On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Eric Faurot <e...@faurot.net> wrote:

> Don't you have old stuff lying around in /usr/obj that gets installed
> over your new binaries?

That's probably the critical question now. Though, sorry to say, there
is nowhere written that you have to rm -Rf it, when you
 - upgrade
 - patch
Actually, I wasn't even aware of the existence of this directory until
several minutes ago. (I expected it to be cleaned with wiping the
source directories.)
Then, according to what is written by a number of people further up,
an number of people could be hit by this. I for one would expect the
time stamps to take care for that.

And, to stress it again:
When you are under 'quality control', and responsible for the
uptime of a system, you would never do anything out of the scope of
instructions, naturally. especially not some rm -Rf * in a directory
of your arbitrary choice.  ;)
And don't point me to man release, please. I am not doing releases, I
am not doing stable, I do, like many others, 'Upgrade Guide X.Y to
X.Z', and then get and apply the errata from
http://openbsd.org/errataXZ.html; according to their instructions.

If this happens to be wrong, by all means, then I make a mistake, and
have been making this mistake for 5 years. So, rm -Rf * in /usr/obj is


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