OpenCON hardware.

2006-11-23 Thread laurent FANIS


Any developer that is going to be at OpenCON and wants a  USRobotics
WiFi card using the unsupported GW3887 (Conexant) chipset ?

Please contact me in private.

Best Laurent.

Re: Thank you OpenBSD, the sensors framework ROX!

2006-10-24 Thread laurent FANIS

On 10/24/06, andrew fresh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just want to say thank you to the OpenBSD team.

Over the weekend, one of our OpenBSD servers[1] had a fan die.  Thanks to
the sensors framework, and the Nagios[2] plugin I wrote[3], I found out
it was broken, and I could also tell that the rest of the fans in the
server were doing a fine job keeping it cool.  That means I was able to
replace the fan at my convienience.  Without the sensors framework, I
would probably not have noticed the fan being out until more fans died
and the server overheated.

[1] It one of our Internet routers, running OpenBGPd[4]
[3] I swear this isn't an advertisement, but here's the link[5]
[4] Thanks for OpenBGPd too!

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - JID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Stale file handle (next time use

Very nice plugin i hoped someone will write something like that (way
too much work now to touch oBSD).
Cool domain name BTW.

Best Laurent.

Re: Patent jeopardizes IETF syslog standard

2006-07-03 Thread laurent FANIS


Couldn't resist asking but can they really patent :
sending formatted data over SSL ?
That is just plain ridiculous !!
If i remember correctly the is also an RFC just for syslog under BSD.
A lot of devices already have syslog build in (for instance my AP
piece of crap USR has a syslog function) machines are going to be
pulled of the market ? That is plain dumb, we are heading for another
one of those frenzy lets patent everything.

Best regards Laurent

On 7/3/06, J.C. Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 2 Jul 2006 15:52:57 -0400, Nick Guenther [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 7/1/06, J.C. Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:54:14 +0300, Alexey E. Suslikov

 Patent jeopardizes IETF syslog standard. Read here

 This sucks. It's no different than what Cisco did with their HSRP patent
 to try to kill off VRRP. The Huawei IPR claim to the IETF is nearly
 identical to the crap Cisco put out years ago in their IPR claim.

 The end result is we have CARP, a patent busting implementation that is
 far better than either of the originals...

 Will they never learn?

 Anyone in the mood for slog ?

Isn't syslog just like... send random data on port 514 to whoever and
they record it? How can you possibly patent that? That would be like
patenting talking.


Basically you are correct about *current* syslog implementations. The
two goals of the syslog standard work being done are (1) defining a
message format and (2) providing a secure transport of said messages.

In short, secure inter-operability of syslog across various systems.

No one knows what's in the sealed patent application at the moment
since it has not been publicly released but considering the guys
claiming the patent have been involved in the syslog standards process,
you can reasonably certain some degree of dishonesty and corruption are


Free, Open Source CAD, CAM and EDA Tools

Re: Patent jeopardizes IETF syslog standard

2006-07-03 Thread laurent FANIS

On 7/3/06, J. C. Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, 3 Jul 2006 09:40:01 +0300, laurent FANIS

Couldn't resist asking but can they really patent :
sending formatted data over SSL ?
That is just plain ridiculous !!

As far as I know, at the moment it's only a patent *application* rather
than a granted patent. You can *apply* for a patent on anything you like
but that doesn't mean the patent will be granted.

Yeah that is true i didn't see it but wouldn't be possible to buy off
people ?I mean the company is in china and it is a country that has a
certain degree of corruption.This is what i'm afraid of too.And
countries/companies  are bending over to get parts in the country
growing economics (cough *yahoo* cough *google*).Anyways that is
off-topic and I don't have that much liberties in my country so i will
shut up now.

If i remember correctly the is also an RFC just for syslog under BSD.
A lot of devices already have syslog build in (for instance my AP
piece of crap USR has a syslog function) machines are going to be
pulled of the market ? That is plain dumb, we are heading for another
one of those frenzy lets patent everything.

You a said another ? -Unfortunately, the frenzy has never stopped or
even slowed down, instead, it's only continued to grow worse.

Well i felt it calmed down a little after some debacle in the
states,but then again i was wrong , sorry .

Best Regards Laurent.

Re: ddos mail attack thwarted by spamd greylisting!

