Re: Mandrake 6.1 and Apache::Util loadproblem..

1999-10-14 Thread Gustav Kristoffer Ek

On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Morten Bøgeskov wrote:

 I've been trying to install mod_perl and Apache_1.3.9 on my mandrake
 distribution, but thinga are not alle that well..


 Compiled apache and mod_perl (dso) with no problem... however..
 If I use the ``use Apache::Util qw(:all);''-statement, I get this 
 in my error_log:
 [Mon Oct  4 08:23:12 1999] [error] Can't locate loadable object for module
 Apache::Util in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux


Try installing Apache::Util from cpan.

- gustav

Gustav Kristoffer Ek, Netcetera, Brolæggerstræde 4, 1211 København K
Telefon +45 33 14 70 00 / +45 20 40 00 05 - Faximile +45 33 14 62 00
Webdesign, Webhotel, Mailhotel, UUCP  mere

disk space requirement

1999-10-14 Thread Allan Tejano

How much space required to install the mod_perl?(necessary files excluding
the documentation, etc.)
As what I have read, I need also to install the Perl interpreter when using
How much size the interpreter requires?

Your answers is very much appreciated. I have some hardware limitations
which might not
able to install such packages.

Re: disk space requirement

1999-10-14 Thread Stas Bekman

 How much space required to install the mod_perl?(necessary files
 excluding the documentation, etc.)  As what I have read, I need also to
 install the Perl interpreter when using mod_perl.  How much size the
 interpreter requires? 
 Your answers is very much appreciated. I have some hardware limitations
 which might not
 able to install such packages.

A rough calculation is simple:
% du -s /usr/src/apache-1.3.9_dev/
10853   /usr/src/apache-1.3.9_dev

% du -s /usr/src/modperl-1.21_dev/

These are the sizes of the directories the apache and mod_perl were build
from (after running 'make' in both). Since they include sources, docs and
other stuff that aren't being installed. You need about 10M+ in size. 

I don't have a perl source after 'make' handy, but it's about another

You will want to install other Perl modules from CPAN, so estimate at
least a few more Mbs... This last number depends on your needs.

I thought we have passed the times where additional 10Mb would be a
question of life or death... Oh well. Good luck!

Stas Bekman  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC at  ==  ||
single o- + single o-+ = singlesheaven

RE: output in headers ???

1999-10-14 Thread Eric Cholet

On Wednesday, October 13, 1999 4:54 PM, Kees Vonk 7249 24549 
 I have managed to get it back to work. Restarting the server 
 and touching the index.html file made no difference, but when 
 I cleared the browser's cache it all started working again. I 
 still don't know what went wrong, but the browser obviously 
 cached the gone-wrong document. I have reapplied the changes 
 and everything still works.

Were you using IE5 to test this by any chance? Happened to me the
other day, IE5 refused to honor reload or shift-reload, didn't show
me the fixed page until I explicitely empties it's cache.

Always test the server with telnet or lwp-request, otherwise you're
testing the browser too.



RE: [SITE] the great redesign of 1999

1999-10-14 Thread Eric Cholet

 Robin Berjon [EMAIL PROTECTED] sez:
  As a side note, reading about that desert idea this morning triggered a
  neuron somehow, so I quickly modified an old template of mine that hadn't
  been used and uploaded it at ...

Adding my vote to this too, I think it looks very slick. At any rate it's
much better than what we have now.


Re: Autentication/Authorization -Syncronization problem via HTTPD::Us erAdmin Text

1999-10-14 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Wed, 13 Oct 1999, Clifford Lang wrote:
 Apache 1.3.9
 mod_perl 1.21
 Solaris 2.51
 How can I keep all children in sync and up to date with my .htpasswd file?
 I have a very volital site with users beening added and deleted constantly.
 I use an Embperl admin page to update/remove users. And as I refresh the
 page I get different counts from the userlist.
 Is user information kept in the servers cache / shared memory?  If so, how
 can I read / update that?  I would like all children to be updated, or at
 least forced to import the data if the time stamp has changed.
 If the file based is just not suitable, how is DBM based?  Will I have the
 same problem of syncronization?  Is there an easy way to convert or import
 my current lists?

