Re: CVS: src

2014-11-09 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 10:57:41PM +0200, Atanas Vladimirov wrote:
 On 24.10.2014 00:33, Robert Peichaer wrote:
 I'm following -current and decided to try autoinstall(8) from
 /auto_upgrade.conf when I moved to newer snapshot.
 I made a custom auto_upgrade.conf on my root [sd2a] partition but when I
 boot a newer bsd.rd,
 auto_upgrade.conf is not on the miniroot. I escaped to shell, mounted sd2a
 on /mnt and copied auto_upgrade.conf to miniroot.
 Then Autoupgrade completed as it should.
 The question is whether there are any easier steps to make auto_upgrade from
 local file, not by using dhcp/tftp/http?

The auto_upgrade.conf is searched in the ramdisk partition (which was
into bsd.rd). As thevoid@ wrote, you could rebuild a new bsd.rd image to
include it.

Personnally, I extract the ramdisk image from bsd.rd, mount it, copy the
auto_upgrade.conf to it, and restore the ramdisk into bsd.rd.

Here the pseudo-script I use:

# build rdsetroot
( cd /usr/src/distrib/common  cc -o /tmp/rdsetroot elf32.c elf64.c 
elfrdsetroot.c )

# extract ramdisk from bsd.rd
/tmp/rdsetroot -x bsd.rd ramdisk.img

# mount ramdisk
vnconfig vnd0 ramdisk.img
mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt

# copy config file
cp auto_upgrade.conf /mnt/auto_upgrade.conf

# umount ramdisk
umount /dev/vnd0a
vnconfig -u vnd0

# put modified ramdisk in bsd.rd
/tmp/rdsetroot bsd.rd ramdisk.img

# cleanup
rm ramdisk.img

And now, you could boot your modified bsd.rd.
Sébastien Marie

Re: Changing root password from stdin value

2014-10-09 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Thu, Oct 09, 2014 at 06:22:05PM +0100, Nux! wrote:
 I'm trying to get some scripts working which would take a password from stdin 
 and set it for root.
 In Linux passwd --stdin is used, in FreeBSD pw mod user root -h 0. How 
 would I do this in OpenBSD?


You could use encrypt(1) + usermod(1).

encrypt will encrypt passwords from the command line or standard input.
usermod will accept an already-encrypted password.

Sébastien Marie

nginx/slowcgi: cgi program keep running

2014-08-02 Thread Sébastien Marie

I do some tests with a cgi program that go in infinite loop.

In order to test it with nginx (-current GENERIC.MP#304), I started
slowcgi to run the cgi program (and configured ngnix).

The configuration is ok: the cgi program reply as expected in normal

But when it go in infinite loop: the connection timeout after 1
minute. ngnix report 504 Gateway Time-out and the connection is

But, the cgi program is still running (in infinite loop at max CPU).

Is it an expected behaviour or not ? It seems odd to me.
Does slowcgi implements some timeout ?
Sébastien Marie

Re: nginx/slowcgi: cgi program keep running

2014-08-02 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Sat, Aug 02, 2014 at 10:37:41AM +, Florian Obser wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 02, 2014 at 12:11:18PM +0200, S?bastien Marie wrote:
  But, the cgi program is still running (in infinite loop at max CPU).
  Is it an expected behaviour or not ? It seems odd to me.
  Does slowcgi implements some timeout ?
 Yes, 120 seconds. After that it considers the cgi script to be dead
 and cleans up the connection to nginx.
 However it does not kill the cgi script. I talked to some people when
 I implemented that and we decided it would be best to not kill the cgi
 script as it probably cannot handle that. I.e. leaving half written
 files behind or some other crap. So it comes down to fixing the cgi
 script to not get into an infinit loop ;)
ok, it make sens.

Thanks a lot for your answer.
Sébastien Marie

difference between locatedb and tar ft

2014-07-14 Thread Sébastien Marie

I generally try to cleanup old files in installed system, between
snapshots (remove old man pages, old libraries... that are not installed
in new snapshots, but was in previous).

Now, that snapshot embeds file list in locatedb format
(usr/lib/locate/src.db and usr/X11R6/lib/locate/xorg.db), I look to use
these files for my purpose.

But in last snapshot (OpenBSD 5.5-current (GENERIC) #251: Sun Jul 13
20:40:26 MDT 2014), there is a diff between files in tgz, and files
annonced in src.db .

