Re: USB Printer Prebloms

2020-03-03 Thread Sebastien Marie
On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 10:57:03PM -0700, Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote:
> I've had problems getting an old Brother printer to work (again)
> and have managed to locate/understand? the source of the problems.
> 1. ulpt must be disabled:
> # config -ef /bsd
> ukc> disable ulpt
> ukc> quit
> 2. modifying the kernel changes the kernel checksum so to get it to relink
> sha256 -h /var/db/kernel.SHA256 /bsd
> 3. relinking the kernel _re-enables_ ulpt.
> So I'm going to have install the build system and run thru the kernel patches
> after I figure out how to disable ulpt in the GENERIC.MP build.  
> Does this sound like it will work?

Pratical advice:

Depending your need, you could also live without kernel relinking (KARL) in
order to keep ulpt(4) disabled using config(8).

I would still relink after an upgrade in order to have an unique /bsd (and not
the one publicly available from internet).

So it would be:
- after an upgrade, reboot and wait relinking to be done (a fresh /bsd will be
- run `config -ef /bsd' and disable ulpt in the new (and unique) kernel
- do *NOT* regenerate /var/db/kernel.SHA256 (so sha256 will mismatch)
- reboot again and run on the new /bsd (with ulpt disabled)

System will complains that relinking failed, but your /bsd with ulpt disabled
will stay.

Developer advice:

mpi@ already pointed the right way to deal with it: make ulpt(4) and ugen(4) to
coexist. This way you could use cupsd (using ugen) with a GENERIC kernel.

see for details

Sebastien Marie

Re: Time jumping forward issue under OpenBSD 6.6 VMM

2020-03-03 Thread mabi
‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 8:52 PM, Jordan Geoghegan  wrote:

> The clocks are basically broken on vmm. The pvclock stuff is definitely
> an improvement, but it's still not there. There's still a ways to go
> before we have proper, reasonably accurate clocks for vmm guests.

Thanks Jordan for this info. For now I might just avoid VMM for time sensitive 
services and use bare metal with OpenBSD of course. I will for sure go back to 
VMM once the clock is more accurate.

octeon splassert: yield: want 0 have 1

2020-03-03 Thread Holger Glaess


i get often this message "splassert: yield: want 0 have 1" in my


did i have somthing to care ?

my hardware ist an edgerouter 6p .


Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2019 OpenBSD. All rights reserved.

OpenBSD 6.6-current (GENERIC.MP) #48: Tue Dec 10 16:30:01 MST 2019
real mem = 1073741824 (1024MB)
avail mem = 1020985344 (973MB)
mainbus0 at root: board 20300 rev 1.20
cpu0 at mainbus0: CN70xx/CN71xx CPU rev 0.2 1000 MHz, CN70xx/CN71xx FPU 
rev 0.0

cpu0: cache L1-I 78KB 39 way D 32KB 32 way, L2 1024KB 8 way
cpu1 at mainbus0: CN70xx/CN71xx CPU rev 0.2 1000 MHz, CN70xx/CN71xx FPU 
rev 0.0

cpu1: cache L1-I 78KB 39 way D 32KB 32 way, L2 1024KB 8 way
cpu2 at mainbus0: CN70xx/CN71xx CPU rev 0.2 1000 MHz, CN70xx/CN71xx FPU 
rev 0.0

cpu2: cache L1-I 78KB 39 way D 32KB 32 way, L2 1024KB 8 way
cpu3 at mainbus0: CN70xx/CN71xx CPU rev 0.2 1000 MHz, CN70xx/CN71xx FPU 
rev 0.0

cpu3: cache L1-I 78KB 39 way D 32KB 32 way, L2 1024KB 8 way

USB Printer Prebloms

2020-03-03 Thread Duncan Patton a Campbell

I've had problems getting an old Brother printer to work (again)
and have managed to locate/understand? the source of the problems.

1. ulpt must be disabled:
# config -ef /bsd
ukc> disable ulpt
ukc> quit

2. modifying the kernel changes the kernel checksum so to get it to relink
sha256 -h /var/db/kernel.SHA256 /bsd

3. relinking the kernel _re-enables_ ulpt.

So I'm going to have install the build system and run thru the kernel patches
after I figure out how to disable ulpt in the GENERIC.MP build.  

Does this sound like it will work?




Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglaise.  
 C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-) 

Pledge Policy for Tset Binary

2020-03-03 Thread shankarapailoor .

I was looking at the pledge policy for the tset binary and I was wondering
why wpath is necessary. I removed the group from the pledge and did some
basic tests with the utility and there was no error. Removing any of the
other groups produces an error so they seem necessary. Any assistance would
be appreciated.

Shankara Pailoor

Hardening browser

2020-03-03 Thread whistlez-ml
in the following message:
Theo discourages to use unveil instead of chroot.
I asked if he suggests the same for the browser but he asked that chroot
is onlye for *root*.
Then what should I do to hardening the most exposed piece of code that
we use everyday ?
Now I'm using unveil+chrome...
Thank you.

