Re: beating the fdisk horse

2009-04-15 Thread Tobias Weingartner
 Frantisek Holop wrote:
  i am reading the fdisk source to have a better understanding
  what is what...  it is not going really well i am afraid :]

Please read up on hale landis' how it works series.  It's roughly
the best I've found on the subject.
Once you're understood that, then we can discuss more of what is going on.

  first of all, i had a long hard look at the basic programs
  that give information about disks in general: fdisk, disklabel,
  and atactl (obviously, only for ata disks) and /boot.
  both fdisk and disklabel use the DIOCGDINFO ioctl to get the
  disk geometry (and other info) but atactl is using the WDCC_IDENTIFY
  ata command while /boot is using int 13h. consider the following
  output from my eeepc:
  $ sudo fdisk wd0
  Disk: wd0   geometry: 486/255/63 [7815024 Sectors]
  $ sudo disklabel wd0
  sectors/track: 63
  tracks/cylinder: 255
  sectors/cylinder: 16065
  cylinders: 486
  total sectors: 7815024
  $ sudo atactl wd0
  Cylinders: 7753, heads: 16, sec/track: 63, total sectors: 7815024
  the boot output is not here, but it gave me the same numbers
  as fdisk.

Yes, the boot output, and the fdisk output need to be the same for things
to work.  The rest is really not necessary to be the same, things will
continue to work, as long as the LBA's match up.

  so atactl's different (sigh).  but the thing is, that if i trace back
  what the DIOCGDINFO ioctl does in ata.c and wd.c, ...  it is the same
  WDCC_IDENTIFY that atactl does...  what am i missing here?

Possibly when and how the result/geo is set?

  the other issue i have been pondering is, the user mode -chs in fdisk.
  i remember back then when i had this clash of geometries (between say
  partition magic, and openbsd) i was inclined to use the partion magic
  one...  so i had a geometry i wanted to use to override the one openbsd
  was giving me.  but even if i specified it with -chs, fdisk still used
  the one it found.  now i see in the source, that the user given geometry
  is considered, but only if there is no geometry found by the system, if
  the system finds one, it simply overwrites the user defined values.
  is this intentional?  if the user is brave enough to supply a geometry,
  shouldn't it be used over the detected one?

You better read the code again.  In particular, read the DISK_getmetrics()
function.  As far as I can tell, if user supplied metrics (geometry) is
supplied, it's the one that is used.

  this would have been useful for me with dual boot when there is already
  some other system on the disk installed with using a different geometry.
  by entering this custom geometry, one will be able to use openbsd's
  fdisk with proper partition boundaries with a greater chance of not
  overwriting already existing partitions.
  if what i am saying is rubbish (more than possible) then at least i
  think this should be documented in the man page because basicly the user
  suplied -chs values are ignored if there is system geometry present...

If the system gave you a geometry, that's the one you want to you.
You can't just make up whatever geometry you want.  This is not some
sort of negotiable thing.  If 'partition magic' used it's own, different
geometry from what the bios was/is using, and it worked, it was a simple


Re: the fdisk man page and the fdisk behaviour

2009-04-03 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Note, I'm not on this list, Theo forwarded the message for me.

On Tuesday, March 31, Theo de Raadt forwarded:
 Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:13:22 +0200
 From: frantisek holop
 To: misc
 Subject: Re: the fdisk man page and the fdisk behaviour
 hmm, on Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:34:38PM -0400, Nick Holland said that
  I really don't want to ignore what you call an exotic geometry.
  A lot of people seem to think there is something standard about
  what you are calling n/255/63 geometry, but life ain't so

Ok, first we have to know which geometry we are talking about.  If it
is the geometry that the hardware (disk) gives us, then the 255/63
geometry is special in that it is usually prefixed with a specific
number of cylinders (the number escapes me right now), which is the
ATA/IDE way of telling you that the geometry is fake, and for the
operating system to use LBA methods to access the disk.

The other geometry is the BIOS geometry.  This is the geometry that the
BIOS exposes to the operating system and booting environment.  This is
usually the same as the disk (if possible), but does not have to be.  For
the purposes of the MBR and partitioning, this is the only geometry that
matters.  Note, on some platforms this BIOS geometry will be the same
as the disk reported geometry always.  IE: they don't have a BIOS to get
in the way of relatively sane hardware.

 well, the commercial sector making partitioning software seems
 to disagree here.  the quite popular PartitionMagic comes to my
 mind.  and openbsd itself had a commit in the past to show every
 sd(4) disk using this very same geometry if i am not mistaken.

Ok, that was the hardware geometry.  Again, different from BIOS geometry
in most cases where it matters.

 here is another mail i sent in a looong time ago, another saga
 of mine, where because of openbsd's different geometry settings
 overlapping partitions and other filesystem errors manifested
 themselves, no doubt because of my inability to calulate all
 the numbers using a different geometry.

Yes, in general, fdisk(8) tries really hard to find and use the BIOS
geometry.  If it does not, one thing you can try to do is to boot into
the /boot environment (the boot prompt), and type 'machine disk',
and have a look at what the geometry is for the disk you like to deal
with.  Then use the command line flags to fdisk(8) to set the right
geometry when you're editing the partitions on the disk in question.

Note, when you move a disk from one system to another, or change the
disk access method (legacy, large, etc, etc), it may well cause the
BIOS to change the disk address translation mechanism it will use,
which *WILL* cause you issues.  If it does not, you're simply lucky.

 all your examples are without a doubt valid, but are they
 representative of the current hard drive situation?  that's
 what typical means for me in this context.  if you have to
 hunt for these disks on ebay, they are hardly typical or
 representative for me...

Irrelevant.  Seriously.  I'm not against making fdisk better of easier
to use, but it needs to be smarter than simply say Well, 90% of disks
today are this way

If you really want to look forward, code up the relevant pieces of the
GPT partitioning scheme...  if you do so, and it works/etc, you'll get
the benefit of picking the OpenBSD GPT UUID identifiers... :)

 numeruous people stated on this mailing list that geometries
 had become abstract numbers in the world of modern hard drives
 and are basically useless anyway.  if that is the case, i do
 not see a good reason why not go with the other mainstream
 operating systems and just do make with an n/255/63 geometry
 everywhere (where possible).

Again, most of the time that is a hardware geometry.  Most modern
BIOS will also use a 255/63, simply because it maps most easily to
the current hardware.  However, plug in a RAID card, and see it give
you something different.  Plug in a USB stick, and notice it getting
something completely different yet again.

 i havent seen hard drive's described by their c/h/s in any bios
 for years (yes, i know, you probably have that old machines
 as well ;-)

It does not matter.  Do you have Win2k on your box?  Does XP touch it?
Any number of OSes are going to require that the C/H/S based fields in
the MBR are correct for them not to step on Open's toes.

   violates the CAVEATS section of the man page on two counts:
   1. the ending boundary of the 0th partition does not end at
 cylinder boundaries.

This one is a little harder to fix.  But for GPT support someone will
have to put a notion of regions on disk used/free into fdisk.  Once
that is there, a sanity check can be made to see if the space between
the current, unadjusted, end and the next cylinder boundary is free.
If so, then we can round up (which would be nice).  Any takers?

   2. the openbsd partition does not start on a 

New cpuid code to test

2008-10-19 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Hello all,

I'd love to get another round of cpuid testing done (i386/amd64).
The code is available at:
I'd appreciate it if people could do something like the following
on their i386 and amd64 boxes:

make cpuid  ./cpuid | mail -s 'cpuid output' [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Re: [OT] beefy steel cases

2008-02-22 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
  I'm wondering if in your travels, have any of you seen a case (tower,
  desktop, or rackmount) that is:

 - Grab an old iron stove, and stuff a newer case into it.
 - Go to the nearest welding shop, have them weld a nice 500lb steel box.
 - ...


Re: building a kernel for net4801 from dmassage

2008-01-24 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Lars Noodin wrote:
  2) Under what circumstances (generally) would one encounter a situation
  where it would strongly desirable to have a custom kernel?

When I happened to get an obsd kernel running on an 8M memory machine
by stripping out network support, unneeded drivers, etc.  Yes it needed
custom tweaks to make it compile, and yes it worked.  Would I do it
again?  Likely not.


Re: facts about OpenBSD

2008-01-10 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nikns Siankin wrote:
  # Stable release cycle. 
If you want to run latest bugfree ClamAV or FireFox - upgrade to CURRENT! 
But don't forget to buy release CD's!!!

Well, by buying the release CD you get a fairly secure method of getting
the majority of the bits.  (Most snail-mails take security at least a
little bit serious).

  # Secure By Default.
OpenBSD uses broken WEP for securing WiFi networks.
Has no WPA/WPA2 support.

Do you have a need for WPA/WPA2 support?  Please feel free to submit
patches to implement this functionality.  I'm sure that a nuymber of
people will be pleased.

