timestamps of Apr
1 or earlier, since it was made at that time. 

If I then install the tarball by extracting, according to makethe
object files are still fresh, since the sources will be older than the
object files. By default the files extracted form a tartball get the
timestamps from the tarbal. 

There are some variations on this scenario.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread patrick keshishian
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Jacob Meuser 
> I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
> but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
> to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
> the directions as they are written."

Do you not agree barring broken makefiles and unreliable system clock
(as someone pointed out), object files and binaries (in obj/) should
have been rebuilt?



2010-06-04 Thread Seminario | 15 de junio




Instrumentos tesricos y practicos para cobranzas en el mercado uruguayo



15/6/2010 - Hotel Ibis Montevideo - 18:30 a 22:00 hs

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 Microempresarios, abogados, procuradores, y todo aquel interesado en la 


 Compartir herramientas practicas y tesricas que fortalezcan a los 
participantes en sus competencias y habilidades 

 para la negociacisn en cobranzas, siendo totalmente aplicables en nuestro 


1 - Cultura de Cobranzas

   - Las Cobranzas en la historia.

   - Evolucisn en el escenario de la cobranza. 

2  Actores

   - Deudor: - Psicologma del Deudor.

   - Tipologma de deudores. 

   - Qui camino tomar frente a cada uno de ellos.

  - Cobrador: - Caractermsticas.

  - Lenguaje a utilizar y/o evitar.

  - Su motivacisn.3  Cobranzas Telefsnicas.

  - Los 5 pasos en las Cobranzas telefsnicas.

4  Negociacisn en Cobranzas

  - Modelos aplicables.

  - Cuando utilizar cada modelo.

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6  Manejo de Objeciones. 

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Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 10:29:57AM +1200, Richard Toohey wrote:
> On 5/06/2010, at 7:31 AM, Nick Holland wrote:
> > Jacob Meuser wrote:
> >> On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:22:35PM +, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> >>> Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line, with
> a
> >>> remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to clean
> it?
> >> you can't supply a patch?  can't even attempt one?  all these posts and
> >> time wasted and you can't try to make a patch to maybe save someone else
> >> from the same fate?
> >
> > a patch to the upgrade guide would be wrong.
> >
> > The problem is the patching process (a special case of the userland build
> process) assumes a clean obj dir.  This has nothing to do with upgrades.  If
> you try to rebuild the same userland utility more than once for /any/ reason
> without clearing the obj dir, you can run into problems.  Clearing the obj
> directory as part of the upgrade is like flushing your toilet based on the
> date -- may help, but after a while, things start to stink.  It isn't the
> general (or proper) solution.
> >
> > faq10.html, section 10.15 would be more appropriate, I think.  It will
> probably require more than a couple line diff to work it in clearly.
> >
> > Nick.
> >
> So something in or around here ...
> "Not all patches are for the kernel. In some cases, you will have to rebuild
> individual utilities. At other times, will require recompiling all utilities
> statically linked to a patched library. Follow the guidance in the header of
> the patch, and if uncertain, rebuild the entire system."
> Along the lines of:
> "In some cases (you'll know you have do this because x) you need to clean
> /usr/obj first, you do this by y."
> Let me learn what x and y are.
> Thanks.

I'm still curious how anything left in /usr/obj can be anything
but a possible problem after updating system binaries and sources
to a new release.  especially for people who are just "following
the directions as they are written."

SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Re: No SSH on External Interfaces After pf.conf Rewrite for Load Balancing Outgoing Traffic

2010-06-04 Thread Devin Reade
dontek  wrote:

> In rewriting the ruleset I've
> had no problems with connectivity with the exception of getting an SSH
> connection to the firewall to work on either of the two external
> interfaces.
> pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1)
> port ssh keep state
> pass log quick on $EXT_IF_2 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_2)
> port ssh keep state

Use reply-to for your ssh rules:

pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1) port ssh 
keep state reply-to ($EXT_IF_1 $EXT_GATE_1)

(And for the 2nd one, too)


Account Information

2010-06-04 Thread CareCredit's Healthcare Provider
GE Money

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) 2010 CareCredit. All Rights Reserved.

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Richard Toohey
On 5/06/2010, at 7:31 AM, Nick Holland wrote:

> Jacob Meuser wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:22:35PM +, Uwe Dippel wrote:
>>> Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line, with
>>> remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to clean
>> you can't supply a patch?  can't even attempt one?  all these posts and
>> time wasted and you can't try to make a patch to maybe save someone else
>> from the same fate?
> a patch to the upgrade guide would be wrong.
> The problem is the patching process (a special case of the userland build
process) assumes a clean obj dir.  This has nothing to do with upgrades.  If
you try to rebuild the same userland utility more than once for /any/ reason
without clearing the obj dir, you can run into problems.  Clearing the obj
directory as part of the upgrade is like flushing your toilet based on the
date -- may help, but after a while, things start to stink.  It isn't the
general (or proper) solution.
> faq10.html, section 10.15 would be more appropriate, I think.  It will
probably require more than a couple line diff to work it in clearly.
> Nick.

So something in or around here ...

"Not all patches are for the kernel. In some cases, you will have to rebuild
individual utilities. At other times, will require recompiling all utilities
statically linked to a patched library. Follow the guidance in the header of
the patch, and if uncertain, rebuild the entire system."

Along the lines of:

"In some cases (you'll know you have do this because x) you need to clean
/usr/obj first, you do this by y."

Let me learn what x and y are.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Philip Guenther
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 9:22 AM, Uwe Dippel  wrote:
> Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line, with a
> remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to clean it?

