
2012-05-26 Thread Robert Connolly

I recently bought an Acer 5552-7858 notebook. While shopping I checked that
OpenBSD had drivers for all the devices, and my dmesg has no "not
configured" messages. The video, webcam, and audio are working well. This
is a low price AMD quad core, well loaded with 6GB of memory and 640GB of
storage, 15.4 inch monitor, full size keyboard, and after 2 weeks I
recommend it.

I have a few issues that I would like help with.

I installed VLC, and my webcam works, but my microphone does not seem to be
detected at all. dmesg does not list a usb audio device. What should I do
to investigate this? Is there a better application, other than VLC, for
using a webcam with OpenBSD?

Second, I configured KDE to use a blank screen saver, which works, but the
monitor never turns off. How can I configure my notebook monitor to turn
off after 15 minutes of being inactive?

Third, my touchpad is slow... the cursor move slowly. I tried to configure
it with KDE to behave faster, but KDE isn't making it behave the way I am
used to with Linux. Are there any suggestions for this? I don't seem to be
using the Synaptics driver. The touchpad otherwise works... scrolling
works, and a double finger tap simulates the (missing) middle button.

I am also curious about how SMP behaves. According to top(1), an
application may be using 50% cpu, while all the cpu's are 85% idle. Does
OpenBSD somehow divide the load over the cpu's, or is top(1) not displaying
things properly?

And lastly, is there something equivalent to the GNU free(1) command?

Thank you

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2012-05-26 Thread Bonus Cupon
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Re: spamd greylisting: false positives

2012-05-26 Thread David Diggles
This may seem like a dead horse to some by now, but I am disappointed
no one replied to the msg, I supplied the detailed event information with
timestamps, regarding mails not being whitelisted by
spamd when run in greylist mode.

RFC282, Sending Strategy:

   The sender MUST delay retrying a particular destination after one
   attempt has failed.  In general, the retry interval SHOULD be at
   least 30 minutes; however, more sophisticated and variable strategies
   will be beneficial when the SMTP client can determine the reason for

   Retries continue until the message is transmitted or the sender gives
   up; the give-up time generally needs to be at least 4-5 days.  The
   parameters to the retry algorithm MUST be configurable.

Yet I have been advised not to mess with the default timings with -G option.
It looks to me like the retry intervals of are not
sufficient to get it whitelisted by spamd.

I am well beyond assuming anything, and prepared to learn / accept
any constructive advice.

Can anyone confirm they have the following scenario?

* A clean installed OpenBSD 5.1 configured as a primary MX
* Clean spamd settings, clean /var/db/spamd
* Default spamd with no options
* Default spamlogd with no options
* The pf.conf uses spamd entries from the example pf.conf from etc.tgz
* No manual whitelist entry for
* Incoming from is eventually whitelisted by spamd

I am just trying to learn the cause, and I have been fully prepared to wear
egg on my face if my own configuration is causing the problem.  I have not
yet proven this is the case.

I believe I have checked everything anyone suggested to check.

I really don't want my next check be to roll back to 4.9 and see if will auto whitelist like it previously did.