  # Do not let serious problems sit unsolved. 
OpenBSD doesn't need MAC because it has their own security flawed systrace.

MAC?  As in mandatory access control?  Sure we have it.  Any unix out
there has it.  It's called a uid and a list of gid's.  Now, if that
does not fit your needs, you have options.

  # Use of Cryptography. 
OpenBSD uses file-backed encryption (svnd) which is very suited
for Full-disk-encryption. NOT.

Again, feel free to submit patches.

  # Full Disclosure. 
OpenBSD at first denies remote exploitable flaws. 
DoS flaws gets marked as reliability not security issues.

If your network/systems are setup in such a way that a DoS causes a
security issue, the insecure portion is your system, not the machine
that happens to tank.

  # Easy maintainable. 
OpenBSD distributes source patches to make your farm of
Pentium2 firewalls updated easly.

I've never had a problem.  If you do, feel free to build an
infrastructure that you (and others?) can use that is better.

  # Secure Distribution.
The most secure operation system gets distributed on FTP servers
as unsigned binaries.

Nah, we sell you real CD's.  The FTP servers are there for the
convenience of people much less annoying than you.  :)

  Disclaimer: Like it or not. I'm OpenBSD user for 4 years.
  Shit on my head - shit on all OpenBSD supporters.

Huh?  I'd prefer a toilet, but if you're really in the mood, I'm
sure there is a place on the internet looking for someone with
your particular type of phantasy...  *shrug* to each his own I

PS: Nah, I won't bother CC'ing you.

Re: facts about OpenBSD

2008-01-10 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nikns Siankin wrote:
  I don't believe anymore, that someone from side can make it better. 
  The only people who could make it better are talking to community
  only when release CD needs to get sold or donations are needed.

So you think that the community at large can have an effect on the
actual code that gets written?  Possibly.  You think that the best
way to do this is to shit on OpenBSD and somehow reduce the number
of CD's sold?  To reduce the minimal amount of funding that any of
the developers could have?  And to top it off, to piss them off and
make coding a chore as opposed to a fun thing?

While I certainly don't code as much as all the other OpenBSD developers,
I can say that removing my enjoyment of spending any of my scarce time
coding will be spent coding on things I enjoy first, and patches for
people I enjoy working with second.  People like you don't even come on
the horizon.

If you believe that these things need to be done, and can not be done
from inside, by all means, the code is all there.  Feel free to start
producing this much needed code.


Re: Open Source Article Spawns Interesting Ethical Question

2008-01-09 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], chefren wrote:
  On 1/8/08 11:28 PM, Marco Peereboom wrote:
  2. Same NIC without flash/ROM bad
  Eh, that's just a meaningless pile of transistors.

Surely you jest?  An FPGA is a meaningless pile of transistors?


Re: [Fwd: Open-Hardware]

2008-01-09 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], chefren wrote:
  It's misleading to call GNU GNU it should be called BSD/GNU.
  Somewhat more typing but good PR.

Again, I surely hope you jest?

Please don't associate me or anything I currently code on with the GPL.
Why would you want to?  Seriously?  Use the GPL if that is what you wish,
but why taint what BSD is with the GPL, even the mention of GPL?  To get
publicity?  Someone said that 'there ain't no such thing as bad publicity',
a stupid statement if I ever heard one.  From the PR standpoint, even
thinking about BSD/GPL or BSD/GNU is almost absurd.

Anyhow, my $0.02 worth,


Re: [Fwd: Open-Hardware]

2008-01-09 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Kevin Wilcox wrote:
  Testing the software has nothing to do (as far as licensing goes) with a
  final, released GPL product. You can release the alpha and beta releases
  under whatever license you want to. Just license the final product under
  the GPL.

If the testing software was originally licensed with the GPL, this is
not true.  The license does not cease to exist (nor copyright law) just
because you are only distributing an alpha or beta product.


Re: OT Re: OpenBSD and ISDN TA

2008-01-09 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Diana Eichert wrote:
  give me X.25 any day, instead of this new fangled ISDN technology.

My eyes!  Aaarrrghhh... the pleasure of remembering the days I had
to implement an X.25 stack... aaah


Re: Improving disk reliability

2008-01-03 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Stuart Henderson wrote:
  It wouldn't be more likely that the disk _crashes_ by doing this,
  and it may give _some_ protection against _some_ failure modes.
  It also gives new and exciting ones to take their place.

Actually, since you'd be mirroring to two different portions of the
same disk (assuming a non-flash device), chances are you would be more
likely to crash.

 1) You'll be running more code.  More code more bugs.

 2) You'll be writing everything to two parts of the same disk, making
the disk continuously seek 1/2 a disk distance.  Likely not something
you want to promote.


Re: possible bug in CDROM recognition?

2008-01-02 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Russell Gadd wrote:
  I was going to ask for assistance as my new install of OBSD wouldn't
  recognise the cdrom. However after much investigation I fixed it by changing
  the physical position of the device from IDE slave on the secondary IDE
  interface to master (in dmesg speak, from channel 1 drive 1 to channel 1
  drive 0), as I noticed that it was configured as slave but there was no
  master on this interface.

Having a slave on an IDE channel without a master is undefined behaviour.
IE: your machine was configured wrong.  The fact that it worked with some
software was a fluke.


Re: Embedding OpenBSD

2007-12-28 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Holland wrote:
  What have I forgotten?  Is there anything else I can do to avoid
  slapping my forehead and saying, D'oh! Forgot to ... before I
  ship it out fully detached?  The good news is I'm pretty sure
  there is at least one OpenBSD developer near-by, but that's just
  all the more reason to make sure I don't screw it up, I'll never
  live it down. :)

Unless you have a need to keep state, I'd not bother in any way to write
to the flash.  I'd have a bsd.rd on there that get's loaded on boot.  No
fsck necessary, completely in ram, etc.


Re: max number of groups

2007-10-31 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
  There has to be _some_ solution but it doesn't have to revolve around
  groups.  Surely we don't need a separate box for every 16 projects (and
  lets not get into another reason to use Xen :)) )

Group accounts with ssh keys controlling access.


Re: linux kills laptop hard drive... how does obsd behave?

2007-10-31 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Adliger Martinez von der Unterschicht wrote:
  I am a total amateur and new to the list. I moved recently from linux
  and I am running openbsd usually (not on this system) because of a
  number of things (I guess I don't need to be eloquent here).
  And asks me how my OS behaves. Is there a laptop mode for obsd?
  And, if so, is there a similar problem as explained in the web site?

Unless you set this up yourself, OpenBSD does not do anything like this.
Note, this does not help if the disks come with bogus firmware from the


Re: Get developers some big machines to support more RAM

2007-10-08 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Timo Schoeler wrote:
  AMD64 or EM64T machine with 8GB+ of RAM (or $1700 to buy one) needed in
  Edmonton. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Having the hardware will help some.  I've got access to some larger
hardware here at the university, and have sent out the large mem diff
for amd64 machines.  I've had almost ZERO feedback.  In the end I've
given up for the time being.

I'd still love having my own machine with 8GB+ of ram, it may motivate
me in actually finishing the patch (for amd64 at least), and possibly
help in motivating me testing any future buffer cache diffs...


Re: Speed Problems Part 2

2007-09-26 Thread Tobias Weingartner
rezidue wrote:
  kern.version=OpenBSD 4.0-stable (GENERIC.MP) #0: Thu Mar 15 07:28:19 CST

Just for the hell of it, try running GENERIC, instead of GENERIC.MP.


Re: ACPI Security

2007-09-19 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Nick Guenther wrote:
  I just came across these notes on ACPI: (search down for acpi) and got
  wondering what OpenBSD's take on securing ACPI is. Can AML code
  actually be an attack vector, or are there safeguards in place in
  OpenBSD against that?

Well, if you have access to a machine before the OS loads, all bets are
off.  I can load up a different BIOS that gives me a backdoor, or load
up a bunch of AML that does funky stuff.  Really nothing you can do to
prevent that.


Re: [Possibly OT] 16-bit Assembly Programming

2007-09-16 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aaron Hsu wrote:
  I am attempting to create an assembly program (for a class) on
  OpenBSD. The teacher has no issue with me developing the code based
  on the UNIX-based assembly (int 0x80 syscalls vs. int 0x21 Dos
  Function), but he does not want me to use 32-bit code. I believe this
  has something to do with him wanting me to use a Real-addressing
  Mode as opposed to the 32-bit protected mode. I'm doing x86

One thing your teacher may not know is that x86 assembly includes the
32-bit environment, and (now) also a 64-bit environment.  However, running
16-bit code under OpenBSD i386 is going to be somewhat difficult.  We don't
bother supplying 16-bit services, and only consume 16-bit services (from the
bios) for a few things necessary.  It is hard, and somewhat error prone.

