Re: Compress::Zlib problem

2001-04-20 Thread Jens-Uwe Mager

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 03:47:47PM -0400, Robert Landrum wrote:
 One of my developers is looking for a way to take records output from 
 a database and compress them into a gzip file on the fly, without 
 using a file on disk.
 To do this, he's using Compress::Zlib and passing \*STDOUT as the 
 output file.  Since this is mod_perl, STDOUT is blessed to Apache, 
 and appears to be missing Apache::TELL.
 # $fh is \*STDOUT
 my $gz = gzopen($fh, 'wb');
 $gz-gzwrite($line);  # $line is from db.
 He's also played with deflating the content on his own, but is unable 
 to get the checksum correct on the output.
 Has anyone ever compressed something like this on the fly with 
 Compress::Zlib.  As I understand it, Apache::Compress creates 
 seperate files, which is not acceptable in this case.

I used I logic like the following in one of my packages:

# implement a gzipped file handle via the Compress:Zlib compression
# library.

sub MAGIC1() { 0x1f }
sub MAGIC2() { 0x8b }
sub OSCODE() { 3}

my ($class, $out) = @_;
my ($d) = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit(-Level = 
-WindowBits = -Compress::Zlib::MAX_WBITS()) or return undef;
my ($o) = {
handle = $out,
dh = $d,
crc = 0,
len = 0,
my ($header) = pack("c10", MAGIC1, MAGIC2, Compress::Zlib::Z_DEFLATED(), 
0,0,0,0,0,0, OSCODE);
print {$o-{handle}} $header;
return bless($o, $class);

sub PRINT {
my ($o) = shift;
my ($buf) = join(defined $, ? $, : "",@_);
my ($len) = length($buf);
my ($compressed, $status) = $o-{dh}-deflate($buf);
print {$o-{handle}} $compressed if defined($compressed);
$o-{crc} = Compress::Zlib::crc32($buf, $o-{crc});
$o-{len} += $len;
return $len;

sub PRINTF {
my ($o) = shift;
my ($fmt) = shift;
my ($buf) = sprintf($fmt, @_);
my ($len) = length($buf);
my ($compressed, $status) = $o-{dh}-deflate($buf);
print {$o-{handle}} $compressed if defined($compressed);
$o-{crc} = Compress::Zlib::crc32($buf, $o-{crc});
$o-{len} += $len;
return $len;

sub WRITE {
my ($o, $buf, $len, $off) = @_;
my ($compressed, $status) = $o-{dh}-deflate(substr($buf, 0, $len));
print {$o-{handle}} $compressed if defined($compressed);
$o-{crc} = Compress::Zlib::crc32(substr($buf, 0, $len), $o-{crc});
$o-{len} += $len;
return $len;

sub CLOSE {
my ($o) = @_;
return if !defined( $o-{dh});
my ($buf) = $o-{dh}-flush();
$buf .= pack("V V", $o-{crc}, $o-{len});
print {$o-{handle}} $buf;
undef $o-{dh};

my ($o) = @_;

Jens-Uwe Mager

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen

Phone:  +49 5131 709320
FAX:+49 5131 709325

Re: [OT] Fast DB access

2001-04-20 Thread Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,


Cees has found a bug in our benchmark. We were using rtrim in our select
statement while doing the benchmark and this was forcing postgres to perform
a table scan.

We've corrected the code for this bug. We are reposting results without
rtrim (creating the tables with varchar).
In fact with postgres even ignores the trailing blanks with 'char' datatype.

When we ran these benchmarks at 40 seconds, we could not make out any
difference in the results.
Instead we increased the number of selects to 2000. Here are the new results
between only postgres(6.5.3) and mldbm
18 wallclock secs ( 1.88 usr +  0.18 sys =  2.06 CPU)
 3 wallclock secs ( 1.77 usr +  0.21 sys =  1.98 CPU)

Results still compare favourably towards MLDBM.

Summary of our learning from the benchmarks and these discussions

a) We have to use PG 7.1. It is a major improvement over 6.5.3
b) When we need a completely read-only high-performance data structure,
MLDBM is a good option against postgres. This is provided we are able to
cast our database in MLDBM style datastructures.
c) Generic benchmarks may not be useful for most applications we need to
device our own benchmark which represents critical processing requirements
and try out various options.

Thanks to all of you who have contributed to this thread.


V Murali  S Muthu Ganesh
Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
90, 3rd Cross,2nd Main,
Ganga Nagar,
Bangalore - 560 032
Phone : 91 80 3631445, 3431470
Visit us at

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 1:45 AM
Subject: [OT] Re: Fast DB access

 On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Murali V wrote:

  If you read the code more deeply, you'll find that the timeit is only
  wrapped around select and not around insert.
  We've written the insert code so that in the first round you can
  the database.
  You comment out the insert code after the first round and run the
  several times. This would only do select and time select.

