Re: [BUG] Losing GET/POST-data

2002-10-18 Thread Hakan Nilsson


I have posted a note here before, and want to thank those that took time
to try to solve this strange problem, but unfortunately none of the
suggestions have helped us so far, except for helping us ruling out things
that could have been incorrect.
Now I have received some more information since the last time so I'll try

I have tried to be brief, but this is a complicated problem so it does
need some text to fully understand.

Basically we are losing data sent to a mod_perl program. We request the
page "page.fxml?name=al&adress=sweden&problem=huge". When our program
receives this request it will only be "page.fxml" without any of the
arguments sent.

Ok, first of all, yes we use the extension fxml - we want to mix
non-mod_perl files among my mod_perl files so we have set the apache up to
run mod_perl only on .fxml extension files. Works fine (apart from our
problem), but the problem happens even when we parse all files.

Second, we dont get this problem all the time. It occurs very infrequently
and (what appears to be) for total random reasons. On one machine (we have
several installations of this program) we will get the error 5 minutes
after the machine started up and after a restart not for 24 hours. On one
we will get it after 5-10 requests being sent to the apache server after
restart and on another not a single error for 24 hours of continous very
hard use (test scripts accessing like mad).

Third, which might be important, we almost always use vhosts to set up
different instances of sites that will run the code.

We have a temporary solution to the problem, being that we restart the
server every second hour. This has reduced the number of errors we get,
but not eliminated them. One day (24 hour period) we can have 100-150
errors on one site, orther days we can get 700-800 errors (when we send
roughly 17500 requests to the server during this time period). And this is
when we do the restarts every sencond hour. If we don't the amount of
errors will be up to almost half of the requests.

The apache logs the request correctly to the access log but when we try to
access the arguments in mod_perl they will just not be there anymore. We
assume that the apache hands the data over to mod_perl who then hand it
over to our program, this is what seems to go wrong on occasion.

What we would like to do is find a way to track a request all the way
through the apache and mod_perl to, finally, our program.

Can this be done easily?
Has anyone else encountered a problem like this?
Does anyone know anything about this problem?
Help! :o)


Technical information:

Solaris/mod_perl 1.25/apache 1.3.19
Debian GNU/Linux, latest stable/mod_perl 1.26/apache 1.3.23

Both use Perl 5.6.1

 lines from the httpd.conf file:
PerlModule  MyProjects::Project1

sethandler  perl-script
perlhandler MyProjects::Project1::handler
options execcgi followsymlinks includes


 lines from the file:
sub handler($)
$^W = 1; # gripe about the little things
my $r = shift;
my $apr;
my %parm;

$apr = Apache::Request->new($r);

if($r->method() eq 'POST' || $r->method() eq 'GET')
my @keys = $apr->param();

foreach my $key (@keys)
$parm{$key} = $apr->param($key);
print STDERR "Inargs: $key = " . $parm{$key} . "\n";
(this will from time to time not generate anything)

Thankful for any and all help that can help us find this annoying problem.


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Re: [BUG] Losing GET/POST-data

2002-10-03 Thread Hakan Nilsson

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Wes Cravens wrote:

> On 02 Oct 2002 15:23 GMT I wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > We're developing a perl module for apache/mod_perl, but have encountered a
> > really strange problem.
> >
> > After 'a while' we seem to lose the data sent to the apache-server, at
> > least it never reaches our module.
> > Recently we switched from using the standard Apache request-object to
> > using the Apache::Request one, for the added functionality, but this has
> > not had any effect at all as far as we can tell, and the bug keeps
> > happening...
> I ran into a problem that the param parts of a request were flushed
> when read for the first time... so if you lose them (don't store them)
> then you cannot access them again.

Yep, noticed this myself when re-writing it to check the input, should
have posted this first perhaps, but anyway, this is basically how we
handle the input:

sub handler($)
$^W = 1; # gripe about the little things
my $r = shift;
my %parm;

if ($r->method() eq 'POST') { %parm = $r->content(); }
elsif ($r->method() eq 'GET') { %parm = $r->args(); }

And now, after the re-write with Apache::Request

sub handler($)
$^W = 1; # gripe about the little things
my $r = shift;
my $apr;
my %parm;

$apr = Apache::Request->new($r);

if($r->method() eq 'POST' || $r->method() eq 'GET')
my @keys = $apr->param();

foreach my $key (@keys)
$parm{$key} = $apr->param($key);

So.. I can't really see how that would make us lose the parameters,
especially since we doesn't lose them all the time, which was the case
when I tried to get the same value twice...

[Back to Wes]
> If you are not already, then try
> $apr = HTTP::Request->instance($r); instead...

We use ->new now. Since we always only create one instance of it I
thought there was no difference. Is instance known to be safer or so?

Also got the hint that this could somehow be connected to caching, but
since we when we output debug-messages see that handler() is called, with
no parameters in $r, I don't see how this could be. Any comments, and
suggestions of fix if this might be the problem?

Thanks again,


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[BUG] Losing GET/POST-data

2002-10-02 Thread Hakan Nilsson


We're developing a perl module for apache/mod_perl, but have encountered a
really strange problem.

After 'a while' we seem to lose the data sent to the apache-server, at
least it never reaches our module.

We have absolutely no idea what might be causing this, and we realize it
isn't an easy question to ask either, since we have never been able to
reproduce the error on command. Sometimes it's there, sometimes not.
It seems to come more frequently when the apache has been up and running
for quite some time though, so our current 'solution' is to restart the
apache every 3rd hour, but this doesn't completely solve the problem

We have encountered the bug on several versions of both apache and
mod_perl, on different os's:

Solaris/mod_perl 1.25/apache 1.3.19
Debian/mod_perl 1.26/apache 1.3.23

We have also seen it both in the compiled versions and in the standard

Recently we switched from using the standard Apache request-object to
using the Apache::Request one, for the added functionality, but this has
not had any effect at all as far as we can tell, and the bug keeps

It is possible that it has increased somewhat with increased number of
vhosts, but we can't say for sure.

Our perl module is 2k+ lines of perl-code, using other self-made modules
of another 6k+ lines, + several standard modules, if that is of any help.

Everything else seems to be fine, and no error-logs show anything.

We have searched plenty on the web, in mailing list archives and such, but
have so far never seen it mentioned.

Does anyone at all know what this could be? Any pointers at all regarding
any possible solution to this problem would be much appreciated.

Hakan Nilsson


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