I would recomment you run bochs and/or qemu with a freedos installation or
somesuch.  You can still use OpenBSD as your development platform, but your
code would be run inside a 16-bit (to start with) environment.  The other
nice thing is that you'd have an ICE like debugger for your code, which
can be very handy in debugging what is going wrong.

Good luck,


Re: sudo wheel group

2007-09-16 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Ted Unangst wrote:
  cp /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/xsh
  chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/xsh
 then only tell the trusted users about xsh,
 and you can avoid sudo altogether.

Ohhh... EEEVVVILLL...  :)


Re: comics and recurring donations Was: Show your appreciation and get your 4.2 DVD

2007-09-12 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Craig Brozefsky wrote:
  /me raids refrigerator for leftover curried rice...

Curried rice!  Hmm... gotta get me some new spices...


Re: unstable and multiple reboot for 4.2 on Sun X4100 M2 with ACPI enable on AMD64 with SAS RAID 1 setup.

2007-09-12 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniel Ouellet wrote:
  So, I am not sure what testing you did, unless you built your own. new 
  Snapshots was just release now, witch I will be happy to test tonight 
  and see the results and report back.

If you guys could test out my ACPI diff I posted to tech@, that may help.


Re: Atheros 5424

2007-09-04 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aaron Hsu wrote:
 I am just wondering if any work is going into the Atheros 5424 chipset? (I 
 noticed some disturbing news about new code being added to the Atheros code.)
 How much work would be involved to get the chipset working?

Documentation?  Seriously, why not ask Atheros for programming docs
for the chipset in question?


Re: Swap priority and paging strategy... a couple of questions

2007-08-22 Thread Tobias Weingartner
  My question is really around unreferenced state data that has been
  pushed out to swap and isn't being demand paged back in. Is there
  functionality in the swap strategy to migrate such pages to a lower
  priority device so that you can bias performance of pages referenced
  more often against the higher priority swap device?

No, there is not.  If there was, swap-off could be made to work.  On the
other hand, if it's never referenced...  why would you care where and on
what type of swap it happens to be?  It would likely be better off on the
slow swap so as to leave the fast stuff available to more active pages, no?


Re: Laptop death...

2007-08-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Thursday, August 2, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is really bad that your laptop is dead..

It is unfortunate that it happened now.  The timing sucks.

 but I personally always wonder how it can be that such over-qualified person
 can't even earn enough damn money for a laptop?! I mean it's not a
 airplane... I'm not a super hacker but I was able to get money to buy a
 pretty PowerBook5,7 when I needed it...

Ahh, I shouldn't respond... I really shouldn't.  Seriously, I tend to buy
my own way most places.  Unfortunately, this time lady luck decided to
abandon me at a rather inconvenient time.  My financial resources (yes, I
have a job) were busy fixing other things.  As such, my dead laptop will
basically mean that I would not have had access to a hacking laptop for
roughly 2-3 months.  This would be ok except for the fact that several of
us have been having mini hackathons on a weekly basis, and I'd like to
keep going to them (and being more productive than a pop/food server).

[rest snipped]


Laptop death...

2007-07-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Hi all,

I hate doing this, but I'm in a tiny bit of a bind.  I'm in need of a
new laptop.  My old IBM T40p is slowly giving up the ghost after 5+
years of faithful service.  As this is my main terminal to hack on and
do everything I do on a computer, it's impending doom will significantly
affect me.

I've looked at the options available, and there really are not that many.
I know that there are *lots* of laptops out there that would work, but I
am somewhat particular in what I get next.  At the current time I'm looking
at buying:

  26238YU - T60P CD/2.0 1GB 100GB 14.1 SXGA+ DVDR WLS BT DOS
  Rough Price: $1,645.99 - $1,878.99

Along with this comes taxes and shipping, etc.  Unfortunately my current
financial situation is that I can only afford to spend $400-$500 dollars
on this.  Is there anyone out there that could help me out with the rest?

Thanks a lot,


Re: Very low sound

2007-07-09 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Pieter Verberne wrote:

Strange...  Try changing these to 255.


Re: Kernel MINIROOTSIZE 8192 = No Boot

2007-06-26 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
  On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 16:51 +, Tobias Weingartner wrote:
  And no information about the machines beyond that?  No dmesg, no
  option  NKPTP=16
  ...fixed it.  I wasn't going to burn 200k and 30 minutes on an e-mail
  about an issue that likely someone already knows about and has a quick
  one-line fix such as this. (only to get a you're not running GENERIC

But you wanted us to burn that amount for you?  Somewhat selfish, no?
The dmesg, and the 'machine memory' may have helped the developers as
well.  We live in a world where information is like gold, the more you
have it, the better we can support all hardware out there.

Embedded systems are the type of systems that push the envelope of what
it means to be X (a PC, etc).  When you give more information along
with your requests you help us out by enabling us to get a better generic
view of the world out there, and possibly support fringe hardware in the
future by generalizing our code.

  I know there are people out there running embedded environments who were
  testing 4.1 during -current.

And?  They may or may not be running *your* hardware.  And we may or may
not have the information from your hardware to add to our collective list
of weird things out there.

Again, thank you for your support...


Re: Kernel MINIROOTSIZE 8192 = No Boot

2007-06-15 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
  The 1st stage loader just resets the prom before the kernel load.

And the 1st stage loader would be?  mbr? biosboot? /boot?  lilo?
winxp boot loader?  Specifics make a difference.

  Can anyone else confirm this?  You don't even need to elfrdsetroot(8) to 
  test.  Just compile bsd.rd with MINIROOTSIZE=16384.  I've been using 32768 
  on my 4.0 systems for the bsd-appliance project.

Could well be.  You may be overwriting a 16MB hole...

  I've tested it on an AMD Athalon, an AMD Geode, and a VMWare machine.

And no information about the machines beyond that?  No dmesg, no information
from the boot prompt (machine memory would be nice to have).  Grr...


Re: Volume Management

2007-05-17 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sibastien Colmant wrote:
  I m quite new to OpenBSD but i m familiar with *nix systems.
  I m currently looking at using OpenBSD to build a nas appliance,
  however after looking into the packages list i havent found a Volume
  Manager, anyone able to point me in the right direction?

fdisk(8), disklabel(8), bioctl(8), newfs(8), dump(8), restore(8)


Re: Failing to get [EMAIL PROTECTED] in X

2007-05-11 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Holst wrote:
  Quoting Jimmy Mitchener ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Try `sudo 915resolution 4d 1680 1050 32`
  If 4d is the only one that has 1680x1050 available you only have 16bit
  color, and you're trying to use 24, so it's not changing anything.
  Thanks for commenting; this is the relevant output from 915resolution:
  tori$ sudo 915resolution -l | grep 1680
  Mode 3a : 1680x1050, 8 bits/pixel
  Mode 3c : 1680x1050, 8 bits/pixel
  Mode 4b : 1680x1050, 16 bits/pixel
  Mode 4d : 1680x1050, 32 bits/pixel
  Mode 5a : 1680x1050, 24 bits/pixel
  Mode 5c : 1680x1050, 32 bits/pixel
  With those settings, I get [EMAIL PROTECTED] - but again xwininfo -root shows
  that my actual desktop size is 1680x1050.

xdpyinfo | grep dim


Re: 4.0 locked up over the weekend

2007-05-10 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Holland wrote:
  Is this an amd64 capable Sempron?  It looks like it is, based on the 
  rest of the dmesg.

Nope, no LONG in that cpu flags...


Re: configuration's errors with pf ?

2007-05-10 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Yggdrasill Senecoen wrote:
  Ssh_Cyrrhus=443block in inet

This line could be problematic.


Re: 4.0 locked up over the weekend

2007-05-10 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Tobias Weingartner wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Holland wrote:

   Is this an amd64 capable Sempron?  It looks like it is, based on the 
   rest of the dmesg.
  Nope, no LONG in that cpu flags...

And while this part is right, that CPU does not have LONG support, it
may still exhibit the PAE bug.


Re: Chances of this hardware running OpenBSD?

2007-05-09 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Timo Schoeler wrote:
  I was disappointed quite often by vaporware in the Amiga universe,

  However, as this really might become reality

Don't hold your breath.  $1500 for a system that is meant to cator
to the amiga crowd.  *shrug*  If you want to start on a port, get
in contact with P.A.Semi, and buy their SDK board.  The amiga board
looks like a 100% knock-off of it.


Re: Binary kernel and base update

2007-05-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Artur Grabowski wrote:
  Simple, I trust the people I drink beer with.

  Do they have to be drinking beer too?  :)


Re: NFS mount by non-root

2007-04-26 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Douglas Maus wrote:
  Is it possible for users (non-root) to mount NFS exports?

Mount, likely not, unless you do sudo.  Have a look at nfsshell...


Re: Prevent circumventing dansguardian with pf

2007-04-25 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Chad M Stewart wrote:
  On Apr 25, 2007, at 11:05 AM, Allen Theobald wrote:
  pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state
  This can be used as a covert communication channel.  Allowing  
  internal IPs to send/receive ping is bad.

