Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-28 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

a few more findings for Adria Topo, Benelux and Topo Fr, probably true for all 
my maps:
byte at 0:
Any odd value lets MapSource crash
Values 0x02, 0x06, 0x0a,0x0e, 0x12, , 0xfe all seem to work without any 
Other even values produce either crashes or garbage in result lists.
So it seems the two rightmost bits are flags, maybe reg. the algorithm that was 
and any  xx10 works.

The byte at 1 seems to have no effect, I tried various values and found no 

Byte 2:
all 0x?5 seem to work well.

I did only change one of the three bytes at a time, maybe multiple changes 
would reveal more.

I think I'll start coding support in mkgmap and we'll see what happens...

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 10:03
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  some    
kindof codebook.

Hi Ticker,

new patch seems to work with my 5 maps.
reg. bytes 0..2 and 30/31 etc:

The Adria Topo map has 30/31 and 32/33, the other 4 maps with MDR 16 don't have 
Info for some demo maps in gmapsupp format(they don't have 15/16)
TransAlpin (2009) has 32/33, but not 30/31
TransAlpin (2012) has 30/31 and 32/33
Winter Activity Map  has 30/31 and 32/33

2 (always 0x15 in my maps) may really be a bit flag and the 5 would be the 
table size.
When I change it to 0x16 MapSource crashes, with 0x14 I see partly wrong 

I found some code in GPXSee
which handles huffman tables. I didn't try it yet but the program seems to be 
able to display
GMP format, so maybe it'll help to understand that format. It didn't help me to 
understand the
MDR16 so far and I don't think that exactly the same structure is used.

Will keep on playing with those bytes to find out more...

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 01:18
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  some
kindof codebook.

Hi Gerd

So, in the first byte of each prefix table entry, the bottom bit =1
means push 0-n bits back, =0 means need to get extra bits to decode. In
both cases the value is >>1 and biased in a strange way. In most cases
variable numbers of bits will be needed, but the minimum is known.
Value of 0 means might need to get bits up to the max encoding length.

Have you come up with a meaning for the second byte of the prefixes
where it isn't a direct character.

I see what you mean about byte 4.

I don't follow what you mean about byte 6 and the length of the last

Other static info that omight be encoded in bytes 0, 1 & 2 could be:
1/ version/subversion
2/ initial bits to read, giving size of prefix table (all 5 so far)
3/ includes refs to mdr29/30 &| 30/31. Which of your test maps have
these sections?


On Sun, 2021-12-26 at 19:39 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> a few more patterns:
> byte 4 seems to relate to the highest stat value in the rows with
> even stat values.
> I see e.g 0x0f  and 0x1c or 0x0a and 0x1b. The formula: byte at 4 =
> highest /2 + 1
> byte 6 (x) is related to the number of bytes (y) in the last block.
> (x = y * 2+ 1)
> I see e.g. 0x6b (107) and 53 bytes or 0x6d (109) with 54 bytes or
> 0x5d (93) and 46 bytes.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 20:53
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> reg. "stat": my rule is a bit different but the result is the same:
> for all odd values:
> depth = usedBits = stat >> 1;
> val is the 2nd byte.
> for even stat values and rows where stat == val << 1 the decoder
> has to read  exactly 1 more bit to decide which character was
> encoded.
> I've not yet understood how the stat or the val field can be used to
> find the correct entry
> in the byte array with the characters.
> So, maybe the stat value should be shifted to the right to make some
> sense.
> Gerd
> ____________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 15:56
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.
> I think I understand parts of it.
> Read 5 bits and look up, giving 

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-28 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

new patch seems to work with my 5 maps.
reg. bytes 0..2 and 30/31 etc:

The Adria Topo map has 30/31 and 32/33, the other 4 maps with MDR 16 don't have 
Info for some demo maps in gmapsupp format(they don't have 15/16)
TransAlpin (2009) has 32/33, but not 30/31
TransAlpin (2012) has 30/31 and 32/33
Winter Activity Map  has 30/31 and 32/33

2 (always 0x15 in my maps) may really be a bit flag and the 5 would be the 
table size.
When I change it to 0x16 MapSource crashes, with 0x14 I see partly wrong 

I found some code in GPXSee
which handles huffman tables. I didn't try it yet but the program seems to be 
able to display
GMP format, so maybe it'll help to understand that format. It didn't help me to 
understand the
MDR16 so far and I don't think that exactly the same structure is used.

Will keep on playing with those bytes to find out more...

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 01:18
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  some
kindof codebook.

Hi Gerd

So, in the first byte of each prefix table entry, the bottom bit =1
means push 0-n bits back, =0 means need to get extra bits to decode. In
both cases the value is >>1 and biased in a strange way. In most cases
variable numbers of bits will be needed, but the minimum is known.
Value of 0 means might need to get bits up to the max encoding length.

Have you come up with a meaning for the second byte of the prefixes
where it isn't a direct character.

I see what you mean about byte 4.

I don't follow what you mean about byte 6 and the length of the last

Other static info that omight be encoded in bytes 0, 1 & 2 could be:
1/ version/subversion
2/ initial bits to read, giving size of prefix table (all 5 so far)
3/ includes refs to mdr29/30 &| 30/31. Which of your test maps have
these sections?


On Sun, 2021-12-26 at 19:39 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> a few more patterns:
> byte 4 seems to relate to the highest stat value in the rows with
> even stat values.
> I see e.g 0x0f  and 0x1c or 0x0a and 0x1b. The formula: byte at 4 =
> highest /2 + 1
> byte 6 (x) is related to the number of bytes (y) in the last block.
> (x = y * 2+ 1)
> I see e.g. 0x6b (107) and 53 bytes or 0x6d (109) with 54 bytes or
> 0x5d (93) and 46 bytes.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 20:53
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> reg. "stat": my rule is a bit different but the result is the same:
> for all odd values:
> depth = usedBits = stat >> 1;
> val is the 2nd byte.
> for even stat values and rows where stat == val << 1 the decoder
> has to read  exactly 1 more bit to decide which character was
> encoded.
> I've not yet understood how the stat or the val field can be used to
> find the correct entry
> in the byte array with the characters.
> So, maybe the stat value should be shifted to the right to make some
> sense.
> Gerd
> ________________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 15:56
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.
> I think I understand parts of it.
> Read 5 bits and look up, giving 2 bytes.
> if first 3/5/6/9/b the final char in the second byte and return (b-
> first)/2 to the bit stream. Otherwise the combination somehow
> indicate
> a minimum number of more bits to read and where to start searching.
> maybe the 'struct for level' 1 or 2 bytes is a bit flag of which
> levels
> to look in. I notice (in topo_fr) it is normally a single or adjacent
> bits except for 0xa, but there are no chars at level 19
> prefix 0 doesn't quite follow the rules
> Ticker

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Description: mdr-experimental-table_v1b.patch
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-27 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

attached patch implements also a table driven decoder for the adria topo map.
The tree decoder and the table decode give the same values.
I learned that I need this (hardcoded) array for Topo Adra
int[] minCodes = {0,0,0,0,0,0,5,6,3,2,3,3,3,4,3,4,5,6,6,3,0};

I think these numbers are encoded in the struct bytes, but one has to shift the 
The shift amount is calculated by shift = maxDepth - depth.
06 00 00| struct/mask for depth 19 ???
gives 6 >> (20-19) = 3
18 00 00| struct/mask for depth 18 ???
gives 24 >> (20-18) = 4
 00 40 01| struct/mask for depth 6 ???
gives 81920 >> (20 - 6) = 5
Found this last night, the patch doesn't implement this yet.

I'll check your ideas about bytes 0..2. Those are the last which I don't 


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 01:18
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  some
kindof codebook.

Hi Gerd

So, in the first byte of each prefix table entry, the bottom bit =1
means push 0-n bits back, =0 means need to get extra bits to decode. In
both cases the value is >>1 and biased in a strange way. In most cases
variable numbers of bits will be needed, but the minimum is known.
Value of 0 means might need to get bits up to the max encoding length.

Have you come up with a meaning for the second byte of the prefixes
where it isn't a direct character.

I see what you mean about byte 4.

I don't follow what you mean about byte 6 and the length of the last

Other static info that omight be encoded in bytes 0, 1 & 2 could be:
1/ version/subversion
2/ initial bits to read, giving size of prefix table (all 5 so far)
3/ includes refs to mdr29/30 &| 30/31. Which of your test maps have
these sections?


On Sun, 2021-12-26 at 19:39 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> a few more patterns:
> byte 4 seems to relate to the highest stat value in the rows with
> even stat values.
> I see e.g 0x0f  and 0x1c or 0x0a and 0x1b. The formula: byte at 4 =
> highest /2 + 1
> byte 6 (x) is related to the number of bytes (y) in the last block.
> (x = y * 2+ 1)
> I see e.g. 0x6b (107) and 53 bytes or 0x6d (109) with 54 bytes or
> 0x5d (93) and 46 bytes.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 20:53
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> reg. "stat": my rule is a bit different but the result is the same:
> for all odd values:
> depth = usedBits = stat >> 1;
> val is the 2nd byte.
> for even stat values and rows where stat == val << 1 the decoder
> has to read  exactly 1 more bit to decide which character was
> encoded.
> I've not yet understood how the stat or the val field can be used to
> find the correct entry
> in the byte array with the characters.
> So, maybe the stat value should be shifted to the right to make some
> sense.
> Gerd
> ____________________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 15:56
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.
> I think I understand parts of it.
> Read 5 bits and look up, giving 2 bytes.
> if first 3/5/6/9/b the final char in the second byte and return (b-
> first)/2 to the bit stream. Otherwise the combination somehow
> indicate
> a minimum number of more bits to read and where to start searching.
> maybe the 'struct for level' 1 or 2 bytes is a bit flag of which
> levels
> to look in. I notice (in topo_fr) it is normally a single or adjacent
> bits except for 0xa, but there are no chars at level 19
> prefix 0 doesn't quite follow the rules
> Ticker

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Description: mdr-experimental-table_beta.patch
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-27 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

So, in the first byte of each prefix table entry, the bottom bit =1
means push 0-n bits back, =0 means need to get extra bits to decode. In
both cases the value is >>1 and biased in a strange way. In most cases
variable numbers of bits will be needed, but the minimum is known.
Value of 0 means might need to get bits up to the max encoding length.

Have you come up with a meaning for the second byte of the prefixes
where it isn't a direct character.

I see what you mean about byte 4.

I don't follow what you mean about byte 6 and the length of the last

Other static info that omight be encoded in bytes 0, 1 & 2 could be:
1/ version/subversion
2/ initial bits to read, giving size of prefix table (all 5 so far)
3/ includes refs to mdr29/30 &| 30/31. Which of your test maps have
these sections?


On Sun, 2021-12-26 at 19:39 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> a few more patterns:
> byte 4 seems to relate to the highest stat value in the rows with
> even stat values.
> I see e.g 0x0f  and 0x1c or 0x0a and 0x1b. The formula: byte at 4 =
> highest /2 + 1
> byte 6 (x) is related to the number of bytes (y) in the last block.
> (x = y * 2+ 1)
> I see e.g. 0x6b (107) and 53 bytes or 0x6d (109) with 54 bytes or
> 0x5d (93) and 46 bytes.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 20:53
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> reg. "stat": my rule is a bit different but the result is the same:
> for all odd values:
> depth = usedBits = stat >> 1;
> val is the 2nd byte.
> for even stat values and rows where stat == val << 1 the decoder
> has to read  exactly 1 more bit to decide which character was
> encoded.
> I've not yet understood how the stat or the val field can be used to
> find the correct entry
> in the byte array with the characters.
> So, maybe the stat value should be shifted to the right to make some
> sense.
> Gerd
> ____________________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 15:56
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.
> I think I understand parts of it.
> Read 5 bits and look up, giving 2 bytes.
> if first 3/5/6/9/b the final char in the second byte and return (b-
> first)/2 to the bit stream. Otherwise the combination somehow
> indicate
> a minimum number of more bits to read and where to start searching.
> maybe the 'struct for level' 1 or 2 bytes is a bit flag of which
> levels
> to look in. I notice (in topo_fr) it is normally a single or adjacent
> bits except for 0xa, but there are no chars at level 19
> prefix 0 doesn't quite follow the rules
> Ticker

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-26 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

a few more patterns:
byte 4 seems to relate to the highest stat value in the rows with even stat 
I see e.g 0x0f  and 0x1c or 0x0a and 0x1b. The formula: byte at 4 = highest /2 
+ 1

byte 6 (x) is related to the number of bytes (y) in the last block. (x = y * 2+ 
I see e.g. 0x6b (107) and 53 bytes or 0x6d (109) with 54 bytes or 0x5d (93) and 
46 bytes.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 20:53
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

reg. "stat": my rule is a bit different but the result is the same:
for all odd values:
depth = usedBits = stat >> 1;

val is the 2nd byte.
for even stat values and rows where stat == val << 1 the decoder
has to read  exactly 1 more bit to decide which character was encoded.
I've not yet understood how the stat or the val field can be used to find the 
correct entry
in the byte array with the characters.

