how to know uuid

2015-08-08 Thread joe king

linux has blkid .
in openbsd , what is its substitute  ?

Re: cu connection trap "crash"

2015-08-08 Thread Philip Guenther
On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Dan Becker  wrote:
>> On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Dan Becker  wrote:
>>> When connecting to a serial port with a usb to serial adapter. Unplugging
>>> the usb connection without closing the session causes my system to drop
>>> to ddb.
> $ cat /var/run/dmesg.boot
> OpenBSD 5.7 (GENERIC.MP) #881: Sun Mar  8 11:04:17 MDT 2015

I'm 98% certain that this was fixed in April or so, and thus fixed in
-current and will be fixed in 5.8.

If not, well, it's now too late to debug and fix it before 5.8 is
frozen.  So, you should upgrade to 5.8 soon after it comes out and
verify whether this is resolved there.  If not, report it again then,
with fresh dmesg and backtrace, so that it can be addressed when
there's time in the 5.9 cycle...

Philip Guenther

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Quartz
Also, another question: this system keeps nothing in the user's home 
directories past a few dot files. /home is using less than 1m of space. 
Would it be safe from a security/reliability standpoint to just move the 
home folders directly into / ?

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Quartz

You've stated you have a 10GB disk, and that this is 4.9.  The disklabel(8)
man page at 4.9 described the automatic layout at that time:

Yeah, that's what we have.

You have stated that /usr/src and /usr/obj are unused, /var is full, and
/usr/local (used for packages and some infrastructure components) is nearly


The disklabel(8) tool is used to delete and create partitions.

So part of the reason I started this thread is that I want to be clear 
since OpenBSD has two different kinds of "partitions". For what I'm 
doing, on an i386 platform, I don't need to mess with fdisk at all... Is 
that correct?

would allow you to grow /usr with growfs(8).

growfs is like other partition expanders in that can only expand 
"forward" and not "backward", right? As in, I couldn't nuke src and obj 
and then use growfs to expand home into that space.

Assuming that's right, I'm probably going to make a new /var partition 
rather than expand an existing one.

so you may
need to do some backup / restore to external media,

Honestly, there's so much free unused space that I can directly copy 
everything to it's final destination right off the bat.

The best practice for
moving of FFS filesystems is through the use of dump(8)/restore(8).

I'm not sure that's what I want to be doing in my case. Especially when 
collapsing the /usr/* stuff down into just /usr, a simple cp or tar 
would be better, no?

FAQ 14 may also be helpful, as it lays out the basics of disk management.

Yeah I read all that first, but it doesn't answer a lot of specifics.

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Joel Rees
2015/08/08 22:25 "Quartz" :
>> Maybe I missed it, but if you supply the output of disklabel and df,
>> it would be easier to give advice.
> The machine isn't in front of me right now, but the partition setup was
using the 'wizard' defaults. In other words: /, /tmp, /var, /usr,
/usr/X11R6, /usr/local, /usr/src, /usr/obj, and /home, in that order. All
the usr's (except x11) and home are set for a couple gigs each but only
using a few hundred megs collectively. /var is a few hundred megs and close
to full.


disklabel -h sd0 > mylabel.txt
df -h >> mylabel.txt
cat mylabel.txt | mail -s Repartitioning

or something like that. (Maybe wd0 instead of sd0.) It really is easier to
communicate if we can talk about specifics.

> Nuking src and obj will free up a lot, but I think it would make more
sense to collapse all the usr stuff into just /usr, move home into where
var currently is, and move var into the new space.

So, use newfs. Once you have deleted your unused partitions, how you cut
the space it opens up is entirely up to you.

I have often found myself doing something like this. Reread the manual
pages , just to get your creative juices flowing.

du -S /var/*

will tell you which subdirectories of /var are good candidates for moving
off /var .

Virtualizing the problem child is also good, if you don't need to test the
old stuff on some actual piece of hardware, but playing with your
partitions is good practice, too.

Joel Rees

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Josh Grosse
On Sat, Aug 08, 2015 at 08:24:53PM -0400, Quartz wrote:
> >One man already asked you for disklabel output.
> That WAS the disklabel output (minus sizes and offsets).  When I next get a
> chance to ssh into it from somewhere else I'll copy the actual output, but
> the exact blocks shouldn't really matter for all this.

