Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-10 Thread Minko
Thanks Wanmil,

I tested a few tiles of the Benelux, and finally I found the street where I 
live in the correct city, and not in a neighbourhood village anymore. 
Congratulations, you have done a great job! :-)

For the Netherlands, streetnames assign to admin_level=10 or else (if not 
specified) assign to admin_level=8 (municipality) works great:

mkgmap:country=NLD & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level10=* { set 
mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level10}' } 
mkgmap:country=NLD & mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level8=* { set 
mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level8}' } 

A warning that shows up a few times while compiling:
"cannot process location element, because it contains no name tag" but I don't 
know if this is a big issue.

Some test results on a Dakota: 

A city was assigned to the wrong Province (Amersfoort, Gelderland, NL)
but the street in this city shows the correct location (Amersfoort, Utrecht, 

Could this be caused by the fact that part of the province polygon of Utrecht 
was not
complete in those tiles? Note that this city lies on the border of both 

As a result, if I look up the street and enter the city first, it finds the 
street within the city,
but no results show up if I click on the streetname.
If I skip the city name and enter the streetname directly, it shows the correct 

This is not a big issue, since I could skip the region values in the style 
files (and I don't care so much about provinces) but I mention it anyway.

For my Benelux map I'd like to know what style definitions works best in other 
surrounding countries (Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg)

Cheers, Minko
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-10 Thread WanMil
Hi Minko,

> Thanks Wanmil,
> I tested a few tiles of the Benelux, and finally I found the street where I 
> live in the correct city, and not in a neighbourhood village anymore. 
> Congratulations, you have done a great job! :-)

Good news!

> For the Netherlands, streetnames assign to admin_level=10 or else (if not 
> specified) assign to admin_level=8 (municipality) works great:
> mkgmap:country=NLD&  mkgmap:city!=*&  mkgmap:admin_level10=* { set 
> mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level10}' }
> mkgmap:country=NLD&  mkgmap:city!=*&  mkgmap:admin_level8=* { set 
> mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level8}' }

Good news again!

> A warning that shows up a few times while compiling:
> "cannot process location element, because it contains no name tag" but I 
> don't know if this is a big issue.

This is a hint that there are boundaries without a name tag. I think the 
warning also contains the way ids, so you might fix them easily.

> Some test results on a Dakota:
> A city was assigned to the wrong Province (Amersfoort, Gelderland, NL)
> but the street in this city shows the correct location (Amersfoort, Utrecht, 
> NL).
> Could this be caused by the fact that part of the province polygon of Utrecht 
> was not
> complete in those tiles? Note that this city lies on the border of both 
> provinces.

Congratulations. You have won a virtual coffee to be the first one that 
reports this problem ;-) The current algorithm doesn't like elements 
that lie or crosses the border of a boundary. It is a bit unspecified 
which name is used in such a case. This has to be fixed.

> As a result, if I look up the street and enter the city first, it finds the 
> street within the city,
> but no results show up if I click on the streetname.
> If I skip the city name and enter the streetname directly, it shows the 
> correct location.

Ok, I understand. So it is quite important that streets get the same 
city/region/country combination than the city itself. I will keep that 
in mind.

> This is not a big issue, since I could skip the region values in the style 
> files (and I don't care so much about provinces) but I mention it anyway.
> For my Benelux map I'd like to know what style definitions works best in 
> other surrounding countries (Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg)

Thanks a lot for testing! There will be some internal major changes next 
so it will take some time until the next commit.
Up to now I put all elements into a QuadTree like structure and search 
this structure for each boundary. This takes a long time and so I will 
do it the other way round. Build up a search structure for the 
boundaries and do the search for each element. This should speed up the 
things and it will be easier to handle the border crossing problems.

Have fun!

> Cheers, Minko

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-10 Thread Nakor

The branch seems to have issues with inner members of a relation. For 
example, it complains that way 34672931 does not have a name but it is 
the inner member of a named relation.



mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-13 Thread WanMil
Hi Nakor,

the way is tagged 
wrong. It is an inner way of a relation which means it is *not* tagged 
with the relation tags. The way itself has no name tag and does not 
belong to any boundary relation as *outer* way. So in the end the branch 
complains about the way as boundary with admin_level=8 which does not 
have a name tag and therefore it is useless as location information.