Bull.  Not allowing ICMP is just as bad.  Worse actually, as you
are violating RFCs.  Quit spreading this FUD.


Re: Prevent circumventing dansguardian with pf

2007-04-25 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, April 25, Chad M Stewart wrote:
 I did NOT suggest blocking ALL ICMP, just echo-request and echo- 
 replies from internal hosts to untrusted IPs.

And how is this not violating RFCs?

 Trojans have used echo-request and echo-reply as a method of covert

I've you've been compromised, it's already too late.

 If you had read the original post you'd see that $icmp_types was
 defined to be echoreq.


 I don't this is FUD.

Telling people to worry about the door to the barn after the horse
has left is not FUD?  It's not misdirection?  Tell them to solve the
root of their problems instead.


Re: radeon driver in -current Xorg 7.2?

2007-04-24 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Matthew Szudzik wrote:
  Of course, but the kernel doesn't support drm, and somebody reading the 
  documentation has no way to know.  At the very least, there could be an 
  Errata section at the bottom of the man page, mentioning that OpenBSD does 
  not support hardware 3D acceleration.

Rant, rant, rave, rave, why not submit a patch?


Re: 4.1 packages on the ftp sites

2007-04-24 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], frantisek holop wrote:
  and all you others:  so is it not a punishment that you
  have the cds and still can't use them?  hypocrites, all of you!

Last time I looked, there were packages on the cd too...


Re: root on raid with external usb disks

2007-04-24 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Eugene Hercun wrote:
  I'm having a bit of a hard time trying to set up a root on software
  raid with raidctl with two external usb hard drives. The reason why I
  am trying to configure this as root on raid is because I have a fast
  notebook that is continually frying hard drives (I personally think
  that it has a blown capacitor, but this is not the point) that I do
  not want to go to waste. So basically what I wanted to do is to
  configure it as a small vpn and file server to store my personal
  photos, music, etc. and learn a little more about OpenBSD along the

Well, you sure tore of a chunk a 'chew.  You're learning now, right?
Seriously, you're in the land of it's your own problem.  Custom
kernels, etc, etc.

  The problems that I am experiencing are appearing when I try to boot
  off of the the second disk by issuing the following command at boot:
  boot boot sd1a:/bsd
  In which case I get the following response:
  booting sd1a:/bsd; open sd1a:/bsd: Invalid argument
  failed(22). will try /obsd
  I have also tried issuing boot hd1a:/bsd which gives me the same
  result. What is strange is that at the boot prompt, it only sees hd0+,
  and not the other disk.

Welcome to the land of the PC.  There are times the BIOS will not see
or report on any other disk, but the one you booted off of.  Sorry, you

  I have also tried leaving only the disk with the install copied over
  plugged in, in which case, OpenBSD starts booting, but then panics
  since it does not find /dev/console and init.
  Trace gives me:
  Debugger(d076e864,8,e8900f1c,cf71,0) at Debugger+0x4
  panic(d06b2948,e8900f64,e8900f44,0,0) at panic+0x63
  start_init(d764a000) at start_init+0x16d
  Bad frame pointer: 0xd0907ed8

No /dev/console and no init usually points to pilot error.

  I've issued the following commands when I copied over the install:
  mount /dev/raid0a /mnt
  cd /mnt
  mkdir usr tmp home var
  mount /dev/raid0d /mnt/tmp
  mount /dev/raid0e /mnt/var
  mount /dev/raid0g /mnt/usr
  mount /dev/raid0h /mnt/home
  cd /mnt
  tar -Xcpf - / | tar -xvpf -

This only copies root.  And it's a bad copy at that...  hint, read the
tar(1) manpage, in particular the '-X' option section.

Also, what makes you think that '/boot' can actually boot things off a
raid partition?  Depending on things, you may or may not be able to boot
a kernel off such a device.  Which is entirely separate from having said
device be a root partition in the end.

  I've included below, copies of disklabel information, and my dmesg.
  Thank you in advance for everyone's help.
  device: /dev/sd1a
  type: SCSI
  disk: SCSI disk
  label: MHV2080AH
  bytes/sector: 512
  sectors/track: 32
  tracks/cylinder: 64
  sectors/cylinder: 2048
  cylinders: 76319
  total bytes: 76319.1M
  free bytes: 0.1M

What the hell is this crap?  Did you use '-p m' on this?  It makes the
output somewhat useless...

  16 partitions:
  # sizeoffset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
a:512.0M  0.0M  4.2BSD   2048 16384  323 # Cyl 0*-   
c:  76319.1M  0.0M  unused  0 0  # Cyl 0 - 
d:  75807.0M512.0MRAID   # Cyl   512 - 

Yup, I have no idea of the first partition starts too early or not.

  16 partitions:
  # sizeoffset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
a:300.0M  0.0M  4.2BSD   2048 16384  323 # Cyl 0 -   


  OpenBSD 4.0 (GENERIC.RAID) #0: Sun Apr 22 09:50:48 PDT 2007
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC.RAID

And here we stop... as we don't have your GENERIC.RAID, and to be
blunt, I certainly don't have the time to try and re-create your
unique setup.

Also, let's think about this for a while.  No, go back and think.  You
wanted to learn about a new environment.  That's a comendable goal in
itself.  But think about it again.  What did you do wrong?  Seriously.
You expected to learn about a new environment on buggy hardware in a
completely non-standard setup.  Well, learn you will, a *very* steep
learning curve.  If you like pain, I recommend you keep going on the
path you are on.  Personally I salute you, it is the way that I wish
more people would try to learn.

However, if you want things easier.  Find a stable box.  No, just a
capacitor is *not* a stable hardware platform.  What makes you think
that there is *NOTHING* else wrong with it?  The argument of I don't
have one does not hold up.  Most places on this planet you can find
an older computer to do the job.  Then use a standard GENERIC setup for
your first go around.  Much less pain, much less steep learning curve.

Good luck,


Re: Loading a Second Kernel

2007-04-23 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jon Steel wrote:
  I have gotten this to work with the use of a file to pass information
  between boots, but that is not an ideal solution. What I really want is
  either a way to pass a parameter to the BIOS so that it can pass it to
  boot upon restarting, or a way to reload the boot loader into memory and
  then execute it.

This is not really possible on the PC architecture.  The only way to
currently do this is to hack things.  Either by putting some stuff into
RAM, with checksums and all, and have /boot search for it, and if it
find it, execute it.  This may or may not work.  Some BIOS clear memory
on reboot, others don't.

Another way is to do some hacking to the unused parts of the NVRAM on
PCs, and check for that in /boot again, modifying the boot process as
you want.

  It would even be fine to use another operating system on the first boot.
  So it boots up into say Gentoo, and then when Im done with that, I want
  to load OpenBSD.

If that is the case, run vmware with a windows/linux host.  You can then
boot different root disks for example.

  Does anybody have an idea how I can approach this?

Bug Dell and other big consortium PC makers to have a BIOS API defined to
store things and retrieve things from NVRAM.  Hell to document what the
BIOS will use to configure console redirection, boot ordering, etc, so that
we can store and use the information in a compatible manner from userland.

Oh, while you're at it, have them define a simple way to do a putc(3) and
getc(3) through the bios as well (from 16-bit and 32-bit applications),
that will respect console redirections of course.



Re: Webservers with Terrabytes of Data in - recomended setups

2007-04-23 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Holland wrote:
  Dumping the data from one disk to another is fine and dandy when you
  are talking about your 40G disk on your home or desktop computer,
  the fact that you are down for a few hours is no big deal.  But what
  about a server?  I don't care how fast your disks are, moving 300G of
  data to a new disk system is a lot of slow work.

This I usually quantify as:  we double storage capacity every 18 months,
unfortunately, we double transfer speed (actual access/read/write speed)
only much slower than that.  Deal with it.


Re: encrypted svnd and disk throughput

2007-03-29 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
  MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  
  databank.x 300M 18877  91 22440  71 11985  77 20317  75 30745  68 


You have a 150MB (roughly) machine?

  processor and 1 GB of 400 MHz DDR2 RAM on i386 4.0-release.

Oh, nope.

  if there is anything further that i can do to up the write and read 
  speeds of these drives besides what i've mentioned above, please let me 

Use a larger test case to test your hypothesis.

  using 4256 buffers containing 53764096 bytes (52504K) of memory

So, out of your 300MB test, 52MB was likely cached in various ways.

That being said, svnd/vnd devices have not really been optimized for
speed.  They are there and work, but could likely stand to be changed
and developed significantly.


Re: Google's Perftools and tcmalloc - Worth the risk?

2007-03-19 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Richard Wilson wrote:
  I dunno. Am I being overly paranoid, or should I stick with nice 
  dependable old-fashioned malloc?

I usually take dependable and slightly slower over faster and nastier
any day.  Especially if it's fast enough.


