
2021-05-03 Thread zap
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me,  I acted like a 
child, and I offer you my sincere apologies,

Feel free to say whatever,

I mean it this time btw,   I really acted like an angry rageful child. I 
will leave you be past this if you want, have a good one!

Re: I see you guys are full of shit when it comes to one thing:

2020-04-14 Thread zap
Also, by all means, please do ban me if you want. I really couldn't care
less.  you guys need to get off your own pedestal.

On 04/15/20 01:25, zap wrote:
> you  think proprietary softwatre is secure as much as linux loves being
> shit. 
> I had hoped you guys had better self respect, and had some moral
> integrity within. 
> And if you think i sound sad for dissing GNU, I was going to hold this
> back, but your fucking attitudes are shit as are your attempts to  block
> software that could be useful just because you get into an argument with
> people. (Palemoon) :P
> Same with wine! 
> Please by all means get me off your damn list.  You guys are as bad as
> the linux organization. 
> and while your all at it, since your unwilling to understand the truth
> that proprietary software sucks, just go wank yourselves somewhere. 
> I really don't care about  being on this list anymore.  You guys are
> fucking heartless.  That's a fact.
> And Theo, if I said anything nice about you, please forget I said
> anything.  I don't take kindly to hostile assholes who refuse to be civil. 
> Sigh... I guess trying to praise you for the good you guys do is just
> not constructive.  I see you guys live in a bubble of your own choosing.
> Wee proprietary software totally doesn't have any flaws or
> weaknesses!  GNU has the right to be shit, same with Linux! and BSD can
> refuse software that could otherwise benefit their users just because it
> has a license you hate! GOD damn
> Smell you later assholes.

I see you guys are full of shit when it comes to one thing:

2020-04-14 Thread zap
you  think proprietary softwatre is secure as much as linux loves being

I had hoped you guys had better self respect, and had some moral
integrity within. 

And if you think i sound sad for dissing GNU, I was going to hold this
back, but your fucking attitudes are shit as are your attempts to  block
software that could be useful just because you get into an argument with
people. (Palemoon) :P

Same with wine! 

Please by all means get me off your damn list.  You guys are as bad as
the linux organization. 

and while your all at it, since your unwilling to understand the truth
that proprietary software sucks, just go wank yourselves somewhere. 

I really don't care about  being on this list anymore.  You guys are
fucking heartless.  That's a fact.

And Theo, if I said anything nice about you, please forget I said
anything.  I don't take kindly to hostile assholes who refuse to be civil. 

Sigh... I guess trying to praise you for the good you guys do is just
not constructive.  I see you guys live in a bubble of your own choosing.

Wee proprietary software totally doesn't have any flaws or
weaknesses!  GNU has the right to be shit, same with Linux! and BSD can
refuse software that could otherwise benefit their users just because it
has a license you hate! GOD damn

Smell you later assholes.

Re: passive-aggressive questions

2020-04-14 Thread zap

I think theo is about the same as Linus in how foul he can get...

but on the other hand, he at least doesn't wreck his software with
pointless things like redhat's crap, systemd for example, he  seems to
prefer the keep it simple stupid approach from what I have seen. I much
prefer security over complexity.

I'll be honest, i like libre software, but, libre software that is
insecure, aka redhat's bs, openssl, java, etc... is barely better than
proprietary software.

unix philosphy should have been kept in linux.  Because it wasn't,
well... Linux and GNU for that matter are going to take a hit again and
again, till they learn their damn lessons.

Very few linux people have learned this lesson.  Hyperbola is the only
one I know of that realizes linux is a dead end. I would hope you guys
would feel honored by this fact, but oh well.

Either way, I do have respect for you guys. Even if you don't realize it.

On 04/14/2020 06:08 PM, wrote:
> theo wrote:
>> What does this have to do with OpenBSD?
> Alright, let's talk about leadership. Do you folks think Linus is a
> better leader than Theo here?
> There, OpenBSD angle restored.
> (Yes, medoes wish that discussion about lunix et al. be toned down. Even
>  so, mealso wishes that the passive-aggressive behaviour that theo just
>  displayed here would stop.)
> Love && cuddles,
> --zeurkous.
> P.S.: Be careful what you wish for.

Re: GNU+Linux corporate takeover, was: Wine for OpenBSD?

2020-04-14 Thread zap
Well just to correct myself, seeming libre. It isn't actually that much
more libre than OpenBSD.

On 04/14/2020 05:54 PM, zap wrote:
> On 04/14/2020 04:22 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> What the hell does this have to do with OpenBSD?
> Probably it has nothing to do with OpenBSD, since they are no longer
> talking about wine for OpenBSD. 
> But yeah, I for one am glad you take up the K.I.S.S way of doing things.
> Linux is a beast that is going to crush itself someday. Not due to being
> libre, but because its so overengineered that its complexity will kill it.

Re: GNU+Linux corporate takeover, was: Wine for OpenBSD?