Please point to the part of the Upgrade Guide which talks about
building from source, untarring the src tar file, or applying errata.
I can't seem to find any such reference, but I'm sure it's in there
somewhere, because you originally said that you did the upgrade
exactly following the upgrade guide and, as we found out later, your
steps included building from source.

The other possibility is that you did stuff that was *not* in the
upgrade guide, in which case adding text to the upgrade guide saying
"if you do this other stuff that's described elsewhere then you should
read those other directions and follow them completely" seems kinda

> Also, with respect to the 'errata', the patches, they describe in detail what
> needs to be done. Maybe here, it could as well be suggested, that before
> applying the first patch of a new version of OpenBSD, /usr/obj should be
> cleaned, or be verified to be clean?

It already is the first bullet in the directions for building userland
from source:

Philip Guenther

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Bryan Irvine

> Clearing the obj
> directory as part of the upgrade is like flushing your toilet based on the
> date -- may help, but after a while, things start to stink.  It isn't the
> general (or proper) solution.


What's the recommended procedure for this?


Re: unknown i686 model 0x1e, can't get bus clock (0x0)

2010-06-04 Thread Jonathan Gray
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 07:44:21PM +0300, Dexter Tomisson wrote:
> On 4 June 2010 14:25, Andreas Gerdd  wrote:
> > And should we expect having a better support for Intel Core i5/i7 CPUs
> > in the near future, maybe for the next release cycle?
> >
> >
> >
> Sounds no;
> Changes by:
>   2010/06/04 09:03:35
> Modified files:
>   sys/arch/amd64/amd64: est.c
>   sys/arch/i386/i386: machdep.c
> Log message:
> Don't warn about not knowing what the bus clock is on core i7/i5/i3
> as the high/low guessing won't be done on these processors due to MSR
> differences.
> Just 'hide' them. Such a great solution!

Look at the code, look at the MSRs, take FSB_FREQ for example,
this is not valid on nehalem (no FSB).  Take the interpretation
of PERF_STATUS using bits that Intel claims are reserved.

The ACPI and non ACPI codepaths need to be more isolated
from each other and this then needs to be heavily tested.

If you were to invest just the smallest of amounts of time
looking at how it actually works and the history of the
speedstep code you'd understand.

Re: unknown i686 model 0x1e, can't get bus clock (0x0)

2010-06-04 Thread Henning Brauer
* Dexter Tomisson  [2010-06-04 18:48]:
> On 4 June 2010 14:25, Andreas Gerdd  wrote:
> > And should we expect having a better support for Intel Core i5/i7 CPUs
> > in the near future, maybe for the next release cycle?

just check our ever famous public roadmap

> Sounds no;
> Changes by:
>   2010/06/04 09:03:35
> Modified files:
>   sys/arch/amd64/amd64: est.c
>   sys/arch/i386/i386: machdep.c
> Log message:
> Don't warn about not knowing what the bus clock is on core i7/i5/i3
> as the high/low guessing won't be done on these processors due to MSR
> differences.
> Just 'hide' them. Such a great solution!

that doesn't mean anything. the info just isn't in the same place as
it used to be, so it is pointless for this part of the code to try to
figure it out.

Henning Brauer,,
BS Web Services,
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Nick Holland

Jacob Meuser wrote:

On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:22:35PM +, Uwe Dippel wrote:

Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line, with a
remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to clean it?

you can't supply a patch?  can't even attempt one?  all these posts and
time wasted and you can't try to make a patch to maybe save someone else
from the same fate?

a patch to the upgrade guide would be wrong.

The problem is the patching process (a special case of the userland 
build process) assumes a clean obj dir.  This has nothing to do with 
upgrades.  If you try to rebuild the same userland utility more than 
once for /any/ reason without clearing the obj dir, you can run into 
problems.  Clearing the obj directory as part of the upgrade is like 
flushing your toilet based on the date -- may help, but after a while, 
things start to stink.  It isn't the general (or proper) solution.

faq10.html, section 10.15 would be more appropriate, I think.  It will 
probably require more than a couple line diff to work it in clearly.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Henning Brauer
* Uwe Dippel  [2010-06-04 18:26]:
> I didn't know that the object directories need to be cleaned manually.

this should not be needed assuming system time didn't jump. it is
still good practice tho.

Henning Brauer,,
BS Web Services,
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:22:35PM +, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line, with a
> remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to clean it?

you can't supply a patch?  can't even attempt one?  all these posts and
time wasted and you can't try to make a patch to maybe save someone else
from the same fate?

SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Curso de Analise Bolsista e Produtos Financeiros mude o rumo da sua vida!!!!!

2010-06-04 Thread ESINE
Curso de 
Analise Bolsista e 
Produtos Financeiros

Assessorar financeiramente empresas e particulares
Trabalhar num banco, numa agjncia de valores ou de investimento
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Clique ja! 

 NOTA INFORMATIVA: O presente email destina-se znica e exclusivamente a 
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a legislagco internacional que regulamenta o correio electrsnico, "o email nco 
pode sera ser considerado SPAM quando incluir uma forma do receptor ser 
removido da lista do emissor".
Para deixar de receber estas ofertas no seu e-mail clicar aqui

Re: softraid

2010-06-04 Thread Noah Pugsley

Bambero wrote:

My qastion is - is it possible to setup bootable software raid 1
(mirroring) during system install ?


What I missed ?

man softraid

"There is no boot support at this time for any disciplines."