Re: Google's Perftools and tcmalloc - Worth the risk?

2007-03-19 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Monday, March 19, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:
Optimally, you could switch between allocators as a compile-time
 define. U se a tougher allocator for debugging and stress testing. Use
 a lighter, faster one in situ ations where you are confident that the
 code is solid and needs speed more than bullet-res istance.

If that was usefull, people would do this all the time.  You're making
a number of assumptions.  Amoung them is that the ligther allocator does
not have any bugs that are exploitable.  That there is no interaction
between it and the rest of your code (say it allocated free'd memory in
a certain pattern that is exploitable by external code), and a host of
other things.

Also, as most people that have done large-scale real-world deployment
of services will tell you, you need real-world excersizing of your code
in order to find your bugs.  The rest (test data, etc) is a way to get
some assurance, but in the end it does not substitute for the real thing.

Compile time options are bad.


Re: auto adding of hosts to bad_guys table

2007-01-29 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aaron Martinez wrote:
  For instance, i don't run telnetd anywhere and so if a connection to 
  port 23 is made, i would like to add the connecting machine's IP to a 
  'bad_guys' table on the fly so subsequent connects will be dropped.  For 
  the life of me i can't find where i read this.. is it possible or was i 
  imagining it?

Nah, read the pf faq, or the pf/pf.conf manpage.  Just set the
connections per time to a really low value for a given time (like 1/60)
on the rule/port which you are dealing with, which should pretty much
give you what you're looking for.


Re: fdisk automation scripts? Autopartition?

2006-12-06 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Michael Dexter wrote:
  Might anyone have any pointers to sources of fdisk automation scripts
  for OpenBSD that that can determine the size of a disk and follow a
  set of partitioning guidelines? Scenario: cookie-cutter systems with
  different drive sizes. Options like use the remainder for /usr are
  always handy.

[Wrapping lines is handy...]

fdisk -i

What you're looking for is disklabel, and the manpage may help...


Re: Firewall partially failing with high traffic

2006-11-14 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Chris Cameron wrote:
  I have a 3.8 PF/CARP setup that I can reproducibly screw up simply by
  cat'ing lots of text over a telnet session.

Chances are that you're hitting some bug in 3.8, that has likely been
fixed in 3.9, or 4.0.  Or the rule you're using to pass the traffic is
wrong.  You using keep state?  Are you using 'flags S/SA' on that

With the amount of information you've given, it is hard to even theorize
what could be wrong.  People would need more information.


Re: [OT] sparc64 CPU specifications: pipelines

2006-10-31 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Paul Irofti wrote:
  Thanks, but I'm interested in specfic details regarding sparc, not generic
  concepts and fundamentals.

Sparc as implemented by whom?  I mean, you can find VHDL/Verilog source
out there for the LEON implementation of the sparc CPU.  But I'm
sure that futjitsu, and everyone else out there likely did their own
implementation of pipelining/etc.


Re: Boost OpenBSD security - Zophie for 3.9

2006-10-31 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Wijnand Wiersma wrote:
  Development cycle of OpenBSD4.0 support starts tomorrow and will be
  finished when 4.1 releases?

Sure, why not.


Re: Contributing and Shame [Was: Lenovo notebooks?]

2006-10-30 Thread Tobias Weingartner
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Breen Ouellette wrote:
  I feel that if the user base can meet the financial needs of the project 
  then the user base is doing its part. Unfortunately, I know of several 
  people who use OpenBSD that will never send in a flat penny. These are 
  the same people that have 2TB of disk space on their main desktop, 
  running a pirated copy of Windows XP, with 2000 CDs and DVDs of pirated 
  music and movies sitting on their bookshelf. They feel that everything 
  that isn't nailed down should be free.

I believe that you mean they feel that anything that is not nailed down
is free to be stolen.  There is quite the chasm between free and stolen


Re: GPL = BSD + DRM [Was: Re: Intel's Open Source Policy Doesn't Make Sense]

2006-10-06 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Martin Schrvder wrote:
  2006/10/6, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Its complete and utter nonsense actually.  The linux kernel is used in
  closed source products all the time, it has no effect there just like it
  Please show us one example of a closed source Linux device.

Sure, the broadcom wireless device inside the linksys routers.  Yes, they
are open source devices, you can get the linux distribution from linksys,
but good luck getting source for their blobs.

  On the contrary closed source Linux systems have been forced (even in
  court) to deliver the sources. This is impossible with BSD.

Some yes, at the expense of other freedoms.


Re: What is the equivalent to glibc's __libc_freeres?

2006-08-11 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Vesselin Peev wrote:
  The glibc C runtime library has a function __libc_freeres to free any memory 
  allocated by the runtime. What is the equivalent in OpenBSD's libc?



Re: 4.0-beta

2006-07-28 Thread Tobias Weingartner
Bryan Irvine wrote:
 I can't wait to see what goodies you've been holding back for the
 4.0release. ;)

Hold back?

 Congrats on the momentum, and thanks for the good work.

Thanks. :)


Re: OpenBSD 3.8 ports quality?

2006-03-12 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Sunday, March 12, Wijnand Wiersma wrote:
 I have a problem with gnome and the gnome guys should just fix it.

So, go bug the gnome guys.

 Switching is NOT the solution.

I use crappy software, it crashes, I like the pain, I will
not switch, please help.  I have a LART here somewhere...


Re: Backup MX server

2006-03-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Thursday, March 2, Rod.. Whitworth wrote:
 On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 23:16:59 -0600, Graham Toal wrote:
 If your DNS is on the same net as the mailer, its down too.  Senders
 soon get no result at all when they look you up, with the result that
 mail *bounces* (unknown address) rather than requeues. 
 NO - it does not! Well, not unless the sending MTA is broken. To quote
 from Postfix documentation referring to not getting an MX record from
  By default, the Postfix SMTP client defers delivery and tries again
 after some delay. This behavior is required by the SMTP standard.

If the client can't find any DNS information on the destination, it
tends to bounce.  At least in all non-broken MTAs.  Try it.  Send
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see what happens.

 It also neglects the fact that lots of caching nameservers elsewhere
 will have a copy of the records that likely will not expire for quite
 sometime. I know mine are set to 3600 but I have had the sad experience
 of changing a domain from one dns hosting service to another and the
 old one had a TTL good for a week.

This was 1/2 his argument.  No DNS info means no DNS info.  Not somewhere
out there (sung like the song) we have a cache...

 Note that 5 days of pent-up mail arriving at once can kill a
 machine even if it is normally up to the peak loads you get,
 so you want a throttling control both on what the backup MX
 forwards to you when you return, and what you accept from
 other sources when you return.
 5 days of pent up mail will NOT all arrive at once. Not all of the
 senders will try again simultaneously and it is also likely that each
 of them will also not even flush all of the delayed messages in one
 batch. Rate limiting in decent MTAs  mitigates the problem.

It most certainly will if the backup MTA sends it all at once.  And if
you read what you responded to, he said make sure that the backups
to rate limiting.  And you respond with Rate lmiting in decent MTAs
mitigates the problem.  So?  Why are you saying what you are saying?

 That said, having backup DNS located elsewhere is never harmful as long
 as you can get it updated as fast as your master in house.

scp, rsync, etc, etc.  It will tend to get updated faster than the primary,
considering you've got to edit the primiry's version by hand (usually).


Re: SMP process control

2006-02-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Sunday, February 26, Sgt. Stedenko wrote:
 Is there a way to tell a process to switch which processor it's using in the
 SMP version of the obsd 3.8 system?

Short of using the primary cpu with a UP kernel, no.

 Also, have there been any efforts into Ethernet device polling in the bge
 drivers? On a gigabit network the interrupts are eating a large portion of
 the cpu0 and thought it might help the situation.

No.  There is a lot more going on then you seem to possible fathom.


Re: SMP process control

2006-02-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Sunday, February 26, Sgt. Stedenko wrote:
 I had already seen that one and didn't find it to be any help. Thanks
 anyways though for taking the time. The author offers a solution but no
 explanation. I've tuned many sysctl's and experimented with the mtu's,
 changing from autoselect to 1000baseT, a few more things. It's two devices
 acting as a bridge and together they keep a dual opteron system at 70% on
 CPU0 and the second CPU1 doesn't see any action until CPU0 maxes out. I'd
 like to change this behaviour.

I hope you can code.  Seriously.


Re: /etc and partitions

2006-02-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Monday, February 27, Michael Schmidt wrote:
 version: 3.8
 architecture: i386
 I have seen that /etc cannot be located on a separated partition.
 Why can it be not on an extra partition?

Where is the information located that tells it how/where to mount
the /etc partition from?


Re: boot.conf

2006-02-24 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Friday, February 24, Michael Schmidt wrote:
 In case you put a boot into boot.conf or set timeout to zero then you 
 do not have the opportunity to boot in single user when it may be 
 necessary.  Are there ways to circumvent the latter?