You've stated you have a 10GB disk, and that this is 4.9.  The disklabel(8)
man page at 4.9 described the automatic layout at that time:

 Disks > 6.5 Gigabytes
   /5% of disk.  80M - 1G
   swap 5% of disk.  80M - 2x max physical memory
   /tmp 8% of disk. 120M - 4G
   /var13% of disk.  80M - 2x size of crash dump
   /usr 2% of disk. 600M - 2G
   /usr/X11R6   3% of disk. 512M - 1G
   /usr/local   5% of disk.   2G - 6G
   /usr/src 3% of disk.   1G - 2G
   /usr/obj 3% of disk.   1G - 2G
   /home   53% of disk.   1G - 300G

You have stated that /usr/src and /usr/obj are unused, /var is full, and 
/usr/local (used for packages and some infrastructure components) is nearly 

If you boot in single-user mode, you can manipulate any partition 
other than the root partition.  For that, you must use the RAMDISK kernel.

The disklabel(8) tool is used to delete and create partitions.  With it, 
you can delete the partitions for /usr/src and /usr/obj, as they are unused.  
That will give you a 2GB empty area which you may repurpose.  For example,
you could create a new partition in that space, and move /var there.

You could continue to move, mix and match, and restructure as needed.
For example, you could migrate the contents of /usr/local into /usr, freeing
an additional 0.5 GB, and you could do the same with /usr/X11R6 ... assuming
there is room in /usr.  Eliminating all partitions between /usr/X11R6 and 
/usr/obj, inclusively, would allow you to grow /usr with growfs(8).  However, 
you can't grow it until the other partitions have been removed, so you may 
need to do some backup / restore to external media, or perhaps use freespace
in /home as a temporary location to store dump(8) output, if it has capacity.

The newfs(8) tool is used to format partitions.  The best practice for
moving of FFS filesystems is through the use of dump(8)/restore(8).

FAQ 14 may also be helpful, as it lays out the basics of disk management.

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Quartz

... in that order.

This order could be not identical with the harddisk order. If I'm not
mistaken, watching install operation, I think the / partition is the
first followed by /home. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

I've looked at the layout on this machine a dozen times. Cross reference 
with man disklabel if you don't believe me.

One man already asked you for disklabel output.

That WAS the disklabel output (minus sizes and offsets).  When I next 
get a chance to ssh into it from somewhere else I'll copy the actual 
output, but the exact blocks shouldn't really matter for all this.

Re: cu connection trap "crash"

2015-08-08 Thread Dan Becker
On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Philip Guenther  wrote:

> On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Dan Becker  wrote:
>> When connecting to a serial port with a usb to serial adapter. Unplugging
>> the usb connection without closing the session causes my system to drop to
>> ddb.
>> Can someone else try to verify this ?
>> No flags, simply 'cu /dev/cuaU0 '
>> ddb screenie ^
> dmesg?

inline... disk wasn't mounted properly because this is probably the 4th
time I repeated the process to make sure I could :)

$ cat
OpenBSD 5.7 (GENERIC.MP) #881: Sun Mar  8 11:04:17 MDT 2015
real mem = 4160286720 (3967MB)
avail mem = 4045619200 (3858MB)
mpath0 at root
scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.6 @ 0xfb4c0 (43 entries)
bios0: vendor FUJITSU // Phoenix Technologies Ltd. version "Version 1.15"
date 07/05/2011
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices UAR1(S3) HDEF(S4) PCE0(S4) PCE3(S3) GLAN(S4) LID_(S4)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2494.69 MHz
cpu0: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 10 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
cpu0: apic clock running at 99MHz
cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2494.34 MHz
cpu1: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu1: smt 1, core 0, package 0
cpu2 at mainbus0: apid 2 (application processor)
cpu2: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2494.34 MHz
cpu2: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu2: smt 0, core 1, package 0
cpu3 at mainbus0: apid 3 (application processor)
cpu3: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2494.34 MHz
cpu3: 256KB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
cpu3: smt 1, core 1, package 0
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec0, version 20, 24 pins
acpimcfg0 at acpi0 addr 0xf800, bus 0-63
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (P0P2)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 1 (PCE0)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 10 (PCE2)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus 11 (PCE3)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus 12 (PCE7)
acpiec0 at acpi0
acpicpu0 at acpi0: C2, C1, PSS
acpicpu1 at acpi0: C2, C1, PSS
acpicpu2 at acpi0: C2, C1, PSS
acpicpu3 at acpi0: C2, C1, PSS
acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit online
acpibat0 at acpi0: CMB1 model "CP483691-01" serial 02A-Z110813001293Z type
LION oem "Fujitsu"
acpibat1 at acpi0: CMB2 not present
acpibtn0 at acpi0: LID_
acpibtn1 at acpi0: PWRB
acpibtn2 at acpi0: SLPB
acpivideo0 at acpi0: GFX0
acpivout0 at acpivideo0: LCD_
cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 2494 MHz: speeds: 2501, 2500, 2000, 1800, 1600,
1400, 1200, 1000, 800 MHz
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Core 2G Host" rev 0x09
vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel HD Graphics 3000" rev 0x09
intagp at vga1 not configured
inteldrm0 at vga1
drm0 at inteldrm0
inteldrm0: 1366x768
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)
"Intel 6 Series MEI" rev 0x04 at pci0 dev 22 function 0 not configured
puc0 at pci0 dev 22 function 3 "Intel 6 Series KT" rev 0x04: ports: 1 com
com4 at puc0 port 0 apic 2 int 19: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com4: probed fifo depth: 0 bytes
em0 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "Intel 82579LM" rev 0x04: msi, address
ehci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 0 "Intel 6 Series USB" rev 0x04: apic 2 int 23
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
azalia0 at pci0 dev 2

