Re: [Mjpeg-users] help needed with DV audio sync problem

2003-02-06 Thread michael
 tcprobe -i anyoldDVfile.avi
> Seems you are using transcode ?
> Have you ever thought about using the mjpeg tools direct with the
> smilutils (I think they are called that name).

Actually I do :-) but I also have transcode around and tend to occasionaly use 
bits of it.

My vhs PAL to SVCD is roughly as follows (inside a perl script) :

 smil2yuv -i raw -a audio.mp2 edit.smil | yuvdenoise  -F -f   | yuvscaler -v O 
-O SVCD -n p | mpeg2enc -v 0 -a 2 -f 5 -q 8 -4 2 -2 1 -I 0 -S 795 -B 224 -N 
-V 230  -o video.mp2

mplex -v 1 -V -f 5 -m 2 -b 230 audio.mp2 video.mp2 -o out%02d.mpg

ALAS,  I've noticed that with long clips the audio gets out of sync.  Only 
slightly behind the video although it starts out in sync.  I'm still puzzled 
by it but my best guess is the clock controlling the audio bit rate in my 
camcorder is running slightly slow compared to the video bitrate.  Playing 
back from Digital8 tape or A/V->DV passthrough isn't a problem but capture to 
disc is.

I'm still not sure what is going on but have two thoughts - persuade dvgrab to 
drop a frame every so often or stretch the mp2 file to the same length as the 
m2v prior to multiplexing.  I'm not sure on how best to do the latter.

Any comments most welcome :}


P.S.  In support of my theory running tcscan on a DV produces:

(0x078386f4)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x0785b97c)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1e00 7680
(0x0785d784)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x07880a0c)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1e00 7680
(0x07882814)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x078a5a9c)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1dfc 7676

repeated ad nauseum...

This gives an audio bit rate of 1.53573e+06 whereas 48000*16*2 is 1.536e+06

Only a 0.018% error but over an hour thats around 630 milliseconds

P.P.S.  I also notice at the start of a multifile capture the very first file 
has slightly more bits dropped in the first few frames e.g. :-

   List Type = 
(0x0800)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x00023a88)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1dfc 7676
(0x0002588c)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x00048b14)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1dfc 7676
(0x0004a918)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x0006dba0)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1dfc 7676
(0x0006f9a4)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x00092c2c)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1e00 7680
(0x00094a34)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
(0x000b7cbc)   ID:<01wb>   Size: 0x1dfc 7676
(0x000b9ac0)   ID:<00db>   Size: 0x00023280   144000
etc for around 20-30 frames

but not subsequent files.  Now this is simply turning on capture with A/V->DV 
there's no moving parts to get up to speed.

So alternative theory 7680 bits per frame are leaving the camcorder but not 
making it to the file.

(I'm going to crosspost part of this to the kino list since dvgrab is involved 
and they may have comments)

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Re: [Mjpeg-users] lavrec problems with v4l2.

2003-02-06 Thread Jehan PROCACCIA

I capture video with my elsa erazor III VIVO (nvidia) card, using 
videodevX (V4L2) and rivatv + vpx???.o (encoding chipset on my card) 
module, using lavrec --software-encoding works fine !.

Rett Walters wrote:
I sorry I don't have any input to this issue, but I was under the impression the
MJPEG tools wasn't compatible with V4L2 yet, and had been told  by people on this
list.  Is this not the case?  It appears that this person (Chris BW) is using V4L2
and Mjpegtools.

Rett Walters

Chris BW ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


Thanks for your reply - I haven't had a chance to try this yet but my
setup doesn't seem to allow me to save audio at anything other than
48Khz (Dolby Digital ?)
If I try at a lower level eg. 44.1 Khz then lavrec falls over saying it
was unable to set the audio to this rate. This doesn't appear to cause a
problem though - as the other tools reduce it to 44.1Khz before it gets
burnt to VCD. My soundcard is the one which is bundled with the Asus
A7N266-E motherboard using the Nvidia NForce chipset.
Also attached XP1800+ & 512MB ram.

More testing...


