Re: Apache::DBI strategy/philosophy

2000-06-17 Thread John M Vinopal

Part of the problem I've had is transitioning a cgi application onto
mod_perl and keeping performance up on both platforms until a switch
can be made.  So I've done some comparisons of the various dbh schemes.
Comments and corrections very welcome.  I'm wary of connect_cached()
under mod_perl but perhaps for no good reason.

DBI Connection Tests

 Since connecting can be expensive, you generally just
 connect at the start of your program and disconnect at the
 end. 1.14 docs

For programmer ease you probally want to connect inside a module, and for
mod_perl speed you want to preload that module.  But you can't do both AND
connect once at the start.  Mod_perl insists that dbh connections must not
be made in the parent and then used in the child: that means that you cannot
initialize your dbh in BEGIN or outside of a subroutine.  The trickier
problem involves a popular hack '$dbh ||= connect()', in CGI this will
work effectively, however in mod_perl the variable $dbh is persistent
between invocations.  Should your database vanish, the connection within
$dbh will be invalid, but the variable $dbh will still be a TRUE value
and all of your queries will fail until you restart apache (ie: ||= doesn't
call ping()).

This benchmark compares some different techiques of DBI connection and
discusses their merits.  Each set of DBI connections is done inside a
module.  Each module calls a number of subroutines, all of which
perform database operations.  There are 14 connect and execute calls
over two different database handles.

Run from the command line
Benchmark: timing 20 iterations of 0 my, 1 local, 2 or, 3 global, 4 cache, 5 cache 
  0 my: 55 wallclock secs ( 5.47 usr  3.44 sys + 22.36 cusr 21.31 csys = 52.58 
CPU) @  2.24/s (n=20)
   1 local: 52 wallclock secs ( 5.54 usr  3.48 sys + 20.86 cusr 19.99 csys = 49.87 
CPU) @  2.22/s (n=20)
  2 or: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.13 usr  0.74 sys +  2.58 cusr  3.08 csys =  8.53 
CPU) @  6.97/s (n=20)
  3 global: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.11 usr  0.84 sys +  2.60 cusr  3.04 csys =  8.59 
CPU) @  6.78/s (n=20)
   4 cache: 13 wallclock secs ( 2.80 usr  0.91 sys +  2.73 cusr  2.94 csys =  9.38 
CPU) @  5.39/s (n=20)
5 cache my: 13 wallclock secs ( 2.82 usr  0.89 sys +  2.87 cusr  2.77 csys =  9.35 
CPU) @  5.39/s (n=20)

Run under CGI
Benchmark: timing 20 iterations of 0 my, 1 local, 2 or, 3 global, 4 cache, 5 cache 
  0 my: 54 wallclock secs ( 5.31 usr  2.90 sys + 22.34 cusr 21.20 csys = 51.75 
CPU) @  2.44/s (n=20)
   1 local: 51 wallclock secs ( 5.49 usr  2.88 sys + 20.78 cusr 19.96 csys = 49.11 
CPU) @  2.39/s (n=20)
  2 or: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.35 usr  0.63 sys +  2.74 cusr  2.82 csys =  8.54 
CPU) @  6.71/s (n=20)
  3 global: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.28 usr  0.68 sys +  2.59 cusr  2.86 csys =  8.41 
CPU) @  6.76/s (n=20)
   4 cache: 13 wallclock secs ( 2.88 usr  0.76 sys +  2.82 cusr  2.86 csys =  9.32 
CPU) @  5.49/s (n=20)
5 cache my: 13 wallclock secs ( 2.99 usr  0.67 sys +  2.84 cusr  2.77 csys =  9.27 
CPU) @  5.46/s (n=20)