Re: cu connection trap "crash"

2015-08-08 Thread Dan Becker
On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Philip Guenther  wrote:

> On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Dan Becker  wrote:
>> When connecting to a serial port with a usb to serial adapter. Unplugging
>> the usb connection without closing the session causes my system to drop to
>> ddb.
>> Can someone else try to verify this ?
>> No flags, simply 'cu /dev/cuaU0 '
>> ddb screenie ^
> dmesg?


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which had 
a name of dmesg.boot]

Re: cu connection trap "crash"

2015-08-08 Thread Philip Guenther
On Saturday, August 8, 2015, Dan Becker  wrote:

> When connecting to a serial port with a usb to serial adapter. Unplugging
> the usb connection without closing the session causes my system to drop to
> ddb.
> Can someone else try to verify this ?
> No flags, simply 'cu /dev/cuaU0 '
> ddb screenie ^


Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Mihai Popescu
> ... in that order.

This order could be not identical with the harddisk order. If I'm not
mistaken, watching install operation, I think the / partition is the
first followed by /home. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

One man already asked you for disklabel output.

Re: rdomain with BGP dynamic route

2015-08-08 Thread Claudio Jeker
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:26:56AM -0400, XU, YANG  (YANG) wrote:
> Adam,
> Your  comments and links are very helpful, they made some concepts clear
> for me. Many thanks! 
> What I need essentially is VRF function which converts IPv4 prefix to
> VPNv4 prefix dynamically. I hope experts can help on this. After
> spending so much time on searching for the answer, sending beer is an
> easier thing to do. Just give me a working example, and beer will be on
> the way :)

Hmm. To do this you need to run multiple bgpds one doing the VPNv4
handling and then a bgpd instance per client (running that specific
rdomain). For those client bgpd you need to add some extra config to make
it all work:

# change fib priority so that bgpd does not filter those routes
fib-priority 36
# change location of bgpctl socket
socket "/var/run/bgpd.customer1.sock"

Then I think it is the easiest to start those client bgpd with
route -T 3 exec /usr/sbin/bgpd

This will run bgpd in rdomain 3. You still need an mpe(4) interface in
rdomain 3 so that the primary bgpd exports the routes (plus you will need
some ldpd and MPLS config as described in the presentation you mentioned).

It may be possible to use:
rde rib "customer-1" rtable 3
and some filter magic to run all in a single bgpd but I think that is a
lot more trouble than having different processes running.

Originally the idea was that the PE <-> CE route exachange would be done
via OSPF. This is why you need multiple processes for this setup.

