Using PF to NAT IPSec connections when network segments overlap (redux)

2010-05-11 Thread Toby Burress
A while back I was wondering if there was a good way to deal with
overlapping network addresses in OpenBSD when setting up site-to-site

At the time the best solution I could find was just to use relayd (which
iirc is now called something else), which works but isn't pretty.

I've since found a much better solution, and I want to write it down here
so that the next guy doesn't have to spend a day tearing his hair out.

First: if you're using a recent version of OpenBSD,
and the other side is as well, you may as well try
I haven't, but it looks like a neat solution.

In my case, the opposite end of the link is using a Juniper NetScreen,
and my firewall is OpenBSD 4.3.

I mostly followed the guide here:, which
works generally but is wrong in a few particulars.

In my case, my company bought another company and we needed to merge
networks.  Unfortunately, the remote company used,
which was the network on our end that we needed to share.

What we did was, the remote end picked an unused network (
and I picked another unused network (  We then set up
ipsec to set up the flows:


ike active esp from to \
  local a.a.a.a peer b.b.b.b \
  main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 \
  quick auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group none \
  psk keykeykey

(can I just say, by the way, how awesome ipsec.conf is?  because it is)

Now, as in the guide, we're going to route through lo1 and perform our
natting on that interface.  However, we do *not* want to assign any IP
from the network to lo1.  This is because we want packets
coming in from the enc0 interface to get routed back out of the OpenBSD
box, which will not happen if OpenBSD thinks it's the destination for
that packet.

We do this by assigning lo1 an IP that is completely unrelated to anything
else we're doing.  Fortunately rfc1918 is generous.  I took
because I didn't really expect this to work when I tried it.  It would
be trivial to move out of 192.168/16 altogether, I suppose, but it's
even more trivial to leave it where it is:

# ifconfig lo1 create
# ifconfig lo1 inet
# route add
# route add

The first route sends packets headed for the IPSec link over lo1, where
they will have their source address rewritten.  The second rule forces
packets over lo1 again, where the proper address is restored.

Finally, add the binat rule in pf.conf, and do your firewalling.
If you're having trouble, see whether you have `set skip on lo0` or just
`lo`.  You want the former.  I pass all traffic to my NAT address and
apply the firewall rules after the NAT when they are checked leaving
the lo1 interface:

binat on lo1 inet from to -
pass on lo1 from any to
pass on lo1 proto tcp from any to port 80

If everything's working, you should be able to follow packets from the
internal interface (bge0, in my case) over lo1, into enc0, and out the
external (bge1).

Let me know if you find any errors.  I'm not on the list, so please cc me.

Re: Using PF to NAT internal addresses over an IPSec link

2008-09-04 Thread Toby Burress
Well, I've got it.  It turns out it's kind of easy, although not
as pretty as it could be.

Basically, you use relayd.  The one caveat is that this means that
from the OpenBSD box, you need to be able to talk to the remote,
private IPs without binding to a particular address.

In relayd.conf, you enable relays on a port-by-port basis, so you
can't allow blanket access.

Re: Using PF to NAT internal addresses over an IPSec link

2008-08-15 Thread Toby Burress
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 01:24:59PM +0900, william dunand wrote:
 I tried to reproduce what you want in my testing environment and
 managed to make it work.
 What you have to do is :
  - In your ipsec.conf, add an rule from your local network to the
 distant (this rule is needed in order to route the traffic
 to enc0)

Did you need to configure this on both ends?  If I add a flow routing
my network to the remote IP the packets never seem to get to enc0;
it looks like isakmpd is stuck trying to negotiate something with
the remove end.  From what I can tell I need an SA for packets to
get routed over enc0.

In ipsec.conf I have:

ike active esp from A.B.C.D to peer W.X.Y.Z \
main auth hmac-md5 enc 3des \
quick auth hmac-md5 enc 3des group none \
psk yarg

which lets me ping from A.B.C.D.  To route packets to I am using

flow from any to peer W.X.Y.Z

This does create appropriate encap entries in the routing tables,
but I never see anything hit enc0.

Re: Using PF to NAT internal addresses over an IPSec link

2008-08-15 Thread Toby Burress
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 05:09:08PM +0900, william dunand wrote:
 Of course, as it is a testing environment it is a lot easier to make
 it work for me...
 On the remote side, a configured something like this (I suppose they
 have something of this kind on the other side) :
 ike passive esp from to A.B.C.D
 And on the local server side, all I have is :
 ike esp from any to peer W.X.Y.Z

Ah, okay.  It doesn't look like I have the luxury of simply saying
'from any to IP', since the remote end refuses to set up the SAs
in that case.  I will try to get the other end to allow something
like that, since it seems like a MUCH better solution than the rube
goldberg stuff I'm playing with now, but half the reason I'm stuck
is the other guy doesn't return emails...

 Never tried to use the flow directives as you did. I suppose that if
 as you said you have correct encap routes, packets headed to should definitely go through enc0, then if you set nat on
 enc0, it should work as it does for me.
 Could you paste and show us the output of netstat -rnf encap and also
 if possible your pf.conf ?

Source Port  DestinationPort  Proto 
SA(Address/Proto/Type/Direction)  0 A.B.C.D/32 0 0 W.X.Y.Z/esp/use/in
A.B.C.D/32 0  0 0 W.X.Y.Z/esp/require/out  0 default0 0 W.X.Y.Z/esp/use/in
default0  0 0 W.X.Y.Z/esp/use/out

The pf.conf is pretty complicated, but the relevant rules that get hit are:

set ruleset-optimization none
set state-policy if-bound
set skip on { lo }
scrub all fragment reassemble reassemble tcp
nat on $vpn_if from to any - A.B.C.D
nat on $ext_if from to any - E.F.G.H
block drop
pass quick on $vpn_if
pass quick on $int_if

And then there are others that eventually let us out of $ext_if as well.

Using PF to NAT internal addresses over an IPSec link

2008-08-13 Thread Toby Burress
I have an IPSec connection set up to an external site, over which
I have no control and whose topololgy I know nothign about (i.e. I
don't know what subnets they use, etc.)  Using ipsecctl, I have one
flow set up, from my external IP A.B.C.D to an internal IP on their

I can ping from the OpenBSD box, so IPSec is working fine.

What I want to do is allow any machine from my internal networks
to reach

What I would like to do is set up NAT, so that packets headed to
the OpenBSD box from anywhere on my network get translated to
A.B.C.D, which is then sent over the VPN connection.  Unfortunately
it looks like PF only applies NAT transforms when packets leave
interfaces, not when they enter them, so packets come into the
OpenBSD box with their private IPs, get routed out the interface
associated with the default route, and only then get rewritten.

Is there a better way to do this?  I would like to be able to change
which hosts on my side can go over the IPSec connection without
having to coordinate with the other company, and without having to
expose internal IP information.

If you reply to the list please cc me as I am not subscribed.