2010-06-04 Thread Bambero

My qastion is - is it possible to setup bootable software raid 1
(mirroring) during system install ?

After boot from a install cd  I choose Shell, than I made one
partition on whole disk wd0 and wd1
and made a raid volume:
bioctl -c 1 -l /dev/wd1a,/dev/wd0a,/dev/wd1a softraid0

then I installed the system on newly created sd0 device

Everything went OK but system doesn't boot after reboot.

What I missed ?


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Tony Abernethy
Might be better to read and comprehend ``man patch'' before assuming
limitations on the scope of patch's reach.

> -Original Message-
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Uwe Dippel
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 11:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade
> base47, on i386 and amd64
> Jacob Meuser> writes:
> > oh good grief.  you had a dirty /usr/obj.
> >
> > just look at the pfctl snippet of the log you posted.  do you see
> pfctl
> > being built?  do you see pfctl being installed from /usr/obj?
> Oh, yes. So the blame is on my side, I guess. Mea culpa maxima!
> I didn't know that the object directories need to be cleaned manually.
> Until
> yesterday, I would have taken a bet that the object directories lie
> within the
> source trees (/usr/xenocaram /usr/src), and be cleaned when cleaning
> the
> sources. Now I am aware that I need to know the location of the object
> directories and clean them manually.
> I was totally unaware that, in case of a patch, the installer would
> take the
> next best file of the correct name from there; irrespective of the
> underlying
> version.
> Though I feel in good company. I guess, a great number of people on
> this list
> were in a similar situation. Knowing the 'social contract' of OpenBSD,
> I only
> have to blame myself for ignorance.
> Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line,
> with a
> remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to
> clean it?
> Also, with respect to the 'errata', the patches, they describe in
> detail what
> needs to be done. Maybe here, it could as well be suggested, that
> before
> applying the first patch of a new version of OpenBSD, /usr/obj should
> be
> cleaned, or be verified to be clean?
> Thanks for the various people who helped me patiently at analysing this
> problem
> to the very end!
> Uwe

Re: Intel PRO/1000 QP on Dell R610 and OpenBSD 4.7

2010-06-04 Thread Sevan / Venture37
On 4 June 2010 16:57, Joerg Streckfuss  wrote:
> Okey, we tested the newest snapshot but the issue remains.
> Any other clue?
> Joerg

fire up sendbug

Re: unknown i686 model 0x1e, can't get bus clock (0x0)

2010-06-04 Thread Dexter Tomisson
On 4 June 2010 14:25, Andreas Gerdd  wrote:

> And should we expect having a better support for Intel Core i5/i7 CPUs
> in the near future, maybe for the next release cycle?
Sounds no;

Changes by:

2010/06/04 09:03:35
Modified files:

sys/arch/amd64/amd64: est.c

sys/arch/i386/i386: machdep.c
Log message:
Don't warn about not knowing what the bus clock is on core i7/i5/i3
as the high/low guessing won't be done on these processors due to MSR

Just 'hide' them. Such a great solution!

No SSH on External Interfaces After pf.conf Rewrite for Load Balancing Outgoing Traffic

2010-06-04 Thread dontek
Hey guys:

Today I have used outbound load balancing in pf for the first time for
a client with 2 Internet connections.  In rewriting the ruleset I've
had no problems with connectivity with the exception of getting an SSH
connection to the firewall to work on either of the two external
interfaces.  (internal works fine)

If I look at the pflog, I can see the connection being passed in (as
well as two retries), but I never see anything being passed back out,
nor blocked.  The three tries get passed in from the client and then
the client times out.

What am I missing?






set block-policy return
set loginterface none

set skip on lo

match out on $EXT_IF_1 from $NETWORK nat-to ($EXT_IF_1)
match out on $EXT_IF_2 from $NETWORK nat-to ($EXT_IF_2)

block log all

match in all scrub (no-df max-mss 1440)

antispoof quick for { lo $INT_IF }

pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1)
port ssh keep state
pass log quick on $EXT_IF_2 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_2)
port ssh keep state

anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
pass in on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp to port ftp rdr-to port 21
pass in on $EXT_IF_2 inet proto tcp to port ftp rdr-to port 21
pass in on $INT_IF proto tcp to port ftp rdr-to port 8021

pass out on $INT_IF to $NETWORK

pass in quick on $INT_IF from $NETWORK to $INT_IF

pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types

pass in on $INT_IF from $NETWORK route-to {($EXT_IF_1 $EXT_GATE_1),
($EXT_IF_2 $EXT_GATE_2)} round-robin

pass out log on $EXT_IF_1
pass out log on $EXT_IF_2

pass out log on $EXT_IF_1 from $EXT_IF_2 route-to ($EXT_IF_2 $EXT_GATE_2)
pass out log on $EXT_IF_2 from $EXT_IF_1 route-to ($EXT_IF_1 $EXT_GATE_1)


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Uwe Dippel
Jacob Meuser> writes:

> oh good grief.  you had a dirty /usr/obj.
> just look at the pfctl snippet of the log you posted.  do you see pfctl
> being built?  do you see pfctl being installed from /usr/obj?