Bernhard Praschinger wrote:


I have finally got round to attemting to transfer some old tapes to
CD/DVD with the mjpegtools.
This has all been made possible by the new release of the zoran driver -
version 0.9.1 - seems to work very
well with my setup. (Well done Ronald !) I also decided to use the v4l2
interface by applying Kraxels patch to my kernel (from

All appeared to be working OK - it allows me to have the Xawtv screen
displayed whilst I am doing the lavrec recording process.
Theres just one problem - after about 18 minutes of recording lavrec
falls over with an error saying that it is unable to sync on a buffer.
Exact messages
below :

root@localhost space2]# lavrec -w -fa -ip -d2 -q95 -l80 -Rl -a16 -r48000
-s -v1 fastep1%02d.avi


The files produced are readable & playable using glav/lavplay but I
can't seem to make any progress with the problem.

To check if it is a problem with opening and closing the files use it
once with the option: --max-file-size and use a value of 100 (MB) so
lavrec closes and opend a new file every 100MB.

Why are you using a samplearte of 48kHz ? Can you go down for testing
purposes to 44.kHz.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter


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Re: [Mjpeg-users] Looking for editting tool (was Re: using dv withthe mjpegtools)

2003-02-06 Thread Robert Kesterson

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, William Sherman -Visualization wrote:
> So, I then tried Kino to do some simple edits, but unfortunately,
> it's a little too simple.  Basically what I'd like to do is load
> a long sequence, split off the audio so I can run it through some
> filters to remove the noise (via audacity or whatever), bring the
> audio back in, and then for the video, leaving the initial capture
> as the primary sequence, but overwriting some of the frames (for
> example if someone walked in front of the camera I might just hold
> on an image just before that occurs during the visual interruption).
> Or, I might want to put in some audience shots from another camera,
> or from another part of the tape.  The audio, of course, would just
> keep rolling.

Kino can doat least some if not all of those things.  Check out the "FX'
tab.  You can overwrite (or create) frames from a file there.  You can
insert or delete sequences from anywhere you like (with audio).  You could
use mplayer to dump frames and then insert frames from the FX tab's
multiple image import to overwrite just the video and leave the audio.
When you run the resulting Kino edit list through smilutils, the audio can
be split out and processed however you like before mplexing it back
together into MPEG.

  Robert Kesterson

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Re: [Mjpeg-users] lavrec problems with v4l2.

2003-02-06 Thread Rett Walters
OK  Sorry for the confusion  I was under the impression that mjpegtools will
not work with V4L2 compatible drivers at all...


Ronald Bultje ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>Hi Rett,
>On Wed, 2003-02-05 at 22:22, Rett Walters wrote:
>> I sorry I don't have any input to this issue, but I was under
>> the impression the`MJPEG tools wasn't compatible with V4L2 yet,
>> and had been told  by people on this list.  Is this not the
>> case?  It appears that this person (Chris BW) is using V4L2
>> and Mjpegtools.
>Well, the drivers might do both v4l2 and v4l1, and mjpegtools will just
>use the v4l1 interface. We're not incompatible with it, we just don't
>use it (yet).
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[Mjpeg-users] Questions (catching up after 1 1/2 weeks)

2003-02-06 Thread Steven Boswell
Before I left, I was wrestling with the issue of DVD chapters.  I had
modified mpeg2enc so that the -S option took the name of a file that
contained a list of frames at which to start chapters. But I couldn't
get it working right; if I used the unmodified mplex (i.e. with the -M
flag forced on), I'd get one big video with no chapters, and if I used
my modified mplex (i.e. the the -M flag forced off), I'd get a separate
video file for each chapter, but my DVD player would hiccup between
chapters.  (My brother's DVD player didn't just hiccup, it paused for a
second or more!  So it's official, I screwed something up. Not that any
of you needed to be told that. :-)

I now think I know what the problem is, but I have to do a bit of coding
to test it out.  I'm thinking it's because the -S option of mpeg2enc and
the -S option of mplex actually do very different things.  "mpeg2enc -S"
creates sequence-end markers in the video stream, which mplex uses to
make separate video files, and "mplex -S" will create separate files
too, but using a completely different technique.  I'm guessing that what
I really should have done is modify mplex's -S option to react to frame
numbers, instead of mpeg2enc's -S option.  What do the experts
think?  (Don't worry, I'll do the coding, I just wanted to bounce the
concept off of you.  Also, I've been thinking about how to do that
change cleanly, and think I've got it, so the next version you see won't
be a complete hack.)