I generate file list in tgz with:
$ for i in ${SNAPSHOT_DIR}/*.tgz ; do tar zft ${i} ; done \
| sort filelist-tgz

And file list in locatedb with:
$ locate -d usr/lib/locate/src.db:usr/X11R6/lib/locate/xorg.db '*' \
| sed 's/^[^:]*:/./' | sort filelist-db

(the sed part is to have same format than tgz version)

When diffing the file I have a difference:
$ diff -u -C0 filelist-tgz filelist-db
*** filelist-tgzMon Jul 14 09:00:04 2014
--- filelist-db Mon Jul 14 08:59:28 2014
*** 13233 
--- 13234 
+ ./usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PackageRepository/

So the locatedb say .../ is installed, but tgz don't include

As sometimes, snapshots embed modifications not commited, is it the
case here ? Or I miss something else ?

Sébastien Marie

Re: Generate hashed rootpw for native ldapd

2014-02-21 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 01:31:13PM +0100, Joel Carnat wrote:
 Hum, I tried it but it doesn't work.
 I have a slappasswd else where to test. And here's what I get :
 # print passphrase | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | openssl enc -base64 | awk 
 '{print {SHA}$0}'
 # echo passphrase | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | openssl enc -base64 | awk 
 '{print {SHA}$0}'
 # slappasswd -h {SHA} -s passphrase

echo passphrase include a return at end of line: you should avoid it.

$ echo -n passphrase | openssl dgst -sha1 -binary | openssl enc -base64 | awk 
'{print {SHA}$0}'

Sébastien Marie

Re: system seems deadlock

2013-10-29 Thread Sébastien Marie

Just to signal that the last change on spec_vnops.c (1.77) correct my
problem: now the system don't deadlock.

Thanks a lot.
Sebastien Marie

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 09:59:43AM +0200, Sébastien Marie wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 05:54:22PM +0200, Sébastien Marie wrote:
  I fall in a system problem using tmux: the system (OpenBSD -current
  on i386) freeze (but no panic).
 The freeze seems to be a dead-lock, and tmux expose it. 
 ddb ps
  13243  1  13243  0  3   0  inode tmux
 Here, tmux is waiting inode.
 This wait message is set here:
  831: lockinit(ip-i_lock, PINOD, inode, 0, 0);
  1257:lockinit(ip-i_lock, PINOD, inode, 0, 0);
 And if I let the system running, several others process fall in
 inode waiting (as cron, or login_passwd if I try login).
 With ddb, if I check locked vnodes, there are two on root partition.
 ddb show all mounts
 vnodecovered 0x0 syncer 0xd316aa60 data 0xd108a200
 vfsconf: ops 0xd098d7a0 name ffs num 1 ref 3 flags 0x1000
 statvfs cache: bsize 800 iosize 4000
 blocks 403383 free 375320 avail 355151
   files 102910 ffiles 100646 favail 100646
   f_fsidx {0x400, 0xc8a5ad54} owner 0 ctime 0x52640b1d
   syncwrites 325 asyncwrites = 340
   syncreads 8881 asyncreads = 0
   fstype ffs mnton / mntfrom /dev/sd0a mntspec ab8fcda4850f14e9.a
 locked vnodes:
 0xd3165ea8, 0xd316a310
 [... others partitions stripped ...]
 ddb show vnode 0xd3165ea8
 tag UFS(1) type VCHR(4) mount 0xd108b400 typedata 0xd0ffb100
 data 0xd3161298 usecount 2 writecount 0 holdcnt 0 numoutput 0
 ddb show vnode 0xd316a310
 tag UFS(1) type VDIR(2) mount 0xd108b400 typedata 0x0
 data 0xd31851ec usecount 1 writecount 0 holdcnt 3 numoutput 0
 Does someone have any clue, about what to check or how to debug this ?
 I think I will try the option VFSLCKDEBUG in kernel, but what else ?
 Sébastien Marie

Re: system seems deadlock

2013-10-21 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 05:54:22PM +0200, Sébastien Marie wrote:
 I fall in a system problem using tmux: the system (OpenBSD -current
 on i386) freeze (but no panic).

The freeze seems to be a dead-lock, and tmux expose it. 

ddb ps
 13243  1  13243  0  3   0  inode tmux

Here, tmux is waiting inode.

This wait message is set here:
 831: lockinit(ip-i_lock, PINOD, inode, 0, 0);
 1257:lockinit(ip-i_lock, PINOD, inode, 0, 0);

And if I let the system running, several others process fall in
inode waiting (as cron, or login_passwd if I try login).

