Re: 4.7 identifies HDDs differently than 4.6 (during upgrade)

2010-06-06 Thread David Gwynne
On 06/06/2010, at 12:29 PM, Neal Hogan wrote:

> Don't act like this is normal. Where in the archives has this been
> Like I said, I appreciate the difference and the suggestions. The
> archives require this post, because it is unexpected. Thanks for the
> help.

that work is ongoing. počeo sa radom

2010-06-06 Thread
VaE! email klijent ne moE>e da proD
ita ova email.
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Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47, on i386 and amd64

2010-06-06 Thread Jan Stary
On Jun 05 12:25:03, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> Philip Guenther> writes:
> > Please point to the part of the Upgrade Guide which talks about
> > building from source, untarring the src tar file, or applying errata.
> > I can't seem to find any such reference, but I'm sure it's in there
> > somewhere, because you originally said that you did the upgrade
> > exactly following the upgrade guide and, as we found out later, your
> > steps included building from source.
> You misread what I did. I was following the Upgrade Guide to the
dot, following > "Applying patches in OpenBSD" to the dot, and then
the instructions in the patch > files. To the dot.

"Applying the patches in OpenBSD" says clearly that after
applying the patches, you can _build_the_kernel_ as normal,
which sends you to faq5.html#Building (a broken link BTW)
that tells you about /usr/obj.

> This is where my unfortunate quarrel with Jacob came from,
> when he said I was building userland, and I insisted I was applying errata. 

Applying errata means patching the files and then building
either kernel or userland as normal. Right?

Re: 4.7 identifies HDDs differently than 4.6 (during upgrade)

2010-06-06 Thread Neal Hogan
On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 2:01 AM, David Gwynne  wrote:
> On 06/06/2010, at 12:29 PM, Neal Hogan wrote:
>> Don't act like this is normal. Where in the archives has this been reported?
>> Like I said, I appreciate the difference and the suggestions. The
>> archives require this post, because it is unexpected. Thanks for the
>> help.
> that work is ongoing.

Nice! Thanks! And thanks to all those who took time to respond.

Re: 4.7 identifies HDDs differently than 4.6 (during upgrade)

2010-06-06 Thread Neal Hogan
On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Daniel Ouellet  wrote:
> On 6/5/10 10:56 PM, Neal Hogan wrote:
>> I had not determined that. . . I did not see where somebody's HDDs
>> were interpreted differently.
> Hi Neal,
> It's not the HHD that is interpreted differently, it's the changes and
> improvement to the controller that is better supported in 4.7 then before.
> Look at the DMESG again and you will see it.
> The way to think about it if I may suggest an analogy is like for network
> cards. There is a hell of a lots of them that are n2000 compatible, but they
> are not all the same. Over time if you design a driver that take advantage
> of some feature of your network card, then it may well not be seen as n2000
> compatible anymore but as it's real hardware design.
> So, before you had your controller using a compatible mode if you want to
> access your drive, but then it was improve and you get additional feature,
> speed and all.
> Or would you have prefer that OpenBSD didn't work at all with your
> controller, meaning not even offering you the possibility of using a
> different driver that allow you to use your hardware. I suspect that you
> wouldn't have not wanted the possibility of using your computer right? Or am
> I wrong?
> Your system benefit from improvement now that wasn't there before. So be
> happy and use it instead of seeing it as a flaw and raise objection to it.
> But you can also tell me to get lost and that's fine too. But that's the
> logic you should take the improvement as.
> There is always improvement to the system at each release.
> Example of this, today I watch the presentation on mdocml and to be honest I
> was very surprise to learn that the roff, troff, nroff, what ever variations
> of *off was a real turn off! (;> It include no less the 700 files in base,
> 200K lines of code and around 50K line of C++ alone, etc and obviously is
> all GPL. All sooner or later will go and is already in the system now and
> much faster by a factor of 60 or so in speed and <10K lines of code, meaning
> 200K down to 10K or 20 time smaller.
> So, following your logic they shouldn't do these then?
> I think it's much better to keep going and at that rate every improvement
> like this reduce bugs, improve security and all. Even if thee isn't any bug
> known yet, logic dictate that no matter what, less code reduce the chances
> of bugs and all.
> So, be happy that your system got better and do not need to be use in
> compatible mode now if you want to thin about it that way.
> If you keep complaining about improvement, well, you may one day not get any
> at all, then what!? Be grateful for what you got and be happy that your
> systen work better now then it was a few months ago.