:wq Claudio
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Thompson [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 8:59 PM
> To: XU, YANG (YANG) 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: rdomain with BGP dynamic route
> I see what you mean.
> This, I think, is close to what you're looking for, but I'm not 100% certain 
> of how to accomplish exactly what you want:
>nexthop qualify via bgp
>listen on A.B.C.D  ## vrf member address of, say, em1
>rtable 2  ## put vrf interface into rdomain 2 via ifconfig?
>rdomain 2 {
>  rd 123:456
>  depend on em1
>neighbor VPNCLIENT1 {
>  depend on em1
> ...I don't know how to avoid running a separate instance of bgpd(8) per VRF, 
> however.
> Given that OpenBSD has, apparently, a working MPLS + LDP implementation, this 
> is obviously yet another case where the manual pages contain enough 
> information
> Based on jeker's MPLS paper back at EuroBSDCon 2011, it may be the case that 
> BGP + VRF really only works work mpe(4).
> Ah!  I found someone else's documentation that explains it... you do still 
> need to use rdomain0, but you MUST tag the routes.  rdomain0 contains 
> everything, including the [possibly overlapping] routes, but with prefixes to 
> keep them separate.
> See Also see jeker's explanation (perhaps 
> dated) here: 
> (Also check out Admittedly, the fourth 
> or fifth result _is_ this thread :-/.)
> Failing that, as I can't tell for certain if it does what you want, wait for 
> Claudio, Henning, or whoever else is working on it now to figure out how to 
> make it work better!  I hear sending them beer sometimes helps...
> -Adam
> On 07/24/2015 08:07 PM, XU, YANG (YANG) wrote:
> > Adam,
> >
> > I really appreciate your reply. I read bgpd.conf and see rdomain can only 
> > define network as explicit, static or connected. In my case, I need to 
> > import dynamic prefix from BGP session. Right now all prefix learned from 
> > BGP goes to rdomain 0.  I want to put prefix learned from BGP into the 
> > rdomain I specify.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Yang
> > 
> > From: Adam Thompson []
> > Sent: 24 July 2015 20:33
> > To: XU, YANG  (YANG)
> > Subject: Re: rdomain with BGP dynamic route
> >
> > On 2015-07-24 06:47 AM, XU, YANG (YANG) wrote:
> >> Let me describe it in another way. Can I create a new rdomain as a VRF and 
> >> use the rdomain to import/export customer's prefix through BGP?
> >>
> >> I will greatly appreciate it if you can provide any information. I have 
> >> seen some information online, but prefix is either from static 
> >> configuration or connected network. In my case, I need to support dynamic 
> >> routes from BGP in VRF.
> > Short answer: yes.
> >
> > See man bgpd.conf(5):
> >
> > bgpd(8) supports the setup and distribution of Virtual Private Networks.
> > It is possible to import and export prefixes between routing domains.
> > Each routing domain is specified by an rdomain section, which allows 
> > properties to be set specifically for that rdomain:
> > rdomain 1 {
> >   descr "a rdomain"
> >   rd 65002:1
> >   import-target rt 65002:42
> >   export-target rt 65002:42
> >   network 192.168.

cu connection trap "crash"

2015-08-08 Thread Dan Becker
When connecting to a serial port with a usb to serial adapter. Unplugging
the usb connection without closing the session causes my system to drop to

Can someone else try to verify this ?

No flags, simply 'cu /dev/cuaU0 '

ddb screenie ^


Re: SNMP on 5.7/5.8

2015-08-08 Thread Kapetanakis Giannis

sorry for top post.

I believe I had the problem with both base and netsnmpd versions.

On 06/08/15 00:33, Steven Surdock wrote:

Thanks Stuart.  It is also my understanding that the base snmpd suffers the 
same issue.

I will try the debug shortly.

-Steve S.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Stuart Henderson
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2015 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: SNMP on 5.7/5.8

On 2015-08-04, Steven Surdock  wrote:

The broken SNMP on i386/5.7 is preventing me from upgrading.  I tried

i386/5.8 but I'm still seeing net-snmpd crash with the following error.

NET-SNMP version 5.7.3
Error expanding HCInReceives to 64bits in ipSystemStatsTable.ipv4
Error expanding HCInDelivers to 64bits in ipSystemStatsTable.ipv4
Error expanding HCOutRequests to 64bits in ipSystemStatsTable.ipv4

Oh, I wasn't aware of this, if a port is broken on some arch please let
the maintainer know rather than hope they notice a report on misc@...

Can you get output with debugging enabled for "c64"? Should be something
like snmpd -Dc64 -f -Le

Do you particularly need something from Net-SNMP or could you use snmpd
from base instead? If it does what you need, the latter is always

Is amd64 the new i386?


Would my energy be best spent migrating my default install to amd64?


that's up to you to decide :)

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Quartz

Maybe I missed it, but if you supply the output of disklabel and df,
it would be easier to give advice.