Oh, yes. So the blame is on my side, I guess. Mea culpa maxima!
I didn't know that the object directories need to be cleaned manually. Until
yesterday, I would have taken a bet that the object directories lie within the
source trees (/usr/xenocaram /usr/src), and be cleaned when cleaning the
sources. Now I am aware that I need to know the location of the object
directories and clean them manually. 
I was totally unaware that, in case of a patch, the installer would take the
next best file of the correct name from there; irrespective of the underlying
Though I feel in good company. I guess, a great number of people on this list
were in a similar situation. Knowing the 'social contract' of OpenBSD, I only
have to blame myself for ignorance.
Still, may I suggest, that the next Upgrade Guide gets an extra line, with a
remark pointing out the existence of /usr/obj; and the suggestion to clean it?
Also, with respect to the 'errata', the patches, they describe in detail what
needs to be done. Maybe here, it could as well be suggested, that before
applying the first patch of a new version of OpenBSD, /usr/obj should be
cleaned, or be verified to be clean?

Thanks for the various people who helped me patiently at analysing this problem
to the very end!


Re: Intel PRO/1000 QP on Dell R610 and OpenBSD 4.7

2010-06-04 Thread Joerg Streckfuss
Am 04.06.2010 13:18, schrieb Sevan / Venture37:
> Test a snapshot to see if the issue still exists
> Sevan / Venture37
Okey, we tested the newest snapshot but the issue remains.

Any other clue?


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Lars Nooden

On Fri, 4 Jun 2010, Jan Stary wrote:

'rm -rf /usr/obj/*' is not your arbitrary choice,
it's a documented step when building the system.

Also documented there is keeping /usr/obj/ in its own partition and using 
'newfs' to zap everything more quickly.


Re: wrong sshd log alert

2010-06-04 Thread Dexter Tomisson
Yes, my bad..

Using Putty. I've no idea what it does while trying to log in..

On 4 June 2010 16:15, Kenneth Gober  wrote:

> I wouldn't call it "wrong", necessarily.  what ssh client are you using?
>  does it attempt to use authentication-type "none" in order to get a list of
> supported authentication types from the server?  or because it only wants to
> prompt you for a password if authentication is required?
> perhaps "confusing" or "misleading" would be a better description for this
> entry.
> -ken
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Dexter Tomisson wrote:
>> my steps:
>> login as: root
>> t...@xx.xx.xx.xx's password: [valid password entered]
>> [logged in]
>> # exit
>> sshd log output:
>> Jun  4 12:03:12 sys sshd[1235]: Connection from MY.IP.AD.DR port 3894
>> Jun  4 12:03:15 sys sshd[1235]: Failed none for root from MY.IP.AD.DR port
>> 3894 ssh2
>> Jun  4 12:03:17 sys sshd[1235]: Accepted password for root from
>> port 3894 ssh2
>> Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Connection closed by MY.IP.AD.DR
>> Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Transferred: sent 3784, received 1928
>> bytes
>> Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Closing connection to MY.IP.AD.DR port
>> 3894
>> I don't see any reason why i get "Failed none for root from" alert. I
>> didn't
>> enter any wrong user/password.
>> OpenBSD 4.7-stable.

Re: wrong sshd log alert

2010-06-04 Thread Kenneth Gober
I wouldn't call it "wrong", necessarily.  what ssh client are you using?
 does it attempt to use authentication-type "none" in order to get a list of
supported authentication types from the server?  or because it only wants to
prompt you for a password if authentication is required?

perhaps "confusing" or "misleading" would be a better description for this


On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:11 AM, Dexter Tomisson wrote:

> my steps:
> login as: root
> t...@xx.xx.xx.xx's password: [valid password entered]
> [logged in]
> # exit
> sshd log output:
> Jun  4 12:03:12 sys sshd[1235]: Connection from MY.IP.AD.DR port 3894
> Jun  4 12:03:15 sys sshd[1235]: Failed none for root from MY.IP.AD.DR port
> 3894 ssh2
> Jun  4 12:03:17 sys sshd[1235]: Accepted password for root from MY.IP.AD.DR
> port 3894 ssh2
> Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Connection closed by MY.IP.AD.DR
> Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Transferred: sent 3784, received 1928 bytes
> Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Closing connection to MY.IP.AD.DR port 3894
> I don't see any reason why i get "Failed none for root from" alert. I
> didn't
> enter any wrong user/password.
> OpenBSD 4.7-stable.

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Jan Stary
> On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:33:34PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> > When you are under 'quality control', and responsible for the
> > uptime of a system, you would never do anything out of the scope of
> > instructions, naturally. especially not some rm -Rf * in a directory
> > of your arbitrary choice.  ;)

'rm -rf /usr/obj/*' is not your arbitrary choice,
it's a documented step when building the system.

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:33:34PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> When you are under 'quality control', and responsible for the
> uptime of a system, you would never do anything out of the scope of
> instructions, naturally. especially not some rm -Rf * in a directory
> of your arbitrary choice.  ;)

if this is so important:

a) reinstall, don't upgrade
b) learn to read logs and understand what you are doing

> And don't point me to man release, please. I am not doing releases,

but, actually, you are.  you're just skipping lots of it.

> have been making this mistake for 5 years. So, rm -Rf * in /usr/obj is
> necessary?

learn the system and tools you use.  is it necessary?  depends on the
history of the machine in question.  I bet you built pfctl at least
once before, no?

SDF Public Access UNIX System -

Re: GPT & OpenBSD

2010-06-04 Thread Kenneth R Westerback
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 01:35:04PM +0400, Mikle Krutov wrote:
> Hello, list!
> I've lurked arround about subject and found only
> thread, that tells 'no support, but patches are
> welcome'. It's not too old thread, but still...
> Is there any work ongoing? I'm kind of interested
> in gpt support, and wanted to start trying writing
> the patches, but i don't want to do the work twice.
> Wbr,

No active development that I know of. And even if there is, an
independant stab at it could show up problems and improvements!