With ddb, if I check locked vnodes, there are two on root partition.

ddb show all mounts
vnodecovered 0x0 syncer 0xd316aa60 data 0xd108a200
vfsconf: ops 0xd098d7a0 name ffs num 1 ref 3 flags 0x1000
statvfs cache: bsize 800 iosize 4000
blocks 403383 free 375320 avail 355151
  files 102910 ffiles 100646 favail 100646
  f_fsidx {0x400, 0xc8a5ad54} owner 0 ctime 0x52640b1d
  syncwrites 325 asyncwrites = 340
  syncreads 8881 asyncreads = 0
  fstype ffs mnton / mntfrom /dev/sd0a mntspec ab8fcda4850f14e9.a
locked vnodes:
0xd3165ea8, 0xd316a310
[... others partitions stripped ...]

ddb show vnode 0xd3165ea8
tag UFS(1) type VCHR(4) mount 0xd108b400 typedata 0xd0ffb100
data 0xd3161298 usecount 2 writecount 0 holdcnt 0 numoutput 0

ddb show vnode 0xd316a310
tag UFS(1) type VDIR(2) mount 0xd108b400 typedata 0x0
data 0xd31851ec usecount 1 writecount 0 holdcnt 3 numoutput 0

Does someone have any clue, about what to check or how to debug this ?
I think I will try the option VFSLCKDEBUG in kernel, but what else ?
Sébastien Marie

system hang with tmux commands

2013-10-19 Thread Sébastien Marie
-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
em0 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 Intel 82540EM rev 0x03: apic 0 int 11, address 5
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com0: console
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
lpt0 at isa0 port 0x378/4 irq 7
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
fdc0 at isa0 port 0x3f0/6 irq 6 drq 2
fd0 at fdc0 drive 1: density unknown
nvram: invalid checksum
vscsi0 at root
scsibus1 at vscsi0: 256 targets
softraid0 at root
scsibus2 at softraid0: 256 targets
root on wd0a (ab8fcda4850f14e9.a) swap on wd0b dump on wd0b
WARNING: / was not properly unmounted
clock: unknown CMOS layout

Sébastien Marie

Re: tor + rdomain

2013-01-31 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 05:03:28PM -0500, Jiri B wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 02:11:06PM +0100, Sébastien Marie wrote:
  I would like to have some help for perform a network isolation using 
  rtable, to use tor without network leak.
  I use -current. The host is a workstation (no forwarding set in sysctl).
 I just run a program which should use Tor only under different user
 and use PF to block any outgoing traffic of such user.
 It's not what you want but this works for me.

Thanks for your response.

It is not exactly what I want, because I try to play with rdomain. But
your contribution is appreciate !

Sébastien Marie

tor + rdomain

2013-01-26 Thread Sébastien Marie

I would like to have some help for perform a network isolation using rtable, to 
use tor without network leak.
I use -current. The host is a workstation (no forwarding set in sysctl).

The purpose is to have dedicate rtable where program that should use tor live 
(route -T 1 exec ...), and with the only access to network is throught tor 
socks server, accessible in this rtable.

I use the tor package as-it in ports (socks server listening to, 
in rdomain 0).

I have created a loopback device in rdomain 1.

--- BEGIN /etc/hostname.lo1 ---
rdomain 1
--- END /etc/hostname.lo1 ---

Program is started in rtable 1 with something like:
$ route -T 1 exec chrome --proxy-server=socks5://

Now I should redirect all access to tcp:// in rdomain 1 to 
tcp:// in rdomain 0.

There are many possibilities to achieve this goal.

pf rules set (all my rules) [that works]:

block drop in log quick on ! lo0 proto tcp from any to any port 6000:6010
match in  on lo1 proto tcp to port 9050 rdr-to rtable 0
match out on lo0 proto tcp to port 9050 nat-to lo0
pass all

Currently I'm not fully agreed with these rules, as it not permit me to keep 
disabled pf on lo devices (no more set skip lo), or at least on lo0.

I think it should be possible to do redirect in userland with nc(1) (something 
like nc -V 1 -l 9050 | nc 9050) or socat(1)

There are also inetd(8), but it should listen on rtable 1 for one service. Does 
it is possible without new instance ?
Or relayd(8)...

