Re: chrooted sftponly - how ?

2006-09-19 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 03:23:37PM +0200, Bambero wrote:
 Is there any good way to setup chrooted sftp-server without shell access ?
 I tried scponly but it's not secure enough (I heard), there is no port
 for openbsd,
 and I had problems to set it up.
 Second way is rssh, but compilation fails becouse of worexp.
 Now I'm using ftpd but I want to change it becouse of text/plain passwords.
 Any suggestions ?
use stsh[1]; if you want to simplify rulesets, you can just change 
the code to inherit policy(-i). All my users have chrooted shell/sftp
accounts - no problems so far :)

- Lukasz Sztachanski

0x01A3E654 // 7832 E59C B733 9E6F CB54  6327 DFC1 161E 01A3 E654
 *new keys*

Re: Opinion of MySQL 5.xx on OpenBSD 3.9...

2006-09-08 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 01:57:19PM +0200, Edgars wrote:
 Same here, a lot of problems since 3.7. :(
 Because of that, two client servers was migrated to freebsd :/
 -Original message-
 From: Toni Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu,  7 Sep 2006 13:09:09 +0300
 Subject: Re: Opinion of MySQL 5.xx on OpenBSD 3.9...
  On Thu, 22.06.2006 at 12:49:22 +0200, Henning Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I haven't seen stability problems with mysql on OpenBSD in a long time. 
   not even on sparc64.
  then you are very lucky, imho.
then you're both doing smth wrong:

mysql  Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.27, for unknown-openbsd3.8 (i386)
Uptime: 94 days 17 hours 17 min 50 sec

~26 databases( mostly evil bulletin boards). 
- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Question regarding mailserver setup

2006-09-05 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Tue, Sep 05, 2006 at 12:58:31PM +0200, Jonas Thambert wrote:
 Im using postfix,amavisd,clamav,spamassassin on a OpenBSD 3.9 server.
 The setup works great. The problem I have is that I would
 like to use Razor or Pyzor. I tried and installed razor but it
 doesnt seem to work very well. On another Linux server I have
 Pyzor and it catches almost all spam I get.
 What is the best anti-spam solution to use for OpenBSD?

as for me, greylisting seems to the most efficient( spamd or postgrey);
i also use razor and dcc, but they aren't noticeably effective.

Maybe this [1] will give you some hints( it covers DCC setup).

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Alternative superuser aside from root

2006-08-08 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 03:54:45PM +0800, Tito Mari Francis Esca?o wrote:
 Is it possible to replace root with another username as superuser?
 This could make the system very secure because when it comes to
 BSD/Unix/Linux, the root is the most coveted user account. That is,
 hackers would all be barking the wrong tree if the real superuser is
 actually another username.
 I installed and use OpenBSD 3.9 as Internet gateway in our company,
 installed it via floppy disk.
 If it's possible, can you pls give me pointers how to do it? Thank you
 very much!
yes, it is, but it's pointless. Name doesn't matter too much, unlike uid.
In case of, i.e. sshd you can use PermitRootLogin directive.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: install pfstat

2006-04-29 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 04:29:12PM +0700, riwanlky wrote:
 I am trying to install pfstat in my OpenBSD 3.8 box, I am new in Unix-like 
 I need to know how to compile the pfstat.
 Many thanks in advance.
pkg_add`uname -m`/pfstat-1.7.tgz

check out FAQ to avoid such questions.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: OpenSSH Server

2006-04-27 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Apr 27, 2006 at 02:56:30AM -0600, David B. wrote:
 3.8 on sparc64.
 How do I determine if OpenSSH is installed on my box? (command line only, 
 no X11),
find /usr/{bin,sbin} -name ssh\* ?
 and whether it's a server versus a client?  I'm getting to the stage where 
 I need to
 be able to log into my server remotely.
openssh is in baseXX.tgz. 

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: mount floppy drive

2006-04-17 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 06:24:28AM -0600, David B. wrote:
 hate to bother on such a silly problem, but when I try to
 mount_msdos /dev/fd0c I get a 'device not configured' error.
 Any other ideas?
`dmesg|grep ^fd' and `fdisk' floppy drive, maybe.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: network/mask in AllowUsers (sshd_config)

2006-04-14 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 12:24:33PM +0200, Dick Visser wrote:
 Hi guys
 Is there any way of configuring networks in sshd_config's AllowUsers?
 You can put in user, [EMAIL PROTECTED], but no [EMAIL PROTECTED]/mask.
 Having networks in AllowUsers would be extremely usefull.
 Best regards,
this can be done with hosts_access(5). Afair, user@ restricting needs
identd on client side( well, that's quite obvious).

