Re: [MMouse]: whenever you see fit

1999-06-08 Thread Rustoleum

man.. i know we had this discussion back in december, but its so true, and
often times i forget how good the lyrics actually are, because i get so
caught up in listening to all these MM bootlegs, and its a sad thing to
say, but all the songs they play live hardly mean anything compared to all
the studio gems on long drive and many of the 7"'s. talking shit about a
pretty sunset still gets me every-time. its like.. isaac peers inside all
of these confused people and brings out what they are trying to say.. at
least for me. although im not really all that confused.. but i defintely
am not who i want to be, and i probably will not ever be. I have these
crazy goals, you know? to try and be uber-human, or to try and rise
somehow into a higher state of conscious thought, to observe and collect
information about the world around me and use it to understand why things
are the way they are, and isaac seems to want something quite similar. 
its a shame hes gotta be such a boozehag sometimes. youd think that, for
someone who seems to at least have an idea of what he wants out of life,
he could stay focused on it instead of getting fuckin' trashed all the
time instead. but, to each his own. 
so yeah.. talking shit. 
and oh hey.. everytime i listen to mechanical birds, theres that one part
where everything kinda stops and theres these two squeals, and then
everything kicks back in again. does this make anyone else tingle

hey alright i might be goddamned, 

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   i totally agree with you on the lyrics.  "talking shit about a pretty 
 sunset" is me to a T.  i always make my mind up and feel so sure about it, 
 and then later i completely change everything about me, right mark?

Re: [MMouse]: more on libertarians

1999-06-08 Thread Fishisfast

The following is just way too long. Oh, well.

 First, I apologize for the uneducated comment and for personal attacks.
  Now, to respond.  First, the primacy of the individual, carried to its
  utmost conclusion, is Anarchy The governments
  role is to provide protection (police force and Army) so that the
  have-nots cannot, as an exercise of their "individual" free will, come
  and take away the haves' stuff.  Already a convenient limitation on
  total "liberty."  

Your statements are true, but indicate a misconception. To clarify the 
individual rights issue: Every individual should have the right to live every 
aspect of their life as they choose, unless their doing so infringes on the 
rights of another person. In other words, no matter what I do, there should 
not be any institution that can stop me, so long as I am not harming any 
other person or his property. If I carry a gun, for instance, I am infringing 
on the rights of no one, but if I shoot someone, I must be held accountable. 
That's individual rights. (By the way, I don't mean to start some kind of gun 
control debate, it's just a good example.)

  And there's more.  Most libertarians I have spoken
  with ignore the benefits that they, as "individuals," receive from
  living in a "society."  Government is integral in both ensuring, and
  yes, limiting the benefits individuals receive from living in a
  society.  Libertarians seem to want to retain the material wealth that
  government enabled them to obtain, while eliminating any government
  limits on there benefits.

The only legitimate function of government is to protect the rights of the 
individual. Government does not enable individuals to obtain the benefits of 
society except by limiting its control over the private sector. Therefore, it 
is a lack of government that enables individuals, not the government itself. 
The libertarian argument is that government should not be allowed the 
authority to control individuals or the free market in the first place.
  As for your economic argument, it contains more propaganda than
  fact, the perfect free market is a myth, and the history of
  privatization belies your claims of invariable improvement (especially
  for the poor).

It's basic, fundamental economic law. There is no history of privatization in 
America, only a history of socialism and the government theft of private 
property. Education, like every other major industry, should be subjected to 
the free market, where if a business does not improve it fails. Not only 
would quality go up, the poor would actually be able to afford a good 
education, because they actually get to keep their money! Under the current 
system, the poor are forced to send their children to astoundingly bad 
inner-city public schools because their income is being stolen to support 
them, and they can afford to pay for the public schools as well as a private 
school. Only under the current system do the rich have an advantage.

Besides this argument against public education, there is the fact that public 
education is a violation of two of our most important rights-- freedom of 
religion and freedom of speech. You see, it is absolutely impossible to 
educate at any level without presenting a social, political, and religious 
viewpoint. Neutrality is absolutely impossible. Bias is inherant. Our current 
public schools present Marxist social, political, and religious viewpoints. 
They teach that humanity should be divided into groups of people with one 
group deserving protection at the expense of the rights of others, which is a 
cornerstone of Marx's political and social beliefs, and they teach an atheist 
or secular humanist religious viewpoint, another of Marx's beliefs. The 
absence of religion, whether that religion be Christianity or Judaism or 
Islam, is a religious viewpoint... a secular one. Then, every American, 
whether they agree with the viewpoint or not, is forced to fund it. They do 
not have the option to say "I disagree what is being taught at public 
schools, so I choose not to fund it." This is a violation of free speech and 
religious right. In a private system, you would have the option of funding 
opinions you agree with and not funding those you disagree with. A Muslim 
man, for instance, would not be forced to fun the propagation of Christian 

  As for your concluding arguments, I agree equality cannot be
  achieved, but that does not mean it is not to be sought.  