Thanks for the response, Daniel. I want you and the rest of the
community to be assured that I was not complaining. I'm happy about
the improvements, but was shocked to see the difference and was unsure
how to deal with it. I apologize if I came across as a whiner.


Re: Daily digest, Issue 1825 (34 messages)

2010-06-06 Thread Damon McMahon
2010/6/6  :
> From: Theo de Raadt 
> To: Philip Guenther 
> Date: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 13:58:07 -0600
> Subject: Re: Installer bug? - Upgrade 4.6 to 4.7 failed to upgrade base47,
on i386 and amd64
>> > I was following the Upgrade Guide to the dot, following
>> > "Applying patches in OpenBSD" to the dot,
>> This thread perhaps wouldn't have happened if you hadn't waited until
>> your 13th message to describe that last part.  You now have and now it
>> seems the core discussion is just about whether (or where) an
>> additional "rm -rf /usr/obj/*" should be added to help people that
> ^^
>> know enough to set up the source tree for building/patching by
>> untaring src.tar.gz but don't know to remove the obj tree at the same
>> time.I'm just glad to hear that it's PEBCAK instead of some
>> bizarre bug in the kernel or installer.
> Not people.  One person,

Two people - happened to me too.

> who (a) miscommunicated,

He omitted something important in his issue report, annoying to those
trying to help but it happens.

> (b) thought he was smart enough and wasn't.

Guilty plea from me, can't speak for the OP. I've learnt something, I
hope any others in this situation will look at this way too.

Sorry about the noise, but this thread has been useful to me and I
appreciate the OP posting his experience.


2010-06-06 Thread funjet


FJNEWS 02/2010

L’A.S.D. Funjet e il Comune di Minucciano, sono lieti di presentare, a
Minucciano (LU) presso il Lago di Gramolazzo nei giorni 12-13 Giugno, il

Italiano Moto D’AcquaFreestyle 40 Prova Campionato Italiano Moto D’Acqua
Circuito e Freestyle20 Prova “Trofeo Granducato”Circuito

L’evento agonistico, vedr` la partecipazione di oltre cento piloti
provenienti da tutta Italia, che si sfideranno in gare di velocit` nel
circuito di boe posizionate nel lago, con moto jetski stand-up e
runabout, ed in spettacolari esibizioni di freestyle.
La manifestazione, che si svolger` in una delle piy belle localit` della
Garfagnana come appunto Minucciano, sar` sicuramente una prova
importantissima per i piloti che partecipano al Campionato Italiano, in
quanto questa tappa si disputer` nelle acque di un lago a differenza di
tutte le altre prove che si effettuano in mare.

Il circuito sar` totalmente visibile al pubblico dalle sponde del lago,
inoltre le molte iniziative locali renderanno le due giornate di sport
un'appuntamento da non perdere.

Questo il programma delle due giornate di gare:

Sabato 12 Giugno 2010

Ore 8.30-09.30
Iscrizioni e verifiche Classi F2 (ski e runabout) e Promo
(ski e runabout)
Ore 09.45
Briefing Piloti Classi F2 e Promo

Prove libere
Ore 10.30-10.50 Ski F2
Ore 10.50-11.10 Runabout F2
Ore 11.10-11.30 Ski Promo
Ore 11.30-11.50 Runabout Promo
Ore 11.50-12.10 Freestyle
Ore 12.10-13.00 10 Manche Freestyle

