Re: Fast DB access

2000-11-11 Thread Leon Brocard

Matt Sergeant sent the following bits through the ether:

 Note that Theo Schlossnagel was saying over lunch at ApacheCon that if
 your filename has more than 8 characters on Linux (ext2fs) it skips from a
 hashed algorithm to a linear algorithm (or something to that affect). So
 go careful there. I don't have more details or a URL for any information
 on this though.

I've had a look at 2.2.14 and while there are some limits[1] (note,
I'm not a kernel hacker), some simple tests[2] haven't pointed to a
performance degredation. I'd suggest some larger tests on bigger
boxes, as this'd be interesting to know...


[1] such as DNAME_INLINE_LEN (16), see fs/dcache.c
[2] 2000 files, with name lengths from 2..20 (substrings of md5 stuff,
of course), both reading and writing random files
Leon Brocard.

... New and improved Brocard: now with Template Toolkit!

(OT) Semaphore/signalling question

2000-11-11 Thread Christian Jaeger

What's the best way to unlock several sister processes waiting for an 
event at once? I just want to tell "now it's ready, go on". An idea 
would be to use normal unix signals, but there are only 32 of them 
(aren't there?) and their management would be rather complicated. I'm 
looking for something like semaphores instead. The problem with 
semaphores is that I don't see a way to release *several* waiting 
processes at once. $n= $sem-getncnt(XX); $sem-op(XX, $n) to 
increment the count for all waiting processes does not work when one 
process is faster (in a loop) than the others and gets away 
everything before the others are unlocked.

Are (unix domain) sockets the right thing for this?


Re: Dealing with spiders

2000-11-11 Thread ___cliff rayman___

Robin Berjon wrote:

 But on a related issue, I got several logfiles corrupted because I log
 user-agents there and some seem to use some unicode names that confuse
 Apache and convert to \n. Does anyone else have this problem ? I don't
 think it could lead to server compromission, but it's never pleasant to
 have corrupted logs...

if this is true, i would log an apache bug report.


question on DBIx::Recordset PrevNextForm

2000-11-11 Thread conark

Is there any way to hide the form data that the DBIx::Recordset
PrevNextForm function generates?  i just noticed that if someone does a
"view source," the user can view your db connection, username, password,
etc.  That doesn't seem very secure even though this is a pretty cool
subroutine to have.  I'm using embed perl to handle these request so
perhaps there might be another mechanism that works with DBIx::Recordset
that does the same thing without having to write that kind of sensitive
information as hidden fields?  Thanks


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Passing data structures between Stacked Handlers

2000-11-11 Thread Thomas Klausner


Is there a module that can do "Stacked Handler Pipelining", but 
doesn't pass around tied filehandles but data structures ?

If there isn't, could it be implemented by dumping the data 
structure to $r-notes (with Data::Dumper) and have it eval'ed back 
by the next handler?

M_echanenNEU (naja): Wohnungs-Historie

premature TCP termination

2000-11-11 Thread spam

I wonder if there is some sort of notification my module can receive if
the user has terminated HTTP transaction(ie dowloading of a search
result), by closing TCP link, or the Apache's connection has timed out... 
URLs, pointers would be excellent.

Changing REMOTE_ADDR passing to a request.

2000-11-11 Thread Alson Wong

hello,I have a question here. There are 2 
server, server A and server B.There are also 2 cgi 
files.access-ip.cgi store in server A. ip.cgi store in server 
B.The access-ip.cgi looks like this:#!/usr/bin/perlprint 
"Content-type: text/html\n\n";use 
@testing;--The ip.cgi on server B looks like 
"Content-type: text/html\n\n";print "pIP is $add\n"So, 
how do I pass/set the environment variable of REMOTE_ADDR from server A ? So 
that I can control the env of remote_addr at the server B 
?access-ip.cgi actually get the output from server B, and server B 
actually get the remote_addr value from server A.So, is there any 
way I can make$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}=""; from server A,And pass 
this variable to server B. So, server B will take as the value of 
remote_addr, and as a result, access-ip will give an output of have tried the following code in modperl,my $r = 
shift;$r-connection-remote_ip('');it only works in 
server A, meaning,$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} in Server A return, but 
$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} in server B still return the Server A ip 
address.Thank you very much.[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Changing REMOTE_ADDR passing to a request.

2000-11-11 Thread barries

On Sun, Nov 12, 2000 at 11:07:59AM +0800, Alson Wong wrote:
 So, how do I pass/set the environment variable of REMOTE_ADDR from 
 server A ? So that I can control the env of remote_addr at the server 
 B ?

Well, you could do it several ways.  The "normal" way is to set a
header in the request that A sends to be, usually the same one that
various caching proxy servers do, namely X-Forwarded-For.  You won't
be able to do that with LWP::Simple, have a look at the main LWP
page for details on how to make more sophisticated requests.  I'm
assuming you've ruled out using Apache's mod_proxy, and therefore that
you won't be wanting to use mod_proxy_add_forward.

Then, in the B server, you can peel it out of the Apache request
object manually as part of your script, or you can do it in an earlier
handler phase and make a $r-remote_ip() call like the one you were
making in the A server.

To catch the header on the backend, you can have a look at the

 my $r = shift;
 it only works in server A, meaning,
 $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} in Server A return, but $ENV
 {'REMOTE_ADDR'} in server B still return the Server A ip address.

Right: nothing passes environment variables between the servers.  You
need to establish your own channel (the header mentioned above) for
passing that value and tweak the B server to recover the value and
stuff it in the environment variable.



Re: unsubscribe modperl

2000-11-11 Thread Asaf Klibansky

unsubscribe modperl

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 6:18 PM
Subject: unsubscribe modperl

 unsubscribe modperl

cvs commit: modperl-site/embperl Changes.pod.1.html

2000-11-11 Thread richter

richter 00/11/11 05:28:50

  Modified:embperl  Changes.pod.1.html
  Embperl Webpages - Changes
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.184 +3 -1  modperl-site/embperl/Changes.pod.1.html
  Index: Changes.pod.1.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-site/embperl/Changes.pod.1.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.183
  retrieving revision 1.184
  diff -u -r1.183 -r1.184
  --- Changes.pod.1.html2000/11/09 20:25:48 1.183
  +++ Changes.pod.1.html2000/11/11 13:28:50 1.184
  @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   [a href="" HOME/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"CONTENT/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"PREV (Revision History - Content)/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.2.html"NEXT (1.3b6 (BETA)  18. Oct 2000)/a]nbsp;nbsp; brhr
  -Last Update: Thu Nov 9 21:22:57 2000 (MET)
  +Last Update: Sat Nov 11 14:25:14 2000 (MET)
   NOTE: This version is only available via A HREF="CVS.pod.1.html#INTRO" "CVS"/A
  @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
neccessary, but not more often. (Handles now write to session data, after
a delete in the same request correctly).
  - Added more tests for Sessionhandling.
  +   - Fixed a bug that Content-Lenght was 2 to much, when escmode was set to zero.
  + Spotted by Michael Smith.
   p[a href="" HOME/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"CONTENT/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"PREV (Revision History - Content)/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.2.html"NEXT (1.3b6 (BETA)  18. Oct 2000)/a]nbsp;nbsp; br