2006-06-19 Thread laurent FANIS


I think one way to avoid all that is by using network tap, and bonding
two network cards.
To be honest i haven't tried it on a openBSD (bonding two network
cards) but i suppose it should work.If anyone has tried snort with
passive tap and openBSD i would appreciate if they share their
experience(off list please).

Best Regards Laurent.

On 6/17/06, Joachim Schipper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 09:44:32AM -0600, Bob Beck wrote:
 * Joachim Schipper [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-06-15 18:03]:
  On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 01:07:46AM -0600, Bob Beck wrote:
Luckily, spamd greylisting saved the day.  If it wasn't for BASE/snort
reporting of the portscan, I wouldn't have even bothered looking
in my logs tonite, and probably would never have been aware of
the thwarted attempt.
 Good thing they're only portscanning and mailbombing you then,
   and not exploiting one of the bazillions of snort overflows ;)
  If it was set up properly, exploiting Snort wouldn't gain anyone
  anything more serious than the ability to mess up Snort logs. Granted,
  that can be useful...

   It'll get you root. on a machine with the ability to see all
 your inbound and outbound traffic, and in 99% of the properly setup
 cases I've ever seen still means it can inject traffic as well.

Snort can run as non-root, according to the docs; 'properly setup', in
that case, includes running as non-root and within a chroot jail. I
actually had that working at one time, but since I don't really believe
in IDS in general, it was soon scrapped - indeed, due to the fact that
no dedicated listening machines were available and, as a result, it
produced a lot of logs which took time to read while not really
improving security [1].

This setup is, basically, no different from that oF pretty much any
network-attached daemon. Only OpenSSH can not be run with such

Of course, compromising the Snort process in a sufficiently
sophisticated way still allows someone to sniff all traffic; this may or
may not be a problem.

   That's a big deal, imnso.

   Having said that, many snort runners are also having it actively
 poke their firewalls. which is even more fun.

We'll agree that that is not a proper setup, though.

   So I'm sorry, I guess the if it is set up properly reads to my like
 the people who don't have problems with Windows machines - If they
 are set up properly. just like I'm going to lose weight and exercise
 till I have an ass of hard manly steel.. it's this mythical state that
 hardly ever seems to be attainable in the real world under real

Of course, that may be the case. Nonetheless, it is quite possible to
exercise sufficiently to reach that condition, and it is quite possible
to get Snort setup properly.

Both may involve a lot of sweat, pain, and lost time, and are best done
when you actually have that time, though. And yes, a Snort daemon that
has not been configured properly is quite dangerous.


[1] Even with very real intra-machine barriers like non-root processes
in a chroot() jail, I believe in stopping attackers at the hardest
barrier available - i.e., in not letting them get into the machine in
the first place.

Re: The danger of 3.

2006-05-22 Thread laurent FANIS

Yeah WTF ?wasted my bandwidth on this ?Couldn't even finish it
Even if my religion is still to be decided i would have chosen in
these difficult time :

Revelation13:18 -He who has understanding, let him calculate the
number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six
hundred sixty-six.

And remember the danger is from binary blob not from 3 whom every he might be.

On 5/22/06, SkyBlueshoes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What an appalling display of creativity...


Galatians 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet
not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the
flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave
himself for me.  -KJV-

Christopher Chaney wrote:
 Now since I was betrayed by the Christians,
 one should never wonder in a chance of ten,
 why I refuse to play pretend with them,
 on the power of two, bearing witness to the wandering
 obsidian Jew, fuck what you think you knew.

 Too, the power of thought, one or zero, bank runs
 expected soon, since human souls are bought.

 Three in question, misdirection, inflection, playing
 hate conception, mind control, Orwellian proles, the
 issue is a trinity, man-made Divinity.

 Four the legacy of Moors to Moore, alphanumeric
 science resistance alliance, now listen, no longer
 wishing for the promises of nuclear fission, fusion
 illegality, abnormal corporate reality.

 You wonder why I don4t give a damn, I fled Americans
 for reasons many foreigners won4t understand. Fuck
 UNCLE SAM, treat these words with care, if you dare
 repeat them, expect dissidence from Pakistan.

 Now who I am, is a known quantity, we as Black men in
 this world are no longer free.

 Prepare for war, on the basis of FOUR, elemental
 magick old as time, of alchemy I rhyme.

 Should I cry at the end of time, it's do or die, your
 mind will fry, eight steps to perfection, biowarfare
 terror inspection-infections ever-present and planned
 ahead of the hour, the populace is dour, and this
 planet the corrupt will scour.