Re: Time jumping forward issue under OpenBSD 6.6 VMM

2020-03-03 Thread Jordan Geoghegan

On 2020-03-03 07:43, mabi wrote:


I am running an OpenBSD 6.6 VMM server with a few virtual machines also running 
6.6 and noticed that one of them which is running Dovecot 2.3.9 package outputs 
the following warning every few 10-15 seconds:

dovecot: imap: Warning: Time jumped forwards 28.294585 seconds

It looks like there is a time issue on that VM although I am running the 
default ntpd of OpenBSD 6.6 and I have added the following parameter into my 
/etc/sysctl.conf on that VM:


Is there anything else I can do to avoid this time issue in my VM?

Best regards,

The clocks are basically broken on vmm. The pvclock stuff is definitely 
an improvement, but it's still not there. There's still a ways to go 
before we have proper, reasonably accurate clocks for vmm guests.

Re: Time jumping forward issue under OpenBSD 6.6 VMM

2020-03-03 Thread mabi

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 5:58 PM, Ian Gregory  

> I've had similar issues with timekeeping within guests of VMM,
> although there are improvements in -current with the pvclock time
> source. Since the fix below I now see occasional instances of the
> clock stepping by a few whole seconds (typically less than 8s) but
> it's much less frequent and the magnitude is within the bounds of what
> ntpd can correct.
> See 
> for some backstory
> (aside: I see similar small occasional clock jumps of an integer
> number of seconds on OpenBSD-6.6 guests using tsc running on a VMware
> ESXi host)

Thank you Ian for your answer. Unfortunately I don't understand too much of 
that post you linked. But if I understand you correctly you are suggesting that 
I should change on my VM:


and the drift or jumps should be better than with "tsc" ?

Re: Having PF enabled breaks up rsync (and scp) over ssh connections

2020-03-03 Thread Chris Cappuccio
Jyri Hovila [] [] wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> Now here's a mysterious one -- I've been working on this for weeks and still 
> have no clue what's causing it.
> "client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
> As soon as I disable pf entirely, the problem goes away.
> Any ideas on how to debug this further?

Figure out which exact part of your pf config is causing this. Try disabling
everything line-by-line. 

Re: Time jumping forward issue under OpenBSD 6.6 VMM

2020-03-03 Thread Ian Gregory
On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 at 15:47, mabi  wrote:
> It looks like there is a time issue on that VM although I am running the 
> default ntpd of OpenBSD 6.6 and I have added the following parameter into my 
> /etc/sysctl.conf on that VM:
> kern.timecounter.hardware=tsc

I've had similar issues with timekeeping within guests of VMM,
although there are improvements in -current with the pvclock time
source. Since the fix below I now see occasional instances of the
clock stepping by a few whole seconds (typically less than 8s) but
it's much less frequent and the magnitude is within the bounds of what
ntpd can correct.

for some backstory

(aside: I see similar small occasional clock jumps of an integer
number of seconds on OpenBSD-6.6 guests using tsc running on a VMware
ESXi host)


Re: man to render pure text? (or a pipe in vi macros ?)

2020-03-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Ingo,

> > rare cases. so i finally think it's not worth ... col -b is an elegant
> > solution.
> Premature optimization is evil.

this case isn't about optimizing, it's about slowing down 99.999%
to add a case that already have an elegant and simple solution.

but as i said: i don't feel skilled enough to be sure of anything. your
call ;)


Re: man to render pure text? (or a pipe in vi macros ?)

2020-03-03 Thread Ingo Schwarze
Hi Marc,

Marc Chantreux wrote on Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 10:05:41AM +0100:
> Ingo Schwarze wrote:

>>   :map K yw:E /tmp/vi.keyword.$$p!!xargs man   
>> i get:
>>   Error detected while processing function
>>   line   30:
>>   E132: Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'

> it's a bug in the :E command, i reported it there:
> thank you for spotting it.

Heh.  I'm a blind squirrel, and look at the nut i just found...

>> Also, the patch that would be required is very small and straightforward. 

> indeed. you made me like reading C code.

>> So, what do people think?  Should i test the patch below in more
>> depth and commit it?  Or do people consider this bloat?

> i'm very naive about performance things but: as you add a condition
> in a loop that is used while reading the input, it will be a little
> bit slower.
> which means penality for everyone to avoid using a very simple pipe on
> rare cases. so i finally think it's not worth ... col -b is an elegant
> solution.

I ran "mandoc /usr/share/man/man1/ksh.1" 100 times, 10 times.
Before the change:

0m07.65s real 0m05.68s user 0m01.52s system
0m07.62s real 0m05.92s user 0m01.47s system
0m07.64s real 0m05.97s user 0m01.49s system
0m07.62s real 0m05.90s user 0m01.42s system
0m07.68s real 0m06.13s user 0m01.51s system
0m07.65s real 0m06.01s user 0m01.46s system
0m07.66s real 0m05.89s user 0m01.50s system
0m07.60s real 0m05.89s user 0m01.54s system
0m07.73s real 0m06.00s user 0m01.38s system
0m07.68s real 0m05.70s user 0m01.47s system
   7.653 +- 0.037 seconds for 100 times ksh(1)
   76.53ms +- 0.37ms for formatting ksh(1)