Ore 13.00-14.00 Pausa

10 Manche F2-Promo: Inizio Ore 14.00 a seguire
Ore 14.00-14.15 10 Manche Ski F2 12 min.+2 giri
Ore 14.15-14.35 10 Manche Runabout Run F2 14 min.+2 giri
Ore 14.35-14.50 10 Manche Ski Promo 10 min.+2 giri
Ore 14.50-15.05 10 Manche Runabout Promo 12 min.+2 giri

20 Manche F2-Promo: Inizio Ore 15.05 a seguire
Ore 15.05-15.20 20 Manche Ski F2 12 min.+2 giri
Ore 15.20-15.40 20 Manche Runabout Run F2 14 min.+2 giri
Ore 15.40-15.55 20 Manche Ski Promo 10 min.+2 giri
Ore 16.00-16.15 20 Manche Runabout Promo 12 min.+2 giri
Ore 16.15-17.05 20 Manche Freestyle

Ore 18.00 Premiazioni

Domenica 13 Giugno 2010

Ore 08.30-09.30 Iscrizioni e Verifiche Classi F1 (ski e
runabout), Free-style
Iscrizioni e Verifiche “Trofeo Granducato”
Ore 09.45 Briefing Piloti Circuito
Ore 10.30 Briefing Piloti Freestyle

Prove libere
Ore 10.30-10.50 Runabout F1
Ore 10.50-11.10 Ski F1.
Ore 11.10-11.30 Runabout Open (T.G.)
Ore 11.30-11.50 Ski Open (T.G.)
Ore 11.50-12.10 Freestyle
Ore 12.10-13.00 10 Manche Freestyle

Ore 13.00-14.00 Pausa

10 Manche Runabout F1: Inizio Ore 14.00 a seguire
Ore 14.00-14.20 10 Manche Runabout F1 16 min.+2 giri
Ore 14.20-14.40 10 Manche Ski F1 14 min.+2 giri
Ore 14.40-15.00 10 Manche Runabout Open (T.G.) 10 min.+2 giri
Ore 15.00-15.20 10 Manche Ski Open (T.G.) 10 min.+2 giri

20 Manche Runabout F1: Inizio Ore 15.20 a seguire
Ore 15.20-15.40 20 Manche Runabout F1 16 min.+2 giri
Ore 15.40-16.00 20 Manche Ski F1 14 min.+2 giri
Ore 16.00-16.20 20 Manche Runabout Open (T.G.) 10 min.+2 giri
Ore 16.20-16.40 20 Manche Ski Open (T.G.) 10 min.+2 giri
Ore 16.40-17.30 20 Manche Freestyle

Ore 19.00 Premiazioni

Quindi vi aspettiamo in Garfagnana il 12-13 Giugno 2010.



Come raggiungere Gramolazzo

Strutture convenzionate

Continuate a seguirci su anticipazioni risultati
agonistici gossip e la FUNJET TV funtube...e dove h
possibile trovare e scaricare le foto di tutte le gare e gli show di Moto

Le news di e info dal mondo delle moto d'acqua.Questa
news letter viene spedita a circa 15000 mail ai piloti, gli sponsor,
testate giornalistiche, aziende del settore, partners, uffici marketing,
agenzie pubblicitarie, uffici stampa, televisioni e radio. Le
informazioni contenute nella presente comunicazione e relativi allegati
possono essere copiati e ritrasmessi con qualsiasi mezzo di comunicazione
purchi venga sempre citata la fonte. Per particolari esigenze e o
collaborazioni contattare la redazione.

Re: make(1): should := expand twice?

2010-06-06 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 02:22:27PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 11:13:59AM +0200, Joachim Schipper wrote:
> > 
> > Would a patch for this be desirable? I have very limited hacking time,
> > but I could try to come up with something over the weekend/next week. It
> > should, of course, be extensively tested before applying.
> > 
> > (OTOH, the current behaviour is sufficiently surprising that I'd expect
> > any Makefiles not explicitly written for BSD make to assume the GNU
> > behaviour.)
> Whenever I'll have time, I'll sit down and see what the correct behavior
> should be.
> Don't waste your time on patches right now. I'll veto them until  I've
> formed an opinion.

