[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n505

1999-10-12 Thread WedrenStar

In a message dated 99-10-13 00:16:23 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< Juno does kick ass, I get to see them again, for the 20th time probably
 tomorrow night with Promise Ring and Burning Airlines, everyone's favorite
 homo-core band. >>
yes,yes,yes, juno is amazing.  saw them open for modest mouse two years ago 
at the redmond firehouse and was sitting on my hands, waiting patiently until 
they finally released an album.  the song magnified and reduced by inches, on 
7", though hard to find, is simply one of the greatest, most breathtaking 
songs ever.  them boys know how to rock the casbah.

and, is this a reference to burning airlines or the promise ring as 
homo-core, and why do you classify them as such?  this is not an attack, just 
a curiosity. when i think homo-core, i think pansy division.  is it because 
one of the promise ringers is gay?  or is it a slanderous term?


[MMouse]: small problem/big agreement

1999-10-12 Thread X350125GO

yeah, so im probably no better than anyone else for posting this, but i just 
wanted to get somethin straight...



ok, ya know what!?
posts like these are completely unnecessary, and probably even a waste of 
time for the people who wrote them.  not to mention that they completely lack 
any intelligent commentary.

and the following, all words including #s 1-5, is the truest post ive read on 
here in a long fucking time.  everyone should read it again...
xo brian

In a message dated 10/12/99 12:11:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< OK, that's enough of the band bashing.
 I'm tired of it.  It's juvenile and sophomoric.
 If you want to trash bands, join a newsgroup.  Start a
 hate club.  Burn a public building.  Just stop fucking
 complaining on a fucking mailing list about it.  No
 one gives a shit who you hate.  No one.  If you want
 to tell everyone how you hate a band so that you can
 unite under a banner of hatred against a common cause,
 you are no better than a racist or bigot.  Is that
 going too far?  Have I said too much?  What positive
 influence can come from trashing countless bands? 
 There is nothing that you can say.  All you are doing
 is creating constant negative feedback, constructing
 more hate.  Now obviously, hating an artist or music
 is not nearly as evil as hating another human being. 
 But whether or not you like a band, that artist is
 doing something that they like to do.  You are not
 obligated to like it.  In fact, some musicians are
 hoping you will hate them, I'm sure.  But all of this
 bullshit contributes NOTHING to a discussion on a
 Modest Mouse mailing list.  Not a damn thing.  
 Stop hating everything.  
 Start liking something.
 I'll get you going...
 #1: Sonic Youth is one of my favorite bands.  There
 are few bands as innovative with sound as Sonic Youth.
 #2: Godspeed You Black Emperor is an excellent band. 
 They are incredible live, making music that could be
 considered a film score to a movie that was never
 made.  Their vinyl releases are packaged by hand with
 deluxe care and sequenced differently from the CD, so
 I recommend owning both formats if you have only one
 or the other.  
 #3: Mogwai blew me away three times in three weeks
 last month.  I don't think any band is more powerful
 live than Mogwai.  Their first show of this tour was
 at the Black Cat in Washington, DC, and it was just so
 amazingly lush and perfect, I can't explain it.  If
 you have a chance to see this band, go go go.
 #4: The greatest rapper of the next decade is Kool
 Keith.  His style is light years ahead of what is
 being released this year, and he continues to evolve. 
 I highly recommend everything he's done.
 #5: Handsome Boy Modeling School comes out next week,
 featuring Prince Paul and Dan the Automator.  If you
 like beats, this album should make yr teets swell.
 *phiL* >>

[MMouse]: honestly

1999-10-12 Thread Javag369

honestly, i've never been a huge sonic youth fan-it's just not what i 
normally enjoy. i do respect them, they have a lot of influence and historic 
weight on a lot of what i do really enjoy. the only sonic youth song i truly 
LOVE is "winner's blues." that song's lovely.

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Sonic Youth Is Overrated and They Suck

1999-10-12 Thread amy wolf

>  With all due respect to everybody, I did not sign up to the Modest
> Mouse mailing list to find out why everybody hates or does not hate Sonic
> Youth or when Red Stars Theory are playing next in Possum Ridge,
> I signed up to discuss and/or learn more about Modest Mouse.

we all did, and we all should be aware before signing up for mailing lists
that people aren't gonna necessarily talk about what other people like, and
there are gonna be arguments, there are gonna be disagreements about what
band sucks, what band is good..whatever.  if you don't like it, get off. 
i'm probably speaking alone here but i can deal with that.  of course other
bands are gonna come up and certainly if they have something to do with
modest mouse.  learn to like it or don't.
- amy, who's trying to ease her mind with a fun 'if i post my page address,
i wonder how many of you will show up to see it' experiment.