Run under Apache::PerlRun and NO Apache::DBI
Benchmark: timing 20 iterations of 0 my, 1 local, 2 or, 3 global, 4 cache, 5 cache 
  0 my: 55 wallclock secs ( 5.43 usr  3.23 sys + 21.99 cusr 22.04 csys = 52.69 
CPU) @  2.31/s (n=20)
   1 local: 53 wallclock secs ( 5.49 usr  3.35 sys + 21.34 cusr 19.83 csys = 50.01 
CPU) @  2.26/s (n=20)
  2 or: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.12 usr  0.67 sys +  2.85 cusr  2.82 csys =  8.46 
CPU) @  7.17/s (n=20)
  3 global: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.12 usr  0.74 sys +  2.69 cusr  2.88 csys =  8.43 
CPU) @  6.99/s (n=20)
   4 cache: 13 wallclock secs ( 2.89 usr  0.80 sys +  2.67 cusr  2.93 csys =  9.29 
CPU) @  5.42/s (n=20)
5 cache my: 12 wallclock secs ( 3.08 usr  0.72 sys +  2.61 cusr  2.86 csys =  9.27 
CPU) @  5.26/s (n=20)

Run under Apache::PerlRun and Apache::DBI
Benchmark: timing 20 iterations of 0 my, 1 local, 2 or, 3 global, 4 cache, 5 cache 
  0 my: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.29 usr  0.58 sys +  2.64 cusr  2.82 csys =  8.33 
CPU) @  6.97/s (n=20)
   1 local: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.43 usr  0.61 sys +  2.61 cusr  3.02 csys =  8.67 
CPU) @  6.58/s (n=20)
  2 or: 11 wallclock secs ( 2.14 usr  0.69 sys +  2.98 cusr  2.95 csys =  8.76 
CPU) @  7.07/s (n=20)
  3 global: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.16 usr  0.66 sys +  2.61 cusr  2.86 csys =  8.29 
CPU) @  7.09/s (n=20)
   4 cache: 12 wallclock secs ( 2.72 usr  0.74 sys +  2.80 cusr  2.81 csys =  9.07 
CPU) @  5.78/s (n=20)
5 cache my: 13 wallclock secs ( 2.97 usr  0.76 sys +  2.79 cusr  2.88 csys =  9.40 
CPU) @  5.36/s (n=20)


my: my dbh are created within the subroutines.
CGI: slow due to reconnections.
MOD_PERL: safe for preloading.

local: Global dbh are initialized within the subroutines.
CGI: slow due to reconnections.
MOD_PERL: safe for preloading.

or: Global dbh are initialized if false using ||=
CGI: fast due to single variable connections.
MOD_PERL: dbh 

mod_perl caches compiled quotes?

2000-06-17 Thread Steve Smith


I'm seeing some very disturbing behavior while running mod_perl.
I'm sure there must be a workaround for this.  Sorry if this is a FAQ,
but I haven't seen anything discussing this.

I use mod_perl to generate pages based on a user from cookies and a
database (DBI/MySql).  Use strict is in effect everywhere (I've
checked). I print this data using syntax of the form: 

print qq( Your personal details are $name $salary);

(Simplified obviously, but you get the idea).  This works fine the
first time, but the person who accesses the page frequently gets the
details of the last person to access the server.  Needless to say this
is a Bad Thing.

Is it the case that the results of the string interpolation are cached
and used in the next run of the script?  This would seem to be the
case, as touching the script or restarting the server seems to remove
the problem, until the next run.

I've attached some version info below.

   Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) mod_perl/1.23 mod_ssl/2.6.3 OpenSSL/0.9.5
   Perl: 5.005_03

However, I tried compiling up to the latest versions (including perl
5.6.0) on a development machine and saw the same behavior.

What am I doing wrong?


ANNOUNCE: Apache::AuthCookie 2.011

2000-06-17 Thread Ken Williams



has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Apache-AuthCookie-2.011.tar.gz
  size: 18530 bytes
   md5: b4617ac3ed237e2ae5123e9c7756fc82

This release follows right on the heels of 2.010.  Here's the change:

 Version: 2.011  Date: 2000/06/17 08:01:19
   Several people have requested a mechanism for the login script to be
   able to tell the difference between a failed login and a first attempt
   at a login.  Typically one can figure this out by whether a cookie has
   been sent or not, so I've put some information to that effect in
   $r-prev-subprocess_env().  See the login script docs for specifics.
   I also cleaned up the documentation for the login script.

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: IPC::Open2 v5.6.0 failures.

2000-06-17 Thread Barrie Slaymaker

 Is this a know bug?  Is there a bug?