I suggest doing DBI based authentication - the database then has to worry
about locking and concurrency and you don't. There's a chapter in the Eagle
book about this.


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.

JOB: perl work in London

1999-10-14 Thread Michael Smith

interactive investor is an internet-based financial services company.
We're looking to expand our technical team by the recruitment of one (or
more) developers.  Though we're looking for people with general
technical abilities, out development effort is currently focussed around
perl, mainly through the use of embperl and mod_perl.

If anyone on this list might be interested in joining us, please check
out the web site and drop me an email for more information.



High-Profile Sites Running mod_perl

1999-10-14 Thread Rex Staples

Due to the excellent response to my mod_perl request during the past
week, I am posting all my findings to the list.  Please review the
information below, and post any corrections or additions that need to be
made.  Any further infrastructure details on the company's setups would
be a great addition to this list.

Thanks to everyone who contributed sites and metrics!


4,273,000 unique visitors/month Aug-1999
Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) mod_perl/1.18 on Solaris

ValueClick: Results-based advertising network
60 million page views/day Oct-1999
Apache/1.3.7-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.19 on Solaris
130 million pageviews/month Oct-1999
Apache/1.3b5 mod_perl/1.08 on Linux, Inc.
77 million page views/month Aug-1999
408,000 unique visitors/day Aug-1999
Apache/1.3.4-9 (Unix) mod_perl/1.18-21 on Linux/FreeBSD

IMDB: Internet Movie Database
1.25 million page views/day Mar-1998
* They are now an company
Apache/1.3.7-dev (Unix) mod_perl/1.19_01-dev Internet Service Provider
1,603,000 unique visitors/month Aug-1999
Apache/1.2.4 mod_perl/1.00 on Solaris

At Hand Network Yellow Pages
917,000 unique visitors/month Aug-1999
Stronghold/2.3 Apache/1.2.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.15 on Solaris Subscription Fantasy Football
12 million page views/day Oct-1999
Apache/1.35b mod_perl/1.10 on Linux

Slashdot: News For Nerds
400,000 page views/day Oct-1999
Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 on Linux

Hot Bot mail and member web pages:
Also widely used on HotWired, WiredNews, Webmonkey, and
Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 on Solaris

Art Today: subscription clip-art service
250k hits/day
Oracle 7 + 1 Sun Ultra w/150GB storage
Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) mod_perl/1.17 on Solaris

CMPnet: a technology information network
500k hits/day
Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) mod_perl/1.16

Re: Apache::Session and auto-expiration

1999-10-14 Thread Dmitry Beransky


My apologies and please disregard my previous post.  I just realized (with 
help from Andy Pruitt) that what I saw were the remnants of the old 
Apache::Session.  The new Apache::Session doesn't implement auto-expiration.

Sorry for the mixup.


At 02:13 PM 10/13/99 , Dmitry Beransky wrote:

I've been trying to figure out how auto-expiration works in the new 
version on Apache::Session.  After going through the code of, I 
think I got the idea, but still it would be nice if this was documented 
somewhere.  I don't think it is. Is it?

Apache::Session. Why Apache? Why Session?

1999-10-14 Thread Dmitry Beransky

I've been going through the code of Apache::Session trying to understand 
how it works and how to use it when it occurred to me that the module 
doesn't really measure up to it's name.  I mean IMHO, the name is a bit 

First.  It looks like the module's code is completely self-contained and 
doesn't depend on anything Apache.  If my observations are true, why is it 
in the Apache hierarchy (except possibly for historical reasons)?

Second.  It doesn't really manage sessions.  It provides implementations 
for different models of persistent storage (memory, FS, DB, etc.).  A 
complete Apache-based session managing mechanism (with session 
initialization, destruction, auto-expiration, etc.) still has to be coded 
on top of it.