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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

Re: Intel PRO/1000 QP on Dell R610 and OpenBSD 4.7

2010-06-04 Thread Sevan / Venture37
Test a snapshot to see if the issue still exists

Sevan / Venture37

wrong sshd log alert

2010-06-04 Thread Dexter Tomisson
my steps:

login as: root
t...@xx.xx.xx.xx's password: [valid password entered]
[logged in]
# exit

sshd log output:

Jun  4 12:03:12 sys sshd[1235]: Connection from MY.IP.AD.DR port 3894
Jun  4 12:03:15 sys sshd[1235]: Failed none for root from MY.IP.AD.DR port
3894 ssh2
Jun  4 12:03:17 sys sshd[1235]: Accepted password for root from MY.IP.AD.DR
port 3894 ssh2
Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Connection closed by MY.IP.AD.DR
Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Transferred: sent 3784, received 1928 bytes
Jun  4 12:03:19 sys sshd[1235]: Closing connection to MY.IP.AD.DR port 3894

I don't see any reason why i get "Failed none for root from" alert. I didn't
enter any wrong user/password.

OpenBSD 4.7-stable.

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Jacob Meuser
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 04:40:28PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:32 PM, patrick keshishian  wrote:
> > Where did you get those tar-balls from? Those are most likely not 4.7 
> > sources.
> I gave the potential link and their md5 sums further up. Our link here
> is sooo slooow; I *am* currently downloading the archives from
> to compare the checksums. That
> would explain a lot (though not everything, since the kernel looks
> pretty correct: 4.7).
> Maybe someone is faster and can confirm or refute the authenticity of
> the archives?
> Uwe

oh good grief.  you had a dirty /usr/obj.

just look at the pfctl snippet of the log you posted.  do you see pfctl
being built?  do you see pfctl being installed from /usr/obj?

SDF Public Access UNIX System -


2010-06-04 Thread Lic. Marla Kolovos

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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 

Re: iked(8) and ikectl(8)

2010-06-04 Thread Reyk Floeter
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 12:27:12PM +0200, Massimo Lusetti wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 23:06:58 +0200
> Reyk Floeter  wrote:
> > This is a very brief summary, more information will follow.
> > 
> > reyk
> > 
> That's great! ... 4.7 is just behind the door and is already time to
> move on -current!
> I got 48 IPsec gateways which just await to be upgraded!

but please a little bit before using it in production networks,
iked(8) is not fully ready yet ;-).


Re: iked(8) and ikectl(8)

2010-06-04 Thread Massimo Lusetti
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 23:06:58 +0200
Reyk Floeter  wrote:

> This is a very brief summary, more information will follow.
> reyk

That's great! ... 4.7 is just behind the door and is already time to
move on -current!

I got 48 IPsec gateways which just await to be upgraded!

Pretty nice!

Intel PRO/1000 QP on Dell R610 and OpenBSD 4.7

2010-06-04 Thread Joerg Streckfuss
Hi list,

we bought two Dell R610 Servers with four built-in Broadcom BCM5709 nics.
Additionally we installed one Intel PRO/1000 QP quad port nic. There are no
problems with the Broadcoms but something strange happens to the Intel nic.

Sometimes, almost always one to two ports of the intel card couldn't
initialized. The OS comments this with the following message

em1 at pci5 dev 0 function 1 "Intel PRO/1000 QP (82576)" rev 0x01: apic 1 int
(irq 10)em1: Hardware Initialization Failed
em1: Unable to initialize the hardware

We are runnig OpenBSD 4.7 stable and dmesg says:

