2000-06-06 Thread Dave

OK, for listers going to the Seattle show on the 17th, i think it would be best to 
meet on Capitol Hill somewheres, probably a little down the hill from Broadway. I 
dunno exactly where. I would say we should be real indie fucks and meet at the 
Cha-Cha, but i don't think y'all are 21 yet.
Then again it's kinda far to walk downtown, but not really, i'm pretty used to it. I 
dunno. Umm...Hamburger Mary's has beer an' stuff, near the corner of Olive and Summit, 
i think. That could be a good place to meet.
Anybody got any ideas?
I'm kinda opposed to Gameworks. That whole section of town pisses me off.

"all this talkin' all the time and the air fills 
up, up, up till there's nothing left to breathe." -MM


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Re: [MMouse]: Seattle shows

1999-06-19 Thread Allysa Aguisanda

Yeah, caught those comical moments at RKCNDY.  The 4th member who was
rockin with Modest played 2nd guitarist on the first song (don't know
the name) and ... I don't know what he was playing for the rest of the
songs but it wasn't keyboards ... sorry for my lacking instrument
knowledge ... it looked like a miniture guitar, it was silver marble
... I guess it gave more twangy/distorted sounds.  Pretty rad.  Anyway,
I was able to take some photos ... I'll let you all know when I get the
developed and scanned.


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[MMouse]: Seattle shows

1999-06-19 Thread Anonymous

First song @ the Showbox was something I've never heard, pop rock, very good. 
 Either new or rare.  2nd song Isaac dedicated to his wife Maria on their one 
year anniversary.  Slow song I had never heard.  Third song Doin the 
Cockroach, etc etc.  Great happy crowd.  Isaac said we could all vote on the 
last song:  coice one Desert Tundra, second choice I never heard cuz everyone 
was screaming their "vote" for the first choice!
I swear I heard three songs I've never heard before.  Showbox attendee, 
please tell me what that GREAT first song was
RCKNDY got there late, they were already Doin the Cockroach.  Was was GREAT 
was during a serious Isaac singing moment, a kid got on stage to stage dive, 
totally chickened out, and decided to just jump back down feet first, and it 
made Isaac LAUGH!  While he was singing he was laughing, so the audience was 
laughing, which made him laugh more.
For those of you who saw them last spring, Isaac looks much better.  The 
beard is gone and he even looks like he's lost some weight (Japanese food?)
Jeremiah talked to me for a while about Epic, no gross contract forcing them 
to record, freedom.  He said they are really happy about it. They tour Europe 
for 3 weeks.
New army green buffalo logo shirts out now.
Some guy is with them now, playing keyboard.  Don't panic, so far it's just 
effects and dumb stuff while Isaac fiddles with his guitars incessantly.  No 
idea who he is, but he was on at both shows.  I swear Jeremiah is getting 
BETTER at drums.
Jeremiah also said they may not play Bumbershoot cuz they're trying to set up 
a gig with Korn (!!) in Chicago on labor day weekend.  But if it falls 
through, they will try to do Bumbershoot cuz they had fun doing it.
Banner weekend!
Geez, this letter is long!  Sorry!