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: ulimit, maxproc/openfiles limits

2006-04-06 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 12:00:28AM +0200, Jonathan Glaschke wrote:
 prevent one user of the login class default to stop my hole system.
 Would it be nice to change this per default to achieve the ideal of
 being secure by default?
 Has such a high kern.maxfiles disadvantages?
 Did i miss something?
Well, it's not a security hole, it's a default behaviour ;)
You could also complain, that we don't have disk quota per default and 
users can DoS(tm) system.
Nevertheles, i've run into this problem on one of my servers - on
others, those settings are sufficient.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Bluetooth in OpenBSD

2006-04-05 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 10:36:52AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 root on wd0a
 rootdev=0x0 rrootdev=0x300 rawdev=0x302
 ugen0 at uhub1 port 1
 ugen0: Broadcom Belkin Bluetooth Device, rev 1.10/0.01 , addr2
 syncing disks...
ugen(4) is a generic usb driver, for devices which doesn't have any 
special driver.
Actually, you can't do much with it - e.g. my digital camera is recognized
as ugen0, and i can use it only with `driver independent' libgphoto(
which uses own protocols and drivers to access digicam trough generic usb

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: problem compiling PHP5

2006-03-17 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Mar 16, 2006 at 04:37:15PM -0900, Damien Hull wrote:
 Here's what I've got
 1. OpenBSD 3.8
 2. Apache 2
 3. MySQL 5 (Static Libraries)
 4. PHP5
 1. Configured PHP with apxs2 and --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
 2. make works fine. No error message.
 3. make install can't find
 4. I configured without MySQL support and everything works.
 I also did a test with PHP4. Same problem. If I add mysql support it
 can't find
 What's going on here and how do I fix the problem?
 I installed the ports tree and didn't see apache2. That's why I compiled
  from source.
 I could try installing mysql from the ports tree and then install PHP5.
 However, compiling from source should work.
did you use --enable-cli while compiling php*? Probably, the most
conveniet will be changing from --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs to
--with-apxs2=/path/to/apxs2 in ports/www/php5/core/Makefile.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Safety of a shutdown when no user could log in

2006-01-26 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 09:44:28AM -0300, Andris Delfino wrote:
 What I'm trying to ask is this: if a user turns on the computer, and
 can't log in, is it safe to power off the computer without using halt,
there are always `logged in' users( i.e. daemon users) ;)

 or shutdown, (ie. pressing the power off button)?
no, if you've got partitions mounted in `rw' mode.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: MS Security VP Mike Nash remarks on MS vs OpenBSD security.

2006-01-26 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 01:42:13AM +1100, Shane J Pearson wrote:
 by hahiss
 How is it that OpenBSD is able to be so secure by design with so few
 resources and yet all of Microsoft's resources cannot stem the tide of
 security problems that impact everyone, including those of us who do not
 use Microsoft programs?
 Nash: First, I should say that OpenBSD includes a relatively small
 subset of the functionality that is included in Windows. You could argue
if you consider `solitaire' as `functionality', then yes ;)
As far as i know, MS doesn't provide reliable software for network
services, OpenBSD does.

 that Microsoft should follow the same model for Windows that the OpenBSD
 Org follows for their OS. The problem is that users really want an OS
 that includes support for rich media content and for hardware devices,
what? MS doesn't write drivers for all devices; if there would be a bug
in NVidia`s Windows  driver, then NVidia would be the one, who`s blame.
Moreover, Windows `built-in' drivers are usually bad and give low
performance, and minimum of functionality.

 etc. So while OpenBSD has done a good job of hardening their kernel,
 they don't seem to also audit important software that are used commonly
 by customers, such as PHP, Perl, etc. for security vulnerabilities. At
yeah, and MS should audit and be responsible for every available
for windows ;)

