Re: [ronpaul-29] Fwd: Your not going to like this one!!!!!!!!

2009-04-12 Thread Eric Vought

On Apr 11, 2009, at 11:12 PM, Tom Martz wrote:

 Your right anyone that espouses that mindset is a little off their  

Ahh... but most people do not just send political emails and the  
political emails are not what I am worried about. Having worked in  
data security, I have gotten a bit more perspective on what crooks can  
use to do damage.

Let's say they get an email where I am negotiating to buy 400 pounds  
of sodium hydroxide (lye). I must be starting a meth lab, right? Of  
course, because their computer is only picking out the emails that  
match either lye, bomb or ron paul, they don't bother to find  
out that we make soap (and that soap is made from lye). Now I get to  
explain that in a little room after my farm has been raided, my dog is  
dead for having gotten in the way and my 4-year-old daughter has been  
thrown to the ground and terrorized by men with guns.

Or, let's say I send an email telling my Aunt Marge where we will be  
going on vacation, how long, and where my daughter will be staying.  
The government gets this email, it goes into their little database,  
some teenager with too much time on their hands breaks into the  
government database and sells the data in bulk to criminals...  
including a child smuggling ring and a bunch of common everyday  
thieves. I get back from vacation, my house has been emptied (again)  
and my daughter is gone. How could you send my daughter with a bunch  
of strangers?!! Well, they had a bunch of information about where  
you were, he said he was your brother-in-law and pulled out an  
anecdote from your wedding where I saw him 10 years ago.

Some gal has the misfortune to date and then break up with a cop. He  
digs through the database and finds emails between her and her new  
boyfriend. He goes to the new guy's boss and just asks some questions  
about the guy (and has enough information to make the questions really  
pointed). Doesn't ever suggest anything, but leaves the impression  
that the guy is the target of a terrorism investigation. Guy loses his  

Some local guy is killed with a 20-gauge shotgun. Instead of actually  
investigating the crime and trying to find out who might have wanted  
this guy dead or who might have been at the scene, they just comb  
their database of financial records, emails, and random junk for  
anyone in the area that owns or might own a 20-gauge shotgun, bring  
them in and harass them. After putting one of them in jail for the  
crime of not being able to produce the gun they knew he had because  
he discussed 20-gauge ammunition in an email, they discover that the  
person who committed the crime lived in Arkansas and that the gun had  
been stolen anyway.

A guy is running for local office and the in-crowd needs dirt. They  
snoop on his emails and find one that is *almost* incriminating. They  
edit it just a touch and then just happen upon it and arrest him.  
Since he does not routinely use digital signatures on his emails, he  
cannot prove that they modified it. They have no other evidence, so  
the charges eventually get dropped... after he loses the election  
(sounds like what just happened in Alaska, doesn't it?).

None of this information is subversive, but it is all dangerous in the  
wrong hands. You are right: I make no secret of my political position.  
Hell, it is posted on a dozen websites. That is not what we should be  
afraid of. That is perhaps the LEAST important information we have to  

If people use protective technology routinely then:

1) They don't have to think about whether something is worth  
protecting or not. I was taught at the Pentagon and in the business  
world to treat every sneeze as important and then you won't slip up  
and let something slip you should not.

2) It will be harder for the Feds (or criminals) to do traffic  
analyses to figure out what is 'important'. If you only encrypt emails  
with financial information then the crooks know exactly what to  
decrypt. If you only shred important documents then it is that much  
easier to put them back together. If your old bank statements are  
shredded and mixed in with an old cookie recipe, that makes the job  
*much* harder. They can spend hours piecing together to find out how  
much butter to add.

3) People who are in sensitive positions politically (e.g.  
investigating abuses at a local jail) will not stick out if they use  
protective technology. They will be lost in the noise of all the other  
encrypted messages.

Do you put all of your mail on a postcard for everyone to read or do  
you usually use an envelope? Why?

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be 

Fwd: Your not going to like this one!!!!!!!!

