[MMouse]: mogwai xmas steps

1999-12-09 Thread jackie 0

> From: bthurmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is "Christmas Song" from the new ep the same as "Christmas Steps" off the No
> Education... ep?
> I've heard both ways, that it "bears no resmemblance" and on another occasion
> that they "sound the exact same."

No, "Christmas Song" on the EP is a totally different song from both the
-No Education- and -Come On Die Young- versions of "xmas steps".  But
yes, the two versions of that song do sound different.

np:Bardo Pond, "Aldrin"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

[MMouse]: Mogwai, Low, etc.

1999-10-20 Thread jackie 0


> > 1- Why have you "tried" to like them?  Do you feel that yr status as a
> > hipster kid up on the latest indie ticket requires to to "try" and like
> > all those bands yr "supposed" to?  Have you, similarly, "tried" to like
> > Merzbow, the Boredoms, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Godspeed You Black
> > Emperor!?  Why should anyone ever "try" and like music?  If you like it,
> > you like it, if you don't, you don't, and who cares anyway?
> Wow, that was hostile...

Not really.  Just honest.

> > what to tell you... maybe Mogwai isn't the band for you.  How about
> > wasting yr time talking about the bands you DO like rather than asking
> > why you don't "get" a band yr "supposed" to?
> Oh, I don't know...just trying to fit in with all you other 'hipsters'...
> obviously, I've offended Mogwai fans. oops...

Well, you haven't offended me.  I am fully aware that a lot of the music
I listen to is stuff that only appeals to a very small percentage of the
population.  I'm never surprised or upset or offended when someone
dislikes certain bands I like; I'm surprised when someone DOES like

From: "Matt  Evanosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> its ok, but honestly, how can you remix low?
> the beauty of low is the sheer simplicity of the sounds.

Well, if you've heard it as you say, then you know the answer.  None of
the artists strictly "remixed" Low, they simply used bits of Low to
create new songs.

> the mogwai remix records are great because of the varied approaches to their
> songs..i mean come on, hood ,3rd eye foundation, alec empire, arab strap ,
> all remixing yr record, one could do much worse...

Well, I could say the exact same thing about the Low remix album. 
Neotropic, Tranquility Bass, DJ Vadim, Porter Ricks... it's pretty

> p.s. anyone remember adventures of pete and pete?  pete is on those
> ameritrade commersh and he's cool..

That was a great show.  Pete needs to get more work than just

My favorites were the one with Juliana Hatfield as a lunch lady and the
one where Gordon Gano was a teacher.


> That's usually the way it happens but not with the Low remix record.
> Low had been off of Vernon Yard (dropped actually) since just after The
> Curtain Hits The Cast and had even released a mini-album (on kranky)
> since then.  It was then that their old label decided they'd see if they
> could squeeze some easy profit out of Low's older songs.  Low had no
> input at all except to say, long before the album happened, that they
> might be interested in doing a remix album if they were able to get
> certain artists to do the remixing.  That was the last they heard of it
> until the cd came out, and the label didn't choose any of the remixers
> that Low wanted to use.  As far as I know, they'd rather not have their
> name on that album.

That's all well and good, but so what?  Honestly, I could care less how
an album comes to be made or who wants their name on it; all that
concerns me is how it sounds, and -owL remix Low- sounds very, very good
to me.

I mean, Steve Albini has removed his production credit from the Pixies'
-Surfer Rosa- and says he wishes he never did it.  Does that make it a
bad album?

np:Him, "Cereality"
Your pal,
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

Re: [MMouse]: Mogwai

1999-10-19 Thread Slackathon

In a message dated Mon, 18 Oct 1999  1:48:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jackie 0 

> > I wasn't going to even, but now I have to
> > 
> > WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT MOGWAI? I've have tried to like them several times, but I think 
>> they are SO boring. And I usually LIKE boring noise complimented by quiet stuff, 
>but > they're just...yucky. Ugh...
> 1- Why have you "tried" to like them?  Do you feel that yr status as a
> hipster kid up on the latest indie ticket requires to to "try" and like
> all those bands yr "supposed" to?  Have you, similarly, "tried" to like
> Merzbow, the Boredoms, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Godspeed You Black
> Emperor!?  Why should anyone ever "try" and like music?  If you like it,
> you like it, if you don't, you don't, and who cares anyway?

Wow, that was hostile...I have 'tried' to like them because 2 or 3 of my firends, who 
listen to most of the same music I do, like them and play them all the time and 
whether I want to or not, I am exposed to Mogwai. So maybe 'tried' is the wrong word. 
I "approached Mogwai with a positive attitude". On several listenes. And I just cringe.

> what to tell you... maybe Mogwai isn't the band for you.  How about
> wasting yr time talking about the bands you DO like rather than asking
> why you don't "get" a band yr "supposed" to?

Oh, I don't know...just trying to fit in with all you other 'hipsters'...
obviously, I've offended Mogwai fans. oops...


[MMouse]: mogwai/remix albums

1999-10-19 Thread jackie 0

From: "sputnik"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> okay, this list has turned into a free for all.
> as for mogwai...im on karinas side. although i admit ive only heard a few of
> their songs. but everyone i hear has like 5 minutes of silence before barely
> audible sounds come in at very slow paces.

Well, that only describes about three of their songs.

From: "Matt  Evanosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> kicking a dead pig/mogwai fear satan is w/o  a doubt the best collection of
> remixes available today...

I don't know, have you heard the Low remix album?  I think it's a bit

np:Windy&Carl, "Sirens"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

[MMouse]: mogwai=the now sound

1999-10-18 Thread Matt Evanosky

anyone here with more than two brain cells, pls step forward
ok, thanks...
the mogwai is not only the second most vital band in music today, first
being the n*sync/backstreet collective, they are the future of music

the mogwai is a great deal more than quiet/loud/really quiet/really
loud/extremely quiet/too f-ing loud,  they actually are traders in sound and
noise...this brings up the noise for noise's sake argument, but hey...

kicking a dead pig/mogwai fear satan is w/o  a doubt the best collection of
remixes available today...

come on die young, kicks my ass with the force of 10 horses. do you know
what i am talking about?  can you afford to do any less?

emo isn't everything

[MMouse]: Mogwai

1999-10-18 Thread jackie 0


> I wasn't going to even, but now I have to
> WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT MOGWAI? I've have tried to like them several times, but I think > 
>they are SO boring. And I usually LIKE boring noise complimented by quiet stuff, but 
>> they're just...yucky. Ugh...

1- Why have you "tried" to like them?  Do you feel that yr status as a
hipster kid up on the latest indie ticket requires to to "try" and like
all those bands yr "supposed" to?  Have you, similarly, "tried" to like
Merzbow, the Boredoms, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Godspeed You Black
Emperor!?  Why should anyone ever "try" and like music?  If you like it,
you like it, if you don't, you don't, and who cares anyway?

2- That being said, what of theirs have you heard?  -Come On Die Young-
is actually very different from their previous work, and is anything but
"boring noise complimented by quiet stuff" in the Slint vein.  It
reminds me more of Labradford or GYBE! with maybe some hints of Low or
Rex thrown in there.  If you can't, at least, appreciate the bliss-out
supernova of potential energy that is "Ex-Cowboy", then I don't know
what to tell you... maybe Mogwai isn't the band for you.  How about
wasting yr time talking about the bands you DO like rather than asking
why you don't "get" a band yr "supposed" to?

Your pal,
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.