 Hi Murali,

 OK, to start off, I was not specifically aiming my rant at you, I was
 replying to someone who had modified your code and was now comparing MySQL
 and PostgreSQL, and he was implying that the timings were for inserts and
 selects.  I took this at face value, and didn't check the code close
 enough which I really should have done in the first place.

  Connecting this error to an axiom that "Benchmarks are useless" is bad
  indeed. Shouldn't we be ironing out errors and runing benchmarks which

 Perhaps I should have said published benchmarks.  In your case, you are
 using benchmarks for exactly what they are intended for...  Creating a
 system that closely resembles your application and putting it through it's
 paces.  What I find dangerous about publishing benchmarks, is that they
 are almost always heavily swayed to a specific application, and most of
 the time they show what the user wants them to show.

 In your original message, you clain to have a bias against Postgres, and
 your benchmark shows that bias.  I however am a happy user of postgres,
 and am therefore biased towards it.  I modified your benchmark script
 slightly, and I got the following results (I have include a diff of my
 changes at the bottom):

  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.03 CPU)
  0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.02 CPU)

 Whereas if I run it with your version I get the following:

 27 wallclock secs ( 0.00 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.00 CPU)
 27 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.02 CPU)

 So what does that tell you about the benchmark?  that the postgres part of
 this benchmark is useless...  It may have given you the answer that you
 wanted, but it is misleading to anyone else out there.

 This is why there are always flame wars about benchmarking databases (by
 the way I think this whole thread has been very civilized and i hope is
 stays that way).  Invariably the benchmark has missed some critical idea
 or optimization which drastically skew the results.

  Your recommendation is to pick a DB best suited to your app. But How ??
  a) Either by hiring a guru who has seen all kinds of apps with different
  who can give you the answer with which we can run
  b) Run a benchmark on critical programs which represent you app across
  databases and find what performs best.
  I've read too much literature on DB features. All DBs have all features
  (except MySQL which does not have commit )
  You can't make a thing out of DB literature.

 What I would recommend is exactly what you have done in this case.  Get
 access to any and all the systems that you feel may do the job for you ,
 and try them out.  Browse the web for other users experiences, but don't
 use other peoples benchmarks, because the odds are good that they are
 wrong...  Create your own, or modify an existing one, 

modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Francesco Pasqualini

an interestingfeature of JSP is the 
possibility to use the MVC design pattern (INPUT/OUTPUT/LOGIC 
This is obtainedwith the "forward" 
How the MVC design pattern can be implemented in 
the mod_perl (and specifically Apache::ASP)architecture ?


Mod Perl for Apache

2001-04-20 Thread jim . a . davidson

I am trying to build mod perl for Apache but it fails on the final make as
The system is AIX 4.3.2, Perl 5.6.1, Apache 3.1.19, Mod Perl 1.25
Using the flexible way of installing this,when I run the final make on the
build I am getting the following error messages:
Target "all" is up to date.
=== src/modules/standard
=== src/modules/perl
Target "all" is up to date.
=== src/modules/perl
Target "default" is up to date.

=== src/modules
cc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DAIX=43
cc -c  -I./os/unix -I./include   -DAIX=43
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .Perl_form
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .perl_get_cv
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .Perl_push_scope
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: PL_curstash
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .Perl_save_hptr
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .Perl_gv_stashpv 
ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more
make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 8.

make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 2.   
Can you advise me as to what I may have missed.


BTcd  Information Systems Engineering
 CORES  Infrastructure Support 

* 0131-662 4724
*pp HWP186
  PO Box 234 (HOM-EH)
  Midlothian , EH12 9UR

Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread F.H

Does anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract all .pm and .pl 
that a perl script needs in order to run?

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

RE: Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread Brendan McAdams

cd /toplevel dir of app
grep -Hrn use *

-Original Message-
From: F.H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:01
Subject: Extracting required files

Does anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract
all .pm and .pl that a perl script needs in order to run?

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

RE: Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread Lakshmanan, Srikrishnan

I think the question being asked is , how to resolve ALL dependencies , not
just the first level given in the app. For example , I may use some libs
that in turn use others , and so on in multiple levels of nesting.


 -Original Message-
 From: Brendan McAdams [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday,April 20,2001 9:16 AM
 Subject:  RE: Extracting required files
 cd /toplevel dir of app
 grep -Hrn use *
 -Original Message-
 From: F.H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:01
 Subject: Extracting required files
 Does anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract
 all .pm and .pl that a perl script needs in order to run?
 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Francesco Pasqualini wrote:

 an interesting feature of JSP is the possibility to use the MVC design
 pattern (INPUT/OUTPUT/LOGIC separation) This is obtained with the
 "forward" instruction. How the MVC design pattern can be implemented
 in the mod_perl (and specifically Apache::ASP) architecture ?

MVC isn't dependent on any particular language, it's a top level design
for your application.  I have used something similar to the MVC model
using just  DBI/DBD.  The basic idea is to decouple your data
model from the display of that data.  It's probably not textbook accurate
MVC, but it borrows heavily from the architecture.

