Upgrading to 4.8. Are there issues with softraid?

2010-11-08 Thread stupidmail4me
I have a machine currently running 4.6 and want to upgrade to 4.8. I know you 
shouldn't skip releases for upgrades, so I'm planning on wiping and installing.

Problem is I have some important data on a softraid partition. The root disk is 
just an IDE drive (wd0), and the softraid partition is a RAID 1 setup of two 
separate disks (wd1 and wd2). Can I safely wipe everything on the root disk, 
install 4.8, and just mount the softraid partition?

Differences between www.openbsd.org and openbsd.org

2010-05-19 Thread stupidmail4me
Look at the differences between:
http://openbsd.org/faq/pf/rdr.html and

The difference is drastic. Information on www.openbsd.org leads to errors. Why 
are these pages different?

Re: Differences between www.openbsd.org and openbsd.org

2010-05-19 Thread stupidmail4me
Still running 4.6. Haven't read the changelog yet and didn't realize syntax
changed. Leads to errors means you type that syntax in and it leads to errors.
Makes sense since I'm still running 4.6.

--- On Wed, 5/19/10, Nick Holland
n...@holland-consulting.net wrote:

 From: Nick Holland
 Subject: Re: Differences between
www.openbsd.org and openbsd.org
 To: stupidmail4me
 Cc: misc@openbsd.org
 Date: Wednesday, May 19,
2010, 3:25 PM
 stupidmail4me wrote:
  Look at the differences between:
  The difference is drastic.
Information on
 www.openbsd.org leads to
  errors. Why are these pages
 what does leads to errors mean?
 As for why they are
different:  www.openbsd.org is the
 main webserver.
 without the www. is a
development machine, not intended for
 public use.

fdisk and bootable flag

2010-05-11 Thread stupidmail4me
I have a machine with / on wd0.

I'm creating a RAID 1 setup using softraid on wd1 and wd2.

The instructions are great, except I'm having a problem with fdisk. Using fdisk 
-iy wd1, it creates one partition, great. But it's bootable, which is causing 
my machine to hang on boot. Yes, I know you'd usually switch which hard drive 
to start up in the BIOS, but the BIOS on my machine sucks. Unlike Linux fdisk, 
there's no a option to toggle the bootable flag.

Anyone know how to edit the default MBR record so fdisk -iy creates one 
partition with no bootable flag, or how to unset the bootable flag?

Sendmail and SMTPAuth

2009-08-27 Thread stupidmail4me
I know this topic has been touched on before but I have what I believe is a 
simple question.

Instead of creating a SASL password db and having to keep two password 
databases in check I want SASL to use OpenBSD's password file. There's no 
definitive answer so I want to try and put it out there.

In /usr/local/lib/sasl2/Sendmail.conf I would have pwcheck_method: saslauthd. 
This would tell Sendmail to use saslauthd to authenticate SMTP connections. I 
would start saslauthd with the -a getpwent flag to have it check not against a 
SASL password database but against the system database.

Are my assumptions correct?


2007-01-23 Thread stupidmail4me
I've checked and I've checked and I've checked. Please

I have an OpenBSD 4.0 firewall on a public network,
let's say It serves as a firewall/NAT box for
an internal network,

There's a server located behind that box, say, I need to create a VPN to that server.
(No, simply using a ssh tunnel won't work for various

Is it possible to create a VPN from an outside Windows
XP Pro machine to our private network using IPSEC?
I've read the man pages and they all say how to create
a VPN between two OpenBSD boxes. Fine, but that's not
what I need. There was a page on openbsd.cz that's not
there anymore.

Please, please help!


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STUPID file permission question

2006-12-13 Thread stupidmail4me
Am I seeing something wrong here?

My username is foo and primary group is therefore also
foo. I am also in the group bar.

I have a directory called anything owned by bar:bar.
It's permissions are 770. Why can't I traverse it's
tree? Doesn't my being in the bar group allow me with
the second 7 to traverse anything's tree?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Re: STUPID file permission question

2006-12-13 Thread stupidmail4me
Told you it was a stupid question. Forgot to
logout/login. Thanks.

--- Andreas Maus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 12/13/06, stupidmail4me [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My username is foo and primary group is therefore
  foo. I am also in the group bar.
 Did you logout and login again after adding yourself
 to the group bar? If not do so.
 Whats the output of id?
  I have a directory called anything owned by
  It's permissions are 770. Why can't I traverse
  tree? Doesn't my being in the bar group allow me
  the second 7 to traverse anything's tree?
 Depends on the permissions of the upper directory.
 e.g. if the directory is /home/bar/foo_bar and
 is only readable+executable for user bar (read 0700)
 you are not allowed to enter this directory and so
 you can't
 enter any directories below that dir.
 Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
 Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.


2006-12-05 Thread stupidmail4me
What exaclty is this file for? I know that
localhost.cf is the default an doesn't accept
connections from the outside world. sendmail.cf is for
accepting connections to the outside world. But I
can't find anything about submit.cf that explains
exactly what it does.
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Mailman archiving problems

2006-10-06 Thread stupidmail4me
Sorry for posting to this list, but I posted to ports@ and got no responses.