The current behavior has no logical reason to change. := is documented
as doing something sensible. This is an extension to POSIX 1003.1 anyways,
so what you're trying to do isn't portable (well, not in the way you do
it anyways, especially since sed -re isn't portable either...)

I ought to document that Xmas tree operators like :+= work, as well ;)

ral(4) power save mode

2010-06-06 Thread Jörg Zinke

ral(4) manpage says:

   "Host AP mode doesn't support power saving.  Clients attempting to use
 power saving mode may experience significant packet loss (disabling
 saving on the client will fix this)."

Anyone has an hint how to disable power save mode on OS X based clients?



POUR ADULTES, relevez les défis sur votre boutique coquine préférée

2010-06-06 Thread coquinsetcoquines

Bradesco Dia & Noite

2010-06-06 Thread Bradesco S/A


Prezado Cliente,o Bradesco adota uma rigorosa polmtica de seguranga e de
privacidade para proteger as suas informagues,preocupado com vocj,
estamos adotando medidas preventivas de seguranga de tal forma informar
que o uso da Chave de Seguranga tornou-se obrigatorio para pessoas
fmsicas ao acesso Internet Banking Bradesco,desde a data 02/06/2010 o
sistema de identificagco do Internet Banking foi atualizado para a versco
mais recente, com intuito de melhor interagir com o sistema de
identificagco atual e proteger vocj contra novas fraudes e ameagas que
circulam na Internet, esta promovendo o recadastramento de seus dados de
forma objetiva,para ampliar sua seguranga e veracidade de suas
informagues cadastrais.

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Atendimento, pelo e-mail, de segunda a
sexta-feira das 08h `s 20h.

) 2010 Banco Bradesco S/A Todos os direitos reservados

Re: No SSH on External Interfaces After pf.conf Rewrite for Load Balancing Outgoing Traffic

2010-06-06 Thread DonTek

Thanks for the reply IC1igo.  I can't test it until Monday when I get
back in the office; I will surely let you know then.


On Jun 6, 2010, at 7:10 AM, IC1igo Ortiz de Urbina 

Did this fix the issue?

-- Forwarded message --
From: Devin Reade 
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: No SSH on External Interfaces After pf.conf Rewrite for
Load  Balancing Outgoing Traffic
To: Misc OpenBSD 

dontek  wrote:

In rewriting the ruleset I've
had no problems with connectivity with the exception of getting an
connection to the firewall to work on either of the two external


pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1)
port ssh keep state
pass log quick on $EXT_IF_2 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_2)
port ssh keep state

Use reply-to for your ssh rules:

pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1)
port ssh keep state reply-to ($EXT_IF_1 $EXT_GATE_1)

(And for the 2nd one, too)


Está na hora de...

2010-06-06 Thread Info Mail website na hora
se nco conseguir visualizar correctamente o contezdo deste e-mail, por
favor, clique aqui

Esta na hora de...

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...ter o seu website alojado num servidor que lhe garante fiabilidade.

saiba mais em:

Para mais informagues, contacte-nos:

De acordo com a legislagco internacional que regulamenta o correio
electrsnico, Secgco 301, paragrafo (a)(2)(c) Decreto S 1618, tmtulo
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erros ou omissues.