In hope,

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 01:19:38PM +1000, David Diggles wrote:
> Ok I am still not getting emails from
> (so please if you reply, cc to me).
> I restarted spamd at this time after deleting /var/db/spamd and
> clearing the bypass tables in pf at this time:
> 2012-05-26 02:13:12 # /usr/libexec/spamd
> Here is the last message to make it to sendmail from misc:
> fgrep from= /var/log/maillog|fgrep owner-misc|tail -1|awk '{print $1,$2,$3}'
> May 26 01:54:35
> The pf rules for spamd I have are taken from the default pf.conf:
> pass in on egress inet proto tcp from any to any port = 25 flags S/SA rdr-to 
> port 8025
> pass in on egress proto tcp from  to any port = 25 flags S/SA
> pass in log on egress proto tcp from  to any port = 25 flags S/SA
> pass out log on egress proto tcp from any to any port = 25 flags S/S
> It is currently Sat May 26 12:54:31 EST 201
> Times of passed smtp connections for May 26:
> tcpdump -n -e -ttt -r /var/log/pflog 2>&1|fgrep ".25:"|\
> fgrep 'May 26'|awk '{print $3}'
> 01:14:53.793995
> 04:17:11.846707
> 05:00:19.443080
> 05:15:01.487277
> 07:17:51.114440
> 09:35:58.120098
> 10:14:21.444822
> 11:53:33.611903
> So I will skip the first entry when I grep for the
> ip addresses, with a tail +2 because it occurred
> *before* I reset everything.
> tcpdump -n -e -ttt -r /var/log/pflog 2>&1|fgrep ".25:"|\
> fgrep 'May 26'|awk '{print $10}'|tail +2|\
> awk -F. '{print $1"."$2"."$3"."$4}'|sort -n
> I have the following tables.
> pfctl -s Tables
> nospamd
> spamd-white
> Confirming against the spamd-white table
> pfctl -t spamd-white -Ts
> =
> So nothing from misc has made it to sendmail since I emptied
>  and  on pf.conf
> These are all the attempts from since
> I cleared the spamdb and pf tables.
> fgrep /var/log/spamd|fgrep 'May 26'
> May 26 02:53:48 skitL spamd[25502]: connected (1/0)
> May 26 02:54:00 skitL spamd[25502]: disconnected after 12 
> seconds.
> May 26 03:00:24 skitL spamd[25502]: connected (1/0)
> May 26 03:00:36 skitL spamd[25502]: disconnected after 12 
> seconds.
> May 26 04:41:24 skitL spamd[25502]: connected (1/0)
> May 26 04:41:36 skitL spamd[25502]: disconnected after 12 
> seconds.
> May 26 05:04:19 skitL spamd[25502]: connected (2/1)
> May 26 05:04:31 skitL spamd[25502]: disconnected after 12 
> seconds.
> May 26 05:15:24 skitL spamd[25502]: connected (1/0)
> May 26 05:15:36 skitL spamd[25502]: disconnected after 12 
> seconds.
> May 26 05:19:36 skitL spamd[25502]: connected (1/0)
> May 26 05:19:48 skitL spamd[25502]: disconnected after 12 
> s

Re: pf faq

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-05-26, Jan Stary  wrote:
>> > If someone wants to carefully go over faq/pf/ (or at least going
>> > over one whole page rather than just parts of a page), check/update things
>> > and send a diff, that would be very nice and there's a good chance it would
>> > get committed..

to clarify:

I will review a diff for a whole page or for the whole pf
section, but cannot go over a bunch of small patches for various
things, and indeed I think that is the wrong approach, it will
be much more readable and consistent if each page is treated as
a complete unit.

Re: Recent BIND ports

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson - it would want updating 
as well as fixing.

Kostas Zorbadelos  wrote:

Stuart Henderson  writes:

> On 2012-05-25, Kostas Zorbadelos  wrote:
>> The question is, is there an interest in developing relevant ports? Is
>> someone working on this?
> There are searchable mailing list archives, you know...

A quick search showed nothing but to be honest I didn't try hard enough
and I thought asking was cheaper :)

>> stupid NXDOMAIN Redirection
>> (hopefully we won't need that) (9.9).

>so sad that this got added. ISC were some of the first and most
>vocal opponents of this mess when netsol started doing it, even
>added an option to BIND to filter it per-zone...


Vixie's logic I think was something along the lines "since more and more
people are asking for it and we can't stop it, at least let BIND
implement it in a "correct" way..."

Recordatorio para el curso de "Organización y Conservación de Archivos Oficiales"

2012-05-26 Thread Maurin Quintero S.
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Re: Recent BIND ports

2012-05-26 Thread Kostas Zorbadelos
Stuart Henderson  writes:

> On 2012-05-25, Kostas Zorbadelos  wrote:
>> The question is, is there an interest in developing relevant ports? Is
>> someone working on this?
> There are searchable mailing list archives, you know...

A quick search showed nothing but to be honest I didn't try hard enough
and I thought asking was cheaper :)

>> stupid NXDOMAIN Redirection
>> (hopefully we won't need that) (9.9).

>so sad that this got added. ISC were some of the first and most
>vocal opponents of this mess when netsol started doing it, even
>added an option to BIND to filter it per-zone...


Vixie's logic I think was something along the lines "since more and more
people are asking for it and we can't stop it, at least let BIND
implement it in a "correct" way..."