The machine isn't in front of me right now, but the partition setup was 
using the 'wizard' defaults. In other words: /, /tmp, /var, /usr, 
/usr/X11R6, /usr/local, /usr/src, /usr/obj, and /home, in that order. 
All the usr's (except x11) and home are set for a couple gigs each but 
only using a few hundred megs collectively. /var is a few hundred megs 
and close to full.

Nuking src and obj will free up a lot, but I think it would make more 
sense to collapse all the usr stuff into just /usr, move home into where 
var currently is, and move var into the new space.

Re: Current USB Wifi status

2015-08-08 Thread Quartz

it is actually not worth buying a new standalone access
point unless you can install specifically OpenBSD on it, and temporary
reuse of an old access point is sub-optimal now matter what you
(re)flash on it, most firmwares including third party are vulnerable
and suffer from the same reliability and hardware limitations.

There's a difference between a wifi *access point* and a wifi *router*.

You can't install much of anything on an access point, it's basically 
just a bridge. They only have one ethernet port on the back and like 
maybe a couple megs of ram if that, enough to handle basic 
password/encryption and not much else. They have about the same 
reliability issues as an unmanaged ethernet switch (ie; not a lot).

As for routers, depending on what you have, it's not too hard to reflash 
them into what is basically a wap. The crummy software is the source of 
99% of their problems, but if you replace that with a simple bridge 
firmware they clear right up. I've never seen even the shittiest of 
linksys units fail because of actual hardware issues.

As far as hardware limitations go, you're not going to be getting any 
more bandwidth out of a g/n/ac/whatever pci card vs the same class 
standalone device. The processor of the wap or flashed router won't be 
managing any states or anything, so there's not much of a difference there.

Personally I wouldn't recommend buying a wifi router to turn it into a 
wap, but that's because it's a waste of money. Repurposing an old one is 
fine, as is buying a new wap. I've seen plenty of people do this and 
these things have run flawlessly for years.

Re: Current USB Wifi status

2015-08-08 Thread lists
> It might be worth buying/reusing a standalone access point (perhaps 
> reflashing a linksys router or something) and connecting via ethernet 
> cable. That way you have more flexibility in choosing locations: ie, the 
> OpenBSD router can be somewhere that's convenient for interfacing with 
> your ISP's equipment, and the wap can be somewhere with good reception. 
> 'course, then you have two boxes to deal with, so it's a trade off.

Another comment contradicting the above recommendation (nothing
personal), it is actually not worth buying a new standalone access
point unless you can install specifically OpenBSD on it, and temporary
reuse of an old access point is sub-optimal now matter what you
(re)flash on it, most firmwares including third party are vulnerable
and suffer from the same reliability and hardware limitations.

With the right cable (proper impedance and connectors on both ends,
many shops provide various length conveniently) you can place your
antenna (sector panel for indoor use is better in corners) some distance
away from the (mini)PCI(e) device in your router, and still benefit from
OpenBSD without relying on low quality (old) standalone access points
(which often contain a very outdated and quite frequently exploitable
version of Linux with a web interface on top).

As previously said, the wireless device in the OpenBSD is your best
chance of reliably functional setup (and the chance to learn this with
OpenBSD instead of relying on a crippled external device, one more
thing to worry about battery backed operation / POE (power over

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Craig Skinner
On 2015-08-07 Fri 10:33 AM |, Quartz wrote:
> Is there a good way to use the same disk? Again, the
> issue is not that the disk is full, but that's it half empty and split up in
> a way that we can't really use the space.

1) Decide what partition layout & sizes you want (du, df, mount, etc...)

2) Install 5.7's ramdisk kernel as /bsd.rd.57

3) on another box (BSD, Mac, Linux, Solaris, whatever...),
setup inbound ssh key access for operator,
& an operator writable cache large enough to hold disk dumps.
e.g: /var/cache/puffy
chflags nodump /var/cache/puffy

4) Shut down (practically) *everything*,
leaving just init, gettys (& maybe sshd) running.

5) unmount everything possible, not /, nor /var

6) dump(8) what you want to save over ssh to another machine, e.g:
[operator@puffy:~]$ dump -0anu -f - -h 0 /dev/rwd0f | gzip | \
ssh operator@another-box dd of=/var/cache/puffy/_home.dump.gz

7) TEST your dumps are restore(8) able, preferably on an OpenBSD box.
Maybe there's space in /tmp for testing on the original box.

8) Reboot & boot /bsd.rd.57

9) *INSTALL* 5.7 with the manual partition layout you chose in (1)

10) Restore your dumps.

