Anyone looked at PHP???

Paul Lindner wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 04:09:06PM -0700, Joshua Chamas wrote:
> > Paul Lindner wrote:
> > >
> > > > IMHO, mod_perl applications easily out-performed our CF apps.
> > > >
> > > > One plus for coldfusion, there seems to be more CF developers out there (at
> > > > least in Austin, TX) but that may be a sign that very few people are using CF.
> > > >
> > > > My opinion: stick to mod_perl, it won't let you down.
> > >
> > > I've been toying with using the Apache::ASP custom tag feature to
> > > support cold-fusion like applications.  I don't think it will be too
> > > hard; reading the spec it appears you need to make a list of named
> > > queries and then use <cfoutput> tags with #fieldname# entries.
> > >
> > > This is absurdly simple with Joshua's new Apache::ASP.  Just define
> > > cfoutput as a custom tag, and write a small handler for it.
> > >
> > > I'll have to look up the other tags they support, but they shouldn't
> > > be too hard to implement...
> > >
> > > Has anyone else out there wrote their own cold-fusion routines?
> > >
> >
> > Hey Paul,
> >
> > I think you will have a problem with cold fusion templating
> > logic like if/else constructs.  For these, I would recommend
> > having something like a ColdFusionCompat config setting, and we
> > could rip out some of these are parse time and convert them into the
> > ASP style constructs.
> One idea is to have a separate class of tags that are used in the
> parse stage.:
>   CodeTags (cfif|cfelse|cfend)
>   sub cfend {
>     return('}');
>   }
>   sub cfelse {
>     return('} else {');
>   }
>   sub cfif {
>     ..... # heavy lifting here..
>     return('if (......) {');
>   }
> > I am planning to use this approach for support of XSP logic
> > for XML/XSLT integration, and can't see how to use the custom
> > tags for full logic implementations of other environments,
> > particularly the if/else contructs.  Might there be some
> > way to extend the XMLSubsMatch technology to coordinate
> > between multiple tags?
> >
> > I think what we need to is something like a Script_OnParse
> > that one could use to grab the script data and parse it
> > before the ASP to perl compiler gets to it.  This would
> > allow for some experimentation out of the code base before
> > merging in something big like XSP or ColdFusion support.
> That would definitely do the trick too.  Though instead I'd use
> various regular expressions to convert tags into ASP syntax..
> --
> Paul Lindner
> Red Hat Inc.

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