Re: pf faq

2012-05-26 Thread Jan Stary
In the final tftp example of ftp.html,
is the second anchor line really needed?

 match out on $ext_if from $int_if nat-to ($ext_if)
 anchor "tftp-proxy/*"
 pass in quick on $int_if inet proto udp from $int_if to port tftp \
 divert-to port 6969
 anchor "tftp-proxy/*"


Re: pf faq

2012-05-26 Thread Jan Stary
> > If someone wants to carefully go over faq/pf/ (or at least going
> > over one whole page rather than just parts of a page), check/update things
> > and send a diff, that would be very nice and there's a good chance it would
> > get committed..

The link
is broken, and is "moving to a new server"
for almost exactly a year ...


--- ftp.html.orig   Sat May 26 19:14:03 2012
+++ ftp.htmlSat May 26 19:14:29 2012
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ Gateways]
 PF "Self-Protecting" an FTP Server
 FTP Server Protected by an External PF Firewall
 Running NAT
-More Information on FTP
 Proxying TFTP
@@ -243,16 +242,6 @@ connections initiated by ftp-proxy(8) are permitted.
 Note that if you want to run ftp-proxy(8) to protect an FTP server as
 well as allow clients to FTP out from behind the firewall that two
 instances of ftp-proxy will be required.
-More Information on FTP
-More information on filtering FTP and how FTP works in general can be
-found in this whitepaper:

Re: bad 5.1 package of poptop

2012-05-26 Thread Federico Giannici

On 05/26/12 16:41, Marc Espie wrote:

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 02:31:52PM +0200, Federico Giannici wrote:

The 5.1 package of poptop "poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz" (taken from 2
different official FTP sites) seems to be compiled for a platform
after 5.1.

If I try to install it an error appears about a c library version
not present:

# pkg_add poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
Can't install poptop-1.3.4p3 because of libraries
|library c.64.1 not found
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major

Stop wasting our collective time.

Hint: snapshots is *not* 5.1.

I'm sorry, I found the problem: I downloaded the correct package but 
clearly when I issued the pkg_add command I erroneously was in another 
directory so it automatically downloaded the package from the net (I 
have just found that a lot of time ago I set the PKG_PATH environment 
variable to snapshots, and I completely forgot it!).


Re: pf faq [was Re: (unknown)]

2012-05-26 Thread Rafael Zalamena
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Stuart Henderson 
> On 2012-05-26, Jan Stary  wrote:
>> The "Passing Traffic" example at
>> doesn't seem to be completely accurate.
>>   # Pass traffic in on dc0 from the local network,,
>>   # to the OpenBSD machine's IP address Also, pass the
>>   # return traffic out on dc0.
>>   pass in  on dc0 from to
>>   pass out on dc0 from to
>> It's the "return" that bugs me: the first rule alone
>> makes the _return_ traffic be passed. The second
>> rule allows traffic that originates (creates state)
>> on the way out. Right?
> Probably an incomplete conversion of the faq when the default was changed
> to stateful. If someone wants to carefully go over faq/pf/ (or at least
> over one whole page rather than just parts of a page), check/update things
> and send a diff, that would be very nice and there's a good chance it would
> get committed..

It allows the router (or other machines not in the network) to reach
others computer in the network, and I'm not sure if without that rule
you would be able to do ssh to (sine you
only got a state> and not>

It allows for an instance: you want to reach your machine remotely
that is behind the firewall, you do:
1 - ssh to your router or some machine that the router translates its ip to
2 - Access your machine inside the network without nat-ing direct access to

Re: bad 5.1 package of poptop

2012-05-26 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 02:31:52PM +0200, Federico Giannici wrote:
> The 5.1 package of poptop "poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz" (taken from 2
> different official FTP sites) seems to be compiled for a platform
> after 5.1.
> If I try to install it an error appears about a c library version
> not present:
> # pkg_add poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
> Can't install poptop-1.3.4p3 because of libraries
> |library c.64.1 not found
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major

Stop wasting our collective time.

Hint: snapshots is *not* 5.1.

