Re: [MMouse]: nader in boston

2000-09-24 Thread Rachel White

  If anyone cares, Ralph Nader will be in Boston at the Fleet Center on
  1st. It's only $10. I'll be there.
  this election is frightening me.
as it should...

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[MMouse]: hot jewish boys

2000-08-16 Thread Rachel White

..I think I'm in love. I've always been a faithful daily show watcher
since John Stewart started hosting it..he's a comic genius. Anyone see
him on Leno two nights ago??  My sleeping (he wishes he was, at least)
boyfriend was getting quite pissed at me b/c I was laughing so hard. I'd
marry him in a second, ya know, strictly hypothetically speaking.

btw, Fillmore tix on sale today for all those who want to know!!

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[MMouse]: MM in SF

2000-08-14 Thread Rachel White

Hey, anyone know when the tix for the MM show at the filmore go on sale?

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Re: [MMouse]: for a good laugh...

2000-08-09 Thread Rachel White

Hey ya'll, you probably have already checked this out, but if not, bookmark -- he updates his mullet of the week, well, every week.
I've been checking it for about two yrs and have never been let down. Good

goin' to SF for the show soonwoo-hoo

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Re: [MMouse]: MM on oct 5th and 6th

2000-08-06 Thread Rachel White

How about their show in SF the 8th and 9th? Who else is going besides me?

  anyone going to the modest mouse/blackheart procession show in LA on
october 5th and 6th?  you can bet your sweet ass i'll be there, depressed
for blackheart, and jumpin for joy with MM.

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[MMouse]: bush, dicks, and MM

2000-08-04 Thread Rachel White

Anyone watch any of the RNC yesterday? Sickening, I know. As we're watching
it my roommate tells me he isn't voting to make a fucking statement.
Whatthat he, along with the rest of the US's apathetic 18-20something
"adults", is going to contribute to the election of g-dubya-b for prez?  I
was seriously getting scared watching last night, b/c the possibility of him
getting elected is all too real. He's so fucking stupid and sad and sorry,
but people buy into his whole image. Like, the mariachi and gospel music in
the backroundgive me a freaking break! But, that's exactly how he's
getting the black and latino votes. If I were black or latino I would be so
insulted and appalled that GWB thinks he can get my vote that way; that I'm
too stupid to see his track record and underlying evilness. I don't know
what's worsethat he uses cheap maneuvers like ethnic music to gain
popularity, or that the voting population buys into it. I guess what I'm
trying to say is PLEASE VOTE Don't make us suffer through 4-8 yrs of ol'
snake eyes just to make a statement about US politics. Ya, it (our political
climate) definitely does suck, but which is worse?

OK, for my token MM comment. The first MM song I ever heard was Dukes Up --
I came home one day and my brother was playing along with it. The next day I
went out and bought my first MM album. The rest is MM addiction
grew from there much like you boys' dicks grow reading about Leigh's

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[MMouse]: this and that

2000-08-03 Thread Rachel White

OK, there were hundreds of MM messages so I just went and deleted them all,
no offense to the non-Amy emails
--Was anything else posted from people going to the 764/LAL show in SF? 
--The guy in the bay area, try Armadillo Records and Avid Reader. Also CD
--The Amy thingI can't resist the temptation to contribute my 2 cents to
this inbox-clogging topic. Amy, I guess you had to learn the hard way. This
is a message board for people with diverse opinions and they'll voice them
in an instanta debate waiting to happen, I guess. There's nothing wrong
with debates, just don't get all huffy when people don't agree with you. Or,
better yet, don't think out won't get away with it if your
"thinking" is half-assed. What slips through the cracks is just fuel to the
fire. And, if you don't want to be called on anything you feel strongly
about don't post it...someone else out there feels just as strongly about
the rebuttal to that thought and won't hesitate to tell you (erus) so. 

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Re: [MMouse]: Modest procreation

2000-08-02 Thread Rachel White

Dave, I love your wise commentaries!!!  Well said.
  OK, what needs to happen is this-
  Breeders need to stop having kids for obvious reasons. Want a kid? Adopt.
Gays and lesbians should not go to sperm banks or find egg donors or
whatever and adopt. I realize that many people would want to have their
child bio-related to them, but there are lots of kids out there who were
born of trailer trash fucks who can't take care of their kids and will grow
up to be more trailer trash fucks. (ever see "Gummo?")
  Yes, adoption can be very difficult, drawn out and raise weird bio-parent
issues, but creating another human in this world, today, is really fucking
selfish. If you don't think so, try getting out of the NW hemisphere for
awhile. May i suggest Africa or China? 
  Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

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Re: [MMouse]: 764-hero

2000-08-01 Thread Rachel White

I really liked it, but that's just me.  Anyone else going to the SF show Aug

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Re: [MMouse]: Weekends of Sound

2000-08-01 Thread Rachel White

I like 764 such better before they added James on bass.
Are you serious??  I like 764 much better with James, and I really like Red
Stars Theory and Lync.  Oh well, you can't please them all.