On another topic, Dan Scholnik asked if anyone else is seeing
color-shifting in their yuvdenoise output.  No, but I *am* seeing
complete loss of color near the edges between moving parts & non-moving
parts.  Andrew, I'm pretty sure the 5-second video clip I sent you shows
that problem, near the top part of the guitarist's hand.

Finally, I have a question about encoding hardwareright now I have a
Pinnacle PCTV, which is basically just a Bt878 with an S-Video input.
Now that I'm doing more DVDs, I'm planning to upgrade to either an
LML-33 or a Canopus ADVC-100.  The LML-33 allows for raw-video capture,
which is comforting for a purist like me, but I figure I'll still get
"queueing frame twice" messages from streamer.  The Canopus ADVC-100,
being an analog-to-DV converter, apparently bypasses the problem
completely, but I wonder if converting to DV is going to remove much of
the fine details that the denoiser would have preferred to see. Does
anyone here have experience with both styles of video capturing?

Thanks to all for your insights.  I have to move, to a different town
even, and so I'll be pretty flaky for the next month or so, but after
that, I plan to resume spending a lot of time on digital video issues.

Steven Boswell

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[Mjpeg-users] DV conversion / ADVC

2003-02-06 Thread Edouard Chalaron
Hi Vladimir

Thanks for the mail

> I believe there should be software solution for this, thats if you are
>  trying to convert DV PAL to DV NTSC or you'll need two machines.
> One machine playing DV PAL to ADVC100 and other receiving from

I have an ADVC 100 but the user manual is so cheap that I am probably using 
10 % of the capalities of this nice box :-(
I understand that ADVC is doing Analog to converter but not really sure about 

> I'm not sure if there are
> any linux tools for this but you should be able to find something
> for windows.

That's the point, I do not have Windows...

Regards and thanks to all for their replies

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Re: [Mjpeg-users] Questions (catching up after 1 1/2 weeks)

2003-02-06 Thread Aaron Newsome
On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 12:16, Steven Boswell wrote:

> Finally, I have a question about encoding hardwareright now I have a
> Pinnacle PCTV, which is basically just a Bt878 with an S-Video input.
> Now that I'm doing more DVDs, I'm planning to upgrade to either an
> LML-33 or a Canopus ADVC-100.  The LML-33 allows for raw-video capture,
> which is comforting for a purist like me, but I figure I'll still get
> "queueing frame twice" messages from streamer.  The Canopus ADVC-100,
> being an analog-to-DV converter, apparently bypasses the problem
> completely, but I wonder if converting to DV is going to remove much of
> the fine details that the denoiser would have preferred to see. Does
> anyone here have experience with both styles of video capturing?

I have used both LML33 and Canopus ADVC-100. If this is indication of
what I thought of it, I sent my LML33 back to Linux Media Labs. The
Canopus was awesome right out of the box, so much that I bought another
and I now have two. Not sure what you are doing with the video but I
honestly can't imagine capturing higher quality on consumer equipment,
than an ADVC-100. It's that good, in my opinion at least.


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Re: [Mjpeg-users] Questions (catching up after 1 1/2 weeks)

2003-02-06 Thread Steven Boswell
>>I'm planning to upgrade to either an LML-33 or a Canopus ADVC-100.
>>Does anyone here have experience with both styles of video capturing?
>I have used both LML33 and Canopus ADVC-100.  If this is indication of
>what I thought of it, I sent my LML33 back to Linux Media Labs.

Wow!  That's pretty depressing.  I really wanted to support any company
dedicated to doing video under Linux.  Can you recall any of the nasty
details of what made you dislike the card so much?

Steven Boswell

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[Mjpeg-users] is it really necessary to kill -9 in glav?