Re: bad 5.1 package of poptop

2012-05-26 Thread Tobias Ulmer
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 04:22:41PM +0200, Federico Giannici wrote:
> Oops!
> I forgot to say it's amd64.

carbon:~$ ftp
Connected to
220 FTP server ready.
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
200 Switching to Binary mode.
250 Directory successfully changed.
Retrieving pub/OpenBSD/5.1/packages/amd64/poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
local: poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz remote: poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz (34753 bytes).
 34753   00:00
226 Transfer complete.
34753 bytes received in 0.32 seconds (104.60 KB/s)
221 Goodbye.
carbon:~$ tar xzf poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz +CONTENTS
carbon:~$ grep wantlib +CONTENTS
@wantlib c.62.0
@wantlib util.11.2

There's no problem with the packages. You seem to be mixing snapshots
with 5.1 somehow, check your PKG_PATH etc.

> Thanks.
> On 05/26/12 16:06, Tobias Ulmer wrote:
> >On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 02:31:52PM +0200, Federico Giannici wrote:
> >>The 5.1 package of poptop "poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz" (taken from 2
> >>different official FTP sites) seems to be compiled for a platform
> >>after 5.1.
> >>
> >>If I try to install it an error appears about a c library version
> >>not present:
> >>
> >># pkg_add poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
> >>Can't install poptop-1.3.4p3 because of libraries
> >>|library c.64.1 not found
> >>| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> >>| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> >>| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> >>| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> >>| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> >>| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> >>
> >>
> >>If I force the install, the ldd command confirm the problem:
> >>
> >>/usr/local/sbin# ldd ./pptpd
> >>./pptpd:
> >>./pptpd: can't load library ''
> >>./pptpd: exit status 4
> >>
> >>
> >>Thanks.
> >>
> >
> >On which architecture?
> >
> >I can observe no such problem:
> >
> >argon:~$ echo $PKG_PATH
> >
> >argon:~$ sudo pkg_add -i poptop
> >poptop-1.3.4p3: ok
> >The following new rcscripts were installed: /etc/rc.d/pptpd
> >See rc.d(8) for details.
> >Look in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes for extra documentation.
> >argon:~$ ldd `which pptpd`
> >/usr/local/sbin/pptpd:
> > StartEnd  Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
> > 1c00 3c004000 exe  10   0  /usr/local/sbin/pptpd
> > 0b939000 2b967000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
> > 08d4 08d4 rtld 01   0  /usr/libexec/
> >argon:~$ dmesg|sed 2q
> >OpenBSD 5.1 (GENERIC) #160: Sun Feb 12 09:46:33 MST 2012
> >
> >argon:~$

Re: bad 5.1 package of poptop

2012-05-26 Thread Federico Giannici

I forgot to say it's amd64.


On 05/26/12 16:06, Tobias Ulmer wrote:

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 02:31:52PM +0200, Federico Giannici wrote:

The 5.1 package of poptop "poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz" (taken from 2
different official FTP sites) seems to be compiled for a platform
after 5.1.

If I try to install it an error appears about a c library version
not present:

# pkg_add poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
Can't install poptop-1.3.4p3 because of libraries
|library c.64.1 not found
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major

If I force the install, the ldd command confirm the problem:

/usr/local/sbin# ldd ./pptpd
./pptpd: can't load library ''
./pptpd: exit status 4


On which architecture?

I can observe no such problem:

argon:~$ echo $PKG_PATH
argon:~$ sudo pkg_add -i poptop
poptop-1.3.4p3: ok
The following new rcscripts were installed: /etc/rc.d/pptpd
See rc.d(8) for details.
Look in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes for extra documentation.
argon:~$ ldd `which pptpd`
 StartEnd  Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
 1c00 3c004000 exe  10   0  /usr/local/sbin/pptpd
 0b939000 2b967000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
 08d4 08d4 rtld 01   0  /usr/libexec/
argon:~$ dmesg|sed 2q
OpenBSD 5.1 (GENERIC) #160: Sun Feb 12 09:46:33 MST 2012

Re: your mail

2012-05-26 Thread Chris Cappuccio
Jan Stary [] wrote:
> The "Passing Traffic" example at
> doesn't seem to be completely accurate.
>   # Pass traffic in on dc0 from the local network,,
>   # to the OpenBSD machine's IP address Also, pass the
>   # return traffic out on dc0.
>   pass in  on dc0 from to
>   pass out on dc0 from to
> It's the "return" that bugs me: the first rule alone
> makes the _return_ traffic be passed. The second
> rule allows traffic that originates (creates state)
> on the way out. Right?

Yeah, that sounds right. When the example was written, "keep state flags S/SA" 
was not a default setting, now it is.