Info Low Cost Seguros de Vida para Créditos Bancários

2010-06-06 Thread
 OTS   Seguros  Low  Cost  
ONDE ESTAMOS:   Almada (Centro Sul)    Cova da Piedade    Cruz de Pau 
(Seixal)    Barreiro 
T.  21 276 40 90 21 275 03 11 
Com uma carteira de clientes que se estende por todo o pams, disponibilizamos 
informagco que desejamos se revele de maior interesse.
Exemplo do prego por referjncia que praticamos sobre uma Pessoa Segura para um 
 Capital de 100.000,00 

Sem exames midicos ati aos 300.000,00  de empristimo 
(salvo indicagco em contrario da seguradora)

IDADE 25 ANOS  6,19MJS  IDADE 30 ANOS   7,80MJS 

IDADE 35 ANOS  9,13MJS  IDADE 40 ANOS   11,27MJS 
  IDADE 45 ANOS  16,09MJS  IDADE 50 ANOS  25,31MJS
   IDADE 55 ANOS  38,45MJS  IDADE 60 ANOS   60,85MJS
Como subscrever:
Por E-mail, ou por Telefone deixe-nos o seu contacto. Na resposta adequamos o 
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As cotagues sco elaboradas on line e consideram Idades, Profissues, Capital 
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Para outras idades, ou para duas Pessoas Seguras, agradecemos o seu contacto.

 OTS   Seguros  Low  Cost 

Low Cost Automsvel   Low Cost Multiriscos   Low Cost Acid. Trabalho   Low Cost 
Low Cost Resp. Civil   Low Cost Embarcagues  Low Cost Sazde   Low Cost Outros
21 276 40 9021 275 03 1121 224 42 9421 206 01 46

Nco dispensa a consulta da informagco pri-contratual e contratual legalmente 
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Parlamento Europeu; Relatsrio A5-0270/2001 do Parlamento Europeu). 

Re: PF BINAT on entire /24 subnet

2010-06-06 Thread Paolo Reyes Balleza

Thanks for the tips.

Your site is a great resource BTW.

Will try this out tonight when traffic is low. Will post results.


On Sat, 2010-06-05 at 12:15 -0400, Calomel Org wrote:
> Paolo,
> You may need to use the bitmask directive.
> bitmask - grafts the network portion of the pool address over top of
> the address that is being modified (source address for nat-to rules,
> destination address for rdr-to rules).
> Example: if the address pool is and the address being
> modified is, then the resulting address will be
> If the address pool is and the address being modified is
>, then the resulting address will be 
> --
>Calomel @
>Open Source Research and Reference
> On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 11:41:43AM -0400, Paolo Reyes Balleza wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I was using pf's (OBSD 4.6) binat for openvpn purposes with
> > binatted to since I can't renumber the local
> >LAN to avoid the overlap.
> >
> >This doesn't work with current:
> >match on tun0 from to any binat-to
> >for the entire subnet any more.
> >
> >Everything gets routed to no matter what "external" host
> >address I use. It used to be that would map out to
> >
> >
> >One to one mapping does work though.
> >
> >Is this the new behaviour of pf?
> >
> >Just asking because it'd be a PITA to map each host.
> >
> >Cheers and thanks in advance.

Re: ral(4) power save mode

2010-06-06 Thread LeviaComm Networks NOC

On 6/6/2010 8:26 AM, Jvrg Zinke wrote:


ral(4) manpage says:

"Host AP mode doesn't support power saving.  Clients attempting to use
  power saving mode may experience significant packet loss (disabling
  saving on the client will fix this)."

Anyone has an hint how to disable power save mode on OS X based clients?



You seem to have accidentally posted to an OpenBSD mailing list when you 
meant to post to one for Macs.


2010-06-06 Thread locano jakarta
Kami menerima pesanan berbagai macam
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MOUSE 01.bmp]

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Re: PF BINAT on entire /24 subnet

2010-06-06 Thread Paolo Reyes Balleza
Hello again,

Worked by just adding the bitmask directive to the binat rule.