Any comments?  Shouldn't it be renamed?

Dmitry Beransky

Re: mod_perl and DBD::Solid

1999-10-14 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Tim McLaughlin wrote:
 I looked in what places I could, and could not find an answer to 
 this.  If there is something in one of the archives, please point me 
 in the right direction.
 I recently managed to get mod_perl installed on my Solaris 2.6 box 
 with Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21 and Perl 5.005_03.
 When I installed DBD::Solid, I had to link it statically, and so I 
 ended up with 'solperl' instead of the normal 'perl'.

This statically linked solperl will (should?) have also produced a static
libperl.a that you must now recompile mod_perl and link to that libperl.a
instead of your normal one. The easiest solution would be to get a perl
that can use DSO's instead and compile DBD::Solid dynamically.


Details: FastNet Software Ltd - XML, Perl, Databases.
Tagline: High Performance Web Solutions
Web Sites:
Available for Consultancy, Contracts and Training.


1999-10-14 Thread Sam Tregar



HTML::Template - a Perl module to use HTML Templates


- Added "ESCAPE=1" option to TMPL_VAR to HTML-escape
  variable values.  (Peter Marelas, thanks!)
- more bug fixes (David Glasses, James William Carlson - 
- even *more* code cleanup!
- new FAQ concerning pre-loading templates and mod_perl.


This module attempts make using HTML templates simple and natural.  It
extends standard HTML with a few new HTML-esque tags - TMPL_VAR,
written with HTML and these new tags is called a template.  It is
usually saved separate from your script - possibly even created by
someone else!  Using this module you fill in the values for the
variables, loops and branches declared in the template.  This allows
you to seperate design - the HTML - from the data, which you generate
in the Perl script.

This module is licenced under the GPL.  See the LICENCE section of the


The module is available on CPAN.  You can get it using or go


It is true that there are a number of packages out there to do HTML
templates.  On the one hand you have things like HTML::Embperl which
allows you to freely mix Perl with HTML.  On the other hand lie
home-grown variable substitution solutions.  Hopefully the module can
find a place between the two.

One advantage of this module over a full HTML::Embperl-esque solution
is that it enforces an important divide - design and programming.  By
limiting the programmer to just using simple variables and loops in
the HTML, the template remains accessible to designers and other
non-perl people.  The use of HTML-esque syntax goes further to make
the format understandable to others.  In the future this similarity
could be used to extend existing HTML editors/analyzers to support
this syntax.

An advantage of this module over home-grown tag-replacement schemes is
the support for loops.  In my work I am often called on to produce
tables of data in html.  Producing them using simplistic HTML
templates results in CGIs containing lots of HTML since the HTML
itself could not represent loops.  The introduction of loop statements
in the HTML simplifies this situation considerably.  The designer can
layout a single row and the programmer can fill it in as many times as
necessary - all they must agree on is the parameter names.

For all that, I think the best thing about this module is that it does
just one thing and it does it quickly and carefully.  It doesn't try
to replace Perl and HTML, it just augments them to interact a little
better.  And it's pretty fast.


The documentation is in in the form of POD format
perldocs.  Even the above text might be out of date, so be sure to
check the perldocs for the straight truth.


This module was written by Sam Tregar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for Vanguard
Media (

Apache::Sybase::CTlib problems..

1999-10-14 Thread Mark Haviland


Hope somebody out there can help straighten me out with a problem I'm
having in using the Apache::Sybase::CTlib for persistent database

I've complied Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl 1.21 (as a DSO) against Perl
5.005_03 on Redhat 6.0 (linux 2.2.5-15).

I've followed the instructions in the file for
configuring the httpd.conf file:

SetEnv SYBASE /opt/sybase-11.9.2
PerlRequire conf/
use Apache::Sybase::CTlib;

Apache::Sybase::CTlib-connect_on_init("myuser", "mypass1", "myserver",


Whenever I try to start the server (ie: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -f
/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf), I get a message at my prompt stating
that the server has started, but no server appears in the process table
(ie. ps -ef | grep httpd) and no errors are written to the error_log.
Any ideas ?