So how to elegantly perform redirect in level 3 between rdomain ? (the term 
elegantly is unusual, but I think it is understandable... perhaps best 
practice is more common)

Sébastien Marie

Re: Strange ksh history behaviour

2013-01-07 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 02:09:01PM +0100, Lars von den Driesch wrote:
 I just discovered a strange behaviour with ksh-history that I cannot
 explain. So I hope you can probably help. I read some man pages and
 used google but didn't find anything useful. If this is is just a RTFM
 please hit me with it :-)

ready ? :-)

 However, I like vim and as soon as I set the EDITOR env variable to it
 the arrow up/down functionality is gone. In fact even if EDITOR is
 set with export EDITOR= the functionality is gone. Commands typed in
 still appear in the history using fc -l. I just cannot use the

It is the documented behaviour in ksh(1) :-) 

You could see the EDITOR variable comment in ksh(1):

   If the VISUAL parameter is not set, this parameter controls
   the command-line editing mode for interactive shells.

And as arrow-keys are not used by the 'vi'-like command-line editing...

 What am I missing here? Can someone confirm this?

You need to set your command-line editing mode to emacs.

In order to keep EDITOR to vi, you should set VISUAL to emacs in your 

Sebastien Marie

fbtab(5) and X11

2012-11-13 Thread Sébastien Marie

Just a question about fbtab(5) and X11.

In the distributed /etc/fbtab (under i386, -current) the file contains:

#   $OpenBSD: fbtab.head,v 1.2 1999/05/05 06:56:34 deraadt Exp $
# login(1) reads this file to determine which devices should be chown'd to
# the new user. Format is:
# login-tty permdevice:[device]:...
/dev/ttyC0  0600
/dev/X0 0600/dev/wsmouse:/dev/wsmouse0
# samples
#/dev/ttyC0 0600/dev/fd0

With it, login(1) do the right thing when login on ttyC0 (all devs listed in 
ttyC0 line are owned by logged user).

But I couldn't acheve the same thing under X11 (login with xdm). 

x11$ ls -l /dev/wsmouse0
crw---  1 root  wheel   68,   0 Oct 14 14:25 /dev/wsmouse0

A grep -Rl in /usr/xenocara for login_fbtab(3) found nothing...

So does fbtab is implemented for local X11 connection (with xdm) ? 
And if not, what is the purpose of /dev/X0 in /etc/fbtab ?

The initial purpose is to own some devices like cd0a or ttyU0 when login 
under X11.
Sebastien Marie

tmux: create window failed (too many open files)

2012-09-26 Thread Sébastien Marie

I'm running -current (not latest, only GENERIC.MP#20), see dmesg below.

I run in a error in tmux (a long session: 10 days for now), when a want to 
create a new window (C-b C-c), I have this error:

 Create window failed: exec ksh: Too many open files

Note, my default shell in tmux.conf is exec ksh (see ~/.tmux.conf below)

My limit for open files are standard:
semarie@bert:~$ ulimit -n

Currently, I have only 4 windows in this sessions, but:

semarie@bert:~$ fstat -u semarie | grep tmux
semarie  tmux3941   wd /home 4053504 drwx--   r 2560
semarie  tmux39410 /   17084 crw--w  rwttyp5
semarie  tmux39411 /   17084 crw--w  rwttyp5
semarie  tmux39412 /   17084 crw--w  rwttyp5
semarie  tmux39413 kqueue 0xd8c0f3d4 0 state: W
semarie  tmux39414 /home 4053890 -rw-r--r--   r 1859
semarie  tmux39415* unix stream 0xd31c7680 - 0xd4105380
semarie  tmux1509   wd /home 4053504 drwx--   r 2560
semarie  tmux15090 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-  rw null
semarie  tmux15091 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-  rw null
semarie  tmux15092 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-  rw null
semarie  tmux15093 kqueue 0xd8c0f310 0 state: W
semarie  tmux15094 /home 4053942 -rw-r--r--   r 1805
semarie  tmux15095* unix stream 0xd4105380 - 0xd31c7680
semarie  tmux15096* unix stream 0xd3228740
semarie  tmux15097 /   17084 crw--w  rwttyp5
semarie  tmux15099 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509   10 /   17079 crw-rw-rw-  rwptyp2
semarie  tmux1509   11 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509   12 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509   13 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509   14 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509   15 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509   16 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  503 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  504 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  505 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  506 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  507 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  508 /   17621 crw-rw-rw-   r null
semarie  tmux1509  509 /   17618 crw-rw-rw-   r  tty
semarie  tmux1509  510 /   17618 crw-rw-rw-   r  tty

There are 510 descriptors opened... 

Any hints ?

Does tmux could not closed not-need descriptors for old created windows ?

It will try too keep this session running for debug if need...

I could also upgrade to latest snapshot if needed. But I don't show any commit 
to tmux that seems related to that. But I could be wrong: please let me know.