 Microsoft we're focusing on the entire software stack, from the Hardware
 Abstraction Layer in Windows, all the way through the memory manager,
 network stack, file systems, UI and shell, Internet Explorer, Internet
 Information Services, compilers (C/C++, .NET), Microsoft Exchange,
 Microsoft Office, Microsoft SQL Server and much, much more. If a
 software company's goal is to secure customers, you have to secure the
 entire stack. Simply hardening one component, regardless of how
 important it is, does not solve real customer problems.
OpenBSD provides in base system substitutes for almost all that software.
First and foremost, OpenBSD's designed for other type of users; author
of that opinion surely isn't that type.
 Second, it is not completely accurate to say that OpenBSD is more
 secure. If you compare vulnerability counts just from the last 3 months,
 OpenBSD had 79 for November, December and January compared to 11 for
 Microsoft (and that includes one each for Office and Exchange - so
 really 9 for all versions of Windows). I encourage you to look at the
 numbers reported at the OpenBSD site to verify that this is true.

People always talk about numbers, but the most importat is approach. I
truly belive, that it's imposible to build anything secure on
foundations of MS platform.
Recently i've wrote simple application using random numbers; i was
disappointed, when i've had to port it to windows and linux, and i saw
the results.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

P.S. i know, that openbsd isn't perfect, but it's the only reasonable

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Re: SSH, sftp-server subsystem not logging to utmp ?

2006-01-25 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 11:10:16PM +0200, turha turha wrote:

 users are added, I'm guessing sftp-server doesn't inherit this functionality
 from ssh either, so is there any place to adjust the behavior ? or am I
 supposed to use some other tool to monitor sftp usage ?
authlog shows: date host sshd[pid]: subsystem request for sftp
after( obviously) succesfull login, and lastcomm(1) gives some info too. 

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: running snapshot (obsd 3.9-beta), not able to compile GENERIC kernel

2006-01-22 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Sun, Jan 22, 2006 at 12:01:18PM +, Didier Wiroth wrote:
 /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/trm_pci.c:67: warning: excess elements in struct 
 /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/trm_pci.c:67: warning: (near initialization for 
 *** Error code 1 
 Stop in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC (line 2595 of Makefile). 
i had same error yesterday; today, i've synced -current, and everything
is all right.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: CVSync servers not syncing?

2006-01-20 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 01:31:06PM +0100, Matthias Kilian wrote:
 is there some problem with the main CVSync? It seems that at least
 some of the main CVSync servers don't sync since yesterday, about
 21:00 GMT. I tried anoncvs{1,3},,
as far as i see, main machine( has locked up ;) 

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Number of PTYs

2006-01-05 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 05:41:41PM +0200, Kim Onnel wrote:
 -bash-3.00# ls /dev/ptyp
 ptyp0  ptyp6  ptypC  ptypI  ptypO  ptypU  ptypa  ptypg  ptypm  ptyps  ptypy
 ptyp1  ptyp7  ptypD  ptypJ  ptypP  ptypV  ptypb  ptyph  ptypn  ptypt  ptypz
 ptyp2  ptyp8  ptypE  ptypK  ptypQ  ptypW  ptypc  ptypi  ptypo  ptypu
 ptyp3  ptyp9  ptypF  ptypL  ptypR  ptypX  ptypd  ptypj  ptypp  ptypv
 ptyp4  ptypA  ptypG  ptypM  ptypS  ptypY  ptype  ptypk  ptypq  ptypw
 ptyp5  ptypB  ptypH  ptypN  ptypT  ptypZ  ptypf  ptypl  ptypr  ptypx
 -bash-3.00# ls /dev/pty* | wc -l
 I dont understand anything :)
 -bash-3.00# sysctl kern.tty.maxptys
 If they're 992, how can they run out ?
What can i do to increase ptys ?

./MAKEDEV ptyX; ttyflags -a 
( X stands for a figure).

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: VPN in OpenBSD 3.8, how to use new tools?