So, maybe the stat value should be shifted to the right to make some sense.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 15:56
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]       [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.

I think I understand parts of it.

Read 5 bits and look up, giving 2 bytes.
if first 3/5/6/9/b the final char in the second byte and return (b-
first)/2 to the bit stream. Otherwise the combination somehow indicate
a minimum number of more bits to read and where to start searching.
maybe the 'struct for level' 1 or 2 bytes is a bit flag of which levels
to look in. I notice (in topo_fr) it is normally a single or adjacent
bits except for 0xa, but there are no chars at level 19

prefix 0 doesn't quite follow the rules


On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 09:40 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> ouch, didn't even read that one :(  Would have saved me a lot
> of time as my first idea was a "jump table".
> Attached is the new patch and the corrected mdr16 outputs produced
> with this patch.
> So, besides the fields with ??? the only open question is the meaning
> of the struct bytes in the first table.
> I guess it will become clear when I try to use the lookup table in
> the decoder.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 09:31
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> I guessed that it was the \0 that cut the file off.
> You mean something like answer 5 here:
> I looked at this earlier trying to work out if it was relevant but
> didn't make it fit - I should have tried harder.
> I still haven't spotted anything to determine the length of the 2 /3
> byte in before and in the struct for {length}
> Ticker
> On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 01:17 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> >
> > sorry, just noticed that something went wrong with copy&paste
> > because
> > of the \0 character.
> > Anyway, I think I understand the meaning of the part with the
> > prefixes.
> > I assume that Garmin reads the first 5 bits and uses this value as
> > an
> > index into a table
> > which directly follows the first array. This 2nd table is a 32x2
> > lookup
> > table, where the 2nd byte gives the value
> > and the first byte some kind of status info which is used to
> > position
> > the bit reader.
> > This would explain the repeating characters. Something like this:
> >
> > - MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) 
> > 
> > -
> > 02b6 | 00 | 4a  | ???
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-23 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

reg. "stat": my rule is a bit different but the result is the same:
for all odd values:
depth = usedBits = stat >> 1;

val is the 2nd byte.
for even stat values and rows where stat == val << 1 the decoder
has to read  exactly 1 more bit to decide which character was encoded.
I've not yet understood how the stat or the val field can be used to find the 
correct entry
in the byte array with the characters.

So, maybe the stat value should be shifted to the right to make some sense.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 15:56
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]       [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.

I think I understand parts of it.

Read 5 bits and look up, giving 2 bytes.
if first 3/5/6/9/b the final char in the second byte and return (b-
first)/2 to the bit stream. Otherwise the combination somehow indicate
a minimum number of more bits to read and where to start searching.
maybe the 'struct for level' 1 or 2 bytes is a bit flag of which levels
to look in. I notice (in topo_fr) it is normally a single or adjacent
bits except for 0xa, but there are no chars at level 19

prefix 0 doesn't quite follow the rules


On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 09:40 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> ouch, didn't even read that one :(  Would have saved me a lot
> of time as my first idea was a "jump table".
> Attached is the new patch and the corrected mdr16 outputs produced
> with this patch.
> So, besides the fields with ??? the only open question is the meaning
> of the struct bytes in the first table.
> I guess it will become clear when I try to use the lookup table in
> the decoder.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 09:31
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> I guessed that it was the \0 that cut the file off.
> You mean something like answer 5 here:
> I looked at this earlier trying to work out if it was relevant but
> didn't make it fit - I should have tried harder.
> I still haven't spotted anything to determine the length of the 2 /3
> byte in before and in the struct for {length}
> Ticker
> On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 01:17 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> >
> > sorry, just noticed that something went wrong with copy&paste
> > because
> > of the \0 character.
> > Anyway, I think I understand the meaning of the part with the
> > prefixes.
> > I assume that Garmin reads the first 5 bits and uses this value as
> > an
> > index into a table
> > which directly follows the first array. This 2nd table is a 32x2
> > lookup
> > table, where the 2nd byte gives the value
> > and the first byte some kind of status info which is used to
> > position
> > the bit reader.
> > This would explain the repeating characters. Something like this:
> >
> > - MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) 
> > 
> > -
> > 02b6 | 00 | 4a  | ???
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-23 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Maybe the "is always 8" is the character width.

I think I understand parts of it.

Read 5 bits and look up, giving 2 bytes.
if first 3/5/6/9/b the final char in the second byte and return (b-
first)/2 to the bit stream. Otherwise the combination somehow indicate
a minimum number of more bits to read and where to start searching.
maybe the 'struct for level' 1 or 2 bytes is a bit flag of which levels
to look in. I notice (in topo_fr) it is normally a single or adjacent
bits except for 0xa, but there are no chars at level 19

prefix 0 doesn't quite follow the rules


On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 09:40 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> ouch, didn't even read that one :(  Would have saved me a lot
> of time as my first idea was a "jump table".
> Attached is the new patch and the corrected mdr16 outputs produced
> with this patch.
> So, besides the fields with ??? the only open question is the meaning
> of the struct bytes in the first table.
> I guess it will become clear when I try to use the lookup table in
> the decoder.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 09:31
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> I guessed that it was the \0 that cut the file off.
> You mean something like answer 5 here:
> I looked at this earlier trying to work out if it was relevant but
> didn't make it fit - I should have tried harder.
> I still haven't spotted anything to determine the length of the 2 /3
> byte in before and in the struct for {length}
> Ticker
> On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 01:17 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> > 
> > sorry, just noticed that something went wrong with copy&paste
> > because
> > of the \0 character.
> > Anyway, I think I understand the meaning of the part with the
> > prefixes.
> > I assume that Garmin reads the first 5 bits and uses this value as
> > an
> > index into a table
> > which directly follows the first array. This 2nd table is a 32x2
> > lookup
> > table, where the 2nd byte gives the value
> > and the first byte some kind of status info which is used to
> > position
> > the bit reader.
> > This would explain the repeating characters. Something like this:
> > 
> > - MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) 
> > 
> > -
> > 02b6 | 00 | 4a  | ???
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-23 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

ouch, didn't even read that one :(  Would have saved me a lot
of time as my first idea was a "jump table".
Attached is the new patch and the corrected mdr16 outputs produced with this 

So, besides the fields with ??? the only open question is the meaning of the 
struct bytes in the first table.
I guess it will become clear when I try to use the lookup table in the decoder.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2021 09:31
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

I guessed that it was the \0 that cut the file off.

You mean something like answer 5 here:

I looked at this earlier trying to work out if it was relevant but
didn't make it fit - I should have tried harder.

I still haven't spotted anything to determine the length of the 2 /3
byte in before and in the struct for {length}


On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 01:17 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> sorry, just noticed that something went wrong with copy&paste because
> of the \0 character.
> Anyway, I think I understand the meaning of the part with the prefixes.
> I assume that Garmin reads the first 5 bits and uses this value as an
> index into a table
> which directly follows the first array. This 2nd table is a 32x2 lookup
> table, where the 2nd byte gives the value
> and the first byte some kind of status info which is used to position
> the bit reader.
> This would explain the repeating characters. Something like this:
> - MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) 
> -
> 02b6 | 00 | 4a  | ???

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Description: mdr-experimental-v2.patch
- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -
030e | 00 | 8e  | ???
030f | 01 | 02  | ???
0310 | 02 | 15  | ???
0311 | 03 | 10  | 1st level with struct: 16
0312 | 04 | 0a 08 6d| ??? (2nd byte always 8?)
0315 | 07 | 00 00   | struct for 16
0317 | 09 | 10  | level: 16
0318 | 0a | 00  | count byte 0, delta = 0
0319 | 0b | 06 00   | struct for 16
031b | 0d | 0f  | level: 15
031c | 0e | 06  | count byte 6, delta = 6
031d | 0f | 14 00   | struct for 15
031f | 11 | 0e  | level: 14
0320 | 12 | 0d  | count byte 13, delta = 7
0321 | 13 | 38 00   | struct for 14
0323 | 15 | 0d  | level: 13
0324 | 16 | 16  | count byte 22, delta = 9
0325 | 17 | 70 00   | struct for 13
0327 | 19 | 0c  | level: 12
0328 | 1a | 1d  | count byte 29, delta = 7
0329 | 1b | a0 00   | struct for 12
032b | 1d | 0b  | level: 11
032c | 1e | 20  | count byte 32, delta = 3
032d | 1f | 00 01   | struct for 11
032f | 21 | 09  | level: 9
0330 | 22 | 23  | count byte 35, delta = 3
0331 | 23 | 00 02   | struct for 9
0333 | 25 | 08  | level: 8
0334 | 26 | 25  | count byte 37, delta = 2
0335 | 27 | 00 04   | struct for 8
0337 | 29 | 07  | level: 7
0338 | 2a | 27  | count byte 39, delta = 2
0339 | 2b | 00 0c   | struct for 7
033b | 2d | 06  | level: 6
033c | 2e | 2b  | count byte 43, delta = 4
 || | 
 lookup table 
033d | 2f | 00 08   | prefix 0 : stat=0 v='.', 0x8
033f | 31 | 10 09   | prefix 1 : stat=16 v='.', 0x9
0341 | 33 | 12 09   | prefix 00010 : stat=18 v='.', 0x9
0343 | 35 | 12 09   | prefix 00011 : stat=18 v='.', 0x9
0345 | 37 | 12 09   | prefix 00100 : stat=18 v='.', 0x9
0347 | 39 | 12 09   | prefix 00101

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-23 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

I guessed that it was the \0 that cut the file off.

You mean something like answer 5 here:

I looked at this earlier trying to work out if it was relevant but
didn't make it fit - I should have tried harder.

I still haven't spotted anything to determine the length of the 2 /3
byte in before and in the struct for {length}


On Thu, 2021-12-23 at 01:17 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> sorry, just noticed that something went wrong with copy&paste because
> of the \0 character.
> Anyway, I think I understand the meaning of the part with the prefixes.
> I assume that Garmin reads the first 5 bits and uses this value as an
> index into a table
> which directly follows the first array. This 2nd table is a 32x2 lookup
> table, where the 2nd byte gives the value
> and the first byte some kind of status info which is used to position
> the bit reader.
> This would explain the repeating characters. Something like this:
> - MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) 
> -
> 02b6 | 00 | 4a  | ???

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-22 Thread Gerd Petermann
322 | 6c | 0b 4c   | prefix 01101 : stat=11 v='L', 0x4c
0324 | 6e | 09 00   | prefix 01110 : stat=9 v='.', 0x0
0326 | 70 | 09 00   | prefix 0 : stat=9 v='.', 0x0
0328 | 72 | 09 20   | prefix 1 : stat=9 v=' ', 0x20
032a | 74 | 09 20   | prefix 10001 : stat=9 v=' ', 0x20
032c | 76 | 09 45   | prefix 10010 : stat=9 v='E', 0x45
032e | 78 | 09 45   | prefix 10011 : stat=9 v='E', 0x45
0330 | 7a | 09 4e   | prefix 10100 : stat=9 v='N', 0x4e
0332 | 7c | 09 4e   | prefix 10101 : stat=9 v='N', 0x4e
0334 | 7e | 09 4f   | prefix 10110 : stat=9 v='O', 0x4f
0336 | 80 | 09 4f   | prefix 10111 : stat=9 v='O', 0x4f
0338 | 82 | 09 49   | prefix 11000 : stat=9 v='I', 0x49
033a | 84 | 09 49   | prefix 11001 : stat=9 v='I', 0x49
033c | 86 | 09 52   | prefix 11010 : stat=9 v='R', 0x52
033e | 88 | 09 52   | prefix 11011 : stat=9 v='R', 0x52
0340 | 8a | 07 41   | prefix 11100 : stat=7 v='A', 0x41
0342 | 8c | 07 41   | prefix 11101 : stat=7 v='A', 0x41
0344 | 8e | 07 41   | prefix 0 : stat=7 v='A', 0x41
0346 | 90 | 07 41   | prefix 1 : stat=7 v='A', 0x41

Obviously, for the prefixes 0..00100 the decode has to read more bits to 
find the position in the rest of the mdr16 section...
stat=7 means 3 bits where processed, stat=9 means 4 bits where processed, 
stat=11 means 5 bits where processed.
Have to double check this...