[MMouse]: i might... and you might.. but neither of us do

1999-10-12 Thread Russ Sweetser

im listening to "might"
and he actually says "i broke every bone in my goddamn jaw"
does this seem ironic to any of the rest of you?


Re: [MMouse]: sonic youth non-fans coming out

1999-10-12 Thread Chris Vandebrooke

> > noise for the sake of noise, personally.  but hey.  speaking of things i
> > don't like, i got the 'red letter day' ep by the get up kids and it

Okay, that album is truly great. I wanted to hate it at first to, just
because it's more produced, but I think it is really good.  They do a great
job live of keeping the energy up and on as well.

> If you didn't like the EP, the new album probably doesn't have a whole lot
> to offer you. I think it sounds like Weezer (whom I also love).

I don't see the wheezer comparisons.

> > for bands still making that kinda sound?

Indian Summer just released an old 6 or 8 song live record, it's really
great.  Get that.  You can always go on the hunt for an old Hated record.

> I think Christie Front Drive is still keepin it real...At The Drive In for
> slightly punkier stuff...And it's a little different, but the new Juno
> album is amazing.

I thought Christie Front Drive had been broke up for over a year and a half?
Their new side project is called "The Blue Ontario", that's totally worth
getting.  If you wanna check out something realy emo, pick up "Rocky
Votaloto's" new record.  Its' really good acoustic ramblings.

Juno does kick ass, I get to see them again, for the 20th time probably
tomorrow night with Promise Ring and Burning Airlines, everyone's favorite
homo-core band.


Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n504

1999-10-12 Thread Chris Vandebrooke

It's really good, it's hard to put it into words how it actually sounds.

The production is really great, very moody music.  It has a sonic-ness to it
that is great for lazing around the house on a Sunday afternoon.  The
guitars were done REALLY well.  My only quam with the whole album is that
the drums are a bit buried at times.  Since Jeremy's drumming is usually
impecable, I wish I could have heard them a bit bigger.

There are female vocals on one track, that are really nice.  Odd to hear
such good vocals over the mix.  James's vocals are really good as well, they
were recorded just right.

This album flows from one end to the next, really worth the purchase.


- Original Message -
From: amna a. akbar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 3:12 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n504

> anyone heard the new red stars theory?
> how is it?
> [keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

[MMouse]: modest mouse TONIGHT IN SAN FRANCISCO

1999-10-12 Thread Howcliche

hey there all...
i'm still desperately looking for a ticket to the modest mouse show tonight 
at the great american music hall.  if anyone has an extra ticket they'd be 
willing to sell, PLEASE call me at (831) 469-3972 or write me here privately.

thanks again!

Re: [MMouse]: Re: Sonic Youth Is Overrated and They Suck

1999-10-12 Thread Styx

At 07:29 PM 10/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Oh My Gawd.I thought I was all alone is this!  I cannot express in words
>alone how much I dis-like Sonic Youth.  It is completly baffling to me the
>amount of people that like what they do. --mike

 Alright, alright, alright.  Enough already.

 With all due respect to everybody, I did not sign up to the Modest
Mouse mailing list to find out why everybody hates or does not hate Sonic
Youth or when Red Stars Theory are playing next in Possum Ridge, Arkansas.
I signed up to discuss and/or learn more about Modest Mouse.

 Of course, this is a pretty old debate, period, going way back to
message boards on BBSs and such.  And it's not like this mailing list has a
FAQ to follow.  So, uh, if I have to put up with 50 non-related emails
before getting one on-topic one, cordially let me know so I can unsubscribe.

 If the mailing list isn't usually so off-topic and I had bad timing
subscribing a few months ago, let me know also.  Thanks.

 - Matt

[MMouse]: Re: Sonic Youth Is Overrated and They Suck

1999-10-12 Thread Mike Schmick

Oh My Gawd.I thought I was all alone is this!  I cannot express in words
alone how much I dis-like Sonic Youth.  It is completly baffling to me the
amount of people that like what they do. --mike
- Original Message -
From: johnny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 3:38 PM
Subject: RE: [MMouse]:

> yes, sonic youth is the most overrated band in the universe.  they suck.
> johnny
> > i confess.  i dont like sonic youth either.  i kind of like that one
> > "compilation blues" from the DGC rarities comp., but besides that, its
> > just a bunch of noise to me.  that's all.
> >
> >
> > ben A.
> >

Re: [MMouse]: sonic youth non-fans coming out

1999-10-12 Thread hubbird

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, baby spine wrote:

> noise for the sake of noise, personally.  but hey.  speaking of things i 
> don't like, i got the 'red letter day' ep by the get up kids and it blows!  

It sounds like watered down MTV crapola. But it's the Get Up Kids playing
complex watered down MTV crapola (with a member of coalesce) and I love
it. Except Mass Pike...that song makes me want to kill people.

> anyone have the new album?  is it better or worse? 