Sebastien Marie

My ~/.tmux.conf

set -g default-command exec ksh
set -g status-right #(sysctl -n vm.loadavg)

# Statusbar properties.
set -g display-time 3000
set -g status-bg black
set -g status-fg cyan
set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright,reverse
set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg cyan
set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black 

# divers
set -g default-path 
set -g bell-action any 
set -g set-titles on
set -g base-index 1
set -g history-limit 5000

My dmesg:

OpenBSD 5.2-current (GENERIC.MP) #20: Tue Sep 11 11:54:03 MDT 2012
cpu0: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2400 @ 1.83GHz (GenuineIntel 686-class) 1.83 GHz
real mem  = 2137399296 (2038MB)
avail mem = 2091552768 (1994MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: AT/286+ BIOS, date 03/09/06, BIOS32 rev. 0 @ 0xffa10, SMBIOS 
rev. 2.4 @ 0xf7b70 (44 entries)
bios0: vendor Dell Inc. version A03 date 03/09/2006
bios0: Dell Inc. MM061
acpi0 at bios0: rev 0
acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices LID_(S3) PBTN(S4) PCI0(S3) USB0(S0) USB1(S0) USB2(S0) 
USB3(S0) EHCI(S0) CH31(S0) AZAL(S3) PCIE(S4) RP01(S4) RP02(S3) RP03(S3) 
RP04(S3) RP05(S3) RP06(S3)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee0: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: apic clock running at 166MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2400 @ 1.83GHz 

Re: tmux: create window failed (too many open files)

2012-09-26 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 09:20:25AM +0100, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
 Are you running a tmux command from any shell script or cron or

I used X11 (cwm).

I open a terminal (rxvt), maximize size, and run:

$ tmux attach -d -t semarie

(normally, via an alias)

 There are only two places tmux itself opens /dev/null and they are both
 after fork so this must be /dev/null passed with imsg from a client.
 Also please should me output of tmux info.

(in a ksh in the session)
semarie@bert:~$ tmux info
semarie@bert:~$ echo $?

so via the tmux command-line (C-b : + info)

pid 1509, started Sat Sep 15 10:17:49 2012  
socket path /tmp/tmux-1000/default, debug level 0
system is OpenBSD 5.2 GENERIC.MP#20 i386
configuration file is /home/semarie/.tmux.conf
protocol version is 7

 0: /dev/ttyp3 (5, 7): semarie [80x24 rxvt-256color bs=177 xterm=95] 
[flags=0x1/0x3b, references=0]