With physical access to the machine, yes, there are many ways.



2006-02-21 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, February 21, Gustavo Rios wrote:
 I was wondering what is the state of art in SMP technologies ?

The state of art in SMP tech is this misc@ list.  Seriously, think
about it.  You've just made (and me too!) thousands of cpu's burn
some useless energy in processing your question.  How neat!  And
since this will turn into yet another flame fest, there will be
more money and energy burned in this cause.

 I would like to know how close is OpenBSD to it?

Well... chances are OpenBSD is running the lists, so we're the root
(in some sense) of all this evil!  Wow, we actually control (again
to some extent) all of this power.  We *ARE* the state of art in SMP

 Thanks in advance.

You're welcome.


Re: Atheros WG311T Rev 1, return it or not?

2006-02-21 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, February 21, Aaron Hsu wrote:
 ath0 at pci3 dev 7 function 0 Atheros AR5212 rev 0x01: irq 10
 ath0: AR5213 7.9 phy 4.5 rf2112a 5.6: RF radio not supported

I'd say that would give you a clue.  Looks like the radio (rf2112a) is
not supported yet.


Re: Sudo

2006-02-11 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Saturday, February 11, Dave Feustel wrote:
 I found out via a google search on 'tickets sudo' about
 the behavior I had discovered and reported. Then after Otto
 let me know how pathetic my post was,  I went back to man sudo
 but found nothing about tickets or about sudo being active in
 all shells. There may be something in the sudo man page that 
 describes this behavior, but I haven't spotted it yet. 
 My reading skills must be deteriorating.

From the first paragraph under DESCRIPTION:

  Once a user has been authenticated, a timestamp is updated and the
  user may then use sudo without a password for a short period of time
  (5 minutes unless overridden in sudoers).

Note, it says user, not shell the user is using.


Re: Linksys (Cisco) = OpenBSD VPN config

2006-02-08 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 8, Jack Culpepper wrote:
 Encryption Key: 123456789012345678901234
 Authentication Key: 12345678901234567890
 So then on the OpenBSD end, those correspond to:
 Encryption Key: 3132333435363738393a3132333435363738393a31323334
 Authentication Key: 3132333435363738393a3132333435363738393a
 Right?  Because on the Linksys web interface, each character is a byte, and
 on the OpenBSD side, each pair of hex characters is a byte.

I don't know... but 3a != 0.


Re: openbsd's future plans?

2006-02-08 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 8, chefren wrote:
 On 02/08/06 14:56, Nickolay A Burkov wrote:
  Weee! I think OpenBSD kernel should be implemented in hardware part!
 Of course, big gate array and stellar performance.
 So the language should be VHDL!

Ugh!  That's akin to using C++ and C# at the same time.  Use
Verilog or something a little more sane... :)


Re: openbsd's future plans?

2006-02-07 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 8, Felipe Scarel wrote:
 Just to explain better what happened, I was willing to install OpenBSD on
 the machine even if it somewhat lost some power because of the SMP stuff.
 However, my boss doesn't share the same views regarding security with me,
 so I had no choice. Since this is a CS Department, it's rather impossible to
 disagree with the people here when it comes to computers.

Bull.  You can always disagree.  Run on the system what is needed.  If you
need high-performance SMP, see what there is available that will give you
the performance you need.  Stick it behind a decent firewall.

If this is to be a firewall... well, you makes your choices...


Re: Brain wash for live partition, or directory mirroring concept idea(s)?

2006-02-02 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 1, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
 The idea is to configure a directory on a master server to copy the file 
 that are change in it's monitor directory to one or multiple other 
 server(s) in the same directory structure.

nfs?  You keep the master copy on the nfs server, and the slave
copies on the clients...  You export the portion that you want to
be able to mount.  It's all there... :)

Well, ok, except the part about what happens when the server goes


Re: MAC filter Bridge

2006-02-02 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 1, Badbanchi Hossein wrote:
  Basing security policies on something as easily changable as a MAC
  address (and as public as a MAC address) is stupid. 
 Thanks for the complement.

You're welcome.  Honestly though, what would you call it?

 Although this might seem (or actually BE) stupid in environments
 publicly accessible, but for a closed environment like our company
 LAN, this is good enough.  Here I don't want to protect the LAN
 against the extreme hacker, but against our legitimate guests who come
 to visit someone or take part in some meeting, and simply open their
 laptop and connect the NIC to the nearest free LAN socket.  This
 could be because they want to download the latest PowerPoint file for
 their presentation!

 Our policy is to provide Internet Access to our guests (of course
 while logging every activity), but we need to first distinguish them
 in order to provide them with at least an initial AUP (Acceptable
 User Policy), or even scan the machine for vulnerabilities and the

And who's to say they actually read the AUP?  Personally I'd do it
slightly different.

1) Mac-lock the switch ports of the machines that are supposed to be
connected permanently.  (Yes, not perfect, but what can you do...)

2) vlan the ports that are plug-and-play to their own vlan

3) Use authpf to authenticate them, at least then you can ply them
with your AUP before they accept (type a password).  It will be a
lot less implied, but an active action taken on their part.

  Rethink your approach.

 Other approaches like 802.1x is also known to me. But our need is more
 modest .

Have a look at authpf.  It's not the end-all be-all, but it does solve a
lot of problems in a very elegant fashion.


Re: MAC filter Bridge

2006-02-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 1, Badbanchi Hossein wrote:
 Does this really mean that no hash function is used? I mean if I have 2
 MAC Addresses and want to check **each packet** against this list serially, 
 I suppose I had better forget about it! 

The immediate question that rises to the surface is... WHY?


Re: MAC filter Bridge

2006-02-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, February 1, Badbanchi Hossein wrote:
 I intend to switch the traffic originating from unknown MACs to a quaranti
 subnet, connected to a third interface member of the bridge.

Basing security policies on something as easily changable as a MAC
address (and as public as a MAC address) is stupid.  Rethink your


Re: boot.conf timeout ignored on amd64?

2006-01-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Friday, January 27, Toni Mueller wrote:
 - /etc/boot.conf ---
 set timeout 30
 boot /bsd.mpr
 - /etc/boot.conf ---
 This should give me a 30 second pause before the machine boots the
 named kernel, but instead, it boots _immediately_, so I have no time to
 make up my mind to choose a different kernel. What am I doing wrong?

No, boot.conf is just as if you had typed the stuff on the command line.
When you say 'boot foo', the bootblocks go ahead, and boot foo.  No wait.
No sleep.

What you want is something like:

set timeout 30
set image /bsd.mpr


Re: Marvell Yukon 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit

2006-01-25 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, January 25, Christoph Fritz wrote:
 Maybe the linux source is all docu they give out?

Linux source is *not* documentation.


Re: pf by mac address?

2006-01-23 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Sunday, January 22, David Benfell wrote:
 Is it possible?

You have hostile users.  They know how to change IP addresses.  You
want to block by another means they are able to change.  Instead have
a look at authpf.


Re: Apple MacBook Pro support

2006-01-11 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, January 11, Constantine A. Murenin wrote:
 Anyone has any plans on this matter?

Do you have enough money to buy a few (note, more than 2) developers
the required hardware, along with the documentation (if they are not
using a standard PC bios) to do the port?  Are you willing to part
ways with it?  If you say yes to both, I'll devote some time to having
a good look at it... :)


Re: Blowfish still good enough?

2006-01-04 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, January 4, Andreas Bartelt wrote:
 In my personal opinion, I think, the weakest link is entering the 
 password when opening a svnd device. Are there already solutions known 
 which combine passwords (knowledge) with hardware devices (i.e. 
 smartcards) or biometrics in order to access some secure storage? I 
 don't own one, but don't at least a couple of newer IBM notebook models 
 have a fingerprint reader and a TPM built in? Do you think a combination 
 of these measures would improve overall security?

Sure, if you can get me the datasheet/etc, I'll see about possibly
writing a driver for the fingerprint reader.  I've contacted the
company that makes them, and they refused to even talk to me.  Maybe
you have better luck.

Otherwise, it's all talk...



2006-01-03 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, January 3, martin wrote:
 Does OpenBSD 3.8 use the APIC (Advanced Programmable Interrupt
 Controller) ?

In, yes.

 Some cards, e,g telephony and framegrabbers have issues with the
 limited standard XT 16 IRQ's.

How so?

 APIC motherboards give you 24 or more (I've seen as many as 101)

Sure, let's see... You'd need 24 / 4 (A, B, C, and D) = 6 PCI slots.
I suppose that's doable on a MB.  Why you'd need 101 interrupt pins
is beyond me...