Re: bad 5.1 package of poptop

2012-05-26 Thread Tobias Ulmer
On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 02:31:52PM +0200, Federico Giannici wrote:
> The 5.1 package of poptop "poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz" (taken from 2
> different official FTP sites) seems to be compiled for a platform
> after 5.1.
> If I try to install it an error appears about a c library version
> not present:
> # pkg_add poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
> Can't install poptop-1.3.4p3 because of libraries
> |library c.64.1 not found
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> | /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
> If I force the install, the ldd command confirm the problem:
> /usr/local/sbin# ldd ./pptpd
> ./pptpd:
> ./pptpd: can't load library ''
> ./pptpd: exit status 4
> Thanks.

On which architecture?

I can observe no such problem:

argon:~$ echo $PKG_PATH
argon:~$ sudo pkg_add -i poptop
poptop-1.3.4p3: ok
The following new rcscripts were installed: /etc/rc.d/pptpd
See rc.d(8) for details.
Look in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes for extra documentation.
argon:~$ ldd `which pptpd`
StartEnd  Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
1c00 3c004000 exe  10   0  /usr/local/sbin/pptpd
0b939000 2b967000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/
08d4 08d4 rtld 01   0  /usr/libexec/
argon:~$ dmesg|sed 2q
OpenBSD 5.1 (GENERIC) #160: Sun Feb 12 09:46:33 MST 2012

Re: pf faq

2012-05-26 Thread Jan Stary
On May 26 12:30:25, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2012-05-26, Jan Stary  wrote:
> > The "Passing Traffic" example at
> >
> > doesn't seem to be completely accurate.
> >
> > # Pass traffic in on dc0 from the local network,,
> > # to the OpenBSD machine's IP address Also, pass the
> > # return traffic out on dc0.
> > pass in  on dc0 from to
> > pass out on dc0 from to
> >
> > It's the "return" that bugs me: the first rule alone
> > makes the _return_ traffic be passed. The second
> > rule allows traffic that originates (creates state)
> > on the way out. Right?
> >
> >
> Probably an incomplete conversion of the faq when the default was changed
> to stateful.


> If someone wants to carefully go over faq/pf/ (or at least going
> over one whole page rather than just parts of a page), check/update things
> and send a diff, that would be very nice and there's a good chance it would
> get committed..

Actually, I came across this when re-reading the whole PF FAQ earlier today
(but I couldn't say carefully); diff below.


--- filter.html.orig2012-05-26 15:15:13.0 +0200
+++ filter.html 2012-05-26 15:17:28.0 +0200
@@ -289,12 +289,10 @@ recommended because it errs on the side 
 writing a ruleset easier.
-To create a default deny filter policy, the first two filter rules should
+To create a default deny filter policy, the first filter rule should be:
-block in  all
-block out all
+block all
@@ -317,10 +315,9 @@ Some examples:
 # Pass traffic in on dc0 from the local network,,
-# to the OpenBSD machine's IP address Also, pass the
-# return traffic out on dc0.
-pass in  on dc0 from to
-pass out on dc0 from to
+# to the OpenBSD machine's IP address The return traffic
+# gets passed too, thanks to statefull operation.
+pass in on dc0 from to
 # Pass TCP traffic in on fxp0 to the web server running on the

bad 5.1 package of poptop

2012-05-26 Thread Federico Giannici
The 5.1 package of poptop "poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz" (taken from 2 different 
official FTP sites) seems to be compiled for a platform after 5.1.

If I try to install it an error appears about a c library version not 

# pkg_add poptop-1.3.4p3.tgz
Can't install poptop-1.3.4p3 because of libraries
|library c.64.1 not found
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major
| /usr/lib/ (system): bad major

If I force the install, the ldd command confirm the problem:

/usr/local/sbin# ldd ./pptpd
./pptpd: can't load library ''
./pptpd: exit status 4


pf faq [was Re: (unknown)]

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-05-26, Jan Stary  wrote:
> The "Passing Traffic" example at
> doesn't seem to be completely accurate.
>   # Pass traffic in on dc0 from the local network,,
>   # to the OpenBSD machine's IP address Also, pass the
>   # return traffic out on dc0.
>   pass in  on dc0 from to
>   pass out on dc0 from to
> It's the "return" that bugs me: the first rule alone
> makes the _return_ traffic be passed. The second
> rule allows traffic that originates (creates state)
> on the way out. Right?