2003-02-06 Thread v4l
I noticed the following in glav_main.c:

void do_real_exit(int ID, void *data)
   int status;

   /* Kill all our children and exit */

   printf("real exit here\n");

void Exit_cb(GtkWidget *ob, long data)
   /* Try to exit gracefully, wait 1 second, do real exit */


Is the kill(0,9) really necessary?  Surely, if it is, then there is a
bug in lavplay, no?  And if it really is necessary, how about:


or even better...


The problem with using 0 as the first arg of kill() is that if some
program starts glav, it gets killed with the kill(0,9) as well.  Bad.
Very bad.


Brian J. Murrell

Description: PGP signature

[Mjpeg-users] HDTV capture?

2003-02-06 Thread Steven M. Schultz
Hi -

HDTV is catching on, at least in the US, and so I've picked up a HDTV
tuner to watch the digital broadcasts.   Very nice pictures even
on an older TV (I haven't bought a new widescreen TVset yet though).
Europe of course has the DVB stuff which is, I gather, a bit simpler
to deal with.

The next step of course is to capture the video and process it to DVD.

What capture cards are out there that can deal with either 1920x1080i
(the most common) or 1280x720p (only one station I know of in Southern
California is using 720p) capture?   The back of the tuner has an RGB 
as well as component outputs in addition to the usual composite and 
S-Video outputs?Somehow I don't think using an S-Video cable over
to a Canopus box is what I want (NTSC "DV" is 720x480i) ;)

It's not an urgent or immediate type of thing of course, just something
that will be desirable down the road.

Steven Schultz

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Re: [Mjpeg-users] Looking for editting tool (was Re: using dv with the mjpegtools)

2003-02-06 Thread William Sherman -Visualization
Ronald, et al.,

Thanks for the help.  I have a couple followup questions:

> Hi William,
> > to the release of mjpegtools 1.6.2?  And then to the question of when
> > 1.6.2 might be released.
> I might just add it to the HEAD branch, which means it wouldn't go into
> 1.6.2, but into 1.7.x. I can send you the patch or a patched RPM or a
> patched yuv2lav or so if you want to, though.

Yes, either of those options would be great.  Would the patch be against
1.6.2 or 1.6.1?

> VIA only matters for recording, mostly.

Great.  I won't worry about that then.

> There's some things you could do. One of them is to use LVS - I use it
> for (basic) editing. It has some filters, transitions, etc. It's not a
> full-blown premiere editor, but I've used it for what you described:
> separating audio and video, doing video with LVS and audio with
> Audacity. Then, I just encode sound manually and then video in LVS'
> encoding window, and then mplex it together. Result: a nice MPEG with
> audacity-edited audio and LVS-edited video, nice in sync. 

Yes, LVS looks like it would be quite helpful, but I haven't had
much luck getting it to read & playback my movie files.  The best
I could do was a file converted from dv2 to mjpeg using dv2jpg,
but that would only play the sound, and the sliding time bar would
remain all the way to the right (this is under the "Playback Video"
tab).  The other problem with this method is that dv2jpg reduces
the size of the video to 1/4 size.

None of my other movie files worked at all (the original dv2,
the yuv as converted using lav2yuv, nor the lav as converted
back using yuv2lav).  I also tested these movie files with
lavplay/yuvplay, mplayer and aviplay, and they play to various
degrees of success.  The yuvplay and lavplay programs both play
the converted yuv and lav converted files as expected (no sound
of course), mplayer plays the lav file but with double the
height, and aviplay won't play the lav file (but does play
the original dv2).

The real surprise is that lavplay plays the file fine, but
LVS doesn't.  In fact, LVS reports that lavplay returns
two errors:
"Lavplay stopped and gave the following error:
[lavplay] Error reading video frame: avilib - Error reading
from AVI file - Bad address"
"Lavplay stopped and gave the following error:
[lavplay] Error requesting buffers: Invalid argument"

Because it also complains about the v4l stuff when I run "studio"
I made sure the v4l drivers were installed (both for my LML33
and for my bttv device -- but not at the same time).  I got the
same error for both.

Here is what I get when I first run "studio":
"Guessing port. No suitable video4linux port found, \
please supply one by using the "-p " switch. Use the \
"-t" switch to see the list of ports available on your computer.
If you cannot find a video4linux device, you probably need \
to enable the Xvideo extension in your X-server"

and it says this twice.  I have a working v4l device at /dev/video0,
which is what is set in the preferences, but that doesn't seem
to help.  Again, I'm not sure whether this is related to my
inability to play lav file in LVS.

