Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-14 Thread Christopher Grau
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 08:24:30PM +0200, Xavier Noria wrote:
> To fix that, is it safe to change the test to 
> defined $r->content_type and $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
> or is there a better way?

I usually don't concern myself with the previous content type when writing
-based content handlers.  My output is always "text/html"
anyway.  Would it be safe in your application to just leave it out


Re: Mod_perl how to include the result of mod_autoindex?

2003-08-12 Thread Christopher Grau
On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 08:37:19AM -0700, Coexec wrote:
> The end user will submit a form.  One of the values in
> that form will be a path on the local web server.  So
> in the return of the CGI, I want to include the
> results of Apache's autoindex.  I cannot figure out
> how to do it.  If I could pass a variable from a CGI
> to an SSI, the problem would be solved, but I do not
> believe that it is possible.  I have been looking at
> Apache::SSI and Apache::AutoIndex but I don't think I
> can get them to do what I need.  Does anyone have any
> suggestions or recommendations?

You could probably issue a subrequest in a CGI program running under
Apache::Registry, though I'm unsure how to go about capturing the output
of a subrequest.  However, it would probably be easier to use
Apache::Filter with your own Perl handler:

PerlModule Apache::Filter
PerlModule Apache::Icon
PerlModule Apache::AutoIndex
PerlModule Apache::MyHandler

  PerlSetVar Filter On

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlTransHandler Apache::AutoIndex::transhandler
  PerlHandler Apache::AutoIndex Apache::MyHandler

Then your handler can take the output of Apache::AutoIndex and do whatever
it likes to it in the same manner as Apache::SSI.  The perldoc for
Apache::Filter shows you just how to do this.


Re: help on setting up a PerlFixupHandler

2003-08-08 Thread Christopher Grau
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 07:41:20PM +0200, Xavier Noria wrote:
> package Dispatcher;
> use Apache::Constants ':common';
> sub handler {
> my $r = shift;
> return DECLINED if $r->content_type ne 'text/html';
> return SERVER_ERROR unless $r->can_stack_handlers;
> $r->handler('perl-script');
> $r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => ['ContentHandler']);
> return OK;
> }
> 1;
> without luck however, keeps on looking under the document root
> for /admin. Should that change be enough?

Are you sure the content-type is "text/html"?  Since you have your own
 handler, Apache is probably using the value from the
DefaultType directive which, I think, defaults to "text/plain" when Apache
is installed.


Re: AUTOLOAD in mod_perl (was Re: When perl is not quite fastenough)

2002-12-17 Thread Christopher Grau
I may be veering off-topic, but I've started doing similar things in my
own code (generating accessor methods via AUTOLOAD).  I ended up writing
`Class::Autoload,' which I intend to upload to CPAN when I'm done with
documentation and testing.

Basically, it exports an AUTOLOAD function that will work with the
%FIELDS hash to insert accessor methods into the symbol table as
needed.  There's also a compile() method that can be used to precompile
the methods, which I thought was relevent, given the mod_perl/memory
discussion.  It also provides for read-only methods, and a typing system
like that of `Class::Class.'

If there's interest, I'll clutter up the list some more with the POD.

On Tue, 2002-12-17 at 11:13, kyle dawkins wrote:
> Perrin (et al... cc'ing this back to the list)
> Thanks for this information... it is confirming what I originally 
> thought, so I don't need to change my code (yet).  But I wanted to post 
> it back to the list to everyone else can benefit from it.
> I personally tend to avoid AUTOLOAD, only because it is a piece of perl 
> "magic" that can be super-confusing to developers coming to perl (and 
> mod_perl) from other languages (um, Java) and I think there's a 
> voodoo-level involved that's a bit high for my tastes.  In the one 
> place I use it, I don't generate anything, just trap calls to methods 
> with AUTOLOAD and perform a lookup based on the arguments.  If it 
> really is that slow, maybe I'll even rewrite that to use something 
> other than AUTOLOAD.
> Cheers!
> Kyle Dawkins
> Central Park Software
> On Tuesday, Dec 17, 2002, at 13:13 US/Eastern, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > kyle dawkins wrote:
> >> Sorry to mail you directly... can you just give me two cents on your 
> >> comment below about AUTOLOAD, mod_perl and memory sharing?   I use 
> >> AUTOLOAD in one module to perform accessors and I wonder if there's a 
> >> better way to save memory.
> >
> > AUTOLOAD is kind of slow, so most people put something in there to 
> > define their accessors as subs by manipulating the symbol table.  It's 
> > easy, and Damian's book has an example.
> >
> > In mod_perl, you want any methods that you expect to be called to be 
> > defined in the parent process so they will be shared.  I do this by 
> > building all of the accessors in a BEGIN block in my module which is 
> > called when I use it in
> >
> > - Perrin
> >

Re: [RFC] Apache::LDAP

2002-12-01 Thread Christopher Grau
On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 23:40, James G Smith wrote:
> Per Einar Ellefsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi James,
> >
> >At 02:32 02.12.2002, James G Smith wrote:
> >>( Actually, the name is chosen to `rhyme' with Apache::DBI.  There
> >>are no dependencies on Apache or mod_perl. )
> >
> >If there is no link with Apache::DBI, I suggest that you choose a more 
> >appropriate namespace, like Persistent::LDAP
> Unfortunately, that's already taken.  The module on CPAN implements
> persistent objects with an LDAP backend (if I read the docs right).
> The problem is that it's generic enough to be made available without
> requiring a lot of misc. stuff (i.e., part of a larger package), but
> there's not a good place for it.  At least, I'm not thinking of
> anything.

I just did a search on CPAN for `LDAP.'  It looks like
`Net::LDAP::Persistent' would be a good namespace for your module.  At
least, I kind of like it.  Others may disagree.

Christopher Grau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Subroutine main redefined?

2002-11-25 Thread Christopher Grau
On Mon, 2002-11-25 at 08:33, Jan Theofel wrote:
> > > [Sun Nov 24 17:59:45 2002] Subroutine main redefined at
> > > /home/www/[...]/shop/engine/ line 19.
> > 
> > This is a warning, not an error.
> Ok, but why do I get this warning? I don't redefine the sub.

I think you are getting the warning for the same reason I was having

On start, Apache actually starts and then restarts.  On the restart, you
get the warning that the subroutine is redefined.  It's harmless.

Problem using variable with @PerlSetVar

2002-11-22 Thread Christopher Grau

I have a fairly simple problem, but haven't had much luck finding the
solution on Google or the mailing list archives.  Basically, I have this
code in httpd.conf:

print "Enter some value you don't want written down: ";
my $value = ;
chomp $value;

print "value = '$value'\n";

# The code works if I do this...
# $value = "Foobar";

push @PerlSetVar, ["Foo" => $value];

The value in $value prints to stdout, but the variable "Foo" doesn't get
set to $value.  However, if I were to set $value to something
explicitly, as in the comment above, the code works fine.

Based on that, I'm guessing the problem lies with reading from . 
What am I missing here?