 Besides doing a dmesg | grep irq, is there another way at seeing the
 assigned interrupts.  e.g. For Linux  cat /proc/interrupts  reveals:-
 Dell PowerEdge 2850 (dual Xeon)
 cat /proc/interrupts
   CPU0   CPU1
  0:6184515 72IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:  8  1IO-APIC-edge  i8042
  9:  0  0   IO-APIC-level  acpi
 12: 65  1IO-APIC-edge  i8042
 14: 11  2IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 46:  19595  1   IO-APIC-level  megaraid
 64:  66366  1   IO-APIC-level  eth0
 65:  77045  1   IO-APIC-level  eth1
 101: 6113521 1 IO-APIC-level wctdm
 NMI: 1 0
 LOC: 6184694 6184698
 ERR: 0
 MIS: 0

Ok, you've got 4 level, and 4 edge triggered interrupts.  In order
to manage these, you need at least 5 pins (ok, 2 would do, but I'll
say that each edge should have it's own), and at most 8.

Your APIC is not going to help in the department much over the older
style PIC.  It does tend to be faster though...


Re: learning to code - suggestions needed

2006-01-03 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, January 3, Joe S wrote:
 Do you have any recommendations on how I should get started?
 Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.

Just get started.  Learn C.  Look at code.  Read code.  Understand.


Re: finding duplicate files

2005-12-16 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Friday, December 16, Smith wrote:
 Is there any unix utility or script or OpenBSD port that will find 
 duplicate binary files within a directory?

md5(1) and sort(1) should largely do what you want.


Re: Tyan Thunder LE SMP issues

2005-11-17 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, November 16, Lokkju wrote:
 Sorry, given in this context means someone is letting me play with
 them to see if I can get them working with OpenBSD.  They display
 equivalent crashes in NetBSD - I have not tried FreeBSD or any linux

Ok, if 2 operating systems show similar crashes...  I'd hazard a safe
guess that there is something broken.

 As for Memcheck86+, I can leave it running for over 24 hours
 with no issues, and no errors reported.

As far as I know, this is UP, and does not use SMP.  Chances are you
have some sort of SMP issue... maybe with the 2nd CPU.


Re: Tyan Thunder LE SMP issues

2005-11-17 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Thursday, November 17, Lokkju wrote:
 Well, according to Theo, this is something of a known bug - he told me
 that you (Toby) were working on it...

I have yet to be convinced of that.  All the bugs in this area have so
far been hardware issues.  But I've been wrong before...

 As Brain said, I have swapped the processors, and run memcheck86 with
 each of them being in the first slot.  If anyone has any further
 suggestions on how I might test the hardware portion, I would love to
 try them, as I have a total of two duplicate motherboards, 4 duplicate
 processors, and 8 duplicate 256MB ram sticks I can try swapping

Split it into 2 identical systems.  See if both of them have the same
problem.  That would help me out somewhat.


Re: Filesystem redundancy

2005-11-16 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, November 16, Will H. Backman wrote:
 Maybe OpenBSD can merge with OpenVMS, which should be easy given that
 four of the letters are already the same.  OpenVMS has some amazing
 clustering capabilities.

It's actually 5 letters... and if *you* can't even get that
much right, how the *HELL* is such a merge ever going to get
properly done!?!  :)


Re: stat() st_ctime

2005-11-14 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, November 15, B. Gas wrote:
 I run system call to stat from a little
 C program that show the status of a file,..
 The time displayed is in seconds and therefore
 I need some help from anyone to show me how
 to make the time_stamp to look like something
 for example the example below:
 Access: 2005-11-09 09:17:46 (2005-11-09 08:17:46 UTC)
 Modify: 2005-11-09 09:17:01 (2005-11-09 08:17:01 UTC)
 Change: 2005-11-09 09:17:01 (2005-11-09 08:17:01 UTC)

man ctime(3), date(1), etc...


Re: Telnet daemon retired in 3.8 ?

2005-11-08 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, November 8, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
 Telnet is a horribly insecure protocol subject to at least two attacks
 by third parties with access to any part of the network between the two
 hosts. Thus, telnetd is gone for a damn good reason, that being that
 it's a turd that has no place in a secure by default OS.

nc(1) is an option...

 If you absolutely must have telnetd, I guess you can compile it from the
 source in 3.7, but please, you should be fully aware that this opens up
 security holes big enough that a tank can be driven through without the
 appropriate countermeasures; at a minimum, you should use one-time
 passwords (S/Key) to make password sniffing useless, and only allow
 telnet connections from networks where you know for sure nobody with
 root access will try to hijack or eavesdrop on connections (such as a
 LAN where either you are the sole admin or you know and trust the other

Or tunnel it... oh, say through ssh?  :) :) :)


Re: Limiting Shell Access Damage (was Guruness)

2005-10-19 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, October 19, Will H. Backman wrote:
 Turning this into a learning experience:  Does anyone have any hints or
 advice about hardening OpenBSD for shell accounts.  Do people tweak
 things other than the login.conf settings?  I have to deal with student
 shell accounts where students are learning to program and often create
 problems by accident.

A number of things... login.conf is your best friend.  We used to run
labs of OpenBSD machines here.  They were easily our most stable and
workable platform.


Re: Migration to PF - some questions

2005-10-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Saturday, October 1, Travis H. wrote:
 Yeah, I neglected stateful matching.  I should have said that every
 packet that has to run the gauntlet of rules, has to run all of them. 
 Subsequent reading of the PF FAQ confirms that there's no deep
 evaluation-reordering magic going on, that quick rules really are

There are various optimizations going on, in particular, skip-steps
is one that has proven to be effective... :)


Re: PostgreSQL/other DBs and OpenBSD?

2005-09-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Monday, September 26, Szechuan Death wrote:
 What is wrong with dump/restore/tar is that nobody running a network
 larger than two computers uses it.  Yes, I'm sure you can make it work
 with plenty of Perl scripting, some clever use of cron and ssh, and
 plenty of disk space.  Nobody in their right mind wants to create such
 a Frankenstein's monster, or to maintain it.  Also, dump/restore/tar
 et al. doesn't handle tape or pool management, so you get the limitless
 joy of having to figure out which tapes/volumes can be safely expired -
 woe betide you if you guess wrong!  Oops, maybe there's data on all
 the tapes that you need, so you can't reuse any of them.  How do you
 compact it?  And so forth.  I don't even want to _think about_ the
 scripting that would require.  Oh, did I mention that dump/restore
 don't exist on anything but a Unix system?

ports/misc/amanda - check it out.

 Administrators don't want that; they want a daemon that they can change
 the flags for in rc.conf from NO to , tweak the config file for five
 minutes, start the daemon, and feel the file-duplicating happiness as
 their clients are backed up painlessly.  This is what I propose.

Backup is as individual as you and me.

 I propose some default features - transparent encryption of backed-up
 files, perhaps, maybe even SSL for transport - that would make it
 a _secure_ backup solution that is usable over the big, bad Internet.
 Again, looking at the original post, the database seemed to me to be
 part and parcel of this, for efficiency reasons.  As you might be
 aware, you can't have a dependency outside the src/ tree; you can't
 have an OpenBAK or whatever that pauses in the middle of make to
 say This requires PostgreSQL from the ports tree, go install it
 and come back.  Not gonna work.  That compels the introduction of
 a database as well.

I *dont* want a database in my backup scheme.  At least not the type
you are thinking of.  It has been my unfortunate experience that the
database will usually let me down at the worst of times.  Sure, if you
need some indexes to search things faster, so be it, but be able to
search without them.

You've not thought this through beyond Hey, what is this kneejerking
happening here?  Oh, I get it, everything about OpenBSD is so easy, I
wish files would just automagically be backed up as well!

Nice thought, honestly.  Now, do some research.


Re: make build fails

2005-09-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, September 27, =?ISO-8859-15?Q?J=F6rg_Horchler?= wrote:
 I installed OpenBSD 3.7 via cd37.iso and HTTP. Now I want to build a new 
 release. I checked out the source code via 'cvs co -P -rOPENBSD_3_7 
 src'. Then I did what is written in 'man release'. (Build a new kernel 
 etc.) But when I do a 'make build' it fails with

Ok, the documented proceedure does work...

 === usr.sbin/afs/usr.sbin/ydr


 === usr.sbin/afs/lib
 === usr.sbin/afs/lib/libarla
 ln -sf /usr/ lwp.c
 ln -sf /usr/ lwp.h
 ../../usr.sbin/ydr/ydr -I/usr/ 
 ../../usr.sbin/ydr/ydr: not found
 *** Error code 1


 Stop in /usr/ (line 32 of 
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/
 *** Error code 1
 Stop in /usr/
 *** Error code 1

Huh!?!  Where in the documentation does it say to put the source in

 Stop in /usr/ (line 72 of Makefile).
 What can I do to build a release?

Follow the documentation.


Re: Live dc

2005-09-20 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, September 20, Alex Stamatis wrote:
 I want to thank all of you who replied on my previous mail about the live
 cd. I've seen many of those links you sent me which talk on how you can
 create a live cd. I would have done it my self but unfortunatelly I cant due
 to tech reasons right now.