Not that I know of, did you check the archives?

 Is it right in front of my face?

Something seems odd to me, see below, but it shouldn't be causing you
too much grief.

First, to educate me, what's encrypt do differently than Perl's crypt?
why not

   crypt $pass, salt() ;


PLUG MODULE="IPC::Run" AUTHOR="me" MODE="shameless"
If you want to play with it, IPC::Run's up on CPAN and this might make
your routine simpler and more debuggable.  You'd do something like this to
use it (untested):

use IPC::Run qw( run ) ;

sub encrypt {
my $pass = shift; 
my $crypt;

run [qw(/usr/bin/encrypt', -b), salt()], \$pass, \$crypt
   or die "Can't run '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!" ;
chomp $crypt;
return $crypt ;

The semantic of run's return value are what you, or at least I, would
expect.  Then, to get a clue about what's happening under the hood, just
add a {debug=1} to run's params:

run [qw(/usr/bin/encrypt', -b), salt()], \$pass, \$crypt, {debug=1}
   or die "Can't run '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!" ;

and see what happens.  Increase the debug level to 2 or 3 if need be,
and it probably will be.

This is a beta module though, so there might be gotchas.  One is that I'm
soon going to remove '{'...'}' hash constructors around the debug=2.

Here's what seems odd:

 open2(\*ENCRD, \*ENCWR, "/usr/bin/encrypt $args")
 or die("Can't open2: '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!");

From the IPC::Open2 man page:

   use IPC::Open2;

   $pid = open2(\*RDRFH, \*WTRFH, 'some cmd and args');
 # or without using the shell


   open2() returns the process ID of the child process.  It
   doesn't return on failure: it just raises an exception
   matching `/^open2:/'.  However, `exec' failures in the
   child are not detected.  You'll have to trap SIGPIPE your-

I don't see how this could this be contributing to your grief, though.
I take it there's no spoor in the error_log?

As a performance note, have you considered passing the command line as
a list like

qw(/usr/bin/encrypt -b ), salt )

in place of the string?  That way the exec in open2 is not invoking
a subshell.  Also, if $pass comes from a user, what if they type in
`mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/passwd`?

- Barrie

Highly optimized mod_perl ?

2000-06-17 Thread Vladislav Safronov


Does anyone know the way to highly optimize mod_perl for speed?
Any hacks, advices? All standard advices read from help are done...

Best regards,

Vlad Safronov,

Segfault Apache1.3.12/mod_perl1.24/Solaris2.6

2000-06-17 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hi all, 

Sorry, this is a bit long.

I'm working on a bunch of machines running Solaris 2.6 on which I have
installed Apache+mod_perl static.  The machines are set up for just a
couple of virtual hosts at present for testing, eventually they will
be load-balanced with mod_perl on separate machines and will host many
sites.  I downloaded  compiled new sources for the latest (not CVS)
versions of Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24, mod_macro 1.1.1 and Perl
5.005_03.  The compiler is gcc 2.91.66 and was used for all the

I set up a plain/mod_perl Apache pair on one of the machines.  The
proxying worked fine and I could get server-info and server-status OK
from the mod_perl Apache.  I left it at that and went on to other
things.  Unfortunately when the development department started working
on the scripting a couple of days later (yesterday, Friday) the
mod_perl Apache started segfaulting as soon as they tried to get it to
serve a request from their test handler.  Here's the error_log message:

[Fri Jun 16 17:20:21 2000] [notice] \
child pid 22310 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11)

There is no core dump and the same thing happens with the -X switch.
The first Perl had thread support and dynamic linking, so I recompiled
it twice, once with no thread support and once without dynamic linking
but the same thing happened.  Below are the makepl_args.mod_perl, the
output of perl -V, httpd_perl -l, perl.conf, and
which I just noticed contains a call to Apache::Request-new() and I
don't know why.  I don't think that should make Apache segfault...

I searched the archives and there are some Solaris segfaults but
nothing seems to fit this simple case.  I don't have access to the
machines at the weekend so I've posted this hoping it might ring some
bells somewhere before I try again next week maybe with the CVS
version of mod_perl 1.24 and maybe even with 1.21 and 1.3.9 just to
see what happens.  I'll also get rid of that Apache::Request call and
try things like Apache::Registry scripts to see what happens there.

