[MMouse]: no need

1999-06-02 Thread Javag369

there's really no need to be mean over a discussion about a band. i'm on this 
list because i enjoy meeting people who are into the same stuff, not becaue 
i'm "never going to meet them so i don't care." there's enough hostility in 
the world. i don't need it here too. the condescending tone isn't too cool 
either-i think most of us knew built to spill has more than 2 albums. and if 
some people didn't, who really cares?  i love the people i talk to in the 
whole indie scene silliness, but i get upset at the indie snobbery that tends 
to surface from time to time. maybe it's the hippy in my blood, i really 
think we should all just learn from each other and love each other. on the 
learning note, i was wondering if any of you know why modest mouse isn't 
going to be at the 4th of july thing? weren't they initially going to be 


1999-06-02 Thread Musicman

Without wanting to sound _completely_ ignorant, will someone please 
explain to a non-tv watching Australian what the fuck Conan O'Brian 
I've heard about this person on the Verve, the pavement, and the MM
mailing lists over the years.

Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

Re: [MMouse]: benfolds5

1999-06-02 Thread alexis p. gentry

guess who's making a trip to best buy this weekend... well, i actually
already have a copy of the new cd, but that's not the point.  ;)  still no
one to go with to the concert next week...anyone interested?
oh and my favorite built to spill is Perfect FNO :)
icq#: 29410682

Re: [MMouse]: Joan of Arc

1999-06-02 Thread Ruby014

In a message dated 6/3/99 12:52:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< go out and get the new joan of arc album right now! 
 i got it today. at first listen, i was dissapointed >>

I was a bit taken back by the first listen cause I thought it was gonna be 
more similar to How Memory Works. Although it isn't really, I still love(d) 
I like that one where the drums go and then stop for lyrics, then go again. I 
always thought you did that while joking around, pretending you were in a 
band and not knowing any instruments other then banging on a drum.  
It's good.

[MMouse]: Joan of Arc

1999-06-02 Thread wyatt tuzo

go out and get the new joan of arc album right now! 
i got it today. at first listen, i was dissapointed. its just different.
kinda a mix between joan of arc and bedhead. by the seccond listen, i was
in love. its a new sound for them, and it takes some getting used to, but
it is truely beautiful.  -wyatt

ps: tim has gotten back to the trumpet. just like in the cap'n jazz days.
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Re: [MMouse]: Ultimate Alternative Wavers Rules!

1999-06-02 Thread y-a-r-s-r-e-v-e-n-g-e

it's ok. I don't know any of you and i never will

hahahah how untrue. you know me. 
and you could have met many other mouse list members at that BTS show. 
hahahaha :D!?>! !ASDLJf, has

Re: [MMouse]: Ultimate Alternative Wavers Rules!

1999-06-02 Thread y-a-r-s-r-e-v-e-n-g-e

it's ok. I don't know any of you and i never will

hahahah how untrue. you know me. 
and you could have met many other mouse list members at that BTS show. 
hahahaha :D!?>! !ASDLJf, has

Re: [MMouse]: Ultimate Alternative Wavers Rules!

1999-06-02 Thread y-a-r-s-r-e-v-e-n-g-e

it's ok. I don't know any of you and i never will

hahahah how untrue. you know me. 
and you could have met many other mouse list members at that BTS show. 
hahahaha :D!?>! !ASDLJf, has

Re: [MMouse]: built to spill

1999-06-02 Thread EJZ12

>>I have no trouble starting this war: Keep it like a secret is good. 
BUT when listened to in respect of Perfect from now on, it is crap. 
PFNO is a masterpeice.<<

Preach on my brother! Finally someone with sense. The new album is good, but 
in no way compares to the last 4 albums. (Yes kiddies, there's more than 2) I 
miss the old built to spill. I know I am going to get flamed for this but 
it's ok. I don't know any of you and i never will

Re: [MMouse]: Ultimate Alternative Wavers Rules!

1999-06-02 Thread EJZ12

Rock on! My favorite!

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n362

1999-06-02 Thread white arms

bts didn't play "time trap" on conan o'brien, it was "you were right"...i 
think it's a good song even tho it's just quoting other songs--but either 
way, it *sounded* terrible when they played it.
xoxo nicole

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[MMouse]: FW: Digest modestmouse.v001.n362

1999-06-02 Thread Mark Robbins

I knew you guys were still alive.  Alright, so it isnt exactly a trite peice
of crap(i was just angry because i would much rather have heard time trap or
really any other song than that one) What made me say that dug is lazy
because of the money is because he himself said basically the same thing in
a local indie rock mag from new joisey...he said he went into the studio
KNOWING that he was not going to make a song over 5 minutes because it was
"too much work"...take it for what you will..as for the other part, true,
the melody is wondeful, but so what? So many bands out there make wonderful
melodies and great chord progression and all of it, but what puts dug on
this amazing level is his ability to blend perfect lyrics with amazing
music..and i always hated that stupid line were all just bricks in the wall
regardless, its metaphor for five year olds..i expect a lot of dug, and when
he doesnt meet my expectations i think i have the right to be upset..just as
im upset when anyone with boundless talent uses only a small fraction of it.


[MMouse]: benfolds5

1999-06-02 Thread Edington, Mark

hey, so I'm sure a lot of you have heard the new Ben Folds, yes? If you
haven't gotten it yet, I would definitely recommend it. If you get it at
Best Buy, you can get a video with it too with some live stuff such as
Brick, etc..  and it's only $19.95,  very wise buy indeed. I've been pretty
quiet lately. I haven't had much to contribute to your conversations, since
I haven't been listening to the new Tortoise/Ex or any BTS. I loaded up on
some jazz last week and have immersed myself in that. Eric Dolphy, Out to
Lunch; Miles Davis, E.S.P; Cannonball Adderley, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy; Herbie
Hancock, Maiden Voyage; and John Coletrane, the Complete Impulse Studio
recordings.. That will keep me busy for quite some time. but I really wanna
get that new Isotope shite.


[MMouse]: adhesive?

1999-06-02 Thread evil jes

remember that modest mouse tribute tape thing? well i was just wondering if 
that was still happening.. i talked to carrie (i think it was??) a while ago 
about it, but now i can't find her address but i thought you were on this 
list.. anyways.
i wanted to know because our band is recording again in three weeks and if 
that was still happening we were going to do those songs too.

let me know,

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[MMouse]: BTS.

1999-06-02 Thread Todd Houlette

Hey, I must go out on a limb and say that Keep it Like a Secret was the 
first Built to Spill album I heard from them. Since I've listened to it I've
gotten the privilage to hear other works by them and I must admit that they
all make a better impression on me as well as stay longer in my cd player.
Ironically, I'm glad that Keep It Like A Secret was the first album I heard
from them since I can still appreciate it after listening to all their other
stuff. It might lean way towards one side or the other in comparison to
their other albums, but I still think it holds steady ground on its own.

Enjoy music, thats all