Presuming that I can actually get this to work, how to I actually use
the db connection I've created ?  Do I assign a global scalar (ie: $mydb
= Apache::Sybase::...) ??


-Mark Haviland

Re: [SITE] the great redesign of 1999

1999-10-14 Thread Robin Berjon

At 19:02 12/10/1999 -0700, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
  - mod_perl news.
  - mod_perl FAQs, developer's guides and documentation.
  - mod_perl evangelism, quantitative and anecdotal comparison with similar

We need a little crowd of people to keep especially the news and acecdotes
updates. This will be a lot of work if it's going to be done well.

Matt Arnold, Neil Kandalgaonkar and I have decided to team up and start
working on the new site. Discussing this on the list would probably be too
noisy and I guess that having a mailing-list for the few people that will
help at first might be overkill (though I am in no way against it if
someone thinks it's better to have one). Suggestions and ideas are of
course very welcome. I guess we will be feeding our decisions and
realisations back to the list for review.

:-) Well, there isn't really anything on the current site that needs

Indeed, but would it be a problem if we were to create something that needs
it ? I could put it on my own server but it is already taking a lot of hits
and isn't far from lacking resources (we will have a farm in the two months
to come, then I can make an offer).

  been used and uploaded it at ...
 This example is real nice, [...]

I agree, I like it a lot too.

Thanks :-)

But what we really need is someone to do the
work, so if you (and whoever else) is willing to do it, more power to you!

Talking about power, is there a way we could get a tarball of all that is
presently online so that we can start work with content that already exists
? We could crawl the site, but if anything happens on the server-side we'll
miss it.

After all, what is your hosts' purpose in having a party?  Surely not for
you to enjoy yourself; if that were their sole purpose, they'd have simply
sent champagne and women over to your place by taxi.

HELLO WORLD embperl/freeBSD/PII 300 184RPS

1999-10-14 Thread Rudy

Embperl on 
 FreeBSD 2.2.7 
 PII/300 Mhz 
 256 Mb Ram 
 Session yes


This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Copyright (c) 1998-1999 The Apache Group,

Server Software:Apache/1.3.6   
Server Hostname:localhost
Server Port:80

Document Path:  /hello.epl
Document Length:14 bytes

Concurrency Level:  1
Time taken for tests:   30.005 seconds
Complete requests:  5537
Failed requests:0
Total transferred:  980226 bytes
HTML transferred:   77532 bytes
Requests per second:184.54
Transfer rate:  32.67 kb/s received

Connnection Times (ms)
  min   avg   max
Connect:0 038
Processing: 3 4   316
Total:  3 4   354

Apache::Filter: Can't locate object method TIEHANDLE

1999-10-14 Thread Roland Alder

Hi there.

I want to use Apache::Filter, but i can't get it running.

I'm using Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl 1.21 (EVERYTHING=1) and Perl 

My installation, as well 'make test' of Apache::Filter return the 
following error in the Apache Log:

[error] Can't locate object method "TIEHANDLE" via package "" at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 81.

When i enable debug in Apache::Filter, i see the following messages:

***info for /var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html is  at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 32.
/var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html: This is the first filter at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 61.
Untie()ing STDOUT at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 71.
Tie()ing STDOUT to Apache::Filter at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter
.pm line 86.
END info is old_stdout  count 1 fh_in GLOB(0x8571808)  at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 90.

***info for /var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html is old_stdout  count 
1 fh_in GLOB(0x8571808) at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 
32, GEN0 chunk 179.
Turning STDOUT (Apache::Filter) into filter_fh_in at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 55.
Tie()ing STDOUT to '' for finish at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.
pm line 79.
[Fri Oct 15 00:56:30 1999] [error] Can't locate object method 
"TIEHANDLE" via package "" at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ 
line 81.