Any input gratefully received.  Especially by Leo, who gets it in the
neck if the machines aren't ready to go live next Friday...


Output of perl -V:
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=solaris, osvers=2.6, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos 5.6 generic_105181-21 sun4u sparc '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc -B/usr/ccs/bin/ -B/usr/ccs/bin/', optimize='-O', gccversion=egcs-2.91.66 
19990314 (egcs-1.1.2 release)
ccflags ='-I/usr/local/include'
stdchar='unsigned char', d_stdstdio=define, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16
alignbytes=8, usemymalloc=y, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='ld', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -lgdbm -ldl -lm -lc -lcrypt
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_none.xs, dlext=none, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=''
cccdlflags='', lddlflags=''

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
  Built under solaris
  Compiled at Jun 16 2000 17:02:50
httpd_perl -l
Compiled-in modules:

RE: Highly optimized mod_perl ?

2000-06-17 Thread pvlad


There was a discussion on this list about
1.5 weeks ago on how to optimize mod_perl
execution when using the database.  Stas
Bekman basically has done some tests to
show that the driver needs to be initialized
in file.

There were also a discussion about the fact
that as far as using templates for HTML
generation the fastest approach is when
a template is compiled into perl code
before being executed.  I do not have
enough understanding of the internals to 
explain why though.

Another discussion suggested that it is
much better to precompile explicitly
the functions that you need to use
in modules like instead.  The
fact that you precompile specific functions
and not the whole module will save memory
space of apache processes that run mod_perl.
Saved memory means less swaping, and more
memory for cache -- that means speed.

There was also a post referring to a comparasing
between many scripting and compiled languages
that pointed out that by far the most
important factor when choosing a language
to implement a taks is what algorithm is
being used (ie. how smart and fast it is)
and that differences in programming languages
are not significant compared to that.

I also just recently read in "Advanced Perl Programming"
by Sriram Srinivasan that (on page 369)
there are Static Typing Hints:
they give hints to the interepreter for better optimization
and type checking.
my Dog $spot = new Dog;
should be faster
my $spot= new Dog;

It actually should be faster for the consequent method calls
to $spot-xyz (because perl would not have to do type checking
and run-time)
(this me parapharsing the example from the book

Static hints will also allow for more aggressive compiler optimizations
(using perlcc) (but I do thing this mod_perl relevant).

This is my high level overview of what I have learned sofar
from the list (I am new to Perl so I am just trying to absorb
as much as possible).

Vladislav P.

On 17-Jun-2000 Vladislav Safronov wrote:
 Does anyone know the way to highly optimize mod_perl for speed?
 Any hacks, advices? All standard advices read from help are done...
 Best regards,
 Vlad Safronov,

ANNOUNCE: Apache::Filter 1.010

2000-06-17 Thread Ken Williams


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/K/KW/KWILLIAMS/Apache-Filter-1.010.tar.gz
  size: 15166 bytes
   md5: 8d5e5dec3ffc5fce9ff7cab8d25f7d9e

Changes since 1.009:

Version: 1.010  Date: 2000/06/17 18:26:05
   Apache::RegistryFilter now overrides Apache's header-sending routines
   with no-ops, so that you may leave header-sending calls in your
   Registry scripts.  This means you can use the same code under
   Apache::Registry and Apache::RegistryFilter.
   Added a test to make sure the above header-overriding works properly.
   Added lots of insane crap to the 'make test' phase to support apaches
   built with --enable-shared=max or any DSOs.  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   (Rafael Kitover)]
   During 'perl Makefile.PL', search around for copies of apache to use
   during 'make test'.  Also default to user 'nobody' if the current user
   is root.  [[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rafael Kitover)]
   Added Apache::SimpleReplace to list of Filter-aware handlers.
   [[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geoffrey Young)]
   Changed \Files to /Files in documentation. [[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   (Stas Bekman)]

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity

Re: Highly optimized mod_perl ?