Sessions: [5/10]
 0: semarie: 4 windows (created Sat Sep 15 10:17:49 2012) [127x42] [flags=0x0]
1: ksh [127x42] [flags=0x8, references=1, last layout=-1]
   0: /dev/ttyp5 24460 131 1/42, 80 bytes; UTF-8 0/42, 0 bytes
2: ksh [127x42] [flags=0x8, references=1, last layout=-1]
   0: /dev/ttyp6 19418 421 3/42, 285 bytes; UTF-8 0/42, 0 bytes
3: ksh [127x42] [flags=0x8, references=1, last layout=-1]
   0: /dev/ttyp2 2926 10 4/21, 405 bytes; UTF-8 0/21, 0 bytes
4: ksh [127x42] [flags=0x8, references=1, last layout=-1]
   0: /dev/ttyp1 29566 185 153/156, 45190 bytes; UTF-8 2/156, 880 bytes
rxvt-256color [references=1, flags=0x1]:
 1: acsc: (string) ``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~
 0: AX: (flag) true
 2: bel: (string) \007
 3: blink: (string) \033[5m
 4: bold: (string) \033[1m
 5: Cc: [missing]
 6: civis: (string) \033[?25l
 7: clear: (string) \033[H\033[2J
 8: cnorm: (string) \033[?25h
 9: colors: (number) 256
10: Cr: [missing]
11: Cs: [missing]
12: csr: (string) \033[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr
13: Csr: [missing]
14: cub: (string) \033[%p1%dD
15: cub1: (string) \010
16: cud: (string) \033[%p1%dB
17: cud1: (string) \012
18: cuf: (string) \033[%p1%dC
19: cuf1: (string) \033[C
20: cup: (string) \033[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH
21: cuu: (string) \033[%p1%dA
22: cuu1: (string) \033[A
23: dch: [missing]
24: dch1: [missing]
25: dim: [missing]
26: dl: (string) \033[%p1%dM
27: dl1: (string) \033[M
28: E3: [missing]
29: el: (string) \033[K
30: el1: (string) \033[1K
31: enacs: (string) \033(B\033)0
32: fsl: (string) \007
33: home: (string) \033[H
34: hpa: (string) \033[%i%p1%dG
35: ich: (string) \033[%p1%d@
36: ich1: (string) \033[@
37: il: (string) \033[%p1%dL
38: il1: (string) \033[L
39: invis: [missing]
40: is1: (string) \033[?47l\033=\033[?1l
41: is2: (string) \033[r\033[m\033[2J\033[H\033[?7h\033[?1;3;4;6l\033[4l
42: is3: [missing]
43: kcbt: (string) \033[Z
44: kcub1: (string) \033[D
45: kcud1: (string) \033[B
46: kcuf1: (string) \033[C
47: kcuu1: (string) \033[A
48: kDC: (string) \033[3$
49: kDC3: [missing]
50: kDC4: [missing]
51: kDC5: (string) \033[3^
52: kDC6: (string) \033[3@
53: kDC7: [missing]
54: kdch1: (string) \033[3~
55: kDN: (string) \033[b
56: kDN3: [missing]
57: kDN4: [missing]
58: kDN5: (string) \033Ob
59: kDN6: [missing]
60: kDN7: [missing]
61: kend: (string) \033[8~
62: kEND: (string) \033[8$
63: kEND3: [missing]
64: kEND4: [missing]
65: kEND5: (string) \033[8^
66: kEND6: (string) \033[8@
67: kEND7: [missing]
68: kf1: (string) \033[11~
69: kf10: (string) \033[21~
70: kf11: (string) \033[23~
71: kf12: (string) \033[24~
72: kf13: (string) \033[25~
73: kf14: (string) \033[26~
74: kf15: (string) \033[28~
75: kf16: (string) \033[29~
76: kf17: (string) \033[31~
77: kf18: (string) \033[32~
78: kf19: (string) \033[33~
79: kf2: (string) \033[12~
80: kf20: (string) \033[34~
81: kf3: (string) \033[13~
82: kf4: (string) \033[14~
83: kf5: (string) \033[15~
84: kf6: (string) \033[17~
85: kf7: (string) \033[18~
86: kf8: (string) \033[19~
87: kf9: (string) \033[20~
88: kHOM: (string) \033[7$
89: kHOM3: [missing]
90: kHOM4: [missing]
91: kHOM5: (string) \033[7^
92: kHOM6: (string) \033[7@
93: kHOM7: [missing]
94: khome: (string) \033[7~
95: kIC: (string) \033[2$
96: kIC3: [missing]
97: kIC4: [missing]
98: kIC5: (string) \033[2^
99: kIC6: (string) \033[2@
100: kIC7: [missing]
101: kich1: (string) \033[2~
102: kLFT: (string) \033[d
103: kLFT3: [missing]
104: kLFT4: [missing]
105: kLFT5: (string) \033Od
106: kLFT6: [missing]
107: kLFT7: [missing]
108: kmous: (string) \033[M
109: knp: (string) \033[6~
110: kNXT: (string) \033[6$
111: kNXT3: [missing]
112: kNXT4: [missing]
113: kNXT5: (string) \033[6^
114: kNXT6: (string) \033[6@
115: kNXT7: [missing]
116: kpp: (string) \033[5~
117: kPRV: (string) 

Re: tmux: create window failed (too many open files)

2012-09-26 Thread Sébastien Marie

After some tests (on a new tmux server, started with tmux -L test ...), I 
could (partially) reproduce the problem.

Partially, because:
 in fstat output there are 2 kinds of bugged entries: tty and null
  tty:  181 descriptors
  null: 320 descriptors

And I arrived to keep descriptors opened against /dev/tty , but not against 
/dev/null (for the moment, but I monitor what in my use what generate this...).

This occurs with urlview (textproc/urlview), with a custom url_handler.

Basically urlview take a text in stdin (generally an email), and display a menu 
(ncurses) of URLs found in the text. The user choose an URL, and urlview start 
a command (in my case, a custom script).

First, my configuration:
$ cat ~/.urlview
# command to invoke for selected URL
COMMAND /home/semarie/.local/bin/

Next, the command started by urlview:
$ cat /home/semarie/.local/bin/

# if TMUX enable, update environment
if [ -n ${TMUX} ] ; then
  eval  `tmux show-environment | grep -v '^-' | sed 's/=\(.*\)$/=\\1\/'`
  unset `tmux show-environment | grep'^-' | sed 's/^-//'`
  export `tmux show-environment | grep -v '^-' | sed 's/=\(.*\)$//'`

# check DISPLAY
if [ -n ${DISPLAY} ] ; then
  exec chrome $@

# if not DISPLAY
exec lynx $@

And when I launch the command:
$ echo '' | urlview

3 new descriptors against tty are opened and not closed after the command. 
There are directly correlate with the 3 tmux show-environment in the script.