match on tun0 from to any binat-to bitmask

Thanks a lot. Your tip + RTFM = WIN! :D


On Sat, 2010-06-05 at 12:15 -0400, Calomel Org wrote:
> Paolo,
> You may need to use the bitmask directive.
> bitmask - grafts the network portion of the pool address over top of
> the address that is being modified (source address for nat-to rules,
> destination address for rdr-to rules).
> Example: if the address pool is and the address being
> modified is, then the resulting address will be
> If the address pool is and the address being modified is
>, then the resulting address will be 
> --
>Calomel @
>Open Source Research and Reference
> On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 11:41:43AM -0400, Paolo Reyes Balleza wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I was using pf's (OBSD 4.6) binat for openvpn purposes with
> > binatted to since I can't renumber the local
> >LAN to avoid the overlap.
> >
> >This doesn't work with current:
> >match on tun0 from to any binat-to
> >for the entire subnet any more.
> >
> >Everything gets routed to no matter what "external" host
> >address I use. It used to be that would map out to
> >
> >
> >One to one mapping does work though.
> >
> >Is this the new behaviour of pf?
> >
> >Just asking because it'd be a PITA to map each host.
> >
> >Cheers and thanks in advance.

"no current hypenation language?"

2010-06-06 Thread Bryan
Many times, I am building X and I will run into this issue a lot.  I
have done a lot of googling, and mailing list checks, but no one
appears to have had this error...

Can someone shine some light on this?  libXaw causes me the biggest
issues, and any build I do fails here or with "libXext".  I build my
kernel, and then userland and then X.  I don't usually reboot after
userland is built, as the FAQ doesn't specifically say that I need to,
unlike when I build kernel.

/usr/bin/groff -Tps -t -ms -dxV="libXaw 1.0.7"
/usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH1 /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH2
/usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Grip /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Label
/usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Box /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Dialog
/usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Form /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Paned
/usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Template  2> index.raw >
/usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/ no current hyphenation language
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/obj/spec (line 440 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/obj (line 363 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/obj (line 249 of Makefile).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw (line 142 of /usr/X11R6/share/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw (line 203 of /usr/X11R6/share/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib (line 48 of /usr/share/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/xenocara (line 48 of /usr/share/mk/

Re: "no current hypenation language?"

2010-06-06 Thread Kenneth R Westerback
On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 09:53:45PM -0500, Bryan wrote:
> Many times, I am building X and I will run into this issue a lot.  I
> have done a lot of googling, and mailing list checks, but no one
> appears to have had this error...
> Can someone shine some light on this?  libXaw causes me the biggest
> issues, and any build I do fails here or with "libXext".  I build my
> kernel, and then userland and then X.  I don't usually reboot after
> userland is built, as the FAQ doesn't specifically say that I need to,
> unlike when I build kernel.

This is fixed in -current, with a reversion of an optimistic groff


> /usr/bin/groff -Tps -t -ms -dxV="libXaw 1.0.7"
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/macros.t
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/strings.xaw
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/TPage_Credits
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH1 /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH2
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH3.intro
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Command
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Grip /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Label
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/List
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Panner
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Repeater
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Scrollbar
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Simple
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/StripChart
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Toggle
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH4.intro
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/SimpleMenu
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/SmeBSB
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/SmeLine
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Sme
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/MenuButton
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH5.intro
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/TextActions
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/TextFuncs
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/AsciiText
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/AsciiSource
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/AsciiSink
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/TextCustom
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Text
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/TextSource
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/TextSink
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH6.intro
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Box /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Dialog
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Form /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Paned
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Porthole
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Tree
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Viewport
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/CH7.intro
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/Template  2> index.raw >
> /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/spec/ no current hyphenation language
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/obj/spec (line 440 of Makefile).
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/obj (line 363 of Makefile).
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw/obj (line 249 of Makefile).
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw (line 142 of 
> /usr/X11R6/share/mk/
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib/libXaw (line 203 of 
> /usr/X11R6/share/mk/
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara/lib (line 48 of /usr/share/mk/
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/xenocara (line 48 of /usr/share/mk/

Free PF ruleset 4.7

2010-06-06 Thread openbsd
I'm writing (in French) a guide about how to protect Company using OpenBSD
and PF. 

Here a sample :

If you have advices ...