- it would want updating 
as well as fixing.

Kostas Zorbadelos <> wrote:

Stuart Henderson <> writes:

> On 2012-05-25, Kostas Zorbadelos <> wrote:
>> The question is, is there an interest in developing relevant ports? Is
>> someone working on this?
> There are searchable mailing list archives, you know...

A quick search showed nothing but to be honest I didn't try hard enough
and I thought asking was cheaper :)

>> stupid NXDOMAIN Redirection
>> (hopefully we won't need that) (9.9).

>so sad that this got added. ISC were some of the first and most
>vocal opponents of this mess when netsol started doing it, even
>added an option to BIND to filter it per-zone...


Vixie's logic I think was something along the lines "since more and more
people are asking for it and we can't stop it, at least let BIND
implement it in a "correct" way..."

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