OpenBSD 4.7 (GENERIC) #558: Wed Mar 17 20:46:15 MDT 2010
cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5506 @ 2.13GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 2.13
real mem  = 3479244800 (3318MB)
avail mem = 3383246848 (3226MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 04/06/10, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xfa040,
rev. 2.6 @ 0xcf79c000 (83 entries)
bios0: vendor Dell Inc. version "2.0.13" date 04/06/2010
bios0: Dell Inc. PowerEdge R610
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: wakeup devices PCI0(S5)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 16 (boot processor)
cpu0: unknown i686 model 0x1a, can't get bus clock (0x0)
cpu0: apic clock running at 133MHz
cpu at mainbus0: not configured
cpu at mainbus0: not configured
cpu at mainbus0: not configured
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 0 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
ioapic1 at mainbus0: apid 1 pa 0xfec8, version 20, 24 pins
ioapic1: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 1
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 1 (PEX1)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 2 (PEX3)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEX4)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEX5)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEX6)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 4 (PEX7)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus 8 (PEX9)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus -1 (PEXA)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus 3 (SBEX)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus 9 (COMP)
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C3, C1, PSS
bios0: ROM list: 0xc/0x8000 0xc8000/0x5c00 0xec000/0x4000!
ipmi at mainbus0 not configured
cpu0: EST: PSS not yet available for this processor
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 1 (bios)
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 5500 Host" rev 0x13
ppb0 at pci0 dev 1 function 0 "Intel X58 PCIE" rev 0x13
pci1 at ppb0 bus 1
bnx0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5709" rev 0x20: apic 1 int 4 (irq
bnx1 at pci1 dev 0 function 1 "Broadcom BCM5709" rev 0x20: apic 1 int 16 (irq
ppb1 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Intel X58 PCIE" rev 0x13
pci2 at ppb1 bus 2
bnx2 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5709" rev 0x20: apic 1 int 0 (irq
bnx3 at pci2 dev 0 function 1 "Broadcom BCM5709" rev 0x20: apic 1 int 10 (irq
ppb2 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "Intel X58 PCIE" rev 0x13: apic 1 int 21 (irq
pci3 at ppb2 bus 4
ppb3 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "IDT 89HPES12N3A" rev 0x0e
pci4 at ppb3 bus 5
ppb4 at pci4 dev 2 function 0 "IDT 89HPES12N3A" rev 0x0e
pci5 at ppb4 bus 6
em0 at pci5 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/1000 QP (82576)" rev 0x01: apic 1 int
(irq 11), address 00:1b:21:61:58:b0
em1 at pci5 dev 0 function 1 "Intel PRO/1000 QP (82576)" rev 0x01: apic 1 int
(irq 10)em1: Hardware Initialization Failedem1: Unable to initialize the
ppb5 at pci4 dev 4 function 0 "IDT 89HPES12N3A" rev 0x0e
pci6 at ppb5 bus 7
em2 at pci6 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/1000 QP (82576)" rev 0x01: apic 1 int
(irq 15), address 00:1b:21:61:58:b4
em3 at pci6 dev 0 function 1 "Intel PRO/1000 QP (82576)" rev 0x01: apic 1 int
(irq 14)em3: Hardware Initialization Failedem3: Unable to initialize the
ppb6 at pci0 dev 9 function 0 "Intel X58 PCIE" rev 0x13: apic 1 int 21 (irq
pci7 at ppb6 bus 8
"Intel X58 Misc" rev 0x13 at pci0 dev 20 function 0 not configured
"Intel X58 GPIO" rev 0x13 at pci0 dev 20 function 1 not configured
"Intel X58 RAS" rev 0x13 at pci0 dev 20 function 2 not configured
uhci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 0 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x02: apic 0 int 17
(irq 14)
uhci1 at pci0 dev 26 function 1 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x02: apic 0 int 18
(irq 11)
ehci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 7 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x02: apic 0 int 19
(irq 10)
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
ppb7 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801I PCIE" rev 0x02
pci8 at ppb7 bus 3
mpi0 at pci8 dev 0 function 0 "Symbios Logic SAS1068E" rev 0x08: apic 0 int
(irq 15)
scsibus0 at mpi0: 112 targets
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0:  SCSI3 0/direct fixed
sd0: 237952MB, 512 bytes/sec, 487325696 sec total
ses0 at scsibus0 targ 8 lun 0:  SCSI3 13/enclosure
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801I USB" rev 0x02: apic 0 i

Are you a ***Canadian*** Linux user? You're about to become a criminal.

2010-06-04 Thread Siju George

Is this applicable to OpenBSD also? ( I guess yes )




2010-06-04 Thread Mikle Krutov
Hello, list!
I've lurked arround about subject and found only
thread, that tells 'no support, but patches are
welcome'. It's not too old thread, but still...
Is there any work ongoing? I'm kind of interested
in gpt support, and wanted to start trying writing
the patches, but i don't want to do the work twice.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Richard Toohey
On 4/06/2010, at 8:33 PM, Uwe Dippel wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Eric Faurot  wrote:
>> Don't you have old stuff lying around in /usr/obj that gets installed
>> over your new binaries?
> That's probably the critical question now. Though, sorry to say, there
> is nowhere written that you have to rm -Rf it, when you
> - upgrade
> - patch
> Actually, I wasn't even aware of the existence of this directory until
> several minutes ago. (I expected it to be cleaned with wiping the
> source directories.)
> I do, like many others, 'Upgrade Guide X.Y to
> X.Z', and then get and apply the errata from
>; according to their instructions.
> If this happens to be wrong, by all means, then I make a mistake, and
> have been making this mistake for 5 years. So, rm -Rf * in /usr/obj is
> necessary?
> Uwe
I've been doing upgrades from *around* the 4.2 release, but always
from the release CDs.  And then I've patched as per the errata instructions.

And I've not (so far as I can recall) can to clear /usr/obj before applying

And as I type that I remembered!  Hang on, there *was* once a patch that
didn't apply
cleanly ... think it was this one (but then I must have started with 3.9) -
definitely an SSL
one that wouldn't build without clearing /usr/obj first:

So something for the upgrade docs or the patch file(s)?

Maybe patch 3 for 4.7 might be responsible this time around?  If you try the
make clean
step when applying patch 3 (something like in the link above - it might fix
your problems.)

Anyway, absolutely nothing to do with the installer or the 4.6 to 4.7 upgrade,
so enough from me.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Eric Faurot  wrote:

> Don't you have old stuff lying around in /usr/obj that gets installed
> over your new binaries?

That's probably the critical question now. Though, sorry to say, there
is nowhere written that you have to rm -Rf it, when you
 - upgrade
 - patch
Actually, I wasn't even aware of the existence of this directory until
several minutes ago. (I expected it to be cleaned with wiping the
source directories.)
Then, according to what is written by a number of people further up,
an number of people could be hit by this. I for one would expect the
time stamps to take care for that.

And, to stress it again:
When you are under 'quality control', and responsible for the
uptime of a system, you would never do anything out of the scope of
instructions, naturally. especially not some rm -Rf * in a directory
of your arbitrary choice.  ;)
And don't point me to man release, please. I am not doing releases, I
am not doing stable, I do, like many others, 'Upgrade Guide X.Y to
X.Z', and then get and apply the errata from; according to their instructions.

If this happens to be wrong, by all means, then I make a mistake, and
have been making this mistake for 5 years. So, rm -Rf * in /usr/obj is


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:32 PM, patrick keshishian  wrote:

> Where did you get those tar-balls from? Those are most likely not 4.7 sources.

