[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n434

1999-07-30 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

If anyone wants to listen to something that is sure to bring a tear to
your eye, you must find a copy of Jeff Buckley's Live at the Sin-E. It is
pretty hard to find seeing as it has been out of print for a while and
every distributer I have checked out are out of copies. I was fortunate to
find a copy after a long hunt, but it is findable and only about six or
seven dollars. If anyone is a Jeff Buckley fan and does not have this in
their collection, you better get hunting NOW. Live at the Sin-E is one of
the best live recordings I have ever heard. The last two songs, Je ne sais
pas la fin, and The Way Young Lovers Do is sure to get anyone choked up if
that is what your after. None the less, an incredible recording and an
incredible loss to the music industry.

Thats All!

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n428

1999-07-25 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

In response to those trying to profit off their cd burners I have one as
well but would never charge over the cost for the disc and shipping for
anyone for a disc. I will take offers though. I also have the mp3's that
were posted a while ago converted to wave files and burned on disc. I
might be able to help someone out if they are in the Eugene area.

Thats All!

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n423

1999-07-21 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

Just thought that I would run by a CD that I purchased recently that is
really growing on me. It is Chevelle's "Point #1". Many of you might be
familiar with it and if so let me know what you think. It is definitely a
lot harder than most Modest Mouse, but quite beautiful at moments. It
sounds a lot like Far which is another group that everyone needs to
checkout if they havent heard of them. Unfortunately Far recently broke up
but they do have a few CDs out there which are really worth listening to.
If anyone would like to go further I would reccomend Quicksand and/or
BarkMarket or even Porch (Todd Huth, origional guitar player of Primus'
band.) Well, that's enough but be sure to check out Cevelle's new one if
no one has. 

Thats All!

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Your indie music!

1999-07-14 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

I think that one thing we have to remember is that we cannot deny what we
like. If a group is indie or not is completely irrelevent. If you are
listening to music like modest mouse only to impress as many people as you
can by spouting off tons of cool hip bands that no one but you and your
closest friends have heard of and how they have changed your life, you are
listening to music for all the wrong reasons and you need to grow up.
Music is an international language that should be shared on a broad scope
and if you are going to value the bands that you treasure like trophies, I
hope it's worth it to you, and I hope that all the people around you are

Thats All!

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n355

1999-05-25 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

what the hell is all of this about conan o'brien and criag kilborn?

Thats All!

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n353

1999-05-24 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

I guess I'm a little behind on keeping up with whats playing here in the
northwest, but is anyone going to see Sunny Day Real Estate this wednesday
at the EMU Ballroom at the UofO? If so let me know. I saw them earlier
this year at La Luna in Portland and I was very impressed. I've followed
their music for a while, but that was the first time I ever saw them and
we'll have to see if I can scrape up some money to see them wednesday. I
guess SubPop is really trying to milk sde for money since the show is $14.
A little high for me. Also anyone have any feelings on the changing of La
Luna in Portland. It is no longer a concert hall, but now it is an all
ages dance hall. I must admit that I'm a little pissed, but I guess the
kids gotta have a place to play. Thats it!

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n340

1999-05-10 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

If everyone is now confessing their guilty pleasures I guess I must admit
mine and I wont be surprised if I get a lot of shit for it, but I'm a big
lover of Slayer. Yes, it is pretty terrible, but I think it stems from my
liking of such groups as the Deftones, Quicksand, BarkMarket, Far, etc. My
taste in music has a tendency to reach far across the board considering my
favorite musician is  Neil Young. But anyway, just thought I would confess
my guilty pleasure of "butt-rock" but hey...

toDd HouLEtTe

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n325

1999-04-27 Thread Todd Dickson Houlette

I don't mean to come across as being bitter, but if people are going to
worry about what other people look like and what they are talking about
athe the shows they attend, I
think you are going to shows for the wrong reason. I'm pretty sure that
all of us are on this list for one simple reason and that is we all enjoy
the music of Modest Mouse and other groups that may be similar. I think we
should just keep it at that and go
to the shows you like and while your at them, try keeping your focus
towards the band. If your not spending your time looking towards the
stage, I'm sorry you wasted your money. Sorry to sound so bitter, but lets
try and enjoy music for ourselves and for what it is worth. Who the fuck
else cares who is
listening to it?!

toDd HouLEtTe