Inappropriate processes being 'stopped' when the system is busy..

2006-02-03 Thread Andrew Smith


I'm wondering if anyone can make a suggestion here.


I have been pushing my X server on my Zaurus, logged in as a regular user
whilst running a large compile in the background. This is really to test the
stability of the ws_drv patches that just came through on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In doing this I ran up xfce4 and loaded AbiWord as a regular user to
generate some system load from that session.


What I noticed after a couple of mins (with a large port compile going on as
root from an ssh session) was that AbiWord, xfwm, xfce-panel, xfce-desktop
etc.. had all been put into a 'stop' state on the process list.


I can understand that the system may want to do this for certain processes
to protect against thrashing but I honestly don't have a clear idea about
what part of the system does this and if it is configurable.


Strictly speaking I would have thought that you don't want X Window Manager
processes like xfwm being put into a stopped state at all so I was wondering
if there is a way of flagging (or listing) processes which should never be
kill -STOP'ed by whatever is doing this.


I ended up having to kill -STOP my compilation, kill -CONT all my user
processes to wake em up and log out then kill -CONT my compilation to
continue in the end. I suppose it may be possible to do this from a second
vt if it's not convenient to go in over the network but maybe not always.


So is this a configurable feature??


(apologies if you think this should be in [EMAIL PROTECTED])


- Andy

Re: Inappropriate processes being 'stopped' when the system is busy.. - mystery solved.

2006-02-04 Thread Andrew Smith
I had built and installed dbus to test some things.

It seems that there is a feature that dbus tries to help the system out by
suspending processes with -STOP when a user changes away from a vt and an
issue where this sometimes happens even when the user doesn't switch VTs..
unfortunately when this happens the processes don't get a -CONT signal so
stay in a stopped state.

dbus is now off again and the issue is gone.

- Andy

-Original Message-
Andrew Smith
Sent: 03 February 2006 12:12
Subject: Inappropriate processes being 'stopped' when the system is busy..



I'm wondering if anyone can make a suggestion here.


I have been pushing my X server on my Zaurus, logged in as a regular user
whilst running a large compile in the background. This is really to test the
stability of the ws_drv patches that just came through on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In doing this I ran up xfce4 and loaded AbiWord as a regular user to
generate some system load from that session.


What I noticed after a couple of mins (with a large port compile going on as
root from an ssh session) was that AbiWord, xfwm, xfce-panel, xfce-desktop
etc.. had all been put into a 'stop' state on the process list.


I can understand that the system may want to do this for certain processes
to protect against thrashing but I honestly don't have a clear idea about
what part of the system does this and if it is configurable.


Strictly speaking I would have thought that you don't want X Window Manager
processes like xfwm being put into a stopped state at all so I was wondering
if there is a way of flagging (or listing) processes which should never be
kill -STOP'ed by whatever is doing this.


I ended up having to kill -STOP my compilation, kill -CONT all my user
processes to wake em up and log out then kill -CONT my compilation to
continue in the end. I suppose it may be possible to do this from a second
vt if it's not convenient to go in over the network but maybe not always.


So is this a configurable feature??


(apologies if you think this should be in [EMAIL PROTECTED])


- Andy