> HI,
> The branch seems to have issues with inner members of a relation. For
> example, it complains that way 34672931 does not have a name but it is
> the inner member of a named relation.
> N.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread WanMil

I have a big problem to continue the development on the locator branch.

I observed that a lot of admin_level boundaries (2,3,4,5 and sometimes 
6,7,8,9,10,11) are not useable because they are not completely contained 
in the tile data. The polygons are closed automatically but this is only 
a good guess in which direction they have to be closed. The probability 
is quite high that they are closed in the wrong direction.

I have attached a picture which visualizes the problem a bit more.
1. Red and green are two relations with e.g. admin_level=4. The black 
rectangle shows the tile bounds.
2. The splitter does not put the complete relations into the tile. So 
the read boundary is contained partial only.
3. The multipolygon algorithm automatically closes the red boundary with 
best guess.
4. Now we have two different boundaries with admin_level=4 which cover 
exactly the same area.

I think this will be a big source of complaints. So before continuing 
with the locator branch I think it will be more worthy that the splitter 
is able to put complete relations to a tile.

Anyone here who wants to start with that?


I have created a new branch for the automatic locator changes.
It can be downloaded from

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread Torsten Leistikow
WanMil schrieb am 17.03.2011 21:12:
> I observed that a lot of admin_level boundaries (2,3,4,5 and sometimes
> 6,7,8,9,10,11) are not useable because they are not completely contained
> in the tile data. The polygons are closed automatically but this is only
> a good guess in which direction they have to be closed. The probability
> is quite high that they are closed in the wrong direction.


just as an idea: How about collecting the is_in data of the objects and trying
to use this data for recovering the missing boundary information?

If you have some is_in data points inside of an area, then the is_in data should
(mostly) match the boundary data. For an unclosed boundary this could be used
for guessing, to which side of the boundary it is relating to. And for a
boundary completely surrounding the tile, this could be used to provide the
missing information.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread WanMil
> WanMil schrieb am 17.03.2011 21:12:
>> I observed that a lot of admin_level boundaries (2,3,4,5 and sometimes
>> 6,7,8,9,10,11) are not useable because they are not completely contained
>> in the tile data. The polygons are closed automatically but this is only
>> a good guess in which direction they have to be closed. The probability
>> is quite high that they are closed in the wrong direction.
> Moin,
> just as an idea: How about collecting the is_in data of the objects and trying
> to use this data for recovering the missing boundary information?
> If you have some is_in data points inside of an area, then the is_in data 
> should
> (mostly) match the boundary data. For an unclosed boundary this could be used
> for guessing, to which side of the boundary it is relating to. And for a
> boundary completely surrounding the tile, this could be used to provide the
> missing information.
> Gruss
> Torsten

For admin_level=2 it works. The problem starts with the other levels. 
The assignment between admin_level and is_in:xxx tag is somehow country 

And another requirement is also hard to achieve: performance. The branch 
is not optimized very well yet. But I am sure that such searches for big 
areas from all items of a tile are quite expensive no matter how 
optimized they are.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread Felix Hartmann

> And another requirement is also hard to achieve: performance. The branch
> is not optimized very well yet. But I am sure that such searches for big
> areas from all items of a tile are quite expensive no matter how
> optimized they are.
> WanMil
> ___
I currently really don't want to use the locator branch, due to it's 
speed. I need already about 12 hours to compute all maps for weekly 
updates and osm data alone growing is already a concern. Wouldn't it be 
enough to use no guessing and just input correct addresses (best with 
working housenumber search)? The searching for streets not addresses is 
anyhow kinda strange and seems much more like a workaround than a clean 
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread WanMil

>> And another requirement is also hard to achieve: performance. The branch
>> is not optimized very well yet. But I am sure that such searches for big
>> areas from all items of a tile are quite expensive no matter how
>> optimized they are.
>> WanMil
>> ___
> I currently really don't want to use the locator branch, due to it's
> speed. I need already about 12 hours to compute all maps for weekly
> updates and osm data alone growing is already a concern. Wouldn't it be
> enough to use no guessing and just input correct addresses (best with
> working housenumber search)? The searching for streets not addresses is
> anyhow kinda strange and seems much more like a workaround than a clean
> solution.