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Re: [MMouse]: RE: Razorback Country

2000-07-31 Thread Rachel White

  They are definately booked for some weird places.. I saw they were
  to play the Fillmore..
  That might be something for me to use my free airline miles on.  

Ya, they will be at the Fillmore, at least they better be b/c I plan on
going both days.  Thank god, too..don't have a place to stay in LA and
don't care to go there either.

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Re: [MMouse]: clinton smokes crack

2000-07-30 Thread Rachel White

  i find it funny that people can crucify bush for doing coke 30 years
  but dismiss the fact that clinton received blow jobs from an intern in
  oval office a couple of years ago.
  blowjobs are good, coke is bad.

I don't know, but to me what the candidates did/do in their personal life
isn't so important. It't the fact that so many of them lie about it and deny
it that bothers me.  Of course, equally irritating is the amount of time and
taxpayer money that goes into investigating their private lives.  I'd rather
not's sad that this kind of information ends up being the topic
for discussion moreso than the real issues.  But, I guess this is America,
where we are more into gossip than political platforms.

One last thing about the comparison between the music industry and
politics..any industry will have those parallels -- whenever more than
one person wants power things get "political".  My jobs in the past and
present have all been plagued with basically have to decide
if it's worth it to kiss so-and-so's ass or not.  And, since I can't stand
being fake and saccharine-sweet  I've had to quit many a job.  Oh well.

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[MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Rachel White

OK, here's the question that will probably make me look really stupid but
that's nothing new.
I love Nader to death and would LOVE it if, in my perfect world, he became
our next president.  But, that's not going to happen.  It's basically up to
us to choose the lesser of two evils.  This is where I'll probably piss a
lot of you off, but isn't voting Nader this time (where the race is pretty
close) like wasting an anti-Bush vote?  If I vote Nader, that's one less
vote that helps Gore defeat Bush, and I sure as hell don't want another Bush
to be president.  I know the electoral college..blah blah blah..but

I feel guilty not voting Nader this time, so ya'll feel free to try and set
me straight.  My conscience needs to be at

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Re: [MMouse]: Nader

2000-07-26 Thread Rachel White

...why vote if you really don't like any of them...i know i

that's so sad..

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Re: [MMouse]: catching up

2000-07-24 Thread Rachel White

Thank you!  I couldn't have said it better myself, although I probably
should have.

About the lyrics..I started to write down some that I really really
really love, and as I wrote, more and more equally great ones kept flooding
into my head faster than I could write.  I can't pick a favorite -- it's
like asking a mormon mother to pick her favorite child.  We all love the
mice.  We all know Isaac is a musical genius.  Enough said.

  I'm almost glad I haven't been reading all of the
  digests lately because some very young and/or very
  opinionated individuals (who seem to think very highly
  of themselves given their inherent tendency to
  redefine and dictate the basic paradigms of the
  history of music, specifically this one particular
  genre) have taken it upon themselves to belittle some
  of the very greatest rock and/or roll musicians of all
  time.  And I guess I would be more inclined to compose
  some kind of rebuttal if these people hadn't made
  themselves look so foolish and narrow-minded in the
  first place that I don't have the heart to dignify
  their self-righteous drivel with a direct response. 
  But I will take this opportunity to say that in
  general, I'm very disappointed.  I fear the generation
  that's growing up behind me right now, the things that
  are influencing them and their contorted world view. 
  But as long as they all continue to remain so stoic
  and oblivious in this blossoming information age, I
  never have to fear a timely youth revolt in my life. 
  They'll all be too busy updating their blogs.
  I worship John Bonham and Jimmy Chamberlain.
  Who will complete this holy trinity, this sacred
  the horse had blinders on.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get Yahoo! Mail – Free email you can access from anywhere!

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Re: [MMouse]: i want a fucking sticker. this is my second plea, i mean it.

2000-07-20 Thread Rachel White

Come on, don't you think you're being a little bit rash??  Nevermind, of
course you don'tbut you are.  Look at the situation from his point of
view..he's using his time, his resources, his money to send out hundreds
of stickers.  Did he have to? No. He volunteered to do this for us
graciously, probably not expecting the large volume of responses he
received.  But, he did/is doing his best to accommodate everyone.  

Now, ungrateful, impatient, un-understanding people are complaining that
they aren't getting what they want.  I don't know you or your story so I
won't pass judgement on anyone.  But, when you say "I want, I want, I want",
not to mention rudely, you aren't apt to get it unless you're a spoiled
brat.  Just something to take into consideration the next time you think
about asking for something. 

No, I'm NOT accusing anyone of anything or forming impressions of anyone I
don't know so don't write me on that issue.  I'm just looking at what I've
seen and telling you how it looks from my point of view -- not how YOU are,
just how it looks.