It seems to me, that the 'ref tied(*STDOUT)' saved to $info-
{'old_stdout'} in the first filter doesn't return anything.

Snippet of my Apache Configfile:

PerlModule  Apache::Filter
Location /
  PerlSetVarFilter On
  PerlHandler   Apache::Testfilter2 Apache::Testfilter2
  Options   +ExecCGI

It would be great, if someone has some hints what i can do or what 
goes wrong. Everything else i tried (Apache::Registry and a 
standalone handler) is working fine.

Thank you.

With kind regards,

 Roland Alder

Re: Apache::Filter: Can't locate object method TIEHANDLE

1999-10-14 Thread Ken Williams

I think your assessment is correct, though I'm not sure what would cause it. 
How about changing the following at line 72 for some info:

  warn "Untie()ing STDOUT" if $debug;
  warn "tied(*STDOUT) is " . tied(*STDOUT) . ", " . *STDOUT if $debug;
  $info-{'old_stdout'} = ref tied(*STDOUT);
  untie *STDOUT;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roland Alder) wrote:
Hi there.

I want to use Apache::Filter, but i can't get it running.

I'm using Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl 1.21 (EVERYTHING=1) and Perl 

My installation, as well 'make test' of Apache::Filter return the 
following error in the Apache Log:

[error] Can't locate object method "TIEHANDLE" via package "" at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 81.

When i enable debug in Apache::Filter, i see the following messages:

***info for /var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html is  at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 32.
/var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html: This is the first filter at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 61.
Untie()ing STDOUT at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 71.
Tie()ing STDOUT to Apache::Filter at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter line 86.
END info is old_stdout  count 1 fh_in GLOB(0x8571808)  at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 90.

***info for /var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html is old_stdout  count 
1 fh_in GLOB(0x8571808) at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 
32, GEN0 chunk 179.
Turning STDOUT (Apache::Filter) into filter_fh_in at 
/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ line 55.
Tie()ing STDOUT to '' for finish at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.
pm line 79.
[Fri Oct 15 00:56:30 1999] [error] Can't locate object method 
"TIEHANDLE" via package "" at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/ 
line 81.

It seems to me, that the 'ref tied(*STDOUT)' saved to $info-
{'old_stdout'} in the first filter doesn't return anything.

Snippet of my Apache Configfile:

PerlModule Apache::Filter

Location /
  SetHandler   perl-script
  PerlSetVar   Filter On
  PerlHandler  Apache::Testfilter2 Apache::Testfilter2
  Options  +ExecCGI

It would be great, if someone has some hints what i can do or what 
goes wrong. Everything else i tried (Apache::Registry and a 
standalone handler) is working fine.

Thank you.

With kind regards,

 Roland Alder

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: More on web application performance with DBI

1999-10-14 Thread Tim Peoples

On Thu, Oct 14, 1999 at 05:53:15PM -0700, Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jeffrey Baker wrote:
  Zero optimization: 41.67 requests/second
  Stage 1 (persistent connections): 140.17 requests/second
  Stage 2 (bound parameters): 139.20 requests/second
  Stage 3 (persistent statement handles): 251.13 requests/second
 I know you said you don't like it because it has extra overhead, but would
 you mind trying stage 3 with prepare_cached rather than your custom
 solution with globals?  For some applications with lots of SQL statements,
 the prepare_cached appraoch is just much more manageable.
  It is interesting that the Stage 2 optimization didn't gain anything
  over Stage 1.
 I think Oracle 8 is doing some magic by parsing your SQL and matching it
 up to previous statements, whether you use bind variables or not.  It may
 matter more on other databases.
 - Perrin

You may also find that the use of bind variables become more and more
effecient when used in complex, multi-table joins.



    _   _ 
   Timothy E. Peoples  |_| C o l l e c t i v e |_|
Senior Consultant   |_technologies _| 
a pencom company

There is no spoon.