2005-12-18 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 06:13:33PM +0100, Miroslav Kubik wrote:
 Hello everybody
 Because in OpenBSD 3.8 are new tools which help to set up a VPN via IPSEC, I 
 have a question if there exist some documentation with 
 examples except man pages. I mean something like guide which is easy to 
 understand. I'm trying to implement this kind of VPN, for 
 clients situated outside of my LAN network with preshared passkeys.
 LAN - OpenBSD - internet - vpn clients
 I need to provide access for vpn clients to my LAN. Problem is that not of 
 all my VPN clients have public IPs. Is there any helpful 
 documentation especially with description new OpenBSD tools, ipsecadm, 
 Thank you very much for any help.
ipsecadm(8) isn't new ;) Probably ipsecctl isn't `mature' enough to
handle such setup. Imho, you'll have to use isakmpd- actually web is
full of tutorials and examples of isakmpd configurtion; plus, it's very
flexible and configurable.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: VPN in OpenBSD 3.8, how to use new tools?

2005-12-18 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 08:04:25PM +0100, Hans-Joerg Hoexer wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 06:58:22PM +0100, Lukasz Sztachanski wrote:
  ipsecadm(8) isn't new ;) Probably ipsecctl isn't `mature' enough to
  handle such setup. Imho, you'll have to use isakmpd- actually web is
  full of tutorials and examples of isakmpd configurtion; plus, it's very
  flexible and configurable.
 what's wrong with vpn(8)?
This question should be directed to preceding person rather than me: he
asked for ``some documentation with examples except man pages'' ;)

As for me, OpenBSD's man pages are always sufficient.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: root / wheel login incorrect ??

2005-12-17 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Sat, Dec 17, 2005 at 11:12:40AM +0100, Stefan Wvhrer wrote:

   .. I gotta very confusing problem running OpenBSD. I've installed OpenBSD 
 at a mashine and where able to do anything I wanted to ( just have added an 
 user in the wheel group an another in the user group ) Then I tried to log in 
 from network as root via ssh. Didn't work since I've forgotten to allow 
 root-login in sshd_config. As I wanted to locally log in as root to change 
 the configuration file - it doesn't work.. I wasn't able to log in any more 
 .. even not locally..

   Login: root
   Login incorrect
   ... tried it a few times without any success...

   I really didn't forget my password. I've searched for any solutions in the 
 internet a whole day. I tried empty password, I tried Root instead of 
 root  no success. The user in the wheel group - same story.

   Only the user in the user group works. WTF?? (I cannot su or 
 /usr/bin/login for root with that user, since it is not in the wheel 

   Just used OpenBSD for 10 minutes and destroed it... that makes me sad ;-)

boot OpenBSD in single user mode and change root password or search for
changes( maybe /var/backups will help).

P.S. remember to mount root partition in r/w( or even mount -a) while in
single user mode.

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: browser security - restricted user

2005-12-15 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 10:48:28AM -0800, Bob Smith wrote:
  Just a thought: sudo -u $some_restricted_user $your_preffered_browser  ?
 good that you brought this up; i been wondering about this too.
 does it help? if so how come there isnt a default non-privileged user
 created for, say, firefox when the pkg is installed? like there is for
 bitlbee (_bitlbee) or tcpdump (_tcpdump)?
... yeah, and create separate user for every 3-rd party package, that
had security holes in the past ;) 

Why people are so afraid of systrace, especially as creating policy for
non-fork()`ing and non-set*id()`ing application is considerably safer
for its usability?

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Recommendations for another POP3/IMAP/SMTP mail reader client?

2005-12-15 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 01:34:29AM +0100, viq wrote:
 Well, I'm trying to go the other way - from using KMail to finally make 
 configure mutt ;)
or try mutt-ng [1]. It's patched version of mutt, that supports nntp,
sidebar and other usefull extensions. 

- Lukasz Sztachanski

[1] afair,
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Re: browser security

2005-12-14 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 11:50:53AM -0500, Will H. Backman wrote:
 Anyone dare try making a systrace policy for firefox?
and where's difficulty in writting such policy? It's 20'' of work: use
``wizard'' or automatic policy generation, and then clean up the ruleset
looking through syscalls and changing `eq' to `match'; for example
cleaning up fsread's on libs or font dirs and fs{read,write,rename} on
cache/download dir, and so on... 

