[MMouse]: Re: BTS & Macy Gray

2000-06-27 Thread shannon

> Hello all, I wanted to share this experience with you. I went to the
> EMP(Experience Music Project) opening on Sunday in Seattle. I saw the
> concerts that day. On of my favorite all time bands was there. Built To
> Spill. Almost every Modest Mouse fan I know loves BTS. Anyway, when we were
> at the show BTS played a few covers. Neil Young's "Cortez the killer" and
> Ozzy's "Mr.Crawler" but here's the weirdest one of all. BTS played a cover
> of Macy Gray's "I try" That song that's on VH1 and MTV like every two
> minutes. Doug(BTS front man) said they were playing it for a close friend.
> Their rendition was wonderful. Everything those guys touch turns to gold in
> my opinion. It was just funny watching Doug say "I try to walk away but I
> stumble" HAHAHA I was just like, WTF??? HAHAHA

Yeah, I was there as well, and I couldn't believe how great that song was
when covered by Built to Spill.  But it was definitely strange having
all these non-Built to Spill fans around me singing along to that song,
when I was singing alone to all the others... but, yeah.  They are
amazing, incredible, wonderful.  

Oh, and as far as books go, everyone must read How Green Was My Valley.
It has to be the most beautifully written book ever.

[MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n804

2000-04-16 Thread shannon

and white, too.
> you mean to tell me that there are green, blue, red *and* yellow buffalo
> shirts circulating out there? holy CRIPES. i did not know this. i think
> i'm in shock. 
> jenny
> :O

[MMouse]: re: if you're not into off the subject...

2000-04-10 Thread shannon

I am so addicted to these surveys.  This makes three this week.
>  1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
    Shannon - Mukilteo, WA - 18
>  2.What is your favorite mouse song?
maybe All Night Diner?  Edit the Sad Parts?  
>  3.What are five records you couldn't live without?
Mineral - EndSerenading
Built to Spill - Perfect From Now On
Simon & Garfunkel - Live at somewhere-or-other
Willis - Willis
David Lanz - Cristifori's Dream   
Modest Mouse - Interstate 8
Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister

>  4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
>  bad or good?
I think I have just about the slowest computer in the world - I
can't download anything like that regardless, but... *hhmm*  I don't know.
It doesn't really seem fair to the artist.
>  5.  Ebay, bad or good?
I wouldn't say it's bad... and I have to admit I've been tempted
to bid on a few things, but never actually have
>  6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
>  voting for himself or what?
Russ was my number two choice after the guy in the Belle &
Sebastian shirt...
>  7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
>  8.  First live show?
Weezer at DV8 when I was 14
>  9.  Worst live show?
I forget what they were called... but it was Sir Mix-A-Lot and
some of the guys from the Presidents of the United States at a Pain in the
Grass concert at the Seattle Center last summer... I was so excited, I
thought it was going to be great... but what a disappointment.

>  10.  Favorite sound?
 uuhhh... probably people's voices when they have a stuffy nose
and/or soar throat... when it's all gravelly and nasaly... there is just
something really cool about it   
>  11.  least favorite sound?
humming - it drives me crazy!

>  12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
>  on the internet bad/good?
hey, whoever said that thing about getting mixed tapes is giving
me ideas...  feel free to send me weird e-mails if you're
going to give me tapes along with it... I may have to submit a picture
after all.  or is it too late?
>  13.  What book should every person in america read?
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald... and, of course,
the Chronicles of Narnia, the Westing Game, The Phantom Tollbooth, etc. (I
love kids books)  

>  14.  Signing to a major bad/good?
this isn't something I feel that strongly about... I don't know...
just whatever the band/artist feels is right for them   
>  15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
>  see?
I am ashamed to admit that yes, I have done this... but I was 15. 
I didn't know any better, I swear. But really... I can't imagine anyone
actually noticing and/or caring...   
>  16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
>  bad/good?
some of the most entertaining stuff has been off topic (although
the most annoying stuff has been as well)
>  17.  Favorite beer?
no beer for me, thanks. 

>  18.  Favorite color?
red, coral, periwinkle  
>  19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
Eston Stewart (don't you just love that name?)  
>  20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
>  tons about a 
>  person)?
Breakfast at Tiffany's, my favorite since sixth grade
and my newest favorite movie is Fight Club, along with just about
everyone else on this list it seems