Re: subscription

2001-08-28 Thread Chris Fry


Re: Perl/Apache question

2001-08-28 Thread Chris Fry


Re: Coldfusion vs. apache/mod_perl

2000-07-05 Thread Chris Fry

Anyone looked at PHP???

Paul Lindner wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 04:09:06PM -0700, Joshua Chamas wrote:
  Paul Lindner wrote:
IMHO, mod_perl applications easily out-performed our CF apps.
One plus for coldfusion, there seems to be more CF developers out there (at
least in Austin, TX) but that may be a sign that very few people are using CF.
My opinion: stick to mod_perl, it won't let you down.
   I've been toying with using the Apache::ASP custom tag feature to
   support cold-fusion like applications.  I don't think it will be too
   hard; reading the spec it appears you need to make a list of named
   queries and then use cfoutput tags with #fieldname# entries.
   This is absurdly simple with Joshua's new Apache::ASP.  Just define
   cfoutput as a custom tag, and write a small handler for it.
   I'll have to look up the other tags they support, but they shouldn't
   be too hard to implement...
   Has anyone else out there wrote their own cold-fusion routines?
  Hey Paul,
  I think you will have a problem with cold fusion templating
  logic like if/else constructs.  For these, I would recommend
  having something like a ColdFusionCompat config setting, and we
  could rip out some of these are parse time and convert them into the
  ASP style constructs.

 One idea is to have a separate class of tags that are used in the
 parse stage.:

   CodeTags (cfif|cfelse|cfend)

   sub cfend {

   sub cfelse {
 return('} else {');

   sub cfif {
 . # heavy lifting here..
 return('if (..) {');

  I am planning to use this approach for support of XSP logic
  for XML/XSLT integration, and can't see how to use the custom
  tags for full logic implementations of other environments,
  particularly the if/else contructs.  Might there be some
  way to extend the XMLSubsMatch technology to coordinate
  between multiple tags?
  I think what we need to is something like a Script_OnParse
  that one could use to grab the script data and parse it
  before the ASP to perl compiler gets to it.  This would
  allow for some experimentation out of the code base before
  merging in something big like XSP or ColdFusion support.

 That would definitely do the trick too.  Though instead I'd use
 various regular expressions to convert tags into ASP syntax..

 Paul Lindner
 Red Hat Inc.

Chris Fry
Quillsoft Pty Ltd
10 Gray Street
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