2009-04-11 Thread Tom Martz Keep the government
from snooping in our e-mail

*By Examiner Editorial*
- 4/9/09
*Civilian libertarians were apoplectic over former President George W.
Bush’s “warrantless wiretap” program, which sought to monitor communications
from terrorist networks overseas. So why are they not screaming bloody
murder now that President Barack Obama appears slated to receive
unprecedented power to monitor all Internet traffic without a warrant and to
even shut the system down completely on the pretext of national security?
The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 - introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee
chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and cosponsor Olympia Snowe, R-ME - bypasses
all existing privacy laws and allows White House political operatives to tap
into any online communication without a warrant, including banking, medical,
and business records and personal e-mail conversations. This amounts to
warrantless wiretaps on steroids, directed at U.S. citizens instead of
foreign terrorists. *

*The bill gives the Secretary of Commerce and a new national cybersecurity
czar power to shut down all Internet transmissions in the event of a
yet-to-be defined “cyber emergency.” This is a dangerous power, even for a
president who in a 2008 campaign appearance at Dartmouth College harshly
criticized Bush for anti-terrorist “wiretaps without warrants,” and promised
that if elected he would leave such policies behind.*
*There’s no doubt that serious deficiencies in cyber security remain a major
threat to national security. Just this week, The Wall Street Journal
reported that our electric grid has already been penetrated by Russian and
Chinese hackers. But centralized eavesdropping in Washington and government
licensing of cyber- security specialists is exactly the wrong approach.
Jennifer Granick, director of civil liberties at the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, says such an approach would actually make the Internet even more
vulnerable by “basically establish[ing] a path for the bad guys to skip
down.” The best response to increasing cyber threats, then, is less
centralization - not more. This bill, which is a full frontal assault on our
First Amendment rights, should be deleted from the congressional agenda
immediately. Americans should tell President Obama and members of Congress
in no uncertain terms that their cyber-security agents will get inside our
e-mail only after they pry our cold, dead hands away from our keypads.*

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Re: [ronpaul-29] Fwd: Your not going to like this one!!!!!!!!

2009-04-11 Thread Tom Martz
Your right anyone that espouses that mindset is a little off their rocker.

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 11:09 PM, wrote:

  *I personally don't care if the Government snoops into my email. Fact is.
 I wish they would read my emails. But they don't.*
 *I can tell Roy Blunt or Oboma that they are as dumb as a three old
 African baby in person or by email. Don't matter to me. It would be easier
 to tell them by email because it is hard to find them so Ya can talk to them
 in person.*
 *What makes to difference. They don't understand either way.*
 *Even Greg Burris cant understand plain English. Written or spoken. So
 what is the problem here?*
 *If I thought the FBI or CIA or some ABC boys would get my email to Oboma
 I would write emails like a duck on a June bug.*
 *Take this email. Oboma is a terrorist and Roy Blunt is screwing you by
 using the IRS code to live off of your money.*
 *Want'a bet? This email will fall off the face of the earth and no one
 will give a crap.*
 *Support the Fairtax and remove the IRS.*
 *Larry Melton*
 In a message dated 4/11/2009 3:22:51 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 On Apr 11, 2009, at 3:13 PM, tom wrote:

  Keep the government from snooping in our e-mail
  By Examiner Editorial
  - 4/9/09
  Civilian libertarians were apoplectic over former President George
  W. Bush’s “warrantless wiretap” program, which sought to monitor
  communications from terrorist networks overseas. So why are they not
  screaming bloody murder now that President Barack Obama appears
  slated to receive unprecedented power to monitor all Internet
  traffic without a warrant and to even shut the system down
  completely on the pretext of national security? The Cybersecurity
  Act of 2009 - introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee chairman
  Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, and cosponsor Olympia Snowe, R-ME - bypasses
  all existing privacy laws and allows White House political
  operatives to tap into any online communication without a warrant,
  including banking, medical, and business records and personal e-mail
  conversations. This amounts to warrantl [snipped]

 Yes, we need to oppose this, but we also need to simply make it
 harder. More people need to routinely use personal encryption products
 everywhere they can. This will make it much more labor intensive to
 gather this kind of information and police will actually have to
 perform old-fashioned police work to decide what information it is
 really necessary to pursue. Additionally, using this personal
 encryption helps prevent criminals from piggy-backing on police
 surveillance and data-mining for identity theft and scams: Anything
 the government collects, CRIMINALS WILL HAVE.


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The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
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