2000-06-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

Vladislav Safronov wrote:
 Does anyone know the way to highly optimize mod_perl for speed?
 Any hacks, advices? All standard advices read from help are done...

The Guide ( is very comprehensive.  If
you've followed the perfromance tuning tips there, the main thing left
is improving the speed of your database or other data access.  Use
Apache::DProf to find out where it hurts.
- Perrin

RE: Highly optimized mod_perl ?

2000-06-17 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hi there,

On Sat, 17 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Saved memory means less swaping,

You don't want _any_ swapping on a mod_perl host.


RE: Highly optimized mod_perl ?

2000-06-17 Thread pvlad

Yes, you are right.
I should have just said
'saves memory' -- most developers
realize the implications of improved
memory utilization.


On 17-Jun-2000 G.W. Haywood wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Sat, 17 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Saved memory means less swaping,
 You don't want _any_ swapping on a mod_perl host.

Re: IPC::Open2 v5.6.0 failures.

2000-06-17 Thread wendell

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 09:16:25AM -0400, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:
  Is this a know bug?  Is there a bug?
 Not that I know of, did you check the archives?

Yes but I didn't find the answer I was looking for.  

I also checked out the guide's Forking and Executing Subprocesses  
and ... Apache::SubProccess.

Apache::SubProccess just hung for me, if I have more time I'll check it out

  Is it right in front of my face?
 Something seems odd to me, see below, but it shouldn't be causing you
 too much grief.
 First, to educate me, what's encrypt do differently than Perl's crypt?
 why not
crypt $pass, salt() ;

encrypt allows me to use the Blowfish version of crypt; 
128 bits vs 12 bits.

 PLUG MODULE="IPC::Run" AUTHOR="me" MODE="shameless"
 If you want to play with it, IPC::Run's up on CPAN and this might make
 your routine simpler and more debuggable.  You'd do something like this to
 use it (untested):
 use IPC::Run qw( run ) ;
 sub encrypt {
 my $pass = shift; 
 my $crypt;
 run [qw(/usr/bin/encrypt', -b), salt()], \$pass, \$crypt
or die "Can't run '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!" ;
 chomp $crypt;
 return $crypt ;
 The semantic of run's return value are what you, or at least I, would
 expect.  Then, to get a clue about what's happening under the hood, just
 add a {debug=1} to run's params:
 run [qw(/usr/bin/encrypt', -b), salt()], \$pass, \$crypt, {debug=1}
or die "Can't run '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!" ;
 and see what happens.  Increase the debug level to 2 or 3 if need be,
 and it probably will be.
 This is a beta module though, so there might be gotchas.  One is that I'm
 soon going to remove '{'...'}' hash constructors around the debug=2.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

 Here's what seems odd:
  open2(\*ENCRD, \*ENCWR, "/usr/bin/encrypt $args")
  or die("Can't open2: '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!");
 From the IPC::Open2 man page:
use IPC::Open2;
$pid = open2(\*RDRFH, \*WTRFH, 'some cmd and args');
  # or without using the shell
open2() returns the process ID of the child process.  It
doesn't return on failure: it just raises an exception
matching `/^open2:/'.  However, `exec' failures in the
child are not detected.  You'll have to trap SIGPIPE your-
 I don't see how this could this be contributing to your grief, though.
 I take it there's no spoor in the error_log?

regrardless, open2 will warn on failure.  Checking 'wait' and '$?' will tell 
me if the command failed. But something screwy is going on inside of mod_perl.
I'd feel better if I knew what mod__perl was doing with the handles and why
the info was being dropped on the way back.

I also tried Symbol::gensym, Apache::gensym, and autoviv ... ... no diff.

 As a performance note, have you considered passing the command line as
 a list like
 qw(/usr/bin/encrypt -b ), salt )
 in place of the string?  That way the exec in open2 is not invoking
 a subshell.  Also, if $pass comes from a user, what if they type in
 `mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/passwd`?

the $pass is checked long before it makes it to the shell. 

Well time is too valuable, so my solution for right now is to have a local 
socket daemon run the encrypt command for me.  Just have to remember to 
have the daemon running ...

Thanks for your reply and help.  