It must be sought. The only way to seek it is by making sure that every 
single individual is equal protected, and no individual recieves more 
protection by government that another, which is a defining feature of 

 Your belief
  that the poor have more rights is baseless, although I can see where you
  might get that belief, what with the efforts of the GOP to make the
  American public believe that it's true.  This country was founded on an
  ideal of equality of opportunity, 

[MMouse]: JULY 4TH THING .... HELP!

1999-06-08 Thread Guddie

Hey there ... I need to know everything about the July 4th thing, the name
of the show, who will be playing, ticket prices, times, place, etc etc etc.
EVERYTHING!!!  thanx


Re: [MMouse]: more on libertarians

1999-06-08 Thread Alessio Lunghi

Okay, firstly your argument is based on bullshit

Their children may soon learn that a life a crime pays, which is not a hard
lesson to learn when attending schools that are based on theft, the
redistribution of wealth

Okay basic economics

   Entrepreneurs/businessmen can ONLY make a profit if they give
   Mr/Ms. working class a SMALL percentage of the wealth they
   themselves(working class) have created in the form of wages.
   Therefore whenever you work your boss STEALS from you. FACT!

Crime does pay the whole capitalist economic system is based on stealing.

The only legitimate function of government is to protect the rights of the

Okay you try organising a strike in some fucking sweat shop and you'll
see who the police are gonna protect!

It's basic, fundamental economic law. There is no history of privatization
America, only a history of socialism and the government theft of private

The government theft of private property...from whom? From the minority
 land owners who have the blood of 10 million native americans on there

Socialism is whereby the working class have control of the economy thru
co-operatives and "elect" there delegates which are recallable. That is

Not only would quality go up, the poor would actually be able to afford a
education, because they actually get to keep their money!

Do you think that the ruling class(the rich fuckers) want the average
working class
to get good education??!! Who will work in the factories, mines,railways,
only way to get a higher paid job is to work in NON-PRODUCTIVE work (office

Between 40 and 44 million adults in America are functionally illiterate
thats around 20%
illeteracy in cuba is 6%!! (even though cuba is not a socialist country but
a government
based on a despotic mode of production)

Our current public schools present Marxist social, political, and religious

You seriously telling me that teachers are reading extracts of CAPITAL or

I do not believe that the poor have more rights. I believe that every
whether poor or rich, should have the exact same rights. Welfare systems,
instance rob from the rich and give to the poor. No matter how much sugar
coat that with, it's still robbery. It infringes on the rights of the rich
do with their property what they see fit. ALL socialist programs do this.

Oh right welfare systems rob from the rich to give to the poor. How the fuck
the rich get rich if they didn't robbed from the only class that create

Remember a Politician is only a failed businessman


[MMouse]: lyrics

1999-06-08 Thread Javag369

nirra- talking shit about a pretty sunset always kills me too! it's so 
happy/sad...not an easy emotion to have or to capture, but i have it and that 
song (along with many other MM songs) captures it.- kirstin

[MMouse]: Old idea

1999-06-08 Thread Ryan McDaniel


Did anyone ever agree on an insert for the subject line that would allow for sorting 
list mail with/without MM content?

Somebody must be interested in filtering list mail.  I didn't care before when I 
belonged to just a few lists, but now it takes 45,987 hours to sort thru junk mail.

This way, the MM list doesn't get too boring during those times when there is no news, 
and those who want the bare minimum can get that as well.

Too picky??

How about an 'MM' on any subject line with MM content?  I appreciate all commments.


Re: [MMouse]: Old idea

1999-06-08 Thread Slackathon

or, how about nmm on all absolutely non modest mouse related mail? 
most lists ive been on do something like that...


[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n369

1999-06-08 Thread Reptile


Oh, by the way: which is the best Built to Spill album? I'd like to know
their music...
plaaase dont rekindle that discussion. sorry, im just sick of hearing
people argue about petty differences in opinion.

I know what you mean, I never meant to start a civil war down here =)
That's because I've found this site with some mp3s off their albums, so

i could sit down and interpret the lyrics for you, but sorry. im too
tired right now. 