Re: Apache::ASP Apache Authentication?

1999-10-14 Thread Joshua Chamas


Did you ever find a solution to this auth problem ?  I tried
to recreate the error that you were having, but could not.

I was using Apache::ASP v.16  (dev) v.17 on Solaris  
WinNT, with apache's 1.3.4, 1.3.6, and mod_perl's 1.17,
and 1.20.

I created a test directory with the .htaccess:

 FilesMatch "\.(asp)$"
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
 PerlSetVar Global  /tmp
 PerlSetVar CookiePath  /
 PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  .5

and then a sub admin directory with the .htaccess:

 AuthUserFile htpass
 AuthName "Administration Pages"
 AuthType Basic
 require valid-user

and when browsing the admin directory, got the normal
user/pass basic auth prompt.  You had said that v.16
messes things up for you, but not v.15, but everything
works for me with v.16, and there aren't any changes
that I'm aware of that would create this behavior for you.

There were some auth changes in v.16, but that was for
when the ASP scripts handles the auth itself.  The problem
you have seems to be that something is getting in the way
of the normal auth mechanism.  Are there any error messages
of note when this happens to you ?

Sorry for my tardiness on this dealing.  I've been behind
on things because of a recent move.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NODEWORKS  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Jeremy Domingue wrote:
 Hey Joshua,
 Actually, I haven't done anything out of the ordinary to the config... I
 just have Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21, and Apache::ASP 0.16. In the root
 document dir (in my case /home/httpd/html), in my .htaccess file I have the
 FilesMatch "\.(asp)$"
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
 PerlSetVar Global  /tmp
 PerlSetVar CookiePath  /
 PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  .5
 (I have also tried the Files directive with the same result)
 And then I have a subdirectory called 'admin' with the following in the
 AuthUserFile /home/httpd/userfiles/passfile
 AuthGroupFile /dev/null
 AuthName "Administration Pages"
 AuthType Basic
 order deny,allow
 deny from all
 allow from all
 require valid-user
 When I try to access the 'admin' dir through a browser with Apache::ASP
 enabled, it does not request  authentication... it just gives me a 401
 error. When I comment out the FilesMatch directive from the root .htaccess
 file and try to access the admin dir again, I get the proper request from
 the server (the popup box asking for the username and password).
 With an earlier version of Apache::ASP, the above was not happening. After
 reading the changes in 0.16, I'm wondering if it's due to the change you
 made that allowed Apache::ASP to be 'Basic Authentication friendly'?
 Jeremy Domingue
 - Original Message -
 From: "Joshua Chamas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Jeremy Domingue" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 8:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Apache::ASP  Apache Authentication?
 Its doesn't make any sense to me either.  If
 you give me a small configuration which reproduces
 the problem, I can try to recreate the bug on my
 system, which may get us somewhere.

Re: HELLO WORLD embperl/freeBSD/PII 300 184RPS

1999-10-14 Thread Joshua Chamas


Congrats, you just submitted the fastest Embperl
benchmark yet!!  I just update the benchmarks at

with your results.  Thanks for the contribution. 

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NODEWORKS  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Rudy wrote:
 Embperl on
  FreeBSD 2.2.7
  PII/300 Mhz
  256 Mb Ram
  Session yes
 This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3
 Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
 Copyright (c) 1998-1999 The Apache Group,
 Server Software:Apache/1.3.6
 Server Hostname:localhost
 Server Port:80
 Document Path:  /hello.epl
 Document Length:14 bytes
 Concurrency Level:  1
 Time taken for tests:   30.005 seconds
 Complete requests:  5537
 Failed requests:0
 Total transferred:  980226 bytes
 HTML transferred:   77532 bytes
 Requests per second:184.54
 Transfer rate:  32.67 kb/s received
 Connnection Times (ms)
   min   avg   max
 Connect:0 038
 Processing: 3 4   316
 Total:  3 4   354

Re: More on web application performance with DBI

1999-10-14 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jeffrey Baker wrote:
 Zero optimization: 41.67 requests/second
 Stage 1 (persistent connections): 140.17 requests/second
 Stage 2 (bound parameters): 139.20 requests/second
 Stage 3 (persistent statement handles): 251.13 requests/second

I know you said you don't like it because it has extra overhead, but would
you mind trying stage 3 with prepare_cached rather than your custom
solution with globals?  For some applications with lots of SQL statements,
the prepare_cached appraoch is just much more manageable.