I've installed the newest version of mailman from packages, mailman-2.1.8p0. 
I'm using mm-handler instead of adding all the appropriate address in 
virtusertable. I've done everything correctly (I've installed in the past 
several times and it worked fine, this is a new installation on a new machine) 
as far as I can tell. Messages get sent properly to all lists but they're not 
getting archived. I've checked all the defaults in Defaults.py and they're the 
way they're supposed to be. Permissions in /var/spool/mailman/archives/* don't 
seem to be a problem because if I change _mailman's shell I can create files in 
those directories.

Has anyone had any problems similar to this or gotten mailman this version of 
mailman to work on 3.9?

Setting Up A Wireless and Wired Network

2006-09-20 Thread stupidmail4me
I want to create a single network, I
want to be able to access it either from a wired
connection on xl0 or a wireless connection on ral0. I
am using dhcpd.

What's the best way to set this up? I want one single
network. My thoughts:
xl0 -
ral0 -
dhcpd - listening on both xl0 and ral0

This would create a problem though, because the
routing tables would be all screwed up. I would have
to also create a bridge between the two, correct? So:
bridgename.bridge0 - add xl0 add ral0 up.

Is this the best way to do it. I essentially want one
network available on both cards, so wired or wireless,
to be transparent.


Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Group editing

2006-05-17 Thread stupidmail4me
I've created a website. Let's say it's in /website.

What's the best way to give all 10 developers access
to those files? I can create a group called
webdevelopers and have that group own /website. I can
also change permissions to 775 on that directory so
that they can create files and directories. But then
that's as much as they can do, the developers can't
edit each others files. Is there any way to change the
umask for a directory and subdirectories?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Group editing

2006-05-17 Thread stupidmail4me
I've thought about this yes, but the developers aren't
that tech savvy to understand cvs. They'll most likely
be using FTP. I know I know, use cvs.

--- Olivier Mehani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 08:28:28AM -0700,
 stupidmail4me wrote:
  What's the best way to give all 10 developers
  to those files? I can create a group called
  webdevelopers and have that group own /website. I
  also change permissions to 775 on that directory
  that they can create files and directories. But
  that's as much as they can do, the developers
  edit each others files. Is there any way to change
  umask for a directory and subdirectories?
 Have you considered giving the webdevelopers a CVS
 (or other versionning system)
 access and having them modify their own local copy
 of the website, with some
 mechanism to checkout the latest version of the
 website in /website ? This has
 the other advantage to give you cheap backups in
 case something has gone wrong
 and you want to revert to an older version of the
 Olivier Mehani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Group editing

2006-05-17 Thread stupidmail4me
i agree, but it's not working.

# mkdir /webpage
# chown user1:webdev /webpage
# chmod 2775 /webpage
# ls -ld /webpage
- drwxrwsr-x  2 user1webdev 512 May 17 15:49
# cd /webpage
# touch file
# ls -l file
- -rw-r--r--  1 user1  webdev  0 May 17 15:50 file

not what i want or expect?

--- Eric Pancer

 On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 12:10:27 -0700, stupidmail4me
  That's exactly what I was trying to do, but I
  get chmod to work as I want it to. Any help?
 Um, it's really not difficult if you read the
 manpage for chmod.
 $ chmod g+s /var/www/html/this/is/a/dir/
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

reverse dns checks in sendmail

2006-01-05 Thread stupidmail4me
How do you enable this feature in sendmailin OpenBSD?
looked but can't seem to find it. We're getting a lot
of spam from infected machines. Some of these machines
don't have reverse DNS entries. An easy way to stop
some spam would be to check to see if the relay has a
reverse DNS entry. Is this enabled by default (I don't
think it is) or how do I enable it?

Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Sendmail and reverse DNS check

2005-12-30 Thread stupidmail4me
How do you enable this feature in sendmail? I've
looked but can't seem to find it. We're getting a lot
of spam from infected machines. Some of these machines
don't have reverse DNS entries. An easy way to stop
some spam would be to check to see if the relay has a
reverse DNS entry. Is this enabled by default (I don't
think it is) or how do I enable it?

Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: IMAP ssl problems

2005-07-28 Thread stupidmail4me
Yes, but I was asking if it was an OpenBSD packaging
problem. It's not about startup, it's about file
locations, which is specific to this _OpenBSD_
package. Reread the original email. The whole thing.


 On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 10:54:36 -0700, stupidmail4me
  I've installed the UW-IMAP package and placed the
  correct start up lines in /etc/inetd.conf. I've
  this package to work correctly on past
 Go ask on the UW-IMAP list. This is an OpenBSD list.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

IMAP ssl problems

2005-07-27 Thread stupidmail4me
I've installed the UW-IMAP package and placed the
correct start up lines in /etc/inetd.conf. I've gotten
this package to work correctly on past installations.

Whenever I try to connect using IMAP, I get the
following error:
Unable to load certificate from

That's because that's not where that certificate is,
as per the instructions it's in /etc/ssl/imapd.pem.
Did the package change where to place the certs
without updating the documentation?

My sendmail installation is using TLS and that's where
my confCACERT_PATH/etc. varialbes point to. IMAP
doesn't read any of these from sendmail, does it?

Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 