That's ok, yarsrevenge already did it... thanks anyway!

   p. giglio - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - icq#: 3319721 
  .x. broken hearts want broken necks .x.

Re: [MMouse]: whenever you see fit

1999-06-08 Thread Musicman

 i totally agree with you on the lyrics.  "talking shit about a pretty 
 sunset" is me to a T.  i always make my mind up and feel so sure about it, 
 and then later i completely change everything about me, right mark?

where is this song from?

Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

Re: [MMouse]: show me the perfect free market, and I'll sho

1999-06-08 Thread Musicman

 So, I'm uneducated, eh? We'll come to that later. The libertarian party is so 
 named because it is the only party which recognizes the sovereignty of the 
 individual, in other words, liberty.

Ok, mr educated. explain how the sovereignty of the individual 
benefits a 3 week old child. 

Don't get me wrong, I am an anarchist that believes in self 
determination - but you have to take into account that we are 
communal in some aspects. I am not advocating some kind of communism, 
just recognition of the facts: like that it is easy for men to be 
libertarian, but women have more of an ethic of care regards 
themselves, their offspring, and the community. Libertarianism cannot 
and does not address these issues at all. 
Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

Re: [MMouse]: Fwd: lyrics for Whenever You See Fit

1999-06-08 Thread Musicman

for about 2 months, everynmorning I would wake up everymorning, drink 
strong black brewed coffee with my flatmates, smoke a joint or two 
and listen to this song. It's s good.and even better stoned.

 heres the best i can do .. isaac is tabbed in
 Whenever You See Fit:
 you and me
 whenever we go wrong
 nothing is clearwake up early and you live to regret
 and you tell the truth  and your talking on the telephone
 whenever you see fitlooking at yourself like your all alone
 wake up early and you live to regret
 spend some time
 whenever you go wrong
 wake up early and you live to regret
 tell the truth
 wake up early and you live to regret
 whenever you see fit
 wake up early and you live to regret
 well youre talking on the telephone 
 everythings wrong   looking at yourself like your all alone
 and everything you ever did
 wake up early and you live to regret
 everythings wrong
 talking on the telephone
 talking like taco bell
 you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
 you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
 you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
 you go to bed early and youll talk to your pillow
 you and me
 whenever we see fit
 nothing is cleartalking on the telephone
 looking at ourselves like were all alone
 and everything you ever said
 wake up early and youll live to regret it
 wake up early and youll live to regret it
 they just repeat this stuff
Plagarism is necessary. Progress implies it. - Guy Debord, 
plagarising Issadore DuCasse. 

Re: [MMouse]: show me the perfect free market, and I'll sho

1999-06-08 Thread Fishisfast

 Ok, mr educated. explain how the sovereignty of the individual 
  benefits a 3 week old child. 

You'll have to clarify this for me...

  Don't get me wrong, I am an anarchist that believes in self 
  determination - but you have to take into account that we are 
  communal in some aspects. I am not advocating some kind of communism, 
  just recognition of the facts: like that it is easy for men to be 
  libertarian, but women have more of an ethic of care regards 
  themselves, their offspring, and the community. Libertarianism cannot 
  and does not address these issues at all. 

Libertarianism is a political doctrine, and is not meant to address every 
societal issue. What I think you are doing here is blurring the lines between 
society and government. I don't advocate that every individual should fend 
for himself and not do anything to benefit the community or society as a 
whole... in fact I abhor that. The point of libertarianism is that the 
government has no legitimate purpose other than to protect the rights of the 
individual. Once the rights of every individual have been secured, then every 
single group of people (racial or otherwise) will have equal rights and equal 
opportunity. The doctrine is purely political. Morally, I think all humans 
have an obligation to be selfless and to help others as much as possible, 
just not through government, because government is synonymous with force, and 
force is bad.

Ernie Fata

[MMouse]: long drive

1999-06-08 Thread johnny

is the "this is a long drive" double lp out of print?  or is the person
bidding on it on ebay just dumb? (it's up to $23)


Re: [MMouse]: long drive/Ebay Trickery

1999-06-08 Thread AstroSpec

In a message dated 6/9/99 12:09:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 is the "this is a long drive" double lp out of print?  or is the person
 bidding on it on ebay just dumb? (it's up to $23)

I do not know the answer to this, but I do know that so many people on ebay 
will claim that something is "rare" or "hard to find" when in actuality this 
isn't true at all. It's easy to sucker someone. If you think about how many 
people actually use Ebay , i guess its pretty safe to presume that a lot of 
people  are either unaware of the true rarity or too lazy to  find out. 