After the change:

0m07.68s real 0m06.22s user 0m01.34s system
0m07.62s real 0m06.02s user 0m01.42s system
0m07.68s real 0m05.87s user 0m01.46s system
0m07.66s real 0m06.01s user 0m01.41s system
0m07.59s real 0m06.00s user 0m01.41s system
0m07.62s real 0m06.09s user 0m01.20s system
0m07.63s real 0m05.95s user 0m01.44s system
0m07.67s real 0m05.83s user 0m01.48s system
0m07.59s real 0m06.11s user 0m01.46s system
0m07.71s real 0m05.86s user 0m01.45s system
   7.645 +- 0.041 seconds for 100 times ksh(1)
   76.45ms +- 0.41ms for formatting ksh(1)

So the slowdown is

   -8 +- 55 microseconds for formatting ksh(1)

which is consistent with "no change" with a precision of
about 7 permille.

It would no doubt be possible to measure this with more precision,
but i think knowing that there is no measurable performance change
on a one-percent level is good enough.

Also, i'm not surprised that one more "if" per output character
isn't relevant compared to all the other stuff that needs to be
done in the parsers and formatters.

I still do performance testing before changing overall algorithmic
order, but mere "if"s are almost never relevant.  I even mostly
stopped worrying about malloc(3) inside loops; at least in mandoc,
i have rarely seen relevant effects of slowdown.

Premature optimization is evil.


Time jumping forward issue under OpenBSD 6.6 VMM

2020-03-03 Thread mabi

I am running an OpenBSD 6.6 VMM server with a few virtual machines also running 
6.6 and noticed that one of them which is running Dovecot 2.3.9 package outputs 
the following warning every few 10-15 seconds:

dovecot: imap: Warning: Time jumped forwards 28.294585 seconds

It looks like there is a time issue on that VM although I am running the 
default ntpd of OpenBSD 6.6 and I have added the following parameter into my 
/etc/sysctl.conf on that VM:


Is there anything else I can do to avoid this time issue in my VM?

Best regards,

Re: Web documentation available offline by default?

2020-03-03 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2020-03-02, Peter N. M. Hansteen  wrote:
> I was thinking of the probably quite unlikely event that somebody who wants 
> this 
> comes up with an actually reproducible way that could be turned into an 
> otherwise 
> unremarkable make target. 

>From experience with other generated files: it won't get used by
everyone who updates the faq, meaning that it's another thing that
somebody has to watch out for and fix it.

IMHO the only way to fix this is to convert the faq to some other
format that is used to generate a variety of output files (such that
the html files aren't stored in the repository, only the "input"
files, so there's no chance of getting it wrong). And *that* has
enough implications that I don't think it will work well either.

Re: upgrade i386 kernel to amd64

2020-03-03 Thread Stuart Henderson
On 2020-03-02, Justin Muir  wrote:
> Hello all,
> Running GENERIC i386 kernel on on a 64-bit amd machine. Just wondering
> whether an upgrade amd64 is warranted. Any opinions?

Generally yes, unless you are low on memory.

> If so, just upgrade system? Re-compile kernel? Other options?

Do NOT try to do this by just updating the kernel, it will not work.
OpenBSD does not do "mixed 32/64 bit" like some OS. An OpenBSD/amd64
kernel cannot run 32-bit binaries.

The official advice: you should reinstall from scratch. There may
be other advantages to doing that too in particular if some of your
filesystems are too tight for space you will need to rearrange them
to fit the larger amd64 binaries.

However unofficially - essentially this is like a "flag day" upgrade of
the same architecture (like was done in 5.5 for the time_t changes). I
won't give more advice on how to do that here because if you need more
advice than the clues in the previous sentence this is not the route
for you! But if you are willing to deal with fallout yourself if it
breaks it could be a good learning experience.

If you go for that route:

Be prepared to reinstall the whole system in case of problems.
Do have usable backups of anything you care about first.

Re: man to render pure text? (or a pipe in vi macros ?)

2020-03-03 Thread David Demelier

Le 02/03/2020 à 17:59, Marc Chantreux a écrit :

i felt dumb reading this as i gave a try to the mandoc man. but i just
double checked:

 man mandoc|col -b|grep -w col

Hmmm, here I have it though:

In the “ASCII Output” paragraph.


Re: man to render pure text? (or a pipe in vi macros ?)

2020-03-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Ingo,

>   :map K yw:E /tmp/vi.keyword.$$p!!xargs man   
> i get:
>   Error detected while processing function
>   line   30:
>   E132: Function call depth is higher than 'maxfuncdepth'
>   Press ENTER or type command to continue

it's a bug in the :E command, i reported it there:

thank you for spotting it.

> Also, the patch that would be required is very small and straightforward. 

indeed. you made me like reading C code.

> So, what do people think?  Should i test the patch below in more
> depth and commit it?  Or do people consider this bloat?

i'm very naive about performance things but: as you add a condition in a loop
that is used while reading the input, it will be a little bit slower.
which means penality for everyone to avoid using a very simple pipe on
rare cases. so i finally think it's not worth ... col -b is an elegant