11) Get used to 5.7 & adapt your stuff to suit.

12) Celebrate by rock climbing/loch rowing/Highland Games hill running..
Innovation is hard to schedule.
-- Dan Fylstra

Re: smtpd.conf.5 relay tls | verify

2015-08-08 Thread LÉVAI Dániel
On sze, aug 05, 2015 at 06:49:42 +, David Dahlberg wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, den 05.08.2015, 00:31 +0100 schrieb Jason McIntyre:
> > if this were the case, i'd say we want:
> > [tls [verify]]
> Hmm, I  think I have heard this proposal before ;-)
> > but the doc currently says:
> > 
> > Note that the tls and verify options are mutually exclusive > and
> > should only be used in private networks as they will prevent
> > proper relaying on the Internet.
> - Note that the tls and verify options are mutually exclusive
> and
> + Note that the tls and tls verify options

Got it!
How about this:

Index: smtpd.conf.5
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/smtpd/smtpd.conf.5,v
retrieving revision 1.126
diff -u -p -p -u -r1.126 smtpd.conf.5
--- smtpd.conf.54 Jun 2015 14:23:00 -   1.126
+++ smtpd.conf.58 Aug 2015 08:06:19 -
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ This parameter may use conversion specif
 .Op Ic hostname Ar name
 .Op Ic hostnames No < Ns Ar names Ns >
 .Op Ic pki Ar pkiname
-.Op Ic tls | verify
+.Op Ic tls Op verify
@@ -389,19 +389,17 @@ is used instead.
 .Ic tls
 is specified, OpenSMTPD will refuse to relay unless the remote host provides
 .Ic verify
-is specified, OpenSMTPD will refuse to relay unless the remote host provides
-STARTTLS and the certificate it presented has been verified.
+is also specified, OpenSMTPD will also try to verify the certificate of the
+host and refuses to relay if it is invalid.
 Note that the
 .Ic tls
-.Ic verify
-options are mutually exclusive and should only be used in private networks
-as they will prevent proper relaying on the Internet.
+.Ic tls verify
+options should only be used in private networks as they will prevent proper
+relaying on the Internet.
 .It Xo
 .Ic relay via
 .Ar host

LÉVAI Dániel
PGP key ID = 0x83B63A8F
Key fingerprint = DBEC C66B A47A DFA2 792D  650C C69B BE4C 83B6 3A8F

Re: Repartitioning

2015-08-08 Thread Alexander Hall
On August 8, 2015 2:13:02 AM GMT+02:00, Quartz  wrote:
>> How about taking some directory that is currently under /var
>> on what you're doing with the machine, maybe log or www or mysql or
>> something?) and moving the contents to /usr/obj or /usr/src (or if
>> they're together on disk, remove /usr/obj and /usr/src and create a
>> new partition covering the space that was used by both)? (Then change
>> the mountpoint in /etc/fstab). If that gives you enough capacity,
>> that might be easier than some big shuffle-around.
>That's kinda half-assing it for us, as that would still leave like
>partitions around that are 95% empty consuming over a third of the
>If I'm going to be redoing things, I might as well do it all at once.

Maybe I missed it, but if you supply the output of disklabel and df, it would 
be easier to give advice. 


quem cant ping

2015-08-08 Thread tuyosi

Hi all .

i follow

openbsd(rental server):vio0  internet


export ETHER=vether0
export BRIDGE=bridge0
qemu-system-i386 first-image.img -m 512  \
-net nic,model=ne2k_pci -net tap

Ok from qemu ,ping
Ok from qemu ,ping
Ok from openbsd , ping
OK from openbsd , ping (rental server's dhcpd server ? )

Fail from qemu , ping
Fail from qemu   ping (rental server's dhcpd server ? )

perhaps pf.conf of openbsd has defects .
tcp_services="{ 22, 25, 80,  143, 465, 587 }"
ext_if="vio0"  <---openbsd's NIC

pass in   quick on $int_ifall
pass out  quick on $int_ifall

pass out quick on $ext_if all
block in   on $ext_if all
pass  out  on $ext_if all
pass in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port $tcp_services   \
 flags S/SA keep state
match out on $ext_if inet proto tcp   from to any nat-to 
match out on $ext_if inet proto tcp   from ($int_if:network) to any 
nat-to ($ext_if:0)


add vether0
add tun0

i dream rdr port 49152(mediatomb) to