For the record, I just upgraded mjpegtools to 1.6.1, and LVS
to 0.1.7.

> Other options include going for more professional packages such as
> MainActor, or buying a Mac and Adobe Premiere, which is quite expensive
> taken all together.

I've tried MainActor, and Cinelerra.  I'm supposed to have a key
for the full version of MainActor from my LML33 purchase, but I
don't think they've sent it yet.  In any event, while MainActor
looks like something I would like to use, as soon as I load a
movie file and press the "play" button on the "Timeline Player"
window it seg-faults, so that doesn't help me much.  In Cinelerra,
which I recently downloaded, I can't load any of my movie files --
only the Elton John sample file.

I did noticed on the MainConcept web page that there is a new
version of MainActor out (I have 3.65, 5.0rc1 is now out), but
it appears they only have a Windows demo version available for
download.  As far as buying a new computer, I'd probably first
go the boot into Windows and use Windows software since I already
have a decent machine.  But I'd rather not, since I may have
other Linux needs that might need to be addressed at the same

> Ronald

Thanks again for your help (and for the software in the first
place).  If any of my trouble have obvious solutions, or if you
want me to try something to help debug any problems, let me know.


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Re: [Mjpeg-users] Looking for editting tool (was Re: using dv with the mjpegtools)

2003-02-06 Thread William Sherman -Visualization
Hi Robert, et al.,

> Kino can doat least some if not all of those things.  Check out the "FX'
> tab.  

Great.  I definitely will give this a try.  I began to test it, but
then ran out of time for today, but I'll followup with results.

>   Robert Kesterson

Thanks for the suggestion,

/* Bill Sherman  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])*/
/* National Center for Supercomputing Applications   */
/* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign*/
/* Og - "You want to do mankind a real service?  Tell funnier jokes" */
/*  Spinner - "but facts don't always reveal the truth"  */
/*  Robin - "Yeah, but I always figure that's the writers' fault"*/

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Re: [Mjpeg-users] lavrec problems with v4l2.

2003-02-06 Thread Florin Andrei
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 11:37, Ronald Bultje wrote:
> Nvidia NForce? Didn't try any of those yet. Does anyone here have
> experience with performance of this beast?

I own a nForce1 motherboard, made by MSI Computer. It seems to have
excellent performance. Careful, though, you need to make sure you have
APIC activated, otherwise overlapping interrupts will dump the
performance down the toilet.

Florin Andrei

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[Mjpeg-users] mplex error: INTERNAL ERROR: additional data required but no free space in

2003-02-06 Thread davros
input buffer

Hi All,

I'm trying to mplex together a video and an audio file, both produced by
transcode.  I used dvd::rip to generate the transcode commands, but pasted
them onto the command line.  Transcoding seems to have worked; I can view the
video and it looks fine.  The next command to execute is the following
command, also constructed via dvd::rip:

mplex -f 4 -V -o /mnt/davros/40gigger/tmp/unnamed/avi/001/unnamed-001-%d.mpg

This creates an mpg file ~ 200 megs (I expect one ~ 1.5G) and then gives this

**ERROR: [mplex] INTERNAL ERROR: additional data required but no free space in
input buffer

The (mostly) complete output is below.  If this is perhaps Transcode
generating a bad output, here is the transcode command used (i'm transcoding
vob files to svcd):
transcode --psu_mode --export_asr 2 -s 1.557 -g 720x480 -z -w 2279 -k -i
/mnt/davros/40gigger/tmp/unnamed/vob/001 --no_split --nav_seek
/mnt/davros/40gigger/tmp/unnamed/tmp/unnamed-001-nav.log -y mpeg2enc,mp2enc -M
2 -Z 480x480 -F '5, -S 643 -B 226' --a52_drc_off -E 44100 -x vob -b 224 -a 0
-o /mnt/davros/40gigger/tmp/unnamed/avi/001/unnamed-001 -C 3 -I 3 -f 30,4

I've asked a similar question on the Transcode mailing list - it's a bit hard
to know who to ask ;) I get surprisingly little info when I google search this
specific error - frustrating :)
If anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great. Below is
the complete output of mplex. I tried upping the buffer (-b option) to max
with no luck, thinking this may be related...