I gave the potential link and their md5 sums further up. Our link here
is sooo slooow; I *am* currently downloading the archives from to compare the checksums. That
would explain a lot (though not everything, since the kernel looks
pretty correct: 4.7).
Maybe someone is faster and can confirm or refute the authenticity of
the archives?


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread patrick keshishian
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Uwe Dippel  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM, patrick keshishian  wrote:
>> you mean applying the errata47.html patches? If so, are you certain
>> your source tree is tagged OPENBSD_4_7 and not anything else?
> Do I understand you correctly? I am not building releases. I am
> installing/downloading the sets; then I do all the stuff in 'Upgrade
> guide', then
> rm -Rf * in /usr/src
> rm -Rf * in /usr/xenocara
> rm -Rf * in /usr/ports,
> and then tar ... the source files meticulously as pointed out in the guide:
> # cd /usr/src
> # tar xzf ../sys.tar.gz
> # tar xzf ../src.tar.gz

Where did you get those tar-balls from? Those are most likely not 4.7 sources.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Eric Faurot
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 03:55:53PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM, patrick keshishian  wrote:
> > you mean applying the errata47.html patches? If so, are you certain
> > your source tree is tagged OPENBSD_4_7 and not anything else?
> Do I understand you correctly? I am not building releases. I am
> installing/downloading the sets; then I do all the stuff in 'Upgrade
> guide', then
> rm -Rf * in /usr/src
> rm -Rf * in /usr/xenocara
> rm -Rf * in /usr/ports,
> and then tar ... the source files meticulously as pointed out in the guide:
> # cd /usr/src
> # tar xzf ../sys.tar.gz
> # tar xzf ../src.tar.gz
> # cd /usr
> # tar xzf xenocara.tar.gz
> # tar xzf ports.tar.gz
> and then download the patches into /usr/src, then applying them
> and this is what you would see in the serial log.
> So I don't tag, because I don't cvs; what i do is just download the 4
> files. (Also see my other post, it points clearly to the sequence and
> the reboots done, with always checking pfctl after each reboot.)
> Uwe

Don't you have old stuff lying around in /usr/obj that gets installed
over your new binaries?

Re: mouse cursor keeps jumping up and left in latest snapshot

2010-06-04 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 09:51:16AM +0200, Markus Hennecke wrote:

> Am 03.06.2010 23:52, schrieb Ted Unangst:
> >On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Christopher Zimmermann
> >  wrote:
> >>Are you sure this is a problem in kernel? Christopher Linn and I only
> >>experience this problem with gtk2 apps. How could the kernel know wether the
> >>current focus is on a gtk2 window?
> >Because the kernel is responsible for saving and restoring FPU state,
> >which is pretty high on the list of suspected trouble makers.
> Which would explain why the problem goes away if mouse acceleration
> is disabled via xset.
> Kind regards,
>   Markus

The problem only becomes less frequent with xset m 1.


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Richard Toohey

> I think we are getting closer, aren't we?
> So, NOTHING to do with the actual upgrade, is it?

No absolutely nothing. I withdraw the subject with regret. At least
the 'base47'-part thereof.

> Or the ports/packages.

I guess, not.

> It is something to do with how you are PATCHING after an upgrade.
> You don't mention where/when you get the source you patch?
> Because that would be a separate step, wouldn't it?
> (I usually install from CD, so I scrub /usr/src & load from src.tar.gz on the 
> CD.)

Exactly. Just explained it in the previous post, and don't want to
repeat myself. Except that I download, and then the actual files used
# md5 /usr/src.tar.gz
MD5 (/usr/src.tar.gz) = 5214cd951cac5b7fbd89c968d1b5f859
# md5 /usr/sys.tar.gz
MD5 (/usr/sys.tar.gz) = 566c0cd7c3d2f28b17a9795324ead6ff
(Here, contrary to the earlier post, at the actual location in /usr of
the target machine before extraction:
# ls -l /usr/s*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  131759003 Mar 21 19:17 /usr/src.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   20668814 Mar 21 19:17 /usr/sys.tar.gz)


Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Uwe Dippel
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:41 PM, patrick keshishian  wrote:

> you mean applying the errata47.html patches? If so, are you certain
> your source tree is tagged OPENBSD_4_7 and not anything else?

Do I understand you correctly? I am not building releases. I am
installing/downloading the sets; then I do all the stuff in 'Upgrade
guide', then

rm -Rf * in /usr/src
rm -Rf * in /usr/xenocara
rm -Rf * in /usr/ports,
and then tar ... the source files meticulously as pointed out in the guide:
# cd /usr/src
# tar xzf ../sys.tar.gz
# tar xzf ../src.tar.gz
# cd /usr
# tar xzf xenocara.tar.gz
# tar xzf ports.tar.gz
and then download the patches into /usr/src, then applying them
and this is what you would see in the serial log.
So I don't tag, because I don't cvs; what i do is just download the 4
files. (Also see my other post, it points clearly to the sequence and
the reboots done, with always checking pfctl after each reboot.)


Re: mouse cursor keeps jumping up and left in latest snapshot

2010-06-04 Thread Markus Hennecke

Am 03.06.2010 23:52, schrieb Ted Unangst:

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Christopher Zimmermann

Are you sure this is a problem in kernel? Christopher Linn and I only
experience this problem with gtk2 apps. How could the kernel know wether the
current focus is on a gtk2 window?

