RE: Apache::Reload???

2001-08-01 Thread Bryan Coon

That worked :)  Ahh, at least I solved ONE problem!


 The solution is to extend @INC at the server startup to include
 directories you load the files from which aren't in @INC.
 For example, if you have a script which loads from
   use lib qw(/home/stas/myproject);
   require MyTest;
 Apache::Reload won't find this file, unless you alter @INC in
   use lib qw(/home/stas/myproject);
 and restart the server

One more small Apache::Reload question

2001-08-01 Thread Bryan Coon

First, thanks to all the great suggestions, it looks like it works fine.

However, now my logs are loaded with  a ton of subroutine redefined warnings
(which is normal I suppose?).  I can certainly live with this in a
development environment, but thought I would check to see if it is expected,
and if it can be turned off while still enabling Reload.


Help needed with OO and mod_perl!

2001-07-31 Thread Bryan Coon

Hi, I am trying to convert some of my scripts into a more oo friendly style,
and use them under mod_perl.  For the very simple scripts below, when I run
them through the browser I get the following errors:

From my apache logs:
[Tue Jul 31 11:25:18 2001] null: Attempt to free unreferenced scalar at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/Apache/ line 144.

From my browser window:
Software error:
Can't call method unescape on an undefined value at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/ line 112.
(I removed the CGI::Carp from the script below).

This only occurs if I run this under mod_perl.  In normal CGI it works fine.
There must be something funky going on that I dont understand... can someone
please help?



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use TestMOD;
use CGI qw(:standard);

my $cmod = new TestMOD;
my $q= new CGI;

print $q-header();

my ($log, $lev) = $cmod-AOut();
print Log: $log,  , Level: $lev;
package TestMOD;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use CGI qw(:standard);
use CGI::Cookie;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

sub new {
  my $proto=shift;
  my $class=ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = {string=shift || };  # create a reference

  return bless $self, $class;# make it part of this class

sub AOut {
  my $self = shift;
  return (bryan, testpass);



2001-07-31 Thread Bryan Coon

I must have missed something in setting up Apache::Reload.  What I want is
simple that when I make a change in my scripts I dont have to restart the
Apache server...
I put
PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
in my httpd.conf, and added 'use Apache::Reload' to the modules that I want
to be reloaded on change.  But I get the following warning message in my
apache logs:
Apache::Reload: Can't locate for every module I have added
Apache::Reload to.

How do I do this so it works?  The docs on Reload are a bit sparse...


Porting CGI scripts help needed

2001-07-26 Thread Bryan Coon


I have (happily) compiled and configured Apache with mod_perl, mod_ssl,
mod_php and DSO.  Whee!

Now I am working on porting my scripts over...

I have always used strict and perl -w, so for the most part, I think I can
just pop my cgis in the /perl directory as Ive defined it in httpd.conf.

However, I had to implement some trickery for my scripts a while ago via
require/use and am having problems getting my scripts to work.

Heres what I did:
I had many scripts in one dir that shared many things; subroutines, global
variables and modules.  I wanted to clean things up, so I created a module
called structured like this:
use strict;

## Local parameters
our $cgibin = http://path/cgi-bin;;
our $htmldir = /apache/htdocs
our $a = /some/path;
our $b = /some/other/path;

## Common modules
use CGI qw(:standard);
use DBI;
use Data::Table;

## Custom stuff
require /path/to/custom/;
require /path/to/custom/;

The custom stuff scripts all end in 1;, and are loaded with my custom
subroutines.  For example, I have one called, that contains all subs
for cgi related tasks, i.e. checkUser(), which verifies a users cookie.

Each cgi simply calls 'use global;' and then off we go.  However, after
moving all this stuff into /perl, none of the subs in the custom .pl files
are found, I get a complaint:
Undefined Subroutine Apache::ROOT::compar_2ecgi::checkUser called at .

compare.cgi calls 'use global;' and then 'checkUser()'.  

What am I doing wrong with this?  Any ideas?  


Help needed with compile

2001-07-25 Thread Bryan Coon

Hi, I am trying to compile Apache with a bunch of modules and DSO.  I cant
find any documentation that covers all of this though. give lots of combination examples, but not all.

I would like to build Apache 1.3.20 with mod_ssl, mod_perl, mod_php and DSO
support, and for apache, --prefix=/apachessl.

Can anyone give me either a site that has explicit instructions on how to do
this?  Or maybe an example?


Setup help needed

2001-07-24 Thread Bryan Coon

Hi, I am having trouble figuring out what is up with mod_perl.

I currently have apache 1.3.20 running on RH6.2, compiled with mod_ssl, mm
1.1.3 and DSO support enabled.

What is the method to install mod_perl?  Is it not already included with
apache 1.3.20?  I may have misunderstood this...

I have tried to install Apache::* via cpan, which asks me for my apache
source.  This would seem to indicate a reinstall of apache which Im not sure
I want to do.  Here's exactly what I tried, can someone tell me if this is

perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Apache (point it to the apache source below)
make openssl 2.9.6b
make mm 1.1.3
configure mod_ssl with --prefix=/apachessl, --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE, paths
to openssl and mm...
make certificate
make install...

Im not sure if this is what is needed or what.  Can someone please clue me
