Did my -stable upgrade work?

2006-03-12 Thread Mike Loiterman
How can I tell if my -stable binary upgrade was successful?

I have done make obj  make build but after several hours, the machine
seems locked up.  What should the last few lines of output be?  I can't ssh
in, and the keyboard is non-fucntional from the console.  Should the build
return me to a prompt, reboot, what?  This doesn't seem right.  The FAQ just
ends by saying This may take a while...

Mike Loiterman
Tel: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992
PGP Key: 0xD1B9D18E

Problems upgrading to 3.8-stable

2006-03-11 Thread Mike Loiterman
I'm following the instructions at http://openbsd.org/stable/html to upgrade
to 3.8-stable.

Everything works as it is supposed to until I get to the part where I am
supposed to copy the newly compiled kernel into /.  I execute the command
and get this error:

# cp bsd /bsd 
 cp: /bsd: Operation not permitted

I got around this by setting /etc/rc.securelevel to 0, rebooting, and then
executing the commands:

# chflags noschg /bsd
# cp /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC/bsd /bsd
# chflags schg /bsd

Then changing /etc/rc.securelevel back to 1 and rebooting.

Now uname -a is reported as:
OpenBSD host.hostname.net 3.8 GENERIC#0 i386

So it appears that the kernel upgrade was successful...I hope.

Now I'm tryig to upgrade the binaries by executing the following commands:

# cd /usr/src/
# rm -r /usr/obj/*
# make obj  make build

It starts to compile but then gives me this error:

 === lib/libpthread 
 Makefile, line 29: Could not find
 Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue 
 *** Error code 1 
 Stop in /usr/src/lib. 
 *** Error code 1 
 Stop in /usr/src.

I'm not sure why it's missing that file as I performed a cvs checkout just
last night using this command:

# cd /usr; cvs checkout -P -rOPENBSD_3_8 src

I just did:

# cd /usr/src; rm -rf *
# cd /usr; cvs checkout -P -rOPENBSD_3_8 src

So, my questions are these:

1.  Was this an appropriate way of doing the kernel upgrade?
2.  How do I correctly clean up from the failed binary build?  Is this ok:
# cd /usr/obj/; rm -r *
3.  How do I fix the error so it compiles correctly...assuming that the file
shows up from the second cvs checkout
4.  Once it compiles correctly, how do I install the binaries?  The upgade
page does not include this information.

Thanks for the help.

Mike Loiterman
Tel: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992
PGP Key: 0xD1B9D18E

Re: Problems upgrading to 3.8-stable

2006-03-11 Thread Mike Loiterman
 Setting flags on /bsd is not part of the standard install. If you have
done so, you should be able to fix it yourself.


It seems to be ok, as the new kernel version is reported correctly, but I do
want to do it the correct way.  

However, the way listed in the instruction page is not working for me and I
don't know why.  I have tried the cp command using sudo and I have tried it
using su -.  In both cases, I get the Operation not permitted error.  Is
this something I need to do from the console?  I'm doing this remotely via

Mike Loiterman
Tel: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992
PGP Key: 0xD1B9D18E

Re: Problems upgrading to 3.8-stable

2006-03-11 Thread Mike Loiterman
 Setting flags on /bsd is not part of the standard install. If you have
 done so, you should be able to fix it yourself.

Ok, I understand what the problem is and this comment triggered my memory.  

A while back I was experimenting with different things to harden the system
a bit more.  One of the things I did, obviosuly, was to set the immutable
flag on /bsd.

When I went to copy the new kernel over, I forgot that I had done that and
ASSumed that this was the default flag.  Clearly, it is not.

In any event I reinstalled the original kernel with the default flags
(nothing) in place and reset the securelevel back to the default of 1.  I've
removed the new kernel, am in the process of fetching a complete copy of the
source tree and will do the upgrade to -stable once that is done.  All
should be ok now.

After years of working with FreeBSD, this is my first attempt at an OpenBSD
upgrade.  The upgrade process is, in principal, the same, but the commands
are a bit different.  Clearly, setting immutable flags on the kernel and
sycning to a temporarily borked mirror didn't help this go any easier!


Mike Loiterman
Tel: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992
PGP Key: 0xD1B9D18E