Yes ... but how should mkgmap input the correct addresses? ;-)
In an ideal world you are right. But OSM data is far (very far) away 
from complete address tagging.

Beware that all POIs would have to contain a complete set of addr-tags 
(addr:country, addr:county addr:region(?), addr:city, addr:street, 
addr:housenumber). The same with the is_in tags for all streets that do 
not have any POIs attached until now. I havn't tested it but it should 
not be too complicated to make a statistic with osmosis and a dump file.

Maybe the completeness of tagging will change within the next 2 years 
but we are implementing for now.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread Martin
Stupid question...
Why don't extract the boundaries with osmosis to a single file.
mkgmap could use this file to complete the boundaries while rendering the 


Am 17.03.2011 um 22:57 schrieb WanMil:

>>> And another requirement is also hard to achieve: performance. The branch
>>> is not optimized very well yet. But I am sure that such searches for big
>>> areas from all items of a tile are quite expensive no matter how
>>> optimized they are.
>>> WanMil
>>> ___
>> I currently really don't want to use the locator branch, due to it's
>> speed. I need already about 12 hours to compute all maps for weekly
>> updates and osm data alone growing is already a concern. Wouldn't it be
>> enough to use no guessing and just input correct addresses (best with
>> working housenumber search)? The searching for streets not addresses is
>> anyhow kinda strange and seems much more like a workaround than a clean
>> solution.
> Yes ... but how should mkgmap input the correct addresses? ;-)
> In an ideal world you are right. But OSM data is far (very far) away 
> from complete address tagging.
> Beware that all POIs would have to contain a complete set of addr-tags 
> (addr:country, addr:county addr:region(?), addr:city, addr:street, 
> addr:housenumber). The same with the is_in tags for all streets that do 
> not have any POIs attached until now. I havn't tested it but it should 
> not be too complicated to make a statistic with osmosis and a dump file.
> Maybe the completeness of tagging will change within the next 2 years 
> but we are implementing for now.
> WanMil
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread Felix Hartmann

On 17.03.2011 22:57, WanMil wrote:
>>> And another requirement is also hard to achieve: performance. The 
>>> branch
>>> is not optimized very well yet. But I am sure that such searches for 
>>> big
>>> areas from all items of a tile are quite expensive no matter how
>>> optimized they are.
>>> WanMil
>>> ___
>> I currently really don't want to use the locator branch, due to it's
>> speed. I need already about 12 hours to compute all maps for weekly
>> updates and osm data alone growing is already a concern. Wouldn't it be
>> enough to use no guessing and just input correct addresses (best with
>> working housenumber search)? The searching for streets not addresses is
>> anyhow kinda strange and seems much more like a workaround than a clean
>> solution.
> Yes ... but how should mkgmap input the correct addresses? ;-)
> In an ideal world you are right. But OSM data is far (very far) away 
> from complete address tagging.
> Beware that all POIs would have to contain a complete set of addr-tags 
> (addr:country, addr:county addr:region(?), addr:city, addr:street, 
> addr:housenumber). The same with the is_in tags for all streets that 
> do not have any POIs attached until now. I havn't tested it but it 
> should not be too complicated to make a statistic with osmosis and a 
> dump file.
> Maybe the completeness of tagging will change within the next 2 years 
> but we are implementing for now.
> WanMil
Well if mkgmap supported it, that would be the best headstart! As 
already said, In Vienna I would say we have already 1/3 of all addresses 
with complete and correct information - on local gatherings we face 
problems on how to decide what to do with houses that have two 
streets/addresses on corners and their like. In Germany there were talks 
on the forum of people asking if we already have a major town address 
complete - result was for a few not far off. Also the consensus is clear 
that noone wants ise information on streets, cause streets often do not 
belong to one disctrict or town (sometimes either side of a street is a 
different district, and so on). So mkgmap should not prosper incorrect 
tagging, but the goal should be to support addresses correctly.