I don't remind exactly the purpose of updating the environnement in the 
script... should be to keep kerberos ticket or display environnement in 
text-mode ... but ?

Additionnaly, running the url_hander alone (without urlview) don't trigger the 

I will disabling the part of updating environment in my script (and if I 
always need it, I will recall when something won't work !)

I will post when I have more info.

Please let me known if more informations are needed.

Sebastien Marie

Re: tmux: create window failed (too many open files)

2012-09-26 Thread Sébastien Marie
The patch seems to resolv the problem.

Only seems, because I only known to reproduce it for the 'tty' descriptor, but 
I hope the 'null' descriptor will be in the same case :-)

But I will use this version for test it.

Thanks a lot.
Sebastien Marie

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 03:42:23PM +0100, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
 Try this please:
 Index: server-client.c
 RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/tmux/server-client.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.79
 diff -u -p -r1.79 server-client.c
 --- server-client.c   3 Sep 2012 09:32:38 -   1.79
 +++ server-client.c   26 Sep 2012 14:42:04 -
 @@ -912,8 +912,10 @@ server_client_msg_identify(
 - if (!isatty(fd))
 - return;
 + if (!isatty(fd)) {
 + close(fd);
 + return;
 + }
   data-term[(sizeof data-term) - 1] = '\0';
   tty_init(c-tty, c, fd, data-term);
   if (data-flags  IDENTIFY_UTF8)
 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 01:40:53PM +0200, S?bastien Marie wrote:
  After some tests (on a new tmux server, started with tmux -L test ...), I 
  could (partially) reproduce the problem.
  Partially, because:
   in fstat output there are 2 kinds of bugged entries: tty and null
tty:  181 descriptors
null: 320 descriptors
  And I arrived to keep descriptors opened against /dev/tty , but not against 
  /dev/null (for the moment, but I monitor what in my use what generate 
  This occurs with urlview (textproc/urlview), with a custom url_handler.
  Basically urlview take a text in stdin (generally an email), and display a 
  menu (ncurses) of URLs found in the text. The user choose an URL, and 
  urlview start a command (in my case, a custom script).
  First, my configuration:
  $ cat ~/.urlview
  # command to invoke for selected URL
  COMMAND /home/semarie/.local/bin/
  Next, the command started by urlview:
  $ cat /home/semarie/.local/bin/
  # if TMUX enable, update environment
  if [ -n ${TMUX} ] ; then
eval  `tmux show-environment | grep -v '^-' | sed 's/=\(.*\)$/=\\1\/'`
unset `tmux show-environment | grep'^-' | sed 's/^-//'`
export `tmux show-environment | grep -v '^-' | sed 's/=\(.*\)$//'`
  # check DISPLAY
  if [ -n ${DISPLAY} ] ; then
exec chrome $@
  # if not DISPLAY
  exec lynx $@
  And when I launch the command:
  $ echo '' | urlview
  3 new descriptors against tty are opened and not closed after the 
  command. There are directly correlate with the 3 tmux show-environment in 
  the script.
  I don't remind exactly the purpose of updating the environnement in the 
  script... should be to keep kerberos ticket or display environnement in 
  text-mode ... but ?
  Additionnaly, running the url_hander alone (without urlview) don't trigger 
  the problem.
  I will disabling the part of updating environment in my script (and if I 
  always need it, I will recall when something won't work !)
  I will post when I have more info.
  Please let me known if more informations are needed.
  Sebastien Marie

Re: tmux: create window failed (too many open files)

2012-09-26 Thread Sébastien Marie
ok, I found why I have some 'null' descriptors... it nears the same case that 
with 'tty' descriptors.

I have a custom script (again) for X11 locking, that first destroy kerberos 
tickets. And I use tmux show-environment for get KRB5CCNAME environment 
variable that I used in the tmux session.

As the script is run by cwm, the input descriptor should be /dev/null.

The patch resolvs all the problem.

For simple test, this command could be used:
$ tmux info  /dev/null

This will dup the descriptor in the tmux server, and it will not close it. So 
after some time, too many descriptors are opened...

