Re: [MMouse]: RE: More recording..

2000-08-21 Thread Jamie Clark

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So lemme get this straight, you just go up to the sound guy and say hey, I
> want to plug in to your board and record this show?   What do you tip - %20?
> Do you buy them drinks?  They don't care?  I don't know why they would care,
> I've just never thought about it or how one went about doing a soundboard
> recording like that.  That would be cool because you could probably leave
> the recorder there and go enjoy the show.. come back and switch tapes if

Well, I should clarify... The shows I've taped off the soundboard have
not been exactly huge shows.. Off the top of my head, I've taped Silver
Scooter, Number One Cup, Tiara (many times), Moviola (many times) off the
board at the same venue. It's always the same sound person that works the
venue and they dont care if I tape (I always have an OK from the band
anyways). I dont tip, and up until last April, I couldnt even buy alcohol
for myself.. so if anything, I was just really polite, and stayed out of
the way. 

However, you might want to check with the band if it's at a larger venue,
like Mouse seesm to be hitting on this tour. Does anyone (Eric
Satnik?)  know if Mouse has a traveling sound guy? Phil Ek? I'd also say
that soundboard recording is going to be pretty hard to get done since
they're on Sony and Sony will have this fear of people selling $40 copies
of SBD CDR's, so they wont let anyone tape. This happend to Wilco back in
the mid 90's. 

Re: [MMouse]: RE: More recording..

2000-08-17 Thread KennelD

here is a good website to check for information related to this:

it's a list of bands and what their policy is on taping. not totally
thorough, but at the very least it gives you an idea of much bands vary on
their policy. for example, phil ek will gladly grant you board access and
even help you set up at a built to spill show, but will oldham might have
you thrown out just for asking.

> So lemme get this straight, you just go up to the sound guy and say hey, I
> want to plug in to your board and record this show?   What do you tip -
> Do you buy them drinks?  They don't care?  I don't know why they would
> I've just never thought about it or how one went about doing a soundboard
> recording like that.  That would be cool because you could probably leave
> the recorder there and go enjoy the show.. come back and switch tapes if
> needed  what if someone's already plugged in? Fight for it?  Exchange
> email addresses?  This is all exciting news.

Re: [MMouse]: RE: More recording..

2000-08-17 Thread spudlee

its true! i can testify! they dont mind as long as you dont get in the way (like stand 
where they should stand) or expect him to look after your MD whilst you schmooze with 
friends. its your responsibility so dont think u can leave it, come back and chuck a 
hissy fit if it goes missing. and if u tell him you've got the bands permission, 
they'll be alright with it. 

  / \  
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 C   .---_)  DOH!
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(c) [EMAIL PROTECTED] AIM: polishinghalo

--running on a high from the spirit inside
taking on the world with an innocent smile--
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Osmosis 2SER 107.3 all oz indie Saturday 2pm
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On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 10:28:52   Zach_Douglas wrote:
>So lemme get this straight, you just go up to the sound guy and say hey, I
>want to plug in to your board and record this show?   What do you tip - %20?
>Do you buy them drinks?  They don't care?  I don't know why they would care,
>I've just never thought about it or how one went about doing a soundboard
>recording like that.  That would be cool because you could probably leave
>the recorder there and go enjoy the show.. come back and switch tapes if
>needed  what if someone's already plugged in? Fight for it?  Exchange
>email addresses?  This is all exciting news.

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail.

Re: [MMouse]: RE: more recording

2000-08-16 Thread Jamie Clark

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Chris Stratton wrote:

> the mono feature...seems to me that if you could increase the recording time
> significantly by using mono, that would be the way to go..i mean you really
> hear ultimately one sound when your standing there listening to it
> stereo could it really be??  looking into some equipment so i
> would like to know..

If you plan on doing any editing to the recording, go for it in stereo.
I've taped some shows off the soundboard where the right channel has
'clipped' and the left channel is fine. Afterwards, you can just mix the
left channel into both channels so you dont have a flawed recording. 10
seconds of mono is better than one loud pop or scratch.

In audience tapes, I can tell the stereo.. Usually one channel will record
2 to 4 decibels than the other channel. So if some drunk is yelling on
your right, the left will barely pick it up.


Re: [MMouse]: RE: more recording

2000-08-16 Thread Chris Stratton

but the question is..can you notice any quality difference by utilizing just
the mono feature...seems to me that if you could increase the recording time
significantly by using mono, that would be the way to go..i mean you really
hear ultimately one sound when your standing there listening to it stereo could it really be??  looking into some equipment so i
would like to know..

-- Tour de Force, Defacto, Ayuchuco! --
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 5:04 PM
Subject: [MMouse]: RE: more recording

> Oh contrare bon jour!  I have lapel mics and the more you separate them
> more <> sound you get...  I might have mentioned it to you offlist
> before.. can't remember.. but for the loud environments I do reccomend a
> 'battery box'. I don't know why they call it that exactly, but it lets you
> record the loud stuff with no distortion and gives you really clear bass
> sounds..
> p.s. see that other long post.
> Zach
> Put it on a show on cable
> -
> (Neil's Post)
>  It has MONO setting that
> allows you to get twice the amount of recording time from your MD.
> It's not like you can get a REAL stereo sounding recording while you
> why not just record in MONO. Nice feature. It has a switch on