A good example are non connected streets. When mkgmap got routing loads 
of streets were not connected, especially streets and 
hiking/cycling/walking ways. Now only few beginners do mistakes here and 
all editors got checks for this. By that time one could have argued (and 
I think a few people did) that mkgmap should try to connect streets 
intelligently - good we did not do this, as data got good enough fairly 

I only would expect searching for streets where there are no addresses 
(e.g. hiking networks on tracks/paths cause usually there are no 
addresses). However one might argue that it would maybe better to 
include signposts that mark significant places of a route into the 
address search (and hence give them sufficient ise info). That behaviour 
would even be more of what one expects when searching for a route 
(start, finish, and major points inbetween - maybe guideposts).
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-17 Thread Greg Troxel

   I observed that a lot of admin_level boundaries (2,3,4,5 and sometimes
  6,7,8,9,10,11) are not useable because they are not completely
  contained in the tile data. The polygons are closed automatically but
  this is only a good guess in which direction they have to be
  closed. The probability is quite high that they are closed in the
  wrong direction.

I think this is a fundamental issue with splitting and areas.  Martin's
suggestion about extracting boundaries and using them on the side makes
sense, but I would say that the issue is about all large areas.

I wonder if it's possible to evaluate areas (and things like boundaries
which are semantically areas even if they are technically closed linear
features) for overlaping with tiles, and to then replace the area by
multiple areas projected onto tile boundaries.

Description: PGP signature
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-18 Thread Minko

I did a test of the whole Benelux area plus border regions, splitted from the 
europe extract, and found a lot of cities in the border areas that were 
assigned to the wrong country. So I don't agree that admin_level=2 is working 

I also observed a lot of elements that were not processed because they did not 
contain a name tag, for example Of course it has no name, 
because it belongs to two place name relations: Ter Aar and Nieuwveen, and The fact that the complete 
relations are not completely within the tile can be a reason for this warning? 
Despite the warning, most of the streets in those areas seemed assigned to the 
correct place names btw. So it seems functioning and I'm happy with it, apart 
from the wrong country names. The mkgmap compiling time for the whole Benelux 
area grew from 1,5u to roughly 2 hours.

WanMil wrote:

For admin_level=2 it works. The problem starts with the other levels. 
The assignment between admin_level and is_in:xxx tag is somehow country 

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-18 Thread WanMil
Yes, we provide the same option for coastlines. So it's possible 
although there is the size restriction.
Boundaries take around 3% of the complete OSM data (3% as osm.gz 
compared to osm.pbf). So think about creating a europe map from the 4.5 
GB dump. The boundary data file would be around 3%*4.5GB(osm.pbf) = 
135MB(osm.gz). So in the end your computer additionally needs as much 
main memory as you need to compile a 135MB big tile.

The calculation is quite rough but the result is clear: the memory 
requirements grow quite much compared to the overall size of your map.


> Stupid question...
> Why don't extract the boundaries with osmosis to a single file.
> mkgmap could use this file to complete the boundaries while rendering the 
> maps...
> Martin
> Am 17.03.2011 um 22:57 schrieb WanMil:
 And another requirement is also hard to achieve: performance. The branch
 is not optimized very well yet. But I am sure that such searches for big
 areas from all items of a tile are quite expensive no matter how
 optimized they are.


>>> I currently really don't want to use the locator branch, due to it's
>>> speed. I need already about 12 hours to compute all maps for weekly
>>> updates and osm data alone growing is already a concern. Wouldn't it be
>>> enough to use no guessing and just input correct addresses (best with
>>> working housenumber search)? The searching for streets not addresses is
>>> anyhow kinda strange and seems much more like a workaround than a clean
>>> solution.
>> Yes ... but how should mkgmap input the correct addresses? ;-)
>> In an ideal world you are right. But OSM data is far (very far) away
>> from complete address tagging.
>> Beware that all POIs would have to contain a complete set of addr-tags
>> (addr:country, addr:county addr:region(?), addr:city, addr:street,
>> addr:housenumber). The same with the is_in tags for all streets that do
>> not have any POIs attached until now. I havn't tested it but it should
>> not be too complicated to make a statistic with osmosis and a dump file.
>> Maybe the completeness of tagging will change within the next 2 years
>> but we are implementing for now.
>> WanMil

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-18 Thread WanMil
> Hi,
> I did a test of the whole Benelux area plus border regions, splitted from the 
> europe extract, and found a lot of cities in the border areas that were 
> assigned to the wrong country. So I don't agree that admin_level=2 is working 
> fine.

Ok, it would work in case the algorithm is slightly improved. But I am 
sure that this will work very well. The changes are not too complicated.