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 15:22
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is      
somekindof      codebook.

Hi Ticker,

I think those are the two that I didn't post before.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 12:32
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Can you send me the Mdr16 display of some of the other maps you've been
looking at. I'd like to try and find some meaning for bytes 0..2 and
the prefix before the level 5 data.


On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 08:43 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I also thought that some bytes may tells us the uncompressed size or
> frequencies. I don't see any clear pattern so far...
> Some number for the Adria Topo Map: (Mdr 16 length 212)
> Uncompressed size: 1.582.655 (0x18263e) , compressed: 1029077
> (0x0fb3d5)
> Frequencies of the tree nodes:
> '' 0x3 freq: 1 (0x1)
> '%' 0x25 freq: 1 (0x1)
> ':' 0x3a freq: 1 (0x1)

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-22 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

I think those are the two that I didn't post before.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 12:32
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kind    of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Can you send me the Mdr16 display of some of the other maps you've been
looking at. I'd like to try and find some meaning for bytes 0..2 and
the prefix before the level 5 data.


On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 08:43 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I also thought that some bytes may tells us the uncompressed size or
> frequencies. I don't see any clear pattern so far...
> Some number for the Adria Topo Map: (Mdr 16 length 212)
> Uncompressed size: 1.582.655 (0x18263e) , compressed: 1029077
> (0x0fb3d5)
> Frequencies of the tree nodes:
> '' 0x3 freq: 1 (0x1)
> '%' 0x25 freq: 1 (0x1)
> ':' 0x3a freq: 1 (0x1)

mkgmap-dev mailing list
- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -
030e | 00 | 8e  | ???
030f | 01 | 02  | ???
0310 | 02 | 15  | ???
0311 | 03 | 10  | 1st level with struct: 16
0312 | 04 | 0a 08 6d 00 00  | ???
0317 | 09 | 10  | struct level: 16
0318 | 0a | 00  | count byte 0, delta = 0
0319 | 0b | 06 00   | struct for 16
031b | 0d | 0f  | struct level: 15
031c | 0e | 06  | count byte 6, delta = 6
031d | 0f | 14 00   | struct for 15
031f | 11 | 0e  | struct level: 14
0320 | 12 | 0d  | count byte 13, delta = 7
0321 | 13 | 38 00   | struct for 14
0323 | 15 | 0d  | struct level: 13
0324 | 16 | 16  | count byte 22, delta = 9
0325 | 17 | 70 00   | struct for 13
0327 | 19 | 0c  | struct level: 12
0328 | 1a | 1d  | count byte 29, delta = 7
0329 | 1b | a0 00   | struct for 12
032b | 1d | 0b  | struct level: 11
032c | 1e | 20  | count byte 32, delta = 3
032d | 1f | 00 01   | struct for 11
032f | 21 | 09  | struct level: 9
0330 | 22 | 23  | count byte 35, delta = 3
0331 | 23 | 00 02   | struct for 9
0333 | 25 | 08  | struct level: 8
0334 | 26 | 25  | count byte 37, delta = 2
0335 | 27 | 00 04   | struct for 8
0337 | 29 | 07  | struct level: 7
0338 | 2a | 27  | count byte 39, delta = 2
0339 | 2b | 00 0c   | struct for 7
033b | 2d | 06  | struct level: 6
033c | 2e | 2b  | count byte 43, delta = 4
033d | 2f | 00 08   | struct for 6
033f | 31 | 10 09 12 09 12 09 12 09 | ???
0347 | 39 | 12 09 12 09 | 
034b | 3d | 0b  | prefix b
034c | 3e | 59  | value in tree 'Y' (0x59)
034d | 3f | 0b  | prefix b
034e | 40 | 47  | value in tree 'G' (0x47)
034f | 41 | 0b  | prefix b
0350 | 42 | 49  | value in tree 'I' (0x49)
0351 | 43 | 0b  | prefix b
0352 | 44 | c1  | value in tree 'Á' (0xc1)
0353 | 45 | 0b  | prefix b
0354 | 46 | 5a  | value in tree 'Z' (0x5a)
0355 | 47 | 0b  | prefix b
0356 | 48 | 4b  | value in tree 'K' (0x4b)
0357 | 49 | 0b  | prefix b
0358 | 4a | 44  | value in tree 'D' (0x44)
0359 | 4b | 0b  | prefix b
035a | 4c | 4f  | value in tree 'O' (0x4f)
035b | 4d | 0b  | prefix b
035c | 4e | 4e  | value in tree 'N' (0x4e)
035d | 4f | 09  | prefix 9
035e | 50 | 54  | value in tree 'T' (0x54)

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-22 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Can you send me the Mdr16 display of some of the other maps you've been
looking at. I'd like to try and find some meaning for bytes 0..2 and
the prefix before the level 5 data.


On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 08:43 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I also thought that some bytes may tells us the uncompressed size or
> frequencies. I don't see any clear pattern so far...
> Some number for the Adria Topo Map: (Mdr 16 length 212)
> Uncompressed size: 1.582.655 (0x18263e) , compressed: 1029077
> (0x0fb3d5)
> Frequencies of the tree nodes:
> '' 0x3 freq: 1 (0x1)
> '%' 0x25 freq: 1 (0x1)
> ':' 0x3a freq: 1 (0x1)

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-22 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

I also thought that some bytes may tells us the uncompressed size or 
frequencies. I don't see any clear pattern so far...

Some number for the Adria Topo Map: (Mdr 16 length 212)
Uncompressed size: 1.582.655 (0x18263e) , compressed: 1029077 (0x0fb3d5)
Frequencies of the tree nodes:

'' 0x3 freq: 1 (0x1)
'%' 0x25 freq: 1 (0x1)
':' 0x3a freq: 1 (0x1)
';' 0x3b freq: 1 (0x1)
'�' 0xfd freq: 1 (0x1)
'¸' 0xb8 freq: 1 (0x1)
'?' 0x3f freq: 2 (0x2)
'`' 0x60 freq: 2 (0x2)
'„' 0x1e freq: 2 (0x2)
'Ž' 0x7d freq: 3 (0x3)
'’' 0x19 freq: 2 (0x2)
'Ä' 0xc4 freq: 2 (0x2)
'Ø' 0xd8 freq: 2 (0x2)
'Ú' 0xda freq: 1 (0x1)
'Û' 0xdb freq: 2 (0x2)
'_' 0x5f freq: 4 (0x4)
'{' 0x7b freq: 6 (0x6)
'“' 0x1c freq: 4 (0x4)
'É' 0xc9 freq: 4 (0x4)
'Ð' 0xd0 freq: 5 (0x5)
'Ö' 0xd6 freq: 5 (0x5)
'+' 0x2b freq: 7 (0x7)
'–' 0x13 freq: 12 (0xc)
'Á' 0xc1 freq: 6 (0x6)
'Ü' 0xdc freq: 9 (0x9)
'' 0x4 freq: 19 (0x13)
'!' 0x21 freq: 18 (0x12)
'ž' 0x7e freq: 15 (0xf)
'Æ' 0xc6 freq: 43 (0x2b)
'È' 0xc8 freq: 34 (0x22)
'Q' 0x51 freq: 80 (0x50)
'Š' 0x60 freq: 49 (0x31)
''' 0x27 freq: 95 (0x5f)
'Ë' 0xcb freq: 51 (0x33)
'/' 0x2f freq: 64 (0x40)
'&' 0x26 freq: 153 (0x99)
'' 0x1f freq: 195 (0xc3)
'W' 0x57 freq: 294 (0x126)
'X' 0x58 freq: 422 (0x1a6)
'' 0x5 freq: 242 (0xf2)
'Y' 0x59 freq: 719 (0x2cf)
'"' 0x22 freq: 614 (0x266)
'' 0x6 freq: 842 (0x34a)
'*' 0x2a freq: 1905 (0x771)
'F' 0x46 freq: 4481 (0x1181)
',' 0x2c freq: 2126 (0x84e)
'(' 0x28 freq: 2537 (0x9e9)
')' 0x29 freq: 2558 (0x9fe)
'5' 0x35 freq: 6778 (0x1a7a)
'6' 0x36 freq: 6634 (0x19ea)
'-' 0x2d freq: 6588 (0x19bc)
'7' 0x37 freq: 5972 (0x1754)
'3' 0x33 freq: 7478 (0x1d36)
'8' 0x38 freq: 5832 (0x16c8)
'9' 0x39 freq: 5314 (0x14c2)
'0' 0x30 freq: 6539 (0x198b)
'4' 0x34 freq: 7203 (0x1c23)
'H' 0x48 freq: 12992 (0x32c0)
'1' 0x31 freq: 13281 (0x33e1)
'2' 0x32 freq: 8713 (0x2209)
'.' 0x2e freq: 10184 (0x27c8)
'G' 0x47 freq: 24930 (0x6162)
'Z' 0x5a freq: 23284 (0x5af4)
'U' 0x55 freq: 31985 (0x7cf1)
'P' 0x50 freq: 34866 (0x8832)
'B' 0x42 freq: 33286 (0x8206)
'C' 0x43 freq: 66619 (0x1043b)
'S' 0x53 freq: 71047 (0x11587)
'D' 0x44 freq: 37462 (0x9256)
'T' 0x54 freq: 53719 (0xd1d7)
'M' 0x4d freq: 40220 (0x9d1c)
'V' 0x56 freq: 63113 (0xf689)
'J' 0x4a freq: 44778 (0xaeea)
'K' 0x4b freq: 63856 (0xf970)
'L' 0x4c freq: 63057 (0xf651)
'' 0x0 freq: 108543 (0x1a7ff)
' ' 0x20 freq: 139214 (0x21fce)
'E' 0x45 freq: 99070 (0x182fe)
'N' 0x4e freq: 79383 (0x13617)
'O' 0x4f freq: 101405 (0x18c1d)
'I' 0x49 freq: 113012 (0x1b974)
'R' 0x52 freq: 95298 (0x17442)
'A' 0x41 freq: 181900 (0x2c68c)

Maybe you find something new?

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2021 17:49
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekind    of  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

looks good.
With your hints I was able to write a patch for MdrDisplay
that seems able to decode compressed mdr15 for my
maps which have mdr 16 section.
Maybe you have another map...

It also changes some details for mdr 30/31 and 32/33.
Open problem is the length of the gap between the end of data for the 6th level 
and the first bytes for level 5 (prefix 0b).
I see either 7 or 12 or 5 bytes. Check the code that calculdates value for 
variable skip.
The values might not at all depend on the depth of the tree.

Code is not at all optimized, it just started to work for me.
Lots of bytes in MDR 16 are ignored.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 11:29
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

yes, with your theory I found errors in my code. Here's the corrected version
// depth 3, prefix 0x07
addHuffmanNode("111", 'A');

// depth 4, prefix 0x09

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-21 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

That's great. 

I don't have any maps with compression/Mdr16 or Mdr30-3. no longer seems to work for me.
I found possible links to maps at:
but interesting links were dead or went to generic page.

I suspect the #bytes after the delta for each level might be related to
the size of Mdr15 or some bits in byte 0/4/5/6 and related to letter
frequency count.

I didn't notice a different length sequence (6 or 5) starting at byte 4
in the mdr sections you sent (benelix, topo_d_v3 and the original)

I puzzled over the values before the level 5 data and couldn't see a
way of working out how many there were and what they might mean. The
benelux map is confusing because it is 0b 16 0b 16 0b. 

It is going to be interesting when re-generating this to find out how
much of all the unknown or redundant information is required by the
Garmin software!


On Tue, 2021-12-21 at 16:49 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> looks good.
> With your hints I was able to write a patch for MdrDisplay
> that seems able to decode compressed mdr15 for my
> maps which have mdr 16 section.
> Maybe you have another map...
> It also changes some details for mdr 30/31 and 32/33.
> Open problem is the length of the gap between the end of data for the
> 6th level and the first bytes for level 5 (prefix 0b).
> I see either 7 or 12 or 5 bytes. Check the code that calculdates value
> for variable skip.
> The values might not at all depend on the depth of the tree.
> Code is not at all optimized, it just started to work for me.
> Lots of bytes in MDR 16 are ignored.
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-21 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

looks good.
With your hints I was able to write a patch for MdrDisplay
that seems able to decode compressed mdr15 for my
maps which have mdr 16 section.
Maybe you have another map...