Thanks again.
Sebastien Marie

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 05:19:56PM +0200, Sébastien Marie wrote:
 The patch seems to resolv the problem.
 Only seems, because I only known to reproduce it for the 'tty' descriptor, 
 but I hope the 'null' descriptor will be in the same case :-)
 But I will use this version for test it.
 Thanks a lot.
 Sebastien Marie
 On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 03:42:23PM +0100, Nicholas Marriott wrote:
  Try this please:
  Index: server-client.c
  RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/tmux/server-client.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.79
  diff -u -p -r1.79 server-client.c
  --- server-client.c 3 Sep 2012 09:32:38 -   1.79
  +++ server-client.c 26 Sep 2012 14:42:04 -
  @@ -912,8 +912,10 @@ server_client_msg_identify(
  -   if (!isatty(fd))
  -   return;
  +   if (!isatty(fd)) {
  +   close(fd);
  +   return;
  +   }
  data-term[(sizeof data-term) - 1] = '\0';
  tty_init(c-tty, c, fd, data-term);
  if (data-flags  IDENTIFY_UTF8)

Re: Ports security updates in 5.1 or 5.2

2012-08-31 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 06:52:15PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2012-08-30, Sébastien Marie wrote:
  I not used all pervious ports, and some are used in safe usage (like 
  using postgresql ports, but not for server). It just a question to known 
  what follow, in order to keep updated...
 really, in order to keep updated, following -current is a good policy.

sure, updates in -current are more fresh ! but the investissement may be 
important, as it is required to upgrade the system before add or upgrade 

I think I will consider installing -current on an external disk, in order to 
see and learn upgrade process (via snapshots) before definitively switch to 
-current on my laptop.

Thanks Stuart.
Sebastien Marie

Re: Ports security updates in 5.1 or 5.2

2012-08-30 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 09:34:22PM +0200, Patrick Lamaiziere wrote:
 Le Wed, 29 Aug 2012 09:59:46 +0200,
 Sebastien Marie a écrit :


  I currently follow STABLE branch for openbsd (and so, for ports too),
  which is OPENBSD_5_1.
  But, I saw that the last security updates for ports go to OPENBSD_5_2
  and not to OPENBSD_5_1.
 Any examples ? The probleme may not be present in 5.1.

  version 9.1.4 (in OPENBSD_5_1) is vulnerable to CVE-2012-3488 and 
CVE-2012-3488 : insecure use of xslt (xslt is in contrib, so need 
CVE-2012-3489 : insecure use of libxml2 (XXE possible)

  OPENBSD_5_2 has upgraded from 9.1.4 to 9.1.5

  same version in OPENBSD_5_1 (emacs-23.4) and OPENBSD_5_2 (emacs-23.4p2)
  vulnerable to CVE-2012-3479 (GNU Emacs enable-local-variables Variable 
Processing Vulnerability)

  same version in OPENBSD_5_1 (openttd-1.1.5) and OPENBSD_5_2 (openttd-1.1.5p1)
  vulnerable to CVE-2012-3436 (Denial of service (server) using ships on half 
tiles and landscaping)

  same version in OPENBSD_5_1 (tor- and OPENBSD_5_2_BASE
  OPENBSD_5_2 upgrade to tor-
  Tor fixes a rare race condition that can crash exit relays;
  fixes a remotely triggerable crash bug; and fixes a timing attack that
  could in theory leak path information.

  OPENBSD_5_1 has version 1.3p3
  NIST reports version before 1.3.2 are vulnerable (for CVE-2012-3442 at least)

  CVE-2012-3442 CVE-2012-3443 CVE-2012-3444

Others ports that would need more investigation for determine if vulnerable or 
not in OPENBSD_5_1:
  graphics/GraphicsMagick CVE-2012-3438
  graphics/ImageMagick CVE-2012-3437
  mail/roundcubemail CVE-2012-3508

I not used all pervious ports, and some are used in safe usage (like using 
postgresql ports, but not for server). It just a question to known what follow, 
in order to keep updated...


Sebastien Marie

Re: Perl script ran by chrooted apache

2012-08-24 Thread Sébastien Marie
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 06:02:39PM +0100, Mik J wrote:
 I have the following perl script that works in command line:

 # ./

 I tried in /var/www/htdocs/cgi/ but when I access
 I have a blank page
 In theory when Apache is
 started it loads Net::DNS so that can use it.
 I don't think I'm far
 from the solution but I'm stuck here. Does anyone have an idea how can I make
 it work ?


Just a question, the cgi script is the *same* that the command line script ?

If yes, you should first print HTTP headers before the content.

print Content-Type: text/plain;
print ;

at the start of your script. 

The command line should echo:
$ ./
Content-Type: text/plain

Sébastien Marie