Because the kernel is responsible for saving and restoring FPU state,
which is pretty high on the list of suspected trouble makers.
Which would explain why the problem goes away if mouse acceleration is 
disabled via xset.

Kind regards,

Re: i7-720QM one more time

2010-06-04 Thread J.C. Roberts
On Thu, 3 Jun 2010 18:31:05 -0400 (EDT) Charlie Root
> Thanks for your looking at my post.
> Come to think about the wsmouse, I believe that Xorg -configure set
> it to wsmouse0, so I tried wsmouse1 (no joy, niether the trackpad or
> the wireless mouse worrked.  I don't believe is has ever been set to
> simply wsmouse.  I'll give that a try.


It seems you misread tedu@'s post. He asked you to check to see if your
X is using '/dev/wsmouse0' or '/dev/wsmouse' ?

Though your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file might designate something, the way
to figure out what you're actually using is look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
When X doesn't get what it wants, it can sometimes fall back to
something else (e.g. intenral default config), so what you're actually
using could be different from what you've defined in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
via `Xorg -configure` or manually.

As for whether or not you even need to have an xorg.conf file, that's a
somewhat different matter. Often (as is the goal), you can run without a
configuration and let X set itself up automatically. This doesn't always
work, but works most of the time.

Also, I remember seeing the evil word "nvidia" in your dmesg:

vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 vendor "NVIDIA", \
unknown product 0x0a75 rev 0xa2

Sadly, I don't have total recal, so I'm not sure which nvidia graphics
chip that is. The thing you need to know is support for the newer nvidia
crap namely GeForce 8xxx, GeForce 9xxx and GeForce GTX (G80, G84, G86,
G92, G94, G96, G98, GT200) is only available in -current.


The OpenBSD Journal -

Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-04 Thread Richard Toohey
On 4/06/2010, at 6:41 PM, patrick keshishian wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Uwe Dippel  wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Richard Toohey
>>  wrote:
>>> OK, I've tried it and cannot reproduce what you see.  I've never done
>>> an upgrade from bsd.rd before, so wanted to give it a go.
>>> Obviously something different with your set-up, or where you got the
>>> from, or factor X - but as other people have said, they can't guess what.
>>> In short - the basic bsd.rd "follow these instructions" worked for me
> here.
>>> OK, I start with 4.6 amd64 (either 4.6 or just pre-4.6 release)
>>> uname -a
>>> OpenBSD dellamd64.home 4.6 GENERIC#0 amd64
>>> But before I upgrade, what's /sbin/pfctl?
>>> $ ls -l /sbin/pfctl
>>> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  492664 Dec  3 23:12 /sbin/pfctl
>>> $ md5 /sbin/pfctl
>>> MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 3e1fa4f69809adff432f9da62010a6a7
>>> "One easy way to boot from the install kernel is to place the 4.7 version
> of
>> bsd.rd in the root of your boot drive, then instruct the
>>> boot loader to boot using this new bsd.rd file. On amd64 and i386, you do
>> this by entering "boot bsd.rd" at the initial boot> prompt."
>>> OK, I'll get the bsd.rd from the 4.7 release CD (but could have used
>>> /usr/bin/su root
>>> mv /bsd.rd /bsd46.rd
>>> mount /dev/cd0a /mnt/
>>> cp /mnt/4.7/amd64/bsd.rd /bsd.rd
>>> umount /mnt
>>> eject /dev/cd0a
>>> reboot
>>> ... boot > boot bsd.rd
>>> ... Welcome to the OpenBSD/amd64 4.7 installation program.
>>> ... I choose upgrade ... take defaults all the way until ...
>>> Location of sets?  [What do I do here?  I'll try http, and take the
>> defaults.  What did YOU do here?]
>>> bsd, bsd.rd, base47.tgz, misc47.tgz, comp47.tgz, man47.tgz, game47.tgz,
>> xbase47.tgz
>>> xshare47.tgz, xfont47.tgz, xserv47.tgz ... all get to 100% no errors.
>>> ... rest of install, reboot ...
>>> $ uname -a
>>> OpenBSD dellamd64.home 4.7 GENERIC#112 amd64
>>> $ ls -l /sbin/pfctl
>>> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  bin  500856 Mar 18 15:36 /sbin/pfctl
>>> $ md5 /sbin/pfctl
>>> MD5 (/sbin/pfctl) = 7720c9a4dc100fe29d2d3c4a16954eb4
>> Thanks, Richard.
>> No, you couldn't encounter it.
>> It comes in later.
>> I have now the whole upgrade session of my third machine, the log is > 2
> MB.
>> Whenever I rebooted, it was okay:
>> 1. reboot to start bsd.rd - okay
>> 2. reboot directly after bsd.rd upgrade - okay
>> 3. reboot after 'Final steps', before pkg_add - okay
>> 4. reboot after 'Upgrading packages' - okay
>> 5. reboot after patching - old files and wrong timestamps - bummer, as
>> Theo might say.
> you mean applying the errata47.html patches? If so, are you certain
> your source tree is tagged OPENBSD_4_7 and not anything else?
> --patrick
I think we are getting closer, aren't we?

So, NOTHING to do with the actual upgrade, is it?  Or the ports/packages.

It is something to do with how you are PATCHING after an upgrade.

You don't mention where/when you get the source you patch?

Because that would be a separate step, wouldn't it?

(I usually install from CD, so I scrub /usr/src & load from src.tar.gz on the

>> I wonder if I can put the file up into the open, or if it contains
>> security-related matter.??
>> As bz2 it is just 91 k; I will of course make it available to
>> individuals on request.
>> Uwe