Redirect with anchors.

2001-04-08 Thread Antti Linno


I need to know how to use redirect so, that the anchors have effect. Tried
to use apache redirect

use Apache;
use Apache::Constants qw(REDIRECT);

$req_rec-header_out("Location" = "intranet.html?action=show#anchor_name");

The html has such tag, but redirect shows no effect. Tried with simple
html link and it worked. 

Any ideas how to get to some anchor in the middle of the page?


Re: [RFC] mod_perl Digest path...

2001-01-30 Thread Antti Linno

I think I personally wouldn't be that much informed as now. I'm too lazy
surfer. Don't know bout the others though. But once a month I have to
check that page then to be informed :P I think the new versions would show
up in list letter's headings too.


 how does this strike everyone?

XML subrequest

2001-01-27 Thread Antti Linno


I have a problem. I was writing a Apache module, that would generate a
form, then gather and check the form data, send it to a second server and
get a xml page for an answer. What I need now, is to parse somehow this
xml content and return user a html page. Somebody told me to use
subrequest and XML::Sablotron, but I didn't find any clues how to do it,
and as I haven't previously written any Apache modules I'm deep in s..? :P


Apache 1.3.12,SuExec,Apache::Registry and CGI problems

2000-10-31 Thread Antti Linno

Machine configuration:
SuSE Linux 6.4 (i386)
Kernel 2.2.14 (i686)
The Apache WWW Server Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (SuSE/Linux)
SuExec option

I tried to use htdig, but was unable to execute binary from virtual
server. Error log contained only a line about headers not sent. 
Virtual server configuration contained only line
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/

With this configuration we were unable to run even the simplest cgi.
I thought that problem was in binary, so I changed to cgi search script.
No luck either.
Ok, smart dude(not me) then reconfigured virtual server with:


 Alias /bcgi /www/
Directory /www/
IfDefine PERL
AddHandler  perl-script .pl
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
PerlSendHeader On
Options +ExecCGI 

Directory /www/
PerlRequire /usr/include/apache/modules/perl/startup.perl
Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Includes MultiViews ExecCGI
AllowOverride All


Ok cgi now seemingly works, but as search results I get the wierdest
answers(those queries that I made ages ago, I hope I didn't put any dirty
words in it for testing :P). My guess is Apache is caching something, but
I have no idea what, or how to prevent it, so the script still works.
Somebody thought it might be Apache::Registry.
 If i tested script in my machine(Apache 1.3.12, modperl 1.21 statically
built, no suexec or ssl, cgi worked in some public_html with htaccess
directives ExecCGI and cgi-script etc.) all worked well and nice, but that
server where it goes, gave me a finger.

If I forgot smthng, remind me
Appriciate , if someone even reads it :P


Re: Apache 1.3.12,SuExec,Apache::Registry and CGI problemsi

2000-10-31 Thread Antti Linno

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, G.W. Haywood wrote:

 Hi there,
 On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Antti Linno wrote:
  SuSE Linux 6.4 (i386), Kernel 2.2.14 (i686)
  The Apache WWW Server Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) (SuSE/Linux)
  mod_perl/1.21, PHP/4.0b4pl1, mod_ssl/2.6.2, OpenSSL/0.9.5, SuExec option
  Ok cgi now seemingly works, but as search results I get the wierdest
 I read your post a few times but I still do not understand exactly
 what is the problem.
 Can you write it more clearly?

Sorry about the fuzzyness, but what I ment was, my cgi is not working
properly(after post I get the answers for some old search word, not the
one I sent to cgi) and I'm asking advice how to avoid caching or how to
alter configuration so that I wouldn't need Apache::Registry and other
stuff, but still
execute cgi scripts.

Hm, if u would like to see it yourself check out
There is a small input field in the upper frame, enter search word in it,
and be prepared, though once i got bout 10 times in a row it working
right. Aye, and the page is in aboriginal language :P


Static mod_perl+modules

2000-09-15 Thread Antti Linno

 As I was having problems with mod_perl as module and mysql+dbi, I was
told to install mod_perl statically to apache and php as a module. I
looked at install instructions and found static install or module install.
But with static install how and when do I install PHP as a module.
Any instructions, examples would help.
Thanking in advance,


2000-09-10 Thread Antti Linno

I installed Apache_1.3.12, mod_perl-1.23 flexible way, also PHP4 as
module. I am using mysql-3.22.32(from source) and postgresql. Also perl
modules DBI-1.14, Msql-Mysql-modules-1.2214 .
Some minor problems during first install with php, but second time all ran
without any errors. Apache started nice, php test phpinfo() ran too.
Also HTML-Embperl-1.2.1 . As its my job to write scripts under Embperl, I
tested Embperl without database connections, everything worked nice.
Then I made small script to test database connections:
[-use DBI;
select now()}))-[0][0];
No mingi ilge jama BR
[+ $kuupaev +]
I got an empty document(errormessage). I included that error from
With postgres,it worked nicely. Tried different Msql-mysql-modules, but
without success. When I built mod_perl statically with Apache(the first
step in installation guide :), script worked nice. 
Btw, I tried it as pure perl script(removed all unnessecary tags),
DBI:mysql worked nicely and gave right answers.
So, it comes to my mind that there could be one of five problems:
1. Apache_1.3.12
2. mod_perl-1.23
3. Msql-Mysql-modules-1.22xx
4. DBI-1.14
5. mysql-3.22.32

Error log contains only:
 [Sat Sep  9 21:49:01 2000]
[notice] child pid 25528 exit signalSegmentation fault (11)

Is there a way to build mod_perl statically(later add Embperl) but with
PHP4 ? 
Main goal is to build a hybrid environment PHP4+Embperl-Mod_perl and
databases mysql and postgresql.