If you didn't like the EP, the new album probably doesn't have a whole lot
to offer you. I think it sounds like Weezer (whom I also love).

>   and another question and 
> then i'll shut up--seems like alot of bands once labeled emo are now getting 
> really pop-y (g.u.k., jimmy eat world, p.ring)...and since i like "the emo" 
> alot and wanna go record shopping soon, does anyone have any recommendations 
> for bands still making that kinda sound?

I saw a band last night with the Get Up Kids who do the old skool emo
thang...watch out for them, they're called Letdown. Apparently they were
together for a while as Phoenix, AZ and then got a new drummer or
something and wrote new songs. That was about a month and a half ago, so
they didn't sound very polished, but they were real good.

I think Christie Front Drive is still keepin it real...At The Drive In for
slightly punkier stuff...And it's a little different, but the new Juno
album is amazing.

Ben Hubbird

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n504

1999-10-12 Thread amna a. akbar

anyone heard the new red stars theory?
how is it?

[keep on keep keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on]

RE: [MMouse]:

1999-10-12 Thread johnny

yes, sonic youth is the most overrated band in the universe.  they suck.


> i confess.  i dont like sonic youth either.  i kind of like that one song,
> "compilation blues" from the DGC rarities comp., but besides that, its
> just a bunch of noise to me.  that's all.
> ben A.

[MMouse]: godspeed and Sonic Yooth

1999-10-12 Thread jackie 0

> any of you modest mouse fold listen to godspeed you
> black emperor?
> If not you should check them out they are on the
> kranky label.

Everything on Kranky is really damn good.  GYBE! are the best, but
Labradford and Windy & Carl are almost as good.

> In my opinion they are a canadian orchestra for "emo"
> manic depressives.

I don't think they're depressing at all.  In fact, many of their songs
are ultimately quite uplifting and radiant.  They're definitely sad
sometimes, maybe melancholy, definitely cinematic, but far from
depressing... no more (or less, I suppose) depressing than Dirty

And they don't sound anything like "emo", but I'm sure you know that.

> i'm coming out as a non-sonic youth fan for ya...i love "teenage riot" and 
> "100%" but beyond that i find them overrated and irritating...i dont' like 
> noise for the sake of noise, personally.

I won't debate anyone's taste in music... I think Sonic Youth are
consistently "very good" but rarely "great"... BUT they are anything but
"noise for the sake of noise".  Jesus, I hate to imagine what you'd
think of Merzbow or some of the Boredoms' stuff.

If you like "Teenage Riot" and "100%" I'd think you'd like the entire
albums -Daydream Nation-, -Goo-, and -Dirty-... there's really almost no
"noise" on any of those.

I've yet to hear one good emo band.  The singer for SDRE... now THAT'S
what I call "noise for the sake of noise".  Yikes.

np:Godspeed You Black Emperor!, "Blaise Bailey Finnegan III"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

[MMouse]: ciccone

1999-10-12 Thread sputnik

hey um...
some guy posted about making a cd of non-cd modest mouse stuff. i dont have
mice eat cheese but im interested in trading for a copy of the cd whenever
he's done. by the way, isnt there an mp3 of mice eat cheese at that one
modest mouse site with all the mp3s? couldnt that work? im technologically
illiterate so dont sneer at me.
im all for s.y. and punkrawk girls

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[MMouse]: model handsome boy thing..

1999-10-12 Thread Storme Yorke

is thom yorke not working with that anymore? i know he was going to a while 

and i totally agree with the mogwai comment, ive not seen a band give it as 
much as they do.

ohh yeh one more thing.. has anyone got pics of Eric playing? or an idea 
what his tattoo is.. im just intrigued.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

[MMouse]: red letter (and its an f)

1999-10-12 Thread horatio gomez alonzo

Yeah, i liked a couple of songs off the last get up
kids album so i figured id get the red letter day cd. 
I agree, it is pretty disapointing.  They sound way
pop now, the vocals are pretty whiny, and theres synth
all over the place.  Not that i have anything against
pop, whiny vocals, syth, or bands changing their
sound...but in this case, i dont think the combination
worked out.  Oh well.  As far as new releases goes, i
havent heard anything recently that i absolutely
loved.  The newest pavement is kind of disappointing,
the newest superchunk is alright...better than indoor
living, hmmm, if youre a fugazi fan, definately get
the instrument film.  The american analog set's new
one is pretty good.  Anyone else out there got
anything to say about new releases?