It also changes some details for mdr 30/31 and 32/33.
Open problem is the length of the gap between the end of data for the 6th level 
and the first bytes for level 5 (prefix 0b).
I see either 7 or 12 or 5 bytes. Check the code that calculdates value for 
variable skip.
The values might not at all depend on the depth of the tree.

Code is not at all optimized, it just started to work for me.
Lots of bytes in MDR 16 are ignored.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 11:29
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

yes, with your theory I found errors in my code. Here's the corrected version
// depth 3, prefix 0x07
addHuffmanNode("111", 'A');

// depth 4, prefix 0x09
addHuffmanNode("0111", '\0'); // 0x00
addHuffmanNode("1000", ' '); //0x20
addHuffmanNode("1001", 'E');
addHuffmanNode("1010", 'N');
addHuffmanNode("1011", 'O');
addHuffmanNode("1100", 'I');
addHuffmanNode("1101", 'R');

// depth 5, prefix 0x0b
addHuffmanNode("00101", 'C');
addHuffmanNode("00110", 'S');
addHuffmanNode("00111", 'D');
addHuffmanNode("01000", 'T');
addHuffmanNode("01001", 'M');
addHuffmanNode("01010", 'V');
addHuffmanNode("01011", 'J');
addHuffmanNode("01100", 'K');
addHuffmanNode("01101", 'L');
// depth 6
addHuffmanNode("000101", 'G');
addHuffmanNode("000110", 'Z');
addHuffmanNode("000111", 'U');
addHuffmanNode("001000", 'P');
addHuffmanNode("001001", 'B');
// depth 7
addHuffmanNode("110", 'H');
addHuffmanNode("111", '1');
addHuffmanNode("0001000", '2');
addHuffmanNode("0001001", '.');
// depth 8
addHuffmanNode("0011", '5');
addHuffmanNode("0100", '6');
addHuffmanNode("0101", '-');
addHuffmanNode("0110", '7');
addHuffmanNode("0111", '3');
addHuffmanNode("1000", '8');
addHuffmanNode("1001", '9');
addHuffmanNode("1010", '0');
addHuffmanNode("1011", '4');
// depth 9
addHuffmanNode("00010", 'F');
addHuffmanNode("00100", '(');
addHuffmanNode("00101", ')');
// depth 10
addHuffmanNode("11", '*');
// depth 11
addHuffmanNode("011", 'Y');
addHuffmanNode("100", '"');

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-20 Thread Gerd Petermann
ddHuffmanNode("000101", '\''); // 
mdr16 says 0x8a
addHuffmanNode("000110", 'Ë');
addHuffmanNode("000111", '/');
// depth 15
addHuffmanNode("100", 'Æ');
addHuffmanNode("101", 'È');
// depth 16
addHuffmanNode("0101", (char) 
0x04); // non-print3
addHuffmanNode("0110", '!');
addHuffmanNode("0111", (char) 
0x9e); //Ž
// depth 17
addHuffmanNode("00111", '–'); // 
different to minus mdr16: 0x96
addHuffmanNode("01000", 'Á'); //Á
addHuffmanNode("01001", 'Ü');
// depth 18
addHuffmanNode("000110", '_');
addHuffmanNode("000111", '{');
addHuffmanNode("001000", '“'); // 
mdr16: 0x93
addHuffmanNode("001001", 'É');
addHuffmanNode("001010", 'Ð');
addHuffmanNode("001011", 'Ö');
// depth 19
addHuffmanNode("011", '?');
addHuffmanNode("100", '`'); // 
mdr16: 0x60
            addHuffmanNode("00000000101", '„'); // 
mdr16: 0x84
addHuffmanNode("110", 'ž'); // 
mdr16: 0x8e
addHuffmanNode("111", '’'); // 
mdr16: 0x92
addHuffmanNode("0001000", 'Ä');
addHuffmanNode("0001001", 'Ø');
            addHuffmanNode("0001010", 'Ú');
addHuffmanNode("0001011", 'Û');
// depth 20
addHuffmanNode("", '#'); // 
offset into MDR 30/31? MapSource displays "HWY "
addHuffmanNode("0001", '%'); //
addHuffmanNode("0010", ':');
addHuffmanNode("0011", ';');
addHuffmanNode("0100", (char) 
addHuffmanNode("0101", (char) 


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 10:59
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

OK, I see. It seems to work out for most of the delta values.
Deltas are 6,9,6,4,3,2,5,2,3,3,1,4,9,4

I'll try to find out if I can modify the tree so that it matches all numbers. 
Probably sometimes I found too short codes.
Good finding!


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 10:38
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Are you OK with the idea of the letters at any level being to the
right. Then the letters at this level take decreasing values. When
exhausted, the next lower slot will be the start of the next level, so
subtract 1 to find it and append '1' to the bit-string to get the
starting position for the next level.

in the test map there is, say:

02cf | 19 | 11  | struct level: 17
02d0 | 1a | 15 50 00 00 | struct for 17
02d4 | 1e | 10  | struct level: 16
02d5 | 1f | 19 80 00 00 | st

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-20 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

OK, I see. It seems to work out for most of the delta values.
Deltas are 6,9,6,4,3,2,5,2,3,3,1,4,9,4

I'll try to find out if I can modify the tree so that it matches all numbers. 
Probably sometimes I found too short codes.
Good finding!


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 10:38
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kind    of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Are you OK with the idea of the letters at any level being to the
right. Then the letters at this level take decreasing values. When
exhausted, the next lower slot will be the start of the next level, so
subtract 1 to find it and append '1' to the bit-string to get the
starting position for the next level.

in the test map there is, say:

02cf | 19 | 11  | struct level: 17
02d0 | 1a | 15 50 00 00 | struct for 17
02d4 | 1e | 10  | struct level: 16
02d5 | 1f | 19 80 00 00 | struct for 16
02d9 | 23 | 0f  | struct level: 15
02da | 24 | 1c c0 00 00 | struct for 15

The differences between the first byte after the level indicator ie 15,
19 & 1c) give 4 and 3, which are the number of letters at level 17 and
level 16


On Mon, 2021-12-20 at 09:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> please explain. What counters do you see? What do they mean?
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von
> Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 09:49
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]       [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16
> is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> The tree is arranged so that letters at any level always have the
> highest values, ie come in from the right, and there are no gaps so no
> need for bit-flags. All it needs is the count of letters at each level
> to determine the tree.
> For levels 7 to 18 this is consistent and the count can be determined
> from the first byte in the "struct for {level}".
> Levels 19 and 20 are slightly out, but I think you found some
> strangeness here, including something indicate using Mdr3x data.
> Level 6 count might be mixed into the following
> I haven't been able to work out levels 1-5 yet, but somewhere would
> hope to find counts 0,0,1,7,9 maybe cumulative, maybe backwards, maybe
> without the first 2 values, maybe starting from the cumulative level 6
> value.
> Ticker
> On Sun, 2021-12-19 at 21:12 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> >
> > my thought for the struct bytes was that the 1-bits might represent
> > the position of leafs, but
> > the bit counts don't match.
> >
> > Gerd
> >
> > ________________
> > Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> > von Ticker Berkin 
> > Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021 10:12
> > An: Development list for mkgmap
> > Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> > MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> >
> > Hi Gerd
> >
> > It looks like the order of the letter patterns approaches canonical
> > Huffman (but not quite as far as I can see). With this, only the
> > number
> > of codes of each length is required to form the tree.
> >
> > The "struct for {level}" looks like 2 numbers. Both increasing as
> > levels go from 20 to 6. The first, a single byte from #00 to #3d -
> > this
> > could be give the accumulated lengths at each level (but I didn't get
> > it to match). The second, variable length, from #06 to #180c00
> > and
> > I've no idea what it could mean.
> >
> > Levels 1 - 5 seem to be handled differently. with the repeat * 4,
> > repeat * 2, no repeat and the padding.
> >
> > Ticker
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mkgmap-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mkgmap-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-20 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Are you OK with the idea of the letters at any level being to the
right. Then the letters at this level take decreasing values. When
exhausted, the next lower slot will be the start of the next level, so
subtract 1 to find it and append '1' to the bit-string to get the
starting position for the next level.

in the test map there is, say:

02cf | 19 | 11  | struct level: 17
02d0 | 1a | 15 50 00 00 | struct for 17
02d4 | 1e | 10  | struct level: 16
02d5 | 1f | 19 80 00 00 | struct for 16
02d9 | 23 | 0f  | struct level: 15
02da | 24 | 1c c0 00 00 | struct for 15

The differences between the first byte after the level indicator ie 15,
19 & 1c) give 4 and 3, which are the number of letters at level 17 and
level 16


On Mon, 2021-12-20 at 09:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> please explain. What counters do you see? What do they mean?
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von
> Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 09:49
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]       [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16  
> is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> The tree is arranged so that letters at any level always have the
> highest values, ie come in from the right, and there are no gaps so no
> need for bit-flags. All it needs is the count of letters at each level
> to determine the tree.
> For levels 7 to 18 this is consistent and the count can be determined
> from the first byte in the "struct for {level}".
> Levels 19 and 20 are slightly out, but I think you found some
> strangeness here, including something indicate using Mdr3x data.
> Level 6 count might be mixed into the following
> I haven't been able to work out levels 1-5 yet, but somewhere would
> hope to find counts 0,0,1,7,9 maybe cumulative, maybe backwards, maybe
> without the first 2 values, maybe starting from the cumulative level 6
> value.
> Ticker
> On Sun, 2021-12-19 at 21:12 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> > 
> > my thought for the struct bytes was that the 1-bits might represent
> > the position of leafs, but
> > the bit counts don't match.
> > 
> > Gerd
> > 
> > ________________
> > Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> > von Ticker Berkin 
> > Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021 10:12
> > An: Development list for mkgmap
> > Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> > MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> > 
> > Hi Gerd
> > 
> > It looks like the order of the letter patterns approaches canonical
> > Huffman (but not quite as far as I can see). With this, only the
> > number
> > of codes of each length is required to form the tree.
> > 
> > The "struct for {level}" looks like 2 numbers. Both increasing as
> > levels go from 20 to 6. The first, a single byte from #00 to #3d -
> > this
> > could be give the accumulated lengths at each level (but I didn't get
> > it to match). The second, variable length, from #06 to #180c00
> > and
> > I've no idea what it could mean.
> > 
> > Levels 1 - 5 seem to be handled differently. with the repeat * 4,
> > repeat * 2, no repeat and the padding.
> > 
> > Ticker
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > mkgmap-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mkgmap-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-20 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

please explain. What counters do you see? What do they mean?


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Montag, 20. Dezember 2021 09:49
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

The tree is arranged so that letters at any level always have the
highest values, ie come in from the right, and there are no gaps so no
need for bit-flags. All it needs is the count of letters at each level
to determine the tree.

For levels 7 to 18 this is consistent and the count can be determined
from the first byte in the "struct for {level}".

Levels 19 and 20 are slightly out, but I think you found some
strangeness here, including something indicate using Mdr3x data.

Level 6 count might be mixed into the following

I haven't been able to work out levels 1-5 yet, but somewhere would
hope to find counts 0,0,1,7,9 maybe cumulative, maybe backwards, maybe
without the first 2 values, maybe starting from the cumulative level 6


On Sun, 2021-12-19 at 21:12 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> my thought for the struct bytes was that the 1-bits might represent
> the position of leafs, but
> the bit counts don't match.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021 10:12
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> It looks like the order of the letter patterns approaches canonical
> Huffman (but not quite as far as I can see). With this, only the
> number
> of codes of each length is required to form the tree.
> The "struct for {level}" looks like 2 numbers. Both increasing as
> levels go from 20 to 6. The first, a single byte from #00 to #3d -
> this
> could be give the accumulated lengths at each level (but I didn't get
> it to match). The second, variable length, from #06 to #180c00
> and
> I've no idea what it could mean.
> Levels 1 - 5 seem to be handled differently. with the repeat * 4,
> repeat * 2, no repeat and the padding.
> Ticker
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-20 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

The tree is arranged so that letters at any level always have the
highest values, ie come in from the right, and there are no gaps so no
need for bit-flags. All it needs is the count of letters at each level
to determine the tree.

For levels 7 to 18 this is consistent and the count can be determined
from the first byte in the "struct for {level}".

Levels 19 and 20 are slightly out, but I think you found some
strangeness here, including something indicate using Mdr3x data.