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 21:17:57 -0500,   wrote:

  you know what [EMAIL PROTECTED], i'm sorry but fuck you. you are the
  most disgraceful person i have ever encountered online. i'm really sorry
  you think i'm so pushy, i made a simple request without knowing how
  put out you are to be doing a favor for some people who might really
  what you have done for them. and you know what? i don't even want them. i
  hope you grow up soon. 
  i think this pushy little girl is going to move on. enjoy your
  modest mouse threads.

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Re: [MMouse]: questions

2000-07-02 Thread Rachel White

I can't put into words what I want to say, but here it goes.
  1.why do you like modest mouse?
First, the lyrics are just amazingIsaac's up there with Bob Dylan in my
book.  0Enough said there.
The lyrics are what got me obsessed with hearing more and more Mouse, but
the music is what go me hooked. They're all incredible musicians and can
make the simplest, slowest notes sound sooo good.and the way the music
goes from slow, and then builds up to this crazy, orgasmic explosion (yes,
that's what I said) -- music just doesn't get any better.  All their
different styles of music on the different albums and all their
experimentation with sound just sound so right.  I could write a thesis on
this but I'll spare ya'll since it probably only makes sense to me.
  2.where does everyone live?
Carmel Valley, CA old are you?
  4.are you male or female?

**thanks to anyone who actually read the whole thing!

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[MMouse]: sorry guys, one more thing...

2000-07-02 Thread Rachel White

how could I forget?

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Re: [MMouse]: Re: Death Cab for Cutie or Sonic Youth

2000-07-01 Thread Rachel White

Are you saying what I think you're saying?  Is there actually someone out
there who likes sy better?  Not that it wouldn't be completely fine with me
-- it would be -- I just didn't think it possible.

  It would be better to actually debate the mouse and Sonic Youth than
  Death Cab, there isn't really anything sonic about Death Cab in my
  but that's me.
  Think of it this way:
  Say you can go see both of their shows, but you have to choose which to
  go to
  first.  Who will give a better encore?  That is, if they will even do
  So, you chose the one to go to that you want to see an encore of and
  the other one early.  And you pick that one b/c encores are usually
  So, since you picked that one because of a good encore, maybe that means
  you like them better; so go to that one.
  That made a lot of sense in my mind, but it looks kind of jumbled here,

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Re: [MMouse]: BTS Macy Gray

2000-06-27 Thread Rachel White

  Hello all, I wanted to share this experience with you. I went to the
  EMP(Experience Music Project) opening on Sunday in Seattle. I saw the
  concerts that day. On of my favorite all time bands was there. Built To
  Spill. Almost every Modest Mouse fan I know loves BTS. Anyway, when we
  at the show BTS played a few covers. Neil Young's "Cortez the killer" and

I didn't go, but I have the live album and I was amazed at how much Doug
sounds like Neil Young in "cortez the killer".it's like that song was
written for them to cover!  very very cool album.

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Re: [MMouse]: Re: why are these things necessary?

2000-06-26 Thread Rachel White

come on kiddies, can't we all just get along...
   Fuck Ulysses.

  any ulysses?  ulysses s grant, maybe?  except he's dead, and that's
  if in reference to the book, i don't know, sounds like a lot of paper
  would be involved. . .and sulfur in minor cuts in the nether-regions
  ab-so-lute-ly pain-ful.
  so, anyhow, we've got resounding "fuck ulysses"  (excuse my
  "blahblahblahshitblahs" to a couple of books that others recommended. 
  that's pretty punk rock. 
  fuck all your books; now it's about your moms. . .
  with love,
  (wondering why one couldn't add something at least slightly more useful
  "fuck ulysses, most likely because it confused me and just asked me to
  too much", like, my, i didn't really appreciate ulysses, but i thought
  d.f. wallace's the infinite jest was really good, or "i really like
  and the celery stalks at midnight")
  if you haven't got anything nice to say . . . (hence, your moms.)

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Re: [MMouse]: Liner notes

2000-06-26 Thread Rachel White

--I'm pretty sure they meant to spell everything wrong.  They're not that

Ya, a lot of albums have done that and I think they do that just to piss off
the obsessive people who NEED to know every last word, and aren't satisfied
with their own interpretation..
just my take on it, though

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[MMouse]: viva italia

2000-06-23 Thread Rachel White

totally off the subject here, but i need some ideas for kick ass places to
frequent while I'm in italy.  i'll be staying with relatives who are
extremely nice but not exactly hip.  anyone wanna help me out here?

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Re: [MMouse]: hottie in NJ

2000-06-23 Thread Rachel White

maybe he's gaynot out of the closet yet?  sounds too good to be true.

  If Bryan is so great, how come he's not taken?
  Sorry if someone said this already...

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