I created a wrapper class for by database functionality (didn't sub-class
DBI, but encapsulated it and the specifics of my data retrieval in the
class).  This class had hogh-level methods like $data-get_id,
$data-list_ids, etc. I have used this same class with both PostgreSQL and
MySQL, and the top-level interface didn't have to change, even though the
underlying data structures did because of differences between PostgreSQL
and MySQL (for instance, I could't use views or referential integrity
contraints in MySQL).

Then I created a display class that handled displaying stuff on the
browser -- also encapsulating the CGI module in high-level methods like
$disp-registration_form, $disp-error_page, etc.  Again, here, I used
this class where I had a newer version of CGI, but had to retrofit the
class to a system that used an older version of CGI, so I had to recode a
couple of methods using raw HTML and here docs, since the older system
didn't have CGI methods available in the newer version.

Finally, my top-level layer was a simple script (this wasn't a class per
se) that was a 'driver' for the everything else -- I actually use a
modified form of Recipe 19.12 in the Perl cookbook.  I maintain state
between page access through a single state variable, and have a hash that
manages my data class and the display class, and the state variable is
used to determine what 'page' to display, and handles top-level error

-- Brett

genealogy, n.:
An account of one's descent from an ancestor
who did not particularly care to trace his own.
-- Ambrose Bierce

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Francesco Pasqualini

- Original Message -From: "Brett W. McCoy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
"Francesco Pasqualini" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 
Friday, April 20, 2001 5:32 PMSubject: Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design 
pattern On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Francesco Pasqualini 
wrote:  an interesting feature of JSP is the possibility to 
use the MVC design  pattern (INPUT/OUTPUT/LOGIC separation) This is 
obtained with the  "forward" instruction. How the MVC design pattern 
can be implemented  in the mod_perl (and specifically Apache::ASP) 
architecture ?[...] Finally, my top-level layer was a simple 
script (this wasn't a class per se) that was a 'driver' for the 
everything else -- I actually use a modified form of Recipe 19.12 in the 
Perl cookbook. I maintain state between page access through a 
single state variable, and have a hash that manages my data class and 
the display class, and the state variable is used to determine what 
'page' to display, and handles top-level error handling.this is 
very interesting ... and another good reason to buy thePerlCookBook.But 
are there in the mod_perl architecture some guidelines and/or frameworksthat 
encourages the MVC design patern ?I think that Apache::ASP could be 
(for example) the right tool, adding the"forward" 
(explanation of the"forward" 
action)ThanksFrancesco -- 
genealogy, n.: An account of one's descent from an ancestor who 
did not particularly care to trace his own. -- Ambrose 

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread T.J. Mather

 But are there in the mod_perl architecture some guidelines and/or frameworks
 that encourages the  MVC design patern ?

Apache::PageKit is a MVC based framework.  You can find it on CPAN here:

I wrote an article on it for take23:

RE: Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread Andrew Ho


FHDoes anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract
FHall .pm and .pl that a perl script needs in order to run?

SLI think the question being asked is , how to resolve ALL dependencies ,
SLnot just the first level given in the app. For example , I may use some
SLlibs that in turn use others , and so on in multiple levels of nesting.

If the program actually runs (e.g. all the dependencies are already there)
then you can just use Data::Dumper or simple Perl to print out the
contents of %INC. This will tell you what has loaded. There's probably
more correct ways using -D or one of the Devel:: modules, but printing out
%INC is pretty easy.

If it doesn't actually run (e.g. you're missing some dependencies) then
it's more difficult--in fact you can't figure out your dependencies
because your missing dependencies may require other modules you don't have.



Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Voice 650-930-9062
Tellme Networks, Inc.   1-800-555-TELLFax 650-930-9101

RE: Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread Stas Bekman

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:


 FHDoes anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract
 FHall .pm and .pl that a perl script needs in order to run?

 SLI think the question being asked is , how to resolve ALL dependencies ,
 SLnot just the first level given in the app. For example , I may use some
 SLlibs that in turn use others , and so on in multiple levels of nesting.

As others have mentioned already, it's virtually impossible to know about
all modules that are being used, since some of those are written on the
flight (and not required/used at all).

It'd help if you tell us why do you want to do that. If I understand you
correctly, you want to make sure that the production machine is in sync
with the development machine. Use's bundle() function to make a
snapshot of all modules that you have on your dev machine and then use the
bundle to replicate it on any other machine of your choice.  See the CPAN
man page for more information.

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
 But are there in the mod_perl architecture some guidelines and/or
 frameworks that encourages the MVC design patern ? I think that
 Apache::ASP could be (for example) the right tool, adding the
 "forward" feature.

The forward feature looks like an ordinary include to me.  Is there any
real difference between that and the Apache::ASP version?

$Response-Include("", @args);

In addition to Apache::PageKit, you might want to check out the
documentation for Template Toolkit, especially

- Perrin

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Joshua Chamas

 Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
 an interesting feature of JSP is the possibility to use the MVC design pattern 
 This is obtained  with the "forward" instruction.
 How the MVC design pattern can be implemented in the mod_perl (and specifically 
Apache::ASP) architecture ?