2020-04-14 Thread zap

On 04/14/2020 04:22 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> What the hell does this have to do with OpenBSD?
Probably it has nothing to do with OpenBSD, since they are no longer
talking about wine for OpenBSD. 

But yeah, I for one am glad you take up the K.I.S.S way of doing things.

Linux is a beast that is going to crush itself someday. Not due to being
libre, but because its so overengineered that its complexity will kill it.

Re: When Free Software Foundation will remove the Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre of the page that lists the GNU/Linux distributions that are entirely free as in freedom?

2020-01-14 Thread zap

thanks for the laugh, was entertaining. but your trolling has gotten
stale. Nothing to see here folks... ;p

On 01/14/2020 10:08 PM, SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 wrote:
> Hi Free Software Foundation!
> It is written in article "Free GNU/Linux distributions":
> "Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre, a long-term support simplicity-focused
> distribution based on Arch GNU/Linux."
> Reference:
> Free Software Foundation,
> Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is not free because is changing to BSD.
> References:
> Free Software Foundation,
> The Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is still in list of Free GNU/Linux
> distributions.
> Will Free Software Foundation remove the Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre of the page
> that lists the GNU/Linux 
> distributions
> that are entirely free  as in
> freedom?
> If yes, when Free Software Foundation will remove the Hyperbola 
> GNU/Linux-libre
> of the page that lists the GNU/Linux
>  distributions that are
> entirely free  as in freedom?

Re: Awaiting a diff [was: Re: File systems...]

2020-01-09 Thread zap

On 01/08/2020 09:25 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Xiyue Deng  wrote:
>> It would be better to point out where to start, what
>> hard problems to solve, what work has been done in this area that people
>> can continue to work on.
> Looking at that list, noone here owes you any of those.
> Do your own homework.
> Re-reading the thread is remarkable.  It's a bunch of people who
> won't do the work telling us that we need to tell them what work
> to do.  A bunch of garbage is coming out of your mouths.
The average user probably knows nothing about the hard work it takes to
make an OS.  Don't get me wrong, I disagree with BSD on some stances,
but I am not the one who has to do the hard work.  So there's that...

Re: Will Free Software Foundation remove the Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre of the page that lists the GNU/Linux distributions that are entirely free as in freedom?

2020-01-02 Thread zap
Okay, troll you have had your fun. No go run along and play somewhere else.

On 01/02/2020 11:32 PM, SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 wrote:
> Hi Free Software Foundation!
> It is written in article "Free GNU/Linux distributions":
> "Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre, a long-term support simplicity-focused
> distribution based on Arch GNU/Linux."
> Reference:
> Free Software Foundation,
> Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is not free because is changing to BSD.
> References:
> Free Software Foundation,
> The Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre is still in list of Free GNU/Linux
> distributions.
> Will Free Software Foundation remove the Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre of the page
> that lists the GNU/Linux 
> distributions
> that are entirely free  as in
> freedom?
> If not, why Free Software Foundation will not remove the Hyperbola
> GNU/Linux-libre
> of the page that lists the GNU/Linux
>  distributions that are
> entirely free  as in freedom?

Re: Hyperbola Gnu Linux changing to Bsd

2020-01-02 Thread zap

On 01/02/2020 03:22 AM, Eric Furman wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 2, 2020, at 3:09 AM, Bodie wrote:
>> On 2.1.2020 02:56, SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 wrote:
>>> Em seg, 30 de dez de 2019 00:59, SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 
>>> escreveu:

 It is written in article  Free GNU/Linux distributions:
> When are you people going to learn that  SOUL_OF_ROOT 55 
> is nothing but a crank and a troll?
Lol, that's what I said yesterday. :P

Re: Hyperbola Gnu Linux changing to Bsd

2020-01-01 Thread zap

> What is the opinion of the Theo de Raadt about Hiperbola GNU/Linux and
> Hiperbola
> BSD?
I am beginning to wonder if you are trolling the bsd community,  I have
nothing against you, but you have asked that five times now. :p

Re: Hyperbola Gnu Linux changing to Bsd

2019-12-30 Thread zap

On 12/30/2019 04:19 PM, Ian Darwin wrote:
> On 12/30/19 15:02, Peter Nicolai Mathias Hansteen wrote:
>> The TL;DR version is that taking code or any other body of work that
>> is offered to you under a permissive license and making your changes
>> to it available only under a more restrictive one may be legal in
>> some or all jurisdictions, but it is most certainly a sign of an
>> almost total lack of respect for the people who did the original work.
> Not to mention: putting code under a more restrictive license than
> previously, while calling it "more free", is hypocrisy, pure and
> simple. Nothing gnu here, folks.
I would say it depends on your perspective, I think the reason he does
that is to make adding non-free software harder in the future.

Keep in mind, proprietary software can spy on you or cause privacy and
security issues... :/

Thank you OpenBSD!

2019-10-18 Thread zap
Because of your high security standards, my distro has adopted LibreSSL
and Xenocara. In the future it plans to also adopt sndio instead of that
pulse garbage.

I hope OpenBSD lasts a very, long, long time, not just for this, but
because you guys take security very seriously.