Level 6 count might be mixed into the following

I haven't been able to work out levels 1-5 yet, but somewhere would
hope to find counts 0,0,1,7,9 maybe cumulative, maybe backwards, maybe
without the first 2 values, maybe starting from the cumulative level 6


On Sun, 2021-12-19 at 21:12 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> my thought for the struct bytes was that the 1-bits might represent
> the position of leafs, but
> the bit counts don't match.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021 10:12
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]       [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> It looks like the order of the letter patterns approaches canonical
> Huffman (but not quite as far as I can see). With this, only the
> number
> of codes of each length is required to form the tree.
> The "struct for {level}" looks like 2 numbers. Both increasing as
> levels go from 20 to 6. The first, a single byte from #00 to #3d -
> this
> could be give the accumulated lengths at each level (but I didn't get
> it to match). The second, variable length, from #06 to #180c00
> and
> I've no idea what it could mean.
> Levels 1 - 5 seem to be handled differently. with the repeat * 4,
> repeat * 2, no repeat and the padding.
> Ticker
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-19 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

my thought for the struct bytes was that the 1-bits might represent the 
position of leafs, but
the bit counts don't match.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2021 10:12
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kind    of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

It looks like the order of the letter patterns approaches canonical
Huffman (but not quite as far as I can see). With this, only the number
of codes of each length is required to form the tree.

The "struct for {level}" looks like 2 numbers. Both increasing as
levels go from 20 to 6. The first, a single byte from #00 to #3d - this
could be give the accumulated lengths at each level (but I didn't get
it to match). The second, variable length, from #06 to #180c00 and
I've no idea what it could mean.

Levels 1 - 5 seem to be handled differently. with the repeat * 4,
repeat * 2, no repeat and the padding.


mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-19 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

It looks like the order of the letter patterns approaches canonical
Huffman (but not quite as far as I can see). With this, only the number
of codes of each length is required to form the tree.

The "struct for {level}" looks like 2 numbers. Both increasing as
levels go from 20 to 6. The first, a single byte from #00 to #3d - this
could be give the accumulated lengths at each level (but I didn't get
it to match). The second, variable length, from #06 to #180c00 and
I've no idea what it could mean.

Levels 1 - 5 seem to be handled differently. with the repeat * 4,
repeat * 2, no repeat and the padding.


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-18 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

maybe the table allows to decode the strings faster or someone very
unexperienced invented the code or it's intended obfuscation or
Garmin took an algo that was meant for something else and what we
see is partly ignored.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Samstag, 18. Dezember 2021 11:52
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kind    of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

I'm amazed at how they've made something that could be simple and
expressed with a few byte of control, around 140 bits for tree
structure and 80 or so bytes of characters so big and complex!

Maybe the few (5) layers closest to the root somehow hard coded.

Where a node has a sub-tree on one side and a letter on the other, are
these always the same way round, such that the these will always tend
to one side of the tree, with nothing beyond because of double leaves
closer to the root stop the tree. This would allow reasonable length
bit sequences to describe the structure at each level, rather than it
growing by powers of 2.


On Sat, 2021-12-18 at 10:19 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> sorry, my last post turned out to be wrong. The byte at offset 2 must
> have a different meaning.
> The previously posted mdr16 for benelux has a value of 2 but 4 bytes
> for the "struct",
> while the hungary map has a value of 2 and only 3 bytes for struct.
> Maybe the value for
> 3 / 4 can be calculated from the depth of the tree.
> I still have no idea what the values mean. I thought of some kind of
> raster image or a jump table but
> nothing worked out so far..
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-18 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

I'm amazed at how they've made something that could be simple and
expressed with a few byte of control, around 140 bits for tree
structure and 80 or so bytes of characters so big and complex!

Maybe the few (5) layers closest to the root somehow hard coded.

Where a node has a sub-tree on one side and a letter on the other, are
these always the same way round, such that the these will always tend
to one side of the tree, with nothing beyond because of double leaves
closer to the root stop the tree. This would allow reasonable length
bit sequences to describe the structure at each level, rather than it
growing by powers of 2.

On Sat, 2021-12-18 at 10:19 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> sorry, my last post turned out to be wrong. The byte at offset 2 must
> have a different meaning.
> The previously posted mdr16 for benelux has a value of 2 but 4 bytes
> for the "struct",
> while the hungary map has a value of 2 and only 3 bytes for struct.
> Maybe the value for
> 3 / 4 can be calculated from the depth of the tree.
> I still have no idea what the values mean. I thought of some kind of
> raster image or a jump table but
> nothing worked out so far..
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-18 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

sorry, my last post turned out to be wrong. The byte at offset 2 must have a 
different meaning.
The previously posted mdr16 for benelux has a value of 2 but 4 bytes for the 
while the hungary map has a value of 2 and only 3 bytes for struct. Maybe the 
value for
3 / 4 can be calculated from the depth of the tree.

I still have no idea what the values mean. I thought of some kind of raster 
image or a jump table but
nothing worked out so far..


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Dezember 2021 09:20
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kind    of  codebook.

Hi Ticker,
found another pattern about the first bytes in Mdr16 (and again a loop from 20 
down to 6)
I noticed that the hex values 14,13,12,11,10,0f,...,06 appear with a distance 
of 5
bytes starting at offset 10 (0x0a). In maps where the 2nd byte is 2 instead of 
3 the distance is 4
and the offset is 9.
Possible interpretation is below, this also works with other maps.
Note that in the 2nd tree level 10 is missing. This would explain why the 
counters are needed.

- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -
02b6 | 00 | 4a  | ???
02b7 | 01 | 03  | bytes for struct: 3 + 1 = 4
02b8 | 02 | 15  | ???
02b9 | 03 | 14  | 1st level with struct: 20
02ba | 04 | 0f 08 85 00 00 00   | ???
02c0 | 0a | 14  | struct level: 20
02c1 | 0b | 00 06 00 00 | struct for 20
02c5 | 0f | 13  | struct level: 19
02c6 | 10 | 06 18 00 00 | struct for 19
02ca | 14 | 12  | struct level: 18
02cb | 15 | 0f 30 00 00 | struct for 18
02cf | 19 | 11  | struct level: 17
02d0 | 1a | 15 50 00 00 | struct for 17
02d4 | 1e | 10  | struct level: 16
02d5 | 1f | 19 80 00 00 | struct for 16
02d9 | 23 | 0f  | struct level: 15
02da | 24 | 1c c0 00 00 | struct for 15
02de | 28 | 0e  | struct level: 14
02df | 29 | 1e 00 02 00 | struct for 14
02e3 | 2d | 0d  | struct level: 13
02e4 | 2e | 23 00 03 00 | struct for 13
02e8 | 32 | 0c  | struct level: 12
02e9 | 33 | 25 00 06 00 | struct for 12
02ed | 37 | 0b  | struct level: 11
02ee | 38 | 28 00 0c 00 | struct for 11
02f2 | 3c | 0a  | struct level: 10
02f3 | 3d | 2b 00 10 00 | struct for 10
02f7 | 41 | 09  | struct level: 9
02f8 | 42 | 2c 00 30 00 | struct for 9
02fc | 46 | 08  | struct level: 8
02fd | 47 | 30 00 c0 00 | struct for 8
0301 | 4b | 07  | struct level: 7
0302 | 4c | 39 00 40 01 | struct for 7
0306 | 50 | 06  | struct level: 6
0307 | 51 | 3d 00 0c 18 | struct for 6

smaller tree (TopoGuide Hungary with codepage 1250):
030e | 00 | 8e  | ???
030f | 01 | 02  | bytes for struct: 2 + 1 = 3
0310 | 02 | 15  | ???
0311 | 03 | 10  | 1st level with struct: 16
0312 | 04 | 0a 08 6d 00 00  | ???
0317 | 09 | 10  | struct level: 16
0318 | 0a | 00 06 00| struct for 16
031b | 0d | 0f  | struct level: 15
031c | 0e | 06 14 00| struct for 15
031f | 11 | 0e  | struct level: 14
0320 | 12 | 0d 38 00| struct for 14
0323 | 15 | 0d  | struct level: 13
0324 | 16 | 16 70 00| struct for 13
0327 | 19 | 0c  | struct level: 12
0328 | 1a | 1d a0 00| struct for 12
032b | 1d | 0b  | struct level: 11
032c | 1e | 20 00 01| struct for 11
032f | 21 | 09  | struct level: 9
0330 | 22 | 23 00 02| struct for 9
0333 | 25 | 08  | struct level: 8
0334 | 26 | 25 00 04| struct for 8
0337 | 29 | 07  | struct level: 7
0338 | 2a | 27 00 0c| struct for 7
033b | 2d | 06  | struct level: 6
033c | 2e 

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-17 Thread Gerd Petermann
0036e | 60 | 4c 09 4c 09 52 09 52 07 | L.L.R.R.
0376 | 68 | 00 07 00 07 00 07 00 33 | ...3
037e | 70 | 34 37 9d c5 de 32 36 38 | 47ÅÞ268
0386 | 78 | 51 ad c2 ce 27 31 5f 28 | Q­ÂÎ'1_(
038e | 80 | aa c4 29 cf d0 57 9e ba | ªÄ)ÏÐWžº
0396 | 88 | c3 c6 d2 dd 58 be 2c 8a | ÃÆÒÝX¾,Š
039e | 90 | c8 2e cd db da dc 4a 20 | È.ÍÛÚÜJ
03a6 | 98 | 46 2d 42 43 50 c9 55 4d | F-BCPÉUM
03ae | a0 | d3 d5 d6 48 56  | ÓÕÖHV


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 18:33
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
some    kind    of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

I've followed the lists of chars at levels, some with separators, maybe
indicate totally internal nodes. The early bit must be bit flags to
describe the tree and maybe offsets into the leaves at different
levels. The repeating at the low levels seems very strange.

but wow - quite some detective work.


On Thu, 2021-12-16 at 16:43 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I looked at a few more old maps (donations from a mkgmap user)
> with MDR16. They all seem to match the
> pattern with the prefixes 0x0b, 0x09, and 0x07 and the repeating of
> information.
> Maybe you get an idea what the rest means.
> Gerd
> Von: Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 15:42
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: AW: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> the order of the chars seems to depend on the depth in the tree at
> which they appear.
> Something like this happens beginning at offset 5c in MDR 16:
> write 0x0b
> write 1st value at depth 5
> write 0x0b
> write 2nd value at depth 5
> write 0x0b
> write 3rd value at depth 5
> ...
> write 0x0b
> write last value at depth 5
> repeat 2 times:
> write 0x09
> write 1st value at depth 4
> repeat 2 times:
> write 0x09
> write 2nd value at depth 4
> ...
> repeat 2 times:
> write 0x09
> write last value at depth 4
> repeat 4 times:
> write 0x07
> write 1st value at depth 3 (there is only one in this tree)
> No prefix, no repeats for the rest:
> write values at level depth 20
> write values at level depth 19
> ...
> write values at level depth 6
> This decribes all bytes in MDR 16 from offset 5c to the end.
> No idea yet what the prefixes mean.
> Gerd
> ____________________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 10:04
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> I found similar/same algos. I'm trying to thing of other ways that
> might come up with what we see. I'll continue research.
> Ticker
> On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 20:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> >
> > do you have a link for me? None of the methods to store the tree
> > that
> > I found would produce such a data structure.
> > This is what I found so far:
> >
> >
> >
> > Gerd
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-16 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

I've followed the lists of chars at levels, some with separators, maybe
indicate totally internal nodes. The early bit must be bit flags to
describe the tree and maybe offsets into the leaves at different
levels. The repeating at the low levels seems very strange.

but wow - quite some detective work.


On Thu, 2021-12-16 at 16:43 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I looked at a few more old maps (donations from a mkgmap user)
> with MDR16. They all seem to match the
> pattern with the prefixes 0x0b, 0x09, and 0x07 and the repeating of
> information.
> Maybe you get an idea what the rest means.
> Gerd
> Von: Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 15:42
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: AW: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> the order of the chars seems to depend on the depth in the tree at
> which they appear.
> Something like this happens beginning at offset 5c in MDR 16:
> write 0x0b
> write 1st value at depth 5
> write 0x0b
> write 2nd value at depth 5
> write 0x0b
> write 3rd value at depth 5
> ...
> write 0x0b
> write last value at depth 5
> repeat 2 times:
> write 0x09
> write 1st value at depth 4
> repeat 2 times:
> write 0x09
> write 2nd value at depth 4
> ...
> repeat 2 times:
> write 0x09
> write last value at depth 4
> repeat 4 times:
> write 0x07
> write 1st value at depth 3 (there is only one in this tree)
> No prefix, no repeats for the rest:
> write values at level depth 20
> write values at level depth 19
> ...
> write values at level depth 6
> This decribes all bytes in MDR 16 from offset 5c to the end.
> No idea yet what the prefixes mean.
> Gerd
> ____________________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 10:04
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> I found similar/same algos. I'm trying to thing of other ways that
> might come up with what we see. I'll continue research.
> Ticker
> On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 20:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> > 
> > do you have a link for me? None of the methods to store the tree
> > that
> > I found would produce such a data structure.
> > This is what I found so far:
> >
> >
> > 
> > Gerd
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-16 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

I looked at a few more old maps (donations from a mkgmap user)
with MDR16. They all seem to match the
pattern with the prefixes 0x0b, 0x09, and 0x07 and the repeating of information.