I don't know about MVC design patterns, but Apache;:ASP has 
these features which may help, of which $Server-Transfer()
is probably your closest match to the forward instruction:

  Transfer control to another script for execution
  with current script context including current $Session
  $Application, etc.

my $data_ref = $Response-TrapInclude($file, @args)
  print/$Response-Write() output of script does not go 
  straight to client browser, instead returns output
  in a scalar reference that you may post process as 
  you like

$Response-Include($file, @args)
  Like !--#include file=$file--, but @args are available
  in script in @_

$Server-Execute() is an alias for $Response-Include()

Script_OnStart, Script_OnEnd, Script_OnFlush events
  Various events called, if defined in your global.asa,
  during the life of the script execution.  Script_OnStart
  can be used to set globals available to scripts, 
  or manage things such as site wide authentication control

  Script_OnFlush is useful for post processing data
  going to the client browser in a global way.
  Ability to create XML tags which are handled by 
  perl code execution.  The nice thing is that embedded
  tags pass their output as an argument to parent 
  XMLSubs, for example:

  my:form action=basename($0)
my:input type="button" /

  The my::input sub would execute then return its HTML
  to the my::form sub in a calling structure like:
  my::form(\%args, $html = my::input(\%other_args));

-- Josh

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Ian Kallen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can (I have) accomplish this with mod_perl and HTML::Mason, Mason's
root level autohandler can play the role of the JSP model 2
"controller servlet": dispatching logic processing to Perl objects (er,
beans) and "forwarding" to a view (with the Mason $m-call_next or
$m-comp mechanisms).  I think the Apache::Dispatch stuff can also
perform this role (haven't played with it to say for certain).  I'll
qualify this by saying MVC is not a end in itself, there are a lot of
modern requirements for flexible branding, client form factor appropriate
and locale specific presentations that require the view/controller part to
be a lot smarter than the traditional concepts of MVC that I've seen call
for.  I've been referring to these needs in my own engineering discussions
as (yikes) MVC++  :)

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
 an interesting feature of JSP is the possibility to use the MVC design pattern 
 This is obtained  with the "forward" instruction.
 How the MVC design pattern can be implemented in the mod_perl (and specifically 
Apache::ASP) architecture ?


Ian Kallen [EMAIL PROTECTED] | AIM: iankallen

Re: RE: Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread F.H

Thanks you guys for your replies.
The purpose of knowing a program dependencies is to help troubleshoot any problems 
that may occur once you install your script on a different machine or a a different OS 
such as from NT to UNIX and vice versa where different version of Perl may be 
It's good to know just for the heck of it.. to know all the details about your script.
using print @INC doesn't help it just points you to the lib dir in your path. But I 
know  when you use perl2exe it prints on the screen all your script dependencies. So I 
hoped that perl.exe had a command line argument that would extract those files.


Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Andrew Ho wrote:
  FHDoes anyone know of a perl command/or a simple way that would extract
  FHall .pm and .pl that a perl script needs in order to run?
  SLI think the question being asked is , how to resolve ALL dependencies ,
  SLnot just the first level given in the app. For example , I may use some
  SLlibs that in turn use others , and so on in multiple levels of nesting.
 As others have mentioned already, it's virtually impossible to know about
 all modules that are being used, since some of those are written on the
 flight (and not required/used at all).
 It'd help if you tell us why do you want to do that. If I understand you
 correctly, you want to make sure that the production machine is in sync
 with the development machine. Use's bundle() function to make a
 snapshot of all modules that you have on your dev machine and then use the
 bundle to replicate it on any other machine of your choice. See the CPAN
 man page for more information.
 Stas Bekman   JAm_pH   --  Just Another mod_perl Hacker Guide
Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Webmail account today at

Re: Extracting required files

2001-04-20 Thread Paul Johnson

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 04:05:22PM -0400, F.H wrote:
 using print @INC doesn't help it just points you to the lib dir in
 your path.

The suggestion was to investigate %INC at some appropriate point (not
@INC), but note that in general this problem is not soluable.  Did I
hear someone mutter "halting problem"?

What modules does this program use?

$ perl -ne 'chomp; require'

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How to tell if scripts are mod_perl ?

2001-04-20 Thread Wayne Pascoe

Hi there,

I'm trying to roll out some software by one of our 3rd party
developers. I'm trying to find out if the scripts will actually be run
through mod_perl and not as cgi's. 

The only config changes that they have specified to my Apache config
is as follows :

Alias /cgi-bin/  /real/path/to/perl-scripts/

Location /cgi-bin
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options +ExecCGI

They have not requested any settings like 
PerlWarn On
PerlTaintCheck On

There are also no use statements being required (eg use
Apache::Registry() ) in the config. 

Is there any way to check that the scripts are being run through
mod_perl and not as cgi's ? 