 You say I live, my soul dead, my mind riven to give,
 schizoid chemical imbalance, city slicker like
 Palance, an American outlaw, above your false laws,
 the Fight Club is here to stay, recall every term I

 If its you versus them, prepare to kill them.

 If its them versus you, plan everything you do.

 If its love you seek, you should expect to find the

 If its hate you embrace, your demographic is

 If its knowledge you are after, heist a college

 If its time and you know youre at the end of the line,
 design weaponry now and pass it on to your kin in

 In Paris I blast first, maquis verse while driving
 your Germanic hearse, its your corpse inside, and I
 smile as I ride, its your deliverance to the grave and
 never behaved.

 The five colors represent the magick well, avoid
 counterfeit elements that enemies sell.

 I speak of secrets known only to a few, expect aerial
 warfare so anti-aircraft missiles are due.

 This is no bullshit, their Eye in the Sky, they will
 militarize space, elitist ideology is commonplace.

 No middle class, the poor are dead and they know it,
 If you have money, equity, or wealth, you are wise
 not to show it.

 Greenhouses are the breath of life, expect
 intracommunal strife from external infiltration, the
 Beast of Babylon is everywhere, American nation.

 The sound of Death is a series of tones, rites held
 sacred by Masons, Illuminati, and the Skull and Bones.

 Yale is a crypt, thusly, my words descript. Rip the
 fabric of their propaganda, escape from their veranda.

 The Calls are known, but, they refuse access to the
 throne, we are as Kings in a time of distress, the
 Darkness they shall bless.

 This is a thieve's world, and may the best team win,
 if you have their gold you are given reason to grin.

 The money is assets and water, chemistry and matter
 sold like LSD blotter at the local supermarket--its
 their methodology of mind control, clean up your
 brain, or you will be under their control.

 Their single eye is real, reptilian disguise I surmise
 in uniform fashion, use chloroform for blasting.

 In the last times, there are no more laws to follow,
 their morality is hollow on the Sixth Day, you may
 not ever see the morrow.

 Subliminal suggestion from the media I shun
 as a criminal objective, fear their Clear Skies
 Initiative, this missive real and their intent feral,
 to avoid retinal scanning wear lenses known as

 You should expect to die, if youre naive enough to ask
 why, their money you will buy as the currency of life
 fades, NYC modus operandi operatic Helga thrives.

 Perfect dark alias from E3 to C4, attack without
 hesitation once these bitches enter your door.

 The Score was in 96, the time is sick now, amusement
 for sale like peace proffered in the last days, there
 shall be Hell to pay.

 Labyrinthine alien circuitry and nanotechnology do not

Re: unsupported Wifi USB stick for Developer

2006-05-12 Thread laurent FANIS


On a side note it would be nice to have some tutorial or whatever to
help code driver and/or reverse an already written driver for new
I did not find anything really helpfull (i googled but maybe i'm
dumber then i pretend to be).
As for TI they don't even bother answering anyone for documentation as
i had for free the famous DWL 550+ and DWL 650+ and i would like to
create a driver for them much like the ACX100 (and ACX111 )driver
under linux, but i don't want to break any liscence doing so.I know
that the cards load up a firmweare from the driver and boot up (eCPU
).But i don't really know where to go from there .

Any help is welcome.

Best Regards Laurent.

On 5/11/06, Jonathan Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 03:55:06PM +0200, Peter Philipp wrote:

 I just bought a Wifi USB stick and it doesn't seem to work on OpenBSD.  
 of returning it (39 euros) I'm willing to send this to an OpenBSD developer 
 wants to make a driver work for this.  Not sure how non-blob friendly the 
 of this hardware is...

 Maker: Fritz! WLAN, AVM
 Model: Fritz!WLAN USB Stick, 802.11g++, 125 Mbit/s, WPA2 (802.11i)

This sounds like a Texas Instruments TNETW1450, the marketing for
which talks of both 125Mbit rates and g++.  How nice of them
to try to tie the name for their additional non standard crap to something
standardised.  When you talk to an access point things are going to
run at 54Mbps unless you have an accompanying cheap and nasty access
point by TI that imlpements the same vendor specific nonsense.

TI don't release documentation, and don't respond to requests to
allow their firmware to be redistributed.

The upshot of all this is that people can avoid products that incorporate
a TI chipset by not buying any so called g++ or 125 Mbps gear.