Probably an incomplete conversion of the faq when the default was changed
to stateful. If someone wants to carefully go over faq/pf/ (or at least going
over one whole page rather than just parts of a page), check/update things
and send a diff, that would be very nice and there's a good chance it would
get committed..

Re: openups

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-05-26, bofh  wrote:
> Have anyone seen this?  I just saw it, and even though there's only
> windows app available right now, I'm hoping this can tickle some
> developer's fancy :)

Might be interesting to have USB UPS report as a sensor for some simple
sensorsd-based shutdown control... (but if that's done it would be useful
if libusb can still access them, or at least forcibly detach them from the
driver at runtime, so people don't need kernel changes to run things like
NUT if they prefer that).

It might also be interesting for sensorsd to be able to pick up sensors
on another machine, with some nice easy syntax if the other machine runs
snmpd(8), or some basic support for simple SNMP OID gets to pull data
from non-OpenBSD sources (temp sensors on routers/switches etc).

[no subject]

2012-05-26 Thread Jan Stary
The "Passing Traffic" example at
doesn't seem to be completely accurate.

# Pass traffic in on dc0 from the local network,,
# to the OpenBSD machine's IP address Also, pass the
# return traffic out on dc0.
pass in  on dc0 from to
pass out on dc0 from to

It's the "return" that bugs me: the first rule alone
makes the _return_ traffic be passed. The second
rule allows traffic that originates (creates state)
on the way out. Right?

Re: German Government claims to be able to break PGP and SSH

2012-05-26 Thread Peter Laufenberg
>Peter Laufenberg  wrote:
>> My German's rusty but the follow-up article quoting Symantec mentions
>> spyware/keylogging, which has been the traditional "technique" used in
>> in the past.
>But that's for targeted surveillance.

They still cast a wide net: on there's a detailed report of one target
wanking to phone-sex.

>The original article refers
>to a bulk grep of 16,400 search terms over 37 million e-mail messages.

I just read the PDF, in 2010 they dumped a raw IP stream from which they
extracted individual emails (90% spam) in which they searched for words like
"bomb". High-tech stuff. The one-sentence answer about PGP has so many
qualifiers that only an idiot would read it as a blanket success claim, the
gov official was probably puzzled by the question's "half-pregnant"

Golem seem to have buried their story in an embarrassed rush; whoever came up
with the title must be flipping BratwC

Re: Recent BIND ports

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-05-25, Kostas Zorbadelos  wrote:
> The question is, is there an interest in developing relevant ports? Is
> someone working on this?

There are searchable mailing list archives, you know...

Re: spamd greylisting: false positives

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-05-25, David Diggles  wrote:
> I wasn't receiving email, from and also from my
> work email address, until I added the respective smtp servers to
> the whitelist table in pf.

do you have spamlogd running?

> Seriously though, if I have to keep manually adding smtp servers
> to a whitelist, I will run in blacklist only mode.

yes, you do, various large sites use either pools of senders with a
shared queue, or senders behind large nats, or bad retry cycles
etc. you really need something like the dnswl list (only available
by dns lookup for the mos part).

one thing that can help is to restrict spamd to only affecting
windows hosts (using 'from any os "windows"' in pf rules).

Re: Recent BIND ports

2012-05-26 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2012-05-25, Kostas Zorbadelos  wrote:
> Henning Brauer  writes:
>> * Kostas Zorbadelos  [2012-05-25 10:06]:
>>> from all relevant discussions I have seen it seems that BIND in base
>>> will not be updated to a newer version and unbound has a good chance to
>>> be the replacement. The thing is, we need a newer version of BIND for
>>> resolving (at least 9.7, preferably 9.8 or in the future 9.9). 
>> purely out of curiosity: why?
> filter--on-v4 (9.7+) (needed now),

yes, agreed this is needed, we also want the DNS64 support.

I started a port of newer BIND but became unstuck adding back the
privsep code we have in BIND in base. Anyone want to help with that
or should I just not bother for the port?

> stupid NXDOMAIN Redirection
> (hopefully we won't need that) (9.9).

so sad that this got added. ISC were some of the first and most
vocal opponents of this mess when netsol started doing it, even
added an option to BIND to filter it per-zone...