The time for action is passed.  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Now is the time for sensless|
bickering.  |

Re: How to tell if scripts are mod_perl ?

2001-04-20 Thread Chris Reinhardt

You can check the MOD_PERL envirement variable.  Something like:

if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
# We're under mod_perl
} else {
# strait perl here

Chris Reinhardt
Dynamic DNS Network Services
On 20 Apr 2001, Wayne Pascoe wrote:

 Hi there,

 I'm trying to roll out some software by one of our 3rd party
 developers. I'm trying to find out if the scripts will actually be run
 through mod_perl and not as cgi's.

 The only config changes that they have specified to my Apache config
 is as follows :

 Alias /cgi-bin/  /real/path/to/perl-scripts/

 Location /cgi-bin
 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::Registry
 Options +ExecCGI

 They have not requested any settings like
 PerlWarn On
 PerlTaintCheck On

 There are also no use statements being required (eg use
 Apache::Registry() ) in the config.

 Is there any way to check that the scripts are being run through
 mod_perl and not as cgi's ?


 The time for action is passed.  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Now is the time for sensless|
 bickering.  |

Re: How to tell if scripts are mod_perl ?

2001-04-20 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hi there,

On 20 Apr 2001, Wayne Pascoe wrote:

 I'm trying to find out if the scripts will actually be run
 through mod_perl and not as cgi's.


Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Joachim Zobel

At 15:44 20.04.2001 +0200, you wrote:
an interesting feature of JSP is the possibility to use the MVC design 
pattern (INPUT/OUTPUT/LOGIC separation)
This is obtained  with the "forward" instruction.
How the MVC design pattern can be implemented in the mod_perl (and 
specifically Apache::ASP) architecture ?

The essence is if you respect GET/POST semantics: All scripts that process 
POST requests must always end up doing redirects.


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen."- Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

deprecated our() indicated in perldoc of Getopt::Std

2001-04-20 Thread Alan E. Derhaag

I upgraded to v5.6.1 of perl and viewed the documentation for the
Getopt::Std as I wasn't familiar with its use for command line
arguments on a new install function I was building.  The docs indicate
use of our( $opt_foo, $opt_bar ) should 'use strict vars' be in use.
I wasn't familiar with this deprecated version of global variable
definitions but I used it..  much to my chagrin when the install was
actually performed on a perl v5.05003 equipped machine.

How did an older version of Getopt::Std get installed with a later
version of perl?

Alan E. Derhaag   N2H2, Creators of Bess and Searchopolis
phone: 206-336-2972 900 Fourth Avenue, Suite 3600

Re: deprecated our() indicated in perldoc of Getopt::Std

2001-04-20 Thread Paul Johnson

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 02:36:32PM -0700, Alan E. Derhaag wrote:
 I upgraded to v5.6.1 of perl and viewed the documentation for the
 Getopt::Std as I wasn't familiar with its use for command line
 arguments on a new install function I was building.  The docs indicate
 use of our( $opt_foo, $opt_bar ) should 'use strict vars' be in use.
 I wasn't familiar with this deprecated version of global variable
 definitions but I used it..  much to my chagrin when the install was
 actually performed on a perl v5.05003 equipped machine.

This hasn't got much to do with modperl, but 

You installed 5.6.1, read the docs, used "our" and found it didn't work
on 5.00503, right?

That's because it's new with 5.6.  From where did you get the idea that
it is deprecated?  Quite the opposite is the case.

 How did an older version of Getopt::Std get installed with a later
 version of perl?

I don't think it did.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: deprecated our() indicated in perldoc of Getopt::Std

2001-04-20 Thread ___cliff rayman___

1) 'our' is not deprecated.  it is new.  i know it was in
5.6.0, not sure if it was in earlier than that.  u can check
the CHANGES file to see exactly when it was added.

2) this is really a perl question, not a mod_perl question.  next time
try one of the following for perl related help:


"Alan E. Derhaag" wrote:

 I upgraded to v5.6.1 of perl and viewed the documentation for the
 Getopt::Std as I wasn't familiar with its use for command line
 arguments on a new install function I was building.  The docs indicate
 use of our( $opt_foo, $opt_bar ) should 'use strict vars' be in use.
 I wasn't familiar with this deprecated version of global variable
 definitions but I used it..  much to my chagrin when the install was
 actually performed on a perl v5.05003 equipped machine.

 How did an older version of Getopt::Std get installed with a later
 version of perl?

Re: deprecated our() indicated in perldoc of Getopt::Std

2001-04-20 Thread Alan E. Derhaag

Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 02:36:32PM -0700, Alan E. Derhaag wrote:
  I upgraded to v5.6.1 of perl and viewed the documentation for the
  Getopt::Std as I wasn't familiar with its use for command line
  arguments on a new install function I was building.  The docs indicate
  use of our( $opt_foo, $opt_bar ) should 'use strict vars' be in use.
  I wasn't familiar with this deprecated version of global variable
  definitions but I used it..  much to my chagrin when the install was
  actually performed on a perl v5.05003 equipped machine.
 This hasn't got much to do with modperl, but 

Oops, quite right..  it was from a helper function to install on a
modperl server machine..