Do the tech reasons happen to exist between your ears?  Ok, that was a
little harsh.  I appologize.

 Also I dont know if it would have been good since
 i am an openbsd noob ! As i said I study at the American College of Greece
 and the head of dept agreed to use obsd for the teaching of unix instead of
 the crapy linux and asked me to get it to him.

So, point your browser at and purchase a 3.8 CD
set.  Give that to you head of department.

 So if someone can create this
 live cd and upload it on the web just to download it and dist to all college
 I would really apriciate it.

You want us to distribute a live cd to all the colleges?

 I know that time is precious for everybody so
 if noone can do it I will understand. But if you can you will help openbsd
 grow not only in many ppl but in the educational system of c.i.s as well.

How precious do you think this time is?  Enough to pay?  Enough to
actually go and look at some of the links that people have given
you?  Enough for you to spend some time, money, and frustration in
following one or two of those links?


Re: Technical OpenBSD kernel documentation.

2005-09-15 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, September 14, Bernd Schoeller wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 10:03:36AM -0600, Tobias Weingartner wrote:
  Anything not covered by man pages is covered by the source.
 This is nicely said, but ...
 reading source code (any language) of a complex system is very
 difficult without information on concepts. It is like trying to find
 your way around a city without a map.

I've done that.  :)  You start to build yourself a map.  Take a small
part of the world you see, and explore it.  The move on from there.
A map will only tell you that some things are connected.  But it will
in general not tell you that the really cool Pho place is just down
that street, around a corner and 1/2 down a small tiny alley.

And trust me, you want to find that Pho place...

 Perhaps this knowledge is one of the differences between the people
 that know the insides of OpenBSD and the others (that includes me, I
 am currently trying very hard to work myself into the code).
 Also, not ever part of the source code is easy to understand. C code
 tends to use acronyms for variable and function names.
 The man 9 pages are a great help (OpenBSD at least offers these, much
 better that many other OSs), but a query for more abstract information
 should not be answered by a 'read the source'.

Unfortunately, in many cases it must be.  You become fluent in various
parts of the kernel source by reading it.  Studying it, and changing it.
The documentation that is out there is a guide or overview at the
very best, and misleading at the worst.

 I am working with McKusick/Neville-Neil's Design and Implementation
 of the FreeBSD OS and the Stevens books (TCP Illustrated and Advanced
 Programming in the Unix environment), though I can not say yet how far
 this will help me with OpenBSD. Cross-reading the book with the man
 pages and the source might help.

Again, for the concepts, I'm sure those books have value.  Maybe for
some bed-side reading.


Re: adding a partition, fdisk, disklabel, and other fun

2005-09-07 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Tuesday, September 6, Kelly Martin wrote:
 I've got an A6 primary partition with various /usr and /var style partitions
 within. Pretty standard, but I ran out of disk space. I added a second
 primary A6 partition in the freespace of the same disk using fdisk, but
 cannot figure out how to use disklabel and newfs properly to add this new
 partition and then mount it as /var/www/htdocs.

In general, we don't support two A6 partitions.  Having said that, there
is nothing preventing you from partitioning it as something else (say.. um,
MSDOS-16, or... some other non-descript number), and then using disklabel
to use that space (I forget the command that let's you edit the label with
out-of-bounds portions).

Not necessarily recommended, will void your warranty, and you could loose


Re: adding a partition, fdisk, disklabel, and other fun

2005-09-07 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Wednesday, September 7, Alexander Hall wrote:
 Well, I was referring to the OBSD MBR partition (of type A6) (aka BIOS 
 partitions), a' la fdisk(8). Maybe a bit unclear on that.
 So, basically, I wondered if it would be possible to extend
MBR:  ||A6 partition..|Unpartitioned|...|
OBSD:  |.|wd0a|..|wd0f|
MBR:  ||A6 partition|...|
OBSD:  |.|wd0a|..|wd0f|wd0g|wd0h|...|

Yes, that is very possible.  Just edit the A6 partition to have
a new end where you want it.


Re: Disable/Passprotect single user mode

2005-08-27 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Saturday, August 27, Dave Feustel wrote:
 On Saturday 27 August 2005 06:07, JSD wrote:
  I have a big root access problem. If someone has physical
  access to my OpenBSD box, than he/she can swith into single
  user mode (-s) and can change the password of root. It is a
  big problem for me and I would like to password protect this
  single user mode or to totally disable this function but I
  don't know how.
 In your bios, you should be able to set a boot password which will prevent
 booting until the password is given. 

Oh god, please just read the ttys(5) manual, and mark the
console as not being secure.  PC's in general are shitty
pieces of hardware that are easy to circumvent.

You BIOS password would prevent the machine from booting
automatically after power outtage for example...


Re: x86 rings?

2005-08-04 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Thursday, August 4, Ed White wrote:
 Is there any plan to use x86 cpus rings (0..3) to improve OpenBSD security?

Can you enlighten me how that would improve security?
If you can show me a way that does not break the unix/posix
model of the universe, I'm all ears.


Re: syslogd udp port

2005-08-04 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Thursday, August 4, poncenby wrote:
 I remember asking how to stop syslogd opening udp port 514 a while ago 
 and never doing anything about it, here goes again...

And people asked you to search the archives.

 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address  Foreign Address(state)
 udp0  0  *.514  *.*

Yes, yes, it's got a socket open.  So what?

 reading the man page doesn't really answer why there is program 
 listening on udp 514, seeing as I haven't passed syslogd the -u switch
 -u  Select the historical ``insecure'' mode, in which syslogd will
   accept input from the UDP port.  Some software wants this, but
   you can be subjected to a variety of attacks over the network,
   including attackers remotely filling logs.
 can anyone point me in the right direction so this annoying behaviour stops.
 also, is there a switch for netstat which shows the pid/process for each 
 listening port?

About 5 F*ING LINES later the man page says:

   syslogd opens an Internet domain socket as specified in /etc/services.
   Normally syslogd will only use this socket to send messages outwards, but
   in ``insecure'' mode it will also read messages from this socket.
   syslogd also opens and reads messages from the UNIX domain socket
   /dev/log, and from the special device /dev/klog (to read kernel mes-

   syslogd opens the above described socket whether or not it is running in
   secure mode.  If syslogd is running in secure mode, all incoming data on
   this socket is discarded.  The socket is required for sending forwarded

Read, breathe, relax...  Just because a program has a port open does not
mean it is insecure.  It could be having a port open in order to *SEND*
data, and never *EVER* receive data.


Re: IDE / SATA Filesystem Mounting Problem

2005-07-24 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Sunday, July 24, bofh wrote:
 On 7/24/05, George Georgalis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have the sense there is a way to use GENERIC, somehow I just need to
  tell the kernel the BIOS disk 0x80 is wd0, 0x81 is wd1, 0x82 is wd2 and
  so fourth, not the other way around. Maybe wd0 at pciide0 ... above is
  the easiest way.
 Are you saying 0x80 is *not* wd0? Wow, that's umm... very different from all
 the other OSes that I know of.

0x80 does not have to be wd0.


Re: Honesty needed...

2005-07-01 Thread Tobias Weingartner
I'm late to the game... but why not split the load over a number
of servers? Using carp for reduncancy, rdr/round-robin and/or hash,
you should be able to spread the load some.


On Wednesday, June 29, Jeffrey Lim wrote:
 On 6/29/05, Matt Juszczak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just spoke with the boss.  My boss really wants to run SMP.  He's an
  ill-informed business man and thinks that a single 3 ghz with 4 gb RAM
  couldn't handle our mail server, which I believe it would have no problems
  at all doing.
 sounds like somebody who wouldnt know the difference anyway if u just
 went right ahead and *not* used smp, and told him otherwise, doesnt
 I'm not saying outright that u should really give up smp - but this is
 an option for u.
10,000 users isn't that many.
  Either way, if hes set on SMP, then I either need to go to another *BSD
  other than FreeBSD which wont have this problem (such as OpenBSD, although
  do you know whether or not OpenBSD's SMP can support Dual Xeon's?) or
  NetBSD.  Otherwise, I have to go to linux or windows which I really don't
  want to do at all.
  Thanks again for your help.

Re: A system for patches....

2005-06-20 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Monday, June 20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Somebody could write a shellscript wich includes the Checksums for a
 compiled (and patched) binary for each architecture.

Sure, my company could do that.  The rate I've quoted you before.  Or
you could do it yourself...  only to findout that the checksum will be
different for each time you compile a package/etc (in general).

 I would be happy if somebody else (even this somebody would kill -9 my
 idea) would answer and tell me his oppinion but the current status sucks
 a lot and it could be fixed easily (I think).

If you think something is easy, please, step up, and provide a proof
of concept (at least).  Otherwise, step up and provide the money to
have someone competant look at your idea.  At least *you* won't look
like a fool that way...


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