Maybe you get an idea what the rest means.


Von: Gerd Petermann 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 15:42
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: AW: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

the order of the chars seems to depend on the depth in the tree at which they 
Something like this happens beginning at offset 5c in MDR 16:
write 0x0b
write 1st value at depth 5
write 0x0b
write 2nd value at depth 5
write 0x0b
write 3rd value at depth 5
write 0x0b
write last value at depth 5

repeat 2 times:
write 0x09
write 1st value at depth 4
repeat 2 times:
write 0x09
write 2nd value at depth 4
repeat 2 times:
write 0x09
write last value at depth 4

repeat 4 times:
write 0x07
write 1st value at depth 3 (there is only one in this tree)

No prefix, no repeats for the rest:
write values at level depth 20
write values at level depth 19
write values at level depth 6

This decribes all bytes in MDR 16 from offset 5c to the end.

No idea yet what the prefixes mean.

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 10:04
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

I found similar/same algos. I'm trying to thing of other ways that
might come up with what we see. I'll continue research.


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 20:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> do you have a link for me? None of the methods to store the tree that
> I found would produce such a data structure.
> This is what I found so far:
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list
- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -
 || | Unknown 177 bytes:
02ae | 00 | be 02 15 12 0c 08 5d 00 | ¾.].
02b6 | 08 | 00 00 12 00 06 00 00 11 | 
02be | 10 | 06 0c 00 00 10 09 20 00 | .. .
02c6 | 18 | 00 0f 0e 50 00 00 0e 14 | ...P
02ce | 20 | e0 00 00 0d 1d 00 01 00 | à...
02d6 | 28 | 0c 1e 80 01 00 0b 20 00 | ..?... .
02de | 30 | 03 00 0a 23 00 04 00 08 | ...#
02e6 | 38 | 24 00 08 00 07 25 00 20 | $%. 
02ee | 40 | 00 06 28 00 0a 16 0b 16 | ..(.
02f6 | 48 | 0b 16 0b 0b 55 0b 44 0b | U.D.
02fe | 50 | 48 0b 4b 0b 20 0b 47 09 | H.K. .G.
0306 | 58 | 4e 09 4e 09 4c 09 4c 09 | N.N.L.L.
030e | 60 | 41 09 41 09 53 09 53 09 | A.A.S.S.
0316 | 68 | 49 09 49 09 52 09 52 09 | I.I.R.R.
031e | 70 | 4f 09 4f 09 00 09 00 09 | O.O.
0326 | 78 | 54 09 54 07 45 07 45 07 | T.T.E.E.
032e | 80 | 45 07 45 22 30 39 3c 60 | E.E"09<`
0336 | 88 | c7 3e cf d4 34 35 36 37 | Ç>ÏÔ4567
033e | 90 | c0 32 38 33 c4 ca db 2c | À283ÄÊÛ,
0346 | 98 | 28 31 c2 2f 29 2e d6 dc | (1Â/).ÖÜ
034e | a0 | c8 51 cb 58 27 c9 59 46 | ÈQËX'ÉYF
0356 | a8 | 5a 4a 2d 56 57 50 42 43 | ZJ-VWPBC
035e | b0 | 4d  | M
- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -
 || | Unknown 210 bytes:
02a6 | 00 | 42 03 15 16 10 08 77 00 | B.w.
02ae | 08 | 00 00 16 00 06 00 00 15 | 
02b6 | 10 | 06 18 00 00 14 0f 20 00 | .. .
02be | 18 | 00 13 11 30 00 00 12 13 | ...0
02c6 | 20 | 60 00 00 11 16 80 00 00 | `?..
02ce | 28 | 0f 17 00 01 00 0e 18 00 | 
02d6 | 30 | 02 00 0d 19 00 04 00 0c | 
02de | 38 | 1a 00 18 00 0b 1f 00 20 | ... 
02e6 | 40 | 00 0a 20 00 80 00 09 26 | .. .?..&
02ee | 48 | 00 80 01 08 2e 00 80 02 | .??.
02f6 | 50 | 07 32 00 00 04 06 35 00 | .25.
02fe | 58 | 0d 1a 0e 1e 0f 1e 0f 1e | 
0306 | 60 | 0f 0b 42 0b 4c 0b 4f 0b | ..B.L.O.
030e | 68 | 4d 0b 55 0b 49 0b 47 09 | M.U.I.G.
0316 | 70 | 53 09 53 09 52 09 52 09 | S.S.R.R.
031e | 78 | 48 09 48 09 4e 09 4e 09 | H.H.N.N.
0326 | 80 | 20 09 20 09 54 09 54 09 |  . .T.T.
032e | 88 | 00 09 00 09 41 09 41 07 | A.A.
0336 | 90 | 45 07 45 07 45 07 45 9f | E.E.E.E?
033e | 98 | b0 cf d2 d9 db 60 c2 

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-16 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

the order of the chars seems to depend on the depth in the tree at which they 
Something like this happens beginning at offset 5c in MDR 16:
write 0x0b
write 1st value at depth 5
write 0x0b
write 2nd value at depth 5
write 0x0b
write 3rd value at depth 5
write 0x0b
write last value at depth 5

repeat 2 times:
write 0x09
write 1st value at depth 4
repeat 2 times:
write 0x09
write 2nd value at depth 4
repeat 2 times:
write 0x09
write last value at depth 4

repeat 4 times:
write 0x07
write 1st value at depth 3 (there is only one in this tree)

No prefix, no repeats for the rest:
write values at level depth 20
write values at level depth 19
write values at level depth 6

This decribes all bytes in MDR 16 from offset 5c to the end.

No idea yet what the prefixes mean.

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2021 10:04
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

I found similar/same algos. I'm trying to thing of other ways that
might come up with what we see. I'll continue research.


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 20:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> do you have a link for me? None of the methods to store the tree that
> I found would produce such a data structure.
> This is what I found so far:
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-16 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

I found similar/same algos. I'm trying to thing of other ways that
might come up with what we see. I'll continue research.


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 20:18 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> do you have a link for me? None of the methods to store the tree that
> I found would produce such a data structure.
> This is what I found so far:
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-15 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

do you have a link for me? None of the methods to store the tree that I found 
would produce such a data structure.
This is what I found so far:


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 19:26
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

This could just be the way the tree has been flattened, with the data
for longest sequences at the end, just happening to be byte aligned and
without intervening bit markers to represent the tree because they have
occurred already.

regarding the 00s, maybe this a an escape followed by a
fixed length index into Mdr 30/31 or whatever, and, as only 1 entry, it
is zero, if there were more it could be 00{fixedLenInxNotZero}


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 17:35 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hii Ticker,
> reg. MDR16: When I print the encoded characters which require 8 or
> more bits in the order of the Huffman tree
> they build a sequence which appears at the end of MDR 16 (last 60
> bytes or so).
> Those chars which are encoded with fewer bits are still a mistery to
> me.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 13:07
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:
> MDR16   is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> it's almost impossible to guess when there is only one entry in MDR
> 30/31 and only one occurence of the code
> "".
> I used '#' in my debug code to mark an "unknown" char.
> A possible meaning could be that 30/31 are common prefixes and 32/33
> are common suffixes in road names.
> I doubt that this is related to the Huffman encoding. Maybe the code
> ""
> simply represents a special character that is replaced with a
> corresponding string in 30/31?
> No idea how that would work with the suffixes.
> Gerd
> ____________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 12:47
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16
> is  somekindof  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> Do you think there might be some form of escape sequence that is
> followed by a ref to the clear road names in Mdr 30..33. I noticed
> when
> looking at MapInstall manipulated Mdr that the '#' sort got changed.
> Ticker
> On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 11:13 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> >
> > this is what I have so far. The non-printable characters 0x01..0x04
> > are probably not correct.
> > Note the special case with the last sequence. It only occurs once
> > in
> > the
> > index and may as well be an error in the data.
> > My code doesn't detect any unknown codes, so I think MDR16 must
> > somehow contain this information.
> > The character ž seems to appear both in upper and lower case?!?
> > Might
> > be wrong.
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-15 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

This could just be the way the tree has been flattened, with the data
for longest sequences at the end, just happening to be byte aligned and
without intervening bit markers to represent the tree because they have
occurred already.

regarding the 00s, maybe this a an escape followed by a
fixed length index into Mdr 30/31 or whatever, and, as only 1 entry, it
is zero, if there were more it could be 00{fixedLenInxNotZero}


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 17:35 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hii Ticker,
> reg. MDR16: When I print the encoded characters which require 8 or
> more bits in the order of the Huffman tree
> they build a sequence which appears at the end of MDR 16 (last 60
> bytes or so).
> Those chars which are encoded with fewer bits are still a mistery to
> me.
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Gerd Petermann 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 13:07
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:  
> MDR16   is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Ticker,
> it's almost impossible to guess when there is only one entry in MDR
> 30/31 and only one occurence of the code
> "".
> I used '#' in my debug code to mark an "unknown" char.
> A possible meaning could be that 30/31 are common prefixes and 32/33
> are common suffixes in road names.
> I doubt that this is related to the Huffman encoding. Maybe the code
> ""
> simply represents a special character that is replaced with a
> corresponding string in 30/31?
> No idea how that would work with the suffixes.
> Gerd
> ____________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 12:47
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16  
> is  some    kind    of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> Do you think there might be some form of escape sequence that is
> followed by a ref to the clear road names in Mdr 30..33. I noticed
> when
> looking at MapInstall manipulated Mdr that the '#' sort got changed.
> Ticker
> On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 11:13 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> > 
> > this is what I have so far. The non-printable characters 0x01..0x04
> > are probably not correct.
> > Note the special case with the last sequence. It only occurs once
> > in
> > the
> > index and may as well be an error in the data.
> > My code doesn't detect any unknown codes, so I think MDR16 must
> > somehow contain this information.
> > The character ž seems to appear both in upper and lower case?!?
> > Might
> > be wrong.
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-15 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hii Ticker,

reg. MDR16: When I print the encoded characters which require 8 or more bits in 
the order of the Huffman tree
they build a sequence which appears at the end of MDR 16 (last 60 bytes or so).
Those chars which are encoded with fewer bits are still a mistery to me.


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 13:07
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]   [mkgmap-svn]Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  
somekindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

it's almost impossible to guess when there is only one entry in MDR 30/31 and 
only one occurence of the code
I used '#' in my debug code to mark an "unknown" char.

A possible meaning could be that 30/31 are common prefixes and 32/33 are common 
suffixes in road names.
I doubt that this is related to the Huffman encoding. Maybe the code 
simply represents a special character that is replaced with a corresponding 
string in 30/31?

No idea how that would work with the suffixes.

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 12:47
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  some
kindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Do you think there might be some form of escape sequence that is
followed by a ref to the clear road names in Mdr 30..33. I noticed when
looking at MapInstall manipulated Mdr that the '#' sort got changed.


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 11:13 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> this is what I have so far. The non-printable characters 0x01..0x04
> are probably not correct.
> Note the special case with the last sequence. It only occurs once in
> the
> index and may as well be an error in the data.
> My code doesn't detect any unknown codes, so I think MDR16 must
> somehow contain this information.
> The character ž seems to appear both in upper and lower case?!? Might
> be wrong.

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-15 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

it's almost impossible to guess when there is only one entry in MDR 30/31 and 
only one occurence of the code
I used '#' in my debug code to mark an "unknown" char.

A possible meaning could be that 30/31 are common prefixes and 32/33 are common 
suffixes in road names.
I doubt that this is related to the Huffman encoding. Maybe the code 
simply represents a special character that is replaced with a corresponding 
string in 30/31?

No idea how that would work with the suffixes.

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2021 12:47
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn]  Commit  r572:   MDR16   is  some
kindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Do you think there might be some form of escape sequence that is
followed by a ref to the clear road names in Mdr 30..33. I noticed when
looking at MapInstall manipulated Mdr that the '#' sort got changed.