 It is interesting that the Stage 2 optimization didn't gain anything
 over Stage 1.

I think Oracle 8 is doing some magic by parsing your SQL and matching it
up to previous statements, whether you use bind variables or not.  It may
matter more on other databases.

- Perrin

Re: More on web application performance with DBI

1999-10-14 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jeffrey Baker wrote:
  Zero optimization: 41.67 requests/second
  Stage 1 (persistent connections): 140.17 requests/second
  Stage 2 (bound parameters): 139.20 requests/second
  Stage 3 (persistent statement handles): 251.13 requests/second
 I know you said you don't like it because it has extra overhead, but would
 you mind trying stage 3 with prepare_cached rather than your custom
 solution with globals?  For some applications with lots of SQL statements,
 the prepare_cached appraoch is just much more manageable.

Okay.  I'll try it out tomorrow and post the results.  However, my
application uses this approach and I'd say it's in the 99th percentile
with respect to number of different statements =:-)


Re: More on web application performance with DBI

1999-10-14 Thread Jeffrey W. Baker

"Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:
 Perrin Harkins wrote:
  On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jeffrey Baker wrote:
   Zero optimization: 41.67 requests/second
   Stage 1 (persistent connections): 140.17 requests/second
   Stage 2 (bound parameters): 139.20 requests/second
   Stage 3 (persistent statement handles): 251.13 requests/second
  I know you said you don't like it because it has extra overhead, but would
  you mind trying stage 3 with prepare_cached rather than your custom
  solution with globals?  For some applications with lots of SQL statements,
  the prepare_cached appraoch is just much more manageable.
 Okay.  I'll try it out tomorrow and post the results.  However, my
 application uses this approach and I'd say it's in the 99th percentile
 with respect to number of different statements =:-)

I just performed this benchmark.  The Stage 3 optimization using
prepare_cached gets 152.72 requests/sec.  The end result is this:

Zero optimization: 41.67 requests/second
Stage 1 (persistent connections): 140.17 requests/second
Stage 2 (bound parameters): 139.20 requests/second
Stage 3 (prepare_cached): 152.72 requests/second
Stage 3 (global references): 251.13 requests/second

You can see that prepare_cached isn't much of an improvement over
prepare.  I've profiled this stuff in the past, and the prepare method
really is quite expensive.  A nice project for someone with sufficient
spare time would be to optimize that code path.


Re: More on web application performance with DBI

1999-10-14 Thread Oleg Bartunov

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:53:15 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jeffrey Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: More on web application performance with DBI
 On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, Jeffrey Baker wrote:
  Zero optimization: 41.67 requests/second
  Stage 1 (persistent connections): 140.17 requests/second
  Stage 2 (bound parameters): 139.20 requests/second
  Stage 3 (persistent statement handles): 251.13 requests/second
 I know you said you don't like it because it has extra overhead, but would
 you mind trying stage 3 with prepare_cached rather than your custom
 solution with globals?  For some applications with lots of SQL statements,
 the prepare_cached appraoch is just much more manageable.

Some databases doesn't support caches of prepared plans.
PostgreSQL for example. So I think Jeffrey's approach is more
generic. But I agree with you if database supports this feature 
it's worth to use it.

  It is interesting that the Stage 2 optimization didn't gain anything
  over Stage 1.
 I think Oracle 8 is doing some magic by parsing your SQL and matching it
 up to previous statements, whether you use bind variables or not.  It may
 matter more on other databases.
 - Perrin

Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83