Re: Mac OSX 10.1 - mod_perl build instructions

2001-11-10 Thread Rick Myers

On Nov 08, 2001 at 11:31:39 -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
  sudo perl Makefile.PL \ 
  APACHE_SRC=/opt/apache/1.3.22/src/apache_1.3.22/src \
  NO_HTTPD=1 \ 
  USE_APACI=1 \ 
  # hit return a bunch of times

That hit return a bunch of times has always bugged me.
It seems to me that the combination of NO_HTTPD=1,
PREP_HTTPD=1, and APACHE_SRC=??? has already answered the
three questions that it's going to ask.

Here's a little patch I wrote up for 1.25 to eliminate the
questions. It still applies to the current 1.xx cvs versions
with a bit of skew.

--- Makefile.PL.origFri Mar  9 15:14:14 2001
+++ Makefile.PL Fri Mar  9 15:17:08 2001
@@ -493,6 +493,9 @@
+  push(@adirs,$APACHE_SRC);
$PERL_EXTRA_CFLAGS = join( , split(,,  $PERL_EXTRA_CFLAGS));
@@ -525,7 +528,7 @@
 if (-e $httpd_h) {
unless($NO_HTTPD and not $DYNAMIC and not $PREP_HTTPD) {
-   unless($DO_HTTPD) {
+   unless($DO_HTTPD || $PREP_HTTPD  $NO_HTTPD) {
$ans = prompt(Configure mod_perl with $adir ?, y);
next unless $ans =~ /^y$/i;


The Feynman Problem   1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm 2) Think real hard.
  3) Write down the answer.

Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP )

2001-11-10 Thread SubbaReddy M

Hello Gurus,

Here is my first step with mod_perl after so many 
Please help me:


!-- sample here 
--htmlbodyFor loop incrementing font size: 
p% for(1..5) { %!-- iterated html text 
--font size="%=$_%"  Size = %=$_% /font 
br% } %/body/html!-- end 
sample here 

/home/httpd/asp/1.aspis called from 

Fine it's generating nice out put, 
but when I clicked the refresh button on 
browser  Internal server error  page 
So, I checked server error_log page, here is 
out put 

[root@qclinux /root]# tail 
/var/log/httpd/error_log[Sat Nov 10 11:53:06 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.22 
(Unix) mod_perl/1.26 configured -- resuming normal operations[Sat Nov 10 
11:53:06 2001] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: 
sysvsem)[root@qclinux /root]# tail /var/log/httpd/error_log[Sat Nov 10 
11:54:32 2001] [error] Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T switch 
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/MLDBM/Serializer/Data/ line 
'$MlDbM{\'timeout\' = \'1005374203\'}') called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/ line 
MLDBM::FETCH('MLDBM=HASH(0x843bd08)', '07abbd5f03d200c6bac27a861f47e35e') called 
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/MLDBM/ line 
'07abbd5f03d200c6bac27a861f47e35e') called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 
'07abbd5f03d200c6bac27a861f47e35e') called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 
Apache::ASP::Session::new('Apache::ASP=HASH(0x836c134)') called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 
Apache::ASP::new('Apache::ASP', 'Apache=SCALAR(0x836f8cc)') called at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/ line 
Apache::ASP::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x836f8cc)') called at /dev/null line 

{...} called at /dev/null line 0

Thanks in advance.


Re: Here is my backtrace, please solove my problem

2001-11-10 Thread Barrie Slaymaker

On Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 12:10:03PM -0800, SubbaReddy M wrote:
 /soft/Apache-ASP-2.27/make_httpd/mod_perl-1.26/core: No such file or directory.

You need a core file to do this... gdb is kindly pointing out that you
don't have one.

 and i am really thankfull for your help.

I'm just (repeatedly) telling you to read the manual and think about
what you are doing.  You need to understand how the debugger, the stack,
seg faults, and core dumps work in relation to one another and this list
is not the place to learn all that.



Re: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP)

2001-11-10 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, SubbaReddy M wrote:

 [snip] many strugles.
 /home/httpd/asp/1.asp  is called from brower

Do you think it might be better to start with something a little less
ambitious?  Just getting a mod_perl server running with a pre-built
handler like Apache::Registry is enough for many people.  Apache::ASP
is Yet Another Big Chunk Of Configuration and things to figure out...


Re: OT: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP)

2001-11-10 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How far along is mod perl ASP? IOW just how compatible is it to the
 proprietary equiv?

I'm not quite sure what you mean.  Be aware that Apache::ASP is purely
for scripting in Perl.  I have used it on a system which now has a
very large number of users.  I didn't really do much with Apache::ASP
itself (I was primarily responsible for the user interface) so for me
Apache::ASP was just a building block in the software Lego kit.  It
gave no trouble, which is hardly surprising since the author of
Apache::ASP was on the same team.  Perhaps he will reply in more
detail if you ask a more specific question.