> I also observed a lot of elements that were not processed because they did 
> not contain a name tag, for example 
> Of course it has no name, 
> because it belongs to two place name relations: Ter Aar and Nieuwveen, 
> and 
> The fact that the 
> complete relations are not completely within the tile can be a reason for 
> this warning? Despite the warning, most of the streets in those areas seemed 
> assigned to the correct place names btw. So it seems functioning and I'm 
> happy with it, apart from the wrong country names. The mkgmap compiling time 
> for the whole Benelux area grew from 1,5u to roughly 2 hours.

At a first reaction I would say that way 93135578 is tagged wrong. The 
boundary tags should be added to the relation only and not to the way 
But now I am quite unsure if that doesn't uncover a problem in the 
multipolygon processing of mkgmap. Usually tags in the outer ways that 
are equal to relation tags are removed after multipolygon processing. So 
the way 93135578 should have no tags when the location handling is 
started. Maybe the cause is that the relations do not tag the ways with 
"outer". I have to check that.

Can you send me your splitter areas? Which dump do you use? This will 
help me to analyze the problem.


> WanMil wrote:
> For admin_level=2 it works. The problem starts with the other levels.
> The assignment between admin_level and is_in:xxx tag is somehow country
> specific.
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-18 Thread Stefan Schunck

stupid question:
If the polygon points are sorted (i.e that area is always to the left side
of the border; anti clockwise orientation ), then the multi polygon
algorithm could know that solution 4 is incorrect.


2011/3/17 WanMil 

> I have a big problem to continue the development on the locator branch.
> I observed that a lot of admin_level boundaries (2,3,4,5 and sometimes
> 6,7,8,9,10,11) are not useable because they are not completely contained in
> the tile data. The polygons are closed automatically but this is only a good
> guess in which direction they have to be closed. The probability is quite
> high that they are closed in the wrong direction.
> I have attached a picture which visualizes the problem a bit more.
> 1. Red and green are two relations with e.g. admin_level=4. The black
> rectangle shows the tile bounds.
> 2. The splitter does not put the complete relations into the tile. So the
> read boundary is contained partial only.
> 3. The multipolygon algorithm automatically closes the red boundary with
> best guess.
> 4. Now we have two different boundaries with admin_level=4 which cover
> exactly the same area.
> I think this will be a big source of complaints. So before continuing with
> the locator branch I think it will be more worthy that the splitter is able
> to put complete relations to a tile.
> Anyone here who wants to start with that?
> WanMil
>  I have created a new branch for the automatic locator changes.
>> It can be downloaded from
>> WanMil
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-18 Thread Apollinaris Schoell
in general they are not sorted. only coastline ways are directional.
I don't think there is any algorithmic approach to solve this. the only 
solution is to keep the whole relation in splitter or close the gaps in 
splitter before throwing away the rest.

On 18 Mar 2011, at 7:43 , Stefan Schunck wrote:

> Hi,
> stupid question: 
> If the polygon points are sorted (i.e that area is always to the left side of 
> the border; anti clockwise orientation ), then the multi polygon algorithm 
> could know that solution 4 is incorrect.
> Stefan
> 2011/3/17 WanMil 
> I have a big problem to continue the development on the locator branch.
> I observed that a lot of admin_level boundaries (2,3,4,5 and sometimes 
> 6,7,8,9,10,11) are not useable because they are not completely contained in 
> the tile data. The polygons are closed automatically but this is only a good 
> guess in which direction they have to be closed. The probability is quite 
> high that they are closed in the wrong direction.
> I have attached a picture which visualizes the problem a bit more.
> 1. Red and green are two relations with e.g. admin_level=4. The black 
> rectangle shows the tile bounds.
> 2. The splitter does not put the complete relations into the tile. So the 
> read boundary is contained partial only.
> 3. The multipolygon algorithm automatically closes the red boundary with best 
> guess.
> 4. Now we have two different boundaries with admin_level=4 which cover 
> exactly the same area.
> I think this will be a big source of complaints. So before continuing with 
> the locator branch I think it will be more worthy that the splitter is able 
> to put complete relations to a tile.
> Anyone here who wants to start with that?
> WanMil
> I have created a new branch for the automatic locator changes.
> It can be downloaded from
> WanMil
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list
> ___
> mkgmap-dev mailing list