 You installed 5.6.1, read the docs, used "our" and found it didn't work
 on 5.00503, right?
 That's because it's new with 5.6.  From where did you get the idea that
 it is deprecated?  Quite the opposite is the case.

Could have fooled me!  I thought it was a term I'd never learned..
especially since the perl 5.00503 execution indicated that it was
deprecated with:

Use of reserved word "our" is deprecated at /tmp/ line

Alan E. Derhaag   N2H2, Creators of Bess and Searchopolis
phone: 206-336-2972 900 Fourth Avenue, Suite 3600

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Gunther Birznieks

At 10:01 AM 4/20/01 -0700, Perrin Harkins wrote:
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
  But are there in the mod_perl architecture some guidelines and/or
  frameworks that encourages the MVC design patern ? I think that
  Apache::ASP could be (for example) the right tool, adding the
  "forward" feature.

The forward feature looks like an ordinary include to me.  Is there any
real difference between that and the Apache::ASP version?

$Response-Include("", @args);

I don't know what Apache::ASP is doing in this case, but the Forward in 
JSPs is not a simple include.

A forward is literally forwarding the request from one JSP to another JSP 
page. As long as the previous JSP page has not output any data (and is pure 
model/controller code) then the forward can be made to any JSP page that 
has its own content-type and data to display.

This is how a pure JSP app can be made MVC. You write beans which represent 
the model, one JSP for the main app controller which dynamically determines 
the actual full display JSP (the view) to forward to.

A simple include would not care, for example, if the content-type or a 
header in the first page had already been output. In the case of JSP, if 
the content gets commited in one page, forward is a directive that will no 
longer work I believe.


Re: How to tell if scripts are mod_perl ?

2001-04-20 Thread Sean C. Brady

On 20 Apr 2001, Wayne Pascoe wrote:

 Hi there,
 I'm trying to roll out some software by one of our 3rd party
 developers. I'm trying to find out if the scripts will actually be run
 through mod_perl and not as cgi's. 
 The only config changes that they have specified to my Apache config
 is as follows :
 Alias /cgi-bin/  /real/path/to/perl-scripts/

Looks like mod_perl to me
 Location /cgi-bin
 SetHandler  perl-script - This right here tells Apache to use
mod_perl for scripts in /cgi-bin, which is really

 PerlHandler Apache::Registry - And this tells mod_perl to use
Apache::Registry as the handler for scripts located in /cgi-bin

 Options +ExecCGI

 They have not requested any settings like 
 PerlWarn On
 PerlTaintCheck On

 There are also no use statements being required (eg use
 Apache::Registry() ) in the config. 
You're not seeing anything in the config file that says use
Apache::Registry because it's being stated in the bit above...

 Is there any way to check that the scripts are being run through
 mod_perl and not as cgi's ? 

Hope that helps,

Re: deprecated our() indicated in perldoc of Getopt::Std

2001-04-20 Thread Paul Johnson

On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 03:01:25PM -0700, Alan E. Derhaag wrote:
 Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  You installed 5.6.1, read the docs, used "our" and found it didn't work
  on 5.00503, right?
  That's because it's new with 5.6.  From where did you get the idea that
  it is deprecated?  Quite the opposite is the case.
 Could have fooled me!  I thought it was a term I'd never learned..
 especially since the perl 5.00503 execution indicated that it was
 deprecated with:
 Use of reserved word "our" is deprecated at /tmp/ line

At he risk of prolonging a discussion which doesn't belong here, let me
try to draw it to a close.  Quoting perldiag from 5.00503:

  =item Use of reserved word "%s" is deprecated

  (D) The indicated bareword is a reserved word.  Future versions of perl
  may use it as a keyword, so you're better off either explicitly quoting
  the word in a manner appropriate for its context of use, or using a
  different name altogether.  The warning can be suppressed for subroutine
  names by either adding a C prefix, or using a package qualifier,
  e.g. Cour(), or CFoo::our().

I agree that in this situation the message which was intended to be
helpful fell somewhat short of its mark.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread f . pasqualini

Quoting Joshua Chamas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Francesco Pasqualini wrote:
  an interesting feature of JSP is the possibility to use the MVC design
 pattern (INPUT/OUTPUT/LOGIC separation)
  This is obtained  with the "forward" instruction.
  How the MVC design pattern can be implemented in the mod_perl (and
 specifically Apache::ASP) architecture ?
 If you do use Apache::ASP in this way, how are you doing it.
 I don't know much about what you are going after, so it would
 be neat to hear how you accomplish it.