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 11:13 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> this is what I have so far. The non-printable characters 0x01..0x04
> are probably not correct.
> Note the special case with the last sequence. It only occurs once in
> the
> index and may as well be an error in the data.
> My code doesn't detect any unknown codes, so I think MDR16 must
> somehow contain this information.
> The character ž seems to appear both in upper and lower case?!? Might
> be wrong.

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-15 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Do you think there might be some form of escape sequence that is
followed by a ref to the clear road names in Mdr 30..33. I noticed when
looking at MapInstall manipulated Mdr that the '#' sort got changed.


On Wed, 2021-12-15 at 11:13 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> this is what I have so far. The non-printable characters 0x01..0x04
> are probably not correct.
> Note the special case with the last sequence. It only occurs once in
> the
> index and may as well be an error in the data.
> My code doesn't detect any unknown codes, so I think MDR16 must
> somehow contain this information.
> The character ž seems to appear both in upper and lower case?!? Might
> be wrong.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-15 Thread Gerd Petermann
("100", 'Æ');
addHuffNode("0111", 'Ž'); //Ž
addHuffNode("0110", '!');
addHuffNode("0101", (char) 0x03); 
// non-print3
addHuffNode("01001", 'Ü');
addHuffNode("01000", 'Á'); //Á
addHuffNode("00111", '–'); // 
different to minus
addHuffNode("001011", 'Ö');
addHuffNode("001010", 'Ð');
addHuffNode("001001", 'É');
addHuffNode("001000", '“');
            addHuffNode("0000000111", '{');
addHuffNode("000110", '_');
addHuffNode("0001011", 'Û');
addHuffNode("0001010", 'Ú');
addHuffNode("0001001", 'Ø');
addHuffNode("0001000", 'Ä');
addHuffNode("111", '’');
addHuffNode("000000000000110", 'ž');
        addHuffNode("101", '„');
addHuffNode("100", '`');
addHuffNode("01", '¸'); // 
special comma
addHuffNode("001", ';');
addHuffNode("0001", '%'); //
addHuffNode("", '#'); // 
offset into MDR 30/31? MapSource displays HWY


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Gerd 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 19:42
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit   r572:   MDR16   is  some
kindof  codebook.

Hi Ticker,

yes, the tree is still incomplete.
I use the existing tree and whenever it fails to decode a string I try find out 
missing character looking at the original map with the search.
I think you have no chance to do that without the full index file.

I need a pause now and maybe tomorrow I have the complete table.
Then I'll try to print it in some ways and will see if anything looks close to 
what I find in MDR16...


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 19:30
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16   is  some
kindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Do you fill in all the empty leaves with noticeable characters and
report them so you can spot patterns that haven't been defined and
their usage.

There seem to be some chars missing still (qwxy23). I don't know if the
shields/thin/fat separators make it into Mdr15


On Tue, 2021-12-14 at 17:32 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> yes, I'm close to done with the display tool being able to decode the
> string from Adria Topo.
> The 'F' is causing trouble, so probably something in my tree is still
> wrong or incomplete:
> Here's my actual code to dill the Huffman tree:
> add("111", 'A');
> add("0111", '\0');
> add("1000", ' ');
> add("1001", 'E');
> add("1010", 'N');
> add("1011", 'O');
> add("1100", 'I');
> add("1101", 'R');
> add("01100", 'K');
> add("00101", 'C');
> add("00110", 'S');
> add("00111", 'D');
> add("01000", 'T');
> add("01001", 'M');
> add("01010", 'V');
> add("01011", 'J');
> add("01101", 'L');
> add("000101", 'G');
> add("000110", 'Z');
> add("001000", 'P');
> add("000111", 'U');
> add("001001", 'B');
> //  add("000", 'F');
> add("110", 'H');
> add("111", '1');
> add("0001001", '.');
> add("0011", '5');
> add("0100", '6');
> add("0111", '7');
> add("1000", '8');
> add("1001", '9');
> add("1010", '0');
> add("1011", '4');
> add("0101", '-');
> add("00100", '(');
> add("00101", ')');
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

yes, the tree is still incomplete.
I use the existing tree and whenever it fails to decode a string I try find out 
missing character looking at the original map with the search.
I think you have no chance to do that without the full index file.

I need a pause now and maybe tomorrow I have the complete table.
Then I'll try to print it in some ways and will see if anything looks close to 
what I find in MDR16...


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 19:30
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16   is  some
kind    of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Do you fill in all the empty leaves with noticeable characters and
report them so you can spot patterns that haven't been defined and
their usage.

There seem to be some chars missing still (qwxy23). I don't know if the
shields/thin/fat separators make it into Mdr15


On Tue, 2021-12-14 at 17:32 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> yes, I'm close to done with the display tool being able to decode the
> string from Adria Topo.
> The 'F' is causing trouble, so probably something in my tree is still
> wrong or incomplete:
> Here's my actual code to dill the Huffman tree:
> add("111", 'A');
> add("0111", '\0');
> add("1000", ' ');
> add("1001", 'E');
> add("1010", 'N');
> add("1011", 'O');
> add("1100", 'I');
> add("1101", 'R');
> add("01100", 'K');
> add("00101", 'C');
> add("00110", 'S');
> add("00111", 'D');
> add("01000", 'T');
> add("01001", 'M');
> add("01010", 'V');
> add("01011", 'J');
> add("01101", 'L');
> add("000101", 'G');
> add("000110", 'Z');
> add("001000", 'P');
> add("000111", 'U');
> add("001001", 'B');
> //  add("000", 'F');
> add("110", 'H');
> add("111", '1');
> add("0001001", '.');
> add("0011", '5');
> add("0100", '6');
> add("0111", '7');
> add("1000", '8');
> add("1001", '9');
> add("1010", '0');
> add("1011", '4');
> add("0101", '-');
> add("00100", '(');
> add("00101", ')');
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Do you fill in all the empty leaves with noticeable characters and
report them so you can spot patterns that haven't been defined and
their usage.

There seem to be some chars missing still (qwxy23). I don't know if the
shields/thin/fat separators make it into Mdr15


On Tue, 2021-12-14 at 17:32 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> yes, I'm close to done with the display tool being able to decode the
> string from Adria Topo.
> The 'F' is causing trouble, so probably something in my tree is still
> wrong or incomplete:
> Here's my actual code to dill the Huffman tree:
>     add("111", 'A');
>     add("0111", '\0');
>     add("1000", ' ');
>     add("1001", 'E');
>     add("1010", 'N');
>     add("1011", 'O');
>     add("1100", 'I');
>     add("1101", 'R');
>     add("01100", 'K');
>     add("00101", 'C');
>     add("00110", 'S');
>     add("00111", 'D');
>     add("01000", 'T');
>     add("01001", 'M');
>     add("01010", 'V');
>     add("01011", 'J');
>     add("01101", 'L');
>     add("000101", 'G');
>     add("000110", 'Z');
>     add("001000", 'P');
>     add("000111", 'U');
>     add("001001", 'B');
> //  add("000", 'F');
>     add("110", 'H');
>     add("111", '1');
>     add("0001001", '.');
>     add("0011", '5');
>     add("0100", '6');
>     add("0111", '7');
>     add("1000", '8');
>     add("1001", '9');
>     add("1010", '0');
>     add("1011", '4');
>     add("0101", '-');
>     add("00100", '(');
>     add("00101", ')');
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

yes, I'm close to done with the display tool being able to decode the string 
from Adria Topo.
The 'F' is causing trouble, so probably something in my tree is still wrong or 
Here's my actual code to dill the Huffman tree:
add("111", 'A');

add("0111", '\0');
add("1000", ' ');
add("1001", 'E');
add("1010", 'N');
add("1011", 'O');
add("1100", 'I');
add("1101", 'R');

add("01100", 'K');
add("00101", 'C');
add("00110", 'S');
add("00111", 'D');
add("01000", 'T');
add("01001", 'M');
add("01010", 'V');
add("01011", 'J');
add("01101", 'L');

add("000101", 'G');
add("000110", 'Z');
add("001000", 'P');
add("000111", 'U');
add("001001", 'B');

//  add("000", 'F');
add("110", 'H');
add("111", '1');
add("0001001", '.');

add("0011", '5');
add("0100", '6');
add("0111", '7');
            add("00001000", '8');
add("1001", '9');
add("1010", '0');
add("1011", '4');
add("0101", '-');
add("00100", '(');
add("00101", ')');


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 18:09
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16   is  some
kindof  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Just got back to looking for some more. In addition I have:
B 001001
D 00111
I 11001
P 001000
U 000111
V 01010
but you've probably got much further anyway

Thinking of various algos to represent the tree and considering what
they would make of the example Mdr16 data I haven't got anywhere.


mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Just got back to looking for some more. In addition I have:
B 001001
D 00111
I 11001
P 001000
U 000111
V 01010
but you've probably got much further anyway

Thinking of various algos to represent the tree and considering what
they would make of the example Mdr16 data I haven't got anywhere.


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

the bits in MDR15 are processed from left to right. Strings in (uncompressed) 
MDR15 are null terminated.
So, if the MDR15 contains e.g. 07FFB8 and the offset is 1 the decode has to read
111 111 111 0111 xxx
-> AAA\0
The xxx bits are ignored by the decoder, since the 0111 sequence is the null 

Attached is my current knowledge about the table. Just a matter of time to find 
the rest...

Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021 11:42
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is    some    kind    
of      codebook.

Hi Gerd

I was wondering if something like this could be done.

Do you mean bits are read right/low to left/high, effectively reversing
as it reads or is this the way the BitReader/Writer class works?

Assuming bits in natural order, 0111 does look like the string
terminator as it occurs at end, excluding padding, of all the strings
starting at 1,11,16,20,25

>From what you wrote previously:
> "Baca Pri Podbrdu"
> When I change the code to return offset 11 instead of 1 the string
> "Bavsica" is displayed
The BA sequence should be in the leading part of 001000.

Assuming you get a few more chars consistently and can draw up part of
a tree consistent with huffman decoding, then Mdr16 must represent this
and, as latin1 chars are not obvious, they can't be byte aligned but
rather placed, in-line, in the bit-stream that represents the tree. So,
need to look at different ways a tree with just info in leaves can be
represented and try and match it to what we see


On Tue, 2021-12-14 at 09:29 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I looked at those offsets into MDR 15 which start a short string,
> means, next offset is only 2 bytes further.
> It seems the bits in MDR15 are read from left to right, always starting
> at a given offset, so the BitReader class isn't useful.
> I think I've identified a few codes, but don't take them for granted:
> 0111 -> '\0' (quite obvious since we know that the uncompressed MDR15
> starts with a 0x00 and the compressed one starts with 0x70)
> 111 -> 'A'
> 1101 -> 'R'
> 1100 -> 'K'
> 01000 -> 'T'
> 1010 -> '0'
> 0100 -> '6'
> I can continue to identify more codes. A result could be a hard coded
> Huffman tree in MdrDisplay,
> which should then be able to decode all strings in Mdr15 for the given
> mdr file.
> Once that works I would try to understand how the data in MDR16 encodes
> the tree.
> Maybe you have another idea?
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list
111 -> 'A'

0111 -> '\0'
1010 -> 'N'
1011 -> 'O'
1100 -> 'I'
1101 -> 'R'

00101 -> 'C'
00110 -> 'S'
01000 -> 'T'
01001 -> 'M'
01010 -> 'V'

111 -> '1'
0001001 -> '.'
1010 -> '0'
0100 -> '6'
0111 -> '7'
1000 -> '8'
1011 -> '4'
1010 -> '7'
1001 -> '9'
0011 -> '5'

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

I was wondering if something like this could be done.

Do you mean bits are read right/low to left/high, effectively reversing
as it reads or is this the way the BitReader/Writer class works?

Assuming bits in natural order, 0111 does look like the string
terminator as it occurs at end, excluding padding, of all the strings
starting at 1,11,16,20,25

>From what you wrote previously: 
> "Baca Pri Podbrdu"
> When I change the code to return offset 11 instead of 1 the string
> "Bavsica" is displayed
The BA sequence should be in the leading part of 001000.

