At 19:02 12/10/1999 -0700, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
>> > - mod_perl news.
>> > - mod_perl FAQs, developer's guides and documentation.
>> > - mod_perl evangelism, quantitative and anecdotal comparison with similar
>> >   tools.
>We need a little crowd of people to keep especially the news and acecdotes
>updates. This will be a lot of work if it's going to be done well.

Matt Arnold, Neil Kandalgaonkar and I have decided to team up and start
working on the new site. Discussing this on the list would probably be too
noisy and I guess that having a mailing-list for the few people that will
help at first might be overkill (though I am in no way against it if
someone thinks it's better to have one). Suggestions and ideas are of
course very welcome. I guess we will be feeding our decisions and
realisations back to the list for review.

>:-) Well, there isn't really anything on the current site that needs

Indeed, but would it be a problem if we were to create something that needs
it ? I could put it on my own server but it is already taking a lot of hits
and isn't far from lacking resources (we will have a farm in the two months
to come, then I can make an offer).

>> > been used and uploaded it at ...
>> This example is real nice, [...]
>I agree, I like it a lot too.

Thanks :-)

>But what we really need is someone to do the
>work, so if you (and whoever else) is willing to do it, more power to you!

Talking about power, is there a way we could get a tarball of all that is
presently online so that we can start work with content that already exists
? We could crawl the site, but if anything happens on the server-side we'll
miss it.

After all, what is your hosts' purpose in having a party?  Surely not for
you to enjoy yourself; if that were their sole purpose, they'd have simply
sent champagne and women over to your place by taxi.

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