Developing an Apache::ASP application I encountered the problem/feature that it 
is not possible to use global variables inside subs in a page.
For example:
   page test.asp
   $name='default name';
   sub HelloWord{ 
 print $name; ## WRONG using global var is incosistent in mod_perl
The correct approach if you have sub in a asp Page is to pass it everything it 
   page test.asp
   $name='default name';
   sub HelloWord{ 
 my $name = shift; #OK
 print $name;  ## OK $name is not global

To avoid passing many parameters to the subs I become using a $cx (cx stand for 
context) global hash containig everything the subs needed, passed to each sub. 

   page test.asp
   $cx = {};
   $cx-{'name'} = 'default name';
   $cx-{'age'} = 30;
   sub HelloWord{
 my $cx = shift; 
 my $name = $cx-{'name'}; #OK
 print $name;  ## OK $name is not global
   } the end of the work I realized that the idea of such a context is exactly 
what it is used in MVC tools like:
- JSP templates, 
But in such a way I've done a MVC architecture in a single page, where a part 
of the page is the View and a part is the Controller(logic).
If Apache::ASP will support the 'forward' directive we could start developing 
MVC application in a way similar to the JSP world.
Useful Links to MVC documentations are in:
JSP  Specification:


 Joshua Chamas Chamas Enterprises Inc.
 NodeWorks  free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

This mail sent through the IMP demo site:
 Find out more at

Re: modperl/ASP and MVC design pattern

2001-04-20 Thread Joshua Chamas

 To avoid passing many parameters to the subs I become using a $cx (cx stand for
 context) global hash containig everything the subs needed, passed to each sub.
page test.asp
$cx = {};
$cx-{'name'} = 'default name';
$cx-{'age'} = 30;

Try this, 

# in global.asa
use vars qw($cx); # set up $cx for global use
sub Script_OnStart {
$cx = {}; # initialize per request

# in script
sub HelloWorld {
  $cx-{name} = 'hello';

This will work, but I'd recommend you move your subs to
global.asa, which is your central module for your scripts.

And then you can use $Server-Transfer() to change
the file executing midstream.


cvs commit: modperl-2.0/util

2001-04-20 Thread dougm

dougm   01/04/20 10:07:49

  Added:   util
  add util/ script to report configuration
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  modperl-2.0/util/
  use lib qw(lib);
  use lib qw(Apache-Test/lib);
  use Apache::Build ();
  use Apache::TestConfig ();
  my $build_config = Apache::Build-build_config;
  print "using $INC{'Apache/'}\n";
  print "Makefile.PL options:\n";
  for (sort keys %$build_config) {
  next unless /^MP_/;
  printf "%-20s = %s\n", $_, $build_config-{$_};
  my $test_config = Apache::TestConfig-new;
  my $httpd = $test_config-{vars}-{httpd};
  print "\n$httpd -V:\n";
  system "$httpd -V";
  my $perl = $build_config-{MODPERL_PERLPATH};
  print "\n$perl -V:\n";
  system "$perl -V";

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/lib/Apache

2001-04-20 Thread dougm

dougm   01/04/20 10:09:20

  prevent warning
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.42  +1 -0  modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.41
  retrieving revision 1.42
  diff -u -r1.41 -r1.42
  ---  2001/04/10 22:52:36 1.41
  +++  2001/04/20 17:09:16 1.42
  @@ -440,6 +440,7 @@
  +  next unless $src_dir;
 next unless (-d $src_dir || -l $src_dir);
 next if $seen{$src_dir}++;
 push @dirs, $src_dir;

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl

2001-04-20 Thread sbekman

sbekman 01/04/20 11:25:49

  use strict
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.2   +2 -1  modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- 2001/04/20 18:08:03 1.1
  +++ 2001/04/20 18:25:45 1.2
  @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   package ModPerl::Config;
  +use strict;
   use lib qw(Apache-Test/lib);
   use Apache::Build ();
  @@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
   my $test_config = Apache::TestConfig-new;
   my $httpd = $test_config-{vars}-{httpd};
  -$command = "$httpd -v";
  +my $command = "$httpd -v";
   $cfg .= "\n\n*** $command\n";
   $cfg .= qx{$command};

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/Apache-Test/lib/Apache

2001-04-20 Thread dougm

dougm   01/04/20 09:46:52

  deal properly with args
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.10  +5 -2  modperl-2.0/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
  --- 2001/04/19 21:21:16 1.9
  +++ 2001/04/20 16:46:50 1.10
  @@ -74,9 +74,12 @@
   sub new {
  -my($class, $args) = @_;
  +my $class = shift;
  +my $args;
  -$args = ($args and ref($args)) ? {%$args} : {@_}; #copy
  +$args = shift if $_[0] and ref $_[0];
  +$args = $args ? {%$args} : {@_}; #copy
   my $thaw = {};

