[MMouse]: lots of action

2000-04-10 Thread AmZero602

the list is getting really busy.. so ill add another letter to prove it

Re: [MMouse]: Russ and Pacman

2000-04-10 Thread AmZero602

i play ms pacman for nintendo which goes turbo fast! so i hope we are able to 
compare skills equally.

[MMouse]: Re: ms pac man smackdown

2000-04-10 Thread AmZero602

In a message dated 4/9/00 11:55:55 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

<< hrm. i dunno man. i dont have ms pac man for the 8 bit. i think i have a
 rom somewhere. oh hell. youre on. get me your high score by friday 
its on ! will ms pacman from what you ahve dompared to nintendo produce 
different scores ok im off to bed tomorrow pacman trainnig begins!... 
jesse pacman

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands

2000-04-10 Thread AmZero602

real pacman is wussy. ms pac man has boosters and would kick mr pacmans butt!

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands

2000-04-09 Thread AmZero602

TO Russ... i apologize but when it comes to Ms pacman i dont mess around. so 
the challenge is on i have to work this week so ill get you a high score 
by friday i dont really go by scores i just beat the game but you named 
the challenge all i have is nintendo-8.. ha ha for ms pacman is this ok by 

Challanger Jesse Duel to the deat

Re: [MMouse]: if yer not into off the subject, clap your hands

2000-04-09 Thread AmZero602

<< > >1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
Jesse Frye in Mesa AZ and im 19
 > >2.What is your favorite mouse song?
 > >3.What are five records you couldn't live without
mineral*powerof failing
modest mouse: lonesome crowded west
propagandhi-less talk more rock
the gloria record
 > >4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
 > >bad or good?
good for the mix cds
 > >5.  Ebay, bad or good?
good but russ got dicked
 > >6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
 > >voting for himself or what?
is there any count on that anyway?
 > >7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
negative. but thera re sirens outside right now.. ooh a wreck outisde my apts 
(hats bad)
 > >8.  First live show?
umm it was hardcore.. overcome and downset
 > >9.  Worst live show?
oh how about korn (hey it was free)
 > >10.  Favorite sound?
 the tic-toc of my clocks when im tryin to go to bed
>>> i challenge russ to Ms pac man if you are down
 > >11.  least favorite sound?
i was being sarcastic and above is my worst i didnt see this slot but im too 
lazy to change it
 > 12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
 > >on the internet bad/good?
ill lean towards good
 > >13.  What book should every person in america read?
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by dan millman
 > >14.  Signing to a major bad/good?
depends on the sell-outedness of the band
 > >15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
 > >see?
no why double support the band obviously anyone who sees the shirt you ahve 
on already knows about that band or will after the show
 > >16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
 > >bad/good?
i dont care i have a delete button
 > >17.  Favorite beer?
not be preach but im sXe
 > 18.  Favorite color? X2
gray or blue 
 > 19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
if its a boy... Christopher Gray
 > >20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
 > >tons about a person)?
i like trainspotting -begby is tough
fear and loathing in las vegas is intersting
shawshank redemption
 i like the mushy love girli flicks so ill shut up now

[MMouse]: just funny stuff

2000-03-05 Thread AmZero602

  http://www.debsfunpages.com/walmart.htm">Click here: Things to do 
at WalMart 


Re: [MMouse]: Red Stars Theory 7"

2000-03-03 Thread AmZero602

ooh goodie. umm hey everyone my computer is fixed!
so im back

[MMouse]: hey jealousy

2000-02-25 Thread AmZero602

hey everyone i started at america west so when my flight benefits kick in i 
can go see concerst anywhere! so ill see you all at shows !



2000-02-21 Thread AmZero602

recently i got a job for the airlines so i know this one there is a portland 



2000-02-21 Thread AmZero602

if anyone is considering AZ its aight! 


Re: [MMouse]: that boots guy i just mentioned

2000-02-20 Thread AmZero602

i think o speak for us all when we say we will box this guy for you russ. 
where is he at again?


Re: [MMouse]: that boots guy i just mentioned

2000-02-20 Thread AmZero602

oh my goodness ... go russ ... 


Re: [MMouse]: moving sometime soon...will i have friends?

2000-02-20 Thread AmZero602

yeah people in the phoenix area are screwing things up. hey everyone your 
going to think i am crazy! me and my roomate are going on like a long 
distance trip across america. in two months we are moving to Seattle then 
down to Santa Barbara ans we dont know after that but we know we want to live 
in OKC, VA, NY, MA, & CO but we havent set out a plan yet. if everything goes 
well we will stay at each place for three - 6 months. we are so exctied. 
anyone live anywhere fun and exciting?

Re: [MMouse]: bible thumping

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

i love -trompe le rick

Re: [MMouse]: agnostic

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

from what i know
deism:the belief that we were created by a god but we know nothinkg about 
him/her ir anything else regarding that
agnostic:we cat say for sure if there is or isnt a god
atheism: the lack of belief in a god due to the facts we have
Xtianity: there is a god!


Re: [MMouse]: intrigued

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

matt sorry you cant understand atheism? what is with people is it worng that 
i believe it?

 Fact; the Bible is an accurate, albeit biased, historical account and
none of the events described in the Bible have been disproven - not even
the whole Sodom shabang.

i have a site for you matt
this should keep you occupied

Re: [MMouse]: intrigued

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

do you have any sensual perception of your god? how do you know about this 
god? though what people ahve told you. well im telling you that i am god so 
believe it or im sending you to hell


Re: [MMouse]: atheist vegan sXe

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

grr it makes me mad that you are so omniscient in knowing all about religion 
and beliefs, oh and thanks for doggin my beliefs too. i am sure atheism is 
dumb to you. have you ever looked through anothers eyes? maybe you could 
change your point of view. from what i know it is illogical to beleive that 
their is a god


Re: [MMouse]: intrigued

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

if anyone has religious ?'s ask me not the list... sorry guys 
love me


Re: [MMouse]: intrigued

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

ok atheism is defined as the lack of belief in a god or deity. most atheists 
just think that its insane to think that there is a god. from the info i have 
obtained i  believe that there is no such thing as a god. thats all. im not 
saying im right your wrong, screw off. its just my beliefs so believe it ot 
take care


[MMouse]: wondering

2000-02-17 Thread AmZero602

i was wondering if anyone thought like me?
atheist vegan sXe.. anyone?


Re: [MMouse]: the modest mouse chat room

2000-02-16 Thread AmZero602

since i missed how to put my pict on that page
i have one here ... take care people