- - - - - - -
INFO: [mplex] mplex version 2.2.1 ($Date: 2002/02/04 19:06:14 $)
INFO: [mplex] File /mnt/davros/40gigger/tmp/unnamed/avi/001/unnamed-001.m2v
looks like an MPEG Video stream.
INFO: [mplex] File /mnt/davros/40gigger/tmp/unnamed/avi/001/unnamed-001.mpa
looks like an MPEG Audio stream.
INFO: [mplex] Found 1 video streams 1 MPEG audio streams and 0 AC3 streams
INFO: [mplex] Selecting SVCD output profile
INFO: [mplex] Scanning for header info: Video stream e0
INFO: [mplex] VIDEO STREAM: e0
INFO: [mplex] Frame width : 480
INFO: [mplex] Frame height : 480
INFO: [mplex] Aspect ratio : 4:3 display
INFO: [mplex] Picture rate : 29.970 frames/sec
INFO: [mplex] Bit rate : 2279200 bits/sec
INFO: [mplex] Vbv buffer size : 229376 bytes
INFO: [mplex] CSPF : 0
INFO: [mplex] Scanning for header info: Audio stream c0
INFO: [mplex] Audio version : 1.0
INFO: [mplex] Layer : 3
INFO: [mplex] CRC checksums : no
INFO: [mplex] Bit rate : 28672 bytes/sec (224 kbit/sec)
INFO: [mplex] Frequency : 44100 Hz
INFO: [mplex] Mode : 0 stereo
INFO: [mplex] Mode extension : 0
INFO: [mplex] Copyright bit : 0 no copyright
INFO: [mplex] Original/Copy : 0 copy
INFO: [mplex] Emphasis : 0 none
INFO: [mplex] SYSTEMS/PROGRAM stream:
INFO: [mplex] rough-guess multiplexed stream data rate : 2556000
INFO: [mplex] target data-rate specified : 2788800
INFO: [mplex] Setting specified specified data rate: 2788800
INFO: [mplex] Sectors = 78 Video delay = 46800 Audio delay = 46800
INFO: [mplex] New sequence commences...
INFO: [mplex] Video e0: buf= 235520 frame=00 sector=
INFO: [mplex] Audio c0: buf= 4096 frame=00 sector=
++ WARN: [mplex] End of component bit-stream ... seeking next
++ WARN: [mplex] Failed to find start of next stream at 19624229 prev 19623497
++ WARN: [mplex] End of component bit-stream ... seeking next
++ WARN: [mplex] Failed to find start of next stream at 19624958 prev 19624229
++ WARN: [mplex] End of component bit-stream ... seeking next
++ WARN: [mplex] Failed to find start of next stream at 19625687 prev 19624958
++ WARN: [mplex] End of component bit-stream ... seeking next

[many more lines like the above and then]

++ WARN: [mplex] Failed to find start of next stream at 19872818 prev 19872089
++ WARN: [mplex] End of component bit-stream ... seeking next
++ WARN: [mplex] Failed to find start of next stream at 19873547 prev 19872818
++ WARN: [mplex] End of component bit-stream ... seeking next
++ WARN: [mplex] Failed to find start of next stream at 19874276 prev 19873547
**ERROR: [mplex] INTERNAL ERROR: additional data required but no free space in
input buffer

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Mjpeg-users mailing list

Re: [Mjpeg-users] is it really necessary to kill -9 in glav?

2003-02-06 Thread Ronald Bultje
Hi Brian,

On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 03:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> void do_real_exit(int ID, void *data)
> {
>int status;
>/* Kill all our children and exit */
>printf("real exit here\n");
> }
> void Exit_cb(GtkWidget *ob, long data)
> {
>/* Try to exit gracefully, wait 1 second, do real exit */
> }
> Is the kill(0,9) really necessary?  Surely, if it is, then there is a
> bug in lavplay, no?

it writes q\n, which quits lavplay nicely. After that, lavplay should be
long gone when do_real_exit() is called. If not, then something is
surely wrong and we'd better kill lavplay as evilly as possible to
prevent zombie processes, so we kill -9 it.