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Ethernet Trunking

2005-12-12 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Tue, Nov 29, 2005 at 11:03:28PM +0400, Bruno Carnazzi wrote:
   Hi all,
 I'm looking at the link aggregation feature (man trunk(4)) of OpenBSD
 3.8. In my case, I'd like to use it on Ethernet interfaces : should
 the switch be configured in a special way or is it level-2 transparent
 ? I mostly use Cisco 2950 switches... What are the differences between
 'round-robin' and 'none' protocol ? I've read this :
 This let me think that the configuration shown is a kind of ARP load
 balancing (1 IP@ for 2 MAC@). Am I right or it is something else
 (Virtual MAC@ or...) ?
From my experience, trunk(4) doesn't require support from switches. In
case of round-robin, outgoing traffic is distributed through aggregated
NICs; incoming traffic is received from all aggregated NICs, which
requires support from switch, but doesn't break trunk(4)'s usability.

failover can be fully functional without switch support, and `none' just
disables traffic without destroying device.

(un)fortunately, i'm not experienced in Cisco's hardware ;)

- Lukasz Sztachanski

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Re: Protecting directory of Apache hosted website with SSL?

2005-09-29 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 02:22:40AM -0500, eric wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 17:01:44 +1000, Luke Fogarty proclaimed...
  I have a basic webpage running on Apache 1.3, I have setup the site with
  the needed CA's etc and can run the whole webpage under HTTPS/Secure,
  but I only want to use HTTPS/SSL for /cgi-bin/ I'm happy for the rest to
  run over normal HTTP.
 You'd set up two different web servers; one on 80/tcp and one on 443/tcp.
 Then modify your links as necessary.
... and additionaly per directory SSLrequiressl directive:

Directory /cgi-bin
ErrorDocument 403 http://domainname.tld/ssl_required.html
Lukasz Sztachanski  
...proud user of C8H10N4O2 :)

Re: pOf

2005-09-20 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 09:27:10PM +1000, Steve Murdoch wrote:
 Is there any way of limiting access to pptpd from pocket pc clients ?
 I cant find any fingerprints for pocket pc in pf.os ?
I see:
32768:128:1:64:M1460,N,W0,N,N,T0,N,N,S: PocketPC:2002::PocketPC 2002
If it doesn't match, you can always initiate connection from PocketPC 
while listening out traffic using p0f and add this fingerprint to pf.os

Lukasz Sztachanski  
...proud user of C8H10N4O2 :)

Re: Nmap -O... will it be fixed some day?

2005-09-16 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 01:12:06PM +0200, Wijnand Wiersma wrote:
 I have seen this too, but that was a long time ago, I never actually
 run nmap anymore :-)
 Maybe it has something to do with some nics?
doesn't think so; try to disable pf ;) Probably it's a matter of 
pf`s traffic normalization.

Lukasz Sztachanski  
...proud user of C8H10N4O2 :)

Re: pfctl: Cannot allocate memory.

2005-09-11 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Sat, Sep 10, 2005 at 11:50:29PM -0400, Mike Spenard wrote:
 Openbsd 3.7
 Memory: Real: 16M/33M act/tot  Free: 55M  Swap: 0K/512M used/tot
 Trying to load a table from a file that is 21megs and pfctl -t spamd -Tr 
you`re putting into table whole internet? :~)

 -f file.txt
 is outputting.. 'pfctl: Cannot allocate memory.'
google tells me, that this issue is quite well discused; after all you 
can try to split this file into smaller chunks.

Lukasz Sztachanski  
...proud user of C8H10N4O2 :)

Re: 3.7 ,xdm and fluxbox

2005-08-15 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 06:22:33PM +0200, Smonek wrote:
 I install fluxbox on OpenBSD 3.7 .
 In My rc.conf I add xdm= and configured my Xsession file 
 Fluxbox starting but no have background
firstable, use local XSession file( ~/.xsession). 
startfluxbox(1) is much more flexible then just fluxbox(1). first one 
uses ~/.fluxbox/startup or theme config file, second one uses only 
theme config file.

Anyway, check your $PATH and make sure that program, which is used for 
setting background, exists( and is it covered by $PATH). 

Lukasz Sztachanski  
...proud user of C8H10N4O2 :)

Re: syslogd-capabilities

2005-07-08 Thread Lukasz Sztachanski
On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 11:49:16AM +0200, M. Schatzl wrote:
 In this case, its a script scanning for invalid ssh-logins invoked by It then appends the IP to a lockout-table via pfctl.
there are other, better solutions, like stateful tracking and 
overloading( pf.conf(5)).

Lukasz Sztachanski  
...proud user of C8H10N4O2 :)