
2011-10-10 Thread pavel pocheptsov
hello misc.
I have spamd before mail server. and it's work nice with liberal setting like 
spamd_flags=-v -l -G 10:4:864 -h mail.server

table spamd-white persist
table spamd-bypass file /etc/mail/spamd.bypass
table spamd-black file /etc/mail/
match in on $ext_if_a inet proto tcp from { spamd-bypass, spamd-white } to 
$ext_if_a port { smtp, smtps } rdr-to mail
match in on $ext_if_a inet proto tcp from { !spamd-bypass, !spamd-white } 
to $ext_if_a port { smtp, smtps } tag MAIL_A rdr-to port spamd
block in log quick on { $ext_if_a, $ext_if_b } from { bruteforce, private, 
spamd-black } to any
pass in on $ext_if_a inet proto tcp from any to mail port { smtp, smtps } 
synproxy state reply-to ($ext_if_a $ext_gw_a)
pass in quick reply-to ($ext_if_a $ext_gw_a) tagged MAIL_A

Periodically I receive mail from spammers throuch spamd and antispam setting on 
mail server.
Then I copy-paste IP-adress of spam-sender from field Received to
spam.txt file on router and do something like this:

#cat spam.txt | uniq | sort  /etc/mail/
#sort -u spam.txt  /etc/mail/
#pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

but I won't want to reload all rules. In best way I want to add in pf 
spamd-black table
only new IP, that I past in the top of spam.txt file.
Also I try to use
pfctl -t spamd-black -T flush
pfctl -t spamd-black -T add -f /etc/mail/
to do not touch all pf.conf, but I think when table will have big 
the better way is add a new IP in table without reloading or loading big table.

Re: pfctl

2011-10-10 Thread Boudewijn Dijkstra
Op Mon, 10 Oct 2011 12:12:23 +0200 schreef pavel pocheptsov

hello misc.
I have spamd before mail server. and it's work nice with liberal setting  
like this:

spamd_flags=-v -l -G 10:4:864 -h mail.server

block in log quick on { $ext_if_a, $ext_if_b } from { bruteforce,  
private, spamd-black } to any


but I won't want to reload all rules. In best way I want to add in pf  
spamd-black table

only new IP, that I past in the top of spam.txt file.

I also employ a manual blacklist, but I import it through spamd.conf(5).   
This way, the entries are not blocked by pf, but enter spamd's tarpit.   
This will keep the spammer's machine busy and delay the delivery of other  

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