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-18 Thread Henning Scholland
Am 18.03.2011 14:45, schrieb WanMil:
> Yes, we provide the same option for coastlines. So it's possible
> although there is the size restriction.
> Boundaries take around 3% of the complete OSM data (3% as osm.gz
> compared to osm.pbf). So think about creating a europe map from the 4.5
> GB dump. The boundary data file would be around 3%*4.5GB(osm.pbf) =
> 135MB(osm.gz). So in the end your computer additionally needs as much
> main memory as you need to compile a 135MB big tile.
> The calculation is quite rough but the result is clear: the memory
> requirements grow quite much compared to the overall size of your map

Maybe it would be a good solution to change splitter. If one member of a 
relation with information about boundaries or other polygons is inside a 
tile, the whole relation should be in that tile. This will also fix 
problems with huge multipolygons.


mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-19 Thread Ralf Kleineisel
On 03/18/2011 02:55 PM, Ralf Kleineisel wrote:
> On 18.03.2011 14:45, WanMil wrote:
>> Yes, we provide the same option for coastlines. So it's possible 
>> although there is the size restriction.
>> Boundaries take around 3% of the complete OSM data (3% as osm.gz 
>> compared to osm.pbf). So think about creating a europe map from the 4.5 
>> GB dump. The boundary data file would be around 3%*4.5GB(osm.pbf) = 
>> 135MB(osm.gz). So in the end your computer additionally needs as much 
>> main memory as you need to compile a 135MB big tile.

Wouldn't it be enough to keep that part of the boundaries in memory which
lie in the area of the map tile mkgmap is processing?

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-20 Thread WanMil
> On 03/18/2011 02:55 PM, Ralf Kleineisel wrote:
>> On 18.03.2011 14:45, WanMil wrote:
>>> Yes, we provide the same option for coastlines. So it's possible
>>> although there is the size restriction.
>>> Boundaries take around 3% of the complete OSM data (3% as osm.gz
>>> compared to osm.pbf). So think about creating a europe map from the 4.5
>>> GB dump. The boundary data file would be around 3%*4.5GB(osm.pbf) =
>>> 135MB(osm.gz). So in the end your computer additionally needs as much
>>> main memory as you need to compile a 135MB big tile.
> Wouldn't it be enough to keep that part of the boundaries in memory which
> lie in the area of the map tile mkgmap is processing?

Yes. For this we need:
* A preprocessing that converts the (complete) boundary file to a file 
format that allows to load parts only. This may be one file for each 
1°x1° part.
* mkgmap would have to load the relevant parts during tile processing. 
Each boundary area gets and unambigious id so we could merge them easily 
when a tile overlaps more than one 1°x1° boundary part.
* The boundary information might be ignored while loading the tiles.

The same algorithm can be reused for coastline processing.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-20 Thread Martin Simon
2011/3/20 WanMil :
> Yes. For this we need:
> * A preprocessing that converts the (complete) boundary file to a file
> format that allows to load parts only. This may be one file for each
> 1°x1° part.
> * mkgmap would have to load the relevant parts during tile processing.
> Each boundary area gets and unambigious id so we could merge them easily
> when a tile overlaps more than one 1°x1° boundary part.
> * The boundary information might be ignored while loading the tiles.
> The same algorithm can be reused for coastline processing.

Wouldn't it make sense for the splitter - if we already have this
boundary file - to  split "tiles" primarily by political boundaries
and only if one of them contains too many nodes, devide them by a
straight line?

I think I read on this list before that in theory, polygon-shaped
tiles are no problem in garmin format.

This would make it easier for mkgmap to assign the adress information
and a meaningful "name" per tile.

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Re: [mkgmap-dev] New locator branch

2011-03-20 Thread Thorsten Kukuk
On Sun, Mar 20, Martin Simon wrote:

> I think I read on this list before that in theory, polygon-shaped
> tiles are no problem in garmin format.

At least garmin seems to do this for the City Navigator Maps for
Europe and Noth America. It would be really great if mkgmap could
create such maps, too.


Thorsten Kukuk, Project Manager/Release Manager SLES
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, D-90409 Nuernberg
GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)
mkgmap-dev mailing list