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Re: [MMouse]: sonic youth non-fans coming out

1999-10-12 Thread amy wolf

> I think I love almost every sonic youth song out there, and it's so much
> than noise for the sake of noise, so tally one up for our side!!

i'd agree with the whole 'i don't like noise for the sake of noise' comment
if it were true about sonic youth.  yeah, they do alot of songs with lots
of noise, but how much sonic youth has this girl heard?  there are sooo
many songs that don't really have all that much noise.  sister wasn't even
really that much of a noisey album.  it had a lot of fucked up guitars but
whatever, not very much noise at all.  please, please (whoever started this
damn thing) listen to at least some of the albums before you go off on a
band that i think at least most of us have alot of respect for.
- amy

[MMouse]: Alright already, kids.

1999-10-12 Thread Philip Smoker

OK, that's enough of the band bashing.
I'm tired of it.  It's juvenile and sophomoric.
If you want to trash bands, join a newsgroup.  Start a
hate club.  Burn a public building.  Just stop fucking
complaining on a fucking mailing list about it.  No
one gives a shit who you hate.  No one.  If you want
to tell everyone how you hate a band so that you can
unite under a banner of hatred against a common cause,
you are no better than a racist or bigot.  Is that
going too far?  Have I said too much?  What positive
influence can come from trashing countless bands? 
There is nothing that you can say.  All you are doing
is creating constant negative feedback, constructing
more hate.  Now obviously, hating an artist or music
is not nearly as evil as hating another human being. 
But whether or not you like a band, that artist is
doing something that they like to do.  You are not
obligated to like it.  In fact, some musicians are
hoping you will hate them, I'm sure.  But all of this
bullshit contributes NOTHING to a discussion on a
Modest Mouse mailing list.  Not a damn thing.  

Stop hating everything.  
Start liking something.

I'll get you going...

#1: Sonic Youth is one of my favorite bands.  There
are few bands as innovative with sound as Sonic Youth.

#2: Godspeed You Black Emperor is an excellent band. 
They are incredible live, making music that could be
considered a film score to a movie that was never
made.  Their vinyl releases are packaged by hand with
deluxe care and sequenced differently from the CD, so
I recommend owning both formats if you have only one
or the other.  

#3: Mogwai blew me away three times in three weeks
last month.  I don't think any band is more powerful
live than Mogwai.  Their first show of this tour was
at the Black Cat in Washington, DC, and it was just so
amazingly lush and perfect, I can't explain it.  If
you have a chance to see this band, go go go.

#4: The greatest rapper of the next decade is Kool
Keith.  His style is light years ahead of what is
being released this year, and he continues to evolve. 
I highly recommend everything he's done.

#5: Handsome Boy Modeling School comes out next week,
featuring Prince Paul and Dan the Automator.  If you
like beats, this album should make yr teets swell.




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[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n503

1999-10-12 Thread Kbukigrl

someone start a promise ring list..no,really..please.


1999-10-12 Thread ben A.

i confess.  i dont like sonic youth either.  i kind of like that one song,
"compilation blues" from the DGC rarities comp., but besides that, its
just a bunch of noise to me.  that's all. 

ben A.

[MMouse]: this plane is definitely crashing....

1999-10-12 Thread Matt Evanosky

sorry, about two posts in such quick succession, but i got two fairly good
ideas and a tummy full of french vanilla coffee, so look out...

RE:the debate regarding the merits of burning airlines--point yr eyes
towards mr Wedrenstar, and drink in his knowledgethe jawbox are as
influential a band as anyone, once again, if you dont know , go do some
audio homework...call ian mackaye, and ask him if he liked the
jawbox...sure, they made a questionable indie-major jump with for your
special sweetheart (or whatever it was called), but savory was a damn fine
song and good video to boot.  slag burning airlines if you want, but dont
slag the membership, this project may be ill-fated, but its not that
horrible...leprosy is horrible, getting caught masturbating is horrible,
sucking chest wounds are horrible, burning airlines is just not quite
"modestmouse" great, thats all.

ps- to russ, i didnt hear no karate breakup story eitherthose boys were
round new haven not too long ago, they are nice fellows, eh?

"push out the jive , bring in the love" ---M.E. Burns

[MMouse]: bandwagon jumper#88

1999-10-12 Thread Matt Evanosky

far be it for me to stay out of a conversation that i was not included in...
but when it comes to the mighty sonic youth, i take that as fighting words,
where i come from the sonic youth laid the blueprint for 3, maybe 4 million
different guitar bands since 19 and seventy whatever...i mean where would
blonde redhead be w/o the youth..?
to the younger listees, do the math, and i dont mean math rock, i mean the
sonic youth are like a treasure chest of sounds and songs and "indie guitar
swing"think they're major label trash, pick up the silver session cd,
released for a dead fan,as tributepick up the 3-cd series on syr
records, with jim o'rourke, and others, and then tell me the SY are not as
indie as all get out

to the sensitive listboy- noise for noise sake is what its all aboutno
noise equals everclear.its yr trip,kill yr idols.

thanks for the precious time.
obsessive fanboy in the SY army #47