There's a mailing list specifically for Apache::ASP, the address to 
subscribe is on the mod_perl home page,


Re: OT: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP)

2001-11-10 Thread dreamwvr


  THX for the response. To clarify since my active server page
knowledge is pretty
much zero here is my issue. Have several clients that use IIS  w/lots of
instead of Apache  all things PERL.
However really don't know if their websites would suddenly look different
if one were
to switch them over to Apache httpd. I really don't think so..
Does Apache  handle ASP the same way as IIS? If it is all done on the
client side
well then it really doesn't matter for formatting of asp. My reasoning
being that in that
case they are if using m$ going to get what they would expect simular to
what they would
get for Javascript  Whereas if ASP does all it works on the http server
then sends the
results to the client much like say cgi would then this could be a
problem. TIA

Re: OT: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP)

2001-11-10 Thread Richard Dice

   THX for the response. To clarify since my active server page
 knowledge is pretty
 much zero here is my issue. 

I'm afraid that what you want to do probably isn't possible.

I will try to teach you something about the architecture of ASP on IIS,
and how it differs from Apache::ASP.

In this context, ASP stands for Active Server Pages.  This is a
Microsoft technology that allows for server-side scripting languages
to integrate with the MS IIS web server.  The most common scripting
language used with ASP is VBScript, which is a varient of Visual Basic.
JScript, a server-side JavaScript varient, and two different Perl
implementations, PerlScript and PScript, also exist, but they are
very rarely used in the ASP world.  For our purposes, what ASP is is
a common way of doing things (e.g. common embedded scripting delimiter
syntax, common method calls, common sessioning system) that can be
accessed by all scripting languages that use ASP.

Architecturally, this looks like of like...

IIS -- ISAPI -- ASP -- ActiveX COM Scripting Object (e.g. VBScript)

(Don't worry about what ISAPI is... it's like of like pure mod_perl, but
worse. :-) )

Note that all of this is server-side stuff.  That is, when a user
connects to web server and requests a .asp page, the server runs
the script within the .asp page to create HTML, which is then sent
back to the user's web browser.

Now, over to Apache::ASP...

Apache::ASP is a cloned API implementation the ASP way of doing things
such that you can use ASP conventions with Perl code embedded within
the Apache::ASP page.  It's similar to HTML::Embperl, but using ASP
conventions. The embedded code within Apache::ASP pages is embedded
_Perl_ code.

Bottom line for your purposes:  it's feasible to port PScript or PerlScript
ASP pages from IIS to Apache and Apache::ASP, but not to port ASP/VBScript
pages.  And it's not likely that the ASP code that anyone is about to give
you is ASP/PScript or ASP/PerlScript code.




  Richard Dice * Personal 416 841 7365 * Fax 416 841 7364
  ShadNet Creator * * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Occasional Writer, HotWired *
  squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe
  - jesus jones

Re: OT: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP)

2001-11-10 Thread Joshua Chamas

How far along is mod perl ASP? IOW just how compatible is it to the
 proprietary equiv? Reason being is that i would love to offer it to clients
 that use the m$ one transparently. That way they get what they want if
 that is what they want and i get what i want. Namely to continue to use
 mod perl and apache:-))

Apache::ASP is mostly compatible with PerlScript under IIS,
with the exception of support of win32 COM objects like ADO db access.

However, as Richard explains, most people on IIS would be using VBScript
for their ASP applications, so would not be portable to Apache::ASP,
which currently supports perl scripting only.  However there are
other alternatives for supporting VBScript/ASP on Apache, particularly
with Chilisoft's ASP or Halcyon's Instant ASP.  Both of these are
commercial products however.

Also, Ime Smits, cc'd on this email, has a perl utility that 
can convert VBScript ASP to perl scripting ASP for running
under Apache::ASP.  He might be able to offer this code to
you in some form.  

-- Josh
Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

Re: Internal server error on Refreshing mod_perl page ( Apache::ASP )

2001-11-10 Thread Joshua Chamas

 SubbaReddy M wrote:
 Hello Gurus,
 [Sat Nov 10 11:54:32 2001] [error] Insecure dependency in eval while running with -T 
switch at
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/MLDBM/Serializer/Data/ line 51.
 '$MlDbM{\'timeout\' = \'1005374203\'}')
 called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/ line 155
 MLDBM::FETCH('MLDBM=HASH(0x843bd08)', '07abbd5f03d200c6bac27a861f47e35e') 
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/MLDBM/ line 85
'07abbd5f03d200c6bac27a861f47e35e') called at

This error comes from the mod_perl config: PerlTaintCheck On
You can see more on this error at:

I would not recommend trying to get Apache::ASP to run under
PerlTaintCheck as its been a while since the author ( me )
has done so, so there will likely be other errors in doing so
than what's listed in the above FAQ item.  So find the config
in your system *.conf files and turn it off for now.

Future Apache::ASP support queries should be emailed to the 
email list specific to it.  You can subscribe to it at


Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 