Normally, the kill -9 won't do anything because there won't be any open
child processes. I'd call this "not a bug, but a feature".


Ronald Bultje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Video/Multimedia developer

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
Mjpeg-users mailing list

Re: [Mjpeg-users] DV conversion / ADVC

2003-02-06 Thread Jesper K . Pedersen
On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 11:25:56 +1300
Edouard Chalaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Vladimir
> Thanks for the mail
> > I believe there should be software solution for this, thats if you are
> >  trying to convert DV PAL to DV NTSC or you'll need two machines.
> > One machine playing DV PAL to ADVC100 and other receiving from
> > ADVC.
> I have an ADVC 100 but the user manual is so cheap that I am probably using 
> 10 % of the capalities of this nice box :-(
> I understand that ADVC is doing Analog to converter but not really sure about 
> > I'm not sure if there are
> > any linux tools for this but you should be able to find something
> > for windows.
> That's the point, I do not have Windows...

I use the ADVC-100 together with MainActor to edit and convert between PAL<->NTSC.

You are welcome to write me personally if you want details of how I do it.

Best regards
Jesper K. Pedersen

This SF.NET email is sponsored by:
SourceForge Enterprise Edition + IBM + LinuxWorld = Something 2 See!
Mjpeg-users mailing list

Re: [Mjpeg-users] Looking for editting tool (was Re: using dv withthe mjpegtools)

2003-02-06 Thread Ronald Bultje
On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 06:35, William Sherman -Visualization wrote:
> Thanks for the help.  I have a couple followup questions:

I'll try to help. ;-).

> > > to the release of mjpegtools 1.6.2?  And then to the question of when
> > > 1.6.2 might be released.
> > I might just add it to the HEAD branch, which means it wouldn't go into
> > 1.6.2, but into 1.7.x. I can send you the patch or a patched RPM or a
> > patched yuv2lav or so if you want to, though.
> Yes, either of those options would be great.  Would the patch be against
> 1.6.2 or 1.6.1?

1.6.1. You'll find it attached. It's by Steve Boswell (actually, he has
CVS access to so he could commit it too... Hmm...)

> Yes, LVS looks like it would be quite helpful, but I haven't had
> much luck getting it to read & playback my movie files.  The best
> I could do was a file converted from dv2 to mjpeg using dv2jpg,
> but that would only play the sound, and the sliding time bar would
> remain all the way to the right (this is under the "Playback Video"
> tab).  The other problem with this method is that dv2jpg reduces
> the size of the video to 1/4 size.
> The real surprise is that lavplay plays the file fine, but
> LVS doesn't.  In fact, LVS reports that lavplay returns
> two errors:
>   "Lavplay stopped and gave the following error:
>   [lavplay] Error reading video frame: avilib - Error reading
>   from AVI file - Bad address"
> then:
>   "Lavplay stopped and gave the following error:
>   [lavplay] Error requesting buffers: Invalid argument"

Hm... the third tab page (playback) is for viewing files on the hardware
output of the card. Clearly, something goes wrong here. Does 'dmesg'
show anything relevant for the LML33 card? You can use the second tab
page to view files on software playback (editing).

> Because it also complains about the v4l stuff when I run "studio"
> I made sure the v4l drivers were installed (both for my LML33
> and for my bttv device -- but not at the same time).  I got the
> same error for both.
> Here is what I get when I first run "studio":
>   "Guessing port. No suitable video4linux port found, \
>   please supply one by using the "-p " switch. Use the \
>   "-t" switch to see the list of ports available on your computer.
>   If you cannot find a video4linux device, you probably need \
>   to enable the Xvideo extension in your X-server"
> and it says this twice.  I have a working v4l device at /dev/video0,
> which is what is set in the preferences, but that doesn't seem
> to help.  Again, I'm not sure whether this is related to my
> inability to play lav file in LVS.

Add 'Load "v4l"' to the modules section of XF86Config-4 and restart X.
Lots of people don't have that. ;-).


Ronald Bultje <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Video/Multimedia developer

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