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/util

2001-04-20 Thread dougm

dougm   01/04/20 09:50:57

  Modified:pod  modperl_dev.pod
  Added:   util
  add util/ script to report configuration
  Revision  ChangesPath
  No   revision
  No   revision

cvs commit: modperl-2.0 Makefile.PL

2001-04-20 Thread dougm

dougm   01/04/20 10:43:04

  need to push tables_dir into @INC when xs is not generated
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.34  +11 -5 modperl-2.0/Makefile.PL
  Index: Makefile.PL
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/Makefile.PL,v
  retrieving revision 1.33
  retrieving revision 1.34
  diff -u -r1.33 -r1.34
  --- Makefile.PL   2001/04/12 16:03:55 1.33
  +++ Makefile.PL   2001/04/20 17:42:57 1.34
  @@ -73,7 +73,14 @@
  -generate_xs($httpd_version) if $build-{MP_GENERATE_XS};
  +my $tables_dir = tables_dir($httpd_version);
  +unshift @INC, $tables_dir;
  +if ($build-{MP_GENERATE_XS}) {
  +print "generating XS code using $tables_dir...\n";
   sub post_configure {
  @@ -97,7 +104,7 @@
  -sub generate_xs {
  +sub tables_dir {
   my $httpd_version = shift;
   my $tables_version = 'current';
  @@ -105,10 +112,9 @@
   #$httpd_version =~ /-dev$/ ? 'current' : $httpd_version;
   my $tables_dir = "xs/tables/$tables_version";
  -unshift @INC, $tables_dir;
  -print "generating XS code using $tables_dir...\n";
  +sub generate_xs {
   require ModPerl::WrapXS;
   my $xs = ModPerl::WrapXS-new;

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl

2001-04-20 Thread dougm

dougm   01/04/20 11:03:49

  use thr corrent lib path
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.8   +1 -1  modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- 2001/04/20 03:07:53 1.7
  +++ 2001/04/20 18:03:45 1.8
  @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
   print $fh EOF;
  -use lib qw(../../lib); #for Apache::BuildConfig
  +use lib qw(../../../lib); #for Apache::BuildConfig
   use ModPerl::MM ();

cvs commit: modperl-2.0/util

2001-04-20 Thread sbekman

sbekman 01/04/20 11:08:09

  Added:   lib/ModPerl
  * moving the code from util/ into a new lib/ModPerl/
  * now util/ uses lib/ModPerl/
  * a new bugreport util uses lib/ModPerl/
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.1  modperl-2.0/lib/ModPerl/
  package ModPerl::Config;
  use lib qw(Apache-Test/lib);
  use Apache::Build ();
  use Apache::TestConfig ();
  sub config_as_str{
  my $build_config = Apache::Build-build_config;
  my $cfg = '';
  $cfg .= "*** using $INC{'Apache/'}\n";
  $cfg .= "*** Makefile.PL options:\n";
  $cfg .= join '',
  map {sprintf "%-20s = %s\n", $_, $build_config-{$_}}
  grep /^MP_/, sort keys %$build_config;
  my $test_config = Apache::TestConfig-new;
  my $httpd = $test_config-{vars}-{httpd};
  $command = "$httpd -v";
  $cfg .= "\n\n*** $command\n";
  $cfg .= qx{$command};
  my $perl = $build_config-{MODPERL_PERLPATH};
  $command = "$perl -V";
  $cfg .= "\n\n*** $command\n";
  $cfg .= qx{$command};
  return $cfg;
  =head1 NAME - ModPerl::Config
  Functions to retrieve mod_perl specific env information.
  1.2   +6 -24 modperl-2.0/util/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-2.0/util/,v
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- 2001/04/20 17:07:47 1.1
  +++ 2001/04/20 18:08:06 1.2
  @@ -1,27 +1,9 @@
  -use lib qw(lib);
  -use lib qw(Apache-Test/lib);
  +#!/usr/bin/perl -w
  -use Apache::Build ();
  -use Apache::TestConfig ();
  +use strict;
  +use FindBin qw($Bin);
  +use lib "$Bin/../lib";
  -my $build_config = Apache::Build-build_config;
  +use ModPerl::Config ();
  -print "using $INC{'Apache/'}\n";
  -print "Makefile.PL options:\n";
  -for (sort keys %$build_config) {
  -next unless /^MP_/;
  -printf "%-20s = %s\n", $_, $build_config-{$_};
  -my $test_config = Apache::TestConfig-new;
  -my $httpd = $test_config-{vars}-{httpd};
  -print "\n$httpd -V:\n";
  -system "$httpd -V";
  -my $perl = $build_config-{MODPERL_PERLPATH};
  -print "\n$perl -V:\n";
  -system "$perl -V";
  +print ModPerl::Config::config_as_str();
  1.1  modperl-2.0/util/
  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use strict;
  use FindBin qw($Bin);
  use lib "$Bin/../lib";
  use ModPerl::Config ();
  my $env = ModPerl::Config::config_as_str();
  local $/ = undef;
  my $template = DATA;
  $template =~ s/\[CONFIG\]/$env/;
  print $template;
  -8--Start Bug Report 8--
  1. Problem Description:
  2. Used Components and their Configuration:
  3. This is the core dump trace: (if you get a core dump):
  -8--End Bug Report --8--
  Note: Complete the rest of the details and post this bug report to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] as is. To subscribe to the list send an empty
  email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]