Assuming you get a few more chars consistently and can draw up part of
a tree consistent with huffman decoding, then Mdr16 must represent this
and, as latin1 chars are not obvious, they can't be byte aligned but
rather placed, in-line, in the bit-stream that represents the tree. So,
need to look at different ways a tree with just info in leaves can be
represented and try and match it to what we see

On Tue, 2021-12-14 at 09:29 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I looked at those offsets into MDR 15 which start a short string,
> means, next offset is only 2 bytes further.
> It seems the bits in MDR15 are read from left to right, always starting
> at a given offset, so the BitReader class isn't useful.
> I think I've identified a few codes, but don't take them for granted:
> 0111 -> '\0' (quite obvious since we know that the uncompressed MDR15
> starts with a 0x00 and the compressed one starts with 0x70)
> 111 -> 'A'
> 1101 -> 'R'
> 1100 -> 'K'
> 01000 -> 'T'
> 1010 -> '0'
> 0100 -> '6'
> I can continue to identify more codes. A result could be a hard coded
> Huffman tree in MdrDisplay,
> which should then be able to decode all strings in Mdr15 for the given
> mdr file.
> Once that works I would try to understand how the data in MDR16 encodes
> the tree.
> Maybe you have another idea?
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-14 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

I looked at those offsets into MDR 15 which start a short string, means, next 
offset is only 2 bytes further.
It seems the bits in MDR15 are read from left to right, always starting at a 
given offset, so the BitReader class isn't useful.
I think I've identified a few codes, but don't take them for granted:
0111 -> '\0' (quite obvious since we know that the uncompressed MDR15 starts 
with a 0x00 and the compressed one starts with 0x70)
111 -> 'A'
1101 -> 'R'
1100 -> 'K'
01000 -> 'T'
1010 -> '0'
0100 -> '6'

I can continue to identify more codes. A result could be a hard coded Huffman 
tree in MdrDisplay,
which should then be able to decode all strings in Mdr15 for the given mdr file.
Once that works I would try to understand how the data in MDR16 encodes the 
Maybe you have another idea?


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 16:12
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some   kind
of  codebook.

Hi Gerd

Both flags are correct - actually I should have realised this earlier
as having some content makes no difference to the reading of the
sequence of Mdr headers - sorry for wasting your time.


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 14:56 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> maybe you need this?
> --Analyse sections that are known--
> MDR 17   len=0  next=
>  implied size=0   (0x0)
> MDR 18   len=0  next=
>  implied size=0   (0x0)
> MDR 19   len=0  next=
>  implied size=694 (0x2b6)
> MDR 16  02b6 len=d4 next=038a
>  fixed record size 212
>  number of records 1,00
>  implied size=1697585 (0x19e731)  +++MISMATCH
>  size multiplier 8007,48 8007
> MDR 1   0019e9e7 len=138next=0019eb1f
>  fixed record size 12
>  number of records 26,00
>  implied size=312 (0x138)
> Gerd
> ________________________
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 15:50
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some
> kind  of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> It has the record size (even though pointless). Probably has
> magic/header flags but can't tell absolutely because the next mdr
> could
> start with an offset of 00 00 00 00 if empty.
> Ticker
> On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 13:51 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> >
> > not sure what you mean. Here is the output from MdrDisplay:
> > 00df | 3f 23 51 00 | MDR 15 at offset 0x51233f
> > 00e3 | d5 b3 0f 00 | MDR 15 length 1029077
> >  | | End of section 0060d714, len
> > 0x0fb3d5
> > 00e7 | 01  | String flag 1
> >  | |
> > 00e8 | b6 02 00 00 | MDR 16 at offset 0x0002b6
> > 00ec | d4 00 00 00 | MDR 16 length 212
> >  | | End of section 038a, len
> > 0xd4
> > 00f0 | d4 00   | MDR 16 record size d4
> >  | | Number of records 1
> > 00f2 | 00 00 00 00         | MDR 16 header flags 0000
> >      |         |
> >
> > Gerd
> >
> > 
> > Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> > von Ticker Berkin 
> > Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 13:34
> > An:;
> > Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some
> > kind of   codebook.
> >
> > Hi Gerd
> >
> > From your example map, can you determine what settings should be
> > used
> > for hasRecSize and hasMagic (MdrDisplay ~line 1351 and other
> > modules
> > as
> > well). I'd have expected (false, ?);
> >
> > Ticker
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 11:33 +, svn commit wrote:
> > > Version display-r572 was committed by gerd on Mon, 13 Dec 2021
> > >
> > > MDR16 is some kind of codebook.
> > > At least the last bytes are probably the most frequent characters
> > > in
> > > MDR 15.
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > mkgmap-svn mailing list
> &

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-13 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

Both flags are correct - actually I should have realised this earlier
as having some content makes no difference to the reading of the
sequence of Mdr headers - sorry for wasting your time.


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 14:56 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> maybe you need this?
> --Analyse sections that are known--
> MDR 17   len=0  next=
>  implied size=0   (0x0)
> MDR 18   len=0  next=
>  implied size=0   (0x0)
> MDR 19   len=0  next=
>  implied size=694 (0x2b6)
> MDR 16  02b6 len=d4 next=038a
>  fixed record size 212
>  number of records 1,00
>  implied size=1697585 (0x19e731)  +++MISMATCH
>  size multiplier 8007,48 8007
> MDR 1   0019e9e7 len=138    next=0019eb1f
>  fixed record size 12
>  number of records 26,00
>  implied size=312 (0x138)
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 15:50
> An: Development list for mkgmap
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some
> kind  of  codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> It has the record size (even though pointless). Probably has
> magic/header flags but can't tell absolutely because the next mdr
> could
> start with an offset of 00 00 00 00 if empty.
> Ticker
> On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 13:51 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> > 
> > not sure what you mean. Here is the output from MdrDisplay:
> > 00df | 3f 23 51 00 | MDR 15 at offset 0x51233f
> > 00e3 | d5 b3 0f 00 | MDR 15 length 1029077
> >  | | End of section 0060d714, len
> > 0x0fb3d5
> > 00e7 | 01  | String flag 1
> >  | |
> > 00e8 | b6 02 00 00 | MDR 16 at offset 0x0002b6
> > 00ec | d4 00 00 00 | MDR 16 length 212
> >  | | End of section 038a, len
> > 0xd4
> > 00f0 | d4 00   | MDR 16 record size d4
> >  | | Number of records 1
> > 00f2 | 00 00 00 00 | MDR 16 header flags 
> >  | |
> > 
> > Gerd
> > 
> > ________________
> > Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> > von Ticker Berkin 
> > Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 13:34
> > An:;
> > Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some
> > kind of   codebook.
> > 
> > Hi Gerd
> > 
> > From your example map, can you determine what settings should be
> > used
> > for hasRecSize and hasMagic (MdrDisplay ~line 1351 and other
> > modules
> > as
> > well). I'd have expected (false, ?);
> > 
> > Ticker
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 11:33 +, svn commit wrote:
> > > Version display-r572 was committed by gerd on Mon, 13 Dec 2021
> > > 
> > > MDR16 is some kind of codebook.
> > > At least the last bytes are probably the most frequent characters
> > > in
> > > MDR 15.
> > > 
> > >
> > > ___
> > > mkgmap-svn mailing list
> > > To unsubscribe send an mail to
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > mkgmap-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mkgmap-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-13 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

maybe you need this?
--Analyse sections that are known--
MDR 17   len=0  next=
 implied size=0   (0x0)
MDR 18   len=0  next=
 implied size=0   (0x0)
MDR 19   len=0  next=
 implied size=694 (0x2b6)
MDR 16  02b6 len=d4 next=038a
 fixed record size 212
 number of records 1,00
 implied size=1697585 (0x19e731)  +++MISMATCH
 size multiplier 8007,48 8007
MDR 1   0019e9e7 len=138next=0019eb1f
 fixed record size 12
 number of records 26,00
 implied size=312 (0x138)


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 15:50
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind  of  

Hi Gerd

It has the record size (even though pointless). Probably has
magic/header flags but can't tell absolutely because the next mdr could
start with an offset of 00 00 00 00 if empty.


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 13:51 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> not sure what you mean. Here is the output from MdrDisplay:
> 00df | 3f 23 51 00 | MDR 15 at offset 0x51233f
> 00e3 | d5 b3 0f 00 | MDR 15 length 1029077
>  | | End of section 0060d714, len
> 0x0fb3d5
> 00e7 | 01  | String flag 1
>  | |
> 00e8 | b6 02 00 00 | MDR 16 at offset 0x0002b6
> 00ec | d4 00 00 00 | MDR 16 length 212
>  | | End of section 038a, len
> 0xd4
> 00f0 | d4 00   | MDR 16 record size d4
>  | | Number of records 1
> 00f2 | 00 00 00 00 | MDR 16 header flags 
>  | |
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 13:34
> An:;
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some
> kind of   codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> From your example map, can you determine what settings should be used
> for hasRecSize and hasMagic (MdrDisplay ~line 1351 and other modules
> as
> well). I'd have expected (false, ?);
> Ticker
> On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 11:33 +, svn commit wrote:
> > Version display-r572 was committed by gerd on Mon, 13 Dec 2021
> >
> > MDR16 is some kind of codebook.
> > At least the last bytes are probably the most frequent characters
> > in
> > MDR 15.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > mkgmap-svn mailing list
> > To unsubscribe send an mail to
> >
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-13 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

It has the record size (even though pointless). Probably has
magic/header flags but can't tell absolutely because the next mdr could
start with an offset of 00 00 00 00 if empty. 


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 13:51 +, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> not sure what you mean. Here is the output from MdrDisplay:
> 00df | 3f 23 51 00 | MDR 15 at offset 0x51233f
> 00e3 | d5 b3 0f 00 | MDR 15 length 1029077
>  | | End of section 0060d714, len
> 0x0fb3d5
> 00e7 | 01  | String flag 1
>  | |
> 00e8 | b6 02 00 00 | MDR 16 at offset 0x0002b6
> 00ec | d4 00 00 00 | MDR 16 length 212
>  | | End of section 038a, len
> 0xd4
> 00f0 | d4 00   | MDR 16 record size d4
>  | | Number of records 1
> 00f2 | 00 00 00 00 | MDR 16 header flags 
>  | |
> Gerd
> Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag
> von Ticker Berkin 
> Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 13:34
> An:;
> Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some
> kind of   codebook.
> Hi Gerd
> From your example map, can you determine what settings should be used
> for hasRecSize and hasMagic (MdrDisplay ~line 1351 and other modules
> as
> well). I'd have expected (false, ?);
> Ticker
> On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 11:33 +, svn commit wrote:
> > Version display-r572 was committed by gerd on Mon, 13 Dec 2021
> > 
> > MDR16 is some kind of codebook.
> > At least the last bytes are probably the most frequent characters
> > in
> > MDR 15.
> > 
> >
> > ___
> > mkgmap-svn mailing list
> > To unsubscribe send an mail to
> >
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-13 Thread Gerd Petermann
Hi Ticker,

not sure what you mean. Here is the output from MdrDisplay:
00df | 3f 23 51 00 | MDR 15 at offset 0x51233f
00e3 | d5 b3 0f 00 | MDR 15 length 1029077
 | | End of section 0060d714, len 0x0fb3d5
00e7 | 01  | String flag 1
 | |
00e8 | b6 02 00 00 | MDR 16 at offset 0x0002b6
00ec | d4 00 00 00 | MDR 16 length 212
 | | End of section 038a, len 0xd4
00f0 | d4 00   | MDR 16 record size d4
 | | Number of records 1
00f2 | 00 00 00 00 | MDR 16 header flags 
 | |


Von: mkgmap-dev  im Auftrag von Ticker 
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 13:34
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of   

Hi Gerd

>From your example map, can you determine what settings should be used
for hasRecSize and hasMagic (MdrDisplay ~line 1351 and other modules as
well). I'd have expected (false, ?);


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 11:33 +, svn commit wrote:
> Version display-r572 was committed by gerd on Mon, 13 Dec 2021
> MDR16 is some kind of codebook.
> At least the last bytes are probably the most frequent characters in
> MDR 15.
> ___
> mkgmap-svn mailing list
> To unsubscribe send an mail to

mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] [mkgmap-svn] Commit r572: MDR16 is some kind of codebook.

2021-12-13 Thread Ticker Berkin
Hi Gerd

>From your example map, can you determine what settings should be used
for hasRecSize and hasMagic (MdrDisplay ~line 1351 and other modules as
well). I'd have expected (false, ?);


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 11:33 +, svn commit wrote:
> Version display-r572 was committed by gerd on Mon, 13 Dec 2021
> MDR16 is some kind of codebook.
> At least the last bytes are probably the most frequent characters in
> MDR 15.
> ___
> mkgmap-svn mailing list